Durand and the Science of Architecture Author(s): Leandro Madrazo Source: Journal of Architectural Education (1984-) , Sep., 1994, Vol. 48, No. 1 (Sep., 1994), pp. 12-24 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Inc. Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1425306 JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at https://about.jstor.org/terms Taylor & Francis, Ltd. and Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Inc. are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Architectural Education (1984-) This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:41:56 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Durand and the Science of Architecture LEANDRO MADRAZO, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology This essay addresses some critical issues concerning the systematization of architectural knowledge. The work of Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand provides a context within which to discuss the degree to which architecture can be subjected to a process of systematization. Durand's work is analyzed by reconstructing the logical steps in the development of his theoretical system. As a result of this reconstruction, some of the key issues of his theory are unveiled. Thus, for example, it will be shown that an idea of type emerges progressively as his theory matures. The examination of Durand's ideas is based not only on his writings, but also on the drawings that illustrate his books. Indeed, an idea that runs through the whole essay is that graphic representations play a crucial role in the systematization of architectural knowledge. THE QUEST TO DETERMINE THE SCIENTIFIC NAture of the discipline of architecture has been a permanent goal in the architectural tradition. During the fifteenth century, Renaissance theorists, under the direct influence of Vitruvius, strove to build a scientific basis for architecture. The complete unity that art and science enjoyed during the Renaissance, began to break down during the course of the following centuries. The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries saw the creation of new scientific disciplines, each one having its own object of knowledge and methods. Knowledge progressed rapidly in the newly created branches of science, and the results of this progress could be seen in the succession of technological achievements that quickly transformed the built environment and life itself. By the end of the eighteenth century, there was a growing concern that architecture was falling behind the new sciences in terms of progress. As a result, attempts began to be made to construct a science of architecture. The work of Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand (1760-1834) epitomizes this effort to achieve a systematization of architectural knowledge. The task he set for himself was to discover the generic principles that are implicit in works of architecture. In pursuing that goal, Durand necessarily touched upon some of the dilemmas that are inherent to architecture: particular versus general, abstract versus physical, subjectivity versus objectivity, and art versus science. Because of this, his theoretical work transcends the limits of a particular historical period; it has a timeless value that makes it a necessary reference in any discussion about the systematization of architectural knowledge.' The General Principles of Architecture Durand's contribution to architecture stems from his activity as a teacher and theoretician. In 1796, he became a professor of architecture at the Ecole Polytechnique. The school had been founded two years earlier with the goal of bringing scientific knowledge closer to practical life. Some of the most prestigious scientific minds of the time, like Monge, Lagrange, and Laplace, were also professors of the Polytechnique. The students of Durand were not architects but rather engineers. Little time was allotted for their architectural training.2 Confronted with the task of teaching architecture under these conditions, Durand found it necessary to develop a theory of architecture that could form the basis of his lessons. His theoretical work is summed up in two books: the Recueil et Paralldle des idifices de tout genre, anciens et modernes, published between 1799 and 1801, and Precis des lefons d'architecture donnees ~h l'tcole polytechnique, published for the first time between 1802 and 1805. Durand believed that architectural education should not be based on the study of particular buildings or styles: "It is not in such a manner that one should study architecture."3 For him, the study of any subject, whether scientific or artistic, had to be based on the study of general principles: "A man who plans a career as a playwright does not learn how to do this or that tragedy; a musician this or that opera; a painter this or that painting. Before composing, in whatever genre, one must know what one composes with. "4 To identify the general principles of architecture, Durand followed a logical path that started by verifying that which confirms unquestionably the existence of architecture itself, that is to say, by recognizing the existence of the buildings of the past. This first step is exemplified by the Recueil, in which the buildings from the past are collected and classified. In a second step, the analysis of past buildings revealed their common features, that is, the general principles of architecture.5 General Principles and Classification During the eighteenth century, an intensive collection and classification of data took place in different disciplines, especially in the natural sciences. Linnaeus's Species Plantarum (1753) and Buffon's Histoire Naturelle (1749) are the most significant examples of this spirit of classification that dominated the epoch. In both books, drawings of plants and animals appear organized in tables according to different criteria. Linnaeus's classification was based on the reproductive organs of plants, while Buffon used the historical evolution of animals as the basis of his classification system.6 Classification and systematics also influenced architecture. Some of the architecture books of the time show buildings organized in tables in much the same way that animals or plants were shown in biology books. A significant example of this Journal ofArchitectural Education, pp. 12-24, ? 