第十二课 中国的变化 9fe64c27fd4b10317dd7da325b10e860.jpg 老师:郑学懿 05990e0b4182c5caeb3fd6598db5b983.jpg 爸爸 妈妈 舅舅 舅妈 姑妈 姑父 表哥 j2ravonll52.jpg 我 unnamed.jpg 自行车 unnamed.jpg 高速火(列)车 gāosù liè 骑 qí 高铁 tiě unnamed.jpg 火车站 中央 zhōngyāng prague-bratislava-budapest.jpg platform 月台 ulice 街 architectures 建筑 IH174D094740_861502.jpg 寺庙 sìmiào I like Chinese architectures, for example Chinese temples. 南京夫子庙 我喜欢中国的建筑, 比如说中国的寺庙。 Measure word of buildings and mountains 座 有景点的地方就会有________。 游客 626a50a6ac9e9f7e46c8072c0355aa576428d479.jpg 老外 Nowadays there are too many foreigners live in China. 现今有太多老外住在中国。 小吃 The people think of food as important as heaven 民以食为天 A famous saying from a Han dynasty 481.jpg 快餐 From past till present 从来 从来 is an adverb. It’s often followed by a word of negation such as 不 or 没 A:你吃过粽子吗? B:我从来没吃过粽子。 From past till present 从来 从来 is an adverb. It’s often followed by a word of negation such as 不 or 没 I’ve never rode bikes. 我从来没骑过自行车。 From past till present 从来 从来 is an adverb. It’s often followed by a word of negation such as 不 or 没 TB2sGjJcb3XS1JjSZFFXXcvupXa_!!1765510317.jpg_400x400.jpg 轿子 jiàozi 我从来没看过中国传统的轿子。 From past till present 从来 从来 is an adverb. It’s often followed by a word of negation such as 不 or 没 A:你喝啤酒吗?/你喝不喝啤酒? B:我从来不喝啤酒。 0KaEPQdJOr.jpeg From past till present 从来 从来 is an adverb. It’s often followed by a word of negation such as 不 or 没 A:你买衣服在乎衣服的牌子吗? shutterstock_611245133.jpg B:我买衣服从来不在乎衣服的牌子。 From past till present 从来 从来 is an adverb. It’s often followed by a word of negation such as 不 or 没 造句 Adverb竟(然) Formal Chinese It suggests that something is unexpected from the speaker’s point of view Adverb竟(然) It suggests that something is unexpected from the speaker’s point of view unnamed.jpg 住在台湾三年 bkn-20190821190225308-0821_00842_001_01p.jpg 我从来没喝过珍珠奶茶。 你住在台湾三年,竟(然)没喝过珍珠奶茶。 Adverb竟(然) It suggests that something is unexpected from the speaker’s point of view unnamed.jpg 早上天气非常好 1558938579-fb8b27262f85e980f447bfc792c1b936-1280x640.jpg 下午 早上天气非常好,下午竟(然)下雨了。 Adverb竟(然) It suggests that something is unexpected from the speaker’s point of view 春节的时候,他竟(然)没回家。 6ef000056f415d0ea41a.jpeg 113e6000865274e4ad39d.jpeg 99699.png 春节的时候我没回家。 Adverb竟(然) It suggests that something is unexpected from the speaker’s point of view 今天是张天明母亲的生日,没想到他…. unnamed.jpg 什么!今天是我妈的生日? 今天是张天明母亲的生日,没想到他竟然忘得一干二净。 may-2020-calendar.png photo-1517166357932-d20495eeffd7.jpeg Adverb竟(然) 螢幕快照 2020-03-01 上午9.49.52.png 1. 五月竟然下雪了! 2. 她竟然睡着了。 3. 他竟然忘了他的毛巾。 4. 他竟然没带钥匙。 5. 她竟然跟她的朋友穿一样的衣服。 Adverb竟(然) It suggests that something is unexpected from the speaker’s point of view 造句 看来 “It seems” “it appears” Introduces a conclusion or opinions based on a previously stated fact or previously described situation 看来 “It seems” “it appears” Introduces a conclusion or opinions based on a previously stated fact or previously described situation 张天明一整天没和丽莎说话,看来他们闹别扭了。 240468-1F4201I25213.jpg 张天明一整天没和丽莎说话,看来…. 看来 “It seems” “it appears” Introduces a conclusion or opinions based on a previously stated fact or previously described situation 他没喝桌上的啤酒,看来他不喜欢喝啤酒。 