Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Party 生日晚会 shēng rì wǎn huì LI XIN YU c895bbb28e 舞会 wǔ huì dance party; ball c895bbb28e 表姐 biǎo jiě older female cousin 1.爸爸姐姐/妹妹的女儿 2.妈妈的姐姐/妹妹的女儿 3.妈妈的哥哥/弟弟的女儿 The kinship term 表姐(biǎo jiě) is more narrowly defined than its translation “oider female cousin” would suggest. One`s “older female cousin” will be a 表姐(biǎo jiě) if she is a daughter of one`s father`s sisiter or one`s mother`s sister or brother. But if she is one`s paternal uncle`s daughter, she will then be a 堂姐(táng jiě) instead of a 表姐(táng jiě). For more Chinese kinship terms. c895bbb28e 中学 zhōng xué middle school; secondary school 639e5ac7517ec1963119ec217aa4 c895bbb28e 送 sòng to give as a gift c895bbb28e 礼物 lǐ wù gift;present c895bbb28e 本 běn (measure word for books) c895bbb28e 饮料 yǐn liào beverage c895bbb28e 把 bǎ (measure word for bunches of things, and chairs) c895bbb28e 花 huā flower c895bbb28e 爱 ài to love; to like; to be fond of c895bbb28e 苹果 píng guǒ apple c895bbb28e 梨 lí pear c895bbb28e 西瓜 xī gua watermelon c895bbb28e 香蕉 xiāng jiāo banana c895bbb28e 草莓 cǎo méi Strawberry c895bbb28e 蓝莓 lán méi blueberry c895bbb28e 柠檬 níng méng lemon c895bbb28e 葡萄 pú táo grape c895bbb28e 桔子 jú zi orange c895bbb28e 菠萝/凤梨 bō luó/ fèng lí pineapple c895bbb28e 水果 shuǐ guǒ fruit c895bbb28e 住 zhù to live (in a certain place) 我住在宿舍。 I live in a dormitory c895bbb28e 重 zhòng heavy; serious c895bbb28e 轻 qīng light, soft, gentle c895bbb28e 接 jiē to catch; to meet; to welcome c895bbb28e 楼 lóu multi-storied building; floor(of a multi-level building A:你家住几楼? A: How many floors do you live in? B:我家住22楼 B: I lives on the 22nd floor 1.呢(ne) Indicating an Action in Progress 呢(ne), at the end of a sentence, indicates that the action is in progress. It is like 在(zài), which is never used at the end of a sentence, but rather before a verb. 1. 你写什么呢? nǐ xiě shén me ne ? What are you writing? 2. 你找什么呢? nǐ zhǎo shén me ne ? What are you looking for? 1.呢(ne) Indicating an Action in Progress 呢(ne) can be used in conjunction with 在(zài): 3. 你在写什么呢? nǐ zài xiě shén me ne ? What are you writing? 4. 你在找什么呢? nǐ zài zhǎo shén me ne ? What are you looking for? 在(zài) alone indicates that an action is in progress, therefore, the 呢(ne) in (3) and (4) above can be omitted. 1.呢(ne) Indicating an Action in Progress 在(zài) can be preceded by 正(zhèng). The phrase 正在(zhèng zài) places extra emphasis on the progressive nature of an action. 5. 我昨天给他打电话的时候,他正在做功课呢。 wǒ zuó tiān gěi tā dǎ diàn huà de shí hou, tā zhèng zài zuò gōng kè ne. When I called him yesterday, he was right in the middle of doing his homework. 6. 别去找他,他正在睡觉呢。 bié qù zhǎo tā, tā zhèng zài shuì jiào ne. Don`t go look for him. He is sleeping. 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 1.买的衣服。 mǎi de yī fu. clothes to buy. 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 2.在商店买的衣服。 zài shāngdiàn mǎi de yī fu. Clothes bought in a store. 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 3.我妈妈在商店买的衣服。 wǒ māma zài shāngdiàn mǎi de yī fú. Clothes that my mother bought in a store. 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 1.吃的东西 chī de dōng xi things to eat 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 2.穿的衣服 chuān de yī fu clothes to wear, or clothes being worn. 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 3.新买的饭卡 xīn mǎi de fàn kǎ newly-bought meal cards 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 5.以前认识的朋友 yǐ qián rèn shi de péng you the friend[s] one got acquainted with in the past 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 6.我妈妈做的豆腐 wǒ mā ma zuò de dòu fu the tofu dish that my mother makes/made 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 7.老师给我们的功课 lǎo shī gěi wǒ men de gōng kè the homework the teacher assigned us 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 8.朋友送的苹果 péng you sòng de píng guǒ the apples given by a friend 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 9.