3zWz-£(DUltäsO Dai|yLife TZ9 (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) D 7 Oy to (six) (seven) (eight) — (f-» one —(-f-z-i') one o'clock —■^•4 (-i-f-^y^-i) first-year student —^ (-f -y~f» one minute — O (U-fc'j) one (1) — — (-) tWO (—V1) tWO O'clock ^-^■4 (— ^-y-t-i) second-year student (Afco) two — HFal (.i>'J^*>) two days (2) - ~ 2. (#>) three 5-Bf three o'clock' 5.^^. (-9->*>-b-f) third-year sludent =.-0 three 13 (J:A) four E9»^ (£->") four o'clock V3%-£. (it^-fe-f) fourth-year student EHO (J: o'J) four (W/-y) April (5) 1 n m w is £. (^) five iof (;afV) five o'clock iO (Vi-3-3) five (4) - 7" * A__ (n'/l six ANf (n?>) six o'clock -h'S Initio) six hundred (n-/7>) six minutes (tT-sOJi six (4) -t (W-.- s«-\en -tn$ (>+->') seven o'clock -to (4"4"3) seven (2) >\ (>%-f) eight + eight o'clock 'VW ('>-'t> fn eight hundred 'V)t (/yy+r-f) eight years old AO (f^) eight (2) / iL ZZCD (nine) A (-r-i1?) nine (9 ~y) nine o'clock JLik (+a'i'Htf) nine years old AO nine (2) ; il + v J- *7 (ten) -jr (va>7) ten +»t (5* a ❖J?) ten o'clock -f-;.'j§; C^ayW) ten years old + (fc«) ten (2) — -f- h-r 7 (hundred) "g (fc:+?) hundred 51 (* >' f * *) three hundred T^lf (n -y t:> ?) six hundred Xv'g" C>'vtt?) eight hundred (6) - r 7T W T? > -b y -b'> (thousand) -f- (-fe>) thousand JE-f- >-&">•) three thousand /Vf- (/>'yfe>) eight thousand (3) ' * V> (ten thousand) —(•f^u"7>) ten thousand -\-7j (y x.'J-?>) one hundred thousand Ifl/J (t^?-7>) one million (3) — -y ^ J-y (yen; circle) "gfPf ) circle (4) ) n n P3 (time) —*| (-i -f~>) one o'clock TlSWHf (£ £%©£§) in one's childhood af^? (£§if#) sometimes aff+ (\->rl) watch (III) I n H B B-a+B*B*B%Bf (In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi [pronunciation originally borrowed from Chinese I and himgana indicates the kun'yomi I native Japanese reading!.)