m M YAHOO/ ^1 diänzT yöuxiäng diänzT yöujiän receive emai send emai mm x! nzhí m® xinfěng um yóupiäo tém chuándi xinxT Out of date behind the times luowu 7. & JR & ganjue True story zhenshi 21 century shiji shorten suoduán increase mu zěngjiá mm sudd any fríŘÍ+N rěnhé 88 ä & I ganjue /""N ■Vil ■ A gaibian gäishän somewhat; a little bit #S+people's feeling, (adj.) youxie tftar rassed 111 Jlr!BBJPMl» mianfei keji technology xiucai bu chumen, neng zhi tianxia shi a learned person need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world (idiom) ever since... The preposition il kk presents a time reference , from which point an instance began. Structure : iM+ Starting Point +J*Ug Sun A™~ Ultimate^ YAHOO/ Ä**®^** Hyland World Wide Technology, I by Hyland e OnBa 111111111 oa I CID BIS workday CISCO Microsoft intuitu vmware I never saw him again. S05 stay at home not ...at all; absolutely not tfk^ is used to emphasize negation. Structure : subject+J5^+ negative sentence. at least Structure : subject+^4>+ verb/verb phrase definitely;surely I can also be used to express "I am sure." When used this way it is usually a clause at the end of a sentence. Structure : Subj. + Sentences Other then /besides...,there's Structure : &7...J5W , MS MV JE v ■ ■ ■ M 7v3 A. m ÍeT? ÍTX ÍTX ÍTX ÍTX 1=1= ÍTX ÍTX Use A to describe B fí Ť 3fc J&# S Ť W PP ^(character and morals) o A makes B (change to be) H Jit therefore;hence;consequently Structure : Cause + S jib + Effect *i!l*ŤiliP#«ft»:#ÄÄ«lÄÄ7o ft , milo ^jM.mmfä^&\tinmm%\m T^7o