INTERMEDIATE KANJI BOOK 1000PLUS arris Kano Chieko Shimizu Yuri Takenaka Hiroko Ishii Eriko Akutsu Satoru BONJINSHA CO., LTD. INTERMEDIATE KANJI BOOK 1000PLUS VOL. 1 mm BONJINSHA CO., LTD. M^ýJ&ffliŤX h (500^u^;i/) ^pp. i -15 □ :í>^^^^o^?H^- ►p-16 % 1 11 »í ö)#M & ÍS W «k* Ir ► pp.17 -29 jjv* : ^£^&K&o£?il^ ►mo »T mši ► pp. 31—44 amamu) flj ms ► pp. 45—59 ^7^3 : £>j£*)7Ô?& ►p.60 Hü', V ► pp.61~73 ftjg 55^ mnmfr ►pp. 75—88 mm mm BStlt mm iE H*. ff n 20 ÍRA ŕ 22 m m im 20 20 22 991 JB«»(1) ► pp. 89-103 T 4i a 10 □ 5 I ^ÍgfŠ<7)7?-fe > h ► p. 104 Mt 114í? « CONTENTS Diagnostic Test of your Kanji Ability (Basic 500 characters) ►pp. 1 ~15 Column 1 I Kanji for Hiragana ►p. 16 L1 Grouping of Kanji (D^£>?r;i/-7P ► pp. 17-29 ®m & 7° Column 2 ! Kanji for Katakana ►p. 30 Grouping by shape Grouping by pronunciation Grouping by meaning Grouping by usage L 2 L 3 Kanji with opposite meanings ► pp. 31 —44 Kanji verbs (1) ► pp. 45~59 mm Negative prefixes Pairs of adjectives Pairs of verbs Pairs of nouns Others Words made of Kanji pairs IrJ Japanese verbs and Kanji verbs Intransitive and transitive v. Shortening and omission Structure of Kanji verbs fiJc Structure of compound words Column 3 '. Inflectional endings of compound words ►p. 60 L4 Kanji adjectives (IfflWitffiMfiMfeM Japanese adj. and Kanji adj. ®i~fi^M^fflfe Usages of -na adjectives (3)£I0£ LX(Dfflfe Usages as nouns (DH^pp Kanji synonyms ► pp.61~73 ©#(:&&lI§ff^fBl Pairs of Kanji adjectives Column 4 ! Kanji relating to the human body ►p. 74 L 5 Kanji with the same ® ef bStt" pronunciation (DIW W£& (Dfs]t ► pp.75~88 Phonetic markers Suffixes of the same sound Homophones with different accentuations Homophones with different meanings Homophones with the same Kanji Usages of Kanji homophones [Review 1 Phonetic-ideographic characters] ►pp.89~103 Radicals and phonetic markers Positions of phonetic markers Kanji used as phonetic markers Readings as phonetic markers Various sounds shown by phonetic markers Exceptional readings Column 5 I Accentuations of Longer Kanji Words ►p. 104 Hi £5 611 Mama ► pp. 105-120 8 1^ ► pp. 121-134 ► pp. 135-151 — I: ís AT* 10 í:ip + ► p. 152 » IT ► pp. 153-168 JE ilOR 1110)11 SIS IM* flu ► pp. 169-185 «« I Ig^I^il^ ►p-186 12 MPXŤ(2) ► pp. 187-201 &m<7)?flhm^L Kanji of adverbial usages WltmM^BJjMCOM^1 Kanji for verbs with the same meanings ®m%fr^m Column 6 '. Alphabetical Abbreviations L 9 Kanji of the same Kun-readings ®mmmm On and Kun readings With several Kun-readings With several On-readings Readings of single Kanji Features of On-readings Different readings and different meanings ► p. 152 Kanji of the same Kun-readings ► pp. 153-168 Accentuations of the same Kun-words ^!JIIIp<7)ffl££ Usages of the same Kun-words (4)[W]fJI|^(7)S u"fo-& Kanji words using the same Kun Kanji L10 Kanji of Synonyms ®MM^to:M^ SPP ► pp. 169-185 an Kanji of synonyms Kanji synonyms Suffixes/prefixes of synonyms Usages of synonyms Grammatical usages of synonyms Synonyms in different situations Difficult usages of synonyms Synonyms of the same sounds Column 7 I RENDAKU of Kanji compound words ► p. 186 [Review 2 Phonetic-ideographic characters (2)] ►pp.187—201 ®i3p£77* K & h Kanji used as phonetic markers Other phonetic markers Readings as phonetic markers Various sounds shown by phonetic markers Kanji Quizzes ( L 1 ~ L 10) ............ ►pp. 202-212 Answers to Quizzes .......................... ►pp. 213—241 Kanji Pattern Index ........................... ►pp.242-331 Kanji On-Kun Index .......................... ^pp. 332-337 V «fiHAftcO rBasic Kanji Book S*řl^500j Vol. 1 , 2 c0^§§-C&áo M^B* c: co locxmig čo t v ^ u , if ffl £ ^<7) —-ASoü & £ 1% fr o -c<7)fflä- (n^^iž !:nui±, #fšw£nfi^B*H^^&v^5ř£^ -e <7) x i kwwž £ iE l < w t & p, m b *m ž- -r ž 7t #> & s &n-bi>)\ztj;Z>t^ tšfii:# t«l?it^x.T < ž o -e o ť-e t $ ž ^ ž & # pi ^iř n h h m m h mm k ® =b n Xh y), z\z\t T*-uŕív>£v>l000^£4? LMž- z>mmxtt%i^frt^ž_hii&o -rtu*, fflcoři^j (1976) xímmm^±mooomx Ví lOOO^Plus \Z\z> t%X_htl& fc<£>{±, %3hd^Mm\ s *ffig|* £ Hluolt fc^BÍS^i^o (4) Ä^o^^a* x >I^lg*(Dffi >i t ž % ŤL Ťz u S3 u m t s Ä £ #x!) t jb fc> ft 3 spis^í 4 i: * ^SJS it l t Ä t s o (i ^ít ž- m K L X i > £ o ^ W #Ě <ß ~ - X [z ížé o T Ě #éKj í; m¥4m £ tält L X v > < iŤf^ #I^^t)^;^--7°>i> K& rllj ilältTV^o ^%^~%^txiznxžŕz&š(Dmik(vm.mj?tbt>*LWh, m £(nmi*ntztfh&±mzn^^*&sbX^h X 1 {z-r*f4 y^HX^ho Ltz i vw Xhho f,zt>fr&Bxi>, m%^ii, mm^m^\^x\m\^n^, -o^x^Mt^n. fŠLX'fä£-£X\<*ŕzZ. ttfžfritzo *#Tři, r^^j c^t^í^lf IL Hrt Hí>ž@)ti t^Tft^LTMU $-ČT^á0 t L TM í££ÍJPx. T v>£ fifing í)í)ž0 ^J^&ti^M^ ^(Hj^^^HÍSÄo, 7 K/nM XHížÉoT, ĚfrO^t d*>£íit7 «t 7 ^^Tii^^^Uáó^tl^^T, JI B ritt £ t? 7 ? 7 -y 7" LT^-t ž ^Ht^žo II ^ t d ó tf^&i^W^ ii, xií-K£±tt*T£'o££ft£fla$ÍL£i9, M^bZ\h<0^^m^\^ *9>o < ») B# K ^ t T *ffl ^ < ^ W L £ f) t h £ £\ v ^ v ^ wTf^T § Ž 0 offiiii>i)tí:<, m^m££«fci>o #?l^ffl60^S^(á, -»šMW(;t/£Anoo, £&fôf;^W-f-££ Ismo7^- mm*ft-x, £^%t*(o&mzi>%mz-£2>z\ti!)mmxä) ho ttz, m&^Bm»m Ó & ? i 7° £ ^\ dft^O^T ££<7)Ji#T-Ü4ö&&^ti&^o dtl^ii, V^if rc: 7 ^^ýj&Xm^ *MfätZ>Ztt>X*ži-tj tt^Ä^-Cí,^ ÝotK 7*>KE3H:£o£7jä, & tizfcLTn15cij*o^^^^aÝ%nt-sc: t^tš£h, ^(Dýj-mxm^m^ ÍOU&Kfcv>Tí±, Pp^(cíá#Mí>to(7)iEM^fflÍ;$tiTv^d t^#v^í, ^P^čo Wl§íĚÍÍM^v^T!á, ^i^c^io L^^v^^tTíá^v^ ##T*Ji, ľl^Wŕ: íív»TÍ), ^^íĚtTOM, ^tf^i^^OB^Aíľ^fiOrtŽrf&^^^íb, ^6^Äf^7Jii£#x.Tv^tS «t 7 ^t-7°>J-> K&luM^B^LT^áo Ž/cH#M (ä, ^W#Ě#^Í^IfSÝI^LT, #KlšI±T*i:v^cft|^7j&í:^l/cf) Lfttfb. mm^-h^mi^i^^^^x^i x 1 nftisjttTv^o i?-x.^ti^rB|is£»< j;7 ^^W(i>í9 T^ < , e^TltMSrI^LT^*7jľô]^ltTV^ < j; ôiÉf^S viii c ľ jW# (á JSA £ v > & o * K áb £ K M L T f i, 0 0 «ít -'/•utišil LTv^/i^--x h ý h^h ;-hh^méx^^x\±, ±íítíííí±ío#^, nm^^m^^x^tztzv^tzo z\*i 2 4 tf, 6 1 ~ 4 fit* ríf t- ••• • • • mwi, ill? 2, ti* &ť •■• 3 pífí, 7 • * ■ 1 n 7 A 6 • • • 5 9 HL 1011, 7 t^n&iizft&Lxm&Kft^Ťzo ^■m±, xžz>tzif&<^?l^^Íjnx.T^(7)iimž-^1---^ 'Basic Kanji BookJ v 'J-XT'^W^t ftoT^ft^u^íi U * h #>Ébfl. Lfc0 í 2005^ 3 H Preface "Intermediate Kanji Book fH^lOOOPlus Vol.1" contains 240 new kanji and is the first of the two follow-up volumes to "Basic Kanji Book ^^?H^ 500 vols.l & 2". The present volume is, therefore, aimed towards those who have completed an elementary course in Japanese language and mastered 300 — 500 kanji. In "Intermediate Kanji Book JH^lOOOPlus Vol.2" (yet to be published) approximately a further 260 kanji will be presented, giving the series a combined total of slightly more than 1000 kanji. These 1000 kanji were selected for the following reasons: 1. They correspond to the Japanese Ministry of Education's official list of 1006 kanji to be taught in Japanese elementary schools in most parts of these kanji. 2. This number meets with the requirements of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, Level 2. 3. They correspond with the frequency list in "Newspaper Kanji" published by the National Language Institute, 1976. The acquisition of kanji knowledge through this series can be likened to the growth of a tree (see the diagram below). The 500 Kanji presented in Basic Kanji Vols.l & 2, once mastered, form the base of the tree — needless to say, the more solid the base the greater the potential height of the tree! As the student progresses he/she will branch off into his/ her specific subject area with its own specialist kanji vocabulary but before that he/ she must pass through the upper trunk where what we call "common kanji" — those kanji and their combinations which appear frequently in newspaper and magazine articles — are to be found. It is this part of the growth of the "kanji tree" (the acquisition of approximately 1000 kanji) that study with"Intermediate Kanji Book lOOOPlus Vols.l & 2" makes possible. It is hoped that the following be kept in mind when studying kanji; not just with this book, but in any situation. 1. Kanji study is not simply the memorization of characters or shapes; it is the study of vocabulary. 2. Although knowing how to write and pronounce kanji is essential, it is equally important to know how and when to use each kanji. 3. It follows from the above that it is desirable to learn kanji in context. Features This book has been designed with a specific purpose in mind: to function as a tool to enable students to become independent learners in the Japanese language. Not only are Kanji x Preface □ with their meanings and readings individually listed; the practical usage of each is further explained in i?,^. (<£ 1 X A,: Key Points). To complement this information, in the ^^f-W^ l,lA,tlA, L \Q> 0 : Basic Exercises) and ($5 l X o flA, L *9> "9: Applied Exercises) tasks encouraging students to use kanji actively have been included. Finally, in HUS (Tjp/'iVv Tasks) at the end of each lesson there are open -ended tasks guiding students to seek information on the lesson's kanji not to be found in text books. In addition, "Intermediate Kanji Book 1000Plus Vol.1" contains the following features; * There is a diagnostic test at the beginning of this book allowing the student to evaluate his/her kanji ability before commencing further study. * Although primarily designed for self study, "Intermediate Kanji Book iH^lOOOPlus Vols.l & 2" are equally well suited to the classroom use as well as to individual study. (Especially in the case of university Japanese language courses where large numbers of students often form a single class.) * This book was created for the use of people of any nationality. Thus the book can be employed by people who come from countries that do not use kanji as well as by those who come from countries that do. Acknowledgements First, we would like to thank Stephen Price, a foreign student at the University of Tsukuba, and an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher Debbi Hobbs, for their assistance with the English translation. We would also like to thank Akio Tsuruta for his assistance with the hand writing of kanji in the pattern index. Many sections of "Intermediate Kanji Book ?H^1000Plus Vol.1" have been in use in the classroom at the International Student Center at the University of Tsukuba since 1991. It is through feedback from students that much improvement to the text was made. If this book then is found to be useful by students of the Japanese language, we feel that our efforts will have been rewarded. The Authors Kano Chieko ••• L2, L 4 , L 6 , Columns 1 •2-3-4 Shimizu Yuri - Rl, R 2 , Pattern Index, On -Kun Index Takenaka Hiroko ••• L3, L7, L8 Ishii Eriko -LI, Column 6 Akutsu Satoru ••• L5, L 9 , L10, Columns 5 • 7 November, 1993 xi {$ l> 1$ intermediate Kanji Book il^lOOOPlus Vol.lj g mm H 6fI~fj|10fŠ flu 2 Oje/ ^ m t ^ t < -r ž íí & £*K Mt á *nfžfe Ž- Ž t * X h «9 Ž t o Üu¥<7)!£K «IR k^tTáb *9 i A.u*m\z£hmWzWzt£'3X^ži-t0 WMt LT, rä*§moOj J^cOil^fcfäo ti&arx-to^ňjúmMxžŕzb^'gmutMž&frv);- mc¥lt&< t, 'f-nTízii, Ťrí%B\fzrt*?7* xmm-f h t J: v^t l i 1 o ♦ftfcfr^ ^£&ř>, S«3ážT(±ěW^"Tf^itS^tiž-r^\ J£fflá$ r z\iz$)Z>mmiz&tf$j t) í-£á,0 ^wimwc, g^fp^&á # H^iř o » £ m a, tz «91- ž m ic 11 £ iz o v > t , g si &íj \z%m & & ^ £ -r & U^-eto ží#£3|v>£*K H$fŠOft£*££^&^<7>Solt£f£ *)tzt) lt, ^oT &t<ŕi£v\, £0«fc?&f£®£ě#g#Kirf-<í:ii, ŮfrtztfiDm^miZft^tz 0, íil^'J X h £fto£ >9tá£*!><7)##H&& tlv>it0 ü^lfü^tä^ > ;j^#ďt--t^T§ži-o Lií;f%A/ií9 LT7 -f — K/n*? ? £ LT< ŕi£v>0 f4l:i:otli, flu #x.iTt^v>*££K&í) ífU 9 &l$S£M:t LT, a íi^ffiH t > x#íiíž ; t cí; í} í to mm^kjsi: T, fŕSÍ2*^l%^£^£^;tá^ t-e š i t 4x.í)tL/:r^^ f j: Y) k^^ě^Tip^ž- í) otäžô/í í><7)<7){i^ tf-mtmizm ^HI~^10miT(7)#lI(7)7^X^abí9 žto Píífcž r t \ztltztb L z\tihkizm%tLxtä®i>m7z.ti>x~št-fo * I 1. ( 11 ) Lv^io 2. mmz { n ) ho y- h mmz(Dtz\?>*j-n:?u, ^ti^^^^^Mxžtto ttz. y-h3mm*, 4zti>xšii-o 1. Mo «c7)^|i-e^^ f^lOOOPLUSj vol.2-c^S*U> Tt*t-^ y?£^J5?e>£ rtO^ii^J 427^, £ftU67^Ko^TM^fc£J:oi::&oTv>2to il^fi, ^ rvin. (nbz\h\zXKxh^)t-fo I. E. in. ^tf«9 IV. V. fcfr VI. i:n 1. ^ii I I i. ^a/ 1. \ {MAj^ki : person) ^ A * it< ft' ft 1 ft» fz;5 BK22 LI BK2? BK37 «1 IKB2-I WB2-a5 BK5 8K37 ft «• 1£ 6 # 6 ft' ft " E 7 f:t ' 1.7 iK»2-4 IKE2-7 JKE2-="S BK5 BK8 BK11 BK19 BK40 ft' ft' 1*' M" L9 IKB2-10 1KB2-15 IKB2-1* BK24 BK35 L7 txo 1KB2-2 ^ 3 # ' fit- ii« fife"r 13 ' BK1S BK32 Li LS BK24 BK35 L3 1.6 L7 IKB2-6 $1» M u fll" ft 12 1® " ft 13 IKB24J L3 L4 «2 IKB2-T BI31 3K17 L8 IKB2-7 IKB2-8 ft" DSf ■■ ft - #1 §E" L5 IKB2-I& IKB2-& IKB2-P* L8 TBK-J it fBasic Kanji Book »*JI^500J OB$it TL-J ii, ^<7)?I^?^7-^ ffftff l^tiotv^I^iLJto TIKB2--J (i, [Intermediate Kanji Book ?I^ 1000PLUSJ vol.2-e^W?l^t^oTV^Eiclr^LSto to fa L 1 4M Buddha, *France •&^ik&%&Z(fektf) the Buddha, a benevolent soul * FUMftA/.&'O) Southern France X^h rwmfcj (D^ta^LM^it^K ^W&7x^tfi:, ^#§<7)^-C\ #^HI^L"C*0 t-fo \± rt£j z^nxnmt LxMLimm^^ri-j tm^xhz>x*£zto ♦ft^^ : 5g£z\ti>x*$2>x*Li io N (Noun) %m e.g. ^fe, £%L A (i Adjective) 4 e.g. JrV\ gu\ IELV\ & t* NA (.na Adjective) e.g. ^£(&N), ^flJ(^N), «J(£N), ?#;ft(&NK VN (Verbal Noun) X ;Vfi)|iiJ e.g. MMt2>), M^d"*), l£ffl(-f£k Adv. (Adverb) S'JIrJ e.g. ^{Z, *tC, XVI dj ? i:x l± i^B^*t-e±^«9, $s jijL (edge) 1 ti^^f,J:W0 ^ liJTn (bridge) (chopsticks) f (Dffe (others) : ^> (See ~.) Jli i o BK ("Basic Kanji Book") (opposite meaning) MMtfKttw -I t (ift£ h c: t (f = (same meaning) o (correct usage) X (incorrect usage) (undecided usage) (note; N.B.) * (exceptional usage) How to use this book This book is comprised of 10 lessons and 2 reviews. Each lesson is divided into 5 sections: s Review and Answers (to review questions) s s Basic Exercises > s Key Points s s Applied Exercises S s Tasks s Review "Review" covers the 500 kanji listed in "Basic Kanji Book". To teachers: These exercises could be used as preparatory work before proceeding further into the lesson. Basic Exercises In this section new kanji (approximately 20 kanji for each lesson) are introduced through exercises. If the learner finds these exercises difficult, he/she should read through the explanations in "Key Points" and then return to this section. The answers are at the back of the book. Key Points This is an explanatory section of the lesson. New kanji are listed on the last page of this section. To teachers: This section can be used as homework too. However, you need to give some time to answer the questions on these "Key Points" in class. Applied Exercises Many different types of exercises are introduced here, and through repetition the learner's knowledge will increase. To teachers: These exercises should be checked during class, so that the students can have opportunities to ask questions which might arise while they go through them. Tasks These are open-ended tasks which the learner can do by using dictionaries or asking teachers and Japanese friends. To teachers: Reading comprehension and compositions could be combined with these exercises. Also work handed in by students could be used as future teaching material or redistributed so that students can exchange study methods. Quizzes The learner can check how much he/she has learnt by attempting these quizzes. To teachers: These could be used as tests. xviii How to use this book □ Pattern Index The Pattern Index introduces the reading(s), meanings), etc. of each new kanji In order to use this index, the learner must first look up the radical of the kanji. £3 ■ ■ . ^< «9 in § W////Í I Will, 1 W//t All kanji in these books are listed in boxes under their appropriate radicals. Learners can therefore find the kanji by referring to these boxes. I. pj 1. : person A' BKl BK22 ft' LI 8K27 ft* BK37 ft' «1 1KB2-Í 0' ÍKB2-3S t T if 6 15K5 f2C 5 BK37 ff • L7 1£» ■ KB2-4 # " 1KE2-7 rt-< 1KE2-38 BKi ft' HI" 5 ft' BKS tt' BSClI ft 7 BK19 BK40 ©' 1 9 ft" ÍS2 1KB240 ft" 1KB2-15 BCB2-16 13*8 BK24 ftffi' BK3i L7 ffl ' L10 1KB2-2 15 ■' BKiS fü '• HK32 LI »• 1.5 ft-BK24 IS BK35 10 L6 L7 H.» 1KB2-6 1£» f?" H " ffl'l ■' fit" (Ä :* {ft 's IKB2-H L3 ft 2 ÍKB2-7 BJ31 PK17 L8 IKB2-7 IKB2-8 ft"' it" m ■■ 81' ffi" LS 1KB2-16 IKB2-S IKB2-=9 L8 BK L = lesson number in Basic Kanji Book vol. 1 & vol. 2 = lesson number in this book 1KB 2 = lesson number in Intermediate Kanji Book vol. 2 Finally, the learner will be able to gain information from each entry as follows stroke order _\_ 41 4A L 1-4®- r-Buddha, *France f & o # j: 5 ) Buddhism £o-e 5 ) Buddha statue l&Giirfr) the Buddha, a benevolent soul A/-S»o) Southern France -*■ readings exceptional usage — meanings lesson number ■ stroke number ■ —*. vocabulary example sentences xix □ How to use this book Parts of Speech: The following are used to indicate different parts of speech. N (Noun) A (-i Adjective) NA (na Adjective) VN (Verbal Noun) Adv. (Adverb) Accentuation: The sign |~~ is used to indicate where the pitch rises within a word and the mark ~| to show where it falls. e.g. (3 | t3ACT 0 C J: I 1 ^Difference of Accentuation S {i pL (edge) H j±Jl| (bridge) =if \& | L (chopsticks) Definitions and References BK o x A (See ~) ("Basic Kanji Book" (antonyms) (synonyms) (correct usage) (incorrect usage) (undecided usage) (note; N.B.) (exceptional usage) How to make a Kanji information card: sample Use the frame on page xvii to make your own cards. &UTSU, FUTSU, Ko-toke Man is kneeling down in-froni of BuiLdLKa.. Is BucUkist msdita+ioK popular in Fhgnce ? u Wccf •St*. i.-7 V It (i XX Diagnostic Test of your Kanji Ability z&xfrh&z.x I fr iE 4. & & 5. <-► i & m. 6. tu 9\- 7. A it * 8. m 9. ** l m 10. pa m B o §T<7) ^ t if (i, B ^HptTV^ < -Dfr<7)MM<7)%.ii (meaningful units) K5Ht «. will—I is/ms/m •<1£^5ZB)'t^/*/^ 1. *AfflW-*l #/Affl/ft•#A/K/ft•#/A/Wtt 2. sjns^— i s/tf• sir• w/m/m^ 3. n 5. ^Al«-| 4VA&/«(I • ^A/Sc/tl • 'J?/A/m\ 9. -^n/mM/u • a 10. n/mi/^m'^/^/m-n^k/m/^m ^g^m^^Mnim (Kanji dictionary) -CL^&£#, ftwM^t (radical index) -C^^J^Lim SimKO£o&t&£l/\> iCD- ± ^ 1 1. 1 >f • P 2. /f f 3. ® 1 r- S ( 4. j-JL 1 0 • ^ 1 5. l ±- m 6. 7. 8. E=f 9- PS 10. D m i. frt> 1. 2. 3. 4. íao 5. 6. Of 7. 10. «tfrv* ill «2. J; ti- ll. t>*<^ 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. UfA, 18. -ČV^vo-tä 19. &to^-f& 20. žo^-či^á #J2. ^<7)i5 w& • itt# • mm • it® I 7. ¥h.t£ 8. ertSKti&si? iid> • • w>k • ns^ i *91 10. (i-f o ^(7)^(7) i r&j £olfC3£#fs| (adjective)*\ r-f&j *olt"CiJ^I (verb) i: L-C$x.2-f#\ (both) #J 1. jz% & mi. m% & 2. £ 3. ig^ * 4. »L * 5. & o o #J3. >M & ^j4. mm & 6. ills t£ 7. mm & 9. is* £ 10. £ O o o 4 G (i .~8 Atrnm, 9.tio.mmmx-fo] m. -- o ft w í* tí: V". - ÄÔftV^ - #>Ž1" - tz%\<* - hťt - o -- -c ď - 9 . -- h - til£ -hi - 10. - ;bftv> - v»it - 7 - xJf - tel - x. i i" - Ž.& - X.tli£ - X. «t "9 < •i 9 5 «. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I «1. JfL i. m ( < 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ( ^ ( Bfr% ( ( ké* ( «2. ^ 11. ^B 12. i§Bg 13. IErE 14. ^ 15. Ecřrí 16. t^JS 17. 18. 19. 20. IM «. eft® 1 X^v3ä& 5. i m • g • m - % 2. «ÍJ 3. m? 6. Uft 7. fólffl 8. JUtÉf 9 • fgvÔ 10. £H I K • tffc • 3® K #i i. [ H ■ • ffl • • J! ■ • & mi. [ ■ Wl #J3. [ ■ j?> «4. [ ■ fr 1 . [ • i* ■ ■ M 2. [ : it ■ IS ■ • S 3. [ a* , • §9 • • m ■ ■ r& g IS e3 IE IP BB R -r±r ft 4* fir 5 Mi rtr in /;iL 'fm*. nil. HUB (days of the week) i&pSj (verbs) P(with the shape P) 3 r> (On-reading 'kou') 8 How to fill in the Kanji Ability Chart oA-KiDfflmomz rij zm^Atiz-to mm^x^rzh, Mi>mfr%^x~ Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BIO 6 ® / / / / / / /10 3 1+1+1+1+1+1=6! 