Minority Languages in Europe

March 1

Program of the meeting

Presentation of the teacher


  • camera on
  • take the floor just speaking
  • in class we speak: English
  • outside the class, during personal meetings,writing emails, we employ:
    the most efficacious language

Presentation of the course

Definition of minoritized language (for our course)

For Europe, when in a community the knowledge of a certain language is not mandatory and the language is not employed in common religious rituals or for administrative purposes, than we are in presence of a minoritized language.

The final paper

What does a student have to do?

  1. Until March 16, send to the teacher (cadorini@mail.muni.cz). your proposal for the research.
  2. After the approval of the proposal, search the topic, then write the paper.
  3. Until August 1, send the paper to the teacher (cadorini@mail.muni.cz).

The proposal

  • Title
  • Name of the community speaking the language
  • Sources
  • In which language you will write
  • Your motivation

The paper

  • Until August 1
  • Length minimum: 14,400 characters with spaces
  • Written in the most efficacious language for the communication with the teacher
  • Following the predetermined structure (not compulsory):