请你跳舞的那个人 qǐng nǐ tiào wǔ de nà gè rén that person who asked you to dance 2.Verbal Phrases and Subject-Predicate Phrases Used as Attributives In Chinese, attributives, often followed by the particle 的(de), always appear before the elements that they modify. Verbs, verbal phrases, and subject-object phrases can all serve as attributives. 10.我妹妹爱的那个很帅的男人 wǒ mèi mei ài de nà ge hěn shuài de nán ren that very handsome man that my sister loves. Apart from 过生日(guò shēng rì, to celebrate one`s birthday), the verb 过(guò, to live [a life]; to observe [a holiday]; to celebrate [a festival]);appears in many other expressions such as 过年(guò nián, to celebrate the New Year), 过节(guò jié, to celebrate a festival), and 过日子(guò rì zi, to live one`s life; to live from day to day). 663221606265 Language Practice c895bbb28e 钟头 zhōng tóu hour 钟头(zhōng tóu) is the colloquial equivalent of 小时(xiǎo shí) c895bbb28e 以为 yǐ wéi to assume erroneously 以为(yǐ wéi) is often used to signify an understanding or judgment which has proved to be erroneous. If someone has realized that she was mistaken in assuming someone else to be vegetarian, she could say to that person: 我以为你吃素(wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ chī sù. I thought you were a vegetarian). c895bbb28e 聪明 cōng ming smart; bright;clever About the formation of the adjective 聪明(cōng ming; clever): 聪(cōng) literally means “able to hear well.” and 明(míng) means “able to see clearly,” among other things. Therefore, 聪明 describes someone who is perceptive or bright c895bbb28e 用功 yòng gōng hard-working;diligent;studious c895bbb28e 暑期 shǔ qī summer term c895bbb28e 班 bān class The Chinese words 班(bān) and 课(kè) denote two different concepts that are represented by the same word, “class” in English. While 课(kè) refers to a course or a meeting time for the course. 班(bān) is the term for the group of students who take a course together. Thus one says “我今天有电脑课。”(wǒ jīn tiān yǒu diàn nǎo kè, I have a computer class today), but “我的电脑班有二十个人”(wǒ de diàn nǎo bān yǒu èr shí ge rén, There are twenty people in my computer class). c895bbb28e 长 zhǎng to grow; to appear The character 长(zhǎng/cháng) has two different meanings and pronunciations. As a verb, it is pronounced “zhǎng”, meaning “to grow.” When used as an adjective, it is pronounced “cháng”, and means “long.” c895bbb28e 可爱 kě ài cute; lovable c895bbb28e 去年 qù nián last year c895bbb28e 属 shǔ to belong to c895bbb28e 狗 gǒu dog c895bbb28e 圆 yuán round c895bbb28e 脸 liǎn face c895bbb28e 眼睛 yǎn jing eye c895bbb28e 鼻子 bí zi nose c895bbb28e 嘴 zuǐ mouth c895bbb28e 头发 tóu fa hair c895bbb28e 耳朵 ěr duo ears c895bbb28e 眉毛 méi mao eyebrows c895bbb28e 牙齿 yá chǐ teeth > c895bbb28e 像 xiàng to be like;to look like; to take after 他长得像他的爸爸。(tā zhǎng de xiàng tā de bà ba) He looks like his father. c895bbb28e 长大 zhǎng d to grow up c895bbb28e 一定 yí dìng certain(ly);definite(ly) c895bbb28e 蛋糕 dàn gāo cake c895bbb28e 最 zuì most, (of superlative degree)-est 3.Time Duration To indicate the duration of an action Subject+Verb+Duration of time 1.老高想在上海住一年。 lǎo gāo xiǎng zài shàng hǎi zhù yì nián. Old Gao wishes to live in Shanghai for a year. 2.我每天在书店工作三个钟头。 wǒ měi tiān zài shū diàn gōng zuò sān ge zhōng tóu. I work in a bookstore for three hours every day. 3.Time Duration To indicate the duration of an action Subject+Verb+Object+Verb+了+Duration of time 3.昨天下雪下了二十分钟。 zuó tian xià xuě xià le èr shí fēn zhōng. It snowed for twenty minutes yesterday. 4.你上暑期班上了多长时间? nǐ shàng shǔ qī bān shàng le duō cháng shí jiān ? How long were you in summer school? 3.Time Duration Sentences in this pattern must be in the affirmative. If the verb takes an object, the verb has to be repeated, as in (3) and (4). If the verb has an object, the following alternative pattern can be used to express the same idea. Subject+Verb+(了)+Duration of time+(的)+Object 5. 昨天下了二十分钟(的)雪。 zuó tiān xià le èr shí fēn zhōng (de)xuě. It snowed for twenty minutes yesterday. 