I have made my own vocabulary range, because englishme.cz is free due to corona until august: I am going to update the range in second part of English course. https://www.englishme.cz/words/?filter=my DG issues and my diary: · IN THOSE days (past), but [DEL: THESE days :DEL] ... (present; there is no IN) → NOWADAYS · thesis (singular); theses (plural) → check the pronunciation · foreigner vs. stranger vs. strange person! · no comma before THAT when used as a defining relative clause (e.g. The film THAT I like best is...) · Relative clauses → defining x non-defining · Defining · improtant information · one important noun · The writer who wrote The Grapes of Wrath is my favourite author. · The house where we live is very old. · A pilot is a man who flies a plane. · Non-defining · giving information → not important · John Steinbeck, who wrote The Grapes of Wrath, is my favourite author. · Our house, where we have lived for ten years, is very old. · Captain John Chang, who is flying the plane today, is a highly experienced pilot. · original vs. aboriginal (original language, aboriginal people) · see LOST vs. LOOSE (adjectives) and to LOSE vs. to LOOSEN (verbs) · ANYBODY vs. SOMEBODY → ANYBODY, SOMEBODY → THEM! · If anybody comes, tell THEM I'll be here in a few minutes. · https://www.helpforenglish.cz/files/20-1252497788-some-any-no-456.jpg · add (+) vs. ad (advert, advertisement) · LITTLE (not many) vs. A LITTLE (some) → Little and a little follow the same pattern as few vs. a few. The only difference is that we use few and a few with countable nouns in the plural form, and we use little and a little with uncountable nouns: ... By the way, you should use little and a little with “water” because it's an uncountable noun. · man who lives x [DEL: man which lives :DEL] !! → I don't like the man who lives next door · · LITTLE vs. SMALL → "little" can be used as a quantifier, denoting the amount of something, whereas "small" denotes size. The other difference in usage is, "small" is used to form comparatives and superlatives, but "little" is just used as a description. · AT ALL → (vůbec nic x cokoli …) be careful about using AT ALL vs. OVER ALL. Usually, you want to use AT ALL as a negative - NOT at all; the phrase OVERALL means generally. (e.g. It is about culture OVER ALL. vs. It is NOT about culture AT ALL. · OVER ALL → In all parts; taken as a whole. · I don't like it at all. · It's not at all surprising. · Do you like it at all? · She said she would be late, if she comes at all. · Thank you. – Not at all. (UK) x Thank you. – You're welcome. (USA) · not … anything at all x anything at all · not … anyone at all x anyone at all · not … anybody at all x anybody at all · not … anywhere at all x anywhere at all Prezentation bank: Furthermore,… → navíc, nadto, kromě toho Moreover,… → navíc, nadto, kromě toho What is more,… → a co víc, navíc, nadto, kromě toho In addition,… →navíc, kromě toho What is more, → a co víc Not only…(but)… → nejen že…ale… Attention! · Not only he was… / Not only was he rude… · Not only he speaks… / Not only does he speak English… as well → taky (na konci věty místo too) as well as → stejně jako both…and… → jak…tak… because, because of, so That is why… → proto For this reason… → z toho důvodu, proto Consequently,… → tudíž, proto Therefore,… →tudíž, proto As a result,… → jako důsledek due to… → vzhledem k, kvůli, z důvodu owing to… → následkem, kvůli Pozor! Nejedná se o spojky, ale o složené předložky, proto po nich nemůže stát vedlejší věta. Můžete si však pomoci vazbou ‘the fact that’. since→ protože, jelikož as→ protože, jelikož thus /ðʌs/ → tudíž, čili, a proto, a tak velmi formální hence /hens/ → tudíž, čili, a proto velmi formální Protichůdné informace (kontrast) but, although, even though Nevertheless,… →nicméně, avšak Nonetheless,… → nicméně, i tak However,… → nicméně despite → navzdory, i přes in spite of → navzdory, i přes Pozor! Jedná se o předložkové vazby, proto po nich nemůže stát vedlejší věta yet → přesto, avšak • We are satisfied with your deliveries. Yet, your customer service should improve. • We are satisfied with your deliveries and yet your customer service should improve. • It will be inexpensive yet effective solution to your problem On the one hand • On the one hand, he has excellent results, but on the other hand he doesn't get along with his colleagues. • He has excellent results. On the other hand, he doesn't get along with his colleagues. On the contrary,… → ba/právě naopak while → zatímco whereas/¬weə'ræz/ → zatímco formálnější in order to →za účelem, aby so as to → za účelem, aby velmi formální • I went to see the manager to clarify some things. • I went to see the manager in order to clarify some things. • I went to see the manager so as to clarify some things. so that → aby can / could. in order that → aby velmi formální + can / could. • I went to see the manager so that I could clarify some things. • I went to see the manager in order that I could clarify some things. providing (that) can / could. → We are ready to purchase 5,000 pieces of this item, providing (that) the quality and prices stay the same. suppose (that) → pokud, dejme tomu (že) supposing (that) → pokud, dejme tomu (že) unless → pokud ne as long as → pokud In my opinion,… → podle mého názoru In my view,… → z mého