xyy—ts/vcozftfe Mary's Letter 059 -- ----------- 067 ] .^.3^ (1- •> * 3 ■?) Tokyo Jj\T (*3*v) Kyuko 9Mfc (# " 3 > school iRft ( 3 3 ^) liigh school j^fri Kyoto ifc.'fci (3 <> 3 *j -t -f) high school student (fi^ya1)) junior high school (capital) (8) ' "t".-."fr W *■ jjf; (school) no) - -f * * *' r =r ^ *c 060 Ti?t) (wif-.fe) child %f (* a ■> -) Kyoko 068 -?A ■%H (-;'-f—-f) every day -> •ft-SO-?- girl (»kZ0Z.) boy -^•ili ("?■ -f j*"^"^) every week ■friM'—'Jl> QfVt/t-nd e-mail (v*f every night (child) (3) - J -J- (every) (6) ' " C « « * 061 'K3.,V> (tiUju) small 069 El^tf (—*> 3") Japanese (language) 'h^Mfc (,>3')#'!'3t)) elementary school H# (i-f 3') English (language) 'lNtri. (yaM'Ji:-!) elementary school student (small) (3) j >j 5q> (word) in, - - ^ t = # s r r 3 a a a i 062 k-') (.!■'■ -i ) to meet lH± < * -f > -v ) company 070 7"y C^yif-?) literature &$fcjt (jM -y^iy) office worker (■V?y'y) composition t*S>) letter; character (to meet) (6) y /V x (sentence) (4) ' J[ 063 ->«! |?f± (■>] f > \-) company #|t (j/>v>) shrine 071 o (A> x ■£) to return #@ (+3?) going home V (company) (7) * * t $ ?± (to return) no) i ') r r r 'F 'F- 'jc p # 064 072 XS (lil>5) to enter Xo entrance 5C ( & 6) father £ 5C ^ (t 3 3 M father X y ("7 *) father and mother X (,■>») v> Xtl'S (^iio) to put something in ifcX (3-^._-i.f>) import (father) w) * ^ y 1L (to enter) (2) y X 065 1 # Uiti) mother ti^t^A, (i;A>**/v) mother rin iliiu ,-hjirt katnkmm indicates Ihe nn'vomi and hiraaana indicates the kiin'yomi.) ** (rria") mother tongue (mother) (5) Q Q S # 066 r'^j ^ ■* (fcjMr*) expensive: high 1§J it)ft (-3 $3^) high school Sfxit ( 3 3 $M i) high school sludent (high) m • - v- ■# ■ J* ^ ^ jgj ^