3.Time Duration Sentences in this pattern must be in the affirmative. If the verb takes an object, the verb has to be repeated, as in (3) and (4). If the verb has an object, the following alternative pattern can be used to express the same idea. Subject+Verb+(了)+Duration of time+(的)+Object 6. 我上了四个星期(的)暑期班。 wǒ shàng le sì ge xīng qī (de)shǔ qī bān. I was in summer school for four weeks. 6a 我四个星期上了暑期班。(X) wǒ sì gè xīng qī shàng le shǔ qī bān. 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì To describe or inquire about the time, the place, the manner,or the initiator of an action that we know already happened, we need to use the 是...的(shì structure. The use of 是(shì), however, is optional. 1.A: 你去过北京吗? nǐ qù guo běi jīng ma? Have you been to Beijing? B: 我去过北京。 wǒ qù guo běi jīng. Yes, I`ve been to Beijing. 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì Person A now becomes aware of Person B`s action of 去北京(qù běi jīng,went to Beijing), and wants to find out when, how, and with whom that action was performed: A: 你是跟谁一起去的? nǐ shì gēn shéi yì qǐ qù de? With whom did you go? B: 我是跟我表姐一起去的。 wǒ shì gēn wǒ biǎo jiě yì qǐ qù de. I went with my cousin. 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì Person A now becomes aware of Person B`s action of 去北京(qù běi jīng,went to Beijing), and wants to find out when, how, and with whom that action was performed: A: 你们是什么时候去的? nǐ men shì shén me shí hou qù de? When did you go? B: 我们是寒假去的。 wǒ men shì hán jià qù de. We went during the winter break. 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì Person A now becomes aware of Person B`s action of 去北京(qù běi jīng,went to Beijing), and wants to find out when, how, and with whom that action was performed: A: 你们是怎么去的? nǐ men shì zěn me qù de? How did you go? B: 我们是坐飞机去的。 wǒ men shì zuò fēi jī qù de. We went there by airplane. 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì 2.A: 你看过这张碟吗? nǐ kàn guo zhè zhāng dié ma? Have you watched this DVD? B: 看过。 kàn guo. Yes, I have. 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì A: 是什么时候看的? shì shén me shí hou kàn de? When did you watch it? [A already knows that the action 看(kàn) was completed B: 上个周末看的。 shàng ge zhōu mò kàn de. It was last weekend that I watched it. 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì 3.A: 你这条裤子真好看。是在哪儿买的? nǐ zhè tiáo kù zi zhēn hǎo kàn. shì zài nǎr mǎi de? These pants of yours look great. Where did you get them? [It`s assumed that one generally buys pants (as opposed to making them at home, ect.), so the action 买(mǎi) is already known.] 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì 4.A: 你吃饭了吗? nǐ chī fàn le ma? Have you eaten yet? B: 吃了。 chī le. Yes, I have. [The action 吃(chī) is now known] 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì A: 在哪儿吃的? zài nǎr chī de? Where did you eat? B: 在学生餐厅吃的。 zài xué shēng cān tīng chī de. In the student cafeteria. 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì 5. A: 你学过电脑吗? nǐ xué guo diàn nǎo ma ? Have you ever studied computers? B: 学过。 xué guo. Yes, I have. 4.Sentences with 是...的(shì A: 是跟谁学的? shì gēn shéi xué de? With whom did you study? B: 是跟王老师学的。 shì gēn wáng lǎo shī xué de. With Teacher Wang. 5. 还(hái, still) 还(hái), as an adverb, can mean “still.” 1.上午十一点了,他还在睡觉。 shàng wǔ shí yī diǎn le ,tā hái zài shuì jiào. It`s 11 a.m., and he is still sleeping. 2.今天的功课,我还没写完。 jīn tiān de gōng kè ,wǒ hái méi xiě wán. I`m still not done with today`s homework. 3.这个语法老师教了,可是我还不懂。 zhè ge yǔ fǎ lǎo shī jiāo le ,kě shì wǒ hái bù dǒng. The teacher has gone over this grammar point, but I still don`t understand it. 6. 又...又...(yòu ...yòu ..., both...and...) The two adjectives used in this structure are either both positive or both negative in meaning, e.g., 又聪明又用功(yòu cōng ming yòu yòng gōng, smart and hardworking)[both adjectives are positive in meaning], 又多又难(yòu duō yòu nán, too much and difficult)[both adjectives are negative in meaning]. 你们来了(nǐ men lái le, You`re here) not only acknowledges the visitors` arrival, but also serves as a casual greeting. 31106062250_jNiPS