pohledu From my point of view,… → z mého úhlu pohledu In my opinion, we should reconsider our pricing policy. From my point of view, this is a great way to attract more clients. As far as I know,… → pokud já vím (pokud je mi známo) As far as I am concerned,… → pokud jde o mě In conclusion,… → nakonec, závěrem, na závěr To sum up,… → abych to shrnul In general,… → obecně vzato On the whole,… → celkově vzato All in all,… → celkově vzato Vocabulary definitions: 1. encompass - surround and have or hold within something 2. rally -a mass meeting of people making 3. incarceration - the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment 4. effigy - a sculpture or model of a person, figurine 5. outpouring - something that streams out rapidly or speech 6. vital - absolutely necessary or important; essential 7. cramped - feeling or causing someone to feel uncomfortably confined or hemmed in by lack of space 8. thrust (verb) -push (something or someone) suddenly or violently in the specified direction 9. wire up - fix something by wire 10. kidnapping - take (someone) away illegally by force, typically to obtain a ransom 11. vivisections - the practice of performing operations on live animals 12. auspices - a divine or prophetic token 13. macabre - disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury 14. humiliating - causing someone to feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect 15. abortion - the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, 16. breastfeeding - feeding baby from breast 17. vigorously - in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy; strenuously 18. non-violent protest - calm protest 19. to abstain from (doing) something - not participate doing something 20. public gathering - an assembly or meeting, especially a social or festive one or one held for a specific purpose 21. injustice - lack of fairness or justice. 22. to raise an issue - cause to occur or be considered problem 23. to raise / to heighten awareness of - to raise knowledge or perception of a situation or fact 24. to fight for human rights - confrontation for human rights 25. to outline a suggestion - give a summary of (something) 26. to campaign against something - lead a a series of operations intended to achieve a particular objective, confined to a particular area, or involving a specified type of fighting 27. to ban something - forbid something 28. oppose - disapprove of and attempt to prevent, especially by argument 29. forbid - refuse to allow (something) 30. vote - a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates 31. control - the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events 32. inspect - look at (someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings 33. ban - an official or legal prohibition. 34. elect - choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting 35. approximately - used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact; roughly 36. sanction - impose a sanction or penalty on 37. likely - such as well might happen or be true; probable 38. gain - obtain or secure (something desired, favorable, or profitable) 39. endorsed - declare one's public approval or support of 40. to sacrifice - an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God 41. sin - an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine lawdivine 42. sacred - connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration 43. profound, deep - (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense 44. compassion - sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others 45. pilgrim - a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons 46. to revere, to have reverence - feel deep respect or admiration for (something) 47. restraint - a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control or within limits 48. to threaten - state one's intention to take hostile action against someone in retribution for something done or not done 49. thread - pass a thread through the eye of (a needle) or through the needle and guides of (a sewing machine) 50. sights - a thing that one sees or that can be seen. 51. consumption - the using up of a resource. 52. benefit - receive an advantage; profit; gain. 53. supplies - make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide 54. impact - the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another 55. track - a rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed 56. exploit - make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource) 57. familiarise - give (someone) knowledge or understanding of something 58. endangered - (of a species) seriously at risk of extinction 59. approve (of) - officially agree to or accept as satisfactory (something) 60. appreciate - recognize the full worth of 61. natural resources - materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain 62. finite - having limits or bounds 63. indefinitely - for an unlimited or unspecified period of time. to 64. itinerary - a planned route or journey. 