6 + 2 = 3 >ki>z, &Kftj (Drnzm^tto tz t&tftpMlDXilZ^ lOm* 6 Pnl (B2, B3, B4, B6, B8, BIO) tf]ELfrfz%i& Uli, /Kftti r6j K%y)t1-0 tLX-^rtKD r?H^+Jj ?1 ^ 7J £ ^ t r v ^ t o ®*K* On-reading meaning ®tt* reading reading from context usage •2; IS 80S word structure <2>M& usage (rftH) shape (««) ®»* writing writing (M»> ®*K^5> choice SS^SS? from context 7/ ^^fz0 h rBasic Kanji Bookj Vol. 2 £f£o "Cft e? (review) & L/iiJ 9 (components) Mfe (HI W 12 V Afl(-^(7)^5|i, 8 91) V marks)tCi5V^-ei"^ ^t&ft^ib b #h&t- (7)ffl 2 tzm ^X-tteo Mtz<^®~@(Dm^^mk (average) ri* 2 £ VXYX\ AJ^/hS^gl S^&o£&^ ^<7)^H£oTM^1~£flUj^/Basic Kanji Bookj Vol. 1 £ Vol. 2^ot, ?H^(7)^ (system) ?:^o t«f fSCl Jto <£> «tV^^SrOtt^^i6H{i^>|>rm¥^1j&& (success) ^AflbTV^i-o 73 A 1 . ffi(CL West) 6. ^Jot/i L-Z> after, back) 2. flg(<£>-^ dark) 7. 4"* AOiV*-& to come in) 3. #f(&££>-L^ new) 8. $Ki5-0& to get off, to alight) 4. 4^ ^('^"f-V^ cheap) 9. 4^ to decrease) 5. JtOi^-V> fast) 10. 4-f m{&-< to open) B 1. #/AW/i$ : mhl<^c.t 2. n/fr/m^: mmL^m^ 4. te/<2r#/¥ : &^£tf}£&v>3: 5. 4?/A&/$iJ : ^iv^A&^MJt 6. ^m/u/^ •.'nm^hu^ 7. Hf/*/^l: JK^OTJ-CSISI-& -1 9. :nMx^m 10. C 1. # i : < ZfrAstr*) plant 6. til ^ 1 : ^*< ax 7. 3i A 1 : ab^^At>^9 hole 3. M p I I L^tffa corpse 8. 13 'fr 1 ' L CT CI ~h heart 4. ± I ! 'Oi^'\^ ground 9. P 1 : c: £* 10. fg^ 12. ISft 13. 14. ftjjrf 15- 17. gfifc 18. 19. IS^ft^ 20. E 1. icco(tiffin,j it I t^tZo 3. fpJBtiC j | ^t^tL/:K 4. B#li | t/fffi ! WrSifOo 5. CKDE^fiUft I I 2tlX^t-&A,0 6. $rU>£>£ET£ i ft® 1 tfhZ>0 7. | \ iflttK 8. EfefcfCli&£l9 I BB'l> I ^abOJ-ii^o 9. $)-D£7)% 6. S$s(^TA,)1-& 7. feflJ(^A,*))& 8. ?m(i>^tz^)- 9. S*0to^)-10. ») 74 G l H 1 6 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tin ft m. 5. tbtt till 6. •Jit :fc&V> 7. &9 §&v> 8. 2. &A,tf< 7. &Z.X 3 8 I 1 . M 2. 6. frM* 7. 11. SWC-t, 12. 16. x.^ 17. J 1 . * ^ 2. 6. $ t> 7. LfrA, £15 ^ 7 3. 8. 13. 18. 3. 8. XA.^ fib L L?frt£ XLt) irt # 3 7 tztn^ 9. — < o — ^ — tt*U£ 10. - L<£t> - L^-C-t t - U> — Utfttf ^9 x,&v> x. i ■? bit < 4. Lin if 5. 9. 10. 4. 5. 10. 14. 17 J: 9 ^ 15. L 19. -£o#>v> 20. L ® A,lf 4. m y> 5. iU K7 9. ^7 10. it x > a it ft * Hi R a • ft 8. E 9. r 10. & n. 12. # 13. 14. ]g 15. m 16. §J 17 18. ^ 19. H 20. < ifr • * • m r< IB • ^ • # • IEU • 21 • £ IK) • ^ • m - m-r IfR • Ttf • E Iff • S • !S = ^Bp( seasons) j£ V > • It H = (-i adjectives) =ia%%& vilA± (On-reading'kai') m\ r*j ('*' shape) Ifctr • l#o} =fij|5j(verbs) ^1 = family members) ^| =B#(time) = :sl%^ ry>j (On-reading'gen') = ft7^/vtr (bamboo crown: radical) • \l < ! r" < j Hj!b|(verbs ending with-ku) = iaf%<^ r'>i')j (On-reading'shuu') = #<7)SB5H parts of the body) LV> • =^B#|b](-i adjectives) = ^ r±j ('±' shape) #1 = jhp%^ r^L-7j (On-reading'yuu') 'J = ^ rt)j ('7J' shape) = #1%«^- r4^7j (On-reading'hou') • =iJj|5](verbs) WT( = 0 ^l>l':5j (radical and meaning"heart") 15 -+ it Dp ■& K -* t * L < s x. m it c JU (i *i K vlf í? A \ íí ^\ i> t± (D to t: t *> íl m * h ti í) m 1" < «t fž H fr h ■9 x. tt ' & 1-0 CO b t < tä 75 t ■f i m =35. HP X L ÍR CO co (ľ) T t; B X ft & ^ fr ^ Hl x L 17 □ Lesson 1 < S X > 1. f & : *(7L)-m(7i) - M(t*)) • =W)S&}(£:) animals 2. bi qjt, yM: 7C(^i3)^V^ • ip-(fi^)^ • jS(0< )^ • M( < 6)v^ • fc(~0?>)^ - l^itzfr)^ = ^§t5|0tV><^/v) administrative divisions 4. e±, n*, w^: n(if-3)-'X(fr)-M-r^)'Mi><)'M£A<)-±(t:) = MB(X^U!) days of the week 5. h#J, r|, zffi: mt)h'M^><)h'MUtL)i>-W(^)h-m(^)h' 1%(frz.)2> = r£j X^hhmmtl L) verbs ending with -ru %b{&t^)t) = ^M{fr^fi) family members = r—j ri>A,tr»? < "plant" radical 8. bi, m^: M&fr) ■ S(l5) • • S( < 6) ■ = fe colors 9. p1: M(&*6) • 0S((i)ti • • JE(tfMf) — ^ Li 9) weather 10. rg: f£(^)-^(^)-ft(^)-ll(^) = :Hf%^^? r>)"^f j On-reading 'kei' 11. 1*, ti: %{tl^) - • ■ *(-^) • = HI£t( i < #>V>) countries 12. i ^ : #f(L i/U) • fg(tf^) • MM • M(Lo) = i#0f(tf L J: place suffixes 13. vR: m^y) - &{^y) = :m$^(^A. & ) rJx(^>)j ££.0 phonetic marker M 'han' 14. ai= dM, h-eo, ii, km, s*: ~AacA)-~0(MO-~iM^V)- = flfr&ii|( £ l-fl L) counters 15. k$, zilf: + + ) + + ) ■!)§( + ) = ia ll^^ r+j On-reading 'ki' 78 tei- í 1 ] [ it ] [ ] [ 1 5 it ] [ ] [ 8 ] [ — 9 10. iE ] [ ff 11. - ] [ 12. ] [ c . m 1 .TU u d. If e.$ft f.^g g m reo n o q $fc v . Ü w. i x. £ y.g z . g$ /p □ Lesson 1 t i. &(D^*i~9- ^mtzk^m^zlťzo _ 3. mo^aXr^ib^^^LtZo _ 7. -UX\ W-mtL^\ _ 9. #rffltf>HS(± ^Wfflfíjio t^^iBWzo _ 10. ^jí(D±lizmĹmW^M^"Xh^0 _ ti* š 12. í&íiŤťfcOBtU JggKfc^fc^ofc^ŕio _ 13. d (DW!HMM^^-Ch h o _ 14. ^If^Lv^-C, ^c@lž:^LTv^o _ 15. jftSJIO HÍ-C^CA t ífofc «9£ofco___ 16. £^^WÍi^o _ 20 tti)- i ZLX(key) KLX, tv^il^O#|ig £jt,oU\ CDff^CD — 7° Grouping by shape \2)H(D — J° Grouping by pronunciation (3)^B^C7)^^— ~7° Grouping by meaning (D^i^W ^VU— 7° Grouping by usage z\)\zm&*frm-tz>jim±, ffL^^^x-SBtM^ n^tzm^^^-r (±)MBK L.ll, 12, 13, 14) i?C*I«^^sU*iLno <^A> B:rf 7m M it ?1 d:sl S SI M ft fcf- H:^ & ^ ^ & » <&L> BM m & !S & ^ 4f- B: ii ii £ it il j£ if- E:j£ J£ J£ /£ Ifr If fcfc'- D:^ K ft ^ 4if- V (£/v"fV) water K (Jofc^V) head ( < $/^Afr ) plant >L (CL -5 ) heart i_ ( LAM i 7 ) way r (itztl) roof (U)lJJx.) gate #J1 . r'h (l)oU^)t LLj (dd6, heart) (OVlV-^ it it tit & i t i & ^ & s %z #J2. r-j (fto^H rAj (V-, fire) <7)^;l/--7° H j& $ =f M 'Jffl ^ & 21 □ Lesson 1 pap * tip fn ^ 4^ g f tt 1 S 1 tt* ^ I I 1 II I n ffl ± MBK L.14) < if > -M < pj > ij : pj (*) < £ > 3*7 < * > ^ < # > < -ft > f (-W ) 0f (-W ) 0£) # (v) ^ < L * "9 fviiv b l BA,LJ;'J ^<^lv^iti, ftlf 1 -B/£i^(l)(pp.93~97)£#BB0 It (L-r-^) (§-o 1H (^) H# (v) (li£-o) (^m^c^^^—~f Grouping by meaning M^ZmM^ X ot^;i/-^:^K*J Li %/:tx.ll rBasic Kanji Bookj Uti, <^2£> family members : 5C ^ 5E ^ ^ ^BKL.15 <&jt> locations I £ 7i ± T ^ ^BKL.18 : ifl ffi |f ft OBK L.18 • # X #C ^ ^BK L.26 directions seasons 22 <^> colors : ft W H S ^ ^>bk l.23 it fl^f Hr "ifj E BT obk l.20 administrative divisions <#mi?> -ms « $cw m$. ^ at- obkl.22 fields of academic study (^v>) =7* V# S (£) =nv7 countries 3£ =>f * (*> Q n ) = U*<) = lMy Ifi (li<) =/r» cf. <%fe> gfc (fc?) =3-n ^ (£) =7y7 parts of the body :S ? P I IE I 1 f ((^) l^^> other administrative divisions ; 'J+| ( L i» -9 ) - j. - 3 - ? ffl New York State (U.S.) # (Lil) LilJJC^ Shandong Province (China) U (C^) Nishitama District <1lT:&fr > public offices ;f (Ln) X pW^^! Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology l^'i^^H^ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry ff ( ± "9 ) HfP?JT National Police Agency KftrJT Japan Defence Agency ( # i < ) 7Kil^ Water Works Bureau Sfiiii Post Office divisions of organization '. fm ( ^ £ < ) t^SM Finance and Accounting Bureau p|5 (^) 'S'HSIS Sales Department %£MU General Affairs Department IH A^IM Personnel Section #Sb* Accounting Section #(^•9) IfeW 2nd Sub-section 'xft # Receptionist 23 □ Lesson 1 ®fflz&ftMft& *9 Zi~o <4%%M>' ^ ^ ^ -i adjectives ^BK L.8, 14, 16, 28, 38 :mt m< mt* »< ±^z> verbs ^>BK L.9, 17, 24, 30, 37, 43 :mmtz nm-tz mitt* nm-tz -suru verbs ~ ^BK L.21 ■ jt%K \mw -na adjectives ^BK L.16, 28 ■a--5 t>* i; ^M^:~F/f ~*Jf ~* ~H -It fc^ suffixes (place) ^BK L.19 BK L.27 tf)&Ji#:~ft ~t ~S ~£ fcfc* suffixes (money) ^if? 6 Hl(p.H2) <§^>oili^:#~ te~ ^~ 4if negative prefixes C>BK L.45, f|6ll(p.ll3) <^f ^^M> : ^(iT)LV^ poor #g(^7j)^ hard, stiff $K&£)^ shallow ^(^fr) £>?H> soft j¥( "9"^")^ weak (liquid), light (color/density), thin fJK^-K* strong (liquid), dark (color/density) J?(&o)V> thick $ i mwwwt - ...............------------- — fA 5* Bfc M ft # » « p. 244 p. 256 p. 290 p. 284 p. 330 p. 330 p. 301 p. 281 p. 316 p. 322 m m m m m & m n £ w 20 p. 215 p. 321 P. 298 p. 256 p. 264 p. 273 p. 254 p. 319 p. 261 p. 294 5 < feh\Z*>hm&$&\ (Kanji Index) ^Mt, LX& ^ t L X 1 24 I. >koX*Xi£x_Z>z\tí£ž, {a.~f.| f--CÄ^l9 í® »ort:*)© SLfcQ c. l%Á,£fr)) LŤZo \(S)$k/vŤzir> e. ffLfcf) f- fOÄO í 1. ffl*£A,í±3Ma. £H b. ft* c. jféj®j*-Cl-o >d. tím e. « f. TO í ľ X A. 2. «-efrtvMa. $ b. # c. Mi ín^n^aott/vio t d. ÍÁ e. $ft f. £J 3. ja. UÁ,T* b. É^oT c. MoT l <ŕi£U\> 4. ^<7)io^íÍja. ^ b. Ü c. ^| £V^L<&^0 5. ItS^ía. 'Ĺ> b. g| c. & l 5Ô**S < "t\ SoT^žo U. f* e. 1" f. «1 6. í a. nm b. £ft c. &^\*mfätZtztbK7K^ff /0^ž$i:í:Ut^tto 2. ((D ) ^ (CD ) Jt^SÄ-ei-o 3. 77>X(il8 (® ) é*t-féě^í|rH«tor ((D ) Ufr h 4. rtJ+líiíM (d) K #fs (d) K ÍHW (® ), M* (@ K 5. |H, Am (@> ) ^^^H^^^IR^II^^^äto 7. (@ ) fá¥$15$MJl;^ŕ>B# (<§> ) ÄÄttoT^g^ttr 9. z ) <"CM*i^^ tot (§ ) )(<§> ) Ťž"lot, (@> ) L^A^cOŕ:^:-^ n. mtttzimfr m ) v^-e, Aif-c^-rti, (<§> ) <&o 26 Ý L# If a, sv rtfflw&fcKli, FWfik rt^^iJ m k A«, ftWh, low (t© ) »|Lt^žo ^tt^íá, « (© k » (f ^ k « (@ k Sil (@> k £íM^ ((§) k ¥^MÍ k (® k (@ )> II±3oI k ÄiE rfl-A, Iii i*i ľ m ľa, A 1*1 K It ŽT>Ľ> m m % c: *> *i>%í tô Ť t) A.-!"!-' SA. lt<<» s'v> sa,? j; ô ; < t* :i tf'A, í J: ô at * € 1? i*j Jt c: ť «v> t o r> ä # ttv> So IÍŤ x. v* š a, «>ť L lä Jt d Ť ti *> j i -třu L J; Ť IíŤ m k /t - < -tfv> S ífc Jt 3C it Jt i m j i é tí It A. tt Ä f* l& /t •) a, * ^ iř Jt ti> sa, ^ Jt L IfA, Äfôjí jľ. * ;i/ 3r - Jt to Si # Ií Jt *>•»•} L i 7 S * /j^ÍUt •tťA. v>a, «& ä m íô m. 1 á? ^ M. Jt ľ i ť lä * A/ ľ£ _h í* 3r Jt *>n fcA, LA, l/A, m m m m Jt 27 t LA, ^ x. ^TOi(D 2.-5. CEA It < /: $ l.Cli, ab&£g#<7)gx. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. fttitij birthplace occupation, job -tj- A. fc A c. £P1 speciality d. ®P£ hobbies e. f. g. fr§£v>® h. i. L » o It^* « as *4 #2 Ltz a 8 a W 5 a ft 4 a * 2 a 1A -t—i—i—i—i—i—i—i- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 28 29 Ěé m ft X V í* 7 ár X 7 ■9- 7 T SB A 7^7 ih Ť J ft f Y -f 1 -f 9 7 7" f" ÍL i/ít ja 4 -k 7 a 1 -Ô 9 7 n ZL -v M* ft x. I « CO fr e> {f \z tz ti > o -Mt ^ fr K (ft ^ L fr tz & ÍR-Ä. 7C L m ti *> «5 -ŕ, co & t t T* fr & CO to o {Z A_ 46 l" 1" 0 i; m T i_ l± T o tz L T * t (í— ft h fl m & CO —\ 1_ M (á L -ŕ, i_ t x. CO t -t £ O h i* h o fl o ■9 fr tí & tz T -r 0 CO i' life é m 7t iL 30 0«s/ m. ± T 1. -k 13. 2. líí <-> 14. 3. 15. 4. it 16. 5. ft 17. 6. 18. n< 7. 19. 8. 20. 9. 21. 10. 22. 11. 23. 12. 24. 4H> 31 □ Lesson 2 1. %(&tz\) 13. mfrtz)^ 4* woman man hard soft 2. 4-4 Mi L)h 14. 4-4 front back thin thick before after light (color/density) dark 3. &Wz*)) 15. 4^ 8l(&£)v> right left deep shallow 4. 4-4 16. A(ti^)& 4-4 ffl("C)& north south to come in to go out 5. 4-4 nut) 17. 4-4 inside outside to get on to get off 6. 4-4 m(xh)^ 18. |ft(^r)< 4* ±(t)ZZ> strong weak to move to stop 7. 4-4 19. mat>)2> good bad to start to end 8. m%&)^ 20. mWz-h «-► short long to increase to decrease 9. 21. >kSfi-f& 4-4 light heavy (L/U*v) 10. 4^ i£(t><)V» to worry to be relieved high low 22. rn/rt* 4-» £(^)^ ( Lk»o-££) expensive cheap to be present to be absent 11. 23. ffj£1-& 4-f cold hot ^^■^ S.(&7^)^ to agree to oppose cold warm 24. 4-4 12. few, little many, much more than less than 32 2. ^<7)'E^R<7)MM%UlÍ35&fl^fz 4. NTT Zt tfzk® tz< 10. iS&liföitf) B Bi S KMfô LfzZ n ft 11. ffi%%WMZíiitTä*%Lz.Xk TV U ®3FSE#«ii8fc Prefixes with negative meanings ^ (<$*) : na vn (tr) : na/n (^BK L.45, §fl6P0 Ml The political situation of this country is stable. ^tScteT^o unstable «2. mentally unstable condition stable «3. V > ^° v A t-HMjP^&o to participate in the symposium ^i?Jn£lo not to participate 35 □ Lesson 2 @Ml£&$if#§I10)13c Pairs of adjectives with opposite meanings 7) the highest high atmospheric pressure J: 3 «■ long term it^f^ i Hi) 4-a strong point a majority a large quantity the biggest to enlarge to stiffen strong, stubborn the lowest low atmospheric pressure firm, strong (tz/,^) short term a weak point a minority ^*(LJ: 3 *9 i 9) a small quantity the smallest H/h(Lv5)< Li3)t£ to reduce to soften flexible weak, feeble weak, infirm l 9 fSA. r3£®&JtsJf (hard-line attitude)j ^ rM&^l£ (drastic measure) j it "7 4 ■fZo)1-£ fitAW^ -) )1"& to export to import 4* &j£Uto-£§)1-£ to attend, to be present to be absent 4-t to enter hospital to leave hospital A*§U^ Li ?)t£ iI*JH^Li 1 )1"£ to enter (a place) to leave (a place) 4* to evolve to degenerate, to degrade 4-4 to depart to arrive P^(tiv^L^) winner defeated person, loser M(tiv^a-<) victory defeat 4-+ ^l£(^(iV) total victory total defeat .(Li ") »£) match, game, gamble ! rffi • Aj i: rdi • Aj. rA • Mj t rm- Ma, rB • f&j t rBi ■ Hj «^ I S bftlZ%:2)<7)lZ^ r ii^ (withdrawal from school) j <£ •), tr L 6 (graduation )j J 37 □ Lesson 2 (DMC^r^^lKDJl?1 Pairs of nouns with opposite meanings m. Mj(-ti-^x) iMe(-^r) prewar postwar c.f. lfe#-(-örA^-^)<7)Hüt^tv^Tti*/i^ ^ 7 iim->mwxmfät>tl2>0 Z A,)& simple, easy ff^ £A.-ti:^)-f £ to agree $#j(-£^>I 7 to succeed ^(^-e-^) war iff lt( £ *9> <£ 9 ) demand W& (^ < ^°) & complicated M*f0ä^7^)1~& to oppose M(Lo(fV^)t^ to fail ^PflK^V^) peace Wa( supply 3« ®%{Z&$MT "9 L) from beginning to end L- i "9 match, game, gamble 2 Htf^g^ I of I « $ E I 1 p. 324 p. 293 p. 258 p. 307 p. 259 p. 279 p. 306 p. 309 p. 299 p. 323 p. 329 p. 292 p. 298 p. 273 p. 252 p. 268 p. 265 p. 267 p. 250 p. 278 22 p. 283 p. 318 39 -tit" t) <7)ii:{f tE^OJt(*<7)^ fclflijpfCL i 7ri\> il:llfC, ISA L "C & ^ 10. z\(Dt$^j)mXtZ>t, zk&%Z£K%Z>o m m 2<7° n fflffi U»v>L) vn (L^^n) vn sorting ending & 1 2 3 4 40 7940 mmmm □ 5 6 7 8 9 10 U. &A 6. tffifiti± 7. z£ (proverb) iplbho 10. CI CO .x\ 11. Cl(7)tt^"C{i, ± r T 42 43 (D (D (D © (5) i :l an* 10 110 k ht< it ESI tc 5£ u.0 11 r ill5 f #8 fir u 11 cd ^ $b lea JBi *> t: /c K •3 EX W" S Next fiscal year Japanese balance 10 billion dollars increase Foreign Minister Watanabe Flexible measure to counter rice custom duty. "We won't fight against the world." Expanding Europe Start with many problems ®i2i¥wil 10.9% i>m\i Mid-December American car sales 10.9% increase December Consumers' Price Index in city area compared with previous month 0.3% down The lowest standard in 4 years 7o2+^&&!£<7)#- FH^t^ r(ftf||§(card game "Old Maid")j & f^y- 44 O"/ 3. HlB^tWo 5. ŽfrL^Mfc^tt&o 8. fíL^aDa£Íl/d±< IST* S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ■ musts • mat* 45 □ Lesson 3 I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 1 . 2. 3. MM frftl( D^-ŕ^o A P T^ľfT C|(Í2)Íio $ŤU>iSBn«fcrc(^tfJ(ŕi)1-c 2^ si{cm(-c)So 4. o6 tž 8 jICmIR£ ď h o 6. l&m^íO&^cäJ&o íST(-cv^o-r^) le^K L 4> -9 *> * 9 46 A) 1. 2. 3. 4. B) 1 . 2. 3. 4. C) 1 . 2. 3. 4. D) 1 . 2. 3. 4. L -ŕ a. u r í h WWF (Ě ^i^liž^) tá ŕl>Lt< Mt* ĺ. a ^ 1iŤ t* 1. 2. 3. I ä f [ ] ^ [ ] Vam [ ] 00 CD Ol oj ro m m í% ^ n m m ^ i i I I I i 1 I i _________ + + + + + + + + + na ru na ru p- o p- w < < < s + + + ^ z z < ll vil EE EE EE EE I I i I EE EE EE EE EE ^Jsi ^4 (1^5 + + + + + ^ H> Sfi EE EE EE|m EE 0s5 ^ EE 0-1 ^ On Snmi njtt 9-r ft O* ' 77 p c-* 'l a 3 5 ť (* 6 3 r 9^ ' 9> ÍÍ ^ 3 D> 0 W V EE % 3 ft CD 3 3ÍÍ oo V 3 vinili -.>>!, ■~-J CD g*? Si 3 Ml 3 n*1 Ol 3 3 I I J i I I i si m Si > m v & i—i i—i i\ !_ -n. !_ Ml 1_1 i—i i—i <1 '-' t> Z #h z CD ffPliU 1)11 fgjjgj Kun reading verbs and On reading verbs to divide the land, territory, payments, etc. ftm&Ltzxnh :&m, mm, nm, mm, to share the work, task, expenses, etc. L i < -so r t> frm(&A \ ma. mm, mm, mm, to classify animals, plants, books, vocabulary, etc. 5^g£UA(iV)i-£ -.mli, M, ±n, to share the money, to distribute the profits, food, etc. to disassemble a machine, to resolve a compound, etc. to divide the enemy, road, etc. to repair a machine, a bicycle, a car, etc. to treat a disease, an injury, etc. L£iE(M>-£^)1-& MIL to amend a law, a rule, a treaty, etc. to revise budget, to retouch a negative, to amend writing, to alter the wording, etc. to correct errors ft»ih(*)*9>3 : ft®, tfr£\ -£~ to cancel the plan, to call off the game, etc. WitiX^Dth :mi, -fit, to stop operation, to suspend business, etc. (to stop temporarily) 49 □ Lesson 3 Il(/^u 01-& fc1-*tS-£^A£ ? 0< 5—fafc ? tijfl;(«M)i-& to withdraw from school to retire from the service, to resign an office, etc. to resign one's post, office, etc. E(D&0 K ? v><0*> J It A. Cj itv> : ^ *K H K *> & A * ~ to rescue a person, to save a life to rescue a person out of the danger : Bhrfflo-O^A* ^otto aid people in a disaster : goTH&A* £ig£flftH~ to give financial assistance :#x.Kft$;U Wi®Z^fc^X~ to give support to the activities : xtf-yMttZZitifi LX~ to cheer for sports players Mil £. to manufacture goods to make paintings, sculptures, to produce TV programs to make a plan, to compile a document, etc. to write/make an original work il-U Xk. t, to create the world, culture hi- IJi J; t t t^£- to nurse/rear a baby to bring up a child A^ )-f h : Ii ^ 4" ~ to produce/grow plants X. ^ % )1~ & : ^f^^BtSJ £ ~ to postpone the event 3SEJb(x.A,*> £ O I ^II^BtlSJ-^SBIgJfc — to prolong a meeting, the term prices fluctuate, the crust of the earth changes the temperature changes, the shape changes the colors of the things/clothes change to change/alter/modify the plan J)lI!lPfc1&ÄIPJ0)£i& Intransitive and transitive verbs #l^#*Vn 4 • ^^^n ttä = Witt h h I) i i (f)te HB _£ Shortening and omission ff) .tA d □ Lesson 3 B. (4))ltIgi&f^^W8££ - ------------------------- m m m m m & ni m p. 25« p. 252 p. 273 p. 282 p. 330 p. 283 p, 270 p. 246 p. 323 p. 247 I Ě I )a M p. 269 p. 283 p.253 p. 277 p.313 p.318 p,327 p.277 P.304 p. 328 20 53 [ ft**-* 0jfŕ-rs iíísts ] 3. i <7) g JUL- b £°7£o< O tz0 í iüjsi-s fw-rs «üf^i-s sag** ] [ fflfcf* *yfH-s «sat-rs ] 5. Sj^Cfá^MT^T, (fti/: A^v > tz h f z i~ 11 & o [ uflbtô sa?t s tss-i-s ] [ UuKrTS »-fá Sfl&t<5 ] 7. Ää-C d t) ft£ \Ĺ Mz\ m£ z\ tb h fifz A * *Ťz-ttfh0 [ »tš sabts ] s. zx-4x-kKu-tm*. ttm^Kx^^^o [ aTiEtá íilEtá ÍIt§ féirfá ] 4475 [ triEi-s Ätz féittá ] 10. ffijlofc^íi, H"CM LT, &JoLT &mtz> mm+z ] 13. ^ri^KTfé W^^"t\ Z t KLtZo [ s ±to?z s«-r§ A*** ] 14. ¥&\lfx£tfW'D£ re fr ofc0 [ #JSM-* ^iŕtá ] [ ^Pi-s %m+z ftmz ] [ $ä*rs ] 55 □ Lesson 3 1 3. r^isw^ lE^^o 4. S i ô L 5- ft^^-^^o 6. •? J: 7 Li < 7. &9 9. í^e£?£ 10. n. m ii^ 15. SS&#íiM<£>£*!\ $g $ *U> £ K & o rt: 16. »«H^^ £ri£0 17. í&iá-tv 7E L£o 18. í^íá^fé^á 19. 4^ 20. TOWttf?£J-^A£ 1~áo 21. š *5> ■? C i 22. jg^íi op ^Ž)Žo •3 IŠ 23. flj&fc^} ?o r »9 i < 24. #<£>"9<£>|=L 140 ž-e X^ l 1 25. vRÉS& -) "£v>x. 57 i. mmz^i^x, mzm^zit^tzmm^mmmm (ri-&j z^nxnmtLx )H in 1$ H s • m & ft® • ffizt^MZftmi-Z/tt&iftnLXiLi ftm ft w ftm izx^xgft&nmizfttf, mt^hz.t •mm, mm, mm, im^t^m-t^ ftti hh^co^mx, *ft?ft\z&hz\b ft ft Sffl ft mk&mtfftMtz> (=~wftfrftz>) ftm £>AsfzAs &8£&l&*£«?§ C LtHL, ^ coffin T^>M#£ 5« mm □ n. mmmktizii^ fz<2a,ti xi^tto^m^cD-m(^i^m7 m p.134) xtfr\ r2ic#j rf«j ttt^mhtix^z-fo *,t^(^AL^) patient SfclH/^v^-lfAOl-^ to improve the Tokyo University Hospital [MfrTiOL) doctor ?f IliK^A^^) nurse JiJf(/tV^) attitude Jlfcg (.&<-?-7 ) clothes M?£T( t^A. ^> A.^^) ground subsidence = Ht$c (authority) & ^ £ Z\ t ttft (£V ^n) material g^i&(^r>I-t))^*/^ comfortable f]£f£( /io (f)irZ) to shed skin = to emerge ^$t(ti9 LA,) policy LT^i Lido t)&t>tiX^tj:\,*-£\<*clt\S1>&y) Zto % r I "/H In i i i r « 59 r$|j ? rM*j ? WffiÄj ? j x-tfrh, r$»m&j ££&í±f-ci-0 t^u 1 zzx\ m^m^m^^(D^iiýj^tt)ox^tLxio i a. $m+$)}$-+ mrrnn $>ft: if; j m. nwifr, Bhk-r, nxf&t, mžkts,...... I mm\ mm-r, ...... I M^, 'Žf-JtK xm%imčr%mxi-0 t*A,%mt)tf%&%mztix^z>-t)\ 1. 2. #J5| 3. j2A 4. ^± 5. 6. * 7. » s. ij-^j 9. ifeŤ io. bbíi n. m&is 12. HŕtiA 67? -1 nv> =ft%tz^ 7t» 1. hz*Jž\* 2. 3- & «^t^o 10. g 4. fôlifcTľfclg, 11. flJ^mÄ^^^^o 12. m <1 \ 7. 13. ~JC 14. S # 7É f * I * □ Lesson 4 1 . &<7)7^li % tZo That university is famous. 2. I remembered an important appointment. 