Harmonogram referátů: Hodina Datum Referáty - témata 1. 4.3. - 2. 11..3. • COOK, Nicholas. Between art and science: Music as performance 11.3. • COOK, Nicholas. Changing the musical object: Approaches to performance analysis 3. 18.3. • CLARKE, Eric, and Nicholas COOK, eds. Empirical Musicology: Aims, Methods, Prospects 4. 25.3. • BOWEN, José Antonio. Tempo, duration, and flexibility: Techniques in the analysis of performance 5. 1.4. • COOK, Nicholas, and Mark EVERIST. Rethinking Music 6. 8.4. • ZICH, Jaroslav. Kapitoly a studie z hudební estetiky 7. 15.4. • KUNA, Milan a Miloš BLÁHA. Čas a hudba: k dramaturgii časových prostředků v hudebně interpretačním výkonu. 8. 22.4. • FABIAN, Dorottya. A Musicology of Performance: Theory and Method Based on Bach's Solos for Violin. 9. 29.4. • LIEBMAN, Elad – ORNOY, Eitan – CHOR, Benny. A Phylogenetic Approach to Music Performance Analysis 10. 6.5. • RINK, John (ed.). The Practice of Performance: Studies in Musical Interpretation. 11. 13.5. • GINGRAS, Bruno (ed.). Individuality in music performance. Frontiers in Psychology 12. 20.5. • Prostor pro prezentace těch, kteří chyběli