*J ^m T^f gpj ^) /^fj "7" "2" Cy^dj©CtiV©S "2") There are two types of adjectives in Japanese. One type ends with x (cf. L8) and another type ends with - t£ when they modify nouns. The -"0." ending adjectives can be divided into five groups as follows. 1. Hiragana + t£ 2. Katakana + smart > > V -tf- a handsome rich 3. One kanji + Hiragana + t£ ■ #^ if #3* + 4. Two kanji + tH mm * 5. Prefix + Two kanji + fX ^fflfl* .i- L X>-*±-^> t/-5J: •) .i- C ft-j The Hiragana endings change as follows. Present affirmative • f^NT'~^~ quiet kind Present negative (i;<0 Past affirmative ! ffe#sT" L 7c Past negative lE^rua 'J a-rjXTL/c a^Tii^'j ^/Cr-i/c Adjective + Noun a kind teacher Adjective + Verb (= adverbial form) Adjective + Adjective You can make -"ft adjectives by adding -ft to the English adjectives as follows, (handsome) ft X -7 — h (smart) ft 'J y f - (rich) 4* 7 (deluxe) ft [ tl A L Hl> 9 ] Guess the meaning of the following adjectives. 1. 7 7 h ft 2. My /ft 3. #^7/Uft 4. -WU v — ft 148 B 16 ISO Z IZ/uM^ (Basic Kanji) ^ ^j^. "5"" ^) "f^f" 7C origin base former ify (4) 7L 7G >!\ (ItX ■ $ ) ft healthy, fine 7L ( & £) ~ former ~ 7£ H O'X- C o) New Year's Day 170 ft spirit, mind intention air (6) ft ft fttf feeling mood j^.>f\(T/C-the weather ^$\(^ ^) ft famous 172 149 173 name, famous members (6) A..... 3a W] (^'* i name ^§ pjf (*!> ^ ' L J:) famous sights ^3 $7 x • ^';^) local specialities u parent intimate (16) J- 4 ]... n m ^(^■^) parent ^(L/c) intimate, familiar 5ClR(^*-*»^) &ther S#7(l>C--tfro)ft kind 174 cut end (4) .....|..... ..... ••• :..... .....j..... to cut "t^^(^-^-T) postage stamp "t#$F ( * -3 ' ticket ^"^7 (/= o • Hf o) ft important 175 i convenience mail transport f y ( /C) uneasy ^U-t<)t5 tolack L^--tto)^ unkind young (8) -|j(fc>7>sAN young ~^s@[{fofr'& (D ~~C ~ir o These stamps are precious to my younger brother. 9. «9 1. healthy 2. famous 4. unkind 7. young ^ -tiro 10. illness . convenient . busy 'J ft o 11. Nagoya . kind -tiro . inconvenient . early 12.name n * TZtl 1. uneasy ■ V L . to lack . feeling * < ■ 10. ticket -3 »i> 13. air mail o < -5 £/X 16. home delivery service li^ £/X 18. early morning 2. advantageous rpl 'J 5. intimate tz ^ -If o 14. sea mail t/x 17. a young woman 3. disadvantageous 6. parent U \ strong 9. postage stamp Kb 9 @ 7. 8. 9. ^x-hUx 10. #4 K E : ^<^/Jlc|i^\^<^)A^/c < $yC!^U*£1-„ ^LT, &tzt>/c^T^£>i$fkLT v * £-T^ b, tz^^^T-fo * Adverbs of frequency : always =t < often £ ? 51* $ sometimes tz ^N T N in most cases IF 1=1 [=l 3 B 5 6 1 2 niifi t • • nun,! ffff if mini 1. 'K.fii reception desk ■5 \1->H 2. office c t; 3. ^ft accountant 4. IPl'o) pharmacy 5. I^]^4 internal medicine department 6. Ah]^^" pediatrics department L jt -5 1= 7. ^jpjL^j- otolaryngology department U ^ * (ear and nose department) a □ 2F 8 ft ft If 11 12 13 I Jl*§a*4 ig m j t iSiiii irf IIIIII 8. 9Y$r surgical department if 9. >!&Jjlfl^j- urology department o tii i 10. U> X-ray room L -J 11. ^^^N^l" orthopedics department 12. ^if A^- obstetrics & gynecology department 13. BH^f department of ophthalmology m a a mm is 30 10 is 11 2& f*3 medicine for internal use Mr./Ms. >i directions J: t IIt ^"1^" before meals it < -ex iMJt after meals u< r fal between meals for~day(s) i:*,.i'X ~ H^f Fal £ every ~ hour(s) ~ Q ~ packet(s) HK-ffl taking medicine < J; 1 -tablet(s), - capsule(s)