3. ^i^t^o I will carry out the necessary procedures. 4. m±txi> M ftl He is very kind. 5 . jfi ^IJ & it $ tL/j o Useful tools were invented. 6. # glj icyi^t^o t < I make a special order. a, c- * a It is too simple. If it is a simple question, I can understand it. t < v> What sports are you good at? 10. g ft K!£L-C<££nc Please speak freely. 11- ^P&M^f^o -"W* fc> Let's establish world peace. I heard the regrettable result. 13. ^ 4/^: W 4ft** I was asked to do a hard/important job. 14. ^1 &#rw&£o I am in an awkward situation. 62 m. I M \ ■9 žÔ* ab A -tfA 3. g vi A &A 4. ^ 6. L 4> 9 0 16. Š i "9 ^9 63 □ Lesson 4 1. ü|f(l7A^)& 2. ^§U^<)% 3. ^(Ofn^)^ 5- Ii?* )& -c § á J: 9 -r 7- í|^(^< 8- jEf?^^ 9- ílJ?(<^^)& 2. ^gg(č>A,i:*<)& 3. M'íf 4- féŕfcC §*tX )& 5- ?£|lJ(LA^<)& 6. 64 ®*ns|g)fl$&Pt%|l§fl£gPl Japanese adjectives and Kanji adjectives ••• heavy, serious !L*:(i:*>-9£V)& important, serious ttc( C * ^ «t ^ )& important, essential strict, stern precious, valuable •■• strong strong, powerful Ä^i9-9)^ strong, firm obstinate, stubborn forced, coercive •■• happy happy fortunate, lucky unhappy ill-fated ••• light j|i^Ot^ii<)& insincere, fickle rash, hasty light, nimble light, witty, clever ••• weak jl(&A,i;*<)fc feeble, weak-hearted feeble, weak poor, scanty weak, sickly ••■ healthy healthy, sound wholesome , (r> ••• equal equal, impartial equal, even high, high-grade equal (for two) ••• right jBt(-£v^<)& accurate, exact normal, regular justifiable, right formal, official ••• certain certain, sure accurate, exact clear, precise precise, accurate 65 □ Lesson 4 ®:H&§II<&X,t,"?0>fflSfe Usages of -na adjectives 181 ■ ^yLN^7fe^ a keen and enthusiastic teacher ^^ZzELM strong opposition gfi&^'irJ a free life S&O&fa the Statue of Liberty Wtl&M1 world peace ¥fQ<7)^|k Festival of Peace § It A. *, ^^BDp (x»^^pnn) =mm?>tzit> to make it ~ #l. &^^^2^>[>Af0 That teacher is earnest. t^RitliM/: o fco His objection was strong. (D^iPi: UT0Affl)£ Usages as nouns 66 m. Ift^iat&o freedom ¥^£± 36 1"ho equality IA^ISHfx.^o happiness M C"C j&fr*) & o necessity b. r2j #1. 7fe^^^L^_H^L^L^o enthusiasm JBj£ £H-K:#x.&0 accuracy ^ t ^)£A^ \Z%^3 < o seriousness ffiM?>*|||£KSS < o complexity #J. »t£j^Tf£14&&&o possibility ilt^a^o certainty At S§^.£gl<£>&o importance ^ ifrfi A.) 67 Lesson 4 (DfttC # $ Pairs of Kanji adjectives im § J: -9 d -9 )4 ^-^)& i "9 )& 9 tJ9)^ (c.f. Oi2l Rttf^JI^) ^(^i 9^()^ W^(^^i9 )^/^^(^«t 7 )& IS 4 fR^ggi? ^ ^ tM @ p. 275 p. 262 p. 247 p. 322 p. 2(54 p- 301 p. 311 p. 315 p. 320 p. 296 ft p. 293 p. 257 p. 249 p. 303 p. 320 p. 265 p. 319 p. 25C p. 276 p. 251 20 68 rh- Ar. ;--hr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ^4 /y 8. ^p^ífc 9. >j£§c& 10. 11. ^flj* 12. 7C^^ 13. Pjfgfc 15. f£g& 16. ( 2. ^£^áci6(± tz^tzúK ^±mi±t LXfctyLtz X t ň «t 5 Aí> A 15. -^íá, ( 16. üit ííÉft fMÜ ) 17. £<7),ii±>$:#^&^i 1^' ) 4 tm t* (D x\ mixkm ztix^z, 70 2. éS^ ( 3. ( 4. Jl|(7) ( 5. EílNá, ^^ffi^k^íi^ LTth^^L^ttti(fô^^^cOT\ ^ 6. r( ) i&m\u ( sound body)j t V* -7 0 ta^t&iZ.'fä'h (a sound mind in a 7. S^co^yiTíá, ^^co ( s. Äftik^( 9. í&Mfiô^&tm-e, m-cí) ( 10. ( (± y^. S- ^ ^ Í3Ý /Ca Ha iE Aj/l ^ li J. J, mm Aer 7i □ Lesson 4 So *>^t"C 73 li h m&TĚlWM* i>-=>%\\* (DU-gX'-to m) tt(í±) ^(tt) "i"(<^) Í8(*>u0 74 o«/ 2. j:frb%wx\ mm b.wtm) Lxf-^ÍT (a.«J b.Mm tZo 16. (a.^# b.±WČ) liW-f^^t«o 17. ígtf)#x.;fríi (a.#^fö b.M^fô) £0 18. EJl|£Á,t± (a.A:#P b.*^K) -CÍS&ĽTľw&o 19. 3Cli$ŕPB (a.ifrt b.iEtt) ^Ltv^o 20. (a.^HJft b.^SiÉ) Kffofco 21. ^COgcT) (a.JEfé b.i&fé) Ho^i ( L&tttUÍ"& ^^^o 22. flf^dfc-CftáíK (a.ffi»ŕ b.ffiifc) Lfco 75 □ Lesson 5 1 . a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. a 11. b. 12. b. 13. b 14. b. 15. b 16. b . ^Ap^/^'x^ X 1 ) the Pacific Ocean 17. a. #f=H^^J( WXCoT£)£ unrealistic 18. b. ~k^$fc(?^^< ^) graduate school 19. a. gS^(^L^) reporter 20. b. ^m^J2(^9X-A^>) amusement park 21. b. B%7£(-ttV>i:) politics 22. b. ;f§ f&A, )T& to consult brothers (and sisters) to explain L) magazine #glJ(£<-^)K specially to turn right to make contact bookshop application form family radio/TV station to visit to decrease Bill (To 9) headache appropriate kind 76 1. (a.ffc^ b.^) mvmžtiívrzo 2. «|žřáC10tr;l/0 (a.HU b.—Pg) \Zhho 3. &ͱ#£K (a.HiCř b.i&Cř) frhho 4. ^ríá^H (a. A* b.£*) "CftbV^ 6. £<7)h>fM± (a.#Ä b.«Ä) čo 7. iíittft (a.jftA b.IHA) íOUE-tr-To 8. frU^x ,7^* (a.EHE b.WJĚ) Lfco 9. g&g|± (a.ftffl b.&ffl) «Ut^o 10. JŕtfrliM^ (a.JBW b.W fc'o/:^ IL^ot 11. &<7)AC0 (a.^L> b.lM) ^Mřil^^-C^áo 12. vlCOSO (a.fcgp b. MS) KlijEi/^^ä***«, 13. Ťt^Ocbě, (a.fžE b.«^) ÝitrW^iofco 14. {a.MM h.$m) X\ 15. onnt/<7)3C£*)o£ (a.[ĎJ± b . 1*1) řtíliřfc ^ & V>0 16. í8tf^&fcféfét*fcA,-c (a.Kjjt b.nn) -eüv^o 17. Utf-Y<7) (a.jJGŤÉ b.$Rß) H^-C 18. (a.ftft b.fcfc) ^"CfémiÄ^^tt^o 77 □ Lesson 5 (a.|4 b.M) (a.S b.«) (a.m b.m) ( a . F/ŕ b . g) (a.fc b. m) ( a . @ b . fö) (a.& b.SP) (a. ä b. m (a .# b.*) ( a . 3$ b . ft) 11. A^Ť^^&^v^T^fiáôo^c&v^ (a. M b.£) 12. ^yavlt: läjg^li ^ ^ h*&i/>0 (a.a b.m) 78 ( a . ÍS b . Jg) 14. %ti\ WjVBtstm&fžZTtZo (a.m b.£) 15. Sias < -rpíiÄ-ciifén:** *_> žzfytt^i mwiéáL t fc0 (a.Hr b.m (a. m b . ( a . #B b . IB c . g) 18. Ě^íO^M^iáoě fr g fr Lfctó5ä*v^0 (a.^ b. 31 c-^) 19. í<7)||cd4^#S£^:^3SL&v^, ili&fritKfäi/^&^o ( a . M b . $H c . íjflj) ( a . m b . tt c . ]g) 79 (DPI U^B-SI £f$o*it^ Kanji with the same phonetic markers ? « f Sfc H IB 3e jE 0 ftS ii y f-> 37 7 7 [in [*] [£] [IE] [&] [£] [¥] (Dl^O&HS* Suffixes of the same sound f (^«o tt^#, mmm. #^s# If #■ C *' * CA A> -tf-v-LA. t5> (#^) rtfk tt$k 3f#$h *§A£h (£tt) #ftiu am, mmm. t: (st) ft (AS) +v>liA # ^ '£S, IM, -P-7 # : 5»i J t»AA'A J IRS, lasts jiim, mm, mm y 3 f=< It D tr Li JV>lfALi pjt (Mm im. mnm (MM) MRf^ ft&W 80 ij 3 ^ " hi M£k ££k «4, Jtf4, pefcH- #&£k AW, *ü£h f£ffl*4 ®fä1l<7>}fl^l§£>T^ iz > h Homophones with different accentuations — 0 (v^j ofr |_j^) (^_rnrri_i) ("C Ac1) Mm0%&MMM<ß&*>v Homophones with different meanings SUM (Fl fr a,) mmT\ *fA) Mf(iJfrX) kd 9 C J: 9 —ite§(£ H> I 9 9) 81 □ Lesson 5 * L K» t> J; 9 (L * *>n) =11*19 Li; 9^ f^(Lj I 9^) rIA(tj: I 9^) -rirO-tfA ... ^(^J iMf A) tiro 5C 0i9 LA-- j I 9 LA) MS( I9 i I 9 LA) (Dl oC^IW'^öÄl/Tt^PrtrS Homophones which have the same Kanji = 1ä ^L ^(^l L) = tz 1*11? * Si &9 h Z. t |c^(*Rj:) 82 «k 9^ i a-äHH(ijJ Hi i) ta>mKé x 1 Hn) o Li ^) ^(jäJTFX) #Ä(iJ 7 LS) «3 n Lesson 5 S1Ä £0M$iB(nM& Usage of Kanji homophones na t cfc 9 «9 cfc < J: 1 7 "9 ± <) na VN : ä 9 ^ i(Fh^) na mite ifr) vn 7^) n Li? fM(t ř>/9?£tC #ji. mfá&tíioftm^mLrz^ůK ^&v>0 I. ^?)££f%AT\ a . t b .(Dlh, fäMÜlZl žMtft Ll % 1. x#-yýz£ 3. ^0<7)MWi± (a.^ b.&ÍF) žô^/io 4. m± (a.Mfô b.$]§) 3^^/-fo C It a. 6. *-<0*ftKo\,>-Cli (a.^ h.m±) tobtz^o 8. ^$A(áBlíW-tŕÍti, (a.iiife b.&íÉ) í^l^ältffifco 86 9. H Bi H K d (Dm (D (a 10. T J-ŕOm* t, (a. fgH b.fltfé) -í> í i» Ť 11. y-T'DíWA (a b.K) ^flUt^o ■f L ( @« ) ( Hfô ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ( ) 3. Jäz? a ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. Jpg 1 fr i; g ?ftJ!fcfr£)^g | fr 'J g ^ ͱWl t<^iŕz ) ( ) ( frŤZ 6. ^(á^J J^y-h%bLŤz^ŤztfMm±-t] 4V>tK^x^Ťz ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) (n* ) ( ) i f «7 tžŕt^^c^<^> IžjžiHc, lilt A,, íäítA^ ^1/7 iiltA,t"C oTA,(clear sky) ♦ft £ vl (accident) 15 am [ t ] + [ £ ] ( -fe^f ) heart [ 1 ] + [ R ] ( /N> ) eat [ 1 ] + [ H ] ( # > ) eat L K J + [ a ] ( ) water [ r ] + [ n ] ( "7 ) roof L X- J + r r±i 1 L /pu j ( 1/ JL^ ) way [ I ] + [ & ] ( y ) horse L 0 j + [ # ] ( ) say L x- J + [ m ] ( 7-* ) way [ ] + [ £ ] ( T> ) tree [ 0 ] + [ # ] ( v ) sun [ W ] + [ T ] ( f-3 ^ ) rice field r _hj 1 + [ bj ] ( * ) plant [ B ] + r ^ 1 L m J ( ) sun [ k ] + [ * ] ( ^ ) whip 90 E3 gS"*? [ 3f ] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Él Ä it Ä Sit ® mm cca M* iE ü li m li ä ÜfÜÄ í'J ^ -er 4£ Pi □ mm i a. lat * it ä m ■■ t i ( 22. Pi f g tfjffi : [ ] ( 23. MU t S trf : t ] ( 24. m m He Ali : t ] < 25. A El # ľíl tR : [ ] ( a J»* M : [ I ( 27. # k h# k # m ■■ [ ] ( 28. aclE Bcfé £S : t ] ( 29- Bf^ t%& : [ ] ( 30- f ff BT S 2 T g : [ ] ( 31. ít ß til 51 ^ (Ü : t J ( 32- ix *t 7 IS it 5r : t ] ( 33- ffi IS K ífc j£ : [ ] ( 34. # Ä fôŤ M • [ ] ( 2TB :|TjE ( ) #^ 1. {h ® 1 & 0 ) ( ) 2. ÉS ( C ^ ) . H pE ( ) 3. ( v>t^ ) ( ) sua 4. ( íh^a, ) : =fm ( ) m1 5. ( tfrA, ) ( ) 92 L 1 — L 5 X^Z>i>t), 'Bpi^tm^^ito (OBK L.14, HlMp.22, t&5i£p.80) H | (U<^) + = If : ^LiK eat iJ y building, hall tree # > coffin ^ (fctt*Atr*>) + 'g = |r : Mats bamboo il y pipe c.f. : tjf frA,^ Jz 7 official 17 ft 3 3 1@ 93 □ its i it W x Jh /oj IE SIJ 5fc ry i] íj t y íj y *ry u ť> i/ v 3 ^ v 3 •ťf -tr > . ti t T (C W o g? (ft Ji] jRStt) PO ja m ík 4b M * Ír ím m e *s Hi IB Äfc í|5 í* íl ?& JÉfc ft lie Si í5 K E ft m m & M fit If 94 tfc» □ b. # ft T EÖ3 tm Ě * y ^ 7 7 f"3 7 f~3 7 y 7 ^> 7 *7 ^7 $ y 37 ff ■J* TI m m it Hr >ĽV> iß íô AB ks m u m. n m m m m i% m \% m ( jzy ) M. 1 ( W ) m % m Ř ( ^> ) m m íř & i ( 77 ) & ( ŤM ) ( Ť* ) Sft s5 ÍÄ *7 : B pD^f — HIS #J3. ^ = v -v E# (iu) tJ^pSTt" = 95 □ mm i b p1 *«J Ž "To (ollW 2 p. 193-195) «1. «2. #J3 #J4 #J5 v ■v & — ŕ 4 IT It ■7 ^ I -^foKtžd^d) i^iUtíd) n-rratA^d) frM£(-tirv>:fr< ) ;\> ?\y ;\y /\> =^|%^ (Ý-4)(*L) (5*0 U>x.-t)(=II|f%&) (*±ä) (l±-íiž)(Lf-ä») (4$-tt)(=fHM*) #13. "Ô* r? n n n >7 =^i%& (»9>x.) (^-v>)(*fi*)«J-U0(=fl|^) #J4. # ?f3 m #J5. 30 -b-Ľ ft 50 K^)( = fl|f%^) #J6. Ô iE É (L6) (t-ÍS) (-tírä-S) (=im%^) zry -J. < L K> 9 p. 319 p, 287 p. 272 p. 252 p, 255 p. 304 p. 279 p. 280 p. 244 p. 310 97 * ^ tree B Bf H sun V 7JC water 4 A man p T^nt cliff B*^ to say ^ hand t >b heart to eat i ± earth 1. 2. 3. 4. ffcft 5. SJ^ 6. ^ 7. fSAf 8. 2fC?g 9. 10. fjffif Ľ XL m. BS m Im m , * < r -tři^TA * A-třv* *i(>ta A. Sil 3E. • mm 1. Í^pCÍ"*!* b p% MM t^fz^io xíi-e gj* * £ i_ü Ltz y) lťz *) lťz *) Lti&v^0 £ ffi J4 ^ € OTKfi -X it It, W Ši U U % (DTKli ?± £ ft Ěfe lt> ItŽII OTřwřilc^it, % ± ft £ It *<> -etá. M Eft It h m Bfr ^ ti> Híf(OTi:*ž^o ü # ^fc^^T, i& 3$ (D ¥ jéj %U&&%-1 ffo ± # Lfc 101 □ mm i 8. jfc Ŕ * £ Bfe íris-etL-f^írlfrU ^Kvy.t 10 j£ 1j fr 9. í&%j± fr # a m ĺ ^ mzfchittztzifo, m & tt: Š ü fco fco IS M LCv^f-A^' 1 o ^ H tt & 10. u a (D m*^frb%^1}K Ťt m 10 jfr ág ro, z\<7)ůftm%l* tá JUt fc£*W&£S*ifco 14. ^-^7 (d £ m l*. W ^ ^;kp4> Bŕ £tifcfo\ M ri* H # tz ±X\ ^totlfco 15. MíHcnšfre EJE ££$I^Lfc^\ 4*Ä ijíc #> "C M«L/:c o CD oo Ol 8» m -put >+ iní VP ě>4 9^ # 9?" * llllllllll OOSIOlUlAWŕJ-' >o A Mi \ ^ a y c: ^ \3 V ^ O' o -t; -fr 5* V >J >4 f í (X g* II II II II II II II II % ________ ^ I—1 ^^^^^^^^ * a. Wkk+ 2ggšig □/□□ : fôMm*h-TtfZ>o m. KU (ĽJX3T) - ItAP (jj A^) PpIM (jj A£V) - Iff^M (Li (VŠTl A£V) (£j vm±o) - (^JTFljiiíäo) (Fl 2 «iri2 o □□/□□:tsT^o #J. B^(i3jlF"|_A), %£jg(Itl vigv) £A) n £A) n/i n/ féíf t 2^JlM2o □/□□/□□ : mm&Ĺtmmz£z>0 SÄJtíí^ (JJ v^-9/-č¥Ě~| A/L*) £ŕ£?£fäM (jj A/< ô ^9/fe i A/iw) (r M tiv^/^/L* i tHO 704 o«/ a . □□+□ b . □+□□ c.D+D+D d. (□+D)A = DA+DA «M. BBSřá J: <^®||^f0 6. Í^A<7)^7>X^^o 9. i^TK^Aiä/lgttTiöv^-rv^o 11. B*Al*Wnfc*$íLfr%tfbMÍ:&tfo 12. ¥~uyí ŤÉLTT^^o 705 □ Lesson 6 If Ľ *9ÍÍ t (A Híá^F^f^ ^tféJičf > B {z it ^ ó ^ h -bWffiMtfA h o) A : i. gftlJ 6- 2- «1 7. ±m 12. C tí 8. ) 13. t 7 h am 9- 14. 10- ffi^S 15. P|?^ B : l. 6. M n íl T 12. 7^ -rfcr iE 13. Am 5. 10. II 15. [ «ŕ £ Í 4 i Í ^ # ] /06 mm □ I. 1. b. 2. a . 3. c . 4. a . 5. b . 6. d. 7. a . 8. d. 9. a . 10. b. 11. c . 12. b. I 5£ + 3pJS; (£>V> + faA,£*) next fiscal year W}^ + M (•) + Z. A,) zoological garden (zoo) ^ + + (x.V>+ £*< +^o) England, Germany, France 5Mfi + # (-£A,fcA,+L*) sharer, partner iii + ^UIE ( ^ ") + § £>"^) high atmospheric pressure $B9utj + $i)A {tyLty^ + tyiZ^ o) export and import jSjU + ife (Li 9 Ht)) commercial district |fi£ + 4^ (-£v>faA/ + Li •) fa A) younger generation Mt+ (#) *± ( *!) i I *) + (?&M,>) L *) travel agency lE + Kti (-tfV^ + JiAfcl/*) direct opposition ff + il+TE (-£o + tfo + ;fr>) snow and moon and flowers + ( § *9> 9 + "CV> L * ) sudden stop A 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. mm mm mmm mm.® Wig »pap X.t^^A.) movie theater ti^tA, L i ) (public) health center mjLLl) clinic LtrLi) (LtfLo) office £*)1ok\As) kindergarten L A, A. L-t3) newspaper company L A^A.-^3) newspaper agency, news dealer ttA-^i9>9 Li) research institute it A, § ^ 9 L"^>) professor's office, seminar room tz ^ * L ^ A) embassy Li "9 f?"9 Li) fire station LoltALo) laboratory L o It A. L i 9 ) testing site L v?> 9 (, %) residential area ^^H^Li^) parking lot tLxfA) /mW^. (t L i Lo) library § i?) -9 Li 9) baseball ground tfXl^A,) (^9 Lo) beauty parlor §o$TA) (^H^) coffee shop 1^9 Li 9 Li9)^^ rapid rise &>fr(Do)~f~ impossible "9 Li) unofficial, informal is V "> h-) "t" meaningless ^y'i 7 t^)t unequal LA,-^^t>A0 new product/7^etI^pr whole products -9 73? < fl § ) high academic career *k-£^7^ < )-}- incorrect, inaccurate -ifA.-£"7H>) whole world/$fi£# new world L^H^'iT) heavy industry i^ 9 I T^) 7. ;V steep dive, sudden drop LAfiOtJfV^) newly on sale is A, L A) i~ indifferent tzlZAs'To ) a large number of people £ 9 I) i < ) most powerful, strongest 107 íftiä, Sí^iTv^0 ( £S ) + ( i. EBŕälwáM^fcMofcc 2. £&&£&ofc« 3. Wáé^^^sľv^sdo 4. lK|||(7)l0/ái:S/:žo 7. féfélřOifcí&jWtiJfcLfco 9. nm^hmMÚimm^ni. 10. ASSSoiftB-SríSclEfc-t-^o ) =( £ä )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( It a P -f^ -? IHttStl - 18. 19. aujS- TOi4 - 20. ( ) íOŽ^HIi ( ) <^£«^HAŕi0 &<7)fli$ŕ ( ) w$oA^J ( ) ±#LTv^^-9ŕi0 □ Lesson 6 10. a-^ír ( )mrlxo t^^mm^im ( ) iäti^o 11. rffflii, SÍíO ( 12. &<7)-7>v 3 >íi ( ) í) -9'X M LT šfcA#?^£, 13. mmm ( 14. SÄH^-Cli, ( V- Tv> [ í * t Sf ± t A 1. fs^ 11. 2. 12. 8. 13. 5 9 íí ô 14. 10. Ji0 CD 3 **M0Wm& a. □□+□ It A- b. □+□□ c. □+□+□ : a(D+D) IB qm Bah *>.J: T m a® C I -7 *3 * "J If ± MAj^^ express ticket MKj+i fireman tB/^ + ^i percentage of attendance IS + ^fjJlJ old regime ?? + AH! re-entry (into a country) Hi + AS super-state, super-power Jl+E^ + T" good, fair and poor =f+ snow, moon and flower ( = natural beauty in Japan) JO fc It i * IS'+^ + Hfc pine-bamboo-plum ( = congratulatory trees showing three ranks) ^■^. + 4^^. younger people |^?i|t + $£J|L army and navy 81 ft A = $llft + $§)A export and import *) <7>U'<'A. PI: ©J B5fl*ftv> no limit tot : j| &^4?<7) the youngest g£j£ : pjfa( = -9— )f t re-production Jr^ffi '■ &*o tAVHHfl < fully open mm incorrect, inaccurate unofficial, informal whole world l£ 7*"f L "C V * & V- ^> not experienced yet gt^gKufrV^ft^gE various problems %; •f^'Cff) jtffl total expenses -^j&j^ffcfjjlj old regime i^)j li, fcfcJi* "super-" fcV^TS^-C rN £ N J^_L<7)j | iT<7) J: -9 tC r&CDTri>N, feOt^< Adj./Verbj £ £#offl£ [ ! *>&&0 ! ■Mh) ~ft(ri\0 -SUA,) -l^(v^) ~g(to) ~#f(L i/Ci) •f(Lj;) ~f(Li9) ~rf(^id) -^(§i<) ~H(fr) -ftW ~^(Lu.) ~fiip(L) ~±(L)~^(L*) -A(^) ~1TU^) -MM ~it(^id •»(&0 -ftC*^) ~&(^) ~fflj(-ev>) system ~- method/law a.) line — -^:(l§) style/ceremony aspect ~- type 150) ratio — quantity degree — HB(*>) value ~?Jft(ii) sect — group crowd ~- -¥(CA,) troop zone ~ field, world ticket — tax & /i2 3S£ □ S*Jl ideal £[1 impression ppMSj^K^ changing parts of speech — ^J"^ -tive, -al (-na adjective forming) e.g. ffltffc machine -*• $!Mp1J& mechanical - MMMtz idealistic ■*■ EPs^n"^ impressive ~yffc>Wl/ -ize, -ization (verbal noun forming) Wtffi. machine -* tfkfflAt mechanization t~f z> to mechanize g*H ideal — ffig/ffc idealization S^Ef -6 to idealize — ft -ness, -ability (noun forming) RTfb& possible — "BIf£14 possibility jlfll"^ to rely — jf^14 reliability $f(LA,)- M( 0 J: ?)~ 912. ^-\HWjt — W3/1£tB [□□+□□] =$rt«^-T^ --^6^CO^gvi^------------------- - -------- 1 # i ff i * 10 i t p. 268 p. 308 p. 271 p. 326 p. 328 p. 314 p. 289 p. 255 p. 306 p. 309 p. 295 p. 290 p. 325 p. 291 p. 274 p. 266 p. 288 p. 246 p. 306 p. 311 p. 255 p 309 22 113 i. dzm m m m m m □□i m m m m m m mm m m m m 8 3. ĽQ-fe Y4 Y4 □□Jt ))t )Jt 9. EDS ( mm )m ( ( )i 10 num. 20= 114 11. ßcßm mW 12. JEJ! 13. im 9. 14. 10. 15. AP 11. 7. 12. 8. 13. ľ) ^ -9 -tru* rule 9- si 14. 10. ^Lij 15. 115 911 [ ] ( ) — [ ] ( _) — [ □+(□□+□) ] ( ) — Biting _ •9 -ti •g a/ %p7k 'Ol mn -si 3E ■e ^31} "H 'Z ' l 9 U0SS9~| □ — ( ) t ] — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] 10. ^A^ĚÍJ$^IWf^^< zot^zb^, — ( ) [ ] 117 1993¥(¥$5^) 2^190 (B?J) íc + ?j o k b b í *?: A* jEAr bt tí A * es c ... « — & IH {St — 75 í; -S ©ASS~OA*« t* ® Ž ~ ^ — & (S T • CD Ä k ft^ t 5 m * ra — tts & S k 1 § Ö í ' í «< e *5 m j* * h (c •c o V gift I« wc — £ w * _E " cd SP S *<8t s at -f '-e íš i J; S * ?i M (0 t O O i ra -t- c r t& E -5 1 O 1 t K í: a cd „b ff> a * cd t= Id 27 ^ 86 O * * o o ?£ A A A A"1 (c ď p* 5 í&AacDfcí— ^ '2007* 1 S28647JA 20U* 1 «304475A iSB&AaiíWO 2^30737000A 2007* 2617752000A 2025*0 iftíŠAP 324475A 25.89Č OÄ(g« 1997* 1.499 1994* 1.495 O n * + cD — S 7j • E r. =P A m 3- o X6 o * - (c E S * S (c + h ra e 7? A E * UP Ö Si b lä — 5 -ť (S /v. « 75 A E O i 3 *> 0 6 T y /v,« < a k & ^ -t- ífe s? Ä CD g s Ä • t»tži •> O ffl A A «t t£ O fir K i* 1 l:^*>A HfiJ 1993^ 2 ^ 19 B i o šiŕ) saust m m Ig «1 779 □ Lesson 6 Mit ffi 19J IS #J SR» IS AJ 720 O«/ 1 a. ( ) im b. ( ) mm c. ( ) mm 2 a. ( ) nm b. ( ) n& c. ( ) mm 3 a. ( ) w b. ( ) mm c. ( ) 4 a. ( ) xm. b. ( ) ±m c • ( ) Ai/tfí 5 a. ( ) lílC b. ( ) im c. ( ) ií^PS 6 a. ( ) #tt b. ( ) m c. ( ) 7 a. ( ) b. ( )« c. ( ) 8 a. ( ) mm b. ( ) mm c. ( ) wmm 9 a. ( ) b. ( ) í» c. ( ) i&mm 10 a. ( ) fitt b. ( ) c. ( 121 □ Lesson 7 < 8 X > 1. a. b. (O) ,t!>^c( c* fl> ^ ^-O-^ ^ to change suddenly § * "9 V1 X 1 ) a sudden illness c. (O) ,H>$£[U( ^ *9> "7 "C>^>)^Jl' t0 take a sudden turn 2. a. b. (O) ^fHH($^7H0^^ to resume S/Sl( $ V» £*) again, for the second time c. (O) fif^lj ^($V>f}J;^)X;l/ to re-use, to re-utilize 3. a. ( ) Hr3f£( L A, L ^ ) new style car b. (O) Sf IS ( ^ A,-£o) x ;i/ to establish newly c. ( ) IfflSpM LAz-tirV^A,) new products 4. a. b. (O) Ai^lfc^fi^)^^ to be completely defeated ^HK/zi^i < ) a big country c. (O) ^CSff (*J> "9 .1 7 ) * ^ to prevail widely 5. a. b. (O) B^Jt( U L i < ) x ;l/ to sample (food) MisSK L&A.) a tentative plan c. (O) B^jH$5( L-9 A, "C A,) x ;u to make a trial run (in a car) 6. a. ( ) #+£ (Ii 0 ) very busy b. (O) 4$r§f±(tz) x ;l/ to occur frequently c. ( ) #,Sfc$t(fc"f~J? &t^>) decision by majority 7. a. (O) ity^*( § i l#> -) ) x ;u to have joint ownership b. (O) ^ X1^A,)7,)]/ to feel sympathy c. ( ) £ X 1 -9 T A.) common points 8. a. ( ) ^H(*!)V^<)t definite b. (O) 5Jff(#>t/>l;fA,)X;i' to say definitely c. ( ) Wi# (v» L i ) a detailed statement 9. a. ( ) 1£8#( C i 1 M) always b. (O) ^*^( C-i^Lj;^)^^ to win everytime c. ( ) C X "9 < ) household medicine 10. a. b. c. (O) #JAT(7^< to establish flt l)o) probability $£^14(t!K certainty 722 m. %aAff š vote - -S^e (t KD "5 L) ~t6 i. (la^o -rs 2. • m (£fio) i"S 3. (#)OL) i"S 4. -?m (L Kt> o 31 9) "í*S 5. 6. • « 7. éjfcfct fcfcK -mm (/>< L/v) i"ô 8. ±J&£ -f^< frltá 9. 10. -nm 11. ■im 12. • #Í7C ((tOL) /23 □ Lesson 7 n. >k Sír 3. ^Wt^TxAŕ: 4. 7C^£ ■t ž J: 1 frA, J: o 5. íSEO#x.t: it Í" ž 6. 7. ľ: h) < t < ľ: í d tf -f h 8. ü£ tá 9. 10. 1"* ifš ifA if A, L *?