Reading Colombian Myths (Misak and other Cauca tribes and their cosmology) Lucie Vinsova Masaryk University Brno Reading Colombian Myths Lesson plan: 1. Introduction: Cauca tribes- geography and general information, landscape, language, community. Creation myths: How from One many were born, Four houses of the existence, the story of Tay (the Sun), the story of Water and Earth, the role of a shaman. 2. The Principles of existence: The arrow of time and the way it`s reflected in Namtrik language, life cycle, the Dualistic forces of nature (hot and cold, left and right), pieces of traditional clothing and their place in Misak cosmology. 3. Children of water: Water cycle, creatures of water, rainbow myth (the story of the rainbow serpent), venturing into páramos and the dangers of “contamination”. 4. Birth: Myths and beliefs connected to the event of birth, the importance of placenta, myths of the arrival of prodigies and chieftains, contamination forces and malevolent spirits (connected to birth). 5. Adulthood: The organization of household, the way Misaks tell time, principles and symbolism of agriculture, mixed crop philosophy, community work events. 6. Death: The myths, beliefs and customs connected to death, departure for the other world, the ceremony of offerings and cleansing rituals. 7. The water cycle, water myths and how it corresponds with the cycle of human life. Contemporary ecological treats to paramos. 8. Misak language (Namtrik): examples of syntax and morphology. 9. Nasa language, connections between native languages and nature, how human body and territory corresponds. 8. 10.Kogi- introduction and comparison with the studied tribes. Kogi mythology and people as the keepers of the universe. 11. 11. The twisted language of metaphors in selected Peruvian tribes. The role of shaman and animal metamorphoses. Subject requirements: Approximately 60% attendance Preparation for lessons A short contribution- cca 20 minutes on an agreed topic cpos393f7ff4b929a.gif kolumbie-detail.jpg vlajka-kolumbie-1100.gif Colombia Capital: Bogotá Population: nearly 50 million Languages: Spanish and at least 68 other recognized ethnic languages mapa colombian tribes.PNG detailed-physical-map-of-colombia-with-major-cities-preview.jpg Departamento: Cauca Capital: Popayán High percentage of indigenous population (about 20%) Výstřižek.PNG Image result for colombia Image result for mapa politico del departamento del cauca colombia Image result for mapa municipio silvia cauca colombia MISAK (GUAMBIANOS) Population: 21.000 (2005 est) In depart. Cauca cca 19.000 C:\Users\příšera\Desktop\map silvia.PNG Municipio Silvia: Population about 32 000 people Average altitude: 2 800 m. IMG_0180.JPG IMG_3915.JPG IMG_0869.JPG P5110672.JPG Typical countryside IMG_2347.JPG P5120789.JPG PB260441.JPG IMG_4002.JPG …its animals and plants IMG_0247.JPG Páramos: Alpine tundra ecosystems. Altitudes vary from 3000–4800 m. Areas of marshes, high-mountain plains and lakes. High rainfall and big temperature differences. Local tribes connect the area of páramos with KansrӨ, the realm of the dead. IMG_0149.JPG … and verdant lowlands… Tribes in North East Cauca (“Mother of forests”): Misak (Guambianos)- language namuy wam (“our language”) or namtrik, population about 20 000 people. They call themselves piurek “children of water”. Nasa (Paeces)- language nasa yuwe- isolated language, population about 180 000 people. Coconuco – about 6000 people living in the National Natural Park Puracé . The languages are of so called Barbacoan family spoken in Colombia and Ecuador. Probably distantly related to Chibcha languages. b5b079ef1cc15417295acacf2b957248.jpg popayan-tours.jpg People of the Misak tribe nina-misak.jpg Image result for guambianos hijos de aqua Image result for guambianos colombia Misak call themselves Pi Urek “children of water” Uchuva 2005.jpg Image result for guambianos colombia Image result for Misak Misaks economy is based on agriculture, farming, cattle raising, and trout farms. They mostly produce coffee, maize, cassava, physalis, potatoes, olluco (ullucus), beans, onion and cabbage . PA290381.JPG P5120810.JPG IMG_0566.JPG IMG_0577.JPG Image result for SILVIA colombia Related image IMG_0901.JPG IMG_0902.JPG IMG_0904.JPG P6081101.JPG Image result for namtrik colombia Traditional house should have a round shape. Misak back.PNG Example from children`s textbook. How do you say a cat in namuy wam (Namtrik)? mis 3.PNG We will study their cosmology from texts and pictures The way they see the world, its creation, and the way life and time unfold… Let`s start our journey into their spiritual world… Picture by taita Juan Bautista Ussa Ulluné Materials: Abelino Aranda, Luis Guillermo Vasco Uribe, Hijos del Aroiris y del Agua, 2015, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia. Hugo Portela Guarín, El Pensamiento de las Aguas de las Montañas (Coconucos, Guambianos, Paeces, Yanaconas), 2000, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. Judy Branks and Juan Bautista Sánchez, The Drama of Life (A Study of Life Cycle Customs Among the Guambiano Colombia, South America), 1978, 2011, SIL International, USA. Walter Krickeberg, Mitos y Leyendas de los Aztecas, Incas, Mayas y Muiscas, 1971, México. Tulio Rojas Curieux, Adonías Perdomo Dizú, Martha Helena Corrales Carvajal, Una Mirada al Habla Nasa Yuwe de Novirao, 2009, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia. Mario García Isaza, Gramática Páez, 1996, Prefectura Apostólica de Tierradentro, Belalcázar, Cauca, Colombia. Lilia Triviño, Bárbara Muelas y equipo colaborador, Gramática Pedagógica de la Lengua Namtrik para Maestros Misak, 2011, Universidad del Cauca, Cali, Colombia. Gregorio Alberto Yalanda Muelas, Relación entre la Música Tradicional y el Ciclo de Vida de los Misak, 2013, Observatorio del Patrimonio Cultural y Arqueológico OPCA. Grupo Linguistico de Guambía, Wabia MisaabirӨ, 1986, Popayán, Colombia. Beatriz Vasquez de Ruiz, Lenguas Aborigenes de Colombia, Descripciones 2, La predicacion en Guambiano, 1988, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá. David Lorente Fernández, El «frío» y el «calor» en el sistema médico nahua de la Sierra de Texcoco. Una aproximación. Revista Española de Antropología Americana. 2012, vol. 42, núm. 1, 243-266. Víctor Bascopé Caero, El Sentido de la Muerte em la Cosmovisión Andina: El Caso de los Valles Andinos de Cochabamba, 2000, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Léxico de la Lengua Namtrik de Totoró, Comunidad del Resguardo Indígena de Totoró. Primera edición. 2009. Totoró. Colombia. Lilia Triviño Garzón, Algunas particularidades de los verbos de posición en la lengua guambiana, 2004-2005, Universidad del Cauca. village.png In case you want more…