221 r h 1 ° t - >HIS -1 - (Kanji Compounds -1-) ^ (>f • if 9) ' < L < L • *o book store (*> golden ((*■ place used book (So • 7°) ticket • T) stamp Sift (* • t X) name (T • ^<£0 letter 212 1 A ^ = (-tr • 7 7) (living) creature = ("ft" i£ • & tf)) uncooked food fe^ft = (v^r * v) square card (for writing a poem) = • tJ^) colored paper @ "f7 — (-t'7 • at present = (#!> • L 7z) one's subordinate —^ = (/( y • Hf>f) all = ( U Z ' $ ft) a piece 0 ^la I- (i ^ ^°la (native Japanese words), }ftf§- (words of Chinese origin) „ 9\-$fcJsv (words of foreign origin) ^*,'jit. a^^oT^ULnK frLtfZ.X&t L Jt 9 o f& (#>l) $Pffc (:/-;Ny) (rice) gt&# • • 7*7 - (car) #ft (7cC0 #Mf CJ 3 ' ^) h^^U (travel) rfT*§ (i^- If) TfT3# (v • V3 7-^7 h (market) TsM (^fcf • ^) PJ a • #>) *f"/b (hotel) ^ (-7 it • £) lJ ^1* (vo. • U 3 ? ' is a) U*>- h (receipt) fc»MF ( 'J 3 *> ■ *> a ^ • '> 3 ) 2 2-1 m^S0 government J§C)o ^ C"^ ^' ^ ' ^ politician 240 241 ✓ D govern cure (8) 4 A >a (tL*£)"t" to cure )^ (fc ^5) tf) to govern H^ >a (*>v'' ^) the MeiJiEra >a£ft(£ ' -t "5 ) i" to treat manage pass through (11) w IP W /r -r the economy j@^(|-h*-l*) via, by way of ^'g'Ot^-;0 -6 to manage 242 214 at* (#<*5) 243 settle save (11) > > > ^^(^/C- 2 v ^)-f topayback fi^fä ^ (It ^' ¥ ^ • « <) economics continuation passage of time (14) f ■mi— K p t. /I /I mm* /p-^(jfl^ • L) history J^j^i < • H £ ) one's educational background ^^"^ (' ^-- * L- Jt) one's personal history 244 history (5) 1 5^^(L-^<) history (field of study) Q ^5^(|c* OX*I) Japanese history 3£jjf^,3t ( * // ■ tz ^ * L ) modern history f raise bring up *cti-Xh (8) I—. n 1 245 246 to grow (*/=') T 'S to bring up ($ Jt 9 • N <) education 'f^.'^" (/c v • ^x O physical education 215 mm it change -ization il >r (4) / i 1 u -ffcrpC^-^O chemistry ^jfcC^-^) culture S&f^ffc^* h'tz\modernization "ftffiipnO't'• L Jt 1 - UL) cosmetics Jffl reason "X-manage 'J (11) 3 > ■ 'j) physics 3f4-Jf ( 'J Jt 9 • 'J) -f £ to cook gACJ-tDl) reason J&Sl^ (* (J ' ^ <) geography ^£^1 branch /y**T~ division " department (9) 1 >..... > ^■^(fr-fr <) science ^^j-(lf*^) surgery ^^HffC- Jt 7 -fr' L J;) a textbook J^.^f ({) ,7h science course ft number some, several (13) *..... * m 4 X -?> to count Hfc£§r ("f 9 <) mathematics JC^"^) number ^C/^v^ ^ " 'z ^) several people 216 OK to) IE medicine doctor 4 (7) 7 !^ (V ■ < ) medical science ^^["(w-L^) doctor HEMj^"^^) doctor's office, clinic 2.«Cf S.j&jfr 4.jgC7& s.ffc^ V.jt^ 9.^4^ 10. 11. ^Jg 12- M 13.^4* i. #iiA*Ber#^*w* Lt^ito 5. «ic li * li * * ^ v n 0 6. & i: o * L\m^m\ClifSc^#r^ b ASofeSSfrM&T*^ > T p -5. 2-3 1. politics tf^ i: culture mathematics 2. the economy 3. history . physics chemistry 4. education $ J: 9 < < 218 1. geogra phy 2. government 3 . doctor 4. figure f 'J L *> IS 5. the Meiji Era 6. to rule over a country 7. reason i: i: < U ID 9 8. to run a company 9. to change 10. academic career 71 11- 7j s IH. OtW?fo/:i?^^Tt^Lj:?o e.g. (iX><7) l*#HNTIi, tf< ^c^Hfo/c'o while bringing up her child close your eyes internal medicine surgical department Jt 9 Lotto 219 4. I < fc'vMi, -fifr< Basic x>r rzt'Tmfzi j. [Atomic Energy! Z IIJ£;K<7)*£ft#/£Ti'o &ft£n^fz^^l±£z ic£ U i-tfro (Lj;-ri^) -1-(oXC) ■fts^ (ifxr>-<) (x^frO 7) ^ \, * 7^ ^ i] * { ) the social sciences (a^^^fro — § ^4 ^ ( L -tfX n # < < ) the natural sciences (#^S^fr<) flMRX# (IT J: ? Ii9 Z ?^<) ( Z ^' { ) ' ( C T As) language dictionaries — («rX(f^) • ($ Jt 1 X l) literary arts/culture 222