> 11. ÍÍ^AP^ tá 12. J«£ 724 [®n-+ümBK L.20 <7)íf H P.200) a # <0 -* - b. frL< - #< -* c , — n PO g (=8B d. Alt i l i -9 o L Jl o ft A. : Z. -ofri '.Hfrthfo^kX 0^9 mtw;*&m(ž n z ort z : /iftjö*£^o Lit 125 □ Lesson 7 <Ži3íZ>>=T:%TZ «JE (if 4) [^l^:/?oi:] ~if~ -9 mm ~if~ ~if~ ~if~ -9 ~if~ -7 ~if~ ^<)x;u (i»9 -if (ě ^9^9 -if (š *9> 9^A)x;Ľ dt ~if~ ' — ~jf~ - h ( ě i 9-fA)x^ if~ 7 ~ - h ( š i 9 i 9 ^ ~if~ ~if~ SM (£WtA)^ ~if~ - h Síl (£v^A)x;l/ (v a [ofeCA^i,] ~if~ U- J: -9-tí-o)x;i/ ~if~ Ľ- i 9 ~if~ U. i 9 «t 9 Ii ~if~ 9 ~1f~ -tf:Á,t#9 ~1f~ <£ 9 ~if~ ^— jkm X>> C v9> 9 — if ~ if ~if~ ~1f~ ~if~ 9 JM1( /2<í IWL< ] ■if if if -if- ~if~ ~if~- ~if~ ~if~ 0 ! r*fpj rA^j rA^j ^1% rxmj rx®j iti-jfmmo S (7>f) if~ =1 if~ if~ M> J: -? 1* (v) if~ if~ LL-i < if~ Lt> ^ < — if~ U, «9» 0 - 1) x ;i/ if~ =7 Ci9> < k'< b~ h~ ? if if mm if *&< ird í, <)x;l/ SL (y y) if~ ,fbA,£*<)*;i/ if~ [h A, In )7.)V if~ 727 □ Lesson 7 <#< > .....n 7 »©^g^ — fir ŠI p. m p.245 p. 270 ff fí p. 310 p 244 p. 329 p. 286 22 12« t" i L B Ľ LA LA75>A-ŕA i. mmx]tt^x^tím^í9bskjs&st 2. M>7fai<7)7A- 0 2pgř?i"C<7)^C5lo@t^ 3. C:<7)2^fia±#fci^tfTV>£Nf±* mu 729 □ Lesson 7 7. h 10. ^colftlit-eiá^^^íl^Ž-e^M^ ill' x."C^á Lilo 1. c:a)#^^K3iv^ii:v^^^7ömiEL,r-t'JxM:^-Cii, %^£ÉJIU %m*&7L"?Kfc7LZ>Z.t 130 7. T^x&m^mmmtiRiüLx^tzbL^o 4* 8. ::ti\ 3. B#f&l±í>ťb:df&, gŠ^£ 4. IIííío r::^j im Ltz )=<2fälZ&7LŤZ> 131 □ Lesson 7 7. TC^tz-DtzfiLfkff ■.A. h A. 8. l*fflfc 9. r/ŕcOffiAn^o^ÄB 10. l^^ii )= 11. k^m^rmmm^Wwt hc\t* Ltz ( VN ) ( VN ) ( N ) ( ) 1. 3. sl ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 132 CD iff pn ô5 m ° m u cd v St 1 m h * tá •r N n e>» x tu ■í- f»3 cd n £ bs ft cd A L/ 5 už ä* Ü P f Ž* A < O ±ľ jf£ T -h n Hi ä- ;*A -^EE — ^ bu Kl E *se * -?l /CCD — igr-D tg ft 5 Tľ *5 m ä IE .-»iE /X an Š3C E 1* mm a. mm § *9> "9 -f "9 e. b. f. c. g. d. h. 133 □ Lesson 7 mUft I1* 3: cd m -f- w ffl e> cfc a 13 ti s ^ « i © jet N » li p*3 30* frC S SíS f ^ — sa a ± m m. it * E| iffi tíl- -v ťč k m 0 m M t: 160 t/c u r L/ CD * ^ Ä ^ —i CD SS SS P # L- W (D —• /C íě SB cil© ť ^ m * 5? K » O- S 3 & Ä* C V1 —i i * E # a? m « ň ä1 b C ť* —1 Ä* h t -, v* m CD 5^ t m ä? m n cd £> ta £> CD _ . . S i S Jg » frC ^ S « b * as S fc I í ff S£ -f g ® *Č BS # i: IS -, SB # tí n cd Ä CD e 5 i o a -r i < 7" )w * 9ř Ľ Ä ÍS t£ # ^ Si ^ S «I as sa ■y-i « ih b . . . \S. é S J3T -n I t t ä* ° mL- cd ----- as ^ CD 1& r is Ä k. -r CD b r _ tj* c x v1* 2 s o- ;i/ ä w * o 5 H-, 0 •< /s Nfc ß m CD m tb ° ^ & m - ■■ -b iä! f/č as s b ^- 5^ m ^ 1 3(5 ^ bh y m m ta y g m b t m cd t • S ? Íra *ŕ ä. ^ • H •v o ;i/ — ít 3. ía t f b CD n íl WIM (6 d Š i?> 0 ^) JiMXAsLxi) mm(Lxš) K#J(L^^t^) mou imm. /34 O"/ 1. a. ^^^Ä^^^-^ífo^o ( ) b. ^H^q^ij tlZ>o ( ) 2. a. lJáť£^M^&^ L^0 ( ) ( ) 3. a. &^£<Žto ( ) Í35 □ Lesson 8 ( ) ( ) 2. a. M^/:fe77>X(:^l/:0 ( ) b. tf53i<7)fc$6 2, 3 Bffi^t::LS1"o ( ) 3. a. 5Cte jjJBfe L-C^^fo^>? %^ri*fr < ft p T L £ o fc0 ( ) b. ^7cHtC(At8g^6o-C^0igtca^tt&o ( ) *^!Jfa((iO ^ ^ "C) first visit of the year to a shrine 4. a. m$tzh^<\%t£\m^^tz^t%?LX^ho ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. a. ^(7)^±(7)^pan(i^tl^JtM^^V>0 ( ) ( ) 6. a. t>S^ »^ft^^l^f4^^V^o ( ) b. il ^y jj jjA^f5^tCJt^gtltV^o *#*v# antelope ( ) 7. a. t:f4pnp^^^^^Ml^ap^^tL-Cv^0 ( ) ( ) mm □ < S X > I. 1 . a . ff(^)< to go b. to perform, to do 2. a. cold b. to cool 3. a. to memorize b. to wake up 4. a. t(o)< to arrive b. to wear 5. a . to increase b. to increase 6. a. to come, to visit b. to visit n. I . a . 5 tr § ( r š X 1 #>) the fifth line b. Wn{t) J;:?)^^ to travel 2. a. @íf:( ty "9#?<)X;i/ to study abroad b. §?^p(&-t~) absence 3. a. ŤC^OfX É )i~ healthy, fine b . 7C B () the first day of the year 4. a . ^( b i )i~ comfortable, easy b . ^ctř(^?o § ) musical instrument ^(tz(D)L^ enjoyable 5. a. mfe(-\t\/> m*mw / a b a b 2. 4. b. T a . b . a . b. a . b. 6. * 7. 8. a b a . b. a . b. ■at) ~ y Vy Í> □ Lesson 8 3. a. tzifxm^gfež:j:at:i^0 b. íto^íäí) 9&£j^ŕ^í5^0 4. a. a^^^Mf^jj^iŽV^ C^) L^o b. ítóÄ:£> Äf^iw^^^fcUo 5. a. Z(D\^(DU^(D^^±xJ}_hi\o b. x^ji^-ofr/f 5 0 6. a. I6^IžJ:rUlíofeo 7. a. feCtŽff fUC & * £ K »/-Jo b. -AÍŘK£$;&£L#Ji3:v\, 740 *m*$>xtzm&znxto tztzu £umfr-ý]*&^x i >á h IfXli & < , ä fz-Z\^X±.(Dm II £J#o X v>£ íH^ í> h h Z. t K im L t L x 10 gu), iŘ(x», Ä(^), JR(->3^), ÍŠ(x/tW), í£(x*/^*), ä(*>f/-fe>f), fg(x/v), 8 jfcco/xtíf \z%h k<0ii&^o Š ľ) &m^m±t>-1-) m ("f C"ft*) m (7>f ) (fzX-Z>) (oa6-7\:v>) ($-íôž-$-Í-r) (&Zľ*-fr%) (&£-&-&fc-t) # (y a MM) (frx.*)-&h) (!*.£-<) rm. (ya->/-b>f) ti £ * t; u -e si £ * 1" o žLftfcil o AI%LT^£ľrrfo i 1*gfri t £ i £ fr AW ti mfr^mm*'£o-iž-*o-iož) ) (K) (v^-&) (iäi-Ž) (t-ofr£- t-ŕ>x.ž) (t-*) (#^-x.S) a ja §ÍU\&v>aj£^£ft£o ^frň ft T : ^0#ft(7)*:A^tJCÍÍ^T š Ťzc 742 (if'7) music ( 7 ^ ) comfort, amusement (V7) lead ('J7) ratio ( i/ 3 ) image, symbol (77) elephant [5j (#') picture, painting ( il 7 ) drawn line, stroke a drawn it^$( v > 'j 7) k -v * 7" > 'j y) $l(Vfr) $t5f( IIic(#'#) Muf(*^>) B&Il(^#) ittl £73 + 3) ^E*(v+3)1-^> il£(*>f*3)-f& /^n-ib-LMb) tr3 -7) : ^#(tr3 fr K fr) & -tM) :^(-tf>-W) fc^-W^)* $$d(-fe>f*3fr)£ ^('Ja^^JtS W£W>V^)-tZ> ^('^fr^)1-^> •li1)) yy) yy) *fr) v-7) V 3 fr) ffitt^v^) WM'yyrJ) ^(v>7) ^tt(v>v>) tt^(v>^>7) Att(-r>v>) ftM(***)-t* KM(#>***) fffl(y.y^) W(^y^) Jti^^^) 8 /43 □ Lesson 8 * (v) i* *»W-fe-fv>) ftt%(-M K*)ta fit; Sf('>yv)i t)l(v?ťf) t(4M-tey)-tá"- co ^1% Ä * #o it, ill WfS fr o T # £ Bf ÍX * Ä ľfr K «£ o m. íR(x*)mí< g (7>f) « ?Jg (x>) ľ^ 1. 4 é(^) «(^) W-*>f) 2. g(v*) 3. 4. 31(7?) 5. —u f-) &^ 6. 7 7. Í^.ť(-) í (r) a(í» ne*) ÉL(h) m&) mat) J 144 v + v) Hod**) 7 7 v + ) V 3 7X~) nhX) frkX) V V 3 7 ) u^lf) «X K íi $ i ^ iírÉ^íItv^o Ť % £ % tf^Xm^VL ŽVŤ-oX^&o Ťt B it^^m\z J 4. W<^o/:^ SP^I a.ia(t)iť)T 1 0 1 b.m(t)ZXi 5. *mx%MLx, ftánzi & M(&z)t>titzo í b .&(^)íbtl£o 1 b J i b .i(olí)^ í 1 b .Í(ot%t í 1 b j:)0T í if/.- i 10. ^Wc^z^MZ^^x < tlZ>£7 j a M(fz)A,fzo 1 b .jgí(fcj:)ofco 11. ^^K^ŕH^^ j a .}|(o^)3:x.á j <7)li»IU\, í b .M(t)^x.& I 146 13. 14. S -čo b J 15. ^/s^(7)A^^*/Ô?A^^ES^3|lJÝ í a.ŕ(t)*í)T 16. :* \ a .^ur)L-t i tio£0 b .^owlt 18. fé£LT J J; ? í; 1 b .^0t^)£&^ J «. a. ±Bi<7)^(á#^^^tf< 1. a. Ii(:^ž/:*i:7 7>x^f:t^0 b. ^^t(DóC(f^t\mLX^ho 2. a. íWJOg&árfä£ LT^áo e, < * ^ 747 □ Lesson 8 3. a. C\0 6. a. ff(ľ)I|^I^žo •} ^ A.t fit 7. a. HTfôjfŕKliíIJI «rrtito ?ou «TSV ifASV 8. a. <£<7)2M±{±, b . ^' J v * JJl í 3 í á t "C t A K W £ * ä* g $ t á, 9. a. ^coftstŕ^^mif-r^o * b. Aioě^^-e^řá^cft-eíf9o 10. a. ÍM(7)|S^(C^^^^^#ML"CV^0 # 74« 0 «»-5 A! < 0 » Ť v > -5-t Ž" A, D w 7 [ a. jí_^ b. §ns c. d. mm_ ] t Íri) t>tó •2jSWtiŕ( ^ ) Ctž(?)t\ PII<7)At::7^«£l^/io 1. [a. Uft b. £g c. 17* d. gjf ] bilo is < 2. [ a. a^i b. mm c. g# d. mm ] 3. [ a. f ID b. ±ß c. d. ±p ] 4. [ a. b. 51* c. S* d. _ 5. [a. Ä JI b. J*íi c. d. ÜfJ| ] It h [ a. m& b. HM c. d. ill ] • -cti, aj?ií#o&&£/uc ( ) bí&tt&m^Lti-o 8 Í49 If H 15 m % » m to get off, to put down to fall 3LTL H to get off, to fall god, Shinto # nw. -kn H mind, spirit, god nm nx god, Shinto w± *m mm □ h- i L i i o an. u «2. 7J< 2. JI /K it XI n 6. 30 >fr A JE. H, 1t 9. n ffl 11. -h 12. A 75/ <0 ^ < L tix^tt0 fztpitä, TEUJ fcV^Wli, TOiiÜ^-J (DV&fäX-fo #w i -lo^mx, ia a ~ j
x^f-;t- f T-feT > g x^v-*- h x —X i ^-•b7 j ggf w, ti rmmm II ItA £ ff »X H M w < nA i: fi § Sa ■£ j i* i* < £ ^ i m ihm tto £^ l -imv&fo-tfLht, 3 b 5 onn r i j j&*£> 19 t-ffrbz. izfrh rm^j ffV&fo7 m 14. NTT x*x>f -T- - n 15. NHK x^x^ff-y- 0 Ii T # X i7)>t< b Mit B *£M£tt B*M^ rB*j £^1~&*)\W-btftix^ho ž(DoM 1. a . ft busy to hurry 2. b . (*3i3) V> many, much ± big 3. b. (J3<) *l& to be late m (£<) £ to send 4. a . to think a ^ heavy 5. a . 3E bad to break 6. b . ft: to rest cheap 7. b. to flow (&#?) ^ long 8. a . Oil;) to begin so first 9. a . BR sleepy m (fc) & to sleep 10. a . £ to pass m far 11. a . way r* shape 12. a . to wait (i>) o to hold 13. b . ik to decide (<) & to come 14. a . ^ to line up to learn 15. b . to open wide 16. b . bright v> red 17. a . to live (^) < to go 18. a . («t) ^ to call —-±: U) to read 19. b . ff to borrow to lend 20. b . to try (CI CI*) heart, mind 154 2. M«M£ii^ (a.^-e b.^T) v^0 3. CLO^l^-OK (a.^^tit b.SÜflT) Ha«, 4. :«i«ia< (a.a&< b.fflO e>Lv\, 5. /N°--ř>r-ír-t-ž^-C, (a.tfcÄ^t b.tíc*^) rt?íft^/io 6. ,I£#r±li, ^frbYOO^ltmlZ (a.itf,ti/; b. 5 0 7. IW7^-hO (a.^ b.*#) £/U±, Uj^V^&^A/io 8. HHtfliK** (a.igt b.'Jfb) i:fío/:0 9. . z\$:]:< (a Jlt b.SLt) 10. m^^Xt-ž-ž^tfX (a.vU^< b.Ul^O L/:Q 11. f&Slifc? (a.t£/vtz b.fô/otz) *i;fc b.BÜftfc)«, 14. 305jiä^@tĽC, BBŤ£^^-f--<(a.^tifc b. Mfitz) 0 15. mM-e|Éílt^^^-#^<-C (a.Jfil* b.3£V>)o □ Lesson 9 I. $m^.x7-7°u% (a.^JoT b.lot) V^0 3. ^m<0^ (a.JffoT bjot) {iWf&^o 5. A^7>7> (a.v5v^T b.UlOT) ^T^&^o 6. (a.g^T b.Sot), JEfl^JWUfco 7. 'i$L-k\Zs*-T4-X\£T;*: (a.g|ofc b.$V>fc)0 10. ^CO^NC/J^Wri* (a.$Uot b.^Ltof) V>£0 II. (a.i b.m) ^m^^x-m^c^i-otzo 12. i^&&«h, 7 (a.ft b.#) 7^^<&£o 13. (a.tfo b.*o) 7Ltz£0 15. ^^^(i^T; (a..f/f0/r b.$o£) i), StflX&ofco 18. fftplZ&rf (a.ftu-C b.#OT) l/^o 756 □ O) o -k' Una *0 NC Q o CM o /* _> •miß 'S «3 v *R -*P AJ im] 1 KS irnv -nu CM o Q n/ CM CM '•r "f? fflá AJ s* _> co CM o k? si pi ^ ^0 rr: rtr> i iS Q Q CM .«Ii Iii AJ AJ Q & r- s U? 4§ AJ -Q v . Í ŕ Ľ) /* —>■ í* s* tí %T 5 ■H v 'f n -R 1 J> \J i? 45 Kí InHt W f AJ II II < 45 t II «1 II II II /t II N/ - N/ ^ TTT u LO Í8I -£? "f? r> _> /t *> ŕ N/ á; 4i /• "Fí V •M v> f? AJ ■Q -Q t< 45 45 ne? ■H ■H IS _> C3 .q a -q * CM CO ?0 0< ^fr ř>50^> ÍMtí flj< m h #< UK 7^ m #«£áo ?i^žo %&mxTkz>0 A^a< o ffi L < ra < o í^Ko K7^K„ í?«£3Ko Ífc1)f%bfr\t\ ^.bij^&fao ^hil^^o fŕs^^vo ^iři/e0 íi^ti^o 158 ma □ fz-o • fzXh JLO • AĹX h mnh - m-t mu* - m- ■ttftz It»0 l^itžo IilÝltžo 159 □ Lesson 9 áj>ov> J?Vi @Vi ®Vi 3££±á0 íUáÉ3&íw^n^±*o ^0íä#Vio ft^Ho §Viífe7^o ^m^o iftv^*%o íft^áéo ^tt^lgv ^Vi^^0 ví0 sv^^o @<&£i-*0 < et« it *f*> • (frU>*>OK) TOítt»žo flg«:*#x.žo M#o ft á (^^raírU^Ž) o "o*3 ígfSíriliJžo iffl^ífJJáo žä££i»J£, ftmfcftSo ^M^M^o Sfl^MŽ, 760 i.l>* j: ť li A. i-1 7c(áJg S;ŤZ o £o 7c<^ÍÍHřf rCÍHSo Oj fflft£<7) réä<7)T-ew^ t ťzo #< (tFL<_) m o* D ft (ji_T*~|) wl%> r&) # öTL) # (íá IT) ^x.S ^x.£, / 'Jiá, JiMá Ě3S an jffž (Fl MZ> (Fl x.ž) (¥~|_s) (šJT) m& r&) f£x.&^ ftx.£^ yf^it tot lot ft x. i-r ft x.-c *£-t iŕ-íľ äož-t Sot mx 161 □ Lesson 9 řro fíoT(Tl o-c) št — 7 Ľ o th o-c) MxižJ t) ásv>T ^TUH ^T) £AT ^ ffôA."tľ-(^J Á/T) s ti- gATÜH á,-c) í/ľá M Á, "C U AT*) £oT itô ?áoT(£j oT) «fcA,T f%fr ŤiŕoT(H oT) BÍATUJXŤ) 1 Ho T (v t) < M< (~-~?) $&< fétr (~#) #aó£ (~#~~) fätbh (~?) Z* AŽ =fá (~?) Mt (~?) PIS ig ô (~9) t>frtiz> frfriiz> {~jí~~) mví^zftfrtiht 162 -) of + d of T^X-á + T^X-á o < +0 < 'd) MtL{Z\L 4> -9 ) x;l/ #^f(^*>^ < ) x;i/ ±#(i:j: d Li d) x;i/ ffMOt^ 19 ± d ) x;l/ HŤiJOt^O lijft(^< f) i d) IKíoÝO Adv. &¥(t>^<) ±Ük£ffifi:1-£o $ 9 HXWž i L J: 7 o 1. fcifroriAttÄfrt- (a.^J6T b.ijfóT c.^iôT) 2. řfeJC^Žr^^iťT)^^ (a.l-^t b.B&oT c.^t) 3. üv*(7)-e (a.jl| b.J& c.^) co v-v ^ y b SriřTtfijWtfco 4. B#^^ (a.üofc b.^Ofc c.^O/c) c7)T\ HfcMfcl.fco 5. fctfftž_tzfc c.»«>fc)0 12. 5 U Mír (a .^Lfc b.féLŤz c.B&b£)0 13. (a.f=o b.$H> c.^p) ^íi^lŤKJi^&^o 14. &jô>á,(í (a. JU b. Ŕ c.ip) ^třě^t-v^COr*, ífÉ^fo 15. fäli, m±ÜJK (a.±S b.#Ô c.^§)0 H. >k^-X^%%A,X\ a.-d.O^ m^ta^co^mxßt t i i 1. gßß<7) (a.gfc») b.ft&O c.gfcř) d.«*3f9) K^&fcťM 2. f»Ot$í:(a Jofce b.ffofcfc c.ftofcfc d.iofc^) 3. .I<7)@{i5gV>S:Bô? (a.iRfeT b.*Ň#)T c.fô&T d.^tóT) 4. :^)l$íoilátvui;it) (a.^^r b.ft*.t c.h^t 5. Sß(a^(7) (a. ^ b.ŤC c.T d. Ä) K¥^T*&&0 6. *Of§l±ÉI*£ (a.lofc b.ffofc c.flofc d.Io/i) 7. 3^?)£g£#-< (a.iRfeT b.mibX c.fé&T d.í^tóT) < 8. iCD±itil<7)ffiff£ (aJoftS b.fto£6 c.JBofcfc d.lo 9. 1989^1:^^ rBséj ^ r¥J&j K (a.^fcofc b.ftbofc c. Ufr o £ d.í^t»o7t)0 10. tt|^(a.í b.ŤC c.T d.S) á#^^ÍL/to 11. Z\(D$š$fUl^ i>MtlZ>< m^tz 3. f ;u o híí ^ííuĚ' Wžot 9. ^<7)7K^^t£ž t, AßZ7^?& J: ďtT&U < Ei^>o 10. íp#*aMt£č>, $)^X^ŤZ±mz\\Z)\/tfŤZ^ŤZo 91 ¥ mztkttifz (-k c 6. a b c 7. a b c 8. a b c 9. a b c 10. a b .«< c 2. (a.^gO b.fôfcO) yj.-XfclfcÁ^io 3. -Či^T (a.iLO b.glO) OT\ ÍKMTo/:o 4. £Oj3£li (a.»0 5. Ä^-^tlA-O-e, (a.Bfc&T b.ĚLt) Í>ŕ?o7to 6. Mofcíf^^&frAfc (a.^oT b.SlJot) Uof:0 7. IJc^íOf^M^ (a.&ofc b. ^\ t^i^ot 8. 5C(á (a.S b.RRř)) ^c^'b^^^A.^v^^o 9. (a.WTt b.iot) «P&tfMtao 10. PiMUZŠtfrt). {a.mfrtbhtlfz b.m$>hŤLŤz)0 169 □ Lesson 10 I. 1. b (x.) picture OS drawing, figure 2. c & (o) V> hot 5. a .IB] C£f same ^ LV> equal 6. a . ik ( ^ ) *6 h to decide S (£fi) to establish 7. c .i$c (tztzfr) 1 to fight (& ^ ý ) i to fight 8. b .JH ("*b#?) ") to be different ^ tíh to differ 9. c .H (i) to be defeated $r to be defeated 10. b M (\*tzh) < to work Uj (^A $r (í>fcf>) U> young men new 2. b * (£tr) V> cold/chilled juice cold, chilly (weather) 3. b ( painful, difficult sad, miserable 4. a .« U) to break (into pieces) ty%> to cut 7. b %X.-2> to think, to meditate ,§> -) to think 8. a M (fa) BR (fctf) Ofcri^ to lie down, to sleep to sleep 9. a .w (Ztz) XX # (^ L&) oT ^Xh to raise, to bring up # 1 to bring up 10. b m (frt) tbhtitz 14 (fzL) frtbbtitz ~m-&)%> to admit, to accept to make sure 170 ► m*mm / a . §§j£ b . fäjft c . b. mm cmm a . J« b . c . jlifö a . ffifé b . wm. c . tlíffi a . b . c . gíp a. ľií b. TOJ c. mm a . z^lÉI b . ÜSm c . j^JM a . «ff b . fcfô c . ^ 10. ^co£?ífc fflfrt h Z. t £ L tzo a. MM b. Mit c.^Cř JO 11. A^t&^Ťz \£)V(D^\,z^L*) %S ft/C Afcffifô±ä*%#& Lfzo a . m® b . CSÍi c . Äffl -KA L J: Ť a . f^a b . ŕ&U c . UJE 777 □ Lesson 10 i. %M0 a . £g b . ätÄ c . Ht»& 4. ÄlWBl&KJ: «9, HTfi ( ) U AnimmLtZo a . » b . c . fgf& 5. ^-coWto ( ) (ä, JllE^íW&fcŕiofco a.fiÄ b.00 c.Iä a . b . Ä* c . 1$$L 7. 3čli60Ä-C5E¥K£*K &m*>tz£ftí: ( ) Lfco a. mm b.^m c&m 8. ^B(Ot7 #-^t££-(»f!W0 4 B#CZ ( ) L£o a.^7 b.»T c.Hjfé 9. & "9 x. A) i L) x.AŠ) ^At!K ) L ^ ^ ;^A) ÉUíA) <-£A) i 9 x_A) L ^ A (ŕ A) /jt>L i 7 ) ItoTA) (ioTA) t 9 h A,) iioTA) .SA^o) ^Ar) 119> *9 i 7 ) Sít ESO mm p\f is; Hit lAníffl ;^v^^<) :tto la) :^?) i l * A l i ) ;/:^Lj:9) ; l* < xL) : LATA) :íio7to) ;^Ar)) ^AtH^) '^A^ i o ) MM (*>x.A) mm tm (i "9 L»9> 1 ) ( L^ Av>) (&ATA) (TA^VO OtAt 7) (^A#)V>) (1*9^9) (^u9) 10 i 73 □ Lesson 10 6 If p.112) d. «o If U f4- ( C v9> ^ i 7 «9 i d ) - (^< O) ä-A ť&M (i^tfv^) - í£A(* o íí% r i ô 1 t> X^ titi Ü (^t5>< Co) - (ä5í-< ÍCA) (CtfLo) -(tri o to) - mm (cíí-lí) -pp U»i Li < C" %M(íáo-CA)-fá dk®(£^<)-rs ^]£(^a,^<)1-* Ľ IIA pp 774 '!$|(^A,tU>) tf^(^AL^) mí(Lvi^) um^tž) m&(z.i?i) |«C0 t < * a. zmtzjum (v>L) N N N, V N í LIR (t d Lfrit) N |R (vmfrit) N, V N (^AtH>) N, V N N N, V N N, V N N (?H^< ) N, V N KA><) N, V N (jH>*) ± d ) N, V N (ttv^ ^ < ) N ItM 0t^< ) N, V N ±M (Š^O N, V N N, V N no "fr- N, V N mm (LVA,!)1) N, V N n 10 175 □ Lesson 10 (Bfé) * (iyCOZTt) \z/ir (&m, B Wife) K A^BiCC g;^(<^A)x;l/ c. ^<7)# (t/10 i; IŤtlío^?^^ JlIfK i: ^í^)n/jiii^i IIÍS:(i:^áa>)n # (läX)n HS(ifXv^)n MJ:b(^v^)x;i//+r-b;t/ irbfXÔtl Adv. Ji|I#^* S o J« izm £€fe d o zzit^mmmm^\ íti i>A)V N üb^lt, 1^1:^9 z\t/mt tz z\t z\t =>ig 5 m p. so) ^S—#X.-^fiV^ intention t^-LiUt^Slv^m will ifcS-'^Afiföl-^t'^x. last wishes £;fe£l6A,C&o U v?) 0 *) n t^rT •"^^^f^Ä^b ^ VN end >§tc—•n-T.ii^hh VN completion 10 777 □ Lesson 10 mm- urn- \t^0 fcŕ^ ( ) ( ) 9. ü^cb_tr^-c, mm^m^^^^ z\ tfrM^fzo ^Ln ( ) 10. tt#7^_LTÍ>, #<^&£&v>_umLfz^o iäor^ ( ) l^^a ( ) 180 i. :xy m^MZ>£^7®íŕj:b. ^A^fa.Hf ( ) 1 "C&fflV>Sft#ŕi0 í b.m ( ) í 13. í&íág^CAoTg^&á^Č- í a.-g ( 1 b.# ( 181 (context) f1sĚX.ŽÍ>C0, X iiféx. & WCto má/im * t i Ž A. LX~~fZ> -f h Srl>i>< 1*1 x x o x x n& x O x x x tm o x x x O im o x x O x ~*Wx> tr *> * -j xf$w*?\^ŕzt), ft*k*ifctzt>\zm\^tzt) Lx, ůfrx-ky-bizmmmnžiírftvx 182 £z\?>\mKLX*>y)t1-o Mtf&^Xi>¥fr&i>^ zti>*mm rNOj -rf±«>-C#x.* L^U rNOj £ -rv^x.j G9ffl&£< ^T^ách^^B^ tä^ 6 A, £§SKlfc^3I8cKBB LfcABšrfř ty tti~i~z-1 llA-MW X\i%\^o ^IKTľgiftiB^BL/cfťf • BÄttÝíifcBBfc-ffco mht&mzmm*WŤzfo\t%tD-&<%<3x^ho sbh t^n Z. tx-f0 JS3 □ Lesson 10 B^A& rNOj ^fx-ži^C^ž^^iH^IÄ^I^žA 3É1Š<7> rNOj B *fš L^U rNOj ^ rv>v^x.j B#Ajô* r^v>x.j <7)3&g£ \š\mz rN Oj <7)f&gl£ &B# . \mmPpV k?° ra^lG ľSS'kj K9řJAJ&tf\s° SBfrGWš W tí AJ-KOUW^GlSc EtäWIMö^STzoj aj tss'kj ö&^PBDpö rzoj íWoQisiwieip hpwtog-HiSÍU^n P tzoj *ih5s^jw rSS-kj G»»Küf o ra^AJ^Pä^K-^43 t Tzoj AJlffl't^lIItt <*e^SWJAJ#M§K -' ffifröäüß # «I ffl # -h m m; Jih OJ Ol lir m It m it 7*5 r^±(7H> L^)j £ l KJJMOJ-Cíiíf^(voiceless sound )"C#ní h Z\ t \f tÍ<ÍSA. tlkti < <^ í£ó<7)f#<^3l^#(voiced sound) tC&á- t žiĚffit ^^tto MUfrOZk 2> tyt)f?LZ> á «9 St* 1 »WH álá ««9 #1 < i í ®^(Sr)+«lP(^ír2^JOLT)-*«^íSP .........MMUz<^ J ®%m(iz/x)+wim^iä'£%m .........m^L^-r^ £Z tzVř ti ki>l£tzh X Žt> *L -k Ut *) jí' « : mwš m$.*> ^tto -xmh ŤtCh fa C4 tWí *>Sj}!L; T !í*/i « : «U> JžgU* ígjfv> ^gv* *0Sft: i^U> ÄjfM^ « : mm t ^mz -&třv 1. WÔ^ ( ) 6. I) ( ) 2. wt>m& ( ) 7. lüBäe ( ) 3. Aiött ( ) 8. Kj£n ( ) 4. £jgffv> ( ) 9. íir^ílt ( ) 5. ( ) 10. AL^lktZ ( ) m : gf^L Aí£L £ätv> jftttv* * 186 as 2 4. Y(Dmk(Dtz^(DA^(D\±^^h^ľ LtZo \ SSH SBÍÉ ( i J&A;& } 6. tejrffifc b -etŕ t v> « k m. x. 0 I a e řSH^ ispg M i i w# ra# ittt mn i 15. 25^ff, ító^AIS^Smc^o^ ž&AmMWfr^Ťzb#, &A,%lz&lJ%LXfämŕzoŕzAi!>K fä*£z\ LtaCfžCí: s &LX □ «2 1. m± & - t n y 9 - ;i/ \z Já_g_ L £ 0 2. _gCL^oT, MřCfeA-tžo i m m i 6- ^ (Dtzib, tfzdMtzt^^fDlzi.^mfrl^^tiöfzo 7. mM^mhixdt #Ltzo it t ťtt io. mmt>-rmmm^ %Lfz0 i"*- *^ III ff bs 790 13. UXíí^^Lťz \z-džťz^1)K mŕ*$kVk&Q\±^*č>Ťz0 14. 7toz%iXA<7)£oilz ýjyoMi!)*m%Žtit:< ti L *) x < 15. i|XA^£ : SOU /fl žttô L 6 — L 10 (OÍIWl p.94(Da t^tfiŽLi^o) ± (v iii (V7 SX (K :« :£ m :ft :S Bs řs m í f" 3 # ** M. Wft *fe V 3 7) ■ M fJI • • fhť> :ffc fit tt m ®ä :tt T±r H (^f 1 p.95@b) pH ( V 3 7 ) » Už 7T (W) m m í ) m w (y >) |Í < n 7 ) if m M f ^ > ) ti (Y>) (¥>) (#>) BR 192 11 m (77) (77) (7 ) (77) 2? ŕS II 3 íl íl EH -j) íiWL^frofcO LX^h^m**)*) itc (^mWl p.95©) #J2 = 7 > Sfö c* im:) f*± (<Á,Ln>) A^ (/^CA) SB (j: M fffiít UM>) ^ÍIWl p.96©) «1. # ý] 9 »: #7 ?r : 7^ 55: (fr<_*>) (^o:<) 193 mm 2 m3. R «4. >f #15. #J6. ^ «7. J)í «18. <3 'J t^7 n ^3 b •X* ^.x7 ^7 9 y -l> b 7 • X h 7 • X h7 • h 7 > ÍR SK $1 ft um KS ix* tt^*? * < ) L*.&o) Li ) 2f) L*>A,) íiW (%< Li d) . fjjSI- (^d^) IM (Lid<^< HS íl V 3 ^ 'If :ff$g (Ľidlad) «13. (Ľid-so) ^3 ^ «14. : £3e (iřd^) t^- (í>d L*) 1t : (^ířd ) •• li^ii (üfird^>< ' : ÜH ii-d ) FJtM ■ Li id í «15. 3^7 : (&t^d) V řlS Z íO-^Sřl? - -r : ~ ~ --^—r-.---------- ig .a W" S VA m iľ fflč Iii P-SI p. 330 p. 21.1 p. 307 p. 253 p.2<>8 p. 290 P.2<>5 p. 311 p. 324 (Iii m m m m m m m m w m »• 270 p. 217 p.272 p.260 p. 277 p. 308 p. 281 p. 200 p. 27(5 p. 290 195 I . ( ) IzMMum^írMA-XAtiXfri Lido t: y h t LT, íšé^co [ ] C 2. ,TOÍSSli( Slf^ffltSIv^-ejJRffltiŤJtt/vľo AWi0 [n^-tM] 5. íŔ£lá( ^^fc^tä^fé^ájSo bi. dfciíli&^ofc^ IR7c0^lá^-o( ^)^±^&^0 2. &fr^#T£&o£^cli, ^( ^I^fé^ŕio lm >; [-m 'J] lm >] zmmm s ^ ja HfétKíiía^ bftfr^tz^-žž i>Mz:^fzl 1 iz( if)-f á<7)íi, Šiti, gQčti, gWIBittifcBŕ&Lfco [*^] ( ) ^ot^So ^] #!A£24« ( ) tá^íá, i«/-i0 'ikKfrttiX&KjtO ( ) ^o^/-0 MM] 1*7 □ mm 2 1. B£( 2. 3. 4. mmm( 5. Hif( 6. :f!BJi 7. M( 8. ( 9. fígK ) : &!( ) ) : ) : ) M4( I7H 2. «MäO&SSfe o 3. m*^n.*%7Ĺho 4. 2 ^íO^^jS^^^oXV^o 5 . ta Z\ t K í) ffelč ž" k o TÄflJ CTX f) llÍTo 6. ÝOW±HÄ^^S:m*t^o 7. ÄĽCt^iC'WIlÝ?o/:i/:o 79« ^^tzizm^Mmzm^x, j - vizi t&x&z lx dc fffx.<£> (to set up, to pose) V — ^ £$|x. •£> Itia (structure) N £<7)$|j|| tt£<7)tl£ji HfH (organization) N #l^fi:f|f |f^f^ (to build, to devise) VN 799 Rfr 61 OR* TICS U£ L j: 9 1. ^Tßjö ž "C % m Ltv^:^ ^igl (7)ff#ltíá> ovvgj£ Š Tim IE H 1:5* £0 ^ n? v>7^^\ &áH^o< fcjkŠoT v^:0 £< # ^ m iz&Ltzb, 7 m m U gjj TfäTfc jgj£ X'ŠZt 3. ££>4flT5^tf) ri ft li 8ř to* & 7 LT, v>J:^J:«bc f g f hlt t*o 'Jfll^fííU gFJ* Tg^LfcfcO^U* m_ & it m * s i£ t/cv^ 4. t*A,%i,zm., t*Á,%izmL\<*Axi>, m m t g t g_ä ^ ^ * Hü fc-r^-c^KAfiáfc/^-c n m tz0 5. ^ * m m m n &^i!fttt£c7) |% T^^* ^ & fcfcK, # |£ 7> ^ úo#í^t b 7E l£0 200 7. m^-^(D k m x\ m g =? m L^fr^tz m m ä* ^ ^ř>^ • 7 7 >7 g £ ?jt L "C £ K E t> b ti ŤZo L^L 7f ^ ^ftM^íiSá* T 1$ ^ &^£ľKmfrtbXi>b^XÍ>£^X'L± i m_k£_ 5. ^Etó, ttiW)ßtio I. ( ) i:llí:I^tlí:$^o (10) 2. *>f{i( i X" o )^íO^U( 3. )( 4. i<7)illi, 1965^ H( )( ť < po 5. Alu"uIĚ1-^> ( XíotLii m. 1 +«- & m i. ! M • 4t i 2. 