■J C pPM -2- 1? A, ti U > & L (Radicals -2- top, bottom) In some kanji, the radical is the top component; in some, the radical is the bottom component. 1) (left) 2) o < 'J (right) 3) ^/Ct; u (top) 3c ^f- These common radicals carry meanings as followings: = grass f3~> = roof = man [ tl A, L "5 ] Guess the meaning of the radical below. If S € (*=«*= ) 4) h I (bottom) 7^ ^ ^ = man's legs shell = money [tlA,\s$> 9 ] Guess the meaning of the following bottom components. J? (#= ) £ (€= ) D m 12 ISO £ ft/UH^ (Basic Kanji) 2-1 /H^^H^^ (Writing Kanji) house home (6) i I 1 t ji^ifzO one's home j3: ^ ( Utf 7 • /c < ) house fe^il'fzO my home 'Jf ^ (* • tz <)-f £ togohome 122 guest customer + +7 (9) 123 ^ (£ v < ) guest, customer ff^;igL( U J: 7 • £ ^ < ) passenger room ( medicine <-ffj f7/ty-(16) •f- •9-1- ■ IT ----5*4- p ^1 ( 4 iT 'J) medicine JilÜL ( ^ 'J * ^) drugstore @ |j|(#> * <*"f 'J) eyedrops Ijt^ • £ J: <) pharmacy 127 meeting association h-i in (6) /..... TP 4 ^(#>) 9 to meet ^Ii£(^n x" conversation 'Z^fiX^ L company ^C^(- -t 7 ') church 128 110 129 now this (4) A..... 4v(^i)now H I) this year 4^ (C/C-lfo) this month * ^ H (- -t 7 /C/O-II t>) today snow (11) ===r 130 snow IS* Jsj ($ • 0 I -) snowy country, snowy region y^'Wfi&ti-rPs) heavy snow cloud < $ (12) rfj=? fa* *■ |f(< t) cloud 131 *3r electricity f-'v (13) L. .řf?. .tSF" r 1J ^\ (TX • $) electricity, electric light jfL (T X, • I *) train lElí (TX • *?) telephone, call 132 111 sell (7) — ^ (1) •!> to sell jtJ§ (&^" ~Z ^) stand, kiosk ^ ("7) 'J ^ (l±*) sales counter 2-2 tfiift A, L 9 (Reading Exercises) I . Write the readings of the following kanji in Hiragana. 6.-&"5 7.|| 8.^f£ 9. If 10. fS 11. 12.4- I3.^jfe4 H. Read the following words and sentences. 1.4-«, ^0jl ^b, ^n. ^ 3. *<7)Hfili^ot^«^^T-r, 6. 0j;i|*X,li*£ 39^nT+*#-fe>^-lcft»J i L/zo 7. *<7)«tT^*«W«**:ilc^^i L/bo 8. 4\ ftft^M^CD*H^T^it, 2-3 s- ^ tl^/ L t9> 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. r. a » * * « s 1. house 5. now ^2 9. snow 2. one's home 6. to meet 9 10. cloud 3. guest 7. medicine 11. telephone TL h 4. classroom ill 8. English (language) 12. to sell I. Write the appropriate kanji based on the meaning of the word. 1. today 2. this week 3. this month 4. this year ill 5. England 5 i.^ z < L I u> -5 Z X, If o Z £ L 6. English (person) 7. conversation 5 ^.^ Z < U ^ 113 8. company 9. drugstore 7^H > L ? 11. to sell <-f'J ? 12. to buy 13. rain 9 15. electric light fr 16. train ft 17. my house TL I * = a b/;L ^* i: ■ tz < 18. to go home I 6 = -T6 ^z. frz. 19. professor's office 20. guest room 22. family 10. eyedrops *> <*-r u 14. snowy country 21. stand 114 Wtfr%!) (Reading Material) Q Q 31 12 BB ft « T < $ < A- ^. a * fc L ° fc £ £ * T fcX □ d X K IS /is 7a fc en 0 B J: N t: ft 7^(71 (71 ^ fc CD K lit, I tt Ii X T L 1- b (D In 9 ft fc IS X ti Pel ^ li f i \ c ^ /It X £ K to I U * ° X fc X %U s °lWi A * ~ # til Ibaraki Prefecture o < If Tp Tsukuba City frHIHT@ —--Takezono 3-2-1 ~# Mr./Ms. ~ dfc&st Hokkaido (i u <*^» x for the first time ^^bWfe^^i a guest from ~ j; {jEdoTi^ to know well l to give one's regards to (someone) 3. Z\ 4. L/b^o 5. Z I. Select the appropriate component. 1. 2. 3. >1n H b. JL c. g /v b. ;l c. b. c. in H a. M c. 3 a. U b. B c. g 7. 8. 9. £ b. jc c. a. J! b. a c. g a. B b. n c. 3 II. Combine the top and bottom to make kanji. Top: Bottom: 2.-ř 3. gL 4.^ 5.m 6. 7.3 8.H'J 9.^ 10.* 116