SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD persian of iran today an introductory course volume 2 second edition anousha shahsavari | blake atwood CENTER FOR MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN This project would not have been possible without the generous support of the PARSA Community Foundation, the Department of Middle Eastern Studies and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin and the encouragement and support of Kamran Aghaie, Kristen Brustad, Karin Wilkins, and Kim Dahl. We are especially grateful to our Iranian friends who agreed to be on film and in pictures and lent their voices to this project.Their presence made this book come alive! Layout and Graphic Design: Reza Abedi Raha Series Videos: Mehdi Zarei Cafe Denj Videos: REN Productions Illustrations: Gholam Ahmadi Cover Design: Kristi Shuey Cover Art:© Faegheh Shirazi Website Design and Maintenance: LAITS ISBN: 978-0-692-51 135-0 © 201 9The University of Texas at Austin Center for Middle Eastern Studies and Shahsavari-Atwood. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD OF CONTENTS To the Student... To the Instructor Unitl: I Am Very Busy I .Vocabulary 2. Grammar I: Simple Past 3. Video: I Am Very Busy 4. Grammar 2: Question Words 5. Pronunciation 6. Grammar 3: Indefinite Ye 7. Grammar 4: Relative Clauses 8. Culture: Persian Calendar 9. Grammar 5: 10. Grammar 6: Present Progressive I I. Reading: A Selection of Texts 12.Written vs. Spoken I 3.Vocabulary: University Majors 14. Conversation: ^lJ^^ ^ $LS 15. Reading 2: Behrang, a History Student 16. Reading 3 and Culture: j-^U a^-J- 17. Pronunciation and Music: ^ J? 18. Paragraph Writing 19. Listening Comprehension 20. Vocabulary Review ...» 2 Jail; .0 ^J^s^o oljUi. : f .Y ^^ÄtiJltä h_5oj^j :Y ^jjljj?- Ad 69^^ J5* '-is**"*}* 5 ^ kJa^' ^Y Unit2: Shirin Does Not Have Much Time.. 55 I .Vocabulary 2. Video: Shirin Does Not Have Much Time 3. Vocabulary for Reading Passage 4. Grammar I imperative 5. Grammar 2: Negative Imperative 6. Introducing a NewWord: aJA 7. Reviewing Infinitives 8. Listening Comprehension 9. Pronunciation 10. Culture: Calligraphy in Iran I I.Grammar 3: Adverbs 12. Grammar 4: Demonstrative Adjectives 13. Grammar 5:3I J^s/J^i 14. Reading: a Selection of Texts 15. Grammar 6: Ordinal and Cardinal numbers .a J j.j t_$^L>3 Cr r^ Cr* oJJ'*'' O^j's :Ojl^ .? jlj-jJi J'j^ .A Jul; .1 :^1Ay. \ * 0jLi)l OjL^ :T j^i—-jO . \ Y PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 16. Reading 2: The City of Tehran 17. Written vs. Spoken 18. Vocabulary: Reviewing Previous Adjectives and Introducing New Adjectives 19. Grammar 7: Comperative and Superlative 20. Reading 3: Russian Cities 21. Reading 4: Chinese Cities 22. Reading 5: Shi'a Population in Today's World 23. Conversation: May I Go Out? 24. Pronunciation and Music: 25. Paragraph Writing 26. Listening Comprehension: 10 Minutes in Cafe Denj 27. Vocabulary Review cy.yy ^U^j, :f -Y \ C^-j^ii Aj | .i^a 3 jjulj t l-i 01" .YT ^wj^j JJLj .Y& joi ajli" ALAi ^Tji .Y? 0l?3l5 .YY Unit 3: I'm Getting Ready for the Konkur.........................................................................................................................................................................105 1. Vocabulary Cp''h 2. Video: I'm Getting Ready for the Konkur -V 3. Listening Comprehension jl-V^ ^% 4. Reading I and Pronunciation: Behrang's Weekly Schedule ^y. --^^ s ^ o^'-P" 5. Grammar I: Subjunctive, Part I J5I J^h ^5 :^ jf-~>± ■& 6. Culture: What Do the People Wear? 0U1 ^ --^"Jf 7. Grammar 2: Past Progressive ai^A? :Y .Y 8. Pronunciation and Calligraphy: Khayam, the Persian Poet J$yJ >fLp- y>*- '-^..y^^ 5 ^> -A 9. Spoken vs.Written ^h^y .^hif A 10. Grammar 6: Present Perfect ai^A? T ^3^.3 .\ ■ I I. Conversation I: What a Disaster! 'ur^" v-^: ^iSf^^ 12. Reading 2: My Daily Schedule iy ^y:Y o^'-P" 13. A Few Words: aT 3I ^ v 18. Reading 3: A Commercial l?^' :Y u-^'^ 19. Reading 4: Single Girls and Their Different Types of Living olr^ iS^y?" d'y': u^1^ Y' 21. Conversation 2: Do You Need Help? \^A^^^S :Y ^jjfci? .Y\ 22. Conversation 3: Excuse me! Could You Repeat That? 4li^' '±A**>. * iSf^ ^ 23. Paragraph Writing u^ty -^^ 24. Pronunciation and Music: ^U-ji o^P-' ¥° 9 y^ 25. Listening Comprehension: 10 Minutes in Cafe Denj Aij^> r^lj^i ^Ty .Yi> 26. Vocabulary Review Cp'h Y? SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Unit 4: I Live by Myself... 153 I .Vocabulary 2. Videos: I Live by Myself 3. Pronunciation 4. Conversation I: What Would You Like? 5. Conversation I: I Have a Bad Headache. 6. Reading l:The Boot I - Introducing the author 7. Grammar I: Subjunctive 8. Grammar 2: Attached Object Pronouns 9. Grammar 3: ImpersonalVerbs 10. Reading 4:The Boot, Part 2 I I. Grammar: Conditionals I 12. Grammar 5:The Future I 3. Reading 4:The Boot, Part 3 14. Grammar 5: Passive 15. Grammar 6: Past Perfect 16. Pronunciation and Music: ajp- ^Y&^Sj^cS 17. Listening Comprehension: 10 Minutes in Cafe Denj 18. Vocabulary Review •l***"is* u ^3 kr** i>° Jail; T ^oljjJI rl&^j-ijaS ^ \ j^LuJii .Y jQ^ii ^yitSKj — &aS*>- :Y (jJjl^j> .\ ' (J^-äj -4_aS_> rY- (jJjl^j> . ^Y-cC_JjJl5" :Y j^LuJii .\ & .Jul; Review Exercises:..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................205 I .Vocabulary and Listening :0^5'5 5 0^ .jQ^j Job ................................ Ötjir^ 9 K> " ^yJ^iCp\ j& ' Til - ........................................" ............S^Z^uJb Lx5" JäI - .........................L , .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................■1^-^ o^j^ ^5" y> <^5" ^^5" (u^>j - 2. Useful Phrases and Constructions :J~*** ji^P*^ 5 Iao,L* ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................aS^jj\ 4j ^^S-i^j — ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................**o>) ;•' "^"oi131 - ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................;■' „v* ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................aS^IjI L^Lrt ~ ...aiX . . . .l^U aj - ...............................lSW- <4 - PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 3. Grammar in Use J3~'"'A'i 4. Pronunciation 5. Culture 7. Speaking ■ ........................................i'f' - ...........................................................aiLil - ln.ft.LV* ^ Ci^J^ ' 6. Reading o^lj* ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... oi-' ^ - ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................a-" J13 ~ 0^3 d^ SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD m Mi O THE STUDENT Persian of Iran Today II is the continuation of Persian of Iran Today, I, and it draws on many of the same learning principles that you developed in the previous ten units.There are, however, some crucial differences in the structure of units in this volume, and understanding these differences will help you make the most of the five units in this book. While Persian of Iran Today, I sought to introduce the sounds of Persian, its writing system, the structures and vocabulary necessary to use the language on a basic conversational level, and the strategies necessary to begin speaking Persian, Persian of Iran Today, II includes almost all of the remaining grammatical structures, a large corpus of vocabulary words, intensive reading, listening, and writing instruction, and a series of in-class activities designed to help you continue your work fearlessly speaking in Persian. By the end of this volume, you should be ready to transition into content-based courses in Persian.This volume is accompanied by audio and video clips that service these goals and are available on a website for you to use outside of class.The website (http://www. includes cultural material, supplementary files, and an innovative narrative film called Cafe Denj that is intended to guide your progress through these units. This book comprises five units, each of which includes both textbook material and workbook space.Each unit begins with amain list of vocabulary that organizes the materials that follow, worked into grammar lessons, cultural notes, and listening activities.The vocabulary is especially crucial to the "monologue" videos that are included in each unit.These short videos feature one character from the Cafe Denj series and are intended to help you develop listening accuracy.You should recognize almost all of the vocabulary and grammatical structures in these short videos. In contrast, the longer videos at the end of each unit, the episodes of Cafe Denj, were specially produced to help you develop your communicative listening strategies.These episodes feature vocabulary, expressions, and structures that you may not know.Your goal as you watch these episodes is to infer meaning from what you do know.The worksheets that accompany each video and the designated in-class activities will help you in this regard. Remember, that we only expect you to understand each episode well enough to complete the assigned tasks. If you are able to do that, then you are on the right track! Because this book endeavors to teach you most of Persian grammar, each unit features several grammar notes. As with the Persian of Iran Today, I, the grammar notes in this book are inductive lessons that should be completed at home first, and then a series of carefully paced in-class activities will help you activate your knowledge of these structures. Remember that knowing and understanding grammar is not the end-all be-all of learning a language; grammar is a tool that helps you communicate in a language. Because you will be learning lots of grammar in this volume, you should not expect full mastery of all of the different tenses and structures. Instead, you should strive to learn these lessons as well as you can, but you should also be comfortable with the fact that your full command of these grammatical structures will come as you move through the intermediate and advanced levels. Good luck and enjoy Persian! PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY (jL)j ^j-^JL) 3 ^j^ol ^IjbÁJUvls jj^L-jI j.j J3I aL> JJJLo 3 c—J ,jl J3I aL> ^4»o|j| 'J3j-oI ,j1jd' LS^j^ *—->LhlS* jö^ti aL> 3 ^jIJwoI ^Ja—j ^5"^Caä5" 4j jlcl ^Iäo^«_^j 3 4jLj ^L&jbL^-L-j ^3jjus tl&^l ^jIL^j^J 03---j 3 IaIJ-^ ^3J3I ^-Lí> 1— ^jLj jL***I 3 pj^o j' LS^jJ- o**^ j^ 3 oJjLo ^Lj j^LmjJ jl 4j*ý| Ljj.Íj L^Jj 4j ^ aL> jičl ^g-jjli 4j iS^ji ^ 'j ls-**^ J"^^3J""ls^ ^-^ls*0 ó'j3"°'ó'dj ^ tv,L*5' ^jI £3-"-° |^'-S' ^la/jjj^J ^lj 4j j^äo-I^Iä* ^Ia^U^ jjjI^j^-o tjjJLwj^j jjljL) 4j O-JÄ33-0 L; lj v_jLulS" 45" I(^jb^ .jjj&j 4_dj| tjjj^j .ajj5* o5*^^wjjLs (_£j^5"jb CaCjí—j ^jL-jI JJJI^j^o ó'j3"°'ó'dj °'^-**> lí^Lí"^ LÍ^3^** 4j v_jb5* tJ-JJ Jkrf^L) aL> jô ^j\j^> íj%-l>$ {£5*** $ JJbl^^u (^j>^Í5' jl5" *^3j t^^*^-?" j's-'^ iSJt^"^t—^j1*^ 3 ^3 ^-^l3^í lj l-JLLa-o J^^- íiSJt^^i ^ ^J3^s^t-s*° óL***J ^ r0"^ ^-*5o ^jA töwM^u jl (jlj3-°l(>jLjj 4j Áj\J>- jô l-JLLa-o j-^lJ.3 —o ^jlJJ*!^ 4JLJj|j lj (^yj^lS' jl ^j^j^j jjSôIj 3 ^^jLoI ^jljj^o ^jjj.^-Í_o (jlj3-°l(>jLjj 45" O—jI ^IdJ^ 4j <^j\zS ^I3ILäo t^j5*"! 3 jjjS «jj^i'^lS* ^1 ^^jLoI^ i—Š^jLj ^^j^j í^jS^S jl Job (jlj3-°l(>jLíj tv_-»biS* ^^jI ls-jôj3-oI jj^~t5j jí ^-í 4j ^^.93 t03"^lc4j .JoLiJ 4j lj L^jI ^"^is* jl ^Lä^^ t(j^j,^l5' ^IäO-JL*9 ól33"°'ó^j ^*^*jL*iLo ^jjj^l^j tj-^jL (jl-*1^^ři-^"^^ jjbLi ^3^- t^wjjLŠ ,jL)j 4j 3X1U15" jl ojLí£—jI L 4**Jj> j& jô 45" ^3-^1^-0 ojIj (jlj3-°l(j^j .pjjlo^b L^jl 4j lj (jiblj .j^^LlíI t5*°J^ ókj LÍjL^á5" 3 (^jll^^j LÍ°>r--:' 3^ y0 L; lj ó'jWó^j ó^0-01 j' j^ ód' 'Jí' iS^^ 'ó'j3^^Ó^J j^ 3 ls*°j^ LÍ^Lí^ (j^il—jI jiJ *S JJbô^gA lj ,jL$-ol (^jjI Lj-ili 4j L^jI ^3-*j 3 1—JLLa-o 4j|j| 03^^ t^^j-s^pjÄ .J-jÄJ j\ß (jij^-ol L^L^ lj ^^-^jLŠ ^jLj j^-s-^j Ij (^-«-^j tJJ-5"^«J ^wjJ JI3-0 ji;j5"jIj ^I^j ^^l"^-**^0 iS°3i^J 3 I ó^***^d v—»IülS* J*Í-í> 3*i jô (^pJJ3-ol ^Lä4_o«*19 3 ^3*0! 4j>j.5" íf^jj-T^^-o ojLil L^jI 4j jjj 45* jjb J3I aL> L ^10031^ aL> jLčI (jl^j^ ó^j-^" JL*^ ^ "k>^íj-° (^^(^dj-oJ* 3 ó^*jl3 ■jfyä L (j-Jj^ j-Ä .o—jI («jlJ5j 3 ^JJ3-ol (J^*äj 3*i <^ljb (j-^j^ ^Lřj^ í^yjjô jSn jLcl .ajL^-o 4^IjI IäOjL^-o 4j J^^jji^ ^IäO-JLx3 3 ^XáäjS (^lAC***)ltitiU ^(jLjj j^-*>>^ L; 3 ^3-^1^-0 ^|4.L«j> (öuoj„^Í ^jj| I3 j-Ä ^1 jiJ 3 iOJ-Jj O—jji^í i£—jI ^i^^SÍj ^3J J03 4JL9j jl5*4j (jLTj^ J-0!-*1 45* ^yjjJ ^■^ť5l tJj|4JiL9j5"lj3 3 JJi—jb-^j^-o i^j^i^ jl 'lj *^d*^-?" 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Ja^j^j* c*-JLjti - &A .... (^..^o^IjLj (^La4^»L> ^ LäöjI^ 4.j Ja^jj.^ i^y^ Lji'"S ^ • ^ Ij La4.L)j> (jj^-o •^*-*-">* Lj* V* (^0jL^)-1i .Jk_jl$" 4^j>j,j ^mmIXjI 4.j ^ Jlumj^Jo AA Lj V * (^OjU-^j (^l&Ojl^ L£4^Jb (^|jj .V .jk_jLS" jj^i ^aS'jjjI CjjLS" .^-^5" J-oli" Ij p «4j*L> j^» (jIäJ t Y r V V PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Keywords: Before you begins, learn to recognize the following keywords.You have already learned some of them. l_0_KeyWbrds translate reading spoken written to complete u>f J-15" to use ^page t5**" c^"3 Ji^ ^ 6^ 6^ ^ 'O*^ tSJ^ j' I. Follow the instructions on the recommended class schedule on the previous page: For day one of the class, at home, listen to the audio file up to word number 29, and write sentences I to 29.Translate them into English. Make flash cards for these vocabulary words. Bring them to class for the class activity. .jjiiijf }IJ Ij 1^:1 jl r exercise an*1 pronunciation conversation have a conversation watch and listen jLuS' ^ *—1—1—1 culture ^grammar X^i* 4,^j>jj ......_i_bdl 4.J ^ .....j j-o Ij l^j I ^ JluS' ^j^S j CjjLS" ,j£Ji Lftojlj jjjI jj l_l_Vocabularyl 2. For day two of the class, listen to the audio file for 3 J>£ l" V • ^Uai^ 3 JS^3 k5' 3 ■X^J.& l> Translate them into English. Make flash cards for these ij ^S^S cJL*i Ij L^'l 3 c^j^ ojiii U03I3 vocabulary words, Bring them to class for the class ju.j31-^ *a activity. l_l_Vocabulary2 \Xjy r 1 study 1 study electrical engineering (f^'^LS^ • • • ) (*J''^"LS'° ^ij'^j^JI t^-J-J-^ -V everybody, all 4_oJS X family (o*j|^J^>) o*jI^jL>- X except ^ husband,spouse SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD very much, a lot crowded £^li> .A crowdedness ^ri ^ 1 wake up from sleep from :jl / (^jj^-o ...) f^ti^gn jijljj * usually V^^o .Y1 roommate (tsliJ^ ^a) <_sslj1 l(_jU;U- .YY 1 eat breakfast (|öj^>^^ 4.j^*_«£>/4jL*_*_«£>) |öj^>^0 4jL*_*_«£> .YY then, later on Juu .Yf 1 teach, to teach 1 both study and work 1 also teach project oj^j .YA often vJcl .Y1 nights (l^jj) l&^^Jj .Y * until 8 o'clock A cxlj ij .Y ^ week 4.1afi> .YY 1 exercise, to exercise swimming pool j^c^i\ .Yf Vgym PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ^ 1 play tennis 1 run painting, she paints (4^5"^.........) jllS^-o u^LflJ i^^JjlaJ TA sometimes Fridays (4jcoj> 4j<^- cS^JiJ ' 1 am very busy! always after 1 sleep, to sleep starting tomorrow b^i jl .f & holiday for last time the last time that... ^ (-SjL; iji>>l • ago, three years ago when, when she goes to school grandmother he/she passed away J^S" CjjS .6f to see, 1 see, in order to visit history this year JLJ ^ that, which, who Flashcard Game At home, for each new vocabulary word prepare a flashcard that has the English word on one side and the Persian word on the other. Bring your set of flashcards for the first 29 vocabulary words. l> Ij Lt ^ ,_jli>ojl^ ^LadjlS" .Jk-^^jo lj ^1 uj^J&I SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 6 1^ In class, work with a partner to begin using these words in context. Sit across from your partner and take turns showing one another a flashcard. When you show your partner a flashcard, he or she should ask you a question that uses that word and you should answer and then ask your own question using the same word before switching roles. Feel free to ask follow-up questions to keep the flow of the conversation going. Flashcard Game-At home, for each new vocabulary word prepare a flashcard that has the English word on one side and the Persian word on the other. Bring your set of flashcards for the next 29 vocabulary words. In class, work with a partner to begin using these words in context. Sit across from your partner and take turns showing one another a flashcard. When you show your partner a flashcard, he or she should ask you a question that uses that word and you should answer and then ask your own question using the same word before switching roles. Feel free to ask follow up questions to keep the flow of the conversation going. Written vs. Spoken Vocabulary Sentences Listen to the audio file l_l_vocabulary3, which features your vocabulary sentences from this unit in the spoken form. Compare these sentences to the written-form sentences that you transcribed before. Underline any words or structures that are different in the spoken form.You should use the spoken form when speaking in class, so you'll need to know how it affects the new vocabulary words you are learning. Please note that sometimes a word's spoken form and written form are both correct in spoken Persian, and in this sense there are two spoken versions of the word. For example, in this audio file, you will hear both _^5" and ^5 for the spoken form of _^5". ■4 (** lS3S-3j ^j^^j j Jl*ä*} ^_jI^> JI^j I 4j Lo»Jj .Jl^«JjJ •XSblj^- _JI^«j ^jS^S 4_j L Ij A A 17 \°[ (^l&ojl^ (^LaOjLS' .Ju_«*j^_o Ij ^1 oolfllLvjl ^oj l_9j.j>- iS^ji Lj ^Lj^S^SpJb L i^yS^S OjLS* ^^jjLä <«9jJö) Ij OjLS* ^_So ^ i^^ji^j jl OjLS* jjj| i-Jk-ojT' 4j ^1 .Jujä^j ijL^J tjLj*^«j,^l5*^jÄ 4.j (Ij L> ^w_«j ^ JuJiO iwj|^J> Jl^vJ I 4j Ls«Jj .Juw-JjJ Jji|^>- ^JI^wJ jo j.5"l .Ju_«jj.£j tjLj*^«j,^l5*^jÄ jl ^Jl^wj 4^15* jj-^o-ä jl o^LäILwjI _j| jlia5* Ul ijulojk^i -L,wj L -4—«JLS" jjb ^jizJiS ^Sijt> Ju_lS" ^^Jt-wJ .Juj.^JO oL Ij O^*ll^-0 ^SjJUO LäOjI^ J^JC> jO (^La^JiLli ,jl_h-£ 4j Ij «ffrS" 4j» ^ «LS^5'» Ojl^ j,Ä l_l_Vocabulary3 > ^w ^ ^ (djU- jO) Review the Verbs You Know JUil jjy> -t^S1')^ $ At home, complete the following chart with appropriate verbs.Then listen to the audio file and check your answers. ^y^^J .Jl^LS' J-oLS' u^_«jlj-0 Lü^JjtS L> Ij jJ j J^jc^ t4jL^ j^i Lä^jI^> ^ Jl^lS- ^j^S" _j^5 ^ l_l_Vocabulary4 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ' Present Stem - JL> -J Present- First Person Singular - JU- i (jiL . .. > or... or... 6^ or... or... JLo ... OJ- J* (O^y) o^'b 1 or... ^r oixj or... ^r j>£ o-^y or... j^rj^rj OJ- 0^ 0^ SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Fill in the blanks with the information about ^ ^ y_- 6^ ± ^ l yourself. J.................................JJ (*jli-»3 ............................... lft>4_jJ_Ju£tJLj V^«-x-o jj^-o .V .a^5"ls^o ^jj'jjj.................................i»jjLo X ................................. Jj>l Jyo X .................................. CH^" Lffld^Li^ ^ .A .................................. ^j'^lS' j*j l«w£i 3 ^j-o .9" •io-^ls^ 'j 3' ............................Jl-j/^l^iia 3 cU-jI.................................(o.-iw^j .Y "fj^Ls* ^JliL^a^ L...........................cucL«j V^«-x-o ^.a> .A ..................................^S"j^j^j ^JjjsI Lo ^—jjli jLl*J . ^ (j-Jj'j ................................. . ^ * ■CuJ ^I^XJo'Lj (_j4.^-jJ ................................eU-jl ................................. 1^6 ^Vl . \ ) .CwjI ^j^i .................................. jJ ^iji' lS^}^ • ^ .................................. |ftj*jLo j jju ^£4jL> . ^ Y .|Ojl*A_;j ............................... CUCL^j Lj* L&^cJj . \ f .|oal ..................... ls^" 3 t^—s^j' cy • ^ ^ .JJ-lS"^ ...........................jJ i<>loolyL>- .^P ................................. V^«juo 4_jcoj> ^L&j^j . \ Y ^W^a..........................U 'f^'i^ls'0 CtcL-j i_Jil U>i_«Jl> ^ pjjj^o jIA*J v'i^ j' ...................... CtcL-j V^oJCO l&£L«a . ^ ^ .C^xjI j_jLi> ^Ls- f ................................. ls^jiJ ' .•^5" o^s jI-j Jl_> jcj>......................................Y ^ .............................o' *^ lSj-^ •■j^j.......................................fOj |t>jjLo L aS ^jL XY •(tt-^J ......................... ^-V*1 *a u"^i ...........................^ ......................J^*j" l>V .Y? PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Fill in the blanks with the new vocabulary from ^ ^ s ^ ^ ., ojUlJ g {j Unit I. You may use some words more than once. (^-Lj> ............................... j£ Lo 4j j^j-ol ^jLlL^j^^ ..................................& .pldJL^- J3j ,_c .......................... l(Oj^-^oJ 4.j'l^3 ^3 .P •[O-^LS^ 0*0^ LSiM-?—1' |** 3 .......................... ^ .Y ............................ 3 C^ol ^L9li*l j^i J3^-°^ J^tt ................................. 3 f»i3j^ ^ J3J -r* j' ^ • ffr^S'(j^jj^ o*1^1 J^^ri .................... 4 >JL* . ^ • .^^j oLo ^So j L-^^-> ^"^0^ ^ .......................^ • ^ ^ •f3Jt^ o'jV *-^i^J" lS^-^ ^ 'SJ^ *i pz**}*................................cS'^i (^*^ ........................... L&4_xrf3j>- ^j^^" 'fc^3j(-5-«-' 4_«jjJ»o 4.j 4.jcoJ>- ^L&j^j ^Ij^ol^jiub tjlj-jl j .................................^ ^ ................................ ^_j|^> jl L&4_jJ_Jj4_«j . ^ ^ .AJt5\^ ..................... •|°3J(jr*.................................^U^tAjjJtSl* bji.U .^JLi^Jfe............................ ^ o-* ■ftj-^j ol?V ^ jU-^-1^^ L 3 .............................J3j j'"^?" o^i lS4---*-* * .Jjj^-^^o Ijx. j^j ......................... (j*^1 Lfcjl -V ^ •f^Jcs*0 ^'^-^b 4.j jLaU.................................YY .4JL*jj.5" ...................... 4JLw^ ........................... ^ILmj^ .YV SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD At home, complete the charts, listen to the audio file and learn the words. today j3jJ .A y|ast night Complete the sentences .^jS J-ol^ lj j-jj ^Lfc^JL©^ ............................ J3JJ'^ _4_«j j^j-°l — ^ • C^J ............................ J3J*\ -*3i ^j^~^ J3Ji^ ~^ .^^j .................................. J3ji^ —^ 4_jcoJ> «1 I I _Vocabulary5 c \ ............V ............v Tuesday .............& Thursday 4_JLvj^läj .9" ^ Friday 4jcoj> y^ Role Play Student A: Jennifer or Shawn Student B: Mr. or Mrs. Meysami Student A: an Iranian friend who is studying in the United States has invited you to his/her house when his/her parents are visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Meisami have a lot of questions for you. Use the information in the schedule below to answer their questions. Remember that your goal is to have an actual conversation using this information. Focus on actually exchanging information. Student B:You are Mr. or Mrs. Meysami. Ask your partner, who is now your son's or daughter's friend, the questions below. Remember, your goal is to have an actual conversation, so focus on exchanging information. . L^-di jl 4.5" Jujl^i (^^Lj o VI^-wj ^.