1994 ACSA, Inc. September 1994 JAE 48/1 1 2 This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:41:56 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms kind of work is the book Ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grkce by JulienDavid Leroy, first published in 1758. In a table that appeared in the 1770 edition of the book, Leroy showed the temples of the past drawn in plan view and at the same scale7 (Figure 1). In their quest for systematization, both the biologist and the architectural theorist were using similar conceptual categories; the species of the natural sciences corresponding to type in architecture. By means of these categories, it was possible to transcend the study of separate individual examples and to discover more generic principles that lay behind them. Classification, therefore, was a technique for extracting general principles from particular cases.8 Durand's Recueil: History versus Theory Similar to Leroy's book, Durand's Recueil also shows the buildings of the past grouped according to certain classes. The categories Durand used generally fall within two major groups: historical (Egyptian temples, Roman palaces, Moorish details) and functional (theaters, markets, hospitals). There is, however, one plate in the book that falls outside these two main categories. The title of the third plate is: "Round temples" (Figure 2). This is not a historical or functional classification, but rather one that considers form as a distinctive feature of a building.9 This significant exception among the plates of the Recueil opens a new path of theoretical development and anticipates the direction that Durand took in his next book, the Precis des le'ons. What the classification of buildings according to form also indicates is that in spite of its appearance, the Recueil cannot be considered a purely descriptive archaeological survey. This suspicion is further confirmed by the fact that Durand consciously modified some of the plans to make them appear more regular and geometric than they actually were. In the plates that correspond to the Roman ruins, for example, it can be seen that the drawings are not so much a faithful description of some old buildings as idealized images of them. His justification for this was that the drawings of the Roman ruins made by other authors before him, like those made by Palladio or Piranesi, could also not be considered authentic.'o It can be asserted that what Durand was intending with the simplification and regularization of the drawings was to use the individual buildings to illustrate some generic principles of architecture. This is the reason he found it necessary to eliminate individual or accidental traits by subjecting the representations of buildings to a process or regularization. In this context, 1. J.-D. Leroy, comparative analysis of temples and churches, 1770. ---- ~ -AA.-- Oo?? I'L 4L i jl m Ci~MEZElP dw? pd A.44- d 4Y,4,ilu r? d, ~ ti: Q @i tr~AW.W" -W i?lop... A? r- ~n1 _i~~ " ' 2. J.N.L. Durand, Temples ronds, Recueil et Parallele des 6difices, 1801. 1 3 Madrazo This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:41:56 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms ntroducon -EXEMPIE DESFUNSTES I~FPETS qui resultent de I'irnolrance ou de 'inAbservatiot deo vrais Printcipes de I'Architecture. . ... t. . . .. .. ' 9 1 ,+ iique cet Cdficc ac ---- - ----- --------- --- 9Ai ........ 11 1 i 1 1ILA .-,-C A m aa A LI Z e 3. J.N.L. Durand, E Iignorance ou de I' L'Architecture, Pr antique buil terial for Durand from which he made a case about the systematization of architectural knowledge. With the Recueil, Durand initiated a dialectic relationship between past and present that would continue in his next book, the Precis des lefons. The second plate of the Precis shows the plan of Saint Peter's and next to it, another plan that is an invention of Durand's. It is based on the original basilica that once stood on the same spot where the Basilica of Saint Peter's was built (Figure 3). In accordance with the tendency to simplify existing buildings, as demonstrated in the Recueil, a different interpretation of the relationship between the two plans depicted in the plate can be made. The plan proposed by Durand could also be understood as a simplification created after the existing plan of Saint Peter's, the purpose being to reveal the true principles that underlie the complex forms of the actual design. Thus, the plan that Durand proposed is the illustration of those principles that, according to him, were neglected by the architects of Saint Peter's. These principles are based on the economy of means exemplified by the use of grids, simple geometric figures, and simple building types. According to Durand's interpretation of the history of architecture, even though true principles had existed in the past, a progressive distancing from those original principles had occurred as architecture evolved. The complex forms of the existing temple of Saint Peter's, therefore, were to him nothing more than a derivation of some original and simple forms. Behind Durand's interpretation of history lies a concept of type that, as will be shown in the following pages, constitutes one of the main pillars of his theoretical construct. This concept of type is based on the distinction between, on the one side, simple, geometric forms and, on the other, complex and more architectural ones. According to this distinction, a type corresponds to a simple, geometric form, from which more elaborate forms can be derived. It is this concept of type that epitomizes the genuine