1 ?! • 3É ■ 3. i m- Ü iß ■ m 1 4. 1 li- Is- m ■ ft # 1 5. i ff- err. m • # IT [ lt#FHl-e^t^^^ü^\ x£otf&£v>0 (5X2 = 10) 203 I. >k<0Tfä0 I. ^ I í <7^7>fr^ftsš£ilÁ,T#ěftČ^0 (5X2=10) i^ae ftm 5» &m\ 2. xK-9 Km CM> fr*U:A£ t ft itftJi* ft fr ft ěKj Úctu » «! 3. ifrílfc&fôí:_LT, _tSo ftm &m tm m. \\m\ 4. fŕt^ _"fá^^/io {ftUft fitô flit! 205 m__ I. >X* ^\m\\^-Lt£^\iij)^^x-t£o 3. AHí)ĚĚ^¥^ %\U ŽfrWtilštth^ 4. ma*ž-rž-r&LXX^ho 2. )^i:|^Io/:„ 3. dO^ÄTJ^V^V^^d i d if -la. H b. 1 c. M^C&á0 4. &Á,£<7) |a. Ä b. Ä c. #^ttUá:\ »IW^ot 5. m k. t b. i c. m^m^^ntzo 6. Zt>tltz M b. m c. &| SHfcaLfco 7. |a. W b. W c. fläAK^fcfcíbTo 8. li^CjMtT, ^{a. b. & c. ^{ /*0 9. 4 9 *) v ? (VX^tt, 31 la. I b. I c. 1"&l$Kfô?0 10. #£>£LfflLÄ!|a. ŤC b. fig c. Sil li, *ÄW±8ít?^ 2*7 m 5. &M&i*. &|a. W b. M c. ^} cov> >^;Wií±^-cv^c 20« a_R£_ i. ^h-h^xm^^^o (5x2=10) 2. uhm £ m 1-it mt)9ň(Dím*mmtz>o 5. EĚflí^fé/j^ t^o-rjl^V&o i. ( ) izmM%m^*^ž%ž^o (5x2=10) 2. 4M*( jt&^i^^^L^o 3. mfömmwt, mmwü*( )i:*0 ěA 4. ft£*0 2. $gW^|:^^ la. ftg b. $ŕfg c. Í#t2| t^o 3. HÄÍfCii, B#MÍ: |a. Mit b. M^ c. MSI tžito 4. WW^S^^gJ^ ja. b. c. -$-£o 5. ia. lÄffl b. mra c. mmi thtímtZo 6. M^MÉš, BBŤíW^JO; |a. ÄS b. MM c. J$8f Sílfco 7. -i-a-^Hííl-C^fe* la. Ä b. MM c. M} tTtľo 8. ^£u!É"t*fc*0»ffl£ |a. n« b. MT c. If| U^o/: = 9. SCíiHfaK, AKtW |a. b. c. «| t/L% 10. m^\±>?\7 7 |a. b. Äffl c. njfli m I. ( ) KJg^&UŠ^fcÄ^&S^o (5X2=10) 1. ÍM«JiÍ&á^\ ( ÔÍJ^^^^o 2. ^4^«-eib^-ifv^5ß( )^wc0 3. Jlfôftifcofljtffíi, 18( )irbU)ibbtiX^h0 I. TS(Ol^ [ ] tfôL^&^WlgfcJItf&S^o (5X2=10) 1. [i*] a. b. teg c. ±g 2- a. W± b. c. 3. [>j*] a. b. c. 4. [ n ] a. Ä* b. c. u* 5. [ y ] a. b. ^?|ÍL c. ftfl^lí 210 m_ä*_ 2. fäžžíb-u^l&Ztzib^ f(Dm^io 3. mmižhtž, fä-k&ttfóix\<*tzv&tibti%\<\ 4. o C^i-l,zUtzMfr^X(Í)j&JÔ?£< ^ iR ( )t|ž0 Li coi 3. ^(7)rg(á, /s> V^y Y%t**><7)&Stuř&(10) 1. {a. fro b. #o| t^:x.f:0 2. m c.0ofc£ ! , 1 ^ - Ml/ďboTtľo 9. %A C i 3. £[]( )fcii*tfc*K**fc< SA,^fr0 I. ft&u^&fc^fcilčŕ&S^o (10) 1. ító {a. MM b. ^ c. fr^\ 2. *ftft£L5ô?tc*>) hp(klc*>), itn(&&*<**>), ita(žtz<"t>), ť fé(ŤL)*> fí(žx.), £( UŠ(Str)V\ i£(rT)U\ ®( i(ií<), B(«), fí(^), J?(fco)v* íf(^Ť)v\ A(£jo)ěi\ E(fcí>)v\ Mtz í) Äs&frtf ( L i i) rüü(^ ln)t, -? ? W£, W»(^^tf)t, *8»(*7tř)£, imWtsY4, ft$(#?V>tr)€, ^Ji'OP.27 273 - mm 12. &f(^L*) ¥#(;£*< L*) , $ffflffi#(LA.£A£ L*) , (Li x*°-yjI#(-£AL«>), £ttM(*^L^A), mtfM(^ 13. jIlKtfH^j:?) IlC^'n), iKL^fi?), Md'irj: 14. JIlC^o^) t(Li Of, 3£W(£ i ^<)f, jig (L^ li)f, £^(-9 2^)», 7t^(-9feo)f, ^4(^19 i d)f, * ii-(1-V^X^A), tf(lj:L), JK^OO, #j(ti), B(*6), :?(*&), JJKti^), l(^), Jjf(CL), &£*^>P.74 . m>-?< r# if-} * 1.1. a gm, b e Ml, f MM : *Kttto*ftft(continuous action) VN 2. eg, djA, en, f % : mvmmzmt 3. bffl^oT, clot, d?JtoT, e^Tlisbro T*J 4 . &m-f WX, b jg-t , d nt £X : fcSflSHlCfca. *$§H 5. b0, dft, em, f * : T~A^^J £ W*. 3ftcDgB# 6 . c e jgjS, f g£ : ^TttarsftS(subjects) 7. aft^, cff^tt, e Kffiit : tt»*t*«Pif 8. amW, d#S, eMf, f M® (hobby) ££3 Z t 9 . a UJ□ m, b «31, d &Uffi, efHX), © IMfrv*) 7. © i <), © HW?) 8. ®m&7) 9. @S(H) *@,©£^0 12. ©^(liO, ©~© f(Ln), @-@ff(%xo) 214 Mg □ 2 I. 1. ( N A mm (^»3) N A 2. ) N Sfä (£^Tt>) N 3. ( L i?> o ) V N 4-4 PJiF ( £ ^ *> * <) V N 4. « ( 19 i 9 ) N 4-4 fe*4 (tf 0 i 1) N 5. 3&fiJ ( N 4-4 N 6. MpJf ( /:ALi) N 4-4 Mfif (*>nLi) N 7. mm ( fr) V N V N 8. £tt ( Zx^) N 4-4 Üt4 (/iA-tt^) N 9. mm ( Z\ < N 4-4 gl 1*1 (- < ft^) N 10. ( V N 4-4 V N 11. » ( N A «tjl UU^o)NA 12. 15ä ( N N 13. mm ( V N 4-4 All V N 14. SfiJ ( N <-► MW (tzA.%) N I. 1. ■sTtg ( frcoo) N A 4* T^f£ [&fr(Dn) N A 2. 4-4 3. ( ^d -d) N A 4* te^j (tf - -5) N A 4. #M ( N 4-4 '>* ( L i n V) x 1 )N 5. JRA ( L *}> 9 IC 0 •? ) N 4-4 (LLt*o) N 6. ( ffiltä (frv^L) V N 7. #io ( ^fr) V N ^fmü (&2A,fr) V N 8. ( tf<7)-7 ) N A 4-f Gfä (<#>1<7)7) N A 9. V N V N 10. ( frLtzA.) N A mm 11. ( 73*1^) N l*|gß (ftv^) N 12. ffi/h ( 4-4 föA (fr < fiv^) V N 13. mt ( [±n[?< ) V N 4-4 V N 14. fr-t 9 ) N 4-t ±1 (1: x n ), 1. ±# 2. J|XA t (ftAfr^) NA fr>C -9) L ^ d * ") ) V N V N N N going up going down income t expenses ± T A (AS) ♦ fills] 275 3. Ml*] (i3 < & V>) N indoor M^i- (J3 < N outdoor 4. (£ (9 j 9 ) N the best t t mm (£ <) N the worst 5. J£fcE (£AL*9>A) N A simple (^< S'O) N A complex 6. olf^ (^(7)9 ) N A possible ^nffg 9 ) N A impossible 7 . ( L i 9 1~ ") ) N a minority (tz\t*) ) N a majority 8. H£ VN opening * t VN closing 9. J&^J VN success t t M (LoliV) V N failure # (#t>) ♦ ífrPJ 10. t if/h ( L * < Ln) VN enlargement A (Aš^*) * * VN reduction /h (/h£v>) n. 1. (tr#>^) 2. ( L 4> 7 »9> 9 ), 3. (-£a,r), SfeHÍf (-tírA-ifA) 4. (^< ^o), J^.#E (£ai:*>á,) 5. flA (l^tC 191 -9 ), |£A (*<*iv>), $t'h (t ^ < Li 9) 6. ±#L (CnLi9), 7. 8. (li< 1:^ < ), 9. Mi ( Lo(iV), (itv^^) 10. mn J#f'J# (U9^U), g- (Jiv>íř< L^ 11. 216 1. ; L i9> 9 »9> 9 ) N income ' Lk9> d L d ) V N collection [Lwi L) N revenue and expenditure 2. # ^^■( ^;:d) N reference V N participation V N to enter a war 3. ±Jf< N upper classes ttl N geological stratum Tl d) N lower classes 4. J--U. m M£ N intelligence frd (Do ) N A able, competent 5. m m &*< fao y) x d) N calorific value 1ml L t9> "9 *) i 0 ) N weight N small quantity 6. m kmc ^ d) V N import *9>*d) V N transport L *>o) V N export 7. L ^ a, L i d) N A pure-hearted L ^ ^ § a) N pure gold L ^ ^ t*) N purity 8. « N A complicated ma N plurality mm V N reproduction, copy 9. N cold war N civil war $ <-t^) N tactics 10. Sr- »( *to L i d) N final game 7H> Lid) V N easily gained victory 1W( i$ dLid) V N to be a champion W> 3 ■ m*mw ■ i. a) i. m±i ##j(^^o)i-* 2. m»£ 3. i±m* 5Mfi(^/cA,)1-& 4. ^fflpan£ ^K(^A.tiV)1-& 217 b) i. m\* efcjE(^^-ŕvot4 3. lTIE(Tv^^)-r^ 4. féäíL*.^ fr)"l& C) 1. I^(/;wáí{)tž 2. Mt£ ll(/:^lj;()t^ 3. &S&££ *lt(*>*>0 L)1"* 4. #H£ ^ih(Tv^L)1-ž D) 1. Jll-CfcirtUľAt ífcKjď V9-9 2. A*£féféô 4. #xJcMLTféfJ>£ 3:jI(Lx.ä,)1-£ n. i. mmm tfr] m& z tt 2. %m im ^frhzt 3. « im %tfohz.t/mt>ŕz)tb2>/frk\Z>/%u1-W}ž 8. [í:] té(&fe)HfM 9. [Ír] ^(1-<)^/^-tttžfŽÍŽ> 10. ŤĽlí [K] ttii^lií^-tt 1.1. a ^ÜK^A,^) -^fr&+í&< 2. d ffe(^Li(h^ž+fe 3. c ^^^+^ 4. a MKÉ^9 bi)-#Í(-r<)9+Kj(/i-r)ltž 5. b mtitz^L í <)-iI(Lfr**)< +^ 6. a &lE(;>HHřvO -3c(í>ŕ>^:)i6^+iE-t 7. d »(x^É0 -®(<7))(ft + B#«« 8. d ^(tn^) —mOtrt+A 2. #it£ ($<-£v>) t ž 3. JL-MfTÍ: IiJii "l* 4. 3>ejL-^=Žr Mit t h 5. fcirftfcAfc ti (^Hi) 218 6. m® (x.AXJ:) 1"á 8. x>fX£ \m 10. P5ito/^£ bTjE (TVHřv>) t á 11. Ifcě^ ES (U*>n) t^ 12. M (x.Á,š) t á 13. Mt£ íffUCLi O * rMj t^^f£íá&^0 14. gfflfc (&A,ŤzA,) -th 15. #8? (^AMO t& 16. fô£ i&LŤiL) t á 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kií 9. 10. 11. 12. «ig« 13. Sir? Ä 14. mm 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. WJfW 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. EM, 25. # -T7.A3 • [mm] P.60 I. á^ŽT 2. íiollš 3. Í^A^ 4. ^ilf 5. éěéio 6. #Ltc^ 7. H^tí 8. 9. ÍŤL 10. E fit x. II. átó^S 12. Í L Ä L A 2. 6. JJJfc 10. g&ljK 14. fäffc 4- Bäfcfc 8- MĚ, 12- IBI* 16. jjňijgft 219 □ KS 1. —► 2. — 3. — ^L^mMxh^ int 4. — 5. ä. m '<£ tz< ^áboT, ^frfti diľ 6. lß#;ft - ^^ř)frt\š\\lX\ ŕzŕzL^Xot 9. öt)?ft - &*?tíH%£*tfz\\,*£ n\t 1 . Mft — 2. Ä^ft 3. ü#ft V^>í>£3fiot\ J3fr LVii:n)í: 13. 6. 4-t ^ěĚí^i:^^ )ft 14. 7. «-► )tií(ěHA)ft 15. 8. H^ffí^^nti)^ 16. WH(^Oo«t d)ft, ^iEflt(.k-£v>fr Oft ^5^(.£>fr^X)ft I. 1. ^Í(ci^)^yi/ť>h 2. B?l(ě^fÉOftI£ífc 3. fefô(Štt>Wi 4. ^(tiv^vO^i 5. IE5Í(-£v>fr<)ŕi 6. ^J?(£/l^ )ftfflŤ^ 7. ftÄÍŽ*, i d)ft#f£ 8. »(^^<)ŕi 9. fé^UtyUř/OfcWfifc 10. «aä^Mft* n. MI^Ľn)^^ 12. %>mžA,t7)l,z5-Ž.Z> 13. fit£0t^fr^)ft£^l9 14. ÄžCO'/Uí?)*! 15. $m(Ž£7Z\i)\znt>&tr 16. fé$K*t^ 17. ÍCÄ^ i d)ft» 220 £8 □ m. i. jEm(-£^fr<)%z.k 2. jE#(-Č^Cí i)lz{m-tZ>, 3. ^ilU^A)^ 4. lf(lžô^)í* 6. fé^Ot^X)£ffrfä, «OtA^)&JH£ 7. 7 t^)&»J 8. Bm(žwiifš)^mts/im(vLxi)izmts io. ^®(*< L^)%/mk(žtf^)%/m(^Lxi)Mm N. a. ^iJ(tA-<)^/7C^(/jv^A)^ttéPaf!M b. »J(^Ap)TMfv^<£Mt£té d. ^mU^fr Ľ 1 Ť/jV> r?Wj tíš]L\ ^O^'i^^to * r$jHj t^dlši±&^0 *t>oLi Hftí £-f á cooperative society dĚ£li£^o 18. * 19. aga * r$Uäj t^dl^ii^^o 20. * I. 1. a 13. a 2. a —L t* d 14. b WSUod)£iJ^ 3. a 15. c 4. b 16. a 5. a 17. a 6. a fô#(š i d *) i < tí 18. b 7. a 19. b š d t i d Wt < 8. a 20. b i dM^Kfr < 9. b MÍĽ(Li d?W^^ 21. b |ijji(^-d^d)'& 10. b ^(š^)^Až 22. b lüKeid^idm 11. b 23. a ffix(ší^)BÍ3000^ 12. a 24. b 222 mg □ n. i. b a JR*( L*^ L ^ 9 ) 2. a b ÍLIK £ t9> 7 š i9> 7 ) 3. a ^pttrr) 9. a 4. a H5fä.(z\7Z.7) io. a 5. a 5SMOá:VíiV) n. b 6. a i. 1 . IP 3. ÄMJRŽtä, ^q^ŕío^o 4. -5-OfflÄ^(äLv^ť7)Ä^í:#^T, LT < tzŽ^0 5. ?áÄ^p*^^tSiÄ*^^^ i±mrfot<^ [£ [ft m [i [ä [ŕ [m [ô [ft [t iř@ ^® ®Kj ®A @^ ®* 2©i i] ¥ ^7 V 3 7 -b-f V 7 7 7 ^7 7 *"7 [íl: [íf [* [* [iE [ff [T ij y * 7 f- 3 7 f- 3 7 224 32. ®M $® ®tc : [&] ) 33. ©rS ©ft ©ii : [73] (** ) 34. ®T- ®i& : [¥] ) 2. BE ( U d. ) 3. g# ( ) 4. 72® ( ted ft A ) 5. ^fW ( ) HIE (Ll^) 19» d ^1 ( £(£d_ mm ( ( |£d_^ I. ft * « fit /fc tree H Bf 0 sun V ft ?K water ft A man p IS ft #?lt cliff BH W "9 to say ^ hand 'ft * J'* IB >b heart to eat £ ± earth -t-f ■b-f * ij * V 3 ^ I. 1. H^Ud^*) X : 3^7 2. ^(fi/ltt^) 3. l££(r^) 4. fMjOt^O 5. MJ^(-£^£*) 6. ± 7. i <) 8. 9. 10. 225 □ «3 lil i. ž 3. XJ^T-šfrv^-frv^ylfc-frv^? Lfc fr fr b/z fr L^i fr Lfc fr tžn itA. S ÝflL/:i}, ^ fr x i U:i)Ťžn,fy h L;ft.&v>0 jž&^bj^fc^áb* o "Cti, L J: ilZihx 1, L x *)\$*) Lx\$W£ L /Ľ v 226 mm □ Z\ t %ž 1 n Z\^\zL®h 1 o Lfz0 12. flryo L » 9 Q j: 9 i tf /,ä?J&oVT š fz$)v> 11. 4-4 Ě^(L-ďA) 2. <-t JJ(ábo)v> 12. teßj|(tHfA) 3. 4^#U)^ 13. 4-4 $c^(-třAÝŤ ) 4. í|(^*:)^&, 14. 4-4 ^ŕ±i(LL^o) 5. 4-4- $g(^)l\ 15. 4-4 JpL^Í^Ľi^ft 6. 16. 4* fädelt A,) & 7. 4-4 ^$r(Lo!á:V)tá 17. 4-4 ^§U^<)& 8. 4-4 5£jÍ(x.A*>j:J5)-rž 18. 4-4 ft(^6J:)v\ 9. 4-4 ||/JML*< 19. 4-> ip.$fc(fcAi;*>/0&, f^ifrLfzLVj; 10. ^^(Tv^L^)-r^ 20. 4-4 1 ^ 227 mm I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. =t(t^)"Cŕ)4iÍ I. 1. &K%fétZ>Z\£ 11. 2. IféfcŽtiŤztä; 12. 3. üt#(7)M$ 13. 4. ÍW/lit^tá-t 14. 5. A%itZ>tztb<7)% 15. 6. i^fflLTi^v^t 16. 7. v>*>v>ó&P^S 17. 8. #tJPL&v^t 18. 9. mm^OWm CÁ,tz^) 19. 10. ÍgL^$(í>f)o)/fj^ 20. I. A.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. BU5r(ÍX^ O#0tA) $&(« i:t i <) 22« mg □ 1. ^#(ri\d*< L*) 2. ii$^(9^r^l^9))/3l$E±(9^'C^l)*iE^:c7)^t trtira$E±jo 6. W^^(*5A,t&*< ^) 7. «lTgOt^$o^A.) 8. r J: ^)/M^#(-^v^^ l*)*hh(^i 7 L^)tLt 9. l^^)/¥I^(L^ la,^)*^?(OAwia^K*t o£ »5, A^o£¥|i£mfiL/^t£tt^<7)A£ r¥Mj, thh* r¥^j tt^o 10. ^ft±(^i/Ht^l) 11. MAU^^^/t^^fU^*) L*)*7'*- h^>-> 3 y tat (D^ Sott#£l-t^£A£ rtSAj, ^^£tgt£l?ft#£ rflfj 12. h^#(^j:^l) 13. ^if(^^U^) 14. a^^(Hi:v^^0*i3^W^*(iigc^^1-SA^Slo^P*:Sr^*bT, rIft'f(^ttA,C i: ) W(*U^1:j;/Lj:) L^Lid) I *^m*f(Lo^Li ^H°io 3. □CM : ^-Life(*>*$> 0 L^) 229 □ mg I □□k co 8. ĽOf □□H 10. □□; b 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. # it * -intone i IB pH m KítľJfO?dX-^£ d) *MfóIt(l J: dl?v^ i d H "To Loitze lo) *M-Ib ( L *9 A>) á, £v á,) ffP^ÍLJ: d^d ti) ^: * d) 7kurr(i-^£Á,*> * d) »KLi (^i^ 5JF2SgOt/L£ ^d Lo) fôťÉ£(tii7A,Lo) (L»)nLo) ^o/^(^meip(š i d L) L i )/^(^)/^-(^<)/Íf( LA^M r>)im(7>-třv) *)/$ŕ(^)iiBSš(^i;io) ^OIMOt/L-d) Li)OTí(LLj; d) ?>)^j^ß^(-itv^Ä.-r ě) L a ) / ^ (-ex) / # (^ <) m pnB (-e v> r> a ) -tfX)/|£(Ýd)AP(L^d) *>n )ifÄ(£ÁA>Á,) $v>)fi^(L*9>d id) £v>)ŕtilš( LKDolfo) J: ^ )^ŽŔ(*5ä.ídf) šn:^)l(iá) iiMt^rd)?(cx) il^(-£AL*>> Aaj(^^A)^(7jv^)/ Ý (/^)/j#(Ýd) C/U 230 11. ^(^fc/OüK*-?) 12. &m(&-DLxT)${(fzA,) 13. ^(P^-Čv^KX) h. ^maf^i)^-(^) 15. RM(íáA/i^)M(ii) C: 1. #(fr<)/íff(ŽA)g(Lo) 2. |£(Ý9)Ä(Pj<) 3. ff (Li)/#(fro)S(C: < ) 4. £(fr<)g(i:) 5. J£(^)ft(P n) 6. ff(Li)^(t9) 7. XI(:^T)f (í» 8. ^(LL^o)||(^<) 9. *il(iľt^ )ft(^H/f4( P J; ? ) = *Ü£M 10. ¥^(^v>#A,)>(ÍÍ(*>) 11. Ät^(-9 < ;))#(ttA) 12. 0f#( L i t < )Í£(-eV)/?I(fr < ) 13. x l )^( Po) 14. ftKÍU^&AOÍ&í-tíV) 15. miž(-t^fr)1/t(^^)/fl-(P J: o 16. Štl^OtA-Čo) jr([» 17. mm(^L*9)0)|g(^< ) 18. )$( Po) I. 1. laß/lt/M [ □□+(□ + □□) ] CK^A^-čv^A,) 2. Ť^/frBt/^ [ □□+ (□□ + □) ] *3 ?-SA, 0£v>) 3. Wi/nm/mm [(□+□□)+□□ ] (ít^^n^w 4. [ □□+ (□□+□) ] dofrv^i:^) 5. fj^/#/^/Břf [(□□ + □) + (□□ + □)] (í ^-9 pttAiioď^i:i) 6. m/mm/^yt/m [(□+□□) + (□□+□)] 7. ^/^&/mm/m&/m [((□+□□)+□□) + (□□+□)] 8. mw/ffi/mi/¥fä [(□□+□)+ (□□+□□)] (*> x i p l^u^o;-) ) 9. mm/^/mm/nwL [((□□+□)+□□) +□□ ] (ti i U-L*?&^frĽfi) 10. gfij/^/^It/^/^ [((□□ + □) + □□) + (□□ + □)] (Cť? L*ioA>£ x L$>t < Po) 237 I. 1. až —* 2. —- Ľ. *9> o C y 3. —- 4. 5. i££$ŕL^L)i-á 7. 8. — 9. —- 10. bjth —- ^(-tt/UiV)« 11. —- 12. ^£*o 3. n% ($v>^vo -t* 7. *y% (c*.) 4. $ŕl£ (L/Uro) t S 6. ^ffl (M>/Uá:V) -tS 12. (tfA,L*>) -t m fcmmw m I . 1 ■ ffHH l/ľ 2. (l/l*><) (7)2^e-cc7)^ 3. Hí§ (l*v§) t& 10. RH (^v^x) -c§ s E. 1. 7><^ =5i^£HS#>á£t 2. ini^ =^oLii:^li: 3. íí-y^-d =n>mKMz>z\t 5. hLXi =frfi*)\zitl c\t 6. *>i ^-A. = n. i. (^i^A) t s 7. MM (^u) n 2. TJctfe (x.^£*> d ) tá 8. sa ($v^a) t* 3- (^v>«td) i"^ 9. 10. (tX -f-v*) t& 11. (^<^o ta 6. fgig (ížV^d) tá HS 8 IM 1. a . []) 3 ? ] J: < <7)d 0 i < ^ i < t?d <9 i < b . [ U * ] ' (f í) š £-čot£ «9 š i: d ta 2. a . [ ~T7 ] b . [ ^7 ] 3. a . [ iJ ] ^ ^ d TV^tá b . [ Y ] if L^t^» tf fj < ta 4. a . [ ?M ] -f d fcVtá ^< čvtä b . [ 94 ] /:^L i d 1-4 £v>-čv>t& 5. a . [ v y ] b . í })y ] < ^ o S9 o co d ^ £>*<-£Al9o x. A L d 6. a . [ ] i tá c š i ta Š i bttž b . [ 3 ] 7. a . [ ] xJiA x. ž d b . [ ] 8. a . [V 3 ? ] : \ fL L id t^Li d f:^U d L i d m>t b . [ ] : >f > K-r d ^dď n. i. M(t^) 2. TS(Tv^i d)& 3. mm Líž) 4. #fé(_L_AJtv>) b. T^(Tvifav>)& [TJ£(*> J: d ť) • 3TB(H^i d ft)] [%#J(*#) 10. f^((7)T I90; b. c. tJ9o) I. 1. a . b . 5. 2. a . b . 6. 3. a . b . 7. 4. a . ML^ b . ^Ltz 8. a. b. f;^ a. f^LT b. ifcti a. 1ÍL< b. fétifc a. IKIÍ b. 1.1. a . #S£lä(Wi)< li. a . 2. b . */U££íä(*í)< 12. b . *"-^«( £)f>x.£ 3. b . 13. b . 4. a . 14. a . -k^W%{^tz)ts 5. a . 15. a . 6. b . 16. b . 7. b . 17. a . «tr)i- 8. a . 18. b . 9. b . 10. a . i^t < «t 9 m(tz L J: 9 Äffi( Lib A.) rm(LfzĽ) ), ±mtt>), %t Lin), tz^&7 234 mm □ 6, 7, 8 9 a b a b a b a b 10. a frV^ L j: "9 L^< L j: ^< X.Š LA L^ LAfr b. läA,í>^ tffi(L*Lj: 7), íxA(^ < ^ A), í£í£(Lx.ÉO, Att(TALA), líu(LAtt^), NHt( L£V), tt&(/*v^A,)f íXm(tz^L^) IIS(frAíí^), p/íM(Li *>?)«, £ffl(^A.L ± í£g(^fz^), ±m(fz^i>i) H. 1. b. [a. j^L^o b. c. 17_|_^ d. £o ] • 20^(7) (d. ^ ) ^ltL/:0 •^(^(S^Hf^bÝť (b. t ^7 o 2. a. [a. L J: ■? LA b. jiv^X c. ^t^LA d. j|VHřA, ] •iWftKk (c. ») fEJg&Aförio (a. mm) LTt^/:t^ÄOo 3. b. [a. 2zz-ý° k • íííLLIL^ ^ c- ^?2^í2 d • ] •b^cíí (b. tzt^iúK tŕzmum^x^&o •tH:#<7) (a. ^pfp) &£^O^ÍIÍi& 1? í#&^0 4. d. [a. J_j^faA b. fc^j; j; c. L š J: d. ] • mn (b. üi) ^^L^tl/Jo • (d. M*) iáffrP«P«f^ **£Jl-C£š«t?o 5. c. [a. Loi b. jŕi? c. tub d. «fc^ ] •m± (a. Ä^) &Jť£P £LT^á^\ &&*><7)&Ťŕio •fô&Ji (c. M) £t£féT\ ^A£H0frtlT^áo 6. a. [a. i± /^_D_^j2_ b- "fr^fr c- -fr^/f ^ d. gVHřV* § ] AH (c ^) ^ÍÔ^^ioS^LŽI-o • féÍTBfr (a. «) thk*)^ ftttT-fc^l? £í> ŕboTšfco l. 2. m * d** 3. SEI 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. \*> m 12. 2» n KS # • p. 152 1. h . 9. e . 2. i . 10. g . 3. b . 11. n . 4. a . 12. 0 . b«^ 5. c . 13. 1 . b^ĚÍOMS 6. d. 14. m. b ^mmmm^n 7. i . 15. k . 8. f. #&mmm Í9U- I. 1. b 9. a 2. a #Á,-e(1-A."C) 10. b 3. a frfrtiX(t>frtiX) 11. b 4. a 12. b 5. b 13. b SiJti£(fr7Hx£) 6. b mXbfitz(tzXbfitz) 14. b 7. a 15. b 8. a 1L(ML) n. i. a iToT(^ot) 13. b 2. a 14. a 3. a $fŕoT(£o-T) 15. b 4. b 16. b 5. b 17. a 6. a 18. a tti/>-C(ov>Tľ) 7. b 19. b 8. b 20. a 9. b 21. a 10. b 22. a 11. b «(íá) 23. a 12. b #(íi£) 24. a 236 HPS □ 1 . a. frfrtiZ, b. gljftá 2. a. ^f>;ô*V> b. tfcbfr^ 3. a. #jžôT b. fáioX 4. a. J^< b. m< m femmm m I. 1. b 9. a JloT((Olíot) 2. b 10. c 3. c 11. c ■mHÖtziltiÖtz) 4. b ^tz(^tz) 12. c ^LŤz(i^LŤz) 5. b 13. c 6. b ^i^tz(ti^fz) 14. b 7. b ^Ltzii^Ltz) 15. c 8. b mtX(ii^LX) K. 1. b ftfrtH^fc>!9) 2. d WLitzbUifritzb) *c aiJo/^j M^-T) 8. c m-DŤzhi&fr^Ťzb) *b rffo^tj ME^-t^áĎác 9. a ^frofcd^frofc) 10. b jt(At) 11. b ftž(tá^ž) 12. a iRžo£(fc£á:o£) I. 1. IŽl#ggHfr£jiglT, mm^XŽŤZo 5. H (c íáyjR Lv^M-CJLV^ J - t -£ 7. SJÉ#^l|^T^ŕ:£Aii, 3\ Äáp^ítíOéS^^Tv^o 8. HfeM^^I-^^ tžfroj: £*>^%ofc0 9. CLOtM^*^ tíl^ŽJ:9W) 2. b 8. b MWiižZA,) 3. a 9. b 4. a 10. c žfrkOto LA) 5. a 11. c f&ŕti(e *> 9 L^o) 6. a 12. c ITKTt^^) I. 1. b lffjg(-9É0 2. a Ö(v>L) 3. a £®(štK) 4. c 3§M(J*oTA,) 5. b EH(ifAV^A) 6. c 4«UÁJ3%) 7. c igJfôífc^L.t O 8. b í!T(L^i)n) 9. b %m(Ťz^Lzn) 10. a 5H¥(.£a>V>) 11. c #J&( «t ^-£v>) 12. a EfflUAŠ) I. i. maw^^Kiá, (ííS: la,-c á,) ^jc^&^/z0 2. íSiC0^iitXtX(±it : Lít£o)L, ^fflá T«>á j: d K&o *zm 3. fit: : fco^tf)?) LT, r&fc&^áOfc&ftTLžofco 5. H*co*íi, m^(0^m (M : i o ) <7)fém, ^L<^o/:0 6. &#*^£ffiT, (#Hl:^r) ±Cb/:o 7. mmm, ^m^m^^va^y^th (wti: l^^a) 8. mfiJco&¥£Ť---?^ (Itl&: l j: 0) —- 10. 3§iÉ(íio£o), iI#(LAtí) W'lf(L^^A) ÍÄH(^AL^), jh^í-m l*>ť) 23« mg □ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. sa. pra m i? it Uli JE H a a um » flu g h A,) tH^< ) L* a, L i) ě ^ d X./0 #X L kí> d ) ) Did L £) LJíd ) ttv> i? * <) 35 V* p j Bim b b b b b b J« b mm b b b b b b b mm it® in mu 1d hD tto lá,) L ^ ^ ííx ) š *9> d L i) ttl^<) ^ d r) *>Lš) ěiřd) 1 2 3 4 5 5^ &£Lóv> 2- p. 186 ® 6. fofre? < 0 7 . ^ ž ŕ, š j&ís 8. M] 10. T^fc'iá Jlíg ® I. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. fltf 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. mm 1. 1 . ^Vv 2. u*L* Kit*) lt^ l i ^ i d Li t d l i *)iLf o -d Li dfr< tá í) i fr< ě <-iř# ř> < -tři^Tá Li d *) * o t d "Tá T^d ^d Li dtá *S 1. a : i. Wc b •• i ■ fiž* c : 1. jfc/C 2- Sjä 2. IÍSS 2. KíA 3- Mál 3. ©Jih 3. 4. ttüK 4- Síl 4. sa 5. ff£ 5. fif-ih e. am I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. rÄMj hv>9o 6. * rttfp]j tv^fg(±^^0 I. 1 . Li9 U 7 i" ž Li 9/:^ŤS 2. i <-ČA L i -9 L š & 3. -if V> §s A 4. ^i9Ý9 §T i -9 i> L ^ 5. ^ L i ^ 6. L i tfX 7. tr L ^ L^ i tzLtí. 8. y) * < 9. § X 1 tl*3 4. 2 (žaco-č^-t^i < \zt l^oT^o 5. t\Z^^^^Í,^XLAAWz^ 240 mm □ ■ mmwm m a.&a,ta4c&a>7H^ l^ dfcfltfcs?, i^dfoX enitf ^&frfoofc 2 . tfv^jžtjt l * h h t V> t, ^iA,T Š á t & 3. d<7) 4Ht5^g)^v^?v^ £ A,tn&*Lfl>5 J: 5 LT, J: v*«ŕ tt± K foA, ■VL^fc LTT/AJ^A/táo ^BfrlFfc^LfrTTig^LfcfrofrL^J: 5 . 4-)ž^tžoXAiɱll^^(7)^ gj; p §tH^tc 0 jA&£fo< tí, Lj H Ai^Ajt^tá^T r-TOgA,frLfcv*j ^L/:o 6. £■£ < Oofrfr^%ft?±£^§ttA,frP>#fcž feSfcftt::, Á>fzA,frhti «t oT, -Č<^ 11±£Tg=&frA,;h.v>£tf LLT, fr< LA 10. L, A£H Lotii L, ľi'H^oA d i frfetĚfr 11. ľ_i_^j2.(á, 25^fíjH7>^ • 77 >?^< £;iALT J:H frttbbtiŕzo LfrL^d n % z. t Ii, * tiM4-^M£ Ž -C (ž o d 5 fr^fr ^ ? LíxA^^ALj: Ťfr hfz^XßX š X u>& v>0 ^iá^SÍSH^_i_2 24/ □ □ Pattern Index t+A-S < JUtfj L%alXX$) £~f0 LtztfvX, JLttLW^i, v>fc>«3> (Radical) J > t+v>*t> 4 U £A * oftiLfcri*, BO<^JimUci±£^;ftPMoitTi^-£A,o B^i^O \^ (Ph> netic marker)] t LTte&M LTl^ff^Cii, [ ] rtil* * # (* >) £^ Lt Ltz-. &HttJLB<7)T^ [Basic Kanji BookJ -> V-X^Wt&?l^ U * h 0 s -f-0 *#<7)^Sg|^iC{i rL-J £ LT«OfM^#^Ts L8 4 L 1 4® Buddha, *France ikM J& Buddhism U-ifektf) the Buddha, a benevolent soul O,#(^o^ 5 ) Buddha statue * (ft ^ ) Southern France «1 5® attach, stick &ttT'7 5 OORfe'. ^Fft(#.&»);*A' to contribute, to donate flif(.