«JL^o (^lil ^ fü"jL>" 2 i—»l^j> L^jI o VI^-wj 4j iw-t-wjLo_di jLjl>-I 4.5" ^sjiS (^^XJI L> ^^SjiS t—^jJL^il^ i-o-^j l_9jl& 4^* 4^* Jk.uliL 4JI_Jj|li 4_>-^j .^uJ&ii 5*j.^J tjLj^,«j,^l5*^.Ä jl .J-JLwJb ^.«JL^o (^Lil L j^jL^ Lo-*li :u (^^äJLJI^ 1—^jJL^il^ Lo^j lJJlü 4^" Jl*1iL 4JI_*li|li jisl^- 4j .lj ^^ILfl5" PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Monday Persian class work playing soccer Tuesday ............... work ................... Wednesday Persian class work swimming Thursday Persian class work work out Friday Persian class .......... ................ Saturday ............... work playing soccer Sunday ............... work work out Did you have class today? Classmate: Yes, today is..........I had Persian class. I thought today is.........Do you exercise? Classmate: Yes, I work out on........ Do you play volleyball like my son/my daughter? Classmate: No, I do not, but I play soccer on...........I also swim on My son goes to the gym on Wednesday. Do you go too? Classmate: Yes! We both swim on........ Do you like jlsS /koshti/? Classmate: What is koshti? Wrestling?! Yes I love watching j^S. Determine what questions you would ask in Persian to elicit the information below. Do NOT translate the sentences directly. Use the vocabulary and grammar you know to formulate a question that communicates the meaning of the sentences below rather than the exact words. Once you have figured out your questions, ask them of someone with a different set of questions. Be sure to answer all questions in complete sentences and make sure you give your classmates a chance to ask their question fully before you answer. If you finish early, then ask your classmates follow up questions to keep the conversation going. .j^jlS" iwjI^cIjI Ij B L C--vJ^ 4_> oJlJj 4.H_«j|jjj ^^_J^j| oVI^wJ j^i 4.5" Ij Lc^LLsl jl .JuuSj 4-0J>jJ ^^JjU 4j l^.JL"......-o Ij jjj ^Lfc^JLoJ^ -^Jj^l 45* ^VI^vJ (^Ijj Jul419j.5" \jB 4.5" (^jIjJ 2 l&Ojl^ Juu .j~jS 4-«J>j.j 4.^-15" 4j 4^1s" Ij CjVIy+> j la>4.Lj> JuLJ g Ij OVI^vJ ,Jjj| Juil^J^^ tJjjU (j^j-^* iS^ji ^ iS*-^^ ^ oVI^-vJ 4»> 2 Jw*_wjj^j tjLj^&jj,5"^..& jl Ij ^^>- O VI4JLvj^ i—»l^j> oVI^wJ 4j ^--s^ 4-5" Jk_<«JjL> 4JL«jI^ 4_>-.Jk_jfc^ iwj|^j> ^1 ^j^l^i iwj|^j> jl ^jz*_o ^ iwj|^j> J-0L5* ^Lji4.L«j> L> tJk_ji^^-o .jjS J-ol5" Ij jjiJI^ 45" (jLL 4.j j.^J*i ^{jbo^jS" jl j-J^3J Ij C*-JUi o^j-S" j^ j,5*l SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD A. Talk with your classmates in Persian and find out... .. .if they are tired after class. .. .if they are coming to the university on Friday. .. .if they have a friend who studies nursing ( ^ll^,). .. .if they think that this city is very crowded. .. .what they will do on Sunday. .. .where their family lives. .. .if they sleep in class. .. .how many times per week they exercise. .. .where they were two years ago. B. Talk with your classmates and find out... ...what time will they come to the university on Friday. ...if their father/mother/brother/sister was a student at this university. ...if they have a friend who studies electrical engineering. ...if their family lives in this city. ...if they like crowded cities. ...when the last time they went to the gym was. ...on which days they come to campus. ...where they will go after class. ...if they always eat breakfast. So far you have learned how to describe actions using the present tense. In Persian, the present tense is much more versatile than it is in English.We can use the present tense in Persian to refer to actions that are happening right now, will happen in the future, or happen habitually. However, we require several tenses to describe actions that take place in the past.The first past tense you will learn, the simple past, describes actions that were completed in the past but not over a period of time. Examine the following example: 1. Use the information you know in the sentence to try to translate it. 2. We will explain more clearly how to form the simple past below, but for now can you explain why we have used the simple past in this sentence? 1 ate to eat PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Forming the Simple Past 3. Look at the verb in the example sentence above. What is the infinitive for this verb? Say the Persian infinitive "to eat" and then the conjugation "I ate." How do the two compare? What is the relationship between the infinitive and the conjugation? The simple past tense in Persian follows this pattern: Personal Verb Endings + Past Tense Stem As you have probably already noticed, the past tense stem—unlike the present-tense stem—depends on the infinitive. In order to derive the past tense stem, we simply remove the ^ from the infinitive. The personal verb endings are the same endings we add to the present tense verb conjugations.The only exception is the third person singular (he/she/it); the past tense conjugation for this person is always just the past tense stem. 4. How would you translate this sentence into Persian? Yesterday the professor had dinner with his mother. 5. Now that you have a basic understanding of the steps required to form the past tense conjugation, try filling in the following chart. Read the conjugations aloud as you write them: Lo \ (L3I) m J Negating the Past Tense 6. Look at the negating version of our sample sentence: What did we add to the past tense conjugation to negate it? 7.With negation in mind, complete the following chart and read your answers as you write them. ( Lo ř (L3I) m J SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Past JüJjjf Present JL> Infinitive - l, 3l i>" r l, Cr**? l, ^jJlJj jl*A_*j v 3I ....................olx^jl^ j<5 -V* ...................... Ij J3j-i^ .|öjb Ij ..........................^jLiS- .A (.<üä*j i^s^" ^o^J^ Ott............................cUcLj i> cSJ3j) (U*5"** ?.......................^>-w .......................................öüji^1 J'-1' 6a' jj ^ .c^jLäS" L^j'I ,_j4jL>-...................... . In groups of two or three, ^ ^ ^ JUi| ., use the verbs from the chart . .. . .. . ^ to talk about something that ' ". ^ ... Ij LsJj , CI >j A^liJo ,J iS . happened in past: " J' . , ...............^y^i ........( JL-jjIj) J'-~j ............j^r.^ Jj PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY The following sentences are in the present tense. Change them into the past tense, making sure you not only change the verb but also any time markers. Then translate the past tense sentences into English. 4nJjJi5' jjl-oj ju lj L^j'I .'.V-'-"-.....a JL> jjl-oj ju j-jj (_5La4.Loj> *h_JjIo .....j L.o_Jj (Jl^" J3j-°I .Ju^j^-o oL^JLjl^ 4j L^jI Lol C-_mjI 4.jc«j>- Itij.5 .^f tjioLi5' jjj 4»«ji Lol ojlo jLS'o^^ Ju_>- jlXJ4»oLjj^j I. At home, write a short paragraph (at least 50 words) in which you answer the question below. Be sure to use as much of the vocabulary from this lesson as possible and try to include connector words that establish relationships between your sentences. Read the example below carefully before you write your paragraph. 45* L?tj| Lj Jk_jl$" ^j<-«j .>S- Jl^vj 4j .. <4j'L> •tS^y j15"4^ \ \ Lj ^ OlcL«j jl oL^JLilo 4.j Juu j-*-u J ^jLj 4.jL?t^*5 ^ |fi-Ju>j jljuu Ol£LwJ j^jjo t^jl jl JuU .|ft^5' oL\J ^j^jjj^Jj C^L^j ffc..u JuU ^ |ftJul^> (J*>jU •ffr--^,l^ (J^'^S' .p^S3j jljLj f^jLlLwj^o Lj Juu ^ f^^' ^-"jLiiJ ^jtj^)S jl Juu -ffr--9j ^-i °J^i^ I .After you have turned in your paragraphs, work in groups of three or four and tell your group what you did yesterday. You should ask each other follow-up questions like the ones below: j^-".....q : \ Y ^jJjmj j_o^5o ^Lj(^La(^«j,^lS*^ja 4j oj.iijL^> L 4_«j (^Lao^j.s' tJj^U ^jVI^wJ JJ_i^5"^-o 4j^tj| OjLj^i j.XjJl^j jl .Ju^j.5* 4^> j^j-1^ /(,_jju^>-....) ?,_£jul^>- CxLj jcj> / (,_£juj>- ...) ?,_jjul^>- / jLaL' UtS" / ^^-Sj Lj*5" / ^(_j^^j L^S" / (c^^^l--) ^oLX^jI^ (^Juol *-j-^> cucL«j 2. Once everyone in your group has presented his or her schedule, then the group should pick one person's day to present to the class. Someone else from your group should report about what that person did yesterday without using his or her name. The rest of the class must guess about whom the speaker is presenting. 0^5* ojLjju ou_u^5* ^5* Juujj ^jju^ JuLj L«-^i (^La^^j'^lS'^.ji SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 2. Use the examples below to talk about a bad day or semester with one of your classmates. Stage I: Listen for the bigpicture.Try to understand the main ideas and begin to formulate questions about specific information or expressions in order to prepare for Stage 2. Stage 2: Before listening a second time, jot down (in Persian) the questions you came up with in Stage I .When you listen for a second time, focus on answering your questions and hunting for other specific pieces of information. Stage 3: Listen a third time and think about how ideas are being expressed. Focus on listening closely to details of language use, including pronunciation, structure, and the flow of ideas. At home, use these strategies to listen to L_j and write as much information as you can, with as much vocabulary as you can about the following. Try to respond in written form. 4JLjj|ii ^jJs^a jl ^J5" y^sj 45* Jk_JL$* ^j^i^5" (^j^Ls ^(J^l j^LS" Juj^j.-j ^jLj^jji^ yLti^a 45* ^aöL>- oL^^LLa^l L oLc"^LL3l 4j^X>- ojj_i^5" 45*tj_>l öjLjii ^ Jk_ji5" ^o^5" j^^-^-1 jL> •jft3^*J Ol_Jj.J> 4_j L -AjjJLS" jSis Ju^^-o Jj^5o JJfcl^>^js 45* lj 4j?u'| ^^J^Zs* J -lvj tJaäJbi 4.LoJ> jl '^«5* 4j>^j (jLjj jl o^LilL«j| o^LfliL«j| Lo-J (^^jju^ ^jtij5* ol£j VL jj jl t4iL> -uftJI 4_j j.jj tijl^-o Ojljj'i 4.5* Ij ^Lc.'^LLsl ^j^-« 45* LäjI Lj ^ J-^J-s* Jul^läjS" ^Lj JL> 4j Lj 45* ^jLS'jl^ jl ö^Li£_vj| L Juj^l^^ CujJ o^I^jL> .v Lo-J i—5*jjjj^L^ .A PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ^ I 2 Video I ? jcir^o jir^ ai£iJb jiU.u • ^f ^' jj ^ J1" ^ -r I .Work with a partner and discuss what you learned about Nima. 2. Work with a partner to write a monologue for Nima's roommate, Mehran. Use the questions above as a guide for the kind of information that you should include. Make sure that Mehran's life is different from Nima's. Present your new monologue to the class. jj^lf J(5 - pLk :Y ♦ ^y>j Jk._Jil^>-^»o 45" 4_?t) 1 {^\j-> L«JJilj ^jl^-LC 4j VL OVI^vJ jl .Jo-«*j^J_i jl ^jlj^-o ^5"Juj 4.5" Jk_<«JjL> 4.ILJjI^ 4_>-.Jk_JLS" o^LfllLwjl lL^j^JJ SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Grammar: Interrogatives j oUiS") in Persian are pretty straightforward. However,there are a couple of things to keep in mind: Look at the first word given for "when" and the spoken form of "who." What do you notice? Even though they are spelled the same, do they have the same pronunciation? Practice saying each word several times. If you see these two words written without the vowel markers, how will you be able to tell them apart? 2. Consider the following question: Why do you think that b follows pLu> ? PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ^ When f\±S modifies a direct object, it automatically makes it specific.Why? Because the question f\±S like the English "which" is asking you to decide between a set of known choices and those options are, therefore, specific. 3. Look at the following question: Let's pull out the most basic part of this question: You know the word 4^> and you know the word , but when they are put together what was added to the word ^^15"? Hopefully you noticed that we added a ^ to the end of the word for "class." This ^ is unstressed, which means we say it at the end of the word quickly and unceremoniously, without emphasizing its presence.The unstressed ^ has several grammatical functions in Persian, but for now remember that when a noun follows the word 4^>, we usually add an unstressed t5. Try combing the following words. Once you are done, listen to the audio file and repeat the answers, paying special attention to the end of the noun. ® I 3 Grammar2 ,j + As> x ■jL-jI + X ............................= oULiuta + 4j> X (opportunity) c^jh + Answering Questions: 4. Look carefully at the following examples of questions and answers. Listen to the audio file as you read and pay special attention to the intonation of a question: ?(teaches) jjm^ olS^ub ^IaS" ^ jLJ ^1 X How do the question and the answer compare in terms of structure? I 3 Grammar3 SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD When we answer a question in Persian, we simply replace the question word with the appropriate answer. Unlike English, we don't change the order of the sentence between the question and answer. 5. You'll remember this rule from basic yes/no questions. How did we change a statement into a question in those cases? What is the role of?l_J Fill in the blank using the appropriate question .^s JJS i_^J_lo iSJ^yr oUiS" L word. ...... J3jl* .iZ>u$>\>5 ^jjA5" t^^Z" ~ ^a-oLj J3jJi^ >^L>jJt>\^>-...........V .Jul^o - ?Jul^o ol^JLjl^ 4j L ..........V 4_j<»oJ> - l^,o 4.^jj JwO 4j .......... ^jlj-^j ol^JLjl^ j^i — ?^j/Jji^ o\SSj\<5.........j^i OjJu .JJ_i l^-o LjL^w^j Lj — ? JJ_i .........L> ^tJLvjj^ ^ l&j .P .jftl^jlji^j L - ^Lo_i_*_wj 4.j c^Lwj^^ .........L .Y At home, listen to the audio file and write answers to the questions you hear. Use complete sentences. The questions are asked in spoken form but you should answer in written form. Be prepared to read your answers in class! I 3 Grammar4 In class, you will pick one of your answers and read it aloud for the class.Your classmates must guess which question it answers! (^IjJ JüJj Ij jjl 3 ^-jL^cIil Ij ^jLj^La^-jI^J^- jl j^5o (.^jtJ^S j£ loins' Lo«Jj jüjjj ^üJl^ JuLl ^jLj^l&^-wJ jlS^a .JloI^ÄJ ^yJ^S .Julo^b vl^?- Ij Jl^**1 AWrite five questions for your classmates. Be sure to include new vocabulary and the question words from this unit. .Jl^lS' o^LfliL«j| ^-^wjjj oLo-lS* 3 ^üj^i jjjl jujc> PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Work with a classmate and for each of the following underlined words ask a question that seeks the indicated information. oJlJj Oi-N-i-i.*^ Ja>- I jjj ^5* JlJjL ^jL&O^^1 jl I .Work with your partner and match the pictures to the following sentences. .Ju-LS" ljuj Ij 4.Lj> jlj~i-vJ ^-Soi^Jj t_^>^5" .ojS" ^jf ^ ^j^?- ,_jL> .Y .•xiS^g* (^Juj ^^jS" j^*> os-*-" jj L-fl-i-i^jJ Ij VL j.J^L*2J .V .............O**^ Oil JJ .............^ii^j Oi' jJ ..................I* Oil djL?- j£ - l~ihIt :YY ^jjj-»J The intonation of questions is crucial to the rhythm of conversations in Persian. Now that we know how to ask questions in Persian, let's practice approximating the proper intonation! Lj .Jujb Ch-i-oj^I jL_«^i ^ZsS ffc.-jj CjVI^-j >jC_i_a> I t^^jjLi c-J jjl cJi^ VL> .(ft^iS" JI^-j ^ y}*^ß ^ ^ (^LoJJilj j£^>£ .^_»_LS' ^jJ^j^J j^JL^J 'jjS CjVI^-J I (S3J 1. 1 LM I. Listen and repeat.Try to mimic what you hear. Focus on recreating the sounds and intonation, but don't worry about meaning. l_4_pronunciation I 2. Listen to the following yes/no questions and repeat them. Pay attention to the rising tone. I _4_pronunciation2 ■iS^¥ ^¥*~ J3Ji^ 3. Now listen to the same questions again.This time the answer to the question will follow each one. Repeat the sentences for yourself. I _4_pronunciation3 .|öjb j\S t5'LJ>' '4j- ^Lo-L*—j (^1^5-° 4. Now listen to the following set of questions, called ^ ^ tag questions. The first part is not a question but * the second part asks for confirmation. Repeat the ^ 'L°-~~J <_Sjur° cSjb sentences for yourself. 9. Record yourself reading the following questions <_sLh L> Ji^ 3 I j x; aloud. Submit the file to your instructor for feedback ^bl^Lu u-i ^Ijj jUJ lj£o_o .j*—-^ jI-jLJ .JlLJjL) 4JLJj|^^j Jailj* (^Ij-j SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 0\c ^cJAÜ\ *Unstressed Ye oj&j^ :T j^Uo^ djL?- j£ - oj£j ^ :YA ^jjj^J Think about the relationship between the following pairs. While it is possible to translate the left column as "a book" "a day," and "a class," it is better not to think about this concept only in terms of the English indefinite article. By adding an unstressed ye to the end of words, we are suggesting that the noun is less identifiable because the context or situation assumes less shared knowledge.We call this an unstressed ye because its presence does not change the stress of the original word. This structure is especially common in equational sentences that involve adjectives in the predicate. Look at the examples below. .c^J ^j^> ffc.Lx-o ^jji .V Why do you think that we need an indefinite ye in the second sentence? Spelling Conventions Words that end in a consonant: 1. Look at the examples above again. All of the words in the right column end in a consonant.When a word ends in a consonant, how do we add an unstressed ye? Words that end with vav and o/efi 2. Look at the following examples and try to determine how we add the indefinite ye to words to words that end with vav and alef. ^> ^ I 5 Grammarl Unstressed Ye*: In Persian grammar, the unstressed ye is called ye-e nakare but ye-e nakare is always pronounced /I/ like at the end of the words "see" or "tea."To avoid mispronouncing ye-e nakare you can call it /-ye nakare. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Words that end with ye: Consider the following examples and listen to the audio file: I 5 Grammar2 When a word ends with a ye and has an indefinite ye attached to it, you will see it written in one of two ways. Either the word will appear as it normally does but pronounced with an additional ye or an unconnected alef and unconnected ye are written at the end of the word. Words that end in e-akhar. 3. Look at the examples below and listen to the audio file. Practice saying the words with the indefinite ye. Can you determine the rule that governs the spelling convention? 4. It is important to write the unconnected alef between the he and the ye. Without it, we would once again be marking ezofe and not indeflniteness. Listen to the audio flle.You will hear examples of ezofe and ye-e nakare. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each. Underline the words which contain ye-e nakare, then translate the sentences. I 5 Grammar3 .jjjlii JLs-Jj (^l4iL>- L^jI .c^-mjI ^.5"jj.jj^Lo ^ t-5*jj.jjju (^4iL>- c-_«jLo (^4_jl_>- ^^j+^j ^ ^I^Jl^- .V 5. Read the following sentences, record yourself and send the audio file to your instructor per her/his instruction. lt^"^ (J^ lS4-3^ o^W^ o' ^ JjJi lS4-*^ .Ju_lS*^o (^jj^ ffc-& eUcL«j ^_So ^£j^j tJJ-LwJi ^jl^^ ^j-Jj^ 1&4„stj 45* fj^lj-j j-^-j, ^ j.IL>0 .Ca SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 1^ 6. Exercise: Read the paragraph below and underline all of the instances of the unstressed ye. Pick three instances and explain why you think it was necessary in each case. *}j^o 4_«j .Jl^JL^j Ja^- OjSij *}jl^o jjj j JloI^äj Ij jjj Jüj *}LJj j Luj (^|4j^5* Lou .*}jl*i Lou ^.^jI 4j (^|4j^5* '^jLo t^j^ljj j-^*^ Lol tjujlju 4->jZ" L ^^^j ^jLJj^L&^L^ V^«jt-o Lä^jI^jI sL-l A Note on Yek (Ye) So far you have encountered many sentences that use yek like the sentence below. In this sentence, yek means one: I saw one student there. However, in spoken Persian you will sometimes hear speakers use ye, the spoken version of yek, to mark indefiniteness.You might also hear speakers use both ye and the unstressed ye, for example: At this point, you only need to be able to recognize this pattern if you hear it.You do not need to worry about producing it yourself. But keep in mind that in written Persian yek indicates number and indefiniteness. I 5 Grammar4 7. Exercise: Listen to the audio file.You will hear a number of sentences that end in the hi sound. Write them down and decide which ones are indefinite nouns. Indicate how you determined whether the word was indefinite or not. I 5 Grammar5 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY In Volume I ,you learned the Persian word for "that" or "which," and it is useful to start thinking about how to use the word to create relative clauses in Persian. Look at the examples below. 1. What do you notice about the word that is being modified in each of the sentences? What transformations take place? Ke clauses mark another use of the unstressed ye in Persian. Note that an unstressed ye is usually added to that thing or person that is described in more detail after the ke. 2. Look at the examples above again.What do you notice about the structure of the sentences? How are the two verbs organized? There are cases in which we do not add an unstressed ye to words modified by a ke clause. Consider the following examples. 3. What do you notice about the words that are being described? Why do you think they don't take an unstressed ye? Ra + Relative Clauses 5. Relative clauses and the unstressed ye that we use when we construct relative clauses do not change the rules of our friend ra. If the word being modified by the relative clause requires ra in either part of the sentence, then you must include it. Look at the examples below and explain why ra is necessary in each. ..Sjj 4jcoJ> pijS' ^ lSj^j Clii^ jJI^j j •SjS^a ^5"Juj 6^"V ^ I 5 Grammar6 SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Grammar Exercise: Read the following paragraphs and make the words in parentheses indefinite. Then translate the paragraphs into English. Ojl^ ^ ^A_*j|^J?tJ Ij jjj JJj .a_*j_S* 4^jj>jj ^«jjli 4j |j ^jlj^j t_£j^jJ (j.^_dl) (Jj&l IJlÄÄ^ jJu .C^-mjI (^Ij-jI j-^L^j ^ Jjj^jJ jl jjij-j^ü ^j^-ol LjJ'i 4j jl ^J_*_9 L-ol fi_jJ JjJ^ji jöLj 4j 4j C^-mjI^ JLwJ 1—*£-> ^ CUj-w-u IJlää^ ^LSj .£*3j ^jlj^j 4j I j^ 45* (4_wjjJwo) ieU9j ^jlj^j j^i ^«jL_«j j^^-L^ (_^4_wjjJwO .ii3jf ji (jLj ^jl^ (jb-^lxjl j^ 4.5* (4jL>-) .^L^JxjI j^ i-5*j>^5* (4iL>) ^ tj"^-^ j^j-0 (^-j^")-) .tijlti 4.iL> ^-^> fj^. jii Ij ^jllL-ywoj |öL«ü C«jI ^j\^s>- (oJJ-wj^j) 45* |öjJu Cvj^ii tii^j kij^j (^jbLw^oj) 45* JLwJ ^jLlLw^oj .C«jI Lol Jjlju' (O;3Üj) .c^J .Coili (i_JL») o1^^ (v1^) • jöJul^>- Ij I ^ji_*j 4JLflJb 45* Cull(i—>Lll5*) ^ At home, write a sentence to describe each picture below. Make sure you use an indefinite ye in your sentence. Be prepared to share your sentences in class. ,_jljj Ij J^j>- ,_jli>4.Loj> ^jlS" jj •>A~5' ojliL-jl oj5o jl .Jul^j^ Jk-jjal^j^- ^3j> LS^jjl5'^ja PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY In groups of two, tell your partner which one you like j' o' jj ^ ^^.3-4 S^^r y lS^s. jJ (like the example provided). i»* lsLh L> ^3=~ iS^^r ^ 0.5U1J»j& «Lj» .C*~>l jjijlj iS^j^j1* _}-■• i£3j ^^^b .................... (*jl^ ^ isi^" .............................i^u- l/^j 6' jj ^ lsI4j'i-> ............................I^^Jls*0 ^* (-5J^J3J ............................. ^-■-^5 J3j-°^ ^* (^l^-jL^-^s ............................. i^J^^LS*0 ^^ij ^* (^^4^-^ .................................t-9^1 Lj 45* iS&jA ..............................f'Ajp 3^ C^o-Jti (_£3j ^* ^ILc-l^o ..............................j«Juj|^> I V-^i^ ^* Work in groups and connect the following words in order to create sentences with an unstressed ye like the example below. .S^jS 4j>y JljLo 4j .JjjL*j 4jLj> oj5o «<_£» jl .