principles of architecture that Durand pretended to find. The Elements of Architecture To determine the fundamental principles of architecture, it was first necessary to establish the basic elements that characterize it as a discipline. Effectively, just as Euclidean geometry begins with the definition of the point and the line, architecture also needed to have its own axiomatic elements. The fundamental elements of a building and, by extension, of architecture were for Durand those that can be found in any building, regardless of its style or epoch. Thus, he argued, the simplest elements that can be found in most buildings include walls and openings, columns and the parts to which they give support, slabs and roofs, and vaults. These are the lements des 6difices (Figure 4). Porches, lobbies, stairs, lounges, and courts are those parts of the buildings, or parties, which result from the combination of the simplest elements. Finally, the last step is the ensemble des 6difices, which means to combine the parties to produce a building." Durand considers the dlements des idifices to be "that which words are to discourse, and notes are to music."12 However, the comparison of language or music with architecture is not completely justified in this case because words and notes are purely abstract symbols, whereas Durand's dliments des edifices (walls, columns, and vaults) are not abstractions, but rather physical components that make up a building. September 1994 JAE 48/1 1 4 This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:41:56 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms At this point in his theoretical discourse, Durand ran across one of the permanent dilemmas of architecture: the separation between the abstract and the physical realms.'3 He responded to this dilemma immediately after defining the ildments, when he wrote that the study of those elements will be considered from two points of view: first, with regard to materials and construction, and, second, form and proportions. The illustration of the elements reflects this separation of the abstract and physical realms (Figure 4). Some elements, like the pitched roofs and slabs, are depicted in much the same way as they would appear in a construction manual. The drawings of vaults, on the other hand, are more conceptual and schematic. They are reduced to geometric figures and symbols. In the light of Durand's elements, a distinction between building and architecture has to be made. As the title of the plate properly indicates, Durand's elements are in fact the elements of buildings, but they could barely become the elements of architecture. Hence, walls and vaults, considered as physical components, could constitute the elements of a building science but not of a science ofarchitecture. To establish a science of architecture, its basic elements should be abstract rather than physical."4 Apart from the separation between abstract and physical realms, Durand faced a second issue in his attempt to define the elements common to all buildings; that of the classical orders. Because Durand had previously acknowledged in the Recueil that there are buildings in the past that do not derive from the Greek classical model, considering the parts of the classical order as fundamental elements would contradict the basic premise that the elements should pertain to any building. However, a look at the illustration shows that, together with itiSIENTS DES iDarprcYS. D ID :.. . ........ . ...... . . .... .. ... . ....... tol ?~lip sfx", i 1 :55 4. J.N.L. Dur 1821. the schematic representations of vaults and the more detailed ones of other building components, the drawings of columns appear, which still carry connotations of the classical language. In this case, the illustration reveals some unresolved issues in Durand's theoretical construct. The conflictive issues that are implicit in the definition of elements adopted by Durand are revealed in the next step of the development of his theoretical construct, namely at the moment that he introduces a generic method of composition to produce buildings. As we will see in the next section, faced with the difficulty of defining abstractions that are specific to architecture, Durand turned to geometry to borrow its abstractions. Only then was it possible for architecture to exist in the realm of abstraction, making attempts to convert it into a scientific discipline meaningful. The price for borrowing these abstractions, however, may be that some of the essential characteristics of architecture are lost when architecture is represented through the abstractions of another discipline. The Method of Composition Once the elements of architecture have been defined, the next logical step, according to Durand's strategy, is to define a method of composition by which the most primitive elements may be combined, in a logical fashion, into more complex ones to produce a building. The definition of architecture at the beginning of the Precis is consistent with this principle of composition: "Architecture is the art of composing and executing allpublic and private buildings."15 To design, then, is to compose, that is to say, to combine some previously determined elements according to certain procedures that can be made explicit.'6 1 5 Madrazo This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:41:56 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms MARCHB A' SUfVRBE p. Y C.t/,,',rN a seo awa 1 - -- -- - ... ... .. ....... eg~ Situatiou A1?--- i .s Partisrincpale Tr Mur ... ... .. . .... .. 44-1 O . 4,, . . . ~.. . .. .--- -- ---- - ---------- ---------,-- f7T- - -- 7v 7- ~...-..........,............. wa~mlar O Situation -4 .6u?cn~ir aes Prtiessecon Mac Oun aes C;7 CA T-r a r o~v 5. J.N.L. Durand, Marche a suivre dans la composition d Projet quelconque, Precis des lecons, 1813. -~~~ - ... ',il ?--H-A7,.,-ii-4::#j--!!--4,. 1 i A -TT 4 9 A -Till K -- ?-. - =/; I= ------L. . . .. 