&>*>< to adhere HM(^< )7,A/ to be attached, to be a branch of 0#((^1fo^)Z>/l' to appoint Sft(V^cA,)X/k to entrust Sfett( f£ 5 fC A,) X not to intervene A/tf) duty, commission *&(*A/fcA/) full-time L# 5 kLA/)^/!' to assume office &&(\ZK/u)7>/l' to resign fC A,) responsibility iBffiCTtA/JZLA/) being in charge of ---9fi(t^)tMli to entrust fx \ 4 fx L 9 resemble sSftKSV^);*^ to resemble {JMkOc^&x.) portrait approximate value — —^(h)tv^ to resemble ff> m 7® stretch J:5)Xrt' to extend, to expand it#(ov»LA/) postscript (= P.S.) to stretch \ f L 7 8® unite Ho© W£0f LTrfTfcfc o /Co to merge #ffl(^V^i5)^^ #&(*M^f±o);*/l/ to happen concurrently 5 )X/^ #(^k:b)•^i■<5 to put together, to unite to use together to amalgamate f L 10 8® example exception 'HW^A-tlV^) custom, precedent example M^CftV^frA/) normal/average year precedent= &$J(-£A,tlW t )x.i£ for example r L 1 9® connect, in charge 245 fflfä(fr/uty^)X/]/ to be connected with $y&(frvvf*5) coefficient [math] Ä5(3ö»*»»Jt>J: 5) chief clerk &ntfä(frWf^&fr <9 ) accountant ft 1° L 5 9M keep, maintain AÄtSi^rt3 y KlÄfli~<5o flMfOi^JXrt' to protect ^MffOf^A,);*^ to store, to safekeep ##05-?A)^^ to preserve $|^(^<{5)^/k to maintain, to ensure iSHK Iiti5)^ to secure i£L <£ 5 ) ^/U to guarantee ^fi(fS^oA)^/V to maintain at a warm temperature ^^(ftGSL^Tc? conservative MfcG£frA>) insurance M0r({S(tA U i ) public health center #(fc^>)o to maintain j£WlIIGJV,» < X.A/) nursery school if 1> L3 10U master, amend Jz¥U<0&±fflk*&l Ltc0 l&M(Lty 5 <9 )7t)V to repair {^7( L^> 5 ^ «t 5 to complete (a course) ffi$(ftAsLtf> to study and train #£IE( L^ 5-^VO^/V to amend *{^ff( LfcJ>^'i 5)7*A? to practice, to train fi±( L^> 5 t) Master level degree WMffici L$ 5 if 5 V^/v) monastery, convent f^(:Jo£)&>3 to complete value, price M(^t>) value if&)ftffi(-ffofcl^) absolute value jfaSttOto t 5 t>) blood-sugar level ^fefcW^/l' to be worthy of ffilSKftfcA/) price L 6 101} iScJit(i~ 9 tb) numerical figure ^Pi^jfiK^V^ A/To) mean value, average 7s)\> to raise (price) ,fit(2b^cV,>) value, price TtVUi? retail price r p. L 7 10® double, ~ times 1 0«^#^HL7to {§Ü(tfV^5 )*^ to double fäMlX^fr)XA' to double fiWtfV^o) rate of magnification MSO^) — times (as big) 246 ■i r L 3 11® stop, suspend ^il:(*CV^L)X;^ to stop, to suspend {^('CV^cV^yOl' to stagnate ^MKTI^L i. < ) suspension from work '**#("CV>)=f?®Bf(TV^*5UJ:) bus stop ^^("CVM^a/);*,^ to cease fire #^(TV^^< ) suspension from school ft L 4 11® fry -tzz-^fr healthy, sound, strong if A, i5)t healthy ft<£( *5 A, ft A, H" moderate ^OtA/iirX)-^ sound, good*—sound UMWf/v) health, sanitation ^M^MifhZ 5 • LA/£A/) health check frA, £ 5 • & A,) health insurance #] i ^2 11® side £OTW> L^Co a,) one side side i? i 5 both sides GM(fr&&t>) right side*—*7x#J % i f L 8 13® injury, wound $te:OsNxTM&£:ftofc0 MH(.&»LJ: to be injured L <}; 5 LA/) heart-broken §§(Li tJJ^V^) physical injury l»(#-f)ott£ to hurt - &QbM$*/u sentimental 9J&«(£)>3(irf) a cut WiMi L tf> 9 L J: 5 ) serious injury *jfcflF(W£) burn it i >& L 5 14® image 3S4fe(tfVv-?5 to develop (film) 3HMfe(-£ 0 5 )^/V- to imagine *£o-^ 5 ) Buddha statue R&^( & V1^ 5 ) picture on a TV/movie screen 247 -ft 1 r r L 8 17PF superior, gentle, actor Li 5)^.;^ to win {g&($5'£A,);*.;l' to take priority flS3t( ^5b^5)t superior U i $ 5 ) actress <*—►SSIK #> 5 ) MM$t($> 5 x.o#»A/) superiority complex fg("f"<*)fiT^-2> superior, outstanding 1i(^£)L^ gentle «—^(^D^Lv* strict 2. t (C» 3^ : all) ^ 8 fjft2 IKB2^6 t r J.* 1# L 5 8® co-operate £ 5 <9 i < to work together ffl,M( to cooperate ifiraa^(#J:3if 5'<**>V^) co-op t<8(# J: 5 to confer with t&^(# £ d^V11) society, association -, \ n o 3. P (< : mouth) I----— BK1 rKB2-12 BK28 BK37 BK35 lKB2-?2 L9 BK34 IKB2-7 L 9 ^7 14® make a sound ♦^^>-5o &Ut(£ V,0;*./l' to resonate, to sympathize frRK kV^&V1*) thunder scream 1(f('tC)<5 to ring R§(&)< to cry (animals) 1l(&)£>-t" to make sound 24« 4. t (-Dt>*\Aj : ground)!; BK2 BK19 L4 IKB2^7 IKR2-10 IKB2-3 BK19 IKB2~x»& IKB2-12 BK43 hi 16 J;® 16 ifllillllllllilllilllil^i #7 L 4 7H equal, even, average 4 < «1A, %3W( £ ^ C 5 ) X/V to balance (§ A CI ) imbalance ^^(c^A/i 5 )i~ equal, of the same proportion TO(^V^A,) average —(t/^oH- uniform ml 5 . (&A/&"^ : woman) I l;|L::::::::::::g BK24 HK25 IKB2-11 6 . 3 (*3>*'^ : bow) t 3 BK22 !KB2-=f6 BK&S BK21 L 5 L 9 at 5 r L 5 11H stretch, spread ±§g( L^-hiiO )7.fV to assert £At> )< to play (musical instruments) #(&-f )t? to bound, to bounce ._, mšm-> rx j 7. X |É.....jMmpi^^i^.....ijjiili......MgMJiMi BK19 L 2 JKB2-J1 *7 L2 5® merit, success U*0&mtt$lftMU&ico fifejH(-frV^^ 5 to succeed ^J&ftC-Svlirl^ 5 ) failure IJjflK C 5 c^VO merits and demerits *^I^(< 7L^)7.;V to serve in prison ffcftK^ < h D ) assigned role, duty tSAC-^X fcA/) government officials L ^> 5 < ) company executive ^!#(J^>< L-^) actor, actress fti(^<«)'0 to be useful 250 12® 7? -P.289S [7?] xftftmxm-mMMkjzmž&Qi-tZo retrieve, again JpfStoSEtftLT, M&KVLMLfco HtfK^Vv&X )7^)V to recover Wi%(&^%)%fr to return tttt(:Jo9.&»< )7sA/ to go and return W.W(&< Ltf> 9 to review 9. f (flo LA,^ :heart)~j-- fte #tr ft a ff n ft M BK36 RK t6 L4 BK45 BK36 UO L4 7® pleasant, comfortable ftSKtf^L ± 9 to gain victory easily £'$:(-l£/u;0:>V,O;*/]' to recover completely '^jSKflM^T^)-}- comfortable, pleasant ^'ftC-S^V^-}- unpleasant B8tfe(«>V^V>)^- clear JtV^W-*- light, nimble '^(^V^-?:<) high-speed, express toKi^VvfrvO fine weather tfe(CCZ>£.)^ comfortable, pleasant •If :X3 I 0 L 10 14® custom L ^ 5 ) custom, habit IWCfr'A/ L 9 ) custom, practice -^W(ft)frl3 to get used to IfWlfcA/ftW custom, precedent 1ÍUB*0(a»A,J:5<) idiom 25i -j 10. HX^/u : hand) \— #4 BK6 BK30 BK30 iiillii t¥ 8 IKT*2-16 illllii L2 L3 Stw L8 L9 Iiillii ft 11 1» ill u i IKB2-5 1KB2-8 JKB2-14 5KB246 • m» ¥f» L8 &2 BK14 BK30 IKB2-5 4t- Mi mi is * hw fir12 ifw Mvi L9 5KB2-2 IKB2.5 IKHkS IKB2-9 lillll 4 4T 4& L2 811 expand feUc(^/V to enlarge £A,)*;V to scatter #36(^i5)X/V to lengthen ^A/tf* < ) military buildup L 3 8® undertake, carryCon one's shoulders) fi=l£cDg6f|] £fg|£LTAI£c0 ^•fi(-5s>^fe^)^/V to bear one's share ^fi(^fcA)^;V to be liable U^tchh 5 to be responsible for fBftCfcAKlA) being in charge of fe(^o)<' to carry (on one's shoulder) to undertake #7 mi 8H beat P.285 & [/\?] Jl*fcS&fcttWjt*&fc*ofc ft#(tt< L*)^ to clap one's hands 0R#I(3**< tt<) pulse ♦flHWiS t) time, beat 252 4 L 8 8® fc-< embrace ^^(^WS 5 to nurse, to care for MtcX to hold Mtf^O&S to support H (5 ) aspiration, ambition MV'fcK to embrace ^2 8® invite -< - p. 285 B [vat;] JB#( U i 5 V^) Xto invite to invite, to beckon % i L 8 10® t-^frtl* 3 catch a tMitcWZ)?*^ to arrest i. ) prisoner ffl#05L*}>) catcher M(o^)"^X.^ to catch, to sieze \ r L 9 10® swing, wield MW}( LA if 5 to vibrate 3ggft( LA, £ 5 to promote ^M^LA/)"}" dull (condition) Jgf|is( < ) amplitude MMi^S)^) gesture iSt(«&>)£ to shake, to wave, to swing 4 L3 12® aid, support ^mo Wk{7LhL X)7s)V to aid JfrS(:}o 5 7L/v)7s)V to support, to cheer iS(Lx.^)X;^ to support, to aid M(# * 5 ;tA/)X/I<' to send relief 5 X.A/):*/!' to support (financially) aHKA.A/SDXft' to protect 253 i i" L 9 12® joy fr-t>% ■ #*-;t<5 exchange, convert Z\ofr/v)^JV to exchange ^s^KTA/ft^);*^ to change i£$i(^A//$iA/);^/I' to convert, to change to ventilate SA/)*^ to convert J&(#*);1<5 to change, to substitute 11. ? : water) | V L8 7JC * BK2 8 BK22 BK31 1KB2-? 1KB2-10 1KB2-3s BK30 7 XJL 7 IXB2-15 1KB2-^h BKil BMf) IKB2-3 1KB2 j 8 1KL2-7 # 9 fi& 9 bkt> BK.iO 1KB2-K. - n 'KB2- '<: HI L4 BK25 ft11- IKB2-14! RK30 LI T,6 IKB2-6 7% ]" ^ w frD* ' ft" IKB2-7 IMiv-ll IKB2-:<<> BK22 'Cm ?g " UK 17 BK26 BK39 UK 43 iff?p 1KR2-7 IKH2-7 IKB2-8 IKB2-12 1KB2-8 BK26 | 111 «1 :3 IKB2-14 IKB2-5 IKB2-14 vJfcn ■> TKB2-=* BK30 L9 L6 14 L3 IKB2-7 llllllll m e BKll 10 BKll Mu IKB2-11 1KB244 £1 J L 8 6® c? < £) (place name in Tokyo) £§(&&)l^ shallow / NX / if -if it L 6 9® sect, party, branch off ftfaKtetf'A,);*/]' to dispatch M&ilZV)-}' showy, flashy clique, faction fiH^GJLtMi) conservative faction fiHi&Mi^Aj L J; 5 fc£) impressionists ^^(fi-tirV^)^./!^ to derive from ±IM( V otf)i~ fine, excellent fcffiikti) leftists, left faction &Mffi(c*<

* m «1 12® lake JffllPlKCttA/) lake shore AM( LA^e 9 £) artificial lake ^7k(C-rv^) lake JggfflKtfcbC) Lake Biwa \ / L 6 12® full, satisfied 1ft #(fM(*A/-€r< to be satisfied MM(£A^A,) full (of people) ^r>#l( $ A;) dissatisfaction M(£A,TA,) full (marks) / •0 / V0I / L 9 12® measure V LA. ilJS(^:< !) i 5 to survey ffijflK^A^OX/I' to observe lii!l(i"V^< to suppose fBKXZOX/U to forecast, to estimate SfflS(J&< tV)*^ to measure fflfl0iJ&03 to measure 255 fiÄ&A/^VN) in fun bloom Í»(30fc1- to fill mr.$( £ A, K £ V >) fully 2 years old m / / 0^ /& /#7 0^ L3 14® perform MOá^fížSE £Ít 5 o Li^ox.A,);*/-!' to appear on stage cHX/I' to act, to perform 7l/v)y^fV to give a lecture x.A,-ff-r>)7^jV to make a speech 5i:) density ü( concentrated, deep £)VX strong (liquid), dark (color) \ / / 0ÉJ7 ris L 4 16® violent, severe BMfrA/lfŽ)X/l> to be deeply moved Wíit(lfŠfr)?^/^ to intensify $JŠfc( LďéO^/V to stimulate iliC^C ^^A^)^/V to change radically M(řft€5)X;V to increase suddenly«—If Ay ifi8fc( extreme £to be enraged &$£(#* 9 sudden, abrupt étOáď) LV^ severe -.-, ^ 3 3 12. í (t"tíÉ>(7)^A^ : beast) I -—- ÍKB2-5 1KB2-5 BK38 11 IKB2^t 4fe 3 3CT L 1 9® alone, *Germany ítóŠTcífcrtTČo 256 &äl(}?< to become independent if i:)i9W(r2:) talk to oneself _, »tJI- 7 3 |3 -| 13. uzzt^/u ; ciiff) |-------- -------—-----j BS* K7 PI* Bfc* It" K»! L5 lKB2-^3 L5 BK17 BK18 IKB2-16 hi TKB2-1 1KB2-5 1KB2-^ ] ft« %» ig» g» ; BK39 tKB2-t 1KB2-16 L2 IKB2-9 [ p Vi L 5 7® i$*7 -*p.282^ [**^] ^ÄfcfckftV^J: SIGH'S, defend, prevent @©lft®g^/c^c7u^;iTV^o to prevent, to take precautions W±(l$5 DXjV to prevent MffiWi LXyifoLi:) fire station VSfrMXUZ 5 "t*V>«3&»£ 5 ) waterproof RfrflfftGJ 5 ;LWO) = SfifrSK £ < & b X» defense expenditure to defend, to prevent ft P p"1 PP PI L 5 9® limit mi n: flJIS(•Ö:V^{f^)X;^ to limit RB#(tf%Ä»W limit (to one's abilities) £®Rg($V^Tl>tf%) the lowest KSKGfA/if) limit (numerical) Mm(%lf/») (time) limit I8(Ä>?)S to limit p p^ r p& L 4 11® Irls tffr>-L^ danger, severe -p.287 £ [>ri 3000 }-Y»&>± ) D F) B BKI BK5 BK23 IKB2-=»i IKB2^i BK1I BK10 BK14 BK8 BK26 In? 1S $H l& IKB246 BK10 17. fti-D^^Aj : moon) BKI BK34 L2 IKB2-13 ►o< 9 3. jjehfrb) y 7] £ 25« 18. H^<^§ : muscles)~^ ^ii-; n ft ft m° it7 js« as* w» je* bb« BK7 IKB2-11 IKB2-4 IKB2-12 IKB2-11 IKB2-12 L2 35 A 4 1KB2-7 IKB2-12 JK» J8» W» »» Jl*» IS" W» BK37 TKB2-11 3^A4 3?A4 IKB2-11 IKB2-11 1KB2-11 Be. A A A/ ft At fl Ap 3& L 2 10® ability, *Noh drama #© 5 )X/W to function $ 5 <£> 5 )f" able, competent $flf6(t>©5) intelligence 'MU^(Do ) efficiency tM£^^RTti(^c7)5)-t ffi*(©5*)i<) ability efficiency &f 5 ) entertainment 19. kCO^/v : fire) ^ 1 I 20. f (§*\/i7: tree) | 4 ^ J ff T ^7 jfcl g« |g « ^| 9 gl» |§ 10 sillllliilililllllliil $| w jjjfe to ^ 10 lilliiill lllllll^^ II s*ss aeis fU 2 L 10 10® 3V & root, foundation 259 A/(SA/) foundation, root fllJÜCcA/TVO bottom, basis fä$K C ^ % X) ground, basis IKfr) root 1 *- L 5 11® machine IWt;(#^VN^)XyV to mechanize ^Ä^VO machine 4* ÜC2 12® examine 3.287 ^ [*>] 3Mfa-*T?i&#fcV^&tt3K*t-5, l&SO^A/c? to inspect, to examine fötfrKtf'A/£ 5 JX/V' to examine *&9fc(»tA/$<);*/l' to search for, to look up flMfcCfcA/ttAJ;^ to explore 4&SMf&0tA,TV^ LtfA,) examination for a certificate ^f^JrOtA/^oibi 5 ) the Public Prosecutor's Office L 7 14® approximate Sl^-g-o);^ to give an outline $H£(j&5V^A/);*/l' to make an overview #(&^£As)XA' to estimate (generally) ttEi^C^SV^^A/) outline HK/^V^J; 5 ) summary iS^^V^frA/) notion, concept #^V^) spirit, drive tt^VO L"C generally * ** t #3 ft H2 14® structure - p. 289 #|J5&(£ S'frl'O;*/!' to compose #t£g( £ o % 5 to plan, to conceive #8a( £ 5 5 ) structure # £ 5) organization fll x. -2) to get set, to get ready fit 5 to mind, to care about 260 21. J (^0^\^ : bone) I - —----- L7 U% BK29 IKU2-14 -*0<*)2. f| ---- r ft L 7 death U§ «fc to pass away * 5 D^jV to die suddenly ^^ECt^i 5 to die of sickness 5E#(LL-^) the deceased fEW(Lfc^) corpse ^EH(LV^) the cause of death ?E( L)J& to die 22. (? : cow) |--- 23. I (fc^A^ : king) I illlll^^ T L 1 41 king IK Z\ < 33 5 ) king (of a country) ZE^(^d5 Lo) royal family 5 $ *) king (colloquial) ^^•(Jo^C) prince 26/ "1 .1 k l 5 11ii fct &mZA$i 5 U #*9) the earth #JS(t u> 5 £A/) bulb, tuber m^(-?A,t*5) electric light bulb Mtct.) ball ,--, m%m-+ s ? A 24. t (Lab^^ : alter) I------- L7 BK42 BK18 L8 L7 L4 -0< 0 28. 1 -—' -T aT l 7 5® indicate Xi It ^ ( L U) X /V to instruct Sl/^OtV^);^ to put up a notice & (T /v U V exhibition /r?l® ( L $ ) X )V to suggest ^^(XV^U)7.;k to present BJl/^C^V^l;)^./*!^ to state clearly B^^CfcA^ to hint nk( L#))i~ to show l 8 9® >>y py god, spirit m±xm IfSKCL/UtV^o)-}- nervous *t#(-gV»LA,) spirit #I§(LA,:b) myth, mythology **#PTf?( C o ^^A,&L) Shinto priest *ttffl(^Afi) place name N —• l 4 13® good fortune, good luck f£ ft %mxf o fee ttte(Ltf><.$»<)*/V to bless £ ?.$»<)-/- happy ^fe(i^5^< )^ wealthy U(&< ) good fortune fe!lt(^< L) welfare JjiiW(«&»< V>A/) the Gospel 262 25. If [»Y3 i f it 26. 18 (fc^ .rice field) ^ *tra-> i n n) ffl ffl BKJ BK20 Llfl ffl ffl' L 10 11® abbreviate, omit, plot frUKftV* «3 ^ < to plan, to plot LA, »3 ^ < to invade l$3£(»J*<-t-VN)7.;P to sleep deeply 8iBg(1~V^A,) sleep 263 28. £ (^^^ : arrow) |------- BK33 BK8 29. (V* : stpone) 5 liil UK 21 ft16 IKB242 IKB2-8 12 f5 1» LI 1KB2-12 IKB2-5 L10 L 1 12® hard, stiff iHi< to become stiff 3Hg(§± 5^5)^ stiff ^(^5)^) coin IK^k(C 5*»)^^ to stiffen MM Co if) hardness $K^fc)V^ stiff Tot* L 4 15® certain, definite, sure SlMi(j&»< LA,);^ to believe firmly $1 al (J&» < *? o) 7. ;V to establish ^(J&KTVOX/W to decide jE5t(-frV^<)*f accurate •*—*>FlE^S^-tftH(fr»< certain, sure^—^ffil fitsf£ (J&> < t> o) probability Vfc@ (tf» < Rl ^) 7> /V to confirm = %#> § 5t-f^(^< (5)X;W to maintain Wtfki 3&» < ^ <) to promise firmly ^]fit("C^^< )~t* precise, accurate WffllC J?>V^3&*< )"^" clear, distinct WdtDfatbZ) to make sure, to check % & L 10 18® foundation base flKv^LT*.) the foundation 30. I (Z&Z^Aj : clothing) |^ ^ 6 13 7 llSll;ll|:||lllll|ll|i||lii \2 J2 H 14 IKB2-5 L2 m 10® receive, wear p.285J£ [b] KIKCtK^O clothes tS(I>^l < ) accused, defendant fe§(I>#^) damage S(£ 9tf)<5 to incur, to receive L 4 12® surplus ^S^£^fcSfeJ8#ftV\, ^fe(^5^>< )"t" wealthy, rich £ $ 5 ) surplus, room 151 * A- N At ?1 L2 14® multiple, compound complex RfcMtelt^Wt. tttt©E>5!l^s^V\ fi!S(D*5^»J:5i»<)^V' to overlap < L*);*/!' to copy «*i(^<^o)f- complicated -t 5 ) plurality ^-n(^>< ^ 5 ) compound 265 31. f : rice stalk) ^ s < 1 m- ft- r.K2 BK16 BK22 IKHW> IKK2-I BK25 BK26 IKB2-I2 IKB2-4 BK43 12 ^ 12 FKB2-5 tax, duty Jft&C-ffl^tA,) tax, duty H^^A/if^) customs #£S±(-t£V*) L) tax accountant Mttl£(L£ ^IMfV) consumption tax j?f#8&( liK ilV) income tax L 6 ___12® #£M(-l£V^A,) customs office &M(#)A/i£WA/) duty-free goods S&SPK-ffLi) tax office *B$fft( ^ 5 -6 < if W inheritance tax D i* 5 ^-ff V>) inhabitants' tax j 32. f ( r ^"XA, : rice) ~\ BK6 BK2S IKB2-I3 L8 1KB2-12 ; 1 L 8 14® ±4 **SB*7 spirit, vigor, fine p.287W [izf ] ÄÄ(-Ö:V,>£A,);*/I<' to adjust (an account) IfK-lt^O^ to know thoroughly *8lc(*V^ if < )7;V to read carefully ^JlM^ ^fc. S^Btl(t^X-ffX) Before Christ =B.C. 2l1ftiE(^#) the 21st century IHfr3t( # £ 5 A,) travel notes if L 2 10® J- > pure. innocent |iiMs(£A/D«*A/H- simple ^(D^Az-TV^ naive, pure ^^ffeC-Sr^L^^ A/)^ impure, dishonest $j'|f ( U tf>A/ U £ 5 pure-hearted 8&&(D#A/%A/) pure gold In L 9 10® : &£#>-3 store, put in *<&&K«llW^#fcV^#&^ JRiWCU*^©^)^^ to receive and store iMfJ£(0> 5-IfW^/V to pay tax * i O^/V to be convinced and satisfied, to be persuaded *ifi(^oi:9) fermented soybeans to be settled **fflM(&^) a barn, ashed M^)^ to pay *** ^ a closet, a storeroom ****Hi$i('i~^b to deal revenue and expenditure 267 1P «2 11 Ii introduce -P.285S Iva-)] [B*$^^ife^öa^o IH^(Lj;5^V^)X;V to introduce SEilB^KttC'LJ^V'O self - introduction IB ^M£( L £. 5 U i 5 ) letter of introduction L 8 12® picture a picture postcard ^2fc(*L{J/v) a picture book W&(%>&bz.) oil painting ^(ftJK *.<£><*) colors, paints ftlHilfeC »1*5*5 portrait ^B(#*V^) drawing and paintings L 6 14® yr> total, whole, general, gross $4£«-P>i- shrink flU'M b^> H*< to concentrate (liquid) <% L i$ <) arms reduction ft§R( L ^ < L-^ < ) reduced scale ffiH ( b * < i*) miniature tg( ) #> 5 to shorten to become curly *S(*>*T)tr to shrink * L 9 18® N> 3 ^ weave jo- -5 igöÖW«tlFas&S:«*1-«. L# J*/!' to organize ftflK-tiXL £ < )*/l- to dye and to weave #f$(T&)f hand woven *ffltmi8M&tc to be profuse jgSL(C^fe^)X/'^ to be confused $M( £> A- o) disorderly, confused %Lm(bAy&5)X/V violent l§L%( ^^(io)X/'^ to overissue war j$L(^fc)"t" to throw into disorder 38. $ (^/v 5 L3 9® \t4 -p.279T [x-f/^a^] revise, correct fnECTVMi-V^X/V to correct efcfrM^TV>[£A,) revised edition r^fTC^V^TV^X/V to revise 11 L 10 10® attack, discuss &|}LfcOI, ®f&1~3 £ b K Lfc. Mtmi b 5 ZAs)?*/]/ to discuss, to debate IfcftOtA; £ 5 to examine MM( t 5&)XA' to discuss, to debate Wiifrtz £ ) £ffr( 3 )o to get revenge 270 in >-7 L 10 11® translate, reason iilR (o 9 < ) /V to interpret IR^O-f" to translate $( % 9) LIR(^)ft) excuse, apology fflaR(fäA4»<)X;V to translate fPlR(^JJ^,< ) translation into Japanese 1l(V^)V^jR(:btf')7./V to give an excuse •£-7 <> L 7 14® approve, admit, acknowledge (frKAs)X/V to deny M(.&b)t>%> to acknowledge L 6 15® various, several, all kinds of fijUK Li^O all/various countries itf?!jil( L J; k/vfcW various problems fi#8£( L i ft 5 £ <) various reports m ^( L i. b 9 ) chain of islands L £ £><£ 5 ) various expenses V L 10 17® lecture — p.289 q m&&%m^x^z>0 H!i!( C 9 to lecture £ 9 &A/).X^ to lecture, to address 98tff( t> J: 9^9 J*/!' to audit ||¥&( course (of lectures) »( :5t) lecturer, instructor C 9 £* 9 ) lecture hall > >* at L 10 19® knowledge, recognition ^M(^h^)7^/V to be conscious of ISbs6(^AU#to recognize ^MiJ(Lt^o)X;I/ to distinguish M(ibL£) knowledge ftSKfcJ: 9 tt) common sense &fft(tM 5U) road sign 277 39. fl (M^A, : shell fish) BK6 $2 IKB2-8 L2 #t 1 1KB2-S ft 2 L9 IIJ |5c-o< 0 1 8. jjr (jv to purchase HM( r. 5 li'V'O^/V to purchase BSot( £ 5 £T to subscribe If @ 8" L 9 18® present *5<- 5 -o 5 tV)*/l/ to present (officially) !!-£(-? 5 <£ to donate 11^(^5 5 )^^ to exchange gifts Sl^j(*3< \) %<*>) a present ♦^(^-H/^^ )*^ to donate IS(*5<)5 to present j 40. g (&b^ : leg) |------------------------- iE» K» BK6 1KB2-13 BK32 272 41, $ (< : wheel) | mi 8K1 :BK27 Ll $5 12 BK38 l* KU 1 11 1 - L 1 11® soft U * 5 )-^- flexible ft(^:b) ka»v>/&( £>ä>fc soft &33(^i;*<)weak, feeble #C'fb('fc^^)X;^ to soften, to be mollified L 2 16® J2. transport HMti(t$>lr*o);*/V to export #1 j£ ( 5 ) 7> to transport ^IÖL(^>fto)^.;k to transfuse blood HA(#Mtf> 5 to import ^l&K < 0 $>)7*>V to transport by air M$m(o Asfy) transportation 42 . % (off)^ : horn) ^ 1KU2-13 l:$ fi 1,2 n s7 C? % W an L3 13® dissolve, untie 0 ^V^/l/ to understand fi?#i(^V^to)7>/k to solve, to settle ra(^V^o)^;V to explain fi¥ak(*»V^^ )to break up $?#C(>V^ 5 );*./!/ to release ftPJBW^L J: 5 to dissolve ^^(^V^c? A/to lift a ban, to open for the hunting/season frM(&/ufi^^)7>/V to disassemble #8?(-)#* <5 to crowd L 6 1311 ;*;?$(/fcV^<*A/) large crowd/herd PMJ^( <*A/£ttAv) Gunma prefecture S$(t*)*l group 45 3 IK 1-52-11 UK 10 IK nL« 46. I (frfa^^ : metal) |--------- $f50 ||,3 g£« H H ||W H» 274 ii Uli; IKB2-15 JÍK33 -3- L 4 8® good fortune, happiness 5Av)f* lucky •«—»• ^ílf-good fortune ^(L&foHÉ: happy «— #fe(i^Ot happy *—*^f^i-3M§(ř±o£5) ül-fate ^(£v>;fo)v> happiness 48. 