Digitální design bez bariér
Interakce se stránkou
- WAI-ARIA Overview
- WAI ARIA 1.0 byla vydána jako doporučení W3C (Radek Pavlíček, Zdroják)
- Co to jsou ARIA atributy (Bohumil Jahoda, Zdroják)
- Introduction to ARIA
- Intro to ARIA -- A11ycasts #13 (video, 9, minut)
- ARIA HTML Tutorial - What is ARIA & Why it's Important to Use! (video, 14 minute)
- Why and How to Start Using ARIA Tags (video, 44 minut)
- Just use button -- A11ycasts #05 (video)
- The art of labeling -- A11ycasts #12 (video)
- Creating Accessible Forms
- Usable and Accessible Form Validation and Error Recovery
- Inclusive Components