^^J Ljj J^**"i f1-^^ y+£t& ^3 tJ^iW^" {J^^-^- :J'"^0 (interesting) ^JU- X ^Jjl^J .f ^ jLI .Y >. .Y j .A ^XJ .A ^l.^^^j .A (entertaining) ojcdr .........V ........V ........V I. At home, make the following words indefinite *Z ^.j^ c/^W M ^ 3 J*i*' L> jtj ^UiS" 44iL> and use them in a sentence Make sure that your sen- .jll^L 4^ib ji^i JSIj^ tences are at least six words long. jfy*> t4.L«j> teX^jj*} t^^c-iolki (4.^15' t4jL>- <4.^> tLil SHAHS AVAR I I ATWOOD 2. For homework, on two index cards, write about two friends, relatives, or acquaintances (one name per card) and something unusual or special that they do. 3. In class, your instructor will put these cards in basket. Each student will take two cards and find the person who wrote them by asking: Use the sets of words below to write sentences with relative clauses. Use both present tense and past tense verbs and make sure to include conjugations for a variety of pronouns. You can add more words to make your sentences. ojlo^-oj,j Ju_«j jl OjLS" ^jx^olo j.ä .eU^-l Jul JJbl(^Ju_«j jo ^jVI^wJ ^jIjXjo jl oJu*u 4JI_*1i^j OjLS" jo 45* (^|4.L«j> 4j 4.j>^j L> ^ Iw*_>-Lö JuLl 4»«Ji .JuiS" lj*-*J Ij OjLS" lw*->-Lö Ii* Jl«Jj,J^-0 JLS-o jjjLo ooLäILwjI ^J^aö^-o oIjLa£ Lj ^jUä4.Loj> JjILdi^J (^Ij-i j-ij (^l&öjl^ jl ^Uj JLjtil jftjb 3 4^>jjs ^Uj JUil jftjb la>4.Lj> jo .Ju_l5* 4j>_y L Ij JLtil 45* j^Lj b 4j>y .^jj-ri jl5" 4j Ij JL> (^Ijj .Ju_l5* t_9j.^3 Ju_l5*^o oolfl*I_vj| 45* ^JlLIäo ^l&j.*»«^ 4.j ^Jo« Laojl^ (jj-.oja L^jj* oj-jjI-S* Ij La4.L)j>- i Lj_o o s.j \15* 4_i 1 6i' 4JUl^3 - V Ju_w\j SSL-| t—5"jjjjoLo ■ Work with a classmate and describe the following pictures. Be sure to use ke clauses in your descriptions. .Ju_LS" L_fi-*-^3^J Ij jJJ jJ^L^2J ^J^aö^-O (j^L&djjL-c jl Oolfl*I_vj| L üu5* tjfrjl^ . ^ .Ju\5*^.o oL\J (Jj-o 4j ojlo t-ä-5* 45* ^^^jLi- ^LcwJ^O tjAA*J . PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY •\c.)f O Culture:The Iranian Calendar ^1 j>\ f*>.5& :<-£lfcji Ifff ^iHI - Jj^1 jiU / Mai-dn-ftpril 2013 PQP ipqjb iolf 22 1. r 21 1 \ 23 r\ 29 IV i 2i IF A z? 10 V If 2£ IT 24 IT T 23 11 y 5 TIC \* 4 vr \fi 3 VV 2 f I \r 1 1- + 31 W 3d \* 12 \ yy n rr 1C ri a tA r* TV 7 u B rfl \y 19 r« 13 V y1 17 p TA 4 rv 1S f y* 14 r ra 13 T yy 1. Use an online "Iranian calendar converter" to look up your birthday on the Iranian calendar. Write it here: 2. Try looking up three holidays and other dates that are important to you: Christmas 201 I 4 1390 ^ 3. What do you notice about the months and years on the Iranian calendar? How do they correspond to the Gregorian calendar that most countries in North America and Europe use? 4. The year according to the Iranian calendar is based on one of the most important events in Islamic history, namely Mohammad's move from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE. How would you convert the year from the Gregorian calendar to the Iranian calendar? And vice-versa? 5. Try converting the following years on the Iranian calendar to the Gregorian calendar: 1356 =................................ 1276 =............................... I 377 =............................... 6. Browse the internet and try to figure out what important events in Iranian history took place on those dates. 7. In this unit, you have learned the words for the various days of the week. Based on the numbering system we use to count the days of the week, can you guess what day is the first day of the week on the Iranian calendar? What is the last day? SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 1^ 8. The Iranian calendar, which is the official calendar in Iran and Afghanistan, is a solar-based calendar, whose months correspond with the Zodiac signs.The Iranian calendar begins on the first day of spring, or the vernal equinox. The exact time is determined by astronomical observations in Tehran and usually falls on March 21. Use the online converter that you found and your new knowledge about the start of the Iranian calendar to discover the names of the months.Write the months in Persian and indicate what months they correspond to on the Gregorian calendar. Check your answers with your instructor. .Y .A j3> 3 l^y Cri*j3s .3 X X AX .f .A 9. Now try to categorize the months of the year according to the season in which they occur. Keep in mind when the Iranian calendar starts, and check your answers with your instructor. 10. Listen to the audio file to check your answers.Write the vowels for each word. Learn how to pronounce the months, especially your birth month! I 6 Culture I PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY I I. Listen to the audio file and learn how Iranians pronounce the months in Gregorian calendar (p—ijZ; .Jl*j^£j ^sjjlk Aj \j ^S^L^a (^LaoLo 4jo^> I 6 Culture2 12. In class, ask your classmates when their birthday ^> jLijJ^" *S jl^U^-a^?,^ jl .^j^IS" ^ AX is.Are you older than( jl ^ ^) them? Example: ■k .....-ffl> ............................. jJ^Lo — .....-ffl> ^JL>j 4.:> jJ^Lo (.pjuoaj Lj'.j 4j ................................ JLj [jj] ^^Juoaj Lj'.j 4j JLj 4j> [j^]) ...................................................... - j^S" ^j^jjJoJ ^tjjL" .Jk^LS" lj JU- cSl-fi>L>- 3 v'i^ ^VI^-j 4j 1jIjI(_s^j'>ISLoJ!> ^SLoi" L '^yi^S jii .^V ..........^.y^L-o......................^^-^o^i ..........^^"^L^o........................^.&Lo •f^J^-a................"*J .................oLo SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD You already know two demonstrative adjectives and J\. In this lesson you will learn two more. Read the following two words aloud: Does the second syllable of each word sound familiar? Where have you heard it before? By adding ^ to and ^J> we add emphasis to them: The following expressions that use and ^Uj» are useful: In spoken Persian, is used to mean "that's it" or "that's all.' I .Try translating the following sentences into English: This very That very J ''Right now 6*1 0*-^ Right here ^Right there 2. In class, work with a partner and write six classroom commands that use and ^Uj*. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Present Progressive ^jljjjJUoI JL> j^^i J 9 1. In Unit 10,you learned this expression in spoken Persian:f>Juro pjb Do you remember what function the word pjb plays in this sentence? 2. We use the verb "to have" conjugated in the present tense as a way of emphasizing the fact that the action is happening right now.This structure can only be used to emphasize action verbs, so you won't see it with "to be" or "to have." The subject of the conjugation of both verbs in the sentence must match. Look at the examples below: What do you notice about the sentence structure of these two examples? Where do the two verbs go in each sentence? Note: examples are in parentheses, because this tense is used primarily in spoken Persian. 3. Homework: Go on your favorite social media site and find three pictures of people doing things that you can describe using the vocabulary you know. Print the pictures individually in black and white to bring to class.Write your name on the back of each image.Write small so other people cannot see it when you do the class activity. On a separate piece of paper, write two sentences about each picture. Look at the example below. 4. In class, turn in the sentences you wrote, and then work in groups of three or four. Everyone in the group should put his or her pictures in the middle. Someone should shuffle the pictures and spread them out so that all of the pictures are visible. Go around the group and each person should describe one of his or her pictures. Once the person describing the picture has said two sentences, the first person to identify the correct picture gets a point. Continue until all of the pictures have been identified.The person with the most points wins. 4.5" JlTL™2> ^jUjIS" pUu'l JL> jo fOj-o JI jo AS IjUj ^S^&S 4j .jk.^S' ^wjjli 4j Labis' I ojLjo jL*il^i*^o L««Jj Jk_JL*j ^ oLwj c<_oj.j 4jL5"Ijc> La^j^Jx^ jl jabs' jjb jl .....i£P Jjc> JlcLS" i—Sij j<5 .Juj^Lo ^jjA5" 4j |j j,j^L^2j ^ >-^J-*^-> ,jjj| jl Juu .^Jj^tj Ju|4Jl1i^J 45* Ij ^jLa4.LoJ>- 4(^0^15" jii .^P 4j tJulo^l^ 2 •AJjI'i {_y*^c- ^-«-& ^5" JlJj ^jJLc-La-o ^jlj^bLvjl 45* j..& 45* Ij (^j-1 3-^aJ* ^IS-«jI .Ju^.^wwJb OjiJ jL^> Ij 4_«j (^Ljio^j,5" ^Ji^j,5" j^i ^jx^oI^ ^..vjI ^jtilti ^jLjLJ tJ31-^1 o^l^i ^?tj* ^jx^oI^ 03^ •^3_^'(-s*0 ^3j,"^> ^-^'"w-^0 .tijli3k5'(^-o Ju5*^.o jLS* ^jl j^ ^^5* J^J^I -,-^3^'(>5-0 (j*'^^*-?' "-^-^* (-j*,ji3-^aj* ^-i (^lojL-dil 4^_ol 4j .^j^S^o jLjLol 1—Jl&^ ^jLJLj* Ij 4.L«j> 4j Ja^jj,^ ^yjSic- 45* ^jLlij-j^L^aJ* ^ >^^ti oJul^>- La^LcJ^- 4^Ji Ij Jk_Jb^ 4^|^| ^J^li oJujj 4JL9j5" o^jS" j<5 Ij jLjLol j.ILw_o 4.5* ^^5* .Ju^*li ^jO^Ji^o SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD I. Read the announcements for community events ^ ^ ^ oVl^ -u 3 jlJ^ Ij ^,3 ^1 below and try to answer the following questions in Persian. A What city are these announcements from? B. What type of events are advertised here? C. Try to find the Persian equivalents of the following words: church / adults / tournament j-^-b j^1-^ ^ ^ ^ eUcL«j jl ESL ^^-_L^j| ^jIjj o^j^-0^ o*0"^* j-^i^jljuij V Lj ^ eUcL«j jl jj^_^ol5" jjij^-ol (^j'^l5* j-^-b j^1-^ A Lj V ttjVL-^*5"jjj jjj-o (^^j (^Ul L> JJjI^j^^ 4„oLjj.j JjjI j<5 c^Sjjt) 4_> JLLaj'^l^ —(^V^j> ^ A 4_JLJji»^j j^j t^^jJ-il^ jl Ju^jLj 2 ljL5"Lo ^j_>jL5* 4_> oj^j t—j.iL/j .Ju^^j ^jjjLoJ * ^ ^ V-VV * -^f ^ P tj-^ 0jL«-*1i L ^JlH-o jlj5"j.j (^V^>- ^ * 4_*J_Jj ^tjjLj j^i OjJ6^ 2 (^'ilj-fl-jl (_^Lj£i4JLlij j^i 2 Jjj 0*^1"***^"^^ l^j^ {jr^ir*-* Ljjj ^j^_*J-j twj^lS* .ju'^ ^jLj J^J I f Y« •-YYY-'Hf Source: 2. Tel I your classmate what these images are. JäsL> oj-^o jl 45* ^b-^o^ C^¥? j--^"^ (j^SCc. .Jk_JLS* c*<-*s^& ^ä^j.5"^jä Lj j.jj jJ^Läj öjLj^ .V j^i ^L-j|jj| ^LLv^jLj OjI^_L^j> i^j-oL L^jj.^1 j^i 0^J3^ Ju_Ljj^j PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 3- Look at the first page of an Iranian birth certificate and answer the following questions in Persian. Bfir I-: 5 i * 1 ■ JJI -■— ■ ■ ■ ■■—'—■ 3 -1 ^ Xt£L 4. Look at the following ads and answer the following questions in Persian. A What are two different qualifications which are needed in two ads? B. Do they both need a person who knows English? C. Where are the places of the jobs? DWhat are the words for "single" and "married"? in (£j3j ^^-^ '^-9^ j^L^j djj^ SL^ : j^ j1 u SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD ( Written-Spoken jLLCoy ^Ljj t^istS ^Ljj I. Read the following sentences.What is significant about the sentence structure? How do these sentences differ from the patterns we have learned so far? As you know, word order in written Persian usually requires that the verb come at the end of the sentence or clause. However, in spoken Persian there are exceptions to this rule, some of which we have encountered. Can you think of any examples? Write at least three below. 2. What is special about the verbs that you used in your example? 3. There is a category of verbs in Persian called -Sj> JL^JI or verbs of motion, and in spoken Persian these verbs often come before their destination.The verbs in the examples you provided above are obvious examples of verbs of motion. 4. Look at the following words.Which ones are in spoken form? 5. Now, Listen to the audio files.You will hear 5 sentences in spoken form.Write them in written form. l_7_SpokenWrittenl PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 6. At home, read each sentence and underline the words which need to be changed in spoken form. Then, write the sentences in spoken form. l-o-Co J3j-°I .JuJL^Ji ^JuS'j^) 4„«J!> Lol t^jl^ jLS*^^> JLL> jlXJ4^Ljj^j ,jl .P ^JLL^^-o ^AJj UtS" Jj-o ^1 Ju'b^-o 4j> .Y .JuJuol ölXjLjl^ 4j ^Oj^IjJ ^j>^-> -A 7. At home, listen to the audio file and check your answers. Oi^-«-J c^L&V'l^-?' 3 ^^-^ jij ^s*¥^ l)^^ ^ tAjL>- jJi .Y l_7_SpokenWritten2 8. In class, use the spoken form to find out about your classmates. .juj^l 4j Ij J23JJ..0 oLc'^li^l tjLj^«j,^lS'^jÄ ojLj^i ?jloI^o olSLio'ta 4j bji T SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 4jL>- j£ — ]n ff it :f V £ji j-oj The following text comes from Amir's blog.At home, listen to the text and rewrite it in written form. I 8 Pronunciation! ^mJjIS 4_> |j tj-*^ 3 JLaJÄ^ ^0^5" ^Jj^J J-1^ '^j^ j^ 4.5" (^4j^>- (^^j ^j^l Ij ^jlj^J* j^i (^J^lj"1 3 tj-0 • 4j ^ ^lS-JL& i—5"jj\jj^Lo jljuj i»_j|^>- jl gtJu ^-"^-^ jl J""^ J3J ^Jjij^0 •fö-i-^*c5*° C5^"^j öjlii JjIjI ^ 3^ .4jj^»o i-Sj^- ^jJUj ^oLLvj^ Lj ^^LcL«j ^ („j^1 3 '^"^"(^s*0 °I-*^J* O^j1"1.?"^ 4_di^« 4JL«^- j^j-ol i—5*jjjj^Lo .öjlii j^^Lj (^Ll_vJ^ -öj^-0 lfc-^"jl"J? 4-1 (^j-jl^-wJJ'i I"1 Läj^Ls jl juu V^-«-3t-0 4jL>- j£ — ]n ff it :f f ^jjj^>j Listen to Mahnaz and write a paragraph about her in ■■^j,r->. 3' ^ ^ 3 "V5" 0*3^ ^-3^ is* j'-H-0 written form. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Spoken-written ^jliJjp-^jLif ) I. At home, look the chart below and compare the sentences in ^pjS and ^L^y. Underline the words that are different. l_9_SpokenWrittenl (I^J Llä5* 5^ ^jLäojI^ jjj ^ Jl^lS- 4_«^ilJLo cSj^r 3 lSj 2. In spoken Persian, sometimes instead of using pronouns with L> we use the possessive pronouns that you learned in Unit 4.We add "bähä" to the possessive pronoun. Review the chart below and listen to the corresponding audio file. From now on when you speak, try to use this construction. Remember that we use this construction when the stress in on the verb not on the object pronoun, like the example below. - Did you go to the restaurant with your-friend? -Yes, I went with her. In this example, if our emphasis is on "mom," we use "ba un," but if the emphasis is on "raf-ti," we can use"bähäsh." Use the following questions to practice. ?LöJ_<-vJ (^La-0 Lo L Iwoll ?j_*j-S'^o diss Lo L ffrJLJ jjj-j I r pj-a^-o jl J^JkJ> .JwJLSjS jL J^l v_jLa5" f (^j-Jj^ AJJL-.*A ^^Lo jjL«.^ ^LoJb 4_«_^j ^jjI jl •J^-Ä*i o*1^* ^ i*s*3^ ^ 3 J3J1*0 '-^ L lj jjj .AjJ-5" ojLflll—j| (JU^-L-j ^jj| j| JwJI^j^o AjOJ^o 1-3^jLLäS" ^—jjli 4j tJUSj ^LImj Lo J^JTLj &S ojLflll—j| ^jLoj ljLl^-Lmj ^jj| jl 4^ AjwliL 4JL^j|J 4j>^j O^-jj^i L - :J_oljÄ) lj jjj JLl^ Jl^j j-STj jfl Lol ailii»il «^5i L» jl jJjL «0^3^» ^5"Lj ^fl Lol .^^5" ojLfli«jI ,j^j t-9j*i c^j>Lo ^jj| jl Lcl>- c*-*a;o j«5jV ^15" l_9_SpokenWritten2 (^jLiÄS" L (^jLlJj^j Lo Lj 1.o_vj L L L^-IL SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD University Majors ^jJ&lSLwili ^L&d-oij 1. At home, learn all of the majors in the box and how to pronounce them.You will need to pronounce them correctly during class. I_l 0_Vbcabulary I ^ juoL>- 0jL>j*j jlo ^S^> ^ >^-jS ^^1^5* ^i^s ^J-1^ 4-t t4jL>- j^j .V 2. At home, listen to the audio file and write a paragraph about Hamed and Farima. I_l 0_Vocabulary2 3. In Class-Gossip game! In groups of two.talkabout two of your friends who study different majors: their names, their major, what year they are graduating, and one of their interesting characteristics. Your partner will take notes and report what you said to other groups. .4j|^-^o CUcL*i oJjI^J iSJ3j Ij |ö|JlS" j.ä JäiUj 2 ^ is*J-1^ •^Jj-^J ( . 4..(»vjl_LvJ Iw^-wJj |ö|4JI_^lj) .d>«-wj| ^£^j1_LwJ iw-t-wJj |ö|4.H_Jjj - Biology Communication OLULjjl Asian Studies Linguistics ^Jc^ ^Lj Business Middle Eastern Studies Political Science English (^«--_LXjLj|) ^v^_lXj| Persian Literature ^^jLi c'LJj^I Psychology Sociology Education Anthropology Radio,Television, Film Electrical Engineering Petroleum Engineering Art History Finance PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 4. My Major Isn't Art: Your instructor will divide the class into two groups. Each group will play a game of Pictionary, in which all of the prompts are the majors you learned. Representatives from each team will take turns drawing a picture of the major that the instructor has chosen from a list.The members of his or her team must guess the major in Persian. For this activity, make sure your books are closed. I.At home,you have been already introduced to educational system in Iran in Unit 10. Listen to the audio file and learn how to pronounce different levels in this educational system. And learn all of them. Find the equivalent for each in American system. Ij (^cl^CLjjj *}LL«jI .•Sjj^a &Z^u (^cLj °3J^ (^cloJLoLoJ ••Sj^' .•XJb^^a ^jLJLJ ^1 4j iA^LS* (^c^j Ij 0^*(-j-0 °J ^ j^lj I o^jS* ^jL^cUjI l&0^j.5"^_& 45* Ju5* ^_5*_^5* Lj ^ °3J^" .Ajjlii C--9j 4_oLj ^J-^^" -lailS 4JI_*lij jJb ^j'ij ^j*iJl>- ^Lj*(^LaiwjLiS* (^jLj c--9j .c--9j Ju_a>l^> 4JL?tJ* 4.j o jjjLoj jL^> ^Ji^j,5" oJujj o^j.5" .JlJjL 4JLwj JuL jJj^jvo (Jjl-^j* j^ Ij *_-t-^jj^ ^■dij^-ol ^JL^-i-wj OjLj^ 'J3I *—»1-^5* j^ * ^jjii j^i t4jl_>- j^i .\ Jailj* ^ Jk_*_&^ ^jlijS" jjj ^iy^s ^Jj 1_9 4j .Jj|^JLLa^ tjlj-il .Juj,_J\j ^L> ^ Jk_JL$" ^j-lj-CJ Ij (^^-^j^-0! (^La4jL C--vJj^ j^ Ij L^j| ^ Joy^Sj i^Lj Ij I_C>4jI> (Jjjl 4^jJ!> 4j JojJj,-q (^L&OjI^ l_IO_Vocabulary3 , _jllLw_0 ^jL«j_alj «^1* ji» jUT LS'^ij'"' ij^i ■■^^is* JW^J* .cx«jl (J*^-> (JI-«j (_c4jjjA^ ^So ^cj^j^ jj :VL> jj j-^u ^IS^sjIj 2. In class, in group of two ask your classmates. 1.^ - If they have anybody in their family who is in elementary school/middle school. -What subject they liked when they were in high school. - If their great grandparents had diploma, or bachelors. - If they are a PhD students. I.At home-The form on the next page is the application for student visa for the students who want to go to Dehkhoda Institute to take a Persian course. Fill up the form with your information. Listen to the audio file to learn the pronunciation of the new words. Make sure that you are able to pronounce them correctly, because you will use them in class activity. jl Ij 3jJ,3j oLc'^lLI 0jib j£ (^cl&o^jS" j*i <4jL> j£ a (_cljj ^j^cjLib iS^}i3 4»oljLiLi5j Juu 4j*JU£> |ftji -djL>- j»i A .^a^t^x^o L Ij ^jl .JLoIjJ^Xj ^«jjL9 ojl^ -^-^ flj Date of birth Place of birth Nationality Passport number 4-oljj <Ä5" OjLo-*1i Date of issue Expiration date gl..AÖj| £tj jLj City visa to be issued How long are you going to stay in Iran? Last entry in Iran Specify your course attending date Jk_JL$" jaxLo Ij ^"j^ ^ Your major of study 2. In class, your instructor will give you a copy of the form above that is only in Persian. Without looking at the copy with English, use the new words you learned to ask your partner for his/her information and fill out the form. .J^-jJ-S" jJ Olc"}!!?! 4j <*J>^J L Ij fjS ^ Juj-;Xj PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY I.At home: listen to the following conversation. It is written in ^hjf. Practice how to ask for a few items, for example a kilo of cheese and a half kilo of olives (^j^.You will be asked to act out a shopping situation in class. store :ojlA/> sliced chicken/chicken cold cuts -.^y, ^ULf anything else ^ (Ju L©Jt> 4_> I I I Conversation! ?oJll> ^j^LS* jjjl _L«j Jj> .^j^Lo^a (^L^ l^^^L*) ffc-)L> 2.At home: Listen to the audio file and read the text.You will use these sentences when you want somebody to repeat himself. You are saying: "Excuse me. I did not understand.What did you say? Would you please say it again?" Make sure to learn how to use a few of them.You will use them in class activity. Oil jl Ij o~*-° 3 ls^¥^ l)^^ ^ tAjL>- jji .T Lj^jl jl JuL ^jtJ^S eU-JLli j^ .-Sjj^Sj Ij ^j3-0 •^ST jlj5o SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD I I I Conversation! ^^j-Jxj OjL^o 4_Jj^»o .|öJk_JL*U |ö|^>^o 3. In class: In groups of two, pick a specific product and act out a very short "sell and buy" skit! Add a few sentences that you learned in section 2 to your jl tjLj(^La^^Lfl5* jo .Ju-lS' jLt ^j^j^ji ^ juj^- OLIOS' ^LiLoJ ^ I. At home, read the text silently and then aloud several times to practice pronunciation and fluency. Be prepared to read it aloud in class. ^jLjO^^ (^IjJ JüJj jlj JÜ_>- ^ .....I |j jjj Jj--0 sAjL^ Jli ^ü'^lS' j^j JüJj Ij I 4.5* Jl*_JjL> ooLol .Ju-LS' ^jJj^j j JloI^äj l_l2_Reading (^£^?cJLj|o .Jul^^^-o ^jaIjO Jj-aJLwjI jO ^ülj^j oL\JLj|o jO ^1 .OjIo j\ <-£'^ j^i Lao'-1™;'--' 3 j^i jWf ^ 4-~J '■■öij'-"^0j "^3-°^-° ^jaIjO Ö3~^" ^3J(-s"*""1 3"^".....-'-.....-'IjibLwj 4j ^3oj.^j JLw^ol ^jbLw^ilj .O^j^.0 .....-I-.....jIjÄjLwJ j^j L^JI .u-o l^-o Jj-JL^jI 4j ^LJJuo (^IjJ o^j^I"0 3 1-°! 'U-LS^-o jLS" ^Ji ^ Jul^>^o o3?" '-^™iJ' il«^' U»'.H '-^3 Oi^H^ -^-i't^-0 ^3' fj'-V? Ij L_9jLc ^jULwJ^O o^^" ^—^^ jJLttJj^^ ^3oj.^j Lol CX«j| (^j^* jL-«^ d)^l 0L0 jO Jj-aJLwjI jLw^j d)^l 0L0 jo I^ä .Ju^j^o La^^iLij^- oJuu iS^ji ^-^jb L^Jl ^.ä ^ •sjS^a ^ijjuo L^Jl 4j 3. What is different about this year for Behrang? Why? 4. What are a few words you don't know? Can you guess their meaning? 5. Record yourself reading the text and send it to your instructor per his/her instruction. persian of iran today CrY\» In class- the following short text is factual and describes an important Persian expression.You will read it in class, using the questions and prompts below to guide your understanding of it. Since this is a text written for native speakers of Persian, you shouldn't expect to understand all of it. Our goal is to use what we do understand to figure out the major points.These kinds of exercises will help you develop reading strategies, which will become increasingly important as we continue working on authentic texts.Your instructor will not translate any of the words in the text for you and you should not look up words in the dictionary. We have provided a few words for you. J-ouiLJ dCLu*^ :i_xJJi j-S 3 T (jJul^ji- ffc.j^-o ^"}Ua«£>l ^JXj ^ C^j\ ^5*^3 jij olios' 0-*-° ~i^^^ *^ (^lj.j (Jjjl 45* l^tll jl ->A_j|^tJ Ij JjILo j,j ^jl-j^lj-j tl^i^ l£^°J^3 l-o-Co oLLvJ Ojl^ JJ->- ^.ouo Lol tJuj5* OolftH_vj| C-jJ i—jl JuLo j_o I-o-^j j 6JJ -pijj-ii JJ > f^-J^ JlS" 3 Reading Strategies 1. Read the paragraph once and try to determine how many situations it discusses for this expression.What words helped you count? Check your answers with a partner and then review your reasoning with your instructor. 