6. Method of composition in the order proposed by Durand. Method to Follow in the Composition ofAny Project In the didactic manner that characte his whole work, Durand describe method graphically as a step-by-step cess. This method is illustrated in th plate of the first volume under the "Marche d suivre dans la compositio Projet quelconque." At first sight, it looks as if the pose of the method is to produce a classical building in a logical way. T not the case, however, because th that Durand is pursuing with his m is independent of stylistic considerati The process described in the pla based on six stages (Figure 5). The stage consists of the layout of the mai of the composition (nombre et situatio parties principales). In the second st new grid of secondary axes complem the primary ones (nombre et situati parties secondaires). Then, walls are l along the axes (trace' des murs), and umns are placed within the areas bo by walls (placement des colonnes). I fifth stage, the walls, porticoes, stair other architectural elements are dra plan view. Finally, the elevation and section are generated from the plan. A fundamental aspect of the me is the fact that it can be described by of a graphic. The graphic, in this c much more than a mere illustration procedure that could be described by means; it is the expression of an arc tural concept by means that are exclu architectural. Because of this, a det analysis of the illustration is not only nent, but also necessary to assess the of the method proposed by Durand. Analysis of the Illustrated Method Although Durand's previous taxon (6liments des edifices-parties-ensemb September 1994 JAE 48/1 1 6 This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:41:56 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms edifices) might suggest that a method of composition should start with the selection of a set of architectural elements, his method does not reflect this. The illustrated method does not start with a selection of walls and vaults, for example. Rather, it starts with a geometric scheme made up of lines in plan view. Moreover, the idea of a method being a set of rules for combining simple elements into more complex ones cannot be derived from the illustration either. Durand's method does not explain how to combine walls and domes into lobbies or porches.17 What Durand actually described is a step-by-step transformation of a rough scheme into a detailed representation of a building, that is to say, a transformation of geometry into architecture (Figure 6). At the beginning of the process, the basic features of the design are determined by means of geometric elements in plan view. Then the points and lines of the scheme are replaced by representations of architectural elements, such as columns and walls. At the end of the process, a reference to some architectural form and style is made through the explicit representations of architectural elements in section and elevation.'8 To be consistent with the idea of a composition being a combination of elements and rules, Durand's method should have started with a set of architectural elements rather than with geometric lines. However, those architectural elements would have inevitably carried connotations of a certain architectural form or style. This is precisely what Durand tried to avoid because the purpose of his method is to exemplify some fundamental principles of architecture. As the title of the illustration claims, the method needs to be universal; it cannot be specific to a particular style. Geometric elements, unlike representations of architectural form, are not tied to a particular style; they underlie all architectural forms regardless of style or epoch. It is because of this that the method starts with lines rather than with representations of walls, columns, or vaults. Therefore, geometric lines, rather than walls and domes, constitute the fundamental elements of the discipline of architecture. Effectively, this means that, in much the same way that mathematical operations rely on the existence of numbers as abstractions, a method for designing a building also needs a set of fundamental abstractions that are specific to the discipline of architecture. In the absence of those abstractions, Durand turns to geometry to borrow from it, the fundamental elements of architecture. However, by doing that, Durand raises some doubts about whether it is possible for a genuine "science of architecture" to exist. More than anything else, Durand's illustration of the method of composition should be taken as an expression of his perception of the relationship between architecture and geometry-one of the constant issues of debate in the architectural tradition. The question that the illustration raises is where and how the boundary between architecture and geometry can be defined, or in other words, where geometry stops and architecture begins in the process of design. Looking at the Process in Reverse Because, as Durand maintained, geometric elements underlie all architectural forms, they can be considered the fundamental elements of architecture. Geometric schemes, therefore, are the result of a process of abstraction of architectural forms. This relationship between architecture and geometry is manifested more clearly when the order of the transformations in Durand's method is reversed (Figure 7). This is, in fact, a more accurate way to read the illustration because the process does not conclude with the creation of the final design, as Durand pretends, but rather starts from the design of an existing project made by the architect Percier.'9 .....-. ......- - .. . .. -- - - ----.---+ -- 7. Durand's method of composition reversed. 