141! c /H^OIS (Kanji Topics): '\ nftlW -4- «£ ^ (Radicals -4- lower left) Some radicals are located in the lower left position in the kanji. 1) (left) 4) h L (bottom) 2) O < »J (right) 5) /eft (upperleft) | | 3) frLtJ<) (top) 6) ~fts i X. (enclosure) IZZI 7) IC J: ? (lower left) 2iT l^t 3^ 2H| 3^. ijt 2__= walk, way •* llfcf*5C^r (The Meaning Components + The Sound Components) In some kanji a different component from the meaning component shows the "ONj YOMl" (Chinese) reading of the kanji. B# ft - (H sun + hand + <* # - -t-f (H sun + ("^if" Hz clear + conflict) fa «c - fa man + + open mouth 126 JM4BM)*^3I?S (Basic Kanji) [2-1 M¥) express delivery 146 147 148 127 149 slow late tí<-tli, (12) ■j—r p* r f f ; s f 1§(fcW late, slow ^^|J (^ . z <)-f £ t0 be late Ofrlž) to be late way street (12) f n t sta 24 ijf (<& ^>) path, street žjfi 2^ ((i' £ 9 ) footpath, sidewalk 7JC3JI("t N • ť 1) waterworks JpLjjf ( L ť • £1) roadway blue (8) * ľ -f-(fcfc)^ blue ^^(-tf-^-fcX,) youngperson ^"jg(í> • L /w • .ť i ) green light <* fair (weather) clear up (12) 1 n B H H* 0t ..... 150 151 152 clear (weather) to clear up, to be sunny 0^"^ (-tí: v. w T/O fair weather 128 153 mm *>3$ # quiet still (14) 3fe cfei H H Hi H H H ft(L-f)7)^X quiet to stand still ^^{hL-^\^) rest temple T b V (6) —*" ■^(Tb) (Buddhist) temple Jj (^ £ ' T t) mountain temple jjt ( ^ "5 ' ^ x * ^ ) Todaiji Temple 154 f hold (9) ... t t ft ft ^(=Éj)0 tohold,toown ^Xf^-'^^ feeling f^f (&) ^ (& o • -f to ship goods P P i song 9 tz il ltz-1 (14) —1 pJ Jsi 3 p p > f a 3 p f it; iffc(-7 so"g fl^^O" L ») singer iffc (■? /c) 9 to sing g| lfj( ( 3 -j • t^) the national anthem 2-2 l^^tl/u L> 9 (Reading Exercises) * I. Write the readings of the following kanji in Hiragana. 1.2|]>N 2. 3. ijv n 4. i|p 5-^"VN II. 12.|fc 13. ^# H. Read the following sentences. i.#st *? (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. near 4. slow 7. to sing 1 itz 10. street 2. far 5. blue 8. to hold 11. to clear up 3. fast 6. quiet L-r 9. package I: to 12. (Buddhist) temple T b 131 H. Write the appropriate kanji based on the meaning of the word. 3. hand luggage . singer . speed L rb . roadway 10. far 13. to be late 16. young person 2. the national anthem rich person 8. the neighborhood ft í ^ in 11. picnic 14. to be late 17. a quiet person L-f T ic to 6. sidewalk 9. near 12. fair weather -tf^ XL 15. one's belongings 132 tlX'ui to take (something) t< If i/C jt^ heavy W-?T^Z> to bring (something) jit 2. *^^5 X.ti^ < £ Tit $ i-T^o _ 3. ■fr^S/Cli^i'Mr $ £1"^o _ 4. ^ z (i£X*.*£ :^Tt^o _ 5. Yli Uf^ttliB'J i-f *K _ (bo you know these kanji? Can you use them?) Ocfi^fE (The Weather Forecast) > 6Pf 9 12 15 18 21 m 60% 19 ~ 26°C ^9 ~ 0 ^ ♦ 19 ~ 28 * 4» 0 O O ft # 20% 26 ~ 35°C 0 27 ~ 34 0-4* 26 ~ 32 ♦ 0 0 0 20% 24 ~ 35°C ♦ / *T 23 ~ 27 ♦ / 0 23 ~ 29 »R5 ♦ 0 0 0 # # 10% 27 ~ 36°C zf ^ 34 m / o 25 ~ 33 *fl5 »[S] 0 0 0 0 20% 28 ~ 35nC • / 0 26 ~ 34 25 - 31 134