2. Read the paragraph again.This time focus on the three different situations in which you use this expression. Underline all of the words that you know or the words that have parts that you know. Even if you don't know all (or even most) of the words in each description, try to figure out the gist of each usage. Do not try to translate! Review with a partner and then your other classmates. 3. Read the paragraph one more time. Did you understand anything new this time? Once you have finished reading, work with a partner and create a short skit that illustrates one situation in which you use this expression. .JujIj^j j*^ ^jljtitL**j| b Ij (jLj*i_J,d>^^ 3 Jw«j5' j^j-o oJ ^ .Y 45" ^jL&ojl^ |aL«J jjj .J^jS j5j.«j J^j^o j^S* 4j | ^^Ua*tfl A-oIj^^o p>A lj L^il jl 45" ^^jLftojl^ j.jj .J^*lS*> las* ^j-oIj^^-o U>4 'j'3 . 6^ d-^-^ j' o1 j° "j's oi1 L ^ja*^—j ^ ^Ij^ft^jS'^ft L IjJoI AjIoJ^ 4j>^ILo 45* lj 4j?u| .J^j^Jnj^j 4j>^ILo jL ^jj| LI .*j_oI^?u Ij jjj ^jjI j^j*i jL oil jl ^ .JJbJ ^Lio Ij LftO-ot9^-o ^jjI jl 45* Jw«j5' ojLol oIj^S* ^LjL«J So situation :c4*5^ they pass :Ju'^i^o jj silence -.cj^JL they break tjc^^-o to remind -.^jS mistake :oL^i.l sarcasm :4^Js ^ ^jljL^cJi t5"*^3 *^li-o .jlllS'^-o o^Ljiil«jI i»aliL?c-o (^1-^^—^ol9^o ^ ^Lj OjL^£ O-1! jl l"^(^l^jl cx«jI o^-*-° 3 '-\-'-'Jx.>.o^o Ij tOjLx ojl ^ ^^'i'ts-0 jSjS^jb jl Lj^^«j,^l^-«ji 4j jLLal^^^o (y^S y>\ j^i Lj^^?t*tjb ^jLoj jSj^ ^JLi-o .jlllS' jL Ij ^s^" V jftLoJ jjj^lS* C-j^ 45* jlllS* (^j^IoL (jLlioLi :JJ_i^\ 4j 4_'olL? j-wj jl Ju5*^-o ^JiL^I_*li| jLS* t^-^' J^3 ^ Cri) A* SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD I. In class: listen to the audio file for the following conversation. Underline any words you do not know. Work with a partner to use context to figure out their meaning. iS j& jjj .A-JSJ ^J>£ LS"^"3 i_k^ ^ '0*,<^' J1^ ^ .Jl^lS' I^-*j Jl*jI*}^.oj ^5* Ij ^jl&ojl^ ^_Lx-o Jl^lS- j I 13 Conversation ?0JCJ> jjl iJk^ÄO LSI The big one he at the end of the word is the definite article in spoken form. 2. In class: in groups of three, form a store. Label several cards with products and their prices.Another group will come to your store and will try to buy what they need. Sell as much as you can.The other group will try to buy for less.You can use the following phrases to spice it up. .•S^jS eX^jj*} ol^Jj^ji Oj£J 4_«j (^Läo^j5* j*} t^yi^S jA A o^j5* .....jj-o Ij L^jI ^l^o-^S j ^Jj■n'*iA |öLj OjlS* jjJLL^' 4.5" LäjI Lj XjS^O j^Jt-wJ jIJuj.^- .Jk_i-*-ü^j.Äj Ij L^j| Jl-.IS' jJiwJL>- Ij (jLj^^li-T 4.5Uj| (^IjJ .^jbj-o ^jl^S (^L^J .jk_jLS" o^LäILwjI j.j j (^üidjjLx jl Jwol 4JSJ? 4J3jjl (discount PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ^You were telling me that I'm nothing without you Stay with me forever If you're not be here, I'll die Flower without flower-vase, it's impossible (it can't be) What a mistake 1 made That 1 believed your words |Oj.5"j^L ^jlij.^- A cold day in autumn j._oL> ^j..vJ j^J You broke your flower vase Like the bride of flowers You sat in the greenhouse The spring will come again I'll bring you again PjW8 3j ¥ Like an ornamental flower I'll plant you in greenhouse You'll say to your (new) flower vase again Stay with me forever You say'TII die without you" flower without flower vase is impossible ^L5^ 03^ She's making a mistake That she believes your words 4j|jj jj| Ja^- j-J^I ij^J^ ^ •'-^-'-'■*-^J J*-*jl ^ tjLj^ii^j5*^Ji 4j t^yii^s jA At home, read the lines and underline the " words you know. Find the song on YouTube by typing the first line. Listen to the song and pay attention to how the singer pronounces the words. In class, with your partner, use three new phrases that you have learned in this song to write a very short dramatic play! Act it out in class. shahs ava r i I atwood Paragraph Writing ^^amj^J Juj I .At home: review the Nima video from this lesson and watch two additional videos about Raha. Write two paragraphs (at least 250 words) in which you compare Raha and Nima. (previous videos I_6_Vid- eo2 and 2_5_video2) OjL>3*} Ij ^jLjJI^^J .....j j-o JuJk-JLJ 4j>3H»0 4.5" ^AäJ ^jI^J^ ^aIAJj tOVI^—j 4j JLLlS'^.o J1^ 4»«JÄ .JujIjkXj PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 3. In class- In order to fine tune your listening skills, you will listen to one section of the episode several times and you must fill in the blanks below.After listening three times, review your answers with a partner and then with the class. juu •*A_;_L5' jJ Ij jJj (^J^ Lfi>L^- ^ Ij ^J^J^ (j^^ l_4_Video3_CafeDenjl 45* i^ji 4-^9j5" |^..-wO-.^J 4JLJL5"jJ j^jlj"1! 4_> ■ .............................. jl JlvJ ................................ jl Juu ...................... >ll^-Q 4.JL>- .i—'j^-o...................................^ jl...................................... (j*>ljJ 3j 4Jl5*^ ........................... ^Lj 4.5* lilii ^L^J_JL*j ^ lij t-£jj ............................ 4j .........................^J1^* "^IS* (,5^"b ^j^-vJ j^Sb ^ J3^° ......................................................................................................3............................................................................................... <^*i -r^V^ .Ju;_lS* j.j Ij jjj -aji -^i-1-^* jL ^jL^ii ^slS* ^^ja^j.s'^.ja L ^>^js 45* j^j-S* (jiji -^"^15* j^ -^f vli JS customer -.^jl^ characteristics :oL^^ iilj5Lj->Lj (_c"3l>jii .^A j3j ji (oiil^ijjj-) Oiil^iLi- .f (J^) jL^ .Y ^^Li .A shahs ava r i I atwood Oji .Of • lil* '(»^i^-0 JLJ.AY .řY aL.^Y iý/ jL<,3^jL.řf l>ů/ l(t3"^ Jj5u Ů0J o*"**- 't^Jur* V * .YY j^Lj d.~.^.-> .vy jw^iiL c^a^LLi ,Yf jl>a .V A Jo YY 'JS-ři^ 'S-'-'-'"-'^ 'JSJ"°^ YA bji ) ^jUÁ .A A 0^3 ^ .AY loži" .AA LS-0 • • • ) f.J—'lJ-0 ^ from :jl / ((vi^ . . .) V^-ojí-o .Y ^ (^láj^í- j^jb) ^Ul pst> ^UiU- ^ .YY Jou.Yf (.... ...) .^S^ jL5" ^ l(^j|^-^ ^3 i^jÍ .V? (f^ts- •••) c^ur* i^o-^ -YY oj^jj .YA (L-Jj) Ia^^Í) T * A cucLj L" T^ eslj^j) djujj> i^lAj^j .f ' (|!Mí^jdj.WY >-SLi3 jiSÜI / jjj ^ai^ .\ Y Y oij j^jj^I . \ Yf Ja*jj |oLj. ^ YY ^I^U-^lj.WA joü^ü.Wi J-Ijj ^ijt • w • JaJ Jiti. ^ T) c4*jl-.wy 4jj5í . ^ f T Ó^tó-WY ^Vj^ /) • > ÖA i^ÁL^^j.^^ ojldj J^U .CoilJJ ^LU . Ir 1 55ÜT.A^ ^ijí.^Y U J^iUi^l .<\Y jLl>^j^ . ^ * * ^.Uiaslj. V \ jjb-jj^j^. ^ ♦ Y jLUjjJLA.^ • Y t ft>-L*j >i (j^š. ^ * ů J j^i IôJ>) ^Lijir .VY Aj-L^J^-Lj . ^ W oVIj-j 1JI3-i). ^ m OlIaLjjI.W- ^jjL.wr AJĽíjjU-oUJUai.lYf ^-jLwjjo^ic.^Yö SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 54 ^ J*i :Y .6 ^bj c*^y jl J-i < JJ :A j^I^jo . \ Y ^^jjj 3 ^IijLo-jj : P j3~.,.,.IJ . ^ (^jbJj^J 1(_£jLi5". ^ Y ^jjjjj* C^Jua <■ y j> CÁa :V j3~.....Q . ^ ^ d_;^j3j (_^Laj^-^j :T ^0013^»- .Y • ^Uj^i. :f ^jJJ|^> .Y ^ 9-o3x* fy. pJřis* "^r^*-* -VY ^sjIj c^~J3>5 3X) cb : ^0 3 jjcjj c l-i ň lt .YT J3J jjj .Y& ,u .YY cP'h aj3 example like 2_l_Vocabulary I . Jl*^o^J_i Ju^-*-«J^-ö 45* I j l&4.L«j> ^ Jk_j5* ^o^5" ^jj^J j-1^ 2_0_KeyWords v ^) I have lived English translation (major) I know (somebody), to know Masters degree Sociology She/he is interested Most of her friends She/he should write Semester Thesis She does not have much time Nevertheless Jl* oil W-^Y Together She arrives, she does her work, she takes care of her work These days Less (Ij9j öiD Lajsj oi1 SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Each other (<*Jo a*J>) jSjJuoJs . \ Y South i_>aJj> . \ A They have gone (jjlilij) Ju'U^ij . ) 1 To introduce 1 want/would like to introduce him to you About her ^1 (^ojLjo .YY 1 would like to talk (ftp'jj ^\^>^) ftp'jj j> pA^^A .YY 1 have not seen Last year JLüjL XA It was fun c--**uJlS" (^ti^j>- .YP Airplane U-oly, .YY Ticket CuJj /JaJj .YA Cheap Kind Hospitable (jl aJ jl aJjU^o X \ 1 got to know [her], 1 met her (....jal ....) ^Jui Luil [3I l] XY Still, yet ja^js XY She/he calls, to call jjj ^Sjj i(4jj^ ^Sj'j) AJj^ ^Sj'j Xf Reporter, journalist - journalism (^jlXJ 4„oljjaj 1 —jl£j4»oljjaj tjlXJj^^ X& Writer Oi-\-i-.....j aj X?" He has a meeting with someone, she/he has an appointment (0jb jljl) Jjb jlj.S XY Agree, she agrees with me (4Jisla^ ...) eU-J jj-o I; al / Jjsla^ XA Disagree, 1 disagree with that ((^ÜLäo Jjal L Jj^) (^ÜLä« ^1 Ij 1 >JdL?u X^ Worried, to be worried Polluted o^aJI X ^ More polluted jJoiaJl XY The most polluted XY PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY jXjo jb ^ c5—>jli ,jl jb t-S*-j -^«5* C--vjjo ,j^5*JujI djLS* oSo j.J (j-jj'i ojl^ j-fb (^1 j-) AX askJuc1 j& JuJLo s4jL> jii .Joj^Lo ^0*^15" 4j Ij L&CjjlS" Jjjl . Jk——0^-° Ij OjI^ ^vJjl.9 JoIjuo JoJbO 0-»I^j> ^LII^-vJ 4j .Jl—T^-0 ^JI^vJ L«-Jj jl Ojl^ Jjjl jl <5oLftH_vj| L> ^1 ^ JoJbO ^jl-JLJ 0^>- ^Sb^jS'^j.Jb 4j Ij 0^>- (^bbCjjLS" jl ^_^-> % ^>^-*-£^-> ^jLjLi L«-*li 4j (^l^jl^ 45* c--«jL«-*1i ^sb^jS'^.jb c-j^j .Joj5* o^LsCvjI o^>- ^jb^j.5"j^jb jl ^Jl^«j ^Jo-«jj.j (^Ijj tlw*"^ L©-»*> ^a-—j ^ .Jo-«jj.-j JoAj> CjVI^wJ Juj^5"^-o 45" ^jI^j> 4.j 4j>^j L Jool^j^.0 o^j _o ^j<_—is j^-b 4j l.o_Jj ^^SZjiS 45\j_i| (^IjJ -JuSo 2_l_Vocabulary2 (ajU- j^) ^jblf n£jbJiy - ^l^jlj -.f j^£> 4j ^jjjj^ (^Laojl^ 4j Js^jj-o ^La4.L)j> <(J^>3 ^ A^Juo & ^JjjOJ JuJLo (Jjli (JjjI jJ •^*-'-">* -Lwj L 4-oi5* jib jjj .J^5* 4_wjliLo Ju|4Jl1i^j "}L-9 4.5* ^jLlJjjj (^La4.L)j> L Ij la>4.Ljj>- .^^Jj^m (jL-j ^jliiiS' jfr^^ Underline any words or structures that are different in the spoken form .j~-^5*j .Joj.*^j oL ^Jb Ij Jo Jc> (^bbojl^ (^jbLa5" ^J^-^j C^-mjI j-^j o^*i 'f^i-^'c.s*0 0^l-.ftILvj| ^jlzJS ^J-^-*^ jl -.1^1 2_l_Vocabulary3 ( ) Populated United Nations Member Official Region Middle East Capital Center World The seventeenth ^.tAXoA .yy The eighteenth Qj.aJtt.v-'yft .Yf Accent 4j^J .ya People 1»^^ .y^ Jo-—o Jo^_wli^-o 45* I j ^jLib4.L«j> ^ J*—-5* ^j^i^5" t^J^ 4j ^—^_ob\j| JoLjuo Trip Country j^J^S .y Is located Province Jc^J .f State cJLJ City Village Neighbor 4jL^«j!> .A Sea North West East j^-i . ^ y Population v SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD .p jl J ................................. ^j^.l .|«jlkj CX-jop lj ................................. ^OjLj^ J^Jlpu .Y (^-s Jjj ................................. |*jte*dj<5 j" 'uJ T .tXjS" ^j5"AJj ^yjtiS ^3_kJ> jij ..................................f •fi^j.................................<4.................................lSLh ^'i^cr0 ................................<ü&U ls-*:Jj Ljli>i_.LiS' jjjjl^i- 4j j^o .Y •f^5.j 5 ^jwo .Ajl^i-^^o.................................jJÖjI LS^jl^ijLS'..................................^ Y .|t>Uläj ................................. ^ ................................. ^L&j^Jj l^i&jjjS 4j J^o . W> fj> 6i' ................................ 4.1'ilc jL> ^L.ujj^ 4j J^o A& .^L^jb..................................^jljSj . \ 9" .....................................j3^».W .C^«jI ............................... pl^i"^ -Jj^jo oJLLv^j^J . ^A .(>flil^ ............................... L Vj^sjuo jj-o .^1 .|Ojb jlji................................L jjjl .Y • .(fr^S" C*—.................................. ^ lj <_S™^^jl ft>-il^J(_s-0 J^o .Y ^ (to be familiar -.^^ .^b> LiJ.......................................j^lT ^5_L&ji L ^^5" ^ .YY /jD^Jb............................... c5^3j3 oLXaIiL j^gaC......................YY ................................^5"joj ............................ (quantifier for person ,i.........................................................^1 Ljj ± ö\ j^S .YJ •f^jls*0 ^j-^............................................. CUcLj ^So ^5J3j f^^j^^ 3 ,j^o x ?c-—-j> (^ojLj.i Lo_li................................f . Jl«*j ................................juL £^Ll> ^L*^- ^j^ij-wj |ftj,.&l^>- .P •fj^................................. ^J3J t>J .(documentary) jll^o jJLJ 4j ^ v"4 f*-.....................................^ * j.5o cJLll?w LJIj.^_«jI 4.j.......................L jju . \ \ .|ftjL*li ................................JuoLo 4jl_>- 4_> U-oll ^ V CUcLwJ Ij . \ X .Jul^>-^0 ^Oj^Lo ^ jJu Jjljl j^ ............................. Lol tiijlii (JLmJ ^ . ^ V .C--«jI ^jLiLwj^JuJi j^_^5*..........................o^j ' ^Ju_a ^jljj . .c--«jI jhj ^j^-l-o t-^j jl j,ul*j ^ I j"^-^> gtju ....................^ c--«jI ^j^J^S l^jj ....................(^Iffij^JLS* ^jl^-o j^ tjlj-il ,-^i^"(>5-0 ^JJLo ^jLojL-wj. ^ 9" .li^Jj^o 4_jL»oj^l1>- 4_fllaJ-o j^i Jl^lLo ^J-Lo ^jLojlvj jjij^-ol .................... t^jlj^j '^jlj-jl ^^-o'^iv-'l ^j^-«j> ....................... :c--fi5" ^jIj^j jbj.^*li . .Ju^j^-o l^jj-ol 4_> 4jVL«j j|ju^ (^Ij-1 J-J-0 o^j'"^ .......................... ^L&j^-^-S" .^A .Juol LjJii 4j lijlii jlj-9 L^jj.^1 .......................... j^ ^5* i^-i}^-^ J.J^fc"*"?' O^ij Cx?°J^Cv 3 J"^"*" i^x'^-i3^ th-^j^ - ^ ^ L^jj.^1 j^i l-^j (^L&cJLiI jl j^^5"......................j^i Ljl*j>j,j^ cJLI ^ t.......................j^ ^jIj^j cJLI .V * Jj-o L 4_^_^oJb ljJ> . \ I .At home, you have already learned the following words. ■wLO / I c-.>-i.*'.i.o1 / J3j-ol There are a few other adverbs of time which will be very useful to learn. Listen to the audio file and learn how to pronounce each word.You will need to use them in class for the next activity. So, make sure that you can pronounce them correctly. 2_l_Vocabulary4 Tomorrow bji Tomorrow night The day after tomorrow '■V o**i The night after tomorrow night i^ut) |iij,5 (J-uJ The day before yesterday J3JlJi ^The night before last night SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 2. In class: imagine that today is the day given in the column labeled "today" and take turns telling each other in Persian what day yesterday and the day before yesterday were, and what day tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be.You may fill in the blanks with the corresponding Persian names of the days, but don't forget to practice speaking to one another! to help ■.^jS' - J3J..0I jl Jou J3j 3^ 3 fXxj j^j '(^j^s-1 J3j 3^ 'O^S-1 J3j •s^jS J-oLS' ^«jjli 4j 4_"J?ja (^cl&J3j L> Ij jjj J^Jc^ .cx«j| L> I 0jL>j*} 4jL>- jjb ^j^jS" jj jl y^-t Jl^l^j ^j^i^lji 3 r 4.jcoJ> 4._JLJji«^j V 4.^.4^. J Jl&I^>- tjlj^&^j,5"^_& 4j Ij ^j^LflH-o 4. «Aj^Iw> 4.5" Ij (^|4^Ljj,j 4^J_i| ^j^Ju ,15" 4j .^j^LflH-o (^bijLS* (^l-^j^j 3 Jjji^^-o j^L^tjl ^^jL^o ^l&Ojl^ jl ( . . . t4_JL*ln»J\j t4_JLJj) 4JL&& (^I-^J3j jl öiiLälLwjl ^L^" tbj.5 'j^jij--1 iJ3ji^> *^*-*^* ötilälLj Jo 1413^5" oL 45* (_£JuJc>- L j J-oLS" i_^jLlo JUil Ij Ij jjj 1^1 'dJL> ji jJJIa^- JuL 4.Loj> ja .Jo—-^j-u (^UJ-o^?- lJ-*3 ja ,_cljj (_J£li i_jL>cij| J^jj> jj 45" ^JLjtil ^^Lujjo jl ^Llj^JoI (_cIjj .JuiiL 4^>ib ojl^ Ö .Jl*jäo ^jjS" ^j^mS ^J-1^ 4j 'JoI^CLJjjJ .....................uf\ .................... ...................m lJjLl,b jljl .......................Lo .......................,i .......................?' ...................6-" PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY In class: In groups of two, take turns and choose J*i j* \j ^Icli Coy ^ ^ a subject for each verb and make a sentence that jujU^-o Ij La4.Lj> -JjjL-h 3 v^'l includes that verb. Use the words from the list of of .^s «l& ^,1 jlfjl^ c^^i ) since they have seen their grandfather. 13. If they know which countries are not members of the UN. 14. What the official language of the United States is. 1. If they are going to the library these days. 2. If they know the capital of the state of Illinois. 3. Where in the United States people speak with an accent. 4. If they are interested in reading history books. 5. If they know the population of the city where they live. 6. If they like to introduce their siblings to their friends. 7. If they like to talk about their family in class. 8. With whom do they usually disagree. 9. Who they plan to see after class. 10. Which region of the world they are interested in. I I. If they know their neighbor. 12. If they know where in Iran the province of Gilan is located. 13. If they have been to the Middle East. 14. If they enjoyed the last trip that they took SHAHS AV A R I I ATWOOD 2 2 Video I .JoJio o-»I^J> jjj VI^-wJ 4j .V jLT 4j> ?c**J j^-i jalji* JäI ^jlij£ ?Jjb 4i^Lc L^|4IL>ij 4j> dj ^jj^Jj X bL*-j^>i jIuh_o ^4H_wJj .Y" i^Lj c~^ji Oij*"1 .0 xjj^o jf». ^ Li (how often) jLJü oi5. ?JJJ-o^-0 Ij j5ÖA^Ä UnS" 3 t£J3J ^ ^3-°^"-° ^ ia^S* o*}Lfli_«j| ^jLj^LjÄ^wjL L ^ji^jjj j^i jjj ^L^Ojl^ jl -x^jS ? I ? c^Jass, 6vi .a ?cu~J oJojJ Ij ^L*SI 4j> CwjI JLj jL^> ^jLiji. * .Jk.^—O^Jj Joj|o^-0 l&j jiL/J (^OjLjO 4^> jÄ 2 >-^-*-^5* oLXJ Ij ^jJu^ *s JojIo^o l&j ^ ^jLijC Oj^OjO 4_ÄJ*| ^£ OjLjjO ^jLj^Ä^j.5" ^Jb L . ^ .jo-i5* jSzJiS JuUiij 45* ji_wj jj>I ojLjjo (jLj*LSJb^j.5' L .V ^JZ>j£- S . . . -j^j j*i jLj • • -0-9^ j-Ä t(-5*,°Lj-^J^-o tJa_Jj tj^lS i.j tt-5"jjj J*^"* 3 l~^*J^J^^° 'ol3j^ tö*^-^ t4H_^Jj\5" ^La***jIj At home: 1. Listen to the audio file that lists the names of Iran's neighboring countries and seas in Persian. Write what you hear, add the names to your list of vocabulary, and memorize them. 2. Find Erfan's hometown on the map. 3. Find the following cities on the map and answer the questions: ^jLlcjjk.j_i ^l&jjjZS |öLj ^jj*£> jjjii Oil i^y^ l)^^ ^ *^ 4j^ljI . Jk.j^_L^i^^ ^^jjLä 4j Ij 4„JLflj (^3j (^ULjjo 3 ^IjjI 4.jl*^a> 2 JojIj.ä*j (>jl-j(>jl--'"jl^ iw-t-wJj^i 4.j |j L^jI .Jo-*—j^J_i Ju^_w1i^^ 45* Ij —.Jü j-w-yO jI^L^- 4j 2_3_Vocabularyl ( ) .JcjjJLS" IJoj 4_^tcÄJ (^3j Ij ^jLijX J"^-^1 o-»I^J> jjj CjVI^-wJ 4j ^ Jo-L5* |jk_o 4.^cflJ (^3j Ij ^Jj^J iS^J^t^ .Jk-Jbo ?Jujb jljj ,jljjI (^jj^ JI-«-^ ^Laj^li 4j> -oäJI ?ojb jljJ ,jljjI (^Lj?t5* jo cu^ij ?^jl^ jlji (jlj-il J"^1 i0^^* PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 4. Listen to the audio file and: :s c^s^ ls'V3 Ja^ ^ A Fill in the blanks _^ a L> j1^ lS1"1^ 3ulary2 ( ^ 2 3 Vocable. ,^ . . (_g t n J C*~jL^j| ........jO (_gjj.i.t5" i^jl jol ^o^Lwj! (_^j3^oJ>- .........^L) L) i^jl jJ_1^oJi«X?ifi> Cj jiaj jl £Jj-o y^y^ ^ iPTAi ^ ^6 L) .......^jj 1 .ojlo jIjnS ...... . j (_s->j ^ •^--^LJ0 .....jj.i.t5" ^j^^oJiJoiA i......jJL> ^^^JLoo yy jl j.".i.t.o L j ^jL^j>- . ........'.......L>.........j' olrt' 'o' ......3......3 ^j'^....... 3 C^*j1 .......^jjl j£ 3 ........3^3 ........3 .......^2 <3 J-*"1 '.........3 * ^jljJ_1 .Ojlo olj ^jLoX........J ..........v-j^JJJ" jl J ...........jl B. VVrite the name of the countries on the map above based on the information you have. C. Listen to the audio file many times and practice reading the paragraph without any mistakes. D. Finally, read it aloud and record yourself. Submit the file to your instructor. l&jyZS ^.oL«j| JujI^-^-o VL u_o jo ^Lc^LD i 4s*y L .....jy\j 4otiL*5 jo 0^J^ (J?3J Ij ^jlj^l Jl«£> 3 Juj|^?tj ^jljo^i- (^IjJ u-Jj Ij L Ij ^ya ^J-1^ 3 JuJ-S* Ja^^s 5. At home, choose two countries and three cities in the world. Use the words you learned to write one or two sentences about each one, which will help your classmates guess the name of the cities and countries you have chosen to write about (make it difficult, but possible to guess) without mentioning their names. Bring your sentences to the class. Practice reading your sentences at home. L ^ s^jS ^jLttuI Ij Loo jo j-ty-"-1 i^ 3 j3~^^ 3° .^ioj^L_^j ^^j'^IS' i Ij tjlj(_£Lo>4„L©j>- .jo_wT .Jo-wT jjjj^J 4iL> jo Ij La4.L«j> 6. In class: A In groups of three, take turns and read your sentences aloud and fast, but be clear for your group.They will guess the name of the city or country you are talking about. B. In groups of two, talk about Erfan. C. VVhat countries border your country? ^jjj.^j* j<5 45" Ij ^jl_a4.L«j> C-j^J 4j iOjJu 4_«j (^L&o^j,5" j^i —t_aJI ^t*il^ ^ C^J3J ^ teUCj^j 4j ^ JJ_L tJul4.H_*li^J 4jL^- j^i SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD r o-^ m Imperative j^l J.*s :^ j^Lui^ I .At home, translate the following sentences from your Unit 10 vocabulary: A. Write this in the notebook.............................................. B. Speak Persian with my friend............................................ C. Repeat this exercise at home........................................... D. Which of the following best describes the sentences above? a. statement b. question c. command 2. Based on verb endings, which person are the sentences above addressing? 3. Look carefully at sentence I .What do you notice about the verb "write"? How do we form the command for L-i? Do you recognize this part? 4. Based on the chart above, write a rule to explain how we usually form the command for collective/formal second person. Share your rule with your classmates and instructor 5. Now carefully examine sentence 2 from the beginning of this Grammar Note. What do you notice about where we place the in compound verbs? 6.What is different about the imperative verb in sentence 3? Note: We form the imperative with the verbs j^S" and jjl4 and we usually omit the . _> especially in written Persian. In spoken Persian, you'll hear commands both with and without the _,. 65 PERSIAN OF I RAN TODAY I .When do we use U-i rather than $1 9 2.The following sentences are the same commands that you translated at the beginning of this Grammar Note, however they have been conjugated for $ rather than U-i. Rewrite the sentences, directing the commands to U-i. v Listen to the audio file"4_l2_Grammar2" to check your answers: 3. Carefully compare the sentences in the right column with those in the left.Write a rule that explains how we form a command for the second person singular. Share your rule with your classmates and instructors. 4. We can also use the imperative for the first person plural U. This is similar to adding "Let's" in front of a command in English. For example, "Let's eat!" or "Let's go!" Consider these two examples in Persian and write the same command for U-i and r_ next to them: .............................. .............................. frtji^H ~ ^ ............................. .............................. (fi-ij-i) pijj-l -V 5. Carefully compare the imperative forms above.What do you notice about the conjugation for U? What changes? 6. What do you notice about the spoken form of the second example? Note: Imperative conjugations in the spoken form make use of the spoken form of the present tense stem! Similarly, we use the spoken verb ending when forming commands for U-i. SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD CrY\»\ Negative Imperative c5^j J*s :Y j^i^oi I. Look at the four sentences below. While the first sentence in each set tells you what to do, the second one tells you what not to do. Jk_JL5o jlj^o 4jL> j£ \j ^jjj^J ••^t^' j^J^ j^ \j CjiJ'0^ C^} 2. Why do we use l_, in the sentences above? 3. After carefully examining the examples above, try negating the following commands. 