1 7 Madrazo This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:41:56 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms ..mB Lse swS u ane ss r .. O ] ?UE m O EI + o " Q m.Fl... 83 ~ ii~~III~El 11 m ~ ~ ~~ Ose ~ t~Li $- ~ti #~ ~t -I- E-i?j 8. J.N.L. Durand, Ensembles d'edifices resultants des divisions du quarre, du parallelogramme et de leurs combinaisons avec le cercle, Precis des lecons, 1802. When the order of the transformations is reversed, the plan based on the existing design becomes the first stage in the process. The next step is to minimize any references to a particular style so the design is reduced to a plan made up of basic architectural elements, such as walls and columns. It is possible to create an even more abstract representation of a building by replacing the walls and columns with pure geometric elements, for example, a set of axes and an orthogonal grid. By continuing with the process of abstraction, the essential characteristics of the design are revealed when all references to architectural form have been eliminated, leaving only the geometric scheme. The Discovery of the Type In his article, "On the Typology ofArchitecture, "Giulio Carlo Argan writes that "in the process of comparing and superimposing individual forms so as to determine the 'type,' particular characteristics of each individual building are eliminated and only those remain which are common to every unit of the series. The 'type' therefore, is formed through a process of reducing a complex of formal variants to a common root form. [The type] has to be understood as the interior structure of a form or as a principle which contains the possibility of infinite formal variation and further structural modification of the type itself. "20 According to the method described by Durand, the fundamental properties of a design are already present in the geometric scheme of the plan. In the illustration of the method of composition (Figure 5), the cross shape is one of the fundamental properties of the design. In spite of the formal transformations that take place in the process of composition, the characteristic cross shape can be recognized in every stage of that process. This suggests that the initial geometric scheme can be considered the type, according to Argan's definition. As was discussed earlier, Durand's initial intent was to present geometric figures as an abstraction of architectural form; that is, the geometric scheme is the result of "reducing a complex of formal variants to a common root form," using Argan's terms. In the illustrations of the later editions of the Pricis, however, the geometric scheme becomes the generator of the architectural form, rather than a byproduct of it. At that point, the geometric figure becomes the "principle which contains the possibility of infinite formal variation and further structural modification of the type itself," as Argan contends. This change in the relationship between geometric figure and architectural form can be traced through the evolution of the plates of the successive editions of the Pr&cis. Type and Geometric Figures The first edition of the Precis in 1802 includes a plate named Ensembles d'&difices resultants des divisions du quarre, du parallelogramme et de leurs combinaisons avec le cercle (Figure 8). In spite of the title, there are no buildings represented in this illustration; only geometric figures. It can be assumed, however, that each one of the figures is the abstraction of one or more buildings, as it is the case with the illustration of the marche a suivre (Figure 5). In a new edition of the Pricis, the socalled Nouveau Precis that appeared in 1813, the former plate is replaced by a new one (Figure 9), which shows geometric elements and buildings together.2' The correspondence between geometric figures and buildings is made explicit. In most of the illustrations, this correspondence is univocal; that is, for every building, there is one geometric figure assigned to it. In a September 1994 JAE 48/1 1 8 This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:41:56 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms few other examples, several buildings correspond to only one geometric figure. A step further in the changing relationship between buildings and geometric figures is taken in the drawings of the Partie Graphique des cours d'architecture, which appeared in 1821. In the plate titled Ensembles ddificesformes par la combinaison de parties de cinq entr'-axes de largeur (Figure 10), the geometric schemes are drawn in the center of the illustration. Two different buildings are represented in plan, section, and elevation on either side of the schema. In much the same fashion that is illustrated in the plate of the marche h suivre, this plate also describes a process for arriving at architectural form from an initial geometric scheme. The starting point, in this case, is represented by a scheme made up of five points, one placed at each of the four corners and the center of the square. The corners are, in turn, connected by lines. Two more abstract schemes follow the first one, suggesting a step-by-step progression toward the final architectural plan. However, unlike the illustration of the previous method of composition, the process results in two different architectural plans, rather than one. In summary, while in the first edition of the Precis the geometric scheme is just the abstraction of the architectural form (Figure 11), in the later editions, this process is inverted. The geometric figure is no longer a simplification of an existing architectural form, but rather the starting point for the creation process of a design (Figure 12). Therefore, it can be affirmed that an idea of type, in the terms expressed by Argan, is implicit in Durand theories, even though he did not use the term in his writings.22 For Argan, the concept of type conveys a distinction between objectivity and subjectivity in the design process. The objective part of the design process is repreiFsultants dp aiverses Comiinaaor Horisoutalces.et Verticolem, .. . ." ...H ... . q-a.u u ......... ...... 9. J ENSEMBLES D'EDIFJCES rorlads par la2 collibillatiou tie Pill-tis Ile vilq cljt?A%'ttie lar g-elt1%rt? + + larsjur l'ou compose- Ll LX Y 2t~r~ I M II (? t UU 111cle - F -T i x i-:Ik