SUMMARY of your presentation topic - WRITING GUIDELINES 1) To be written in PARAGRAPHS, not point form. 2) Make sure you are clear on your main message and be sure to include it in your OPENING TOPIC SENTENCE, or introduction. This should include a controlling idea. 3) Expand the MAIN IDEAS of the summary section of your presentation (which in the presentation should be in point form) into full sentences, using appropriate linking words to connect the ideas smoothly. 4) You should write about the TOPIC, rather than about you the writer or the act of presenting. Avoid the overuse of the personal “I” or “my”. 5) After stating your main ideas, end your text with a more GENERAL CONCLUDING STATEMENT, an idea that generally covers the main point you are trying to make that you would like your audience to remember most. You should not end with an example, but something broader that refers back to the main message in your title. In fact, it is a good idea to work the key words in your conclusion into your title. 6) The TITLE should be informative and include a sub-heading (using your key words). Your title should not be repeated in the body of the main text. 7) Don’t forget to set your text to English (e.g. using the language option in WORD) and then to run a spell-check (oprava pravopisu) on the document, so that you can correct any mistakes that the computer underlines in red for you (as above where a Czech phrase is used). 8) The word count should be from 150-200 words (not including your title).