4. Which of the sentences in exercise 3 are directed at £>. & f X V \ 5. How are you able to tell that those sentences are for r_? aJjj jjjjo lj (question) JI^-j ,y\ (answer) i_>l^> .f .j-j5" jL lj globs' .A 6. Based on the work you did above, write a rule that explains how we negate commands in Persian. Share your rule with your classmates and instructor. 7. Fill in the chart using the proper form of the imperative. f_ 1 6^j o"-^" 6^ v 6^ J 8. During the course of this grammar note, you have written several rules for forming the imperative in Persian. Go back and review those rules and fill in the chart below. Use this page as a reference to review the imperative later. Forming the imperative for U-i Forming the imperative for $ Forming the imperative for U ^ Negating the imperative PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ^jS^S j£ — jj."-....Q : ^ Y ^jj^oS I .Work with a partner and come up with a list of ^ ^ L> cS-^i £H jl ^ 15*3/1** ^ five tips you would give to a new student at your ^S&J^ -^-^ Jb ijljol&iJb (_j3^j'b school.What things should he or she do to be as*£ l&Jlto .jj^i JJ33* olS-ub ^jI ^ *S jcaj pUul juL successful here? Read the examples: (.^j-ojj l_9j^ ^j^j\jb\j 3 *}ll_«j| Jjjjj) .Jlojj l_9j^ 3I L> 3 ju3jj *}llL«j| j!L9*} 4j 2.Work with a partner and come up with a list of five activities you could do tonight. Phrase your suggestions using the imperative for U. •P&ji LS^J^ (** ^ (^j-ol ^Ji^J i^lj-J Ij ^J^i^Ia^LsJ^ ^-*^ i*!"^! s-*^*°l SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 4. In groups of three, role play giving advice to an Iranian student coming to the US to study. Switch roles. After you finish, write a summary of your advice to send as an email to the student. Submit the summary at the end of class. 4^-1 :ojl3 <-£j jxjo (0S^5' 3 djU- j^) dL>l ^j-j At Home: read the following description, read the examples below, and listen to the corresponding audio file.Then answer questions I and 2. .Jl*A*j ^-jI^J^- V 3 ^ CjVI^-j 4j ^y^^J .^jS ^JjS" In the spoken form and in informal situations,you may hear people say a±~\ instead of ^^—^ in order to indicate their disagreement with a statement or with a piece of advice.This word can also convey the surprise of the speaker. It can function as an argumentative word as well. Note that this word does not connect two clauses like ^5—=? does. Instead it sets up a reply. Because this word has a lot of different uses and there is no equivalent in English, we don't expect you to use it right away. However, you should start recognizing when you hear it in authentic texts or in class. Consider the examples below. 2_5_Vocabularyl jLS" t^gLfä- J3-a 4^l ■ 1. How would you classify the use of ajA in the examples above? 2. Were does ±jA come in the sentence? Do we put stress on this word when we use it? PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY In class, work with a partner and write a short skit in which you use at least three instances of the word ajA .Your skit might include a teacher/student, doctor/patient, or parent/child. (0s^S 3 i Lj jjls^j\~oJb .Y jjb jLlLfi5" ^JSwi o-JI^j^^ .Jk-JwT j^j-o Ij 3 . Jo j^j Ij 4.LoJ> SHAHS AV A R I I ATWOOD J3I j;JL-**Ä j.j 1 Lo / '^^i (sick.) ^jÄjj-o (irregular) c^J> •fjl^ j|j-o ^-"t1. / •O-wljo O—j^J Ij fö-L-9 ,jl 3I (irregular) p ^jj-T^ jlS" IäS" 3I / .f ^j5" ^^^j ^jlj^J* jii 0L0 JL->jL p... .J^j^^-oJ LäjI fj^Lo I^^Sj ^yJ^ir j**j V» ?JJJ l^-o Lo ^AjJ 4j ^5" / . JwO 1 jjj CacL-j Y J3ji»^ (1) ^1 (0^3') 0^' Ij 0|4jL> L> ^jj| jl ^j_0 / ?^Jo J L«_l»_«j jJ Ij y>Li ^^l^-^^-o o^j^ ^3-*-*-° / •(a*j-jl^- Ij ^LjLlS" ^j-o ^^g—.o^J^^-o 4»oL 5" 4j> ^|jj / .pjILw^J Ij Iä4^jJ5" a^.3j oj - J3^ 0^3^ .JJbJ^^-o O^j^ olX*£j|j jJ ^jLjAj / ^jIj^^-o O^j^ w1-^ ^L*3 ^1 t^lj^^-o (0) 00 job .j^aI^-^^-O Ij c-ft-^-T ^1 / .j^lS" ^^ijJUO fj^. 4j Ij Lj^j pj^—jI^-^^-0 .o—jLä5" ^JäI ^1 pjJj^^-oJ (j-o/ ^o—J r>ij-o jÄ^*ili ^jjjljj 45" ^j-—■JIj^^-o (03^) (ji^y) j^lJb ^^j—Ij j^j / !j^^-ü-i*J Ij (j-0 ^jaiLLvJ jLä5" ^^JJ-^JL-j J l J^^j-JLäjJ / .la^lui^U Ij ^1 Lol tjö JwJj C^w»"ljL ^J_w>- ^j t-\_io^JXJ ^J^j^^-o 4j> ^«_dXj| 4j 4_LjJ> ^jj| / .jj^> Jo rts-ILs»- (_Wj) ^.Vj I knew you would not come. " . ,, , . I would like (wanted) to talk to her. persian of iran today 3. At home, underline all of the why it is used there. and explain jJb Ji^j>j ^j-Jj* 3 Ju-JL_\j J_i>- U&jJuao .Jk_JiJ) ^*_^3^j Ij . . . Lol 'fjlj* C*o-JjJ> Ij 1-LvJ^j jJ) ^jJlj-S" ^5" Juj ^l^-fc ^j-*-0 L^-«j^j l£^.3^ C-_*jjJ> Ij LLwj^j jJ> ^5"Juj .|Oj,5* ^5"Juj ^jIj-jI v'j-^ Ll«j^j jJ> lj'-«j °^ ^j-0 ^5"Juj j"^-^1 j^1 tj-0 tj-1^ ^ •J^JJ'^j O^J"^° jl-^0 *—J-^l o'-0I~*-wJ3j 3 teX*-j|ju Ji^j>j ^j-^-Lwj i—^--» oJ>^JI j"^-^1 ^^"3 O^0 iS^ji '■--wJ3j L^^'-ij 3 j-^f0^ o*Jfc->J^0 tlV° •^^J* 6^' r&-i'j^ L^-^j j^ O^J^ 03^ 'f*-^ C--9j <—}^5* f^.i*-9 Ij jjIU t—I\j ^jJu Ji (^Ij--1 jljo .C^-wjI^ iwj| (^LabL«j^j 4_> ^.jllLvj^J) L> ^j^j.5" jSu+i t4»«Ji jl j.jj,jJl-JJ) .JujIji In class, read the sentences below.Try to find someone ^;L_r 3 ju^SL j^ .j^jI^j Ij ^ ^Ua.L^ ^ in class who fits the description and then write his or ^ ^ i i -T i u i . -1 • * , 1, i her name on the blank line. The first person in the ., ^ .. , , t ■ <- ■ i JuljLi 43 j,aj ^j-J^I -Jw-wj^JJ JJ-LwJb class to find someone who fits each of the descriptions , , . .J)q_Jj. —0 ©Jo s.j JJLS* |j*_0 I \ . —4.1^_>' / cl vJ , below wins. J' "v J ^ ' 7 °7* ^ .....................................................................................^3Jls*° 4jl>iwjll5* ^ o^3^" o^J^ ^* (^s-*^ ............................................................................................... ^jl^ C--wJ^^ Ij ^i^lj 4.j ^jiij.5" ^j^i^S" 4^" ^aa*5" .....................................................................................C*-wj| ^1 ^Ij-J (Jj1-^"' jlj*-*J ^3"^*^ ^* ...................................................................................Jjljo C-—j^ (>5-^:>" o*j^' o^j ^j-^" 4^* .................................................................................................C^t«j ^1 jjI 4j tJJI3j ^| fj\j.j 45" (j**^ ...........................................................................lijlii il^j^)^ Ij ^^L*-J j"^-*-j J>^ O^j"5* (^J^^JJ 4_S" ^mjS .....................................................................................c*3j.j L«j_i-«j 4_> 1\_jLijLj ^.1*3 ^jJu^i t^lj-1 ^5" ^-«-5* ......................................................................................iij|ju C--wj^^ Ij ^jio^^->- OjLj^i ^j^j i-Sj^- 4_S" ^^S" 2_7_Listeningl ^jS)\S j iiui^- — jIJn.»-T-..'.*.i <*Sj£ :Y ^ ^jJ j-oj i—>I^J> jjj OVI^—j 4j ^ Jw«_l5' ^j^_5" Jo^5"^o L**jjj 4_S" ^jUb4.L«j> 4j (tjj| ^3Jl5*° 4jtflJ> j^j L—JjJ jA|^-*- — ^ ?0—jI Ojls" 4j> L**jjj j jo —T ?(be introduced) j^Jj ^jjw l5—5" dj> dj jjb Cwj5j 1—jjj -f SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD .J-^Äo i—'I^J^- joj j 4o 3 J-JjT ^üjS" ^JüjSj 3 4jL»^o 01035" ^Iä^o^LaS" 4o (u 2_7_Listening2 newspaper :d-oUj3j S'^jj^^o t-9j> '(j-j jlw>"^ tljLy> U ^5" 4 >11> ..1 jja —T yS ajU_o jju v_.bS" -V fl, 2_7_Listening3 .J\_*_&J >l^> jjj CjVI^-wj 4.j 3 J-j-LS" tJ^jZ" (^^^ Lji'-9 4j .JJÜj^o i_9j^- ^Jb l |ju 3 IjL«j jl Jju bji IjLj .J-j5* 4^)j>j.j ^a^IjoI 4j Ij L^jI juu tJwjjLS* J-oLS* lj La 4.Ldj> 3 j^j-5* Jj^j-Ii^o 4.5* ^jLa4.Loj> 4j jL> jjl> ( 2_7_Listening4 .Jo l^o L^-^jjI 4j ..................................t|öj|jJ c*u*j^o Ij 4_^l^i^cJo (^Laj^j .V ^................................................................ C-_mjI JLvJ JJj> .t1 v5"«^*-............................................................0 J3J- JJ ...................................(_5^L> j ^ ijiJ-J .......................................^ jjj'^o jLS" L> 4j^j (^j^j -a .jjb (delicious) ^loj^i,^- ...................................... •f^'ji ....................................................... I**'J*uT° ^ ^ .Jjb .......................................................... ......................................^ .................................(a few times) jL .W Listen to the audio file.You will hear the spoken form of the sentences above. Listen carefully and underline the words and phrases which are different in gjbjf. aS ^jUJS" jjj $ ^ji3^ ^ iS^&a^-o^- iSp^ (J^1 *j (c 2_7_Listening5 ^ .J—J-S* j^j-a ^\j^^j^SLj Ij 6 (^L&iwjl^^ t^obl5" j(i PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 2_8_Pronounciation I yTjm At home, listen to the audiofile and try to find the meaning of the phrases and sentences. In class, pick two sentences from the chart and say them out loud. L&OjL*£ ^_Lx-o S^jS 3 S^jS ^j^S" 3^5 19 4j j»i (^Ijl«£> L 3 ^-lS- ^_jL?cIjI Ij jjj ^La4.L«j> jl 4.L«j> ^ Calligraphy in fashion Photo from NIMANY Studio look book. Original art © Nima Behnoud ^jL> c*iL> -A As* JJ 4j ?^jS" As> (^j^^Lj ^l^s> jj ^jfijlj^S' J^oIjJ 3*^3 jjjl -^—-jJ Ij jij (_£3i>ii3 .Jl&*}^.o jlj^ ^skj ^J3"° Ij i^J^ L^l"*^ll (-^l--*-«^(^J ^L^a^cJLo t^j-^j^oJfc .JLlS'^-o At home, watch this video. It gives an overview of how to learn calligraphy: "It introduces the art of calligraphy in the Arab, Ottoman and Persian traditions and discusses the unique features of the Arabic alphabet." aS I. 3 o'ji' J IS* .C^jI <4ILdjn5* (J^JJ JJJb Ojls ^L-Jj 3 ^jL"......JLxfl c<^jLwo (^L*_{S^&jj_ Lao t_?k_t.,.,.l SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD sj\jA j.^Líj j^^> v'j-v*^ J' jij (poem) j.j- o5~ljl9 ^i^> jl [l-o^j] .V 9. In the first two sentences, what do you notice about how the adverb of manner is formed? How do they relate to their adjective forms? 10. In the third sentence, how is the adverb formed? How many words are required to express this adverb? I I. In Persian, sometimes phrases are created to convey adverbial meaning. Look at the chart below to learn other examples of this construct: 2_IO^grammar4 accurately accuracy especially Ojt 3 4j special quickly V (03J t^Jj«j) c^S.4j speed J Notes on Forming Adverbs There are no rules that can predict how an adverb is formed. You have to learn each adverb individually. However, there are some patterns which can prove useful as you continue your encounters with adverbs! 12.To review, what is tanvin (as you learned in Lesson 10)? Not all adverbs end with tanvin; however, almost all words that end in tanvin are adverbs. I 3.Try to complete the chart below: 2_ 10 grammar5 usual special previous person Generally v iay&£- public ?3^ J 14. At Home: Read the following paragraph, and underline the adverbs. 15. In Class: In groups of two, talk about what you learned about Shirin. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 16. At Home: Read the following sentences.They are both acceptable in Persian.What kind of adverbs each sentence contains? 17. At Home: Use some of the adverbs you learned in the previous pages to write 3 sentences. Include different kinds of adverbs in your sentences. .atl^sj ^ L j3jJ I&j^sjL In Class, I .Your instructor will divide the class into two teams and provide each member with an index card. You must write one sentence on the index card that uses one of the new adverbs that you have learned. Your instructor will gather your team's index cards and the opposing team will take turns acting out your team's cards and vice versa.The person acting out the card may not use any words and the guessing team may not use any English and must work together to guess the entire sentence correctly. ifji^S jA j>Ij 4.5* (_£juJc>- ^LajL-j jl ^5o jl 4.JLoj> ^jjI j3 ^ Jl^-o^J^^ Ij L«-*-j jU_J" (^LadjjLS* Lo^ij jiLLvJ .xjS^m o^\.jc^j\ cx«j|4.i3j15" i»ji5"^j ^LiL«j L> o j.j 4j j,2\jji o^j.5" j,ji ^ jjS^o Ij (^|4.L«j> 4.5" Jui5" - j^jt-wj ^-^o^ljLj L> (^jL ^_^o^_oL 4.5" ^aa*5" .JuJjj ^jJl>- OjI^ 4_> OjI^ XjS^o (^jLi 4\5" B. Where they studied before. If they know any singers personally. If they type in English quickly. What they do every day before coming to class. Where they lived before. How many Iranians they know personally. If they do (hint: write) their homework quickly. What they do every day before coming to class. If they listen carefully (hint: accurately) to the news ( jJa ) If they carefully (accurately) read the news {jJA ) on television. online. Which people they oppose. Which people they oppose. Demonstrative Adjectives ojLCul C*sua :f j^JUoi B I .You already have some experience using the demonstrative adjectives J\ and in your writing and speaking.To review, look at the following sentences and circle the demonstrative adjectives: 2_l I^grammar5 ■^3Jis" ^^3? o'ji^J o' ^ SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 2. Where do the demonstrative adjectives appear relative to the nouns they modify? 3. Although most adjectives appear after the noun in Persian, these special adjectives always appears before the noun they modify. In the first example sentence, why do we use l_, after the demonstrative adjective and noun? Remember: demonstrative adjectives automatically make a word specific, so if they modify direct objects, l_, is necessary. 4. Read the following sentences and identify all of the 0jLil oLi^, and the nouns they modify. In your group (of three) use 0jLil and add a sentence to each one, ^jS^Sjä :YA ^jjj^J 4_jL«^j jJu ?^J_o^o ................. Oj..o .o^j ^jaijJu co^j .................. ^ojLlS* 45" ^£ojs.o ..........................0^3^J öi .ojlo ^löj-o-Jj^" ^I&IJlC ......................... oL)-?"*"**^ ji .Jo-iS* jlj.5o.............................La4.L)j> .Ojlo ^JjO 30 3 olü_jl& .......................... IwjLiS" Jjjl —Y i-Sj^- eUcLwj .................... eXwJ^o JjjI L -A PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY The Iranian Family ^1 j>\ ^Lfc oilyL> :Y<_£lfcjh Read the following text to learn about ^ }j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Iranian families and be able to complete the chart in t« cs-r*2- I've grown up in a bicultural household where we celebrate the New Year on January I st and j5j3-; ("New Day") on or around March 21 st (it varies from year to year since the 3—; J_-< is based on the astronomical vernal equinox).As kids my sisters and I ate hamburgers and french fries just as frequently as we gobbled up ^y._», 4_oj5S and ^L^_i (delicious hearty stews) poured over ?L (steamed white rice). In the airport with my J'jjjjjj Though my parents did not raise me speaking fluent Persian (I cultivated that on my own at The University of Texas at Austin in classes such as this one), I came to understand colloquial terms for family through observation as family members came to visit for weeks at a time, including my J^-^U (or"LS_;UU" or "^j^> ^LoU," as I would call my grandmother), my ^S^y—,^ (or "c^-=r >\i'W For example, when I visit Iran with my father, 0~S^ 4_ic's children call my father j^-^ ^b since he is their maternal uncle. The term for a cousin is similarly divided according to whether he or she is the son or daughter of my ,4_ic ,^s 4_IU-, or ^b. For example, my 4_ic Nargess's daughter, Mahshid, is my a_)U. Following this formula, my ^s Sina's son is my ^s ^ SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD I will be marrying an Iranian man next year, and this strong value of familial closeness in Iranian culture is represented by the way I address his parents. Unlike in American culture, where a man's wife typically addresses his parents as "Mr." and "Mrs." or by their first names, I address my partner's parents endearingly and without reference to their first names, as if they are my own parents, with the terms "^LoU ^3_V and "c^—=r I—jLj." At first I feared that I might offend them with this lack of formality and sign of closeness, but it became clear to me over time that this was the most suitable way for me to address them. Eating dinner out with fUil^U- It is important to note, however, that when first meeting someone, it is better to err on the side of formality. A fine balance must be found between politeness and cordiality, and in Persian there are many ways to address someone depending upon your temperament, character, and status. For example, my fiance's father addresses his wife respectfully as ^_sU- ^L^>"haaj khaanum" ("pilgrim lady"). I believe it takes some time and experience to understand Persian's terms of address and the appropriate context for each one. Boy, are there tons of stories I could get into about the trials and tribulations of being bicultural, of feeling like you're straddling two worlds without completely belonging in either; but as I look back on all the moments that made me cringe when I was younger—like being asked why I had a unibrow, or having my last name constantly mispronounced—I like to think that it all has given me a greater perspective of people and the world around me. ^3_^o ^SL_i ("a world of thanks") goes to all the people who, like yourselves, are committed to learning about other people, their languages, and their cultures, because such study facilitates cross-cultural understanding and peaceful coexistence. Ariana Haddadjhe University of Texas at Austin .Jl^lS- jj oJlJj 4_"_..Jj£* ^.oL«j| Ij \j jjj ^j^^s> (djl^ Jti .A~>j.o ^b^jLa «Oijl5>> "jLjj^ UJj jl Ij JLlT^^o ojliL-jl J^-J^?- Oil jl lj^(_S~J'^V"fl> '(J*,<^' j1^ At home, complete the following chart with the names of your cousins. In class, your classmate will use the chart to ask you if you have any cousins and what their names are. 2 12 culture J PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY I. Look at the examples below and pay special attention to the words JJ and 2. What do and jl^ mean when they follow a noun like in examples 2 and 3? 3. What happens when we add the word jl after these two words? How does the meaning change? 4. What kinds of words must follow jl JJ and jl jl^? Remember, these two words are prepositions in Persian. What kinds of words follow prepositions? 5. Look at the two examples below: 6. How would you describe the two words that come after jl jl^ and jl JJ in the sentences above? 7.What does this tell us about infinitives in Persian? .j^iS" J-oLT «jl JJ » L «(_£ij/(_LJ » I Ij jjj ,_jLa4.Lj> .A lt^" cPj (4_oJS :pLj) .|»^jS" jlS" Ij ................ .fOjS" JAJI^ (jjjj dj ^yil ............................... J3J £H • SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD In Class: sit in a circle with all of your classmates and your instructor. The instructor will begin by saying a sentence in Persian that describes what he or she will do on the weekend. The person sitting to the instructor's left will add an activity to the instructor's weekend schedule by using jl J_J (see the example below).The next student must add to the schedule in a similar manner Go around the class as many times as possible.This is your opportunity to imagine your instructor's schedule, so be creative and have fun! C-—jI 4^L**«lJ jbl—j| ^> CmmJ 45* ^j^J^loltJ .Jj5* JJ&I^^- 4j> 4J_fiA j^*l 4iLi>l j>bL>J c*JUi 4j Ij (^j.&j c*JUs t«jl jl ojI£l>J I ju\ibL**j| ^4^UjiJ 4j Ij Jojlj Cwjjj 4j?u| 4jLs^lj»- 45* C—jL«-^J (^IjJ (.4_i5*LS-o (J**ij3 '•Sr,'-*, L5^^" ^ ö"*"9^ j' lJ"^9 Jl) :^ i_iJI. What is the main idea of the text? - Golestan Hotel facilities - Bahman Hotel location - Bahman Hotel on sale - Golestan Hotel location What does the last sentence mean? lJj-Ls jl tjLn_«jj.^_di Jul .Ca-wjI oJl*1> ^-sl^ (^^5*oj.5* .C^-mjI ^J-'aLo jj~JI 0^5* 4jl*l>j J^J-^- jl oJo-au^j (^L&4_>1_>0^5* 4j ojJj ^Jl^ (jLrj,5" ^jt ^jZja jLS V Y 4.L0U jo J^-ß* 4.1s*_«jI Li tjIa^LS (jLs"j,5" o[S"^>^j3 Li jj-o^j J--^ .Cu-jI .Jl*1iL^^ j.h-o^L5* YÄ ^jLs'j.j' ^jlj^^-jLaLj ^ j.n-o^L5* ^ * ^JLo-di PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ljr-U&- /L^k+£_ Uu" 21 1\ 22 f j 4_>.Y ^^^IcL/j 4j> ^tijlti j|j.3 ^^5* L 4_*J_*li^c_o j^j IjLmj .iJsJI jl5"\j C-J^ l£J3j 'j'—' -V ? JJ_l_O^,0 Ij j5*J JwoJfc ol-O JJj> jl JUU L^j| X ^Ijj fiJb jL ^w>>' 3 *^j *-^Jj L&j 4j jL JJ->- ^1 .JJI^^-^-o j^C ^wjJJ-^-o jlj-ma) oIXmJIiJ jJ L-wl ^-L^ L W*o^ j*^ 3 ^jjw ^lod^iU- 4j Ij Uj j-ftl^>^ ^Lc .jjJj^ ^Ssj p& 4j j5j j& aS £~+>\ ola jL^> ^Vl .j-ol ^jlj^ 4j ^jUjj^ ?Jk_Jj.J Ij L&4.L©J> jl ^g..AXJ ^JL j|^j^-o L I .Jk_<-JL3"o Ja>- Jk_i-«jlj_*li^-o 45* ^jL&4»«»15* jjj 3 Jk_JL5* j^j-* Ij j->j (Jj-*-0 .JwJl5* ^^l&5" ^jLj^wjjA5*^ji L> 3j->3j jj^-^aJ* ojLj^ tJu^j5* j^j-« Ij (Jj-^0 ^"o-1^ ,^Uijl»J 3j ^^3^ L5^^j J3~*"* Lftj3-**5" j^j*j 0-^9j.3 ^jj| L«^j *A 4j> jjb JL>- j^ 4j .JwLfl^j L> ^jlj.5wJJJj5" 3 j^ ^jtH js^^^ 45" JJ«Ojl 4jL^-j^j jj tJojljjoj Ij ^^jL^- ^LbjJL-j 4JJjJb 4jo| ,J3J»j Ij Ajjlo Ij ^jJ-oJa-o .JoJj^l j*J 4j Ij IwjU 4jjj?u ^jj| tO—jI (^j^ ^J^j^-jJ j^j jl ^jj| ^IIuhjIj Jl—j jA JojIj J3*j 45" 0-^j|j\5" JJ&I^?- ^JZ>j£- Lo^j 4j jJJbl JuwjL j5"I jj_>- jii .^jjlju ^jJLwojIij 4j ^gJ^j SLLCL9j ^j-c-*^ j*J •*^-*5" jlj5o Ij 4jjj?u jtJ ^jJoLo oJoj jjJ^ J3^i3^*^ 3 »J-*-^*Jt-5-0 4JU_L> Lo^j 4j .J-J-So ja^jJx-o ySu ^jj| jl Ij j^?- 3 Joj^^u 4..AC J^oIaJ j5"I Lol tCwj| j**-^J -V-oI-Xj L_^j wj| ^Lo^j* jlj-^ ^ YA j*j i~5Llcl3j oj^jj\j j^j* 0-«-«3 .o—jI o^LaiLo Lj*j 3 jj*£—->l jj L-w L ^^L^-j^j ^Li_^j 45" Ijj> tjjjbj^-o jL Ij 4jL^-tJ3j .O—jI ^jLjJ^- L pjJb ^l^o^sl 4j 0-i-5*jJ 3 Oij 4JJJA 3 First listen to the audio file several times.Then read the text aloud, record yourself, and submit the audio file to your instructor. tJ-J-5" ^pJ^S" jL Jw-S*- Ij 3-^J^-O 0Aj|^^- jJ VL 45" t^J^tf (JjLS 3 ^y^" -Ll-_^ Ij ^IA^3 tAojI^U Jjjj ^| Jw^5 L Ij ^ I ,J—J J-j^Ojij ^jljjLl^ol (^IjJ Ij ^3-^ 2_l3_Reading SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD ardinal Numbers, Ordinal Numbers c^--oy> 3 j^ojUui ^IjlcI :^ j^^oi At home, review the cardinal numbers and learn the pattern for creating ordinal numbers. Use the audio file and be sure that you are able to pronounce all of them correctly. 2_l 4_Vocabulary (/) 0^3^" ^ ^tjt^i ^ 'j ^1^1 jjjl c^jj*} JüIj 4-5ujI tj^j&ojL < w-O tOoj^J (OJCXä töJL&& tOojjLjj töOJjL tOOjL^>- tOojI^O töiijL tOU 'P^ 3 3 i 'jl^r 31 4j 3 c 1 i*JL& 3 1 Juö (O3J tobl_JL& tCoA^i töl^t-O tj_^> 'j^-wJ < 3 Juö . . . j^-^" 'j'j-^ 4-wJ 'j^j^ 3° 'J^j"^ 3^ 3 j^v" 3 ^-^V* 3 Jj* S^i How would you describe the pattern for forming the ordinal numbers? At home, read the results from the Men's 4 x 100 Medley Relay at the 2012 Olympics in London. Determine the overall time for each team and then write the results by putting the ordinal numbers in the sentences that follow. Make sure you rewrite the entire sentence before submitting it to your instructor. Ij jjJcJ ^taJ* ^SL^oJI ij\Sj\^> (_$Lui> gulij i4JL> jii J .....j j-o ^jL^J ^j^L«j j.i Ij ^_*j jJb jL^JLol IAIjI .JloI^ÄJ ^jLä4.L«J> jgi |j U^_«jL^-0 ^^*JjJ gilj^l t^LjLlJ Jol ^ül_«j| jJ ^j^^J Jj> jl ^ 45" .JwUSo Jj ^J^tJ ^jLjoLlLwjl PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY C--JL> Jlj-"^* ? fY:&Y &Y:YA 0UI ? &Y:&A fY:rr &T:Y^ ? fY:^ &r.xv &YVf ♦ LoLl_>j,j fA:&« &\:X- &A:Pf AY^Y fAiY^ &\:KX \ &Y:YA fY:fY &X-XX 9 fY:&Y «:Yf &Y:Y^ .