VYBRANÁ BIBLIOGRAFIE KE KURZU NÁBOŽENSTVÍ V USA (RLB 270) 1. Encyklopedie a slovníky § Queen II, Edward L. – Prothero, Stephen, R. – Gardiner, Shattuck, Jr. (eds.), Encyclopedia of American Religious History, New York: Proseworks 2009^3 § Lippy, Charles, H. – Williams, Peter, W. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Religion in America, Washington, D.C.: CQPress 2010 § Laderman, Gery – León, Luis (eds.), Religion and American Cultures. An Encyclopedia of Traditions, Diversity, and Popular Expressions, Santa Barbara – Denver: ABCClio 2003 § Melton, Gordon, J., Melton’s Encyclopedia of American Religions, New York: Gale 2009^9 2. Přehledová literatura § Albanese, Cathrine, America Religions and Religion, Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth 2007^4 § Hall, Timothy, L., Religion in America, New York: FatsOnFile 2007 § Butler, Jon – Wacker, Grant, Religion in American Life, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press 2008^3 ^ § Hutchinson, W., Religious Pluralism in America. The Contentious History of a Founding Ideal, New Heaven/London: Yale University Press 2003 § Witham, Larry. A City Upon a Hill. How Sermons Chnaged the Course of American History, New York: HarperCollins 2006 § Moore, Laurence, R. Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans, New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press1986 § Eck, Diana, L., A New Religious America. How a “Christian Country” Has Become the World’s Most Religiously Diverse Nation, New York: HarperOne 2001 § Prothero, Stephan (ed.), A Nation of Religions. The Politics of Pluralism in Multireligious America, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press 2006 § Hackett, David, G. (ed.), Religion and American Culture. A Reader, New York – London: Routledge 2005^2 ^ § Noll, Mark, A. (ed.), Religion & American Politics. From the Colonial Period to the 1980s, New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press 1990 3. Literatura k jednotlivým epochám/obdobím dějin amerického náboženství 3.1. Koloniální období ^ § Bulter, Jon, Religion in Colonial America, New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press 2000 § Bonomi, Patrica, U., Under the Cope of Heaven. Religion, Society, and Politics in Colonial America, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press 2003^2 3.2. 19. století § Wacker, Grant, Religion in Nineteenth Century America, New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press 2000 3.3. 20. Století