65. carved - cut (a hard material) in order to produce an aesthetically pleasing object or design 66. to shush - tell or signal (someone) to be silent 67. dank - disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold 68. warehouse - a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale 69. patron - a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity 70. immerse - dip or submerge in a liquid 71. tag - a label attached to someone or something for the purpose of identification or to give other information 72. edge - advantage 73. link up- an instance of two or more people or things connecting or joining 74. immense - extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree 75. maintain - cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue 76. holdings - stocks, property, and other financial assets in someone's possession 77. enlightened - having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook 78. check out - syn. borrow (e.g. book) 79. due date - the date on which something falls due 80. assemble - (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose 81. grant - agree to give or allow (something requested) to 82. degree - an academic rank conferred by a college or university after examination or after completion of a course of study, or conferred as an honor on a distinguished person 83. tuition - a sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university 84. to foster (to promote) - encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good) 85. requirement - a thing that is needed or wanted. 86. achievement - a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill 87. grade - arrange in or allocate to grades; class or sort 88. mispronounce - pronounce (a word) incorrectly 89. misspell - spell (a word) incorrectly 90. bookworm - a person devoted to reading Phrases: 1. get by vystačit si 2. translate from English into Czech překládat z angličtiny do češtiny 3. to go on a sightseeing tour jet na okružní prohlídku pamětihodností 4. to go on a guided tour jít na prohlídku s průvodcem 5. to go on a cruise jet na okružní plavbu 6. to book a trip with a travel agency rezervovat si zájezd u cestovní kanceláře 7. to seek something out of the ordinary vyhledávat něco neobvyklého 8. to get back to nature vrátit se k přírodě 9. to damage / trash the countryside ničit přírodu 10. tourist industry / sector turistický průmysl 11. tourist office informační kancelář pro turisty 12. damage done to the countryside škody napáchané na přírodě 13. hoards of people davy lidí 14. at the expense of na úkor něčeho 15. to become a member stát se členem 16. to pay a membership fee zaplatit členský poplatek 17. to fill in/complete a form vyplnit formulář 18. membership card členská průkazka 19. to renew a membership obnovit členství 20. the main librarian hlavní knihovník 21. to browse through the books listovat knížkami 22. to be overdue from the library kniha/časopis s uplynulou výpůjční lhůtou 23. branch of a library pobočka knihovny 24. to study at university studovat na univerzitě 25. to study (no article) English studovat angličtinu 26. the Faculty of Arts filozofická fakulta 27. to found (usually in passive), establish založit 28. Masaryk University (no article) Masarykova univerzita 29. accredited degree programme akreditovaný akademický program 30. Bachelor’s degree (B.A. / B.Sc.) titul bakalář 31. Master’s degree (M.A. / M.Sc.) titul magistr 32. Doctorate (Ph.D.) doktorát (Ph.D.) 33. to pass/fail an exam udělat/neudělat zkoušku 34. to do well/badly in the exam udělat zkoušku dobře/špatně 35. to retake an exam opakovat zkoušku 36. to do/write/sit an entrance exam dělat přijímací zkoušku 37. to obtain/get a place at university dostat se na univerzitu 38. to take a placement test dělat rozřazovací test 39. enrolment zápis 40. curriculum osnovy, učivo 41. enrol in a course zapsat se do kurzu, zapsat si kurz 42. to attend lectures/seminars chodit na přednášky/semináře 43. to obtain/get credits získat zápočty 44. exam period zkouškové období 45. to drop out of school / to quit school odejít ze školy 46. to get a grant získat stipendium/grant (od státu) 47. to get a scholarship získat stipendium (peníze získané od školy) 48. undergraduate student vysoké školy 49. success vs. failure úspěch x selhání, propadnutí 50. humanities humanitní studia 51. sciences přírodní vědy 52. department katedra 53. major subject hlavní obor studia 54. minor subject vedlejší obor studia 55. graduation maturita, promoce, závěrečná zkouška 56. graduate absolvent vysoké školy (BR) 57. postgraduate student postgraduální student 58. post-graduate studies postgraduální studium 59. boarding schools soukromé internátní školy v Británii 60. educational standards úrovně vzdělání 61. mother tongue/native language mateřský jazyk 62. native speaker rodilý mluvčí 63. broken English lámaná angličtina 64. improve one’s language zlepšit si jazyk 65. brush up one’s knowledge oprášit si znalosti 66. have a good knowledge of a language mít dobrou znalost jazyka 67. a good command of a language dobrá znalost jazyka 68. language skills jazykové dovednosti 69. speak fluently mluvit plynně 70. make/correct mistakes dělat/opravovat chyby 71. speak a foreign language mluvit cizím jazykem 72. language barrier jazyková bariéra 73. limited/large vocabulary omezená/velká slovní zásoba 74. extend one’s vocabulary rozšířit si svou slovní zásobu 75. consult a dictionary vyhledat ve slovníku 76. look up a word vyhledat si slovo 77. discuss a problem diskutovat o problému 78. part of speech slovní druh 79. to protest against something - protestovat proti něčemu