^^j......................................^liLo ^jLoJI f^-j . ^ .^^j.....................................i^LH-o l^jj-ol .V .^^j..................................i^LLo 1_JIj,h_«jI .V .^^J .................................. ^liLo LolljjJ .^f .^^J ....................................... -aUto Jjjlj ffc-J .^^J ............................. |ftl_H-0 ^jljLwJjLj^o .P .j^j.....................................fliLo bL'15" .Y ......................................i^LLo jcLa i^j-J" .a In class, pretend that you are making a "how to" video on any topic of your choosing. Use the command form and make sure the order of your instructions is clear by using ordinal numbers.You will present your "video" to the class. :JL^o cJUL ...) (^Ij.j Oj-1^ 4_> % <5^LftH_vj| j.^1 ^J-*-9 jl .JlJjL JuI^j^-o (^jl5* j..& o^LftH_vj| ^*_Oj,j ^IJlcI jl JlJjL (J-*-^9j 3 jlj^J-a-Jtilj^-wJ^ 4^j_i| .^b ^> 4jIjI ^"^15* j^ Ij (jlj^^jju^ .^«5* SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD In Class: Read the following paragraphs. Make sure that you read them correctly.The first number has a reading guide in parenthesis. There are a few words you do not know. Try to guess what they mean, but do not use a dictionary. Once you are done, practice reading the number aloud with a partner. L04.L0J5- cC^-wjI oJuol JjJLo j£ 45* j^^JlC (Jj-J^I iS^jj •l^-^5^t-> Jj^i lj (^^L> j-^lj-1 oJuol 4.5* (^^JlC Jj^J^I ^j^l^-^" ^LoJL&lj .JuJb^^J lj /jLli^-ouo 45* lijlii ^^-^^ Laojl^ oJuol ^jl tJo^j.5* jöLoJ lj jL5* /jj| .Ju;_lSo o^Lä*i_«jI Juli I , I&^JlC .JJjj^ >-9>> ^j^Ljj-LT ^g-Jjli dj 3 JJA^^ J-^C-iJ L&^iLj>L7 lj p^jA (Jy^ojä .J-TJ-.....-g> ^.T.....t 3 ^jLo.L......o j3.i.*t5' ^jj| 0-o«-oJ> J3J j^>I5 .^jb (^^bj ^jLf jUJ ^3j ^Lj JL> ^1 L» tCu^wJ (j-*"0 j*^-*^ ^5"j3 L^o-di l_9Jl& 45" JuuliL 4JL*li|ji 4j>^j* Jjjl Jk_ol^_o j-^J 4-\_ol (^Ij-J I jjj 4_j ^jtilti *— j5*j„«J Ju^*-j^-o 4.j>^1Lo 45* ^jL&^L^tj tJk-JiJ) |» .1^1 Cuot^> .C-j jl^l&jbL-jjljll^JjS"_^-o j^j*loJS jj| .C^j jlj^S" C^CjL 3 jj^jt-fjjj jlj^jT A,m,A-Y 3 iSj J^t^ ^ 3^->- 4j oJu****> J,-^-^> 3^ o^J"^ -^jl^1 j^j-^ jj1-^ 0^5* 4JL*lij 4_Lo|ji i»_j^Jj> ^ (^jlj-il J3^^ J^-0"1** J1^ 'o^J"^ Jlxi Ja_>- jL(^> 3 C-T^J^jj^ ffc5*lj,lLo 4_5"L_Jj t-I"o (^Ijlji ^jlj.^J* •JuI^J-.aLo ^jlj.^j* 4_j JLo-di ^ iwJ^Jj> jl ^_*_7jj 4.j ^ Juj|j> ^jUjj^u ^wjjli ^l^il ^jlj-^j* ^■L^-,l cjLi5"L^j.c--wjI o3^j ^jIj-j Ij.^jLjj.^j jl ^iiLj ^jlj.^L^-0 t_j>Aj>- j5*j.-« o^j"^ y-tP^ .c-_«jI f^j* *\A% .C^-mjI ^wjjli JjjI jJ> (^Ioj^L^w ^jljj o>-V^c ^ C-_«jI ^jlLl^w fl^il t^ljl^1 j"^-^1 (Jji^ j-^^ (j^" j^1 tJu3^j ^jljj t^j-xL-f :jl JJjjL-^ tl.\j-"-......ft C*-J5l j3 3 j^Uc* ^ o'lj5''-wJ l^^^^ .AJjb ^'1 4j?l^J L ^^-Jjli ^jIjj j^-w ^1 j'i .c-_«jI ^«jjLi L^jI 4»«ja ^jljj d5* (^j-J ^ (^3j,S*t^jL?tjLjj31 '(^jj-^ '(^g-^j^ '(^j'-^j'-0 jLol j,jL_i 45* 3^*-j^-o j---«^J-*5" j--^ jJ> j-fl-J jlj-^ o3jL jl (j^-o Ij* >-\.-a*Lfl-a' ^ j^j1-^ o~° o^j"^ j1^ c--o<-«j> ^5*1 jj (^L-i4jLja^5* j3 ^ jj-^" c^'-ij^ v^-^?" l^j,-^°3,'^5* ^ * ^.Ltsli 4.j t^jlj-jl LJl-«-*-o j3 ^jlj.^j* .c-_«jI ^jL^j^- ^5*lj,j*j,j jj^£> y^Jb^yjLt) 4_^t*Ilj jii oJl*-j ^^JLLo ^j.j^S* ^i>-l^j 4j iwJ^_Lj>- jl ^ ^jbL«^Ji^5* ^i>-l^j 4j JL«»Jj jl JjIj.^j .d--wj| oJl*-j o3j.1L*aa5" jj-JI o^S* 4JL*»jj ^j^_Lj> fj-S" t^l^ ^ ul jl ^j^jj> ^>-I^J ^ ^_SCjIj> ^ j>j,.vj (^l^-& ^ *—>I jl ^JLo«Jj ^->-I^j .c-_«jI Cj^Lg-Lo ^jI^js ^ I ^IjIji JL^o-di ^ iwj^jj> jji .C-_«jI iwjL^tlol ^-o_wJj C-^tljL ^jl^JX 4.j ^jIj-jI ^ij^ J^1 ^5* C-_«jI Jj--o^Ji ^ ls^1 O^j"^ .....(^Ubj^-w 4^- ^1 ^So^jJ j-^-w 3^ -f 4j>t^J L Ij ^jU ^jLj ^jlj-^j* j-« J^>j3 http://www.cloob.eom/c/vtt45821 398/2 SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD ) 2_l 5_SpokenWritten I 1 4„jÜLvJ ÜumaJ I. With your partner, discuss how you would ask these questions in ^bjf ^jli. .Jk-o^Xj (^jLiLfl5" ^«jjLi 4j Ij jjj CjVI^-j t^jLj^a^jS'^jÄ ^-iC^-t l Normally what do you do after you study? What did you do before you came to class today? Before you entered this university, what were you doing? Do you think that all Iranians know Persian? What are you doing right now? What do you normally do after you eat dinner? What do you normally do every day before you come to campus? Do you think that all Iranians are Persians? 2.With your partner, discuss how each sentence would differ in ^bjf and then take turns reading the sentences aloud in their spoken variations. After you finish, your instructor will play the audio file. Listen to the audio file and check your answers. ^jLj 4j |j l&4„LoJ> eXl^j 4j ^y^^J t^jS ^ZSS 3 LA^j (^£jlli5" tjukib i^I-^jI Ij 0jj"*^ tj-1! i^-k-|l jl ^Lxj .Jk-ol^Äj jüJj 3 (^jLiä5* .Jk-JLS' j^j-o Ij tj^c^l-^V'l^-?' 2_l 5_SpokenWritten2 ■Iji" jj 3i .^j'Ljj^ Ij jlj^?jjj L-^> .1 • .^j3J>^o Ij ^ji^oljj kijb 4jL>j^_Jj| jki ^j^l 3I - 1 1 ?Jü_fl>*}^o ^_yJj^ ol-\JLjb |ö|JkS" j*i ^jLjLjl - 1 V ?eX«j| ^jl-^jl jb-^H O^l^-^" (^siW^-^l l-il - 'i^^JLS*0 tjl"**'^!-^' ^ £j ^lcL^j j^a£ J3j-°l ^j-° • 1 ?c^>l ^jLj^jLoüjL I jki ^-jI^j^ JjIjI jcl> .*f ?jüj^Xj Lo 4.j Ij ^j\js* a^jl^j^0 L^jI •f3j- LT'J^i ^ (fc-0!^ (_5-»J ^ (fr^ö il^jjSf jjJ JjjI Jyo .p J ^ LI .Y ^^jlj^-.....-Oj jii L Ol PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 3.Work with a partner and use the new information . . . -«= i . , » . «= .1 , -t <- < i v 1 jjj .i-V-i-.....jj-Li (^CjLjIj ^juj 4j t^jjujj Jul4_Ojj oLj 4.^Jl O^oJ b .1 you learned in this lesson to write a poem in ^.hjf. . . m<- i i » . »<■ i • . . i' i~-i i - ' r .Jv_;j|^?CJ jj-JjO (_CI jj Ij jJL«J ^ Jk_*Ji_>0 J^J> (^Lfl>jU->L«J ^LoJ Underline all of the new constructions and read your poem for the class m ing Old Adjectives and New Adjectives JoJj> ^I&CuL^ 3 UCoL^ ^ iSjij* :o^j'3 At home: 1. Below is a list of adjectives (mostly antonyms) that will help you describe the world around you—the people, places.and things that you regularly encounter. Listen to the audio file and learn the pronunciation of each word. Make sure that you come to class able to pronounce all of these new adjectives. 2. Listen to the audio file and transcribe the sentences that you hear.Then translate them into English. ^jj.^ 45" ^jLJjI ^ tLa^LSLo (j|jil Í(jLjlÍIi^L-Jj J-1^ 4-1 k-fl-'-^'^J* Ij Juj^>-^^j,j L^jI 4.j JáflJbi JuL l^o ^"^IS* 4.j ^19^ .Joj;^5ó oL Ij Laojl^ JááJbi ^ .Jk_o|ju I \ L&ů^la ěXwJ \0 2_l 6_Vocabulary I (^^9 Ju^jlIi^o ^5* Ij ^> L&4„Laj> IjúLiI ^ ^j^i^5* ^j^ms ^J->4j .v 4»©J>jJ ^v^-lXjl 4j Ij L^j| ^j^-wJ C Js-^wJ^oJJ 2_l 6_Vocabulary2 o sad ý^S^š. -XX handsome i^^J(^jy>- — Xf famous j^^JLo — X& clean J-ir^ ~X9" dirty JlJS-XV dangerous ^L-jki- -XA safe new old JÍ -f ^ frightening ^'L^jjj* —*f Y polluted -fr clean oTL -ft comfortable strange expensive cheap difficult easy crowded not crowded populated not populated interesting ,_JL>-YŮ tired hungry u->/ - YY happy jLí /JL^j^- - Y a light lSwmJ —Y ^ heavy far j3o -n close oSLjjj -YY small big young old good bad Ju-P tall jllL-Y short olios' -A beautiful ugly C*ol> j —\* fat thin warm cold Oj^. - ^ f rich jj-«j^jj - ^ 6 poor SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD In Class-Twenty Questions: Your instructor will give you a sticky note with a famous person, place, or thing written on. He or she will tell you if it is a person, place, or thing.Without looking at it, you will put it on your forehead so you cannot see what is written but your classmates can. Walk around the room and ask your classmates yes or no questions about what is written on your forehead. Ask each person one question before moving on to the next person. Your questions should use the new adjectives that you have just learned. |öL* I tw<-v^>jj i—SL) ^IjoLLvJ ;^J1^wj Cuwoj Jujlo 45* (^-oLj 45* C-*sS Jl3>I^J>- L©Jj 4j oLLvJ .olo JJb\j3~ Lo-li oLjo ^IjC\*-JjIooL> 4j 45* Jul (j^1-^1 -Ca-wjI v^^li L> t^jL^-o i^jCL^jt) Ij jjl Lo-Jj 45* (^j^Ls 4j tjk_oL^-«^5tj ^Ij^jLjl*j 4_. Ij ^1 tjoj5* ^jlS* jo .AJLLj^j Ij ,jl jujI^Ij ^u*L^LaLr«j,>J5*ffrÄ LI ^jLIh—jI^^- 45* j_*_wjj.^j ^jVI^vj ^jLj^Lä^wjj15*^jä jl ^ Ju->-jwtj ^l' OVIj^ ^SC^5* 4.j UJj CuJ JjJ .JJjL «4.L» ^ «4j» Jlj^j i—Si.j JaÄS j.äj j.Ä jl .Joj5* lo-o 4JI_Jj^J ^Ij^JLjL*j jj 45* Ij oL 45* L&c^Jl^? jl juL ^jlj oVIJ-wj jo ^ Ju-«jj.-_> JoJI^j*^^ .j^j-S* ooLfl^_«j| Jul^iäj.j"' w. _>arative | Superlative (^Lc tcgJLwAaJ) (yyy. C*sua .ycJL^j :V j^^oi cv,> Comparative Adjectives I. Look at the chart below, and try to determine a rule for forming the comparative adjective in Persian. 2 17 Grammarl more beautiful beautiful cheaper cheap more difficult jj C\o?LvJ difficult more populated populated 2. Now explain the pattern for creating the comparative adjective in Persian. 3. What do you notice about the spelling convention? Does y attach to the adjective? In older texts you will see this suffix attached to the adjective, but in more modern writing it is not attached. In a few cases, if the adjective is too short, like ^S, even in more modern texts you will see it attached. 4. Now read the examples below and see how the comparative adjective is used in context. .c~J y^Ss>£ ^Li jl ,y\ pjV tSy^jji li^sl 5. What preposition do we use in a comparative construction? How do we structure sentences that use the comparative? Superlative Adjectives 6. Look at the chart below and try to determine a rule for forming the superlative adjective in Persian. 2 17 Grammar2 f most beautiful Ljj^ cheapest most difficult most populated PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 7. Now explain the pattern for creating the superlative adjective in Persian. 8. Read the following sentences and translate them into English. Pay attention to the position of the superlative adjective in the sentence. 9. What do you notice about word order in superlative structure? Where does the superlative adjective come relative to the noun? How is that different than regular noun/adjective construction? Two Exceptions 10. You have just learned that we form the comparative and superlative adjectives by adding to adjectives ^ or Cj—iy respectively. However, there are two important exceptions with superlative and comparative forms you must just memorize. I I. Read the following paragraph. Underline all of the comparative adjectives and circle the superlative adjectives. c best better \ most more "j jCvJl C^Su^i Ju_>- *j Jk_o ji ua_oI^j^^ 4.Loj> ja j^i .Jl*_lS" J-oLS" %jj3j I-1 Ij j-jj (^Iä4.Loj> öjAJ ^ (^Lao^j5" j^ .c—j| ^jaaJjLj jl.............. •C-_«jI ^jL^Ä^sl jl ........... j-t-O-l 0-1 ^.5*j^j^*_> . ^ J.Y LSLij-oT jl ......................... JCJi X ^^-jLfcl jl........................UljiJ .0 0UI jl jl jl-"-..... .....-Y SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Use the opposite of the following adjectives to talk about these three friends. t^jj^j oliLtf? f\ jl o*}LfiJL«j| L> j öjsüjä ^\jbo^jS j£ .Jlo^J^j jjj jO^u 4_wj OjLjii c^wjj^ 4,L4j> \ i_ft_JjT V Find two images of airports from two different countries.Write a short composition in which you compare them.Your composition should have at least 200 words and it should include three comparative adjectives and three superlative adjectives. Be sure to turn in the pictures with your composition. .j-iL 4X^i>U ojl^ Y • • ^Ji|jj>- *S j-j^o^jj oLj^S' (^LljI *-5o ^^^JXil L ^^jjli ?JujU c^j^^ jiLJLu Ij ^Ijj jölAS' .Y ?eX«j| ^S^S 4j> Jujl^ j^jJ Jjjl 4j" ^S^S JjJjjC^C^J .*f ?cU-jI ls^j'}15' 4:> Jujb |Ojj jjjl 4.5" ls^j'>15' jjjji^j .0 B- The People in the Room. Working in groups of two, write short paragraphs about two of your classmates. In each paragraph, use comparative and superlative structures to describe this person. You might compare them to other people in the class. Once you have come up with two short paragraphs, you will present your descriptions to the class and the other groups must guess who you have described. jl jib ^ <°yü 3^ iS^Si03j^' •OtJ'^^ ^~ V jl tJJj jjb j^i .....j j-o ^Jb\j^S" (^LäJJj ^jLj^Lä^wj'^IS'^JÄ o^Läh_«jI ^j^Lä^I jjjl iUi-^ay OjLjJ Lo-Jj JJojj ^jJl>- JuL Läo^jj" j3oJ .J-uSJ 4j|j| . Ju|4JJ1i^j PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY U" A,Y< : sS jy.JT-í, LT*-1 l^ľX^wvO j_^mJ J-o->- j^5"j-o 3 ujlu jlj3 IjTI 3 1^3 ^lÄ<ájLí>'(J3j (^j^j j^-^' o-*^ *^3Jc5^ j^0-^1 ^***>3j s**^ 3 i-*^*J^J, ^"£***«o j^*** YY islrt 1^-*^ j' ó' j'^^^-^ 3 f>jjÄ .c^J ^glLJI^^o ^bjÄL^j- <_£ljj J-olS" 3 j^iáJ^jj iSj^y yk^ jjJ 4j> j*i_w_*j j^-**j j*I>a5" .Y o^jji jV*1 yk^ ^ S H AH S AVA R I I ATWOOD 3 j3^-^= iS^Ai~^c-'M j' ilrt' •t^*~»l öty^jji '(^U^jLi jl ^ 3 tj^> OäIjL Jjj^L ^jjl jj .vjjlvj vj^J^ vj^Loo jl (J-^s 0JÄ jl ^jl&j^JJ ^j^J c^^^j^ •^"^'l^t^0 ^-11-^ jlj^ <=*""*J (.5-*-°^ 1^ .c~J 0^ Lj^ ^jji_f jjj o^-i ^AYA U ♦ jl 3 ^?A« b ^fYA jl / :£*jlo PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY L^jI JurSjO '^"v' ^'-^-^"(>5-0 i^^^j LoJ j^_Jt5* JJ ^ULo-Lv^o . ^ ?JJj5*^»o ^5" Juj ^jIäj^-JLS" 4j> jJ ^ULo-Lv^o j.H_JLu .V ?JJJLw-Ži 4.ju-Jj ^jL^j^- ^jUL^-La^o JuŕSjJ JJ_>- .V ^ô^j j.áj jjj> (^j^l^-o ^ *\*\A JLj j j ^LL-yjLiál c^ju3j> .f ?JXwjI ^^J-wJ jl jiUw_u 4juwli C-_ousJ> JurSjJ l&j^Ji5* |ô|j5* jô ľJJJLw_& 4.ju-Jj JJ_& j^Jj-« J-^?jJ JJj> C^_ousj>- JuloJ-ol j j 45* LSjl_aj^5* jl ^5o jô|j5* jj .y j,ijx_u (^Lj^jI (^Laj^5* |ô|j5* .Y jhj JJj> l5"jj.ol Ojlš jJ 4jlí_1i C*-ot-«j> .A C-_^_u o^JO" .JXwjI 4JLJjJ.5" jÁJ JjLuL-0 Ý jjM jl ^jl^j^ C-_ou3j> í^ô'^L^O ^ *\ *\ *\ Jl-wJ j J íjJOÔ ^jLjo ^>-jJ 3 ^jLojLmJ (^I&jLoI ^jaiLvjI jJ jô ^jL^j^- jô ^ULo-Lv^o C-_OÍ-oJ> (^-'j^J .JJJiJ^-0 J_*j*CjLJ* ^L*LoJL»ywQ Ij jÁJ (JjLuL-0 ^J ^ t—5"ú) JjLuL-0 VY (t_£*JU ó^-^ C-~UCöJ> jl JuŕSjô .... 3 ,f * \ ,* * * L^jl i(jfrL* ^ Y W^l 'ó^-^-° ^i^' :^wJ' j'^ ói' j' (j?^^-o ^^A A£> j^jo- íJXwjI j^jí5* Y * A íJjj5"^-o ^5"Juj L^jI jJ ^LjLo-Lv^o 45" ^^L&j^jLS* jIjuú* .jjj5"^^ ^5"Juj ^jL^j^- j.«j1.jj.vj jJ ^ULöJ-^^o 3 (^jJLo t^jíoj*^Jj\j_i t^bi^^jjji t^bL*A*5"L jj ^ íľ-wjI í^LjLo-Lv^o jH_<^_u íJujj^-oj,wj4j ^>jc ^Luj jl ^jl"^" jJ 'ó^^?" (J^LjL-oJL^ä^o J^j>^-o ^L&jL-ol L ^jLla-o it_£*-*-> íJ-*r3jo oJ J^Jl>- ^jLjL^-La^o ^ju-o jJ .JXwjI ^-o'^LwjI j^<^5" JjjjjC*t-o*-oJ>jj t^jJ^Jul .JJJJ\_^o ^5"Juj (^jJ^Jul . JJJLwJži 4.jt_uli jÁJ ^j^-uL-o ^ Y * L^jjäj jIJuu 3 iJXwjI ojIj jIj-^ j-uu* ěU^tJ* Ij ^^J-wJ j**^LjI jôLoJ ^gjt-w^» i^yi-^s* íLä^JjŠ („S"^5 ,t-wJl oJ-ol ^j-JLŕ- (Y * * Y) LuLujj lJjLjcoJI OjjIj j j í^jIjjI ^jLjLo-Lv^o Cuji5*l iw-jiJwo t^_*_^J .c--vj| ^jL^j^- ^ULo-Lv^o J5* ^_Só L tj^TuL-o A * ^Jl Ý * j^j->- juJLw_*j ^jj.3 j-^I^I j^ (^jiuljlj^ajl^ .JjIj ^jLiLw^jLjLäl 3 ^jLiLw^L tjjji tl_Hjjil jj-^ t^Li—J t4.jj^«j jj ^jLj ^jI^j^j ^ 0ij3J l/^1 *^Lji>-I ^ ^jLJo jH_<^_u ^jaiLwjI jj J^*1i^-o j5"j 4.äJ| 3 JjIJu J^j>3 ^j^sL^ j^^ 4j ^jLuu^Jj 3 j^5 4j ^jULo-Lv^o j|juu OjLjJ ^ä*5J jL*ol í4jliLwjlľLo J_*-C<^u Ij ^jULo-Lv^o C--oí-oJ> JurSjJ oJjL t^jL-uu^ í^jL^-o ^>-jj ^jLLa-o .Jj|j J^j>3 j^j (^j3oJ (^l&ölS"Juo ^jl JjLää jJ 45" jI J^^-^-o Ij ^jULo-Lv^o J5" JuŕSjJ YV ^Loí_i-*ll ^>-jJ (Jj-^ks 3 JullL jÁJ ^j^-uL-0 \X\ J^Jl>- JuL ^Loí_i-*ll ^jy5" C--at^J> í^jLwJ Jj-lJu JJJiJ^^ .jjjij^^ J_*5LwJ (^LiijLol JuliL^o ^L_3c^*li jl ^^j>^j JjLÍ JuöjJ L 3 c*jji5"l (^IjIj 45* ^jL_«jI ^1&j^_jí5* jl ^>-jj jj ^L;^*-^ ^-jj^j :C^«jI jl jl (JjjI jl L^j">L-o ^ ^^A JLj 4j i^^Jj^ *\A jl ^ji-o tjuöjj ^_Só ^jLjjI jíL«j ó^j-í-1 3 Juöjj ^6 ^L_3c^*li 3 Juöjj AT" c-_Jwj Jj&I ^ULo-Lv^o 45* jÁJ Yi*,Y*\Y,* * * c^-jjl. 'iL^uLiil Sjj 3J jl J. ,ILo5* 3 ^*oL*ol oJ'JqJ Aju^t) /^IiLmuIjcÜ S H AH S AVA R I I ATWOOD .JkJJbo^O ^J-^SL^j Ij JuöjO V * C-_LvJ (J^&l 3 iJuöjO Y * 4.Jl_*_Jo ^jULo-La^O i^jJÜ Y,P& * ,* * * CU-J<-öO> ^JS" jl i^jL^CjLjol ^j-*j 4_o2j 2 J*«^5jJ \ * Id CUJLmJ ^Jjbl ^ (juöjO ffc-&^ 4_wJ ^ t«o"u ^ do Am j ) JuöjO P VV t4_x_i-mj ^LLo-Lm^O tjüj PXX * * * C--0<-oJ> J5* I^jJj^tj 3 Lol Oojl^o ^L_*_*_mj Ij Ju^jo I ^^_L-o Y* CU-ot-oJ> jl 45* Jul^o t_jL—>- 4j ^jL^- ^5"*jjj ^L&e-JaS jl ^5o j^AS* JjjI ^Ij-jI J_*5lwJ jXjO ^jLiil ^ CoomJ ^Jjbl iw-u&l JwO ^jl^j.0 Ij 4_o2j ^-50^0 (jLj^l jjL-J o'^^i-1 Ij 3 Jl*£>jo YT/A CoU-j Jj&l ^ Jl*£>jo ^Y/A ^L_*_;_mj oIJuu ^j_>l jl 45" jiu V^,YVV,* * * Co_jl*j>- J5* :jlj£ jXjo ^jLol ^jl^j-o Ij 4_o2j ^ Juöjo V ^jLuu-—» ^ Juöjo *\ CoomJ ^Jj£-I ^jLjLo-La^o oIJuu Jul jl 45* jÄJ lijLJLwO i—Si.j iJ^J> C--o<-oJ> J5* :Ju_& .jujbo^o ^jL5v_^j ^jLjoI j^jj o^3J"^i 4_*_äj ^ ju^jo ^f(ä (J-&I 3 Ju^jo V* ^L_*_*_mj t^jiJ A,PP^, * * * cu-ocoj> ^JS* jl :C*j^5* .Jk-LÄO^ J-5LU Ij Jl«S>jO VY/^ jLä^ 3 J,^3jO V VV CoLmJ JäI 3 Jl«S>jO Vf tjWJ^ 'LSj"^ '9,' ' ' £^JL*S> J5" jl i^LJ .4_jt_*_Jj j^ ju^jo Y& ^ Ju^jo V* ^L_*_*_mj ^^,*\* *,* * * cu-jt-oj> ^JS* jl :tjbw-y5"L jl :4j j^-wj .jjjbo^^ J_J\jlj* Ij Ju^jo * ^jL^jL^li ^ Ju^jo P* CaJw-j ^Jjbl ^jLLöJ-w^o i^jjü \ A,Y'P*,* * * c--ul^j> J5* jl ^^j-«-" .Juolo (^l-J> i^^>j^ Ij ^jL^JL^ll ... ^ tJuöjO Ä ^LL^w*C*J>Lj tJuöjO iS^j^ °'^L?t-*-0 'Ij^-ol tJk.AÖjO \ *\ / A 4_<5*jJ ^ jXj o (^Libj^^t5* Juö^LJj .ooj5"^-o j^^t5* 4.^j J»oLli L^jl jJ 45* JJ-ILwJb oJk.^5*ljj ^La<_<«Jj j^j ^jL^j^- J^LäJ jjLwj jo tjj.-i-wj 4_3(_.-*li ^ILl_wj ^Lslj-o ^jjI jj j^j^j-Sl ((^jujb ^ ^Ll^^SIj) Jujb ojLi 4_*_li jj>l^o Ij (jLlijIL^j 45* jJ6 jljÄ jo iJuj5* ^^"Juj ^jLoJI jo 45* (^^S jl jÄJ jlj-^ Juö 4j i»J\JojJ ^Jb 4_*AAj|j.9 .JJJL—Jb ^-^2-0 ^jbU—L\j| jo tJJJbo^^ J_J)*_^tö* .ooj5"^o 4JL*il j^ JkJJL*—Ä 4_v^j|ji (^Ij^L^ (^L^_L>-ojj,«j JjS'LwJ 45* i^jäj jljÄ JJ->- toljuu Oil *i o1^1* ^ JJJb jl ^LJ^Ls-^jI jl jJu J^a^ 4j oSoojJ t^JL-oJI oS"j^_«^o ^[jbj^tS j L*jIj.jIj tLj5* JiUa Lfljjil jj-^j 9 jo .JuloJuoj5" Jj.S'Lwj 2 Oi^jS" C--«-ij£ 4jilaJ-o 4j oJlC. ,JjjI .JuJuol LäjI 4j 4_«^j|ji C--o^-«-^9 ^jlj^'i jl 45* fö-ij^"iS^ji C^~"*~^ (jW*^1 ^^-x-ol4j (^Lc. lJj>-Ivj tJLx-Lvj) (_^LijjiI jo jO ^jLIioIJlXJ 45* ^.^5*^-0 öJL&LjiwO Ij ü jj£- ^ ^1 jJ I ^ ^jL^_J ^jLjU-—» jl ^J<-ol^J> tL\j j^ I OjLi jO Oj^-VL ^ .Ju^*ll^-0 ^-JL (^jÄJ jlj-^ Juö http://vvww.andisheqomxom/Files/whoisshia.php?idVeiw PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 2 18 conversation I o If you would like to leave the class for a few minutes you will use the above question, "Excuse me, may I go out?" You can also add a phrase to that and make it more specific: "Excuse me, may I go out for a few moments?" You can also use another word instead of/bebakhshid/. It is: /ma'zerat mikhaam/ which is close to "I beg your pardon" seems to be more prestigious to use. I would suggest that you use it if you are in a more formal situation, for example, when you are talking to your teacher. Listen to the audio file to hear the examples. Memorize one of the sentences to be ready to work on a skit with your partner. At home, listen to the following conversations.They are written in ^hjf. Learn how to say 4.L or 5 Cuu^tS 3ÍVÍ 4j» '.^gAjyMí^ja 3 jje-uj < láÁJj' Now that your work is Full of deception and lies Now that your heart is Miles far from God Don't say you love me I don't believe that Don't say you have only me I don't believe that With your words You keep lying to me You want to deceive me You keep lying to me To my broken heart Don't be so unfaithful If you don't love me Don't perform/act like this L j 3 ^5oj.-J jl jl |jc> jl jjó lfl>^-\_L«jjS 4_Jj^«j j^j^Ij AS <ďl ._\_j5* ^J(-vJ ^ ^jío^_f 4j|j,j 4j C-jj.ILL>I í4jI^ jii — l_äJI .J_*_wjl_I_li^o Ij L^jI 45* JJ-LwJ& ^jLß>öjl^ .^--i5* Jl-jJi Ij Lä4.LjJ> (jLj 4j 4_j|j,! ^jI 45* J_*_1iLj 4.^_li|ji 4j>-^j ?JJJLwJď 4j>- L^j| Jk_Oj\j ^jjJAj> ^ Jk-ol^tj Ij 4_)|jJ ^.OUO .3^*-ü^-0 OJul^>- (^jllÁ_f 4.:> oJlJj oJk_*_Jt5* Ja_>- ^jL-jj-jj 45* ^jLäöjI^ 45* ^jIícjA!-?! ^1 (^0jLj3 ^ j^iS* Ijl-j Ij oJuJ|^> ^-«jI «4íl> íA jjlju ^jloj^J As> Aj Aj\y jj| ?Ct Jl«^i3_o 4jlJL.ol£ olios' jL^^i (ji»jLoJ Jul4.IL9j,5* *}L> 4j|jj jj| IjS-l Ij j I 3 A. At home, listen to the song online and try to follow the lines. There are a few words you know. What are they? Be aware that this song is sung in'^jbif." Read the translation of the lyrics and guess what the underlined words mean. B. At home, find the name of the singer and read about him. What is his name? What period does this song belong to? C. In class, work with your classmate. Use three new phrases that you have learned in this song to write a very short dramatic play. Act it out in class. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY a I .Write a paragraph about your daily schedule. When do you wake up? What time do you go to school? Do you work as well? What do you do after class or work? How often do you see your friends? 2.Write a paragraph in which you compare your hometown with the city where you currently live, or with your favorite city if you live in your hometown now. How does the weather compare? The people? The restaurants? Be sure to use the new adjectives that you learned in this unit, and be sure to include both the comparative and superlative adjectives. O"^ Oi' J' to I .Watch the second episode of Cafe Denj, and write two points you learned. 2.Watch it again and answer the questions in the box. 4j?u'l ,_JOjljjJ 4_»5o JiJ j Ij gu,S 4.iLS" ij"^ 2_l9_Video3 .Jv_^a^ ^_j|^> ^jj^j (jp^JI^-**1 ^ 3 lj jjjl ojL^^ .Y ?lj,:> ?JLo 1^.0 ij^V ^ 0^3^**°'^ ~V Jj'ji J3j Cfij-^ 3 ujlJ3r°' Ij--?" ~V ?eU™j> Ijdj ,_jljj ^LJidilS" ,_jU>4j?u (_£4_oL'jj SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD ?jbil Jjlfljl u«^o ,JjL~o 4j> ?JuJlJj IaCh^ .rr'x^i Ojljj'i (^lojL" (^Laj^ 4j> 4j>3_Lo .Ju^jS'^.o ^_jL?c_oI (^l4.jU>'^Ji ^jl^-lc 4j Ij LaoJu^^i 4.^-L^ls jl ^IaS* tJu^^j oJul 3 ^jjj^j iS^~T ^ J1^ 1. With a partner discuss this episode of Cafe Denj.What import things happened? What new things did you learn about the characters? When you are done, discuss which roommate you would have picked if you were Shirin and Ide. 2. In order to fine tune your listening skills, you will jiJu 4j jL ^UjIjl^ OjL^o J>jl& L .v listen to one section of the episode several ti you must fill in the blanks below. After listening three '^jf ji Ij JLi- ^UL* 3 Ju^b ^i^f jL 4^ 45" jl juu times, review your answers with a partner and then .^S Jj^ib^ySpA jl I Ij jl^gl&iJ^s-the class. aSjJ p& 3 iS^p.............jl 3 ..........iS ^j| p& -4^fjjj..........o'jV j^-jj ..............j& .^^jji-o .............3 JlJj p>jLs 4JL»-o ..............4j j^--j (^5^ ........................4j b L^-j^^- jjLtj l3o j^-^* b5jj» ^Vl Jj+j;............. 3 ........(^Iaj^-*-J b^l fc^i^ÄJ..........45"..........^jLäJuo^I ^jljj| c_fiJlÄO (^Lä^jLi^oj^--j jl ^jljfy> .LäJjI ^jloA-o^l ^jloJkJj JJ-L.............^ .............l£^3JjI 3 C^a^^ J3 3J 3. Your instructor will divide the class into two groups. The students in Group One are looking for a new roommate and the students in Group Two are looking for a new room.After preparing according to the instructions below, the students in Group One will interview the candidates in Group Two to see if they are a good match. O3J.5" (^l&JÄJLjb .JLLS'^-O ^-i-.....J?J Ö3j5* 3*} 4j Ij ^yJ^S *}ll_«j| X JLo*} 4j 3*} °3J^" 3-^tob 3 Ju*}j5"^o ^^L^^Ji JLjki 4j t^j-oL (^La^J-ojJIj3^L«j^ 4j 4_>>3J l> .Ju*}j5"^o (^JuJc> 4jL_>' Lj jlllS'^-o 4_*^Las 3^ a3j^ ^jL^^LfliLo L ö3j5* ^jL^AJb .JILLS' Il\_o ^jJlJj 4iL>^Ji (^IjJ Ij Jjj (J^>- (olj^-^) ,vjj (toilj^-^o .yy (»laJoJo Xf JLojL .ya > .y? LjjJ^i .yy SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD .... 