他没喝桌上的啤酒 0KaEPQdJOr.jpeg 看来 “It seems” “it appears” Introduces a conclusion or opinions based on a previously stated fact or previously described situation 他今天又迟到了,看来他昨天很晚才睡。 hand-drawn-cartoon-of-man-running-late-with-clock-vector-21598902.jpg BN-VZ477_YHEALT_P_20171106095828.jpg 他今天又迟到了 看来 “It seems” “it appears” Introduces a conclusion or opinions based on a previously stated fact or previously described situation 造句 how-long-does-it-take-to-build-credit.jpg To build 盖 AZ_Tower,_pohled_ze_SZ_směru.jpg 大厦 Tall building 高楼 There are many tall buildings in Taipei. 台北有很多高楼大厦。 change 变化 Recent years there are a lot of change in Czech. 近年来捷克有很多(大)的变化。 N 近年来捷克变化很大。 V 说一说捷克的变化 以前27克朗就能买到一杯珍珠奶茶,现在至少要42克朗才能买到一杯珍珠奶茶。 unnamed.jpg 27克朗 unnamed.jpg 以前 42克朗 现在 images.jpeg To change;become 变 My city has changed a lot. 我的城市变了很多。 End 末 Final exam 期末考 Final bus; train 末班车 Not have enough time to do something; too late to do something IMG0025116ac73342261095711.jpg 来不及+V I don’t have enough time to finished my homework. 我来不及写完功课(作业)。 I was too late to catch the last bus. 我来不及坐到(上)末班车。 总 always (spoken Chinese) 总是 always (formal way) My dad always say Czech beer is the best. 我爸爸总(是)说捷克的啤酒是最好的。 To be familiar with (熟)悉 I’m familiar with her. 我跟他很熟。 Here is my familiar place. 这里是我熟悉的地方。 977c4d754e5ea6674d5f8cddd4cbb28a-58286.jpg unfamiliar 陌生 陌生人 最熟悉的陌生人。 5925240bf2573.png 对面 clothing 服装 To meld into 融入 characteristic 特色 5963594_R.jpg Indeed 的确 的确is an adverb meaning “completely true” used to confirm a previous statement or fact S/Topic+的确+something you have confirmed A:在捷克吃不到月饼,对吧? B:在捷克的确吃不到月饼。 Topic Indeed 的确 的确is an adverb meaning “completely true” used to confirm a previous statement or fact S/Topic+的确+something you have confirmed A:捷克的Svičková很好吃! h389w574t.jpg B:捷克的Svičková的确很好吃。 Indeed 的确 的确is an adverb meaning “completely true” used to confirm a previous statement or fact d358642bc18745d3bc7657184998216c.jpg A:她真的跟你道歉了吗? B:她的确跟我道歉了。 对不起,我错了。 S/Topic+的确+something you have confirmed Indeed 的确 的确is an adverb meaning “completely true” used to confirm a previous statement or fact S/Topic+的确+something you have confirmed 20200130190104-7614859d.jpg A:在捷克真的买不到口罩了吗? 口罩 kǒuzhào B:在捷克的确买不到口罩了。 Indeed 的确 的确is an adverb meaning “completely true” used to confirm a previous statement or fact S/Topic+的确+something you have confirmed 造句 尽可能 As much as possible; do one utmost unnamed.jpg COVID-19 冠状病毒越来越严重,我们尽可能… 冠状病毒 guànzhuàng bìngdú 冠状病毒越来越严重,我们尽可能待在家里。 尽可能 As much as possible; do one utmost 快餐对身体不好,我们尽可能少吃。 481.jpg 快餐对身体不好,我们尽可能 少吃吧! 尽可能 As much as possible; do one utmost 上中文课的时候,我们尽可能说中文。 1dsp-20151227-people-004.png 2oqfryrcjYXiMgTS00XiPA_b.png 上中文课的时候,我们尽可能… 尽可能 As much as possible; do one utmost 如果你想在捷克生活,(你)尽可能学一些捷克语。 如果你想在捷克生活,(你)尽可能… 捷克与-筑学的旅行元-85045889.jpg Unknown.jpeg 尽可能 As much as possible; do one utmost 造句 以A为B “regard or treat A as B” Written Chinese unnamed.png images.jpeg 食以安为先 以A为B “regard or treat A as B” Written Chinese 9883ff4d8c8843148b3aa64941d4fd95.jpeg 50320991.jpg 这是我家 这位老师以校为家。 把 当作 以A为B “regard or treat A as B” Written Chinese 我姐姐以帮助别人为自己最大的快乐。 