1 1(Li<^^ : eat) ft' BK9 lllllllllllllll SB 17 iilliiil 49. J horse) ■'' ľ,Kľ ÜM IE34 ||1I1|||:;|Í|Í|| It 18 ||lil§||| 'tie— i r n" IKBĽ-3 ÍK H2- III n. o< t) -, mm-* i ti 1. Jl (frtzti : sword) I-- U ! ft) < 2 s *J ' * BK16 1KB2-Í3 BK44 275 li2- !j (9 o £5 : sword) fij. ?|J * m» IKB2-3T m 2 IKB2- f'.K 1« «> m< fl«J' IKB2-32 BK10 L6 «2 #J '" BK33 L3 L4 WO $2 ■— r ^2 6® line o#J:)X;W to list, to enumerate #3iiJ(c<^/ft-o):x>I> to attend otf to attend SWCtloL-^) train ofc5) chain of islands ff?IJ(3f J: procession, queue )~t%> to attend L 4 8® 3^ ££-tp engrave iiS!l(*>r<)^/V to be late S*KUK)t serious $#J(fc£<) time *> i 5 < )X;U to sculpt, to carve B**!l^< C< t> i. b ) timetable M(1*c£)tf to engrave, to carve m @ @1 «2 9® y^ rule MM'J ) principle, general rule &B'J0S5*<) law, rule ^M'Jrule, regulations KM(tiAy£<) violation 276 ~~ 5 ffl n® y? vice-, sub- g!](«S><)~ vice- , sub-ii(^ 1 L 3 12® create tljg( ^5^5 to create I9^(* 9 $ < )*^ to create MiL( * 5 t> o)to establish fg|( * 5 J: 5 ) to found 34|iJ^( if*< -t 5 Xt )■?- original, individual U*&#( "rHt^) founder «Jf!% 0 frfo Z 5 ) first issue 3. )] (hfrh: power) BK4 L2 1KB2-11 L3 BK41 BK17 JO BK21 BK17 L9 L2 L9 j 1» ) n 0 #7 L 3 7® help, assist_BW*ffiffiiM&tt»&-f5A;/g. $C$j( # ^>5ti to rescue, to aid i)** to aid ^DjEJc^C L5- i-^-V^^^) subsidy, grant *if;£8&(L/\/0)1"&t) personal name :tatJ ± to assist $J W( U i "3%) to advise assistant #j(fc"f")tf"<5 to help, to save duty, serve *8£fii^&5R#£^|I^TV^, 277 WlM%?vt2)7*;V to work *»(^t?) duty HSK i. b ti) business nmmi^tiLi) tax office £R(fctf) office work tel&GcA/tp) duty, work fc»(£vv£f) debt 8J(o£)#><5 to work, to perform f L 9 12® work for, serve 'MM^^^h^BMK^WiK^^tCo mffi(%At?)X/P to work fci&(TA/£A/);*./W to be transfered # A/^<^ )-f industrious jilf(o 5 # ^)7* ft? to commute ttJHb( L^o^A/);*/!' to go to work t to work for L2 12® ^gr> ^-o win, victory, excel L J; o &)%)V to play a match &B( 5 L «t 5 )^./l^ to be a champion L i 5 <9 ) victory »#( L i 5 ) winner 1»UC( Ui 5 ttV'O victory & defeat &M(ItoLi 5 ) final game tfefl^U^bJ: 5 to gain victory easily ~^JH(^)o' to win «—* -r.^($)lf^ l^(D^«*or)t selfish to be superior BK22 UK 11 it' tt' si BKi8 FKB2-I6 L2 ^18. R (KX^S) H 5 . LI BK3G IKB2-36 BK2 27« 6. i |-; w> 1,2 IKB2-4 BK33 1 L 2 4® collect, receive L # 5 L k*> 5 )^/l" to collect L^> 5 5 35» < )7;U to harvest lRi(L^9 L) revenue and expenditure to obtain, to collect M( t*5l*5 to absorb UM \,<4>bJ;9#>) 1st block(in addresses) &TOi 5 t> J: 5 ) kitchen knife 8 . P ( < % : mouth) j □ 3 in* ft8 *p 8 BKl BK43 BK25 BK33 n n 279 9 ^m-+ —j- if W"7 BK20 HK-U 1KB2-t> IKR2-W IKM2-14 10. E [*] 1»;.....» ftl Lo BK21 UK 27 -"7 3U self fiJEKK I? - X% )~T selfish, self - centered £ B( D £ ) self £P H ("fe> # ) an acquaintance 11. £ (£A,^< 9 : patterns) I---- BK28 L3 1KB2-3 - 12. p (ftfcgfc : hill) | sp- w» ss» 3 P UK20 1,1 2s0 -0- L 5 9® suburb the outer suburbs 5) the inner suburbs 1 % 10® county , district <*/u) ~ county, - ^ district »(<*A„£) rural area L 1 11® mail L/C < £3 v\, i$J3§( tf> 5 ■£ 5 ) to mail $ 5# i <) post office §£j§fe2rtt(v9> 1 -t^^Zo L * ) Japan Post, a state-owned corporation j 13, ft J........—......;;................9m........—...... ] 14. <) fa.....immii.......||.........mi.......Itt^MMlMMWMMMl BK45 BK31 ,-L »tili- ^ f f- fr - ! 15. Jf : ax) |- : BK14 BK30 BK19 L3 BKS 2S7 L 3 11 m cut off, decisive, reject, excuse K^TcA/TV^XA- to conclude &®r(tf'O7eA0;*.,'I' to determine g£8f( L^fd^)X/^ to diagnose 3S#f(tf7£A/) without notice fiWf& 5 fc A, • f£ )Z> to decline 16. £ [jfc^/tf^] Hi 4 Kf 7 S& U UK 10 La HK41 17. J! (ot : moon) | BK5 L8 t:i 'm :tjec-* ; n B mi HMO BK.33 T L 8 11® wish %>W.{%\Zb)7,}V to hope #=H( toff 5 to be disappointed ^S! ($ 5 if 0 ) i~ promising * ffA/ 5 ) satisfaction H («9 ) t> to hope, to wish (Hfo)y^^ to wish, to choose TtV^J 5 )^./W to await Igg( *SA/13T 5 ) long - held desire * BfM( Li & ) 7. ;V to desire, to ask for il(^)•^)*LV^ desirable 282 -j 18. ft ( to improve iifeféCifcV^TV^);*/!' to reform, to renew ^M{^\^k,)7s)V to improve Ollfcifr^frOXA' to reform StlH^^tV);*;!/ to revise afitfLn(J&»l^é o <•"£>) ticket gate tííííiJk t>fc)#)<5 to change, to correct ft II L 2 11® be defeated ?-J±(DB%tíZm/V to be annihilated WHfc(«&»fi}:V,0;*/V to be decomposed, to decay M$C(b£ 5ttV>) victory and defeat IMKOiVvfrA,) lost battle ti& to be defeated = ft(£)lt& ^#(^)o ■f 5f * * at L 3 11® rescue, save AskJ: ^MSAf^Mtl^^^o &8&(£ * 5 U± )X/V to rescue, to aid tkMŠ <4> 5 *LÁ/);*/W to send relief *5Uii>o)^^ to save L^) ambulance ÍJJiifcR( é * 5 is?>V> <*) life preserver < ) 5 to help out 2«? -, #tin- ; H J X 19. ^ (&< Xf : open mouth) I--- X* ®c» fc11 ffc!2 f:14 ^A/41. # (<3S —' % L 1 Europe BWH (& 5 L * 5 ) Europe jftgfcC t 9 £ 5 ) Eastern Europe ffiBfc("frVV}3 5) Western Europe dfcBfe(fJ<^5) Northern Europe ®C7^( jo 5 ^V^) Europe and America ^^(jop^A) European languages 20. % (Z£tz : hit) | t n, ru ru 7 >L ;§§lli ?5v L8 IKB2-7 IKB2-12 1KB2-14 IKB242 L10 a- f f lit L 10 911 step M #1 Pf&CrtM^AO stairway, steps L^TifA) means, measure l&$l(fcA/ < ) section, paragraph iH©(fc£A,) price M(fcA^) grade, stage, step 21. J* [W «1 BK44 1KB2-^ JKB2-8 IKB2-^ flU BKU 22. Jfc [t//V] | ) r r*9 & ik L9 BK15 IKB2^5 BK13 fit 2 1KB2-8 -W^30. 1 r /* L 9 skin jfeJjKtK&O skin fe\H(X>fo<) sarcasm, irony &3Mfti&(t>38*<-*V^Ay) leather goods skin fur 23. g [fr>f] j- 7 ^ ^£ S8 S» $252 IKB243 BK22 BK38 24. ft [m?3 "~| ' f h A 6 25. S [S/afr] |- IS 2 $2 IKB2-=n 12 ^jm— ^ 77 g ^sA,3 3. t (^t^Aj) 285 -|26. ft [W] I---—--- tt 5 ?TT 7 ftp 17 IKB2-15 BK26 27. # (tf>: temple) BK14 BK11 BK14 BKU BK31 28. 1 : see) I- BK9 L7 IKB2-6 BK16 L7 L 7 11 m sight, observe L £ o) to inspect MO^DX;!' to neglect 11 ^ (L- X h) viewpoint HiKL"^3) field of vision MKfrUX/l' to ignore UM 1,9*0 eyesight fSSKL^A/) line of vision JfiH (§ h L) near-sighted hi. ft L 7 18M observe fi^j&^So);*^ to observe f^lK^A/^ OX/I" to survey if (^Li 5)^^ to appreciate #ig(& A/JfcAOX/l' to inspect, to visit to see sights M^V^A,)*/!' to survey Mft(U^AT£ pessimistic ^5&|g|ft( f>oKtt)t L*JM/C$ )•?" subjective «—*£!fifl«j(#^o^t^)t l^&C^A/TA,) viewpoint t^&C^/ufrA/) idea A4i(i;^V^) view of life 2&J 29. f (fefe : blue) [~b>n J --h UK 14 IK 142 '■«. UK II 55 L8 lKB2-"«i fit—^3 2. # 30. I [f" 3 ^] I......g......^»»».....mmmmmsmmmm.......m.....mmmmmzl BK8 L5 $1 5M- -+^As 6 n «1 11® notebook i&V^TJt«9 £t§>8 Uat^ofc„ #WK"C*> J: 5) pocket notebook WfeffltiVi. 5 ) phone directory 0IBBKKot*)j:5) diary (6(t> ± 5 #) L cancellation _, m r ft t 31. I :bird) I- IKB246 IKB2-5 BK31 BK34 BK28 BK25 32. ft I--- »» tt» It- £4 fit 2 BK29 Bfc-^13. ( (Z\ifb^/u) %k^/v20. + (£^A,) 2S7 ._, ~~ ^ T\ 1" i 33. I (fcftriH* : head) |-~—--—-- KB12 M12 ft13 IS13 IB14 SI * ISfe ISi* M18 S18 LI© IKB2-11 1KB2-7 IKB2-3 IKB2-10 BK36 L8 BK21 BK41 BK42 IS18 IIi9 L 6 HK3S L 10 12® order ffflft JRW BAT V > 5. )llMJS( D#>A,tf> 5 )^/V to adapt MM(H>$>A/1b3: b)~f favorable, going well JllK#( L tf> A,\t^) turn, order illK'te ( A> V ^) order, ranking fl£ MS (D # 5 ) "7* submissive HKfPC D $ A/ U £ ) order, sequence ^JllI(Tbi$>A/) procedure, routine Jl[g(L^A/)£ in order — 7 * IS L 8 16® =7 4 ±(D-tS rely ftfg( LXkWX/l' to trust WM.(\^b^)7^)V to request ~ — to request ~--IS(fcJ:)£ to rely $§(^0)% Ll^ reliable 1 If L 6 18® amount(money), frame, forehead ^n^A,3 9. H (3&*V^^A/) 3 8. s (jta,^) in. -ecDftk IB BK18 L6 LI Sill BP50 [||,& if 11 ;|||||§;|f L 6 16811111 lllllll! IpSlfi llllll BK14 llllll a- A>3 7. s IKB2--'4 BK26 L7 ms /in " wt L9 1KB2-? IKB2-35 IKB2-=9 BK34 11 tes2 ®«3 12 56 TBil 17 a 18 88» ►o< 0 3. Wul 8. J (fc<"3t) 19 1 II in in IB L 6 511 old, former <4> J)?*/!' to restore, to recover £ t$ 9 L§) old-type IHlfrSK t * 5 Lj&SvO old center (of a town) IB#ft!K£ * 0 fclMirV^ old regime $rlB( v$> 9) old and new IH^kC # ^> 5 -^rV^) one's former name IBBKc? * 9-li"^) historic ruins / r L 1 6® -(> mark, seal, *India ztimktzhtDmmowxto 9JJ9!l(V^§o)^l/ to print EPliCV^A/^A/) (stamp used instead of < fflffc^Az-SV) royalties (on a book) @ ft! (#> D £ L) landmark, mark £P^( V1* A/ L £ 5 ) impression a signature) •WS(V^if) India / f f L 6 10® master WdU)^ to be a pupil H§W(t^.t5L) beautician ilW(*)J; 5 *) L) chef ^Mt'tirA,^ i5D missionary *fIglp(^^^L)=*», #I«±WiE^ nurse #:CT(#i9b) teacher ISfJKv^L) (medical) doctor ££fffi(^L) engineer IS&rp( r. 5 U) lecturer, instructor 1. - i 1 t < «2 A ! BK3 1C 1 BK7 BKIO Tb ■ BK20 lltlll llllll BK is ^ i BK43 p§J 10 BK8 Mn BK27 6 BK24 BK32 BK36 BKIO L6 JKB2-10 C3 8 BK20 ^&L5 \ 3® die JEt(US5)^ to die tffr({3: 5 #>W^;V to flee one's country *£A(W5DA/) widow * tH^) the dead, the ghost 2fc£( i: 9 {£5 to escape Z$£(g>o}3:5 )^.;V to be ruined £r(ft) <) armament reduction U i^rV^ <* A/) women's team 291 +a %4 is * BK3 L2 BK8 HKil UK 18 BK23 0 . am BK34 L10 J -7^ L 10 5M eloquence, valve, accent '•^A/^VOJX/V to make an excuse frM^Aj%hj)7-rV to debate ^^(fc/^-lfA/^A,) safety valve ^8E#(*5*5S*»^) Osaka dialect #A(^0;*/t' to defend #M±(^ IíÍSí* L2 BK21 BK? L8 4" L 2 6® dispute, argue ff & 1861 *čf£fé£ofc0 SHK # * 5 -t 5 to compete tMK 3A,^ 5 to argue iSttiHKfcM* 5) the (U.S.) Civil War ifrfK-lpA/-?: 5 ) dispute #•(&£>■?-) 5 to dispute, to argue /7 L 4 6® 3ŕ &*£-ftv^ .íM>-5^ íM>-.&Íř fc©Jlltttöft#3E<"C äc<*©ÖÄIÄ^:. dangerous $HN0fe*»fcíÉlíLTV>3. fäfifeiitijXH- dangerous -«—► i&Wišň^) harm, risk fc«K£#) crisis ^(ifc-SO&V^ dangerous, risky /7 L 8 12® image, symbol, elephant ll!fclI<0Ä^<0■^ffi^E|l*^•Cg|oTV^5( £M%( U i 5 i 5 to symbolize JE^(^A/L-J:5) phenomenon ^(^5) elephant L J; o ) impression ^^rr(#L±9"fbJ;"?) Meteorological Agency ^^(•€5 If) ivory 9 ; 5 ?Ŕ 6 ^ 7 ^1 L6 m * BK10 ml H TKB2-15 1KB2-2 293 if L 1 9H head, neck_ffffi%gre^m^JBmfcJ:<[gLTJ3<. IfftK L$ L J; 5) Prime Minister 7cW0;f A/L $) the leader of a nation lWM( Lti>^b> i. o) chief, head "if!P( L ^ t) capital city #"i"(T < t>*) wrist 10 . □ ( < ib : mouth) |^ UK I iiKIS HK19 : BK6 DP BK35 mi HK27 BK34 11. ■■■■■ BK26 L6 1KB2-6 ' 9 ^ £r-*$>L7. D (<*>) 12. (0"£> : earth) BK2 L8 BKi4 BK17 BK23 L4 * 7. $ (£-JWu) — + L 8 leave, pass away £3 7 0, III o L# £ )X;V to pass away last year i ( $ ) -5 ~ the past/last ~ (date) £ )X;V to leave *mMfrZ) past i( $ ) <5 to leave, to go away 294 13. 1.6 IKB2-.j BK12 L10 IKB2-3 BK37 L 1 6 . jQfl -h L 6 man, military man ±*lite2t±; IE • $fe A • fS AT?fc3. jt;±(*£»D samurai, warrior /ftfi±(fcV,*^?L) member of parliament ffiKf ±( L £ 5 5 L) fireman W±(«< L/fiJ&Mi:) Ph.D, Doctor of~ ^H^^V^tV^L) accountant #lt±(^^L) lawyer ^ffijf|*ff±( 5 % * 5 5 L) astronaut 14. (dfrAjtsV : roof) J ^ 6 BK7 Pill 8K8 BK12 lilli L 7 JKB2-13 BK39 BK12 JKB2-1& BK12 BK31 1KH2-H HK2J. ^llllliill lilli 1KBM3 BK25 BK42 I>5 10 W 10 § M fit 11 " L5 112 IKB2^3 BK21 IKB2-3 16: L4 BK24 IKB2-11 IKB246 IKB245 rip L 7 6® maintain, protect '$lZM&ffite&^X^feflz!$&JtCo *3Mt( b^'DOXA- to defend, to guard $3WA/L*)>Vl' to adhere strictly #^3(f5b^-C#)^ conservative«»fi^(b^T#)i-/$ff^(^< LA/Tt)*J-&^('£,b)<9 (good luck) charm Tp(£&^) obstacle ^0- ^2 10® =p> ^©fe'joBtt. 2 0 0 i$ form, appearance, content fl§}&£Ä#fi*n?&Jö*ojfc, §S( J: 5 fcAv)*/!' to allow fF^(t i £ 5 )^ to allow, to permit WM( 5X5 to hold, to accommodate ^^(ftl^<£ 5 ) content §H( i 5 easy ^it( J: 9 •? J: 5 ) capacity, volume §Kt( A«S5) rich and poor • — Hi (t) ts to abound in ■ " ill (t ^) place name ^±lij(^£A) Mt. Fuji "m^i^Z^ o ) rich man %{b&) wealth * la it (9 # ) <£> A noble and wealthy person 296 15. * (L £L^) writer £ £ 5 J:) co-authorship IKV^t^)^ remarkable ^F£(t> ifcV^H- well-known iK *> ht>)i~ to write, to publish 297 2& -Mär l 9 12® 3^> leaf oj tfumt z> im ^ & o & . tEÜ( £ b i 5 to turn red (leaves) MÜf (£ b «9 < J: b U ) deciduous tree leaf M3o)*>MUf) fallen leaves / -+£. / >* l 1 16® : thin &3l(tt< fc*<5 to weaken, to make thin 18. U4 (-^^ : mountain) Ik 1 lL OJ BK1 BKS i t i 1KM2-12 ■ ill; FKB2-6 I-, i n b \ 19. m (t> : sun, day) BKI BK16 L2 IKB2-8 1KB2-9 BK26 BK45 L2 TKB2-8 IKB2-13 1« \£°p Xa L7 ^7 ^7 y 1 H7 £7 l 2 8® rise, go up ±S(ti5LJ:5)^ to rise ( Lli b%<4> b )7;V to raise a salary #(<£>{3:)<5 to rise, to go up #JS( Li 5 L/o)7sj\y to be promoted #M$P(LJ: bZ.b ) hatch 29« ■e2_ 3- L2 12® quantity, measure, weigh &* J: 5 to measure (cf.p.l60)riJ3J IrSCltV^D i 5 )7>/V to measure (cf.p.l60)rtr5J ^ftSC't^t) £ 5 to guess fc <9 £ 5 ) large amount <—*4HK L £ 5 tJ £ 5 ) JjriK U *J> 5 I? i. 5 ) weight Ji( 9 £ 5 ) quantity :5Hi(*£A, ^> £ 5 ) quantity, amount a1 M($^ 9 i. 5 ) (sound) volume UkfiCfcO *} J: 5 ) calories ;A;iL£MfcV^ J; 5 ~£^$/v) mass production M(k£&0<5 to measure, to weigh (cf.p.l60)rifc A/I3? 5 )-?7* ^ violent/to do violence mJ](&0 y>H<) violence H($>tf)tl<5 to act violently 20. : stop) \ ) Y ir-lt Jl: 1 BK17 BK 17 n 8 1KB2-1 BK41 l & /it 3fe 0\ L 8 13® year, age &B($V^o) years itfcCSV^o) end of the year HfclU^V^L^o) expenditure TjsSO^A/c*"^) cheers, hurray **i(*V»f£) year-end gift ~i!(&V^ —years old = ~jr 299 21. * (&l^A>fr*3 : old)~^ ■ BK36 BK41 BK27 22. 1KB2-15 L 4 L 6 ^-&L14. m(tttt) 23. iiV XiZ, jÜX, f^A. IKB2-8 BK2 IKB242 BK33 BK36 24. ^ (oftfr/ktr*) : claw, nail) \ 'mm 2SL Vi BKÄ) L7 g-*&Ll 0. ^ 25. m BK1 Li] * BK33 L10 iE ,- 03 9 BKS BK23 •tHi- i n VT7 FH ffl LI 1KB2-11 L4 t n S7 L 10 5Ü say, call 300 i£iif( LA,-£V^*/1' to apply tf^C L^C OX/V to report ^gr#( £ 5 LA/);^ to report, to respond 5 )LJ&(Otf to propose, to apply EfJ( & 5 ) LM(hif) excuse, apology 1} o )i~ (humble form of mo) X L 1 9® world, border »(-fr^W the world fe&IKtfV^V^VO economic l&WfA,^) limit world jftl^-frV^VO political world J: boundary ^S#( L^V'O range of vision w v> f & jtfc- L 4 11® different, strange IXibI Ä? b v> 5 -r - ^ x mmt 3, M^tV^D i 5 unusual, abnormal J^sKl^i 5 strange, queer MK(V^Lo)-^ different in quality ^^CitiV\£A/#0 different culture MHt(V^c?) objection, dissent M'I4(VvfrVO the opposite sex li^&V'O difference HJPK# .fc 5 V"0 wonder, miracle to differ ^(Zt)lt.§ MS SiSS: L7 L7 BK38 L 4 12H b? '0^-UV^ equal, grade, and-so-forth J: 5 if 5 H- equal *—Z5b*>) equal level c^A/i 5 )i~ equal, of the same proportion lf!ft( t 5 # # 5 ) class, grade _h^( D «fc 5 i 0 )i~ high-grade <—*T^(^ bo)"f -ftV^oi: 5 ) 1st class, 1st place ^^(fcV^t 5 ) equality, equal level i 5 J^A/) inferiority complex iSf#^1&(high school TS^tfcWC £5£5-£<}:5V^) higher education c./. #3?, $0«? ^(t>fc)U^ equal * #3KjMi$>) they A-/r L 5 T 1% IT 14® pipe, control %mAfc*&^A>' to store, to safeguard 19 )^/V to manage ^Sf(##aA/) the trachea, the windpipe Tfcil'gKi'V^ 5 #*A/) water pipe HF9&8§(#*A/i&so^:) orchestral wind instrument W(<7c) pipe, tube IT % 4- L 7 14® count, calculate tr#(tfV»$A/);*/l' to calculate Mfl^-frV^ A,);*/!/ to adjust an account M"kXt^\^k>)%^ to estimate generally BggfC&A/^A,) mental arithmetic fi"Jfftj(;|g£>kT#)-7- calculating, selfish ¥f£(££A,) budget, estimate tft#( £$ A/) miscalculation B#^( L £ 5 £ A/) chance of success Wki. £ A,1~ 5 ) arithmetic 303 kit L 7 16® Ulfe,, construct ftto build, to construct efcH(^*>OXA to rebuild 5 < to build on $r$( LA/*> < )XA to build newly S£(#"f)< to build, to construct * fgi&to^ (place name in Tokyo) 32. ^ C : sheep) ^ aus im. 1 L3 J: Jo «1 13® righteous, meaning ^HCTV^)*^ to define to lecture ^SS(^tf) duty sense of duty IEiK-£V^) justice JfcH(V>l?) meaning ±£l( L *-ism, principle * ili§3g(#.& % £ h : power) I.........................................-- llllllllS^ -* -*7 L 9 ^7 x7 7H endeavor MM L7t£t±§0 Mtsiif^O i < to make efforts 3B(oi)J&3 to make efforts (frtzfc : sword) |^ zj 2 ft 4 h 8 ^ 12 Pi^iliiilli 305 A L 6 811 ticket, coupon, certificate A^#( K o D i. 0 if Ay) entrance ticket L- i 5 L-^» ) passenger ticket f&iw#( L A 5 t>A ) gift voucher Jtn&$( C 5 < 5 ft A) airplane ticket Li 5 ft A) securities, bonds J*#(*) passport 5. + BK3 BK.3 BK10 IKEŽ-so BK31 BK4 BK16 BK42 IKB2-5 BK38 lKB2^ L 6 in -ir- L 6 -f- 11 ■ \)y y y t>£-^£ rate, proportion gi^^Az-fco);*^ to lead igft(ft\f^o)ir careless »$(15 t>o) efficiency t?o) probability i 51> J: 5 9 o) voting rate L*> i 5 <9 o) ratings (T.V.) *fi(-fco"kJ:»9o) ratio fifcg^-frV^i 5 <9o) growth rate W5Wt>*<*£A,Do) percentage ^(Z>t)l^6 to lead HJ^^Í^L/vLi^ 5 ratio of circumference to diameter pi, n 6. ^ : hand) ■BiillI^B^lii^llÉI^IiiP ■1 R-0<Ü2 2. Ŕ [t] -— L 2 4M support, branch iSB( LfivOX/U to manage, to control Ltf> 5 L) revenue and expenditure i tti ( L L o) expenditure i J£ ( L T A,) branch office 306 # fr A, b) bronchial tubes £&(bř±5>)5 to pay i( £ £ ) ;t <5 to support Pt 6 i n n BK1 BK6 BK28 BK29 BK40 C3 ' lilElillllis rrtn IKB2-2 ifs BK8 ÍÍ 5 BK1S BK34 LŽ L8 BK40 llSi L6 1KB2- is lll|pl$ii BKll ÄI £4 ' BK35 op 8 ÍKB2-6 1KB2-6 LS S m IKB2 ra» BK21 58? IS 2 IKB245 BK16 7 ^ 7 $2 íř7 IKB2-1 IKÍ52-7 —- L2 5® possible fFŘT(§ £^)^;V to permit ňflíHÉ^A) possibility ŘTfé(j&>© 5 )•*- possible *—^RlUK^© 5 )~T L 8 5® •fey 5£>ft-5 L-«)5 occupy, fortune-telling ffiÄ(if < ■tírA/);Ok to monopolize £íH(-tírA/9 i 5 to occupy territory ^^(■lärA^5 to occupy d3(b)#>3 to occupy, to account for d? ( 5 £> ft) 5 to see the future, to tell fortune M £ (b 5 ft) V astrology 77 -7 77 77 «2 5n 5/ a # #>-1" ^A^B^řcaHŽHfco convene, eat &®fci£©< k^S Ut#y SÄ(Li5L^5)7;> to convene ?Hi^( b* ^A/);^ to summon g-ffitobOJO^ servant S(#>) b±(&)^£ (honorific form of Ä^5/tfetr) 307 7 L 6 6W each, every, various &(DJgW*1i&ft&mo (fa < %) various places &i(^oC<) every/each nation tf» < fl»vO every field #li(LhJ>) every kind &~kM(fr< 5 feA/) every direction &*(:}o<£>each, all, every MR^f ¥(#*< ^.^'TV^L^) train which stops at every station -7 r 15 m im lord 1 5 0 ^!&fc££*Jtf*S>K±flfflfcfcofc. ~H( Flr-it5o ^JiKl^-o L$ 5 )X/W to go around once Mlll§( L5 V"0 surroundings S( L i$> 5 ^ A/) surroundings R ill (X. A/ L # 5 ) circumference /SM^( L $ 9 5 ) frequency Y) circumference, surroundings 8 it 5 ■iillll BK$9; ntB2-9 9. ear th) ± 3 £E 5 ft 6 S « M BK2 L&M^ :tJH- - + ± 4*- "> j&l u lllllillllllillill! L9 308 Ji. r F 0- L2 5® yy press, overwhelming EEM(feo k.b)y^fV to overwhelm JÖLJBEOto&o) blood pressure IiJEE(l?A/feo) voltage ^EE^V^feo) external pressure JEE^Cfoo *) £ <) pressure ^Gt(^fe'O) atmospheric pressure g£ffi$K^A/&0#) transformer ßE(foo)"^"<5 to press, to overpower •ft] -ff' L 6 9® type, model, form jSMCT/Utl^TtW- typical f£§ fcKil&?S( H) * ^A/tfVO streamlined shape MM SffSK&l^l^j&Sfc) newest model V(1tMf^) body type, body size KSKftojfctäSfc) blood type 9(*5*5*Sfc) large size*—/hM(£äsfc) X L 6 11® hall ■kM L £ < if 5 ) dining hall i 5 if 5 ) lecture hall U if 5 ) Diet Building (if 5 if 5 ) i: dignified ^i£(f5A/if 5 ) main temple building *LM(*U>if 5 ) chapel £ 5 *^ if 5 ) public hall -tt L 9 11 ® foundation, basis base basics S»(#«Ay) base &Jft(t*>) (military) base foundation, base S(^i:)o< to be based on *5rM(L® o # £ 5)(iifW(bA/^ fo^)7/l< to love MSK & V>> U i 5 ) love, affection & V1» t> * <) attachment K&V'Oi'S to love *~f$$k(frfr^)^ lovely, sweet 11. mu- - f -K 7C 3 ^ 4 X4 X4 7t4 X 5 BK4 BKJ5 BK26 BK38 IKBJM? BK42 5 §g » Ha $1 IKB2-9 BK15 r7 5® center ff3^:( ■£> i$ 9 & 9 ) center i* 9 9 ) Chuo Line 12. jk- (JoA>& : woman) ^ 1?C 3 j£Č e BK2 BK8 BK15 1KH2-JÜ UK-12 IK 152-5 13. ^- (r : child) ^ 7^ BK2 :;:;;j:j:jft:^:jxjjj£:: L7 ^ 8 » BK2 IKB2-*f -- L 7 6® exist mfr»*&©±?F#«:4»fcV^ 310 ^^(•^•A/^W-X/W to exist #^(-€:A^< )7.)V to continue 'fS#({S•€^)Xv'^ to preserve ^M{^t\^k,)7s;V to exist, to survive H 5^A,)XA to coexist #(^A,)-f 3 (humble form of &3 /® 5) 14. n, (tiff : width) Til ' tl 7 4& 7 BK20 IKB2-7 L8 10 BK25 fir lu L6 L4 L 8 7® hope, scarcity 0 #H(£{£5 )X/1/ to hope #4MMt(t Li 5 •#>•£>) value (due to rarity) 3Hi(tte< thin, diluted Z t) one's 70th birthday L 6 10® belt, zone, wear MKtf-l^cWXA- to bring with oneself, to carry BWSK D^A/fcV'O time belt 'jS^ftA/fcV'O-X/k to have solidarity jJcillflKtf^A/fcV^) volcanic zone ffi&fti \) i < htc^) green belt aMBKftofcVO tropical zone &&}&&($>/ul£/u''t>1t^) safety zone i$(io)TS% to wear, to be entrusted with M=({£5fcV^ bandage ^Cfctf) a belt for A/wo/io f \ L 4 1111 i?3^ oft *ti *l&&SjEttfctfaj<v^,, normal, usual, ordinary &> i. 5 ) everyday, routine $£'(§( C J: oXP)7*f\/ to be ready for use anytime jE#(*V^ i 5)^ normal V^fc i 5 #^(T>D i 5 ) emergency »(t>D «k o )K extremely ^SS(t?Dj:5) transience, mutability ItiK b <}: 5 L#) common sense•«—♦#^185 ^B#( 5 D) usually Sf£( D J: 5-fro) standing, permanent %(o&)\Z always OT?I?