'pl^s«» '(t-"-»-o AT .... i(^ÄJ>jL j J^a . . . i|o5o 3 jJs ■ • 'fS^ 3 j'j-* 'fO^A 3 j'j* AY A<\ V3^ * Y aiy .1 •? c*Joj .^ * A \\ \ _ii .m c>^Jj> Y • .?T .?Y 4ä^J .PA |Oii.PA by ibjä (j^J b^s .Y • .VI «lM .YY ^.b .dU- .YY i4_Lc .VT (_sj l»ii4JL>jjIj .Yö t^ÄÄj-^. >YP ^by^-o <4JL>ji^-o .YY .YA Jw3 aJsjL^s- .A ^ jukiL .AY ^ujs^j^j^i ,AY A^sC^La» .AT .Aö jLidJ .AP jl^> .AY i^o 3 <^-"~H s J-iulj J jljA.... j jlja 3 jlja .AA ... 4jL^>,jl^a» ,y ,jyt, .A^ ■ • ■ 'ö3^^-° t- 3 oLtcJJ '03^^ 3^ 'o^^i-0 A ^ 'fj'-vf 'i°3^ 'P^ 'Jä' PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY AX • ijrfS^Č- .\X\ i—^J^p^-AXX .\xx >oi AX f jiA .\x& S\SyL± AX? Juai- AX A <*-5"!-L^ jj . ^ T * JTI AfX cJAj AfX (j^-jj^j . ^ A X ^] «j^ .^r j3j3i- A&f tjiš'bJi Abb ^^Jisxj A £$? cio L A&y la^al AfX (f'^Lr* (^l^er« ^ (^lt0 čj-t-') ^^lt* SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 3_l_Vocabularyl (jL"-ft5") jL".....!^ 1 have come, to come Konkur (University entrance exam in Iran) so that 1 can go (fjj iS) w iS X to get ready, 1 get ready, to get ready /jJlJj O^Lol c(^_Jj^»0 O^Lol) |ft^*li^-0 o^Lol c(^_JL) o^Lol) o^Lol .Y although last year 1 was not accepted, 1 should be accepted /ffc-Jj jj^-^ ^i^) 4*2^ Jv^-^ *^ they think, to think she/he calls, to call [to call somebody] [jjj i_Stjj is*s Aj] jjj i_Stjj i(4jj^ ^Sj'j) ^'j^ ^Sjj asks, to ask [to ask somebody] 1 answer, to answer ^j^jb ^-jI^J^- <(|O^0 ^-jI^J^) ffcj2>*J^.O ^-jI^J^- . ^ ^ they would like me to study try, to try, I'll do my best otherwise other to rest birthday, birthday party party (^'3-«-^) t5JL»v • ^ A clothes 1 wear 1 should wear, 1 want to wear, 1 am wearing closet, dresser SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD favorite il^lc jj^o .YY it starts, to start 1 don't wear make up ready o^Lol X? 1 should go o-jL) j^^j-j AjL .yy late, it's late, I'm late öJlJj cöJlJj jJO tjJO .YA gift, to give a gift Jjolo 4.j Jl& <4.jJl3> .Yl story ^b-jb T* I'm sure she will like it (more colloquial) to give, they give [^ob ^^5* 4_, (5j^>] ^a>^ TY appropriate tw^-wjL-o TA immigration overcoat worn by women in Iran ^Ubo .^f * pants, jeans green, dark green ö j^-wj tj_i»vj .^Y headscarf .ft white shoes socks i-j|j^> .f ? backpack .f Y 4 pairs cJ^ ^ .f A PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY to put, 1 put (jöjlÄ^o) pjÄf^a doll to bring, 1 bring, to bring something to somewhere 6^3' uiW" *i b iS}**? '(fjW*) i°j3'ls- '6^3' s/he wanted to, he would like to cu^ol^-j^o ^j^J^ .AY to buy iV^lt0 'o1^^ ^Y eye s/he falls, to fall jj^hil c(4^il^o) .iiil^o .&& to snow, It snows (^Uo...) Jol^o ^ijj '(^-s-ojl •••) Jj-s-oi ^ijJ .0? school, schools ^j^ijIa.0 t4*ojJ^ .AY problem, problems Oj3^£> 4j (j-jj^ (^Laojl^ 4j J^^jj-o (^La4.Loj> ^ A^A*^> & JjJjxj JuJLo (.^^s jjjli jjjl j^j ^i p-t^S^s* c^sx^o ^3 Underline any words or structures that are different in the spoken form .j^aSL Jos- o^U^ .•Sjj^Sj *jL ^.a lj Ju Jc> ^Laojl^ ^jLii5" ^J^li c^jI j-j^j o^*i 'f^-^es"0 ^^l"*5--^! l^j^-*-^" t^j^^1 jl ^-Lcl 3_l_Vocabulary2 shahs ava r i i atwood What is your favorite color? I should go now! Otherwise I will be late. She says that she has thirty pairs of shoes! In my opinion, this is not an important issue. Although the sea is right beside the house, she does not know how to swim. His most important problem is that his son's school is very far from the house. oLc^l I J <*ibU ................................. 4j J (j- .C*-vjl ................................ |ö|^H_JLj 4.1^5* ,y Ju«5" j^i j^.ju5" 45" .................................... ^jJ-o-La-o .V •|*3Jur* c5J'-a^e ^..................................lS^J^j ^3-cUt-° .f jb................................... J^5" ^5o ffriljl ............................... L^^c^W^ '"^(>5^'"«-^-0 V^-o-JW ............................................jöjJ^j .Y .j^jb iyi^> jl^Li lj.................................A ............ Jwo5* L Ij ffrjL^jLlS* V^-oJt-o <4_jL>- .c-_wjI............................. |öloJk-_*li^j jjVI 45* ^wjLJ . ^ * ............................... CvJ^ii Ij Jk-fciLvJ i_5s.jJ . \ \ .i-ijj5*^o ^5"jJj....................................j£ pSij^yj ^jbLwj^j . ^ y .c-_ujI..............................pj^Lo ^aJ^^Ic ^j3-o (^lAji . W .CuJ ......................... flai^ öjy> (j\ jki . ^ f .|öj^tJ ......................................... £0*-^^ Crf-*jl ^j^o I^JÄ ^ Jul^.0 l£*^3 ■ ^ ^ .......................... 4j V^-«Jt-o (jjLJ ^jJuj,^- (^IjJ . ^ ^ .^.^5*^-0 Ca^IjiILwjI....................................l^^J3j V^-«jt-o.^Y .................................. ^£4JI_Jjj ^ILltb O-vJqJ 4_01w_oJS . ^A .ftoJLwb 1—^_wj^j,£ ................................f^.^ ^ .C*-i»ol ^L^ii jJ^j (^Ij-J ^--«jLl« ^4jiAä ........................................y * .................................. £*&2 X \ .j^jj^g-o 1—Xjj ................................... 4j 4JLflJb j.Ä .yy .c*j (actor) j&jl.............................d£ jS3 ^ .XX .Ct*j ..........................^AS^Ac ^j3-o ^-5oj .yt ..................................... ^j_*»JoLo (^Ij-i j-w-j 1—Xjj Jj-o jiaj 4_> .ya 109 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY (J-olS" ^ V jjlf3I3 jl oíUi*jI L lj j ,_5La4.Loj> ............................... (flower) Jľ y 4j cjjJ^j j3j .jjb <ü}U ý c^L-j -V jVI ..sjj..................................^(_jjo jj lj pl^s^jjj (ji^S" .T ■•^ tť0............................Vj-»j^ !«jäI^š- '(vííj^ ^jL*-^ *i t^-3? -t ■•ijb (^^jj3 (jžJt^*................................0^ f1>S>j>35' ^äI.P .jaS" ^j*-* jjiiLft^l^jL* 4j Ij ^jj^Jj..........................6^c ^ •^aj5"ts-»j 6* *í 'j o^y^ •^a'ľt0-'...............................6i' j' 3' '>?■ (»j'^Lr0^ .....................................-(S^*^> ij*> A •^j'«5 cs^j>> u?1-0................................^3^5^ r~i - ^' .........................................ó' íS°Pjô J3J •Ai'i -i**1^ v'i^ (»■''>'cs-0-1 6^" ^ ^ ...........................v,'3-*' j' ij-^ v-^1 ^ íů^JvvO'i'"*0 i01^ ls^3 ' ^ ^ 3I 4j ^j-^Lo k-SCj jj^iI^XJL^j \ A ó-^> (j^I^j 60^ ^ ^i^"(_5-° '"-.....a j'^3i '-V' .................................Lftt-jbS" ,_j3j jl .^f .Co^J ó^' p-ď^ť £3-^3-0 ^jjl OjLjj'i ........................................ ěX«j| (J^-jI tj-o (^L^JLa •lajuol^Ťu lj* 4jU**í>-...................................^p .........................Jí-^š U ijJljä- ..............................,_jlJLj jL^> j|. W .c^J..........................jjj^^j /jj|.*i A .............................. Ul*j| 4j Ij L»l_lll5' 4_oJS . "i I ...................................lj <-?jjjj^j JL-5- 3......................................f^j./íj'i'-0 *i '-^ ~Y' .|ô jjb^oj ,J3^S......................... (*-''3-'tí o^J*^ l"ki'"í '^^ Jjj> i^jl-w-j^O .V V ■ffrÄJo ............................. 4j> jftjb^^-oJ ............................. ("J*5^ LÍ'^j'-ÍJ^ LÍ^i^v" ^-^i '^^ .LS" 4? Cl 6i1 31 6i' ói^iH* -^^ ...................vp ...................YY ó'^ Lsk^ • .............4jjjb ^j-o 4j čucL«j |ôj^Lo .va ■ i-V-'J-t^Jb jji ^Lä^^Í) ^■^-■■toi-V-'-oJ jjj ^r>l i o jtj ^j'^jl ................................... 6J^^J ^ .C^l JI3-0 Aj .............................r • s h ah s ava r i i atwood !^J_w5" /jJJ-«J* Ij L&Ojl^ J^-oJj ^ JwwjT' ^j^5" j^^S t_Jjl-9 4j Ojlj^J .Jwu^j^-o 3_l_Vocabulary3 snow, snowy : .j^, it SnOWS : Ju l^-o lJjj One-piece veil and :4_«_üLo neck covering jl^J-Jj 2 *—'^ ^b jtjj 'i ^ ' ^ fc'i ^ '^c o^j-5* v jj_ij,^5" J ^ .......... ^ ....... Lä^LLw^jL . ^..Jj^j ......... ^ ......... ^ ......... ^....... L&^jLLv^oj V^-«Jt-o Jj-o - 'J3J Cfi] cr° " 3..........P^Jls*0 °l-^*^-|b dj ^^Sj *f*"""'3iLS"0.........3............3.........3........... 4jL^j^ - •••q.............i............. i..........°)VI " PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 3_l_Vocabulary4 (jpw blue ^1 -Y brown tslo^s .A red >ji orange yellow purple Y color, colored, colorful dark oj-J .Y light rainbow pink black In Persian we say ^j^-^n j^i-^ ^1_J if we want to say, "I am wearing white" in English. In other words, we use present perfect in Persian, while we use present progressive in English. You will learn how to use present perfect later in this unit, but for now just learn how to say, "I am wearing," and "you are wearing." The following sentences are in spoken form. Listen to the audio file to learn how to say plej-—^ and ^s^-^^ in spoken form. 3_l_Vocabulary5 :JLU Lol 'j^jl^ Cj3~v iö^0i^~^'3i o-**?" :j-^L«j - ol-Lo (^loJk_i-*li^j 45" ^«jLJ :|ju - .^jjj L*j t4j3^ ^IoJla-Jj^j 4j> jjb :|ju - .|öIoJl*_^3^j Ij p^sS" J3-a Lol ijjcLwj - I .Write a few sentences about what you are wearing now. Make sure that you are able to talk about "what I am wearing" fluently. You will talk about it in the class activities. 2. Bring in a number of ordinary objects found around your home, e.g. a book, a vase, a box, a jar, a decoration, etc., for the in-class activity on the next page. t^^Z" 'Aj|oJk_i-*li^j 4_>- A^j ^5o / jj-^lj 4_> J*-ol^-j t-J\j cL>j,.o 4_JL<«Jj t4_o t/j|j*.i5" tiwjLlS" ^jLS-o ^J^-«-3t-o ^^^-^ *^ 4^> J.Ä L> jj 4.L^j^ SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD In groups of two, you will talkabout somebody in class (what she/he is wearing) and your classmate will guess who are talking about. He/She is wearing (oj^i^j) c*J o^^y > (c^>l .j™jj-j ljL"l(_s^jjlS'(>ö jl jLj ^j-jjli tjl&jyZS (o-^-jj (^ojLjj .v ..............— ?^jb ^ijj jj^>" ^jl-"-......C>L* ^.^jj ........ .^jI lX*^3 °^s"""'3i j*j^ V^J3""?" ........ -^jj o'^S' ^ oJv_*_Jj^j ^j| ^jj&lj.-u ^j^l At home, find two ordinary objects to bring to class tomorrow, for example a book, a pen, etc. Make sure .that you are able to describe the objects in Persian In class, you will work in two teams. The instructor will call on one student to show his or her first object and establish what it is,for example, a pen. The member of the other team must add an adjective, for example, a small pen. Your team must add a new adjective (and place it in the correct order), for example, a small red pen. The teams take turn adding adjectives until a team does not place an adjective correctly or fails to add a new adjective to the description. The winning team gets one pointfor each adjective in the final description. Continue for each item. t-J\j tLij-o 4_JL<«Jj c4_o t^jljJo"" t^—jLlS" ^J^-«ovo £(^£> ^j^iS* 4j J^jS^a Ijoo (jLjlJIjo 45* 4.:> jJb L c^J-o jj 4.L_«j^ L_fi-*-^aj' ^wJjLä 4j |j s.L«Jj| Jjjl J-olyLi JoL . Joj^Lo lj Lä^jx^oIo jl ^j'j 'jL-vJ .ojlo fft.^j 30 4j jLj iSJ^"1 ~O*0^"^" J1^ JuSo ^jLjto ^0*^15" 4j ooj^l 4.5" lj ^JL-Jj JoL ^jLjtol ^ Ju5"^.o |juö :Jo^5"^o tooj^l (^jl5*o^>- j,5"l "^JjLo .C--«--j> v^-^j JjjI Jo^5o ^ ^llo töuS^-o 4JLo| - .^^^>^S* jLS"^^>- i——jL-o (^L*" j*J Ij C-JLö JjjI 3 JoljiLo djjL-C Jjjl 4j jXjo* C-JLö ^^jli^s Co^J 4j Lä|U_o «.i-Jnj>^5* j-oji jLS*^^> »-So» "^JjLo tJoS^ jlji j^J Ij JuljZLJ L L (^jL .^j^S^o jl-^-«l ^-So 0J0I1 4JL*il J^l (^öjl^ 4j 4.5* ^su& .JoLS*^^ |juo Jo J\j> Ojl^ jjuo (.Oj.Jj^-0 Ij (^jL Oj.5* IJOO Ij oljÜ /ojS 4-«Jb j| j-J^^j ^jaaS" jÄ) ... 45" Jo-LS* |joO Ij f^LsSI^jS^S jO .6 ............................ Jojlo* / öjlti öL_mJ 4jj,5" ............................ j0i0j0—^i^j /oJow^l^j Joo3-wJ ............................ JojI^j /ojlo* ^^ptJjL t-fl-5* ............................ 0j-w-j ^^äLj I / ^jijLj I 1—XJj ............................ Jo'jlo /ojlo C-J>lj (^lo^5 4.j ............................ Jd_vj^j^»o / 4.^i^j Cy^^J 1—^Jj ^Lä^jaiU 4.^_i-oJÄ ............................ Jojlo* / öjl^i ^Sij^o O^S 2 JLli 4iL> j^j PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 1. How many pairs of jeans, shoes, and sandals they own. 2. What colors they like/don't like to wear. 3. Who their favorite author is. 4. What their favorite subject is. 5. What they gave to their friend for his/her birthday. 6. What presents they usually give to their family members for their birthdays. 7. If they have a car. What color is it? 8. What is one important subject they are thinking about these days. 9. What is their opinion about their last Persian exam. 10. Who calls them every day. I I .Who is important to them. 12. What actress, in their opinion, wears too much (^Lj) make up. 13. What their opinion is about having an entrance exam for US universities. 14. If they are going to rest this weekend. 15. Where they usually put their bag when they get home from work. 16. If they played with dolls when they were a child. 17. What they usually bring to a party. 18. When they were a child, what they really wanted to do. I .When their birthday is. 2. If they like birthday parties. 3. Describe a memorable birthday party. 4. What their favorite color is. 5. Who their favorite singer (ojjl;!^) is. 6. What they gave to their siblings for their birthday. 7. What presents they usually give to their friends for their birthday. 8. How many backpacks they have.What colors are they? 9. What they think they should wear to school. 10. What their opinion is about going to Tajikistan in the summer. I I. If they like Chinese food (ask in a more informal way). 12. when was the last time they rested. 13. Who they call everyday. 14. If there is anything important that they would like to talk about with their parents. 15. If they like brown eyes or blue eyes better. 16. Describe a time when they fell down. 17. What problems do they have in life these days. 18. If they like buying new things. SHAHS AV A R I I ATWOOD 3 2 Video I ^t^jL jJ j (^lÄ^j^-vJjJ 4.J ^ Ij ^ jfrJLJ .JÜl ?JuI^?tj ^^Jjjj JuL OjLl«j lj:> .P 4.:> Jl&I^-^tt .A B. Watch the video one more time and write down the information that was not covered by your answers to the questions above. C. Find Setare's hometown on the map and answer the following questions: i 3 I j V ^.Li . ^jiojJ^J j^j J3J-°I ^5* L&j Cowjqo rtj.^j| .V ?jjb ^jU^IJ 4j> 3I h D. Imagine that you are in Samaneh's birthday party, and talk about what you see: tits- ^j| / ?JkJ_vjj^.o ^^5* / ?JuloJk_wli^j 4j> I E. Ask your classmate what their opinion is about this class. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 3_3_Listeningl YA VY VP _Yf _VY .^jb JSJ^a (had worn : oj^^j) .c~J 3 3 Listeni ng2 O 3_3_Listening3 .Jl*A*j ^jI^J^ jjj CjVI^ 4j 3 Jl^j" ^jjS" ^gjys ^J-1^ -V (jJl 4.:> C--wjI^>^o L&j j^j-i^ (v 3. Write an appropriate question for each answer you hear. There might be more than one question for each sentence. You only have to write one. SHAHS AVA R I i ATWOOD ?^jb jl5" ^j'j-^; U -V ., ... A e, -^Ji IJ Kj' »^(jäJ Ij (^Läo^I^ 4j> .V i—£j^jj iwjLli^iLS" jl JaÄS .^j^>-^-oJ 4.JLäi-i^3 V^-«Jt-o ^1 •^3j(-5-0 oL^JLjb 4j ^ ^^*li^-o j|jk_o j|^>- jl ^ CUcLvj ^t-*-^' j^j t—SJjJ^j •^3ji^_° olXJLjb 4j o^Lo V^-«j«_o .xjS^5"juj oLXJLib i—£j^j.J jL-«*j t|öjL^j> ^ cUj-w-u jLjL.-_>■ j^ ^\ .^j^S^o ö^^s olX^Lib jL^j> Lj 4_vj ^ ^J^-0 ^-jL^-iwjLlS" 4j ^_wjj1_9 jA5* jl Juu .C^-wjI ^LLvjI jL_JL«j^ (-s"mJJ^_^ o*0*^_^* J1^ ^-^-^^^H ^ 4-*-*-**)^ (^LjÄ^*_^3 V^-«Jt-o t-Xjj,^j .Jul^>-^o {jtJj'S (,5-«*^* i-^JLi 3 ^j3^"ls*° I (_£^-> Lj eUcLwJ V^-«Jt-o .Jul^>-^-o ^jj^i eUcL,wJ L^j I ^ ükwuj O^jj^ J-"^ 3^ .A-LLS"^-o ^j^jj^ 3 "^^Jls*0 °LXJujb oL^-JjLj 4_> Jk_ui_vj jCJLvj^ii L> 4_^_Lvj^läj ^ 4_JLvj^ii ^.jlJj^ ^L&u-*-^» ^1 .xjS^jjj-öü ^jli-wj^-o La>4_^jl^> ^ lijb L.«JL.vj i^^^LS* 4_jlJj4_«j ^Läj^j .jj_lS"^^ c^j'-1 {_y^-*-*-> V^-«jt-o L&iwoli 4_*_2_JL> ^ 4_3c«j> £^JLJj O^J-^ 3 ^jb ^jjii ^1*^- 45" Jjjl L> Lol Jul^>-^»o ^jj^ ^ iw-t-wj| jb-o C^9^ j.j^ Lj 4_*_I_di Lj .JuIjJlS"^o eU9^ ^jXjLlLwJ^^ L ^ ^3j(,5-° (^J^-v" O^w^" ^ tJj|^J>^^j ^jjjjci V^-«Jt-o c 4_JLwj^ii 4_JLwj4_wj 4_JLwj ^ 4jcoJ>- 3_4_Readingl 1 J .a_*j_S" j.j lj j.jj J^Jc^- t,jj^-o oLcjlLsl i-SLsS* 4j .V 3. Fill out ^j'^ 's schedule below according to the text with as much information as you can. jj Ij ^y^> 3 isu-*^ lj wi^^- tJk-Jl^-^tj toL_Ulil 4. Listen to the audio file of the text a few times. Make sure that you can read this paragraph without any mistakes in pronunciation. You will be asked to read it aloud in class. IjloI^äj oLjlJjI ^j3*Ju Ij t^l kA-ol^j^-o tJulo^jS* ^jjj^j *^L-9 ^jy> .jLol^-ti ^üjlS- j^ jüJj Ij ^j-*-« ^5* Jl^I^-^^-o Lo-^i jl ^Ll«jI i^yf^S j»i PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY a Subjunctive 1. In the previous lesson, you learned how to say "She/he should write" in Persian.Write the sentence here: 2. This sentence consists of two words. Part of the second word in the sentence should look familiar to you. What do you recognize in this word? What looks different? Explain the parts of the word you do recognize. 3. j~>yu is an example of the subjunctive. In this case, the verb "to write" (^Liji) has been conjugated in the subjunctive for he/she/it.The subjunctive has a number of uses in Persian and we will be exploring some (but not all) of those uses in this lesson. For now, let's focus on how to form the subjunctive. As you probably noticed, the subjunctive consists of three parts and is formed using the present tense stem of a verb. We add to the beginning of the stem and add the personal verb endings after it. So the subjunctive conjugation usually follows this pattern: Personal Verb endings Present Tense Stem 4.Try to conjugate the following verbs for the indicated person. Listen to the audio file and check your answers. Then, translate the sentences. .......................................................... jlio ^j^oJb jo Ij JLiLjj*o JuL ) ^jJLjj^J .\ Check your answers! .................................................rAe h-° tr°y 6a' ^ o^A ^ >. ......................................................3I i bji b* I j ^JcS jjI Jul :(U-i) jjolo X 3_5_Grammarl ( ) ' ' x ' .. .T. . ^ ,V_ ....................................... oLX-jb 4j Juy> ^jjj ji U3J Job :(L^j|) J^ij .T ........................................................ 4j 4_i.*-i-oJ& jl jjo^j JuL j^j-ol ^^J") ^j^-0! *A .............................................................. Ij f^-^-° j^t^-i ^yi^ys JuL J^ulu .91 ........................................................................ Ij i-jhS" 6a' '^ ^ ^ 6Aj''3^" -Y .............................................................. Ij ^jOjJu c-*-JLol JuL J-o jlaj i :(^l) JJuu .A ................................................... ^JL> iJ-2> f^L^j^u jj^j (^IjJ JuL 1(^-0) jJUj^ . ^ ....................................................... ^—»1 Lo«Jj (^IjJ JuL .JuJL^dfc 4_L*tu 1(^-0) ^j^j^l * ..................................................................L> jj^-o-fis Ij L^jL^-T JuL :(LoJj) ^pJ^Y^S . \ \ ...............................................................^ji-aS" ,_53j JuL LsjI^Li jjI :(1^jI) jjiilisl Y SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Two Notes about Compound Verbs in the Subjunctive: I .When we conjugate compound verbs, we only alter the verbal component of the compound verb. So in the case of the subjunctive, we add to the actual verb (e.g., ^ta L ^ j.j ) and not to the other words in the compound verb. 2. When we form the subjunctive in written Persian, we often exclude the from compound verbs that use ^j5 and ^jJui. In spoken Persian, you will sometimes hear people use on these conjugations, but it is also correct in the spoken to leave it off. Both are acceptable in spoken Persian but in written Persian it is better form to exclude from compound verbs that use ^£ and ^jJui. Practice: In the subjunctive, try conjugating the following compound verbs in the written form (add Jul before each one): .Ju-lS- eX*^t*£3 6^>jju L JuL L««Jj:( L«-^i) ^j&jS c^?l<^ .\ .........................................L^j'l 4j juL tCjj-o) jjulu v'i^ ............................Ij \\f JuL L^j'I :(l^;l) jjjS" jL .y .............................. Ij l&ojl^ |»Uj JuL Lo :(Lo) jju^S" jl^So .f ...................k-S'j^j^j jo .Job : dJL>- jj) —^oljlJI :Y * ^jjj^xJ I. The subjunctive has a number of uses in Persian. In this lesson, we are going to focus on using it with the verbs JjL and ^.t......This structure will allow us to express what we should/must do, what we want to do, and what we are able to do. Now that you understand how to form the subjunctive, try using it in the following sentences. (o^jf isfj*-0).....................fJ'H 3 'j ly'^LS^0 • ^ (jJuol) ................. LS^P iP-J **■! ^P. '-ao' (jJu'l^i-) .................... i^P (frtJ'^tS- .eU-jl^cS" ^^jjli ^'>IS' (jj^u'lu)..............JuL UJj .A •(oJ^ (.Abi)....................^ o-^' ^' (o^''^ o*^)..................3 (ilrf;)....................■uUukS' 4.j JuI^^.* jl Juu .P PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 2. Now translate the sentences above into English. 3. Examine sentences 2,4, and 6.What do you notice about the verb jjj Does it conjugate normally? 4. jJb means "should" or "must" in Persian, and although it is technically a verb, we usually only use this one conjugation for all people.We use it with the subjunctive to express the things that we should or must do now or in the future. 5. Look carefully at the Persian sentences above.What do you notice about the sentence order? Where do jJb j^J^, and come in the sentence? What about the verb in the subjunctive? And everything else? 6. Read the following texts and underline all of the subjunctive forms and circle the reason for each. Ju C^wj^o \j LjUl t-5uj 1&4j>u \y> photostream/ C^aJ^O Ij Ljtjl l—**"->j LJlLL?C-0 libj^-JL5" jO J^lj^ol^jjajlo jwwX-O j^LCJ^j 45* Ajbj^JiS ^Juu jo .JJLj^^j ^jLL-jIo Libtjj-JK£ iS^j^ij^ At Home: use your knowledge of the subjunctive to write five sentences of your own. Use j^J^, jjL and ^-Jly at least twice, and try to create sentences that use at least three or four verbs, like sentences 4 and 6 of tamrin 20! Keep your sentences for class activity, and submit them at the end of the class. ^Lijy ^1*-^y% ^L (^IjlJI As>j 0jljj<5 ^j^u'l jl «4JL> jii «0^0'!^» ^ «lj^j|^>» i«JuL» jl ■'i^S ojliL-jl 4.Loj> £t_o jI^jI 4j Ij L^j'I t^i^S j^ 3 >^ijb ol£j (_j-o">LS' CuJL»i (_jl . Jl*J&*} Jj ^?tj SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD In Class: use your notes to ask your classmates if they can, should, or want to do the same things as you do. At home, write a long paragraph (at least six sentences) about all of the things that you want to do and all of the things that you should do. Use at least six instances of the subjunctive with at least three different trigger words. In class, I .Your instructor will collect your paragraph. Work in small groups and talk about your wants and your obligations, focusing in particular on the subjunctive. 