m 20 m v. M ÍTÍ£|X#£ & 6 f/H1? (Administrative Divisions) 1«P 1 ľ. ť i .J, ifc;M ARSUlí L ; < #J'I'| 4-/, t 1 *L í IÍ-»)ÍH 6. flA^ 7. lljíi, í 4- íl' 4 41. "S-Jf „. 2. i 'tí T 8. £ i in t: 14. Oj^JÍ 19. tilí^ 23. äSÄÄ L 4< KKÍ4' .i. 28. Li kl 33. 4- 4<^> 37. ít»Ä 42. 4- C L i 3. #CEB& 9. <-/L i if 4' <75 20. ^J1|J)|L i'L4-+5 24. v n ; 29. [S]ubil; K4-VÍ 34. 38. Íl' 4' i í 43. 4. d^if; f Í4) town ®T""if[ (^ ^ 7 ' *> J: 7 ) (town) mayor ~P fflJ ( L fz • i b) downtown, the old town 219 J.J. village tib vy (7) — ... -t ^* ( b) village ^(«?-f/C) farming village Wit*# (£ b • ^ < • If) village office 220 mm K division section, ward (4) .....1..... / X s |X. ( O city ward ■Li) ward office E. ( < •K °) "t" ^ to distinguish <) district capital Tokyo h (11) — ■ ^pTp(^-L) big city ^ß^(^-^N) urban area J: T'^) Tokyo (metropolis) prefecture agency 7 (8) \ r3 1— n / / /T 1 ^K$f(££-$^-.v) Osaka Prefecture /^ß/^f (* j- ? • £Kyoto Prefecture H^/J^f (-ti: *■N •. i >) the government * prefecture (' XJ) prefectural governor mm (tKti) 225 island Li (10) # (Li) island HU ( L i • Clc) island nation ■^T^O (l^^' ^ ) peninsula "** ^-T* capital *3 ^ (8) \ ■ ... i 1 ... i.. Vi-' T ^^(^ -7 •* J: -7) Tokyo ß (* J: 9 • £) Kyoto Jl^(LJ:9-$J:9)i"'s to go to capital 226 appearance formal title 2£ 3^ (14) t i * * * 1 A / M 1 \* / * 1 style 227 193 2™2 fiycVi> f$) ^ ««««»»»♦♦«••••»»««•: l.TJT 2. E 3. fflj 4.^f 5. is divided into ~ *3 J: £ *;■} 26 OTfrtf***. 5. it tf. #gt^**ii*^^< tu^o 194 2-3 tiA< L/*9> ? 1. village 5. Kyoto Prefecture 8. Tsukuba City 2. town 3. city L 6. Tokyo (metropolis) £ 1 $ J: "5 £ 9. peninsula 4. city ward 7. Ibaraki Prefecture 10. Mr./Ms. Kimura ^ * T#t-3 1. mayor 4. the governor of Tokyo t % £ 6. ward office 2. (town) mayor £ Jt 9 ^ J: 1 5. prefectural governor \1L t> IT 7. city office 3. head of a village 8. town office < K> < L Jt L ^ < L jt 195 9. village office 10. the Tokyo Metropolitan Government office tJb ^< If 11. prefectural office Jt z % Jt i 12. Hiroshima Prefecture ÜL Li ML Japan is an island nation. 14. Java Island 12 K L± <*lc 15. Mr./Ms. Tanaka 16. district 17. to go to Tokyo 18. downtown 19. the Japanese government Itz £t> appearance Jt 1 -f market place U jt n £ jt 7 20. the Izu Peninsula 22. various divisions i> 1* li A ti tri < 24. (economic) market I I Jt 1 196 f \ V j <%m #-f£#£Ati>£o «£#-?-£*ltl2\ *Pat^!ft^li#^j:< T t Jm. < If T ■ o 1 |3|0I5«0|0|0|6| / \ "5 * MM envelope common male name jfS-^- receiver (of a letter) *w T SPfJUH" postal code T?5"f-S to board If u< letter Ibaraki Prefecture t T the face (of an envelope) li ■?> to put, to paste E9^| square 1 h the back (of an envelope) ~ "ft care of ~, c/o ~ L «( 197