20170127012313264.jpg 完全 Entirely; completely Adverb +Potential Complements 这里太暗了! Àn 7iRjMqNtQ7_small.jpg 我完全看不到。 完全 Entirely; completely Adverb 他住在中国三年了,可是他完全听不懂中文。 +Potential Complements u4N3wpJ.jpg 他住在中国三年了 WHAT??? 完全 Entirely; completely Adverb +不/没+V 这个语法我完全不知道怎么用。 unnamed.jpg 完全? 这个语法你知道怎么用吗? 完全 Entirely; completely Adverb +不/没+V 考试的前一天他完全没看书。 d927539df53872fb0fd9ae787094b61f-176754.jpg 考试的前一天没看书 完全 Entirely; completely Adverb 造句 To keep; to remain as before 保留 Unknown.png 尝 尝尝看 尝一尝 尝起来 这碗汤尝起来很咸。 common folk 老百姓 平民老百姓 Fotolia_125239588_Subscription_Monthly_M.jpg sound; voice 声音 foot steps b5c272ac-1084-4c37-8d5f-d19ea4759eda-gettyimages-1128926204.jpg 难过 我的肚子咕噜咕噜叫。 脚步 咕噜 要不是 If it were not for; but for 要不是上早上八点的课,我不必这么早起。 (如果没有…) 要不是+something has occurred+ something won’t happen 1742162.jpg 要不是 If it were not for; but for (如果没有…) 要不是+something has occurred+ something won’t happen 要不是天气不好,我今天肯定去打球。 213.jpg Unknown.jpeg 要不是 If it were not for; but for (如果没有…) 要不是+something has occurred+ something won’t happen 要不是昨天晚上太晚睡,我今天根本不会迟到。 hand-drawn-cartoon-of-man-running-late-with-clock-vector-21598902.jpg BN-VZ477_YHEALT_P_20171106095828.jpg 要不是 If it were not for; but for (如果没有…) 要不是+something has occurred+ something won’t happen 要不是(我)来捷克,我根本不会认识你们。 d690253.jpg 要不是 If it were not for; but for (如果没有…) 要不是+something has occurred+ something won’t happen particle 过 One usage of 过 is as a complement indicating completion IH174D094740_861502.jpg 你去过南京夫子庙吗? 我(从来)没去过南京夫子庙。 我去过南京夫子庙。 你去过南京夫子庙了吗? 我去过南京夫子庙了。 particle 过 One usage of 过 is as a complement indicating completion 这个语法你学过了吗? I think you did that 这个语法你学过吗? 这个语法我学过了。 这个语法我学过。 I’m not sure particle 过 One usage of 过 is as a complement indicating completion 台湾的小吃你吃过吗? particle 过 他做过什么事? 猜一猜 Adverb 可(是)continued The adverb可(是)can mean “indeed”,”very true” in a conversation to affirm or emphasize a fact. This usage typically occurs in spoken Chinese Especially in Chinese soap opera Adverb 可(是)continued The adverb可(是)can mean “indeed”,”very true” in a conversation to affirm or emphasize a fact. B:我可没说他们分手了。 A:你不是说他们分手了吗? happy-love-couple-cartoon-relationship-characters-vector-14533386.jpg Adverb 可(是)continued The adverb可(是)can mean “indeed”,”very true” in a conversation to affirm or emphasize a fact. 现在在布尔诺你可买不到口罩。 53007512.jpg 对不起,你买不到口罩了。 布尔诺 Adverb 可(是)continued The adverb可(是)can mean “indeed”,”very true” in a conversation to affirm or emphasize a fact. 在捷克你可看不到熊猫。 4-panda-bear-eating-bamboo-cartoon-clipart.jpg 那个景点太远,走路可走不到。 Adverb 可(是)continued The adverb可(是)can mean “indeed”,”very true” in a conversation to affirm or emphasize a fact. content_b1ce0527-4803-4bdd-b7d0-f37375091b48.jpg End of sentence particle 啊 A. At the end of an exclamatory sentence 你看!今天雨下得多大啊! 你尝!这个蛋糕多好吃啊! 她的汉字写得多好啊! 这台手机多贵啊! End of sentence particle 啊 B. At the end of a declarative sentence to explain or remind 别忘了你的钥匙啊! 我们就是你的家人和朋友啊! 今天你吃的食物就是Svičková啊! 明天没有中文课啊! End of sentence particle 啊 C. At the end of question 谁啊? 中午吃什么啊? 昨天你几点睡啊? End of sentence particle 啊 D. 啊can tone down an imperative sentence 这些菜别吃完啊! 小心点儿啊! 别急啊!慢慢来。