Shakespeare in Central Europe after 1989: common heritage and regional identity We cordially invite you to the closing symposium of our Visegrad Fund project “Shakespeare in Central Europe after 1989: common heritage and regional identity” (ID: 21920060) which is also the launch of a Special issue of Theatralia. The symposium will be an online event, consisting of a variety of modes of presentations.  The researchers participating in the project upload short videos about the fruits of their research one week before the symposium which will be accessible on the symposium website.  The symposium will take place online between 18-19 March as Zoom sessions for which you can register here. One day before the conference we shall send the links to registered participants.  The symposium will be organized into panel discussions where the authors of the articles, external experts (aka respondents) will share their ideas. These panel discussions after some time will be opened to the questions and comments of the registered participants of the symposium.  Registered participants, furthermore can watch two theatrical performances free of charge after the discussions and also the directors, together with the author of one of the performances will be invited for short interviews. For the detailed programme read the attachment [studijní materiály v IS :-)]. We hope to meet you on this colourful and intensive symposium! Zsolt Almási PhD Associate Professor Head of the Department of English Literatures and Cultures Péter Pázmány Catholic University Zsolt Almási PhD +36 70 317 07 17 webpage: intezet/oktatok/almasi-zsolt/almasi-zsolt Twitter: @zsalmasi Skype: almasizs1