171 W}l^i'7/yi7-/c-i- (5) 1 J h J n ttj (T) ^ to go out, to come out fcfa O (T • <" ^) exit tfa (/=) "t" to put out, to hand in 9\> fcfc} (^i * • L n> o) -f" £ to go out X enter put in vx-ft* (2) X / to come in, to enter N) lJ £7 ( <"£>) =^U7 'J ■ <*£) entrance X N) 3fl ^ to put in ^ (K 9 • tf*" < ) to be admitted (to a school) ride get on 5 cross htz-Z h fcfc--f (12) J r $l(htz)Z> to cross Sf^^-'^Oi" £ to visit U.S.A. ^(fr/c)^" to hand over if pass commute t«--r do) r ft ft if 2JK £ ft) & to pass ^CifiC - ? ' ° "5 ) traffic I|K^J:) 9 to commute ^fl^ (° * ^ O "t" to go to school 187 188 189 run (7) ^(li L) to run ^^"(^ 9 • I *0 runner 190 walk (8) to walk "J":^^" C (1 * - i'Lf) pedestrian ^ 2^ (11 • £' 9 ) footpath, sidewalk ( L ^ • (3f) if to progress oh stop (4) ll1- | r ir 111, ih(^)i'l) tostop ^ jt(^> 9 • L)"^" ^> to cancel, to stop iJi/fTlll closed to traffic ^jh ($ ^ • L) if to prohibit move 9 :".^-f (11) Hi T i fj (9 3") < to move fTtft ( - 9 ■ 9 ) " to act | $j] j|l ( L • £" 9 ' L ) car, automobile $)]^} (9 ■ . i* ^) animal 191 192 162 193 work (13) i f r tf (li tz h) < to work "5 * ^) labor ^fl^^f (^> I'^l'l*) worker ]2 ""(I2 sic 5.11 B#ic^ic#$i L/to 6. g[U£3£U£-fo li. /£T#Jv NTv ^fo 12. ^IcX^ L i to 2.^£JLlfT, 7 9 v-*jL#>£ L/bo 163 5. KZWXli^^Si&'J 6. 3 11L $JL Y& Y'o .vo 3. to cancel 4. to wear a swimsuit 5. It rains 6. to attend a school £1* < 9 = £> o Hf $ 12. passenger T II (train) ticket 14. traffic i: J: 9 L 1 r> -5 *HI:fc national Tokyo IR station SjU south gate itjiJ^X highway bus H 1~> rp 1 T' on the way 7— ^ (bus) terminal J?f^ES professor's office ' ^ X 'Pr bus stop 3. 7- 1.5 ^pK 15 # 4# It < jliříMIll (Road Signs) > 1 tfkWt^^L Pedestrian crossing 6. — B#ffjh Stop ^t, l ti> l 2 ^"^Ift^it- No crossing for pedestrians 7. ifHT Go slow 3. Ů Iž-í-íí-^Tlt^ No passage for bicycle l' T LL r^i Z i ť 8. ~~^7ÍÍ|.ÍT One way only 4. £#3£jt No right turn 9. #SJifeA3rNl No entry 5. áE#3£jt No left turn 10. IŽ^-^it No parking [í>A,£l^] 0*<7)ffifft (signs)