( U i 5 J: 5 -J^A/ U) (the 1,945 Kanji for general use) * ^ JE (( CL ^> L) ambition 3/2 respond, react ^ML^f)^tciMKM]t^M^t^>o *l"JCK(itV^ 5 to correspond to J&ffl(43 5 J: 5 to apply to KiK(te:A/' to support, to cheer for 5 i 0 to respond JtS($3 5 ) D<5 to respond, to answer V) A/# - ^5^A/) adaptation to circumstances 4* 4 ^7 L 8 9® anger M Of § if) * ^ to be enraged $5(:io£)<5 to be mad, to be angry anger <^ - L 5 13® y r> * y imagination SHIK 5 5 )X/V to imagine HI i® (V ^ b ) X >V to recollect M(L-£5) thought, idea *^*Jl(&v>-?7£>l^ ) friendliness J;-?" 5 to estimate, to predict an ideal a&MifcAj-t 5 ) impressions B 17. of n r b BK36 BK42 1KB2-*» BK27 IKB2-7 BK10 BK23 BK26 IKB^* L5 1KB2-?« L9 BK9 it ft it L 5 12® 7 widespread, common # 5 to spread ztM(&-o5) ordinary, usual &MM&^A,X%)1- general !rl&(.&fcA/) usual, constant 313 4£ * L 9 El 0 12® replace r. 5 fcV^X/t' to take turns M#( !3 i. ?1fi%.)7sf\/ to exchange, to change to replace f^#(fcV>/tV^)X/l^ to substitute #(#»);b<5 to be replaced * ^rHK^frii') exchange, money order 18 PS) 6 BK7 BK16 :Si^Ei;:::::S BK14 n 8 IK »2-1 ; n n % IKB241 IKB2-10 IKB2-H IKBM6 19. * ^)H-> - 1* * BK1 BK4 L6 TKB2-7 BK9 $2 1KB2-6 BK8 ■ * • BK29 L4 1KB2-12 IKB2-14 BK31 BK5 BK3? BK23 BK27 IKB2-14 BK12 L7 ->^Cf9 3 0 L 6 5® not yet, un- 5;^) not open to the public ^tc^C^^A/-^) incomplete sfcMMfrfrWf-o) unsolved ^fig^(^-tirV^A) minority, minors *i(#£>V^) future jfcM<^t>) unknown -^PK&^A/) less than ~ —- 7 7 «2 7B bundle &ffl^#T, tCAbOtolll&WOM't; < < )7^)V to promise #3lf£(to restrict —5fe(r>fcfc«) one bundle ItMlttetzit) bouquet *(/tHT)fc5 to bundle 314 3s- L 4 9® soft, tender, gentle i**ft( H> 5 Ay H" flexible * IEfp( t» 5 )± gentle, mild flB^BK ^5D*5 A,)-7* indecisive U ^ 5 if 5 ) judo M*?b%i)^'/f&hfrtf: soft, tender a/.&£>tf»KLl) 20. (fr/n-ofr : fire) ^ *k i 515 T rJ3 0 H It 4& 12 M 12 qg* 12 BS 53 ^ 14 15 y v yv A»> JTVt ;*nr? i 7>*> BK2 1KB2-6 BK28 BK23 BK45 L5 19 L10 IKB2-13 BK26 L7 a* / L 5 1211 (suffix) ~state g£$(L-t£A,) nature SE&("&VvtfA/)£ orderly £^(-l£A,i£A,)---ftWneg.) not at all "* ^(TA/fcA,) nature *-»AI , Kik £&(£o-t?A/) suddenly ift^tefOo-ffAvfrVO necessity L 9 12® boil, cook ^^(U^^o)X;y to sterilize by boiling ^JKfC&tf)) cooking M( K) -5 to boil, to cook H (,T 9 ) & M. (I-) -^i" to become irritated m a L 10 13® shine T- 3 : T- f£ L < it 39 ^- £#BStf> £ £ o fco £V* U i 5 )7\;V to contrast KS 88 (t i 5 #> V ^) artificial light fi8("C)tl<5 to feel embarrassed #i($^LJ:5)^^ to refer Ra(T)£ shine HmiVr*)*) drought 3/5 -A- 1 14 L 7 15® 4 >>N mature Mtt 3a«tt*s*>«. L # < )i"( 5) to mature t * < if < )7^)V to read thoroughly to think overcarefully M( D i$> < tU/)*^ to be skilled $B§(fc*<'f"V^);*/I' to sleep soundly ^^(^rV^i* <)^^ to mature ^L$ < immature, inexperienced to ripen 21. :;:'/:y:lj'|/A:v;:;:;Y;";';';';';';';'^^i|i;*^ Li BK15 BK45 IKBE-lo LS Ji-+^/v2 3. £ (4o9^) ►0< 0 1 7. | (Ot) ■■-■| 22. g (fc : rice field) ~^ BK1 BK21 BK19 IKB2^,9 IKB2-16 IKB245 i nmmffl 23. inns m BK6 ti> if9 % BK44 LI LI BK2S ^ 12 ^jl?" li ^]—[ f=\ BK17 IKB2-9 IT- -*j&»A/tf 9 9. J /J /J N L 1 9M omit, ministry t»&(li9H<)X;l/ to omit rth^C^-frV^)*;!' to go home to exclude, to omit ^t(ftA/-£V^*/V to reflect L J: 5 ) Ministry of ~ to reflect upon 316 24. (g h : bowl, dish) ^ '^mr* ) n iro Jul L8 IKB2-J6 IKB2-i IK»2-.i 8? ^ ; L 8 11 H thrive ^SCHfAz-tirW height of prosperity ^^(•^V^fcV^)-^" splendid, on a large scale $i(£*0A/:J- thriving IS ($ fr) 0 ^ 03:) an amusement district ^f5K-frVN# i 5 ) prosperity, booming * %&( fiJX t J: 5 )to prosper /^(jo&'k ) *3 large serving (food) 25. ( L#>t" : show) L7 ffi? I' IKB2 s L7 — T 71 aTx 7J\ ■^•^2 4. ^ (Uo1"^A/) L 7 13® prohibit !£(#A/)D3 to prohibit ^tib(#A/UX/W to prohibit i£^0f A/c?A/)X/I' to prohibit strictly ^fjSI(§A/X.A/) no smoking HSI(^A/L$) abstinence from drinking, prohibition 26. : thread) ^ HKti IKB2-3 L8 yy-s IBII..................... ik'<2-4 ik 112-14: L 8 10® x y original, raw , natural, element 317 !!^(<£ 5 •£) element ^H(-?:<£ 5 ) ground knowledge gentle, innocent 11 # A( LZ>o t) amateur Ii(Lo^)f simple, plain &S(*Lo) quality ML) barefoot 27. ^ : clothing) ^ BK44 1KB2-4 IKB245 1KB2-16 L3 * A- L3 14M manufacture, make, produce SBK-frW? 5 to manufacture l^mC^V^A,) manufactured products &js3sk % ^^ < -frV*) made of metal Rtf^-frV^S <)XyV to manufacture B^SSKfCffA^V'O made in Japan HHfeBft-e-V^T'O D i ) steel works — 28. M (^^ : shell/money) ^ 16 Hf* 1« i Si** BK6 L2 BK27 IKB2-9 LI I CKB2-1 SK9 BK24 BK39 12 12 ^ 52 ^ 13 ^ 13 l4 IKB2-8 IKB2-34 BK35 IKB2-8 BK21 BK44 /7 H L2 9M 7 *5-5 be defeated, bear, negative no. ^fi^fc/U^/l" to be liable SM(U^)^.;^ to have high self-esteem j&jk (9 ) aspiration, ambition jldfc);^"^" to beat someone in a game ^^(-&»L- i 5 to be injured L J; to play a game fti!c(.S*"f" 5 ) negative number ^($3)5 to carry, to bear 318 L 1 11® poor ^W(t^^^) rich and poor StlKtNA/D-^O:?" poor, weak a:(t-f)LV^ poor S:ffl(t^^C^) poverty *«£(t>*^3?5)^ poor A @ «i 11® goods, coinage Ä^Kä^o) freight, cargo &Ä(#A,Ä>) gold coin IÄ(o5^) currency (money) ^ffcifr^^) money M(£5/$>) coin n s s L 4 12® * ft tot - ^ precious , noble SA(C5t)-^ noble ltfi(t*> £ 5 )^ valuable, precious *fiR°n(11>* 5) valuables MM#•€<) the nobility #(fco £ / £ 5 £ ^ precious, noble #(fco £ /£ 5 £ ).£ to respect *Jfcfr/ft£(&fcfc) you 379 vi. zom (±t) L2 BK25 ,,,,,,11:1; BK16 BK25 BK28 9 X 9 BK42 L9 tit* If 6 Kill! BK26 LI L7 BK3 BK8 IL 7 S7 jg a j3C * L3 I!!!!! BK23 IKB2-1 1KB240 & 9 # 9 IS* & 11 Jiff? 11 IKB2-7 IKB243 BK7 IKB2-15 BK7 BK7 llllll^llil 12 -|«g» 13 jgj* E1KB2-13 IKB2-ai IKB2-4 L4 L9 I Mao ^22 j IKB2-S BK37 3ff Bg> 15 3gp IS ]6 ^g^T 1 « IKB2-1 L9 IKB2-16 L5 1KB2-1 T-^^fc)^-f L 9 9® •ftp frfc> reform, leather o afcgfj^V^O;*^ to reform ^^i^AsfrOX/l- to alter $$r(^< LA,) innovation *-*$^( L $) £ffr(j&»< «>V*) revolution &$Sh&(t>tf*< "frV^lM,) leather goods 3E(jteb) leather L 4 13® plentiful, rich plentiful 5 ft A,) fruitful year * S ffl rti (£ £ fc L) Toyota City K^7t)>5^ plentiful, rich hW( f5 9 £ <) good harvest 320 3 L 9 15® attack, shoot ^M(Cb\f^)7.;V to attack mmL£b\?%) shock f£( b )o to shoot £( & < if # to witness %(tclf%) blow, damage, batting — * ft L 5 16® adjust, arrange S|S|(-£vn!9 to put in order &^*k\^T$)7;V to keep ready for use &MTtWf^)7/V to have plastic surgery i££*(-£VM£A/)b orderly illi&(*>J: 9-£-V>0.X/V to adjust M b b 9 £1 5 concentrated, deep ££#(£5-^1, J: 5) Ministry of Health and Welfare J¥(8>o)V» thick 327 -j 2. r (ttzH: slanting roof) |— BK13 LI L3 L10 BK13 BK20 IKB2-4 IKB2-9 L4 IKB2-14 1KB2~'3 ;t.f>. 1-5 DC BK13 BK24 HK2n J&\^*& L 1 6 . ^ ( LtcZ £3) ff ff L 1 5® government agency P.279T [^3^1 ftftJT<0&Ste£££,&-t*i4*MkU\ ~fr(5) ~Agency TJT&rr^A/u5*>i5) government office 1#Mjt(% L J; 9 «fc 5 ) Meteorological Agency tPrJrC ti"/u*> i 9 ) prefectural office f L 10 7® V 3 introduction, order JllI^ D * A/ U J:) order, sequence :£(D £.£A>) preface ffcff( *>o i ) order, system If ?'J(D ifto) order, rank r r It L 5 8® bottom WU&MX^T^T%)i- thorough, complete JSJZKTVvvA/) the base V&J£(:&H^-CV) the bottom of the sea JS(-?:C) the bottom r r —— — ?- L 4 11 ® healthy teSSUt A/ £ 5 H" healthy ^^mm± ^MUM If A, Z. 5 • A,) health insurance ■ V/utc/u) health check * «JI|&&(£/V to display ^K£(T/l£>A^W exhibition M r F ß L 2 14® layer, level, (social) class _hJB(i b 5 ) upper layer/classes «—*T •(#*•€: 5 ) %S(*>-?r5) stratum, layer ^JtK^V^-?-5 ) social classes iftS( 5 5 )\£fV skyscraper ikbBMiLty&Zro) housewives f|J^fl( *> * 5 fr'A/-?: 5 ) middle stratum/classes 4. f I ft : sickness) BK13 BK13 TKB2-11 IKB241 BK13 L3 r L 3 17® medtcal treatment, cure fi&SK'fe*) i 5 )7>fl' to treat I£i?(v^ £ 5 ) medical care f^®(LA/19J;5).^/I-' to diagnose and treat M^kiVti-bi.5)^/1' to be under treatment, to recuperate 323 tin- ~~ % ic X iiiiiil^Biii^MKi ft ft ft L 2 13® -try fight, tctcfr-war 5 tKS 1 laim^0*^^ll^mofco ft!fc(/tVv&A/);*/V to fight against tHfc(*>J: S-tT/OX/V' to challenge !8HK-frA,*5) war MM^) the cold war SfciK-frA/O postwar tfM!l<$ • fclv£A/) the Second World War = WW! $(fcfctf»)5 to fight Oil 1 . £ (CI ^ ^ : arms) ^ ifet? Ris BK39 TKB2-I JKB2-1S L2 2. ^3 (ooJ\&( £<5o#0 package /&M(fcb V'OX/V to surround 55 5 J: 5 19 i. <) tolerance c2(oo)tP to wrap S(oo)^ wrapped parcel 3. n (fr< Lffg* : pocket) |» c BK20 IKB2-9 BK22 IKB240 324 ilL 4 . □ (<\Ztf£%. : country) ^ BK3 BK13 L10 03 7 IJK13 BK19 15 5 BKI3 M3i L5 HE; BK19 a n L 6 6B group, organization lipvfcVUto);^ to unite HJfl^fcXfcV'O group itffl(£Vf£A,) foundation JfriUBK^o 5 TLkitiki) cheer squad Wi&itcAjIb) apartment complex mM(&5 X) t < fc/U street gang £ W note A,) delegation *^rffl(^>;!) 5 to surround ffl 1 n pi m L 5 8® hard, solid $ttBHfcJ&fe£#oTV^0 @£(£TW*/V to fix, to settle 3&@(# J; 5 C )■?- strong UllfrCifcV^) solid (body) PHW(£#>9) one's own, unique @(*»fc)V» hard H(a>fc)£>3 to harden 325 r 5. n 1 n R « 1*1 1 BK18 ■ft m- IKB2-i I'-K7 |Pj « BK28 - prfj » L6 1KB2-"; 1 n ft L 6 6® 1M *f- ^tztc-Xf again, re- S&C&V^V'O;*^ to meet again HHa^l^VO^/U SfcHf§(£v^*}>ol;£o);*./l/ to restart M( £ V^tA/)*/!' BfilflK&V^ £ 5 )^ to reuse, to recycle fflt|($V^A,)7./W S^jSC^V^V^A,);^ to reproduce £ Vvfrl'O;*/]/ ffilX^V^f A/)X;W to reappear, to reproduce ffi£(&V^2f) again '£ £>l^Ltf> 5 ) the week after next &(&tctc)ZS again, to reopen to reconstruct to remarry to regenerate for a second time m\ 6. PI (*>/u&£JL : gate) | PI8 H » Polu W u US!* PB14 W14 BB« BKl BK13 BK21 BK9 BK1S BK9 BK32 IKB2-1S 'tiffin * 1 Fff 7. tj (g'.fc'SffS*) | fl 6 #f51 fSf 12 It? 15 fw"* fiti& !iillll;!llillillllili§l 326 1 . L ( a 0 : way) ^ 3 5 &5 ffi7 ?S7 317 * ill* IKB2-13 IKB2-7 BK14 EK24 IKB2-10 3KB2-1 IKB2-29 BK24 BK41 IKB2-0 ikb2-13 bxb2-3& bk.14 3® 1(5 m 10 HK17 BK31 10 bk14 bk14 38 BK24 RK27 BK-13 L3 JKB2-9 BK10 BK43 IKR2-?8 I JO HKI4 BK28 fK82-37 BK28 RK27 IKB2--7 IKH2->i f- * it it L 3 • 10® make, construct, build $StjS(*V^5)^/W to manufacture Hat (5 € 5 ) * /i- to create fitaj|( £.5^5) structure Jtii&(frA/^5.$Jo) building h£(o<)£ to produce, to build gfejS(^V^5 to reconstruct /fcj^K 4> < 5 ) made of wood jg*&(^5"^) shipbuilding ^(■f^frV^tf D*J>o) plastic art + 4- L 10 12H attain, reach $&(l$o1to)7;l' to develop tM1t^^)%;U to attain iM(tbtc^>)7.;V to reach t(fco)i~£> to reach, to attain ±l(Di b1to)7)V to make progress fSii(T?/kfco) to transmit iS3l(-?r < Tto) special/express delivery •SjiCitT^t)) Mend L3 BK39 327 1 It l 3 8® extend, spread, postpone & b 'P* b % KB £ w£ L x < 7c £ V ^ 0 5£JI(;tA/*> J; 5 to extend SiUK^A/c?to postpone HinK^.A/feV^XA' to extend one's life Mi to exceed 5x.o)X/V to go beyond MW&i t> ± 5 IKB2-15 it -! IKB2-4 1KB2-16 IKB2-13 BK3 8K3 BK3 BK4 BK10 BK35 3l 4 p « ft * liiilKiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii 1ft* LI L7 1KB2-2 ^« lftL& L9 a' BK17 fKB2-3 BK15 i. (. lllliii BK18 PK Hi t 2 t! L2 |gl BK27 BK22 Ä 6 ft! e BK25 HK33 Jll ■ BK1 BK.X JK 11 MK23 ta IKB2-7 BK3 P=f=l i Ulli BK34 Mi5 IK I 11 8 ^3 BK3 Jll llllll TT/ r —j—» f> fllllfl IKB2-9 4 RK37 UK 40 l1 BK27 I;: BK29i!ll|;;||l ja.» I:;iill;;:;;iKB2^3 L3 Ju BK2-1Q TKB2-15 TKB24 IKBMG IKB2-I3 lllill IKHLMft HKI7 ; 1KB2^b BK7 BK2Ö BK7 BK38 BK7 j^-*$> L 7. 7 -7 T L 2 2Ü finish, complete to finish to complete (a course) 7ft¥(!3 «t 9^v^)^;^ to complete to understand 1 A L 7 5® long time 529 /kft(x.V^Ci* b)7\;V to reside permanently ^M(k.^^< to last long >Wi£(x.V^A,):2./V to pass away >fcit(/ilNX.Ay) eternity ^kAC/iV^ * 5 ) permanence 7k(ft£J)V^ long (time) >^<.1fi:4,5LS(^.V^-lirV^-t^^ *) O <) permanently neutral country L 1 5® world, generation J^^tf 91WH3LfcV\, 1tt#(*A»V>) world, earth tfrfUK-tHtA/) world, society, public i£fg(*:b) care, help ~HilE(-trV^) ~ -th century Hf:(fc-fr V*) second generation W/v) public opinion y a L 1 6® state, sandbar 'Mu.( L tf> 5 ^ O) state-run BWN(:|3 5 L*5) Europe (A/ U 5 ) main island, Honshu *HÄ*N( 3 delta L3 7® change, moreover Altai ^M(■^^C 5 to change, to alter Il^ÖK £ 5 §) the menopause 5L( $ £>) moreover M#f( £ 5 LAy)*/V to renew S^c^( Z\b^bo) change room ft late at night —' m 7® bean sJft( £ 5 -SO tofu, bean curd iK^oi 5 ) fermented beans #a^J!r(Vvf-H:Avfc5) Izu Peninsula AatfcWf) soybean */hs.(&"f£) red bean S(£#>) bean 330 / 1*1 é) L 9 14® nose AMrfctH^ #7k#tfi£o SJ|L?äKU£fi&*) otorhinology JMIKt&fóA/) nasal sound MUte) nose Äzk({íft#.-f) mucus (nose) 331 □ #!M%€I □ On - Kun Index [&] TÝ-v* S 1 P.298 I|a 2 p.279 7^ ^ ft 4 p.293 ft 4 p.293 ft 4 p.293 é íb f- 2 p.293 & 3 p. 283 3 p. 283 8 p.297 7 p.245 [>] n 4 p.301 m 5 p.325 ^fr-Z> 8 p.313 V^< í? 2 p.324 v^L-f x. m 10 p.264 Wi-< 8 p.253 m 8 p.247 8 p.247 8 p.297 -ŕ > 1 p.290 4 y H 10 p.325 [9] i p.298 i p.298 i p.298 -5-o n 9 p.321 ■5-o tí 10 p.270 8 p.307 7 p.316 [X] x 8 p.268 7 p.329 8 p.250 i > 3 p.256 x y H 3 p. 253 x > 3 p.328 [*>] 8 p.254 tú 1 p.284 tÚ 3E 1 p.261 tÚ IS 3 p.313 tÚ R1 p.310 2 p.318 £ <-£ II 9 p.272 jo Cl-<5> 8 p.313 7 p.297 2 p.279 3 p.246 lň 9 p.267 m 9 p.267 # 6 p.308 e R1 p. 280 6 p.311 6 p.311 li 9 p.268 w ii 2 p.307 ii AŘ R1 p.319 1 p.301 3 p.273 JiJ Bi 3 p.283 iil 4 p.251 iii 5 p. 260 iij 8 p.268 if 4 5 p.296 if 4 7 p.260 fr-TL h 9 p.254 fr-Z. i> # 9 p.314 fr^-hh 1 p.316 frfr-TLh 8 p. 253 frfr^ 1 p.245 frfr-'h 1 p.245 frž-h im 5 p.257 fit 2 p.252 Í)>7 4 p.264 fj 5 6 p.308 fj 9 9 p.320 if? II 6 p. 288 frZ.-^ m 5 p.325 fr Z.-t? m 5 p.325 frfz m 6 p.309 frfz-^^ m 1 p. 264 frfz-^^ m 5 p.325 frfz-1 h m 5 p.325 frfz-sbh w\ 5 p.325 fr--o m 2 p.278 fr^>- C m 3 p.252 fri-o R2 p. 260 frt-k.h R2 p.260 frfr 8 p.262 frt> g p.320 frt> 9 p.285 frfo 11 R2 p.247 ^fr-foh 9 p. 254 fr-foh # 9 p.314 ti y 5 p.296 ti y 5 p.303 ti y n 7 p. 286 ti y 9 p.254 ti y ,|y M 3 p.330 3-7 ^4 p.275 3-7 |t 4 p.322 3-y 7$ 5 p.281 3^7 § 10 p.271 3^ If R2 p.272 3>7 $f R2 p.260 ^ 8 p.262 ■r^tf-ž R2 p.265 féj 6 P-328 3 y" ^IJ 4 p.276 Ü^^L M 10 P-312 ^-^$"-1- -É; 10 p.312 Z.Z.%1-^ 4 p.251 Z.-t M 6 P-328 Z\t ^4 p.301 ^fcfr-á if 3 p.282 3> M 9 p.255 3 y Ig 10 p.259 335 tí y M. 7 P-297 ď y grjj 9 p.278 ■9- 6 p.326 2 p. 258 6 p.326 íl 8 p. 299 4 p.275 8 p.317 /Ä rm 8 p.317 2 p.306 £*> 4 p.275 j? ŕ, H 3 p. 330 8 p.294 ■9-> 2 p.292 7 p.303 [U v 2 p.306 v ± 6 p.295 6 p.290 it 7 p.261 7 p.262 m 7 p. 286 v 10 p.312 7 p.262 JA 9 p.245 4 p.275 -v-y -v 9 p. 268 -i-^ "T" piš 10 p.271 7E 7 p.261 7 p.262 8 p.307 9 p.315 y P- -g i p.294 V 3- II 3 p.246 V 7 p.295 1 p.330 ~> a 2 p.279 v a1* 3 p.246 i oj 5 p. 308 i£ 4 p.315 vj. ? lis 2 p.268 Vi ^ 7 p.316 Vi > 2 p.267 Vi > m 10 p. 288 V 3 5 p.302 V 3 6 p.271 V 3 m 3 p.277 V 3 10 p.322 7 3") 1 p.316 V 3 ^ 2 p. 298 V 3 ^ 2 p.278 V 3 8 p.247 V 3 ^7 8 p.293 V 3 ^ 8 p.266 7 31) HS 10 p.315 V 3 s R2 p.307 V 3 ^ R2 p.253 V 3 IS R2 p.268 V 3 ^ t 4 p.311 V 3 ^ rrn. 8 p.317 V 3 * 3 p. 269 V 3 ^ 9 p.268 L* L 1 p.290 v > 8 p. 262 v y m 9 p.253 y y 10 p.300 y y # R2 p.245 y y 8 p.262 [T] 7 p.295 8 p.317 1- 1 p.330 x R2 p.330 X4 BÉ 7 p. 263 3 p.283 8 p.248 3 p.277 4 p.247 -t 1 p.330 -b-f •s 1 p.330 -t-ŕ 1 p.316 -M 3 p.318 m. 5 p.321 -ťf rm 8 p.317 •ťf ft 8 p.266 -M 8 p.299 -tí-f 6 p.266 -fe> 1 p.254 -t > 2 p.324 ^> 7 p.312 -te> 8 p.307 •tí y 5 p.315 [*] v *@ 5 p.313 V 8 p.31" V íl 10 p.264 vy f" 2 p.293 UP 2 p.323 334 vy flj 3 p.277 7 7 5 p.313 7 7 It 6 p.268 7*7 m 9 p.272 "lt. ib. 3 p.327 7'7 ft 5 p.247 7~7 % 8 p. 293 7*7 9 p.272 7? m 9 p.255 7* R2 p.314 v* m R2 p.276 7* m R2 p.247 5 p.322 7 7 6 p.306 7 > 7 p.310 7*7 7 p.310 [£] 6 p.311 # 9 p.314 8 p.253 £ L-^ 4 p.264 it 4 p.264 3 p.277 3 p.277 2 p.324 Br 3 p.282 9 7 Ü 10 p.327 Ä 4 p.319 /:o 4 p.319 10 p.245 Ťz] f- m 6 p. 246 ^7 n 7 p.304 m 2 p.268 m 2 p.268 m 2 p.268 t m 2 p.268 m 2 p.268 f 3 8 p.297 f-3 7 it 1 p.322 f 3-) 5 p.249 f 3 7 Ü R1 p. 287 f-3 7 T R1 p.279 f3^ 6 p.328 [o] 8 p.253 8 p.253 # R1 p. 244 o<-£ it 3 p.327 ft R1 p.244 R2 p.324 9 p.278 9 p.305 So 9 p.278 9 p.277 4 p.311 [T] Ť 4 IT 3 p.270 Ť 4 3 p.247 tM 5 p.322 T 4 T R1 p.279 x-h-f HS 10 p.315 x-z> HS 10 p.315 X-flí HS 10 p.315 ■ry a 10 p.323 [t] h s. 9 p.301 K & 8 p.313 K 9 p.305 h 7 4 p.303 h 7 9 p.301 h7 9 p.267 h7 ft 10 p.270 h7 R2 p. 330 K 7 6 p.309 4 p.319 i: -9 * 4 p.319 m 3 p.273 t-< m 3 p.273 K 7 1 p.256 m 3 p.273 ti t 4 p.311 i: t o--9 m 5 p.321 IF. 5 p.321 4 p.320 's' ra 4 p.296 4 p.296 8 p.253 335 íl 8 p.253 J 7 9 p.267 T>b-1) m 1 p.256 8 p. 253 m 8 p.282 \ĺ a 7 R1 p.252 h y m 6 p.325 3 p.328 n y Ä 1 p.319 # R2 p.245 \£y Ä 1 p.319 [£] 3 p.328 i- 9 p.267 # R2 p.245 tr R2 p.290 3 p.328 7 2 p.318 7 p.329 2 p. 298 7 03 4 p.296 £-< R| g p. 248 9 p.301 7 B 5 p.313 ^7 #ň 9 p.267 7 R1 p.244 fll 9 p. 248 [ti] 77 4 p.296 if 10 p.251 6 p.255 3 p.330 p,l 9 p. 248 iá 9 p. 298 77 m 2 p.265 if 10 p.251 2 p. 283 7^ 4 p.262 -f y f: 1 p.273 7 p.246 7? m R2 p.251 1-y 9 p.267 S il 2 9 p.299 p.255 77 S!I R2 p.277 3 p.330 [£] IS? 1 p.298 5 p.257 ^ 9 p.315 R1 p.252 # 6 p.326 íl 3 p.252 ü 7 p.299 7 7 1 p.244 9 p.315 ?! 4 p.256 7*7 ft 1 p.244 4 p.315 9 p.250 íl 9 p.253 9 p. 245 # 9 p.331 m 9 p.253 9 p.315 1 p.316 — > 3# Pil> 7 p.271 i±-ž 5 p.249 [^] — > 7 p. 244 f\y m R1 p.272 7 p.245 10 p.292 [fe] [n] 6 p. 246 \l 9 p.285 10 p.259 \l R2 p.265 i* 5 p.246 > 5 p.315 9 p.331 li 8 p.253 6 p.306 *7 Ä -£2. 4 p.320 [CO] v-< 9 p. 250 *7 8 p.253 y 7 1 p.256 6 p. 288 *7 R2 p.324 y 7 m 2 p.259 4 p.303 **7 4 p.320 336 Pí 5 p.257 H 7 p.299 m 8 p.282 ü R2 p.290 nt (t ft 1 p.244 [*] # 2 p.292 2 p.318 fí 7 p.244 ft 7 p.244 i-It* ^ 2 p.318 2 p.278 9 p.255 {iL 9 p.255 Ä 1 p.319 9 p.255 R2 p.253 R2 p.330 7 p.295 5 p. 308 v > ti 6 p.255 [*] 6 p.314 m R1 p.255 6 p.255 ÍL 7 p.270 ÍL 7 p.270 ti 6 p.255 m Bit.» 7 p.271 [tí] A i£ 9 p.277 6 p.274 tí-tl 6 p.274 6 p.274 [Ä>] *A til 9 p.248 R2 p. 307 [í>] 8 p.282 ■t R2 p.290 i> ^--f 10 p. 300 7 p.312 s 9 p.309 9 p.309 t-»3 7 p.295 8 p.317 [*>] -v? 8 p.250 ■V* m 10 p.271 íl 8 p. 248 3 p.304 Sic 2 p. 283 1 p.273 4 p.315 f: 1 p.273 4 p.315 [0] 3- 2 p.273 iE 1 p.281 4 p. 265 ÍS 8 p.248 *9> J5L 4 p. 320 [ ? — h *ifttw*n^ jH»e»7o flE7o jI^IOOOPlus INTERMEDIATE KANJI BOOK VOL1 1993¥12/115H *J 1996^ SI 2 JS m 1 WJUfi1 2003^ 3 H20H mSf& ^2 WJfSff 2005^ 3 £ 31B efefXlS £ 1 fflJUf? mm Jl A li t 102-0093 jfuCfW-tfflETMHT 1-3-13 Hil^Wt*^ 1 F mi 03-3263-3959 © 1993 Kano Chieko, Shimizu Yuri, Takenaka Hiroko, Ishii Eriko, Akutsu Satoru Printed in Japan 9784893583567 1923081032007