2.Your instructor will pick one person's paragraph and someone other than the person who wrote it should present it to the rest of the class, who must guess whose it is. At home, Write the subjunctive form of each verb for the person in the parenthesis in the left columns. Then, listen to the audio file and check your answers. Make sure you learn how to say the subjunctive form for each verb and how to pronounce every verb and its subjunctive form. You will need to use them in the class activity. ^jb"^S^S jl j Ju-wS' ool_fll_«j| ^jlj^bfceXJjboL jl t^j^S" jo Jub—T ^i\jbj\S •SJJbly^-^a L j JuL tJJol^j^-o L I 4.5" Ju_«jj^j .JuJfcO i^LtuI JuJfcl y>-^a L ^ JuL < Juul^j^.0 pjb Lo-Jj jj^i^j" j dJL> jo — ^oljCJI :YY JuL ^jLjJJj .Ju-**u ^j_> jk_oÄji j^LäjI JuL 3 j\_oäI^>-^-o 3 ^jJLvjI^^ 3 JuL öjl^ 4_wj jJb ^_SLo5" l ^-olj."".!! 4j>^ jl Jli-o (^l&o^jS" J.S* Jl&I^js- £-«^> Ju|4JL1i^j 4.5* Ij ^A&i^Lq ^Ll«jI A c^s^s (jLjL^jLIi^ 3 L&4JLvjI^> Ojljj'i ^Lj^La^—jji5*^ja L 4j>3 jl o^Lfl**_«j| jj 3 J^lS* ^j^jx^ub 3 JulS*^^ iwjL?t*ul Ij ^jL^ä^Jlii jl j^^-1 (jj-**-0 '"jLLwjI .V L&^JxJLjb 3 Jul^>-^-o ^jAijAS* (jjljJ 4JI_**u^j Ij -0 45* ^j^JxJtüb j.J> 4JI_wJ aj 4.r, Jw> JuL (j*i^l5' 3 dJL> jo — ^oljCJI :YY JjLlo }^>Js jJ Ij jJJ Jbjl jl fljlS"> ^Ijlll (JSwil i4JL> jii tjLj(^la^j|^>' ^ Ju-lS* ^j^S" ^ ya Juli 4j ^j^^j.<_\_._.....j j_u jl uL Ij ^IjuT ja ^Ijill 4j>3 ^ JLnil jjjI JüL" JuL .Ju-lS" j^j^ Ij .ujS" JuJilp- oulib^l JLtil JjI jl LS^j'>lS' CuJlxi jU .JujjJO 3 5 Grammar3 J c (1^1) ö^jl.U (i>^) 0^ v'^" dy) 0^ (Lo-i) jub .Y (l^j'l) jjui ouUl .Y (Lo-ö) J_*-ö^J . ^ f (^1) JJuli jIJuu .T (bjjl) jju—~JjJ A ( 3I ) cP-^V (y) Jj|j AjJJS (U) Jujf j$3 .? (l^i) jujS" S (U-i) jjujji- A A (y) jujf Ju'j .A (LjJl) .n (3I) 6übJI .Y- (3I) JJuu • J PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY In class, work in groups of three. The first student will start with the verb in the first column. The second must add "to want," "should," or "to be able" and then conjugate the verb that the first student said. The third student must take the second student's sentence and add a direct or indirect object so that the sentence is longer. Then the third student will pick one of the verbs from the chart on the previous page and start the chain again. This time, the first student will add "to want," "should," or "to be able," and the second student will add additional information to make the sentence longer. b .jjS, ^ Cowjlj lU^wJ J^l ^j^ILvJ J1^ J"*"^ Cj^^ Ij 3 <«JuL» (J*3 jl J_J JuL f^O oJuol ^j^ILwj jo I JLS-o .Ju5* i-Sj^s Ij JLjtil ^ JuljiLj jjjkjjj Ij I 'j*^ (-^3^t^J b 4.Lj> t«JuL^ t^^jJLwjl^^-^ J^l ^^jx^Ljb .Jk_LS"^-0 ^3J-^ OjL^O Ij Oj^JXJj 1^ Ij «l\^j|3J-» 3 V (^^jjt*iJb Y (^^jjt*iJb .jwjjT jbw-jl L) Job Lo-o .JwJ-5' Job L3-0 .jjjLo 4jL>.Tjb5' 4j bji jjjI^j^^-o L^jI .Jj|jo Ij JI3—> ^jjI <—»l^> 'j-^l^^'^g-0 3I .JJIJo JJb|^^-^-o ^1 (3D I. You and a partner will each be assigned one of the sets of sentences below. These sentences represent problems that you currently have. You will read off your complaints to your partner and he or she will offer advice. .jftjlju ^jtJ^S 0JL0I *=L"-ft& .|ft|4_L«jj5" .C^«jI fj-S" I^A .k^^Jj ^^J^ j%->£ OlCLwJ ^.J-^d •^W" («^3^ iA* iS^' 3 LSJ'rJ jl .Ojlju t«J\_wJ^j£ oLC^jb oL\Jj^ji jA5" j—1 4..JL<~«jb jjj (^La4.L«j> jl 4.h_«jo ^jLj*t^&^jS3 Lo»Jj jl i^IjlS" 4.j 45* Ju-fco^-o ^jLu Ij ^jjA^CjLo La>4.L>j> .JlJj Jlc>I^> 00b JuL L«-*li .Joj5"^-o i^jJ ^—t5-*^ 3 ^jl L j*iL>- j^ L«-*li 1__owwo 4j Ju5"^^ (^^j1-^ 1"«-^ (-5^3j,^"f^"^ 3 JojI ^?tj JuJj I j 4.L«j> jji .JlOio 4j|j| Cj^SJ^js £3j (^1 jj ^ol^j-JLo .CU«j| J_JajJ bji ^-mjI j^S" ^LjioLX^Jb jujiL^j jl oLC^ob Jul —J o^jLwo ^Ijj jftlJ ^.iS-^ j5^S .o^*li^-o ^3j-^ jX-i'i CUcLwJ (^Juu ^0*^15" .|»j|ju j\^.Lt> SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD X a?J* 2.Translate the sentences below into English and then take turns coming up with new sentences that use the underlined word and the subjunctive. ^jLaojl^ jl o^LflH_«j| L Co^J Aj y^^j tJv^j.S' a^s>jj ^^]Sj\ .AJlJ(^oJ - ^^j 4j> y^)S 4.j 6^JJ" (jT^ ^jlXC^j^ii (^k^ ^ c^olS" (»j3> ,_jljj 3 JLül ^-(^ Ij jSj a£j t_f UjI AX .Ju'jlJcf^-o •Ch-^J u^-mjLLo (^l^a (^1 j-j (^-^jj^ • ^ ^ .jj-iL^jb |ä|^^_^j4J^S* j^j i^jLat-jLiS'. ^ A .|öj|jo C*-9^ o^^" 'ffr-:-^*l5-«-J C-J>IjIL«jI jö|4JLw^> 4.5* (JjjI Lj A^ ^LT5"tS"° P (** iS^JjJ -y 'f^^jli^-o jlJ^*j JC_>- iCC-LwJ L&4_JLJji»J\j t4._JLJj .v ^kijlki jl^o d->^j^o Oj^ljJ JuI^j^-oJ OjJu .^f ■fjk ^iSj^ J^ß 'j (frfp- ^ ?^j* ^jjjj ^äI^^ j5jJ .Y .C^-wjI ^jtJj^I^j ^.Joluj toj^-o Jjjl j^j ^JjIHj ^jjjIL^j .A TTII I 11 llxL ^5 123 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY S55 Culture: What do people wear? ji "I arrived in Iran in a loose-fitting shalvar kameez (long roomy tunic and pants) only to find myself hideously outclassed by the Iranian women who dress with a great sense of style. Modern Iranian women dress a lot like modern American women, with one important difference. In public, they must always wear a long coat over their regular clothes and are required to cover their heads with a scarf. It is the law.The coat and scarf need not be black—the more adventurous fashion plates wear muted greens and beiges and even earthy reds.Their coat buttons can be decorative and it is perfectly acceptable for women to allow wisps of hair to frame their faces. Many females carry briefcases to and from work as they click down the sidewalks in high heels." Research online and find out what is not acceptable to wear when you are on the street in Iran. SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Past Progressive ^jljjjJLwjI äjJisJS :Y j$i*oi I. Read the following sentences: •P^Ais* LS^J JJ ^ LS^3 •f^Ji-S^ LS-^i"1^ O*1'^' ^ ^■■"i4-^' cS^Jij J'-^'j'-i 3 6 Grammar I These sentences feature a new verb tense (^Jj^s—J but luckily it is formed using pieces that you know so you should recognize the verb. Do you think this new tense is a past tense or a present tense? How do you know? What words in the sentence indicate this? 2.You already know the simple past, which describes actions that took place in the past one time, like in the examples below: 3 6 Grammar2 o However, iSj\r^1\ n^jf is used in a different way. Read the first set of examples again.What do you notice about the period of time in which the action of the verb takes place? Is the action happening in a single instance or over a period of time? How do you know? 3. Based on the information above, can you describe when we use ^U^—J t^j^lf in Persian? Be sure to check your answer with your instructor and classmates in class. 4. Look at the two examples below and explain why simple past (0,>L, 4^i3J ) is used in the first sentence while ^Jj.o^J azJjjS is used in the second. 3_6_Grammar3 -(^Jur0 ulrt' o^^j^ jj lSj^ ^ 'f-^Lr0 ulrt' ^ ls^3 5. To review, circle the correct word in the parenthesis: iSj\r^1\ 4^i3J is a (past / present) tense that describes either actions that took place (over a period of time / in one instance) or (habitual / single) actions. Formi 6. Examine the sentence below carefully and underline the two examples of: iSj\r^1\ n^if 7. This verb tense is formed using familiar pieces.What do you recognize in the verb? PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 8. iSj\r^1\ n^if is formed simply by adding ^ to the simple past tense form that you already know. To help you visualize the form, fill out the diagram below with the proper information: 9. Apply this information by filling out the chart below. Check your answers with your instructor. Don't forget what is special about the third-person singular 3\ in the simple past! 10. Read the two sentences below : 3 6 Grammar4 o c f**^ ls-0 l>° u J .•Sjj^-^a |ftl_Jj 4.J OlcL«j V^-«-x-o 3 ^b^o i^j^ ^-&Jb OlcL«j Lj 4_^_JjjL^> ^\jbjjj pJZ^>j£ JL-jjL Which sentence has a verb that is pronounced /mi-khorad / and which sentence has a verb pronounced /mi-khord/? How do you know? Negating iSj\r^1\ 4^i3J I I. The sentence below includes the ^Jj^lJ 4^i3J in the negated form. 3 6 Grammar5 -Lj jl Aaj JoJ^j 4j?cj What do you notice about how we negate this verb tense? It is similar to the negation of which other verb tense? 12. Fill out the chart below using the negated conjugation of iSj\r^1\ 4^i3J. r u jo j j5*^£_oJ +yf ........................................ o*/ + f -Y ....................................... ^jJujI^^- + .A 14. Fill in the blanks using the indicated verb conjugated in either the simple past tense or the ^l^^iJ Then explain in detail why you chose that tense. . {J^'jj^}..............L ^ (^I9j)..............oI^JjL 4j 4_*j_kli4_«j (^Laj^j J^J^i o"0 *^ ^.3j,"^> 3^ cucLmj ^jLo^jjAS" I (^4JL£L& (eUis").............jLo^LiLwjl j^j-1^ -V .(^jui)............n^jta ■io^J^ U~i'j') .............. J3J j"* |*->L^jj.S jl ^^So ftri^y jjLl-Jj^ LS-^i .jloI^^-.oJ jVI Lol jlllS" jLS" i_jLi ^ilS" jj (^i^j'l^j)..............njii^S j± l^jl .A ts-o^ (ij^l^)................o*T (o^5" ls^j)..............^o' -(o^')................oU' j' J^j^i 0-° 15. Listen to the audio file.You will hear 6 sentences. Write the translation of the sentences you hear in the appropriate column. Write the sentences which have J*i ^Jj^lJ 4^i3J in the right column, and the ones with azJjjS in the left. 3 6 Grammar7 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 16. Read the English sentences below and write the closest Persian equivalent that you can think of. 1. Last year in history class, our professor would ask a question in the beginning of the class every day. 2. When I was a child, I would arrive to school late every day. 3. When we would go to Iran, my little sister didn't want to wear her headscarf. 4. Some of the people who were at the party used to live in Tehran but immigrated to California last year. 5. Last year my favorite class would start at W • and we would always talk about interesting topics. Note: The third-person singular conjugation for iSj\r^1\ i^JS of the verb y^ 's written the same as the third-person singular conjugation forJL* ^Lj (simple present tense). However, it is pronounced differently 3_6_Grammar8 ^is-J1* ok iZJ^'^S :YV ^j^J !what a good time - l^J- &i jab .) .................................................................................. ^5 Your teacher will give you sheets of paper with the j' H^5" j* <-S3j ^ l~i> ^LaJxlS" 45J jL'ubbJ sentences from a short story. The sentences are out ^ l Lj>4.Lo> .c^J oJui, ibi,y rj ^UaJL* jl ^ lv1 of order, and you must work with your partner to put them in the correct order. ^3oowT 4j JuL Lo«Jj . J»-'-"-.....-ij c-^jjj 4j Lol iJulolj^j" ^jLl^jIu ^Slj .jubbT yj^j Ij L^jI tjLj(^«j,^lS'^jÄ .C^Sj ^j^j-o (jL*l jl 3 JuJj ^gjl ; i^C tj^Jj^oJ l_9 jJ> Jjj dj"" joLo A OJUO Ij jJkJ j^l&^jlo C^hS .Julo^O Ij ioJb C^SlS .Y • jtK-9j ^j-ooJLi Jjbi 4j ^jiJLjo 4j 3 |OojS" .Y ?Jyjj5'LS^J ^yo 4j 45" Juolo^^o 4j> Lo_i ?CU~J j-p" Aj> Lij^j ^jjl ?4JJ9j L^S" c>jJu .f .Julju (^j_*j> joLo C^J^^-^-oJ |°jbu ls^.?"^' f&'^-'^t^s-0^ A .^joj i_9ji* 4j oj5" £jj-i 3 -bus I (jljl Aj (_jL>- jjl^J t_5o L joLo - .^!l_fl5'^-ou 3 ^St^^-toj^ 3 ^t^jit^0 -bud^ou olj^S' joLo Lol .V Twins: Walk around the room and find two students ^SL UJb jUj ^ jb iS juji" Ijuu Ij who were doing exactly the same thing as you were ,.•„ . 1 - 1 ,-»1 . .1 . 1 1 » ..1 v <- 1 i<- o / O / obbbl^Jl ,_JjIj-o^jI 4_™>JG jjLoj jl Jub L&*j .Julouj-> Ij J^j doing at exactly the same time. You should use the past progressive to ask questions like the example below: :Jk_bb_0 Ij jjj jJLwO .ju-bT ?JuUj5"^-0 J^^?" 2"^' Ofbo j^jJU — SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Khayyam, if thou art drunk with wine, be glad! If seated next to one with tulip cheeks, be glad! Since the world's work has no hereafter, think then Though mightiest not be—but since thou art, be glad! Omar khayyam Translated by Edward Fitzgerald 4j JloI^j^o aS I^ljI Lj .....j j-o ^ojIjlJjI Lj 3 3I OjLj*} ^Jtll^ .....j ^«jjLi At home, do research on Omar Khayyam and write three facts about him and/or his poetry.Try to write as much as you can in Persian. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 4jL>- 5 ^jS^S j£ :YA ^jjj^J jjj j tJk_JLS" ^o^5" (^jj-^j J-1^ ^ ^jLjJibLwjl 4j t^oblS" jii Ij j*j$> f^+JSj ^jiA-o ,j^--«J -^-^J ****** I j jjut) ^\ jl Juu Jk_JLS" j^-Awj ^ Jk_JLS" ^o^5" 4_> j,Xj3 jL At Home: I. review the chart below, compare the sentences in ^bjf and ^b-iy and underline the words that are different. 3_8_SpokenWritten I t^jbJijj .L«j_^«j |»jj ^j^iLaL 3 ffc-^j ^^Jj o*^V a-'Li .^yS c^sx^o oL&L 45" (>So j3^j pl^^ •4-JJur°-; ^.P" f^- ^<-SAi uHi cr'i-'ur0 2. Listen to the audio file and learn to say the following phrases. 3_8_SpokenWritten 2 Lo L 3I L Lo dj (H i>° Lo«Jj 4j 3J 4j 1^:1 4j 3I dj 3. Review the chart below, compare the sentences in goftaari and neveshtaari and underline the words that are different. Listen to the audio file and check your answers. 3_8_SpokenWritten 3 .|»j|jo c--wj^3 o3^.o ffc-^-j 4.5* .|»j|jo c--wj^3 JJiJi^-o Jj-o 4j 45* lj (^jI^jL-j .4_ijj t-9Ju_L |aLaL JoLi i-Sj^- jjJj jj-o L> J0L0 SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD In Class: Take turns and tell your classmates the following sentences in ^pj£ -You have a friend who came to Austin (or the city you live in now) last night, and you will call him tonight. -Your mother called you yesterday, after a week, and you will call her tonight and tell her that you will call her every day from now on (a*j ^ aJ jl). -Your friend sent his best to them. -Your classmate doesn't have the Persian textbook and if they can give the textbook to her. At Home: I. Read the following examples and listen to the corresponding audio file. 3_8_SpokenWritten 4 .CUam-o j^-i_o 4_^ft5' j^_fi5" .C^—o A^o O—^" (o') l1»^ 3' What differences do you notice between the ^p^S and ^p^y sentences above? 2. You'll notice that 4_ has been added to several words in the ^pJS section.What role does this 4_ play in ^jhjf? How do you think the sentences would be different without the 4_ ? 3. Write three sentences in ^pJS, in which you use the 4_ like the examples above and translate them into English. .....j j-o u^_«jl_Lo j£ \j 0VI3—j .Jl^wj •^-^^ {J**ß ^S*¥^ lJ-"1^ ^ 3_8_SpokenWritten 5 (^) .L> A-^oJS - ? ........................................................................................ - ) IJljjUjäj till - 1 ........................................................................................ -V SjÄ? J^ji- ,^t^- JLc - ?........................................................................................-V .(jioOjL^ jjjVI lOjl - ?........................................................................................ PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 3_8_SpokenWritten 6 í I Jl& 4_> Job L™^-o .V tJiL-oü ^)**-^j "^W*0 Lľ^ŕ '4XJj Jo i^- .J^wj^Jj ^jĽLĹo^ŕ ^-wJjLs 4j Ju^Jwli^-o lj dj> j.ä ^ Jl*J-5" (j^>jS" Ij (Jj--0 j--*^^1 J-i k-So S H AH S AVAR I I ATWOOD Present Perfect CiJUü &jj*jS :X I. Read the following sentences and translate them into English. .................................floj^ol ^1 j^i dj 45* ,JLj <»So ^Vl ..........................jolojojj Ij ^jljjjLo ^ jJo 45* jI oLo 3 9 Grammar I 2. You already know that the verb tense that is being used in the sentences above is similar to the English present perfect (I have come; she has lived; you have not seen).Take a moment and think about how we use this tense in English.What are you implying when you use it? 3. in Persian, we use (JJ& A^iJJ when we want to reference something that has happened in the past but is still relevant to the present conversation or discussion.As you can imagine, context is really important to determining when to use this tense and for understanding the nuance that it implies. In the space below, write in English three scenarios in which you might use this tense. Be sure to set up a context and explain why this tense is necessary. Read the following example: 1) If a friend and I are talking about how many books we have read this semester, I might say "I have read six books." This would demand the ^jz a^JjjS tense in Persian because, although I am talking about actions that have happened in the past, they still have bearing on our present conversation. 2)................................................................................................................. 3)................................................................................................................. 4)................................................................................................................. A Few Exceptions 4. Note that there are instances in which we use this verb tense in Persian when we wouldn't necessarily use it in English. The most notable examples involve three verbs that you already know. Look at the sample sentences below and translate them into English. 3 9 Grammar2 In Persian, we describe these states of being (wearing, sitting, and sleeping) using the J&> n^jf, even though we are talking about the present. Keep these exceptions in mind and be on the lookout for others as you continue to build your Persian vocabulary! PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Forming ajJjjS 5. Based on the information that you already know, use the space below to create a formula for forming A^iJJ ^iij. Look at page 95 in Volume I of Persian of Iran Today for a good model for visualizing verb conjugations.Try to use that model in your own formula. 6. Look at the sentences below, and listen to the audio file to determine how you form the negation of this verb tense. 3 9 Grammar3 Pronouncing ^jjtf AjJuJS'in spoken Persian 7. In spoken Persian, ^ i^JS sounds very similar to <=:>U A^iJJ or the simple past. Listen to the following examples below very carefully and try to determine the differences you hear between ^L-if and ^h-iy and between ojU azJ>jS and^isj azJ>jS . 3 9 Grammar4 .flops' ^jjj J^Ijj'j:] __________ ^jjj ji^- jo 8. Listen to the audio file again. Now record your own audio file and send it to your teacher.Try to copy the voice that you hear exactly. Pay special attention to where the words in the sentence are being stressed. 9. Now that you have heard examples and even tried recording them yourself, try to explain the difference you hear between <=:>L^ A^iJJ and the spoken form of ^jz a^jS. Be prepared to share your answers with your classmates. 10. Note that there is no common writing system for writing ^^—Uj 4^i3J in ^Ljaf.You may see people write it in the same way that they would write it in simple past, or they sometimes write it the same way they write it in ^jh—iy form of ^^—Uj A^—iJJ, even though the pronunciation is slightly different. In this textbook, for the sake of clarity, we have chosen to write it in ^h—i^ . I I. Listen to the audio file and complete the following sentences.What are these verbs are called in Persian grammar? 3 9 Grammar5 (............. A (...........................).................................ts^j >H-^ jj Jl—1 jU^> .V (..........................) ................................ts^j >H-^ jj Jl—1 jU^> X (.......................) ...................^jS'juj Ju^>Soo jo aS CuJ JI—j jL^> .f SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 12. Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of ^jjj.. •(*^J o'*i ^ 3............................ ls^J >^-^ Jl~j - ^ ..................... ^5"juj iX^JLo ^5* Jl^j ^-°l iX^JLo 4j cs^3 — Y AX^ • I" ^VAf JLj jl....................................ts^j -H-^-0 JJ J1-^ "Y •f^j^-0 jl^.*_Jj Aj 4_JL*-oJ3> Juu ^ ............................. ^5"juj Jl^JLo J^Cv ~^ 13. Listen to the audio file, and determine whether the ^bjf sentences you hear are in 0,>L, azj>jS or ^jz az^jS. Listen for both stress and key words. 3_9_Grammar6 A l_siaj Aljti'^S | o^Lj AZJj'^S - X .j^jS oAJc^J (^LftCjjLc jl JlJIyr^o .c^J ^jUjIS" 5" jjjLftjlS' 4j> VL> IjT Jk-^jljlj(_s^j'>15' ^js jl - \ :JÜLo If (^jyJ cj^^iS" ^AiBj VL> b*) ^Uiij If If (^jyJ cj^^iS" 4j JL> 4j I; — oJJ_lS" 4.H_«^- ^jjiS" i—^jJojI^^- — oo^JI ^ £^J»Jj j"^-*^1 jo ^jOjsS" ^5"Juj .jk^S- o^Lfl^_«j| ^Iäj 4.^iA5" 4.L«j> ^5* jJ-oLS- (^1 .^a_;_lS' ^ihS ^jj oljL^c ^SL«^ 4.j tojhj ^ ^[jbo^yf y - V ........................................ ^ tSj^i OjyC^JCo* (»S" ....................................................45" ^jl* ^JjJ^^J ..............................................^ (ji-i'Lo jjjjJjj^Si-j ...................................................45" ^U- Cjiy^ß ....................................................."45" iSj^iS Cfiyjy* ............................................ *S (^Li^j^o Oi^JAj .... 45" ^jjbLujI ^jj^j^SCj^jj .............................................aS ^jl^jb ^jj^jk-Jl* 45" ^olJ ^jjj ............................................."iS" ^JzS ^jjj^^jäc ....... ^ ,_J^jjjo^l ................................................ 45" JSy^ {jtf^i ...... as (jüS" jjjjJTCt»-!j .................................. ,_j^j^joAüS"4^^> .....................................öii^j^y-, ^ lSj^ öiS^-J .............................................................^jj^j4jb_«j^ PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Make sure that you can pronounce everything correctly because you will use the same words and expressions in the class activity. what a disaster! :!, We use this expression when —c^A^S we are asking where something is when we expect it to be close, let me see :^iuj jIj^o = I am very sorry -.^kJc^, Jl^ jjjl JlxJLo If^-o-o-o-o^ ... HoJlJj ^jI ^j^L^jLJ ^4»«ja l^l^ * ?4-5" JLo ^1 jj^> jl^Li jjjI !CujL»-l^i-jLi^ ^Lji- !4j_o JLo i^l^ — l> i_m iSs^^ o^^^pA k jL. J5I -^jLf jj .Jills' ,_5jL ^ jbf jlj^j jlt^jlSo gb SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD [0\r Skim the text below and try to answer these questions in Persian: I .What is this passage about and who wrote it? 2. Fill in the chart below with the missing information.The chart has been written in written form. 3. What are some of the writer's favorite hobbies? How does she usually spend her Friday nights. 4. Find at least five verbs that are in the subjunctive, underline them, and explain why they are in subjunctive form. 5. Listen to the audio file and find examples of present perfect in the text. Note:This text was originally written in the spoken form: 3_l l_Readingl o iwj|^j> ^-wjjLä 4_> jjj oVI^vJ 4_> 2 AjjIjuLo (Jj--o 4_> ^JL«j>I ^äIXJ fjlij 4j J^a^ CjUjALI .Jwj-S* ji Ij jij J 3^ l^'-äL> .v .CowjI oJlJj 4JL—i^j ^£jLh_«j^J 4_3coJ> (^l&iw—V^-«Jt-o ^1 ?CU—.uJ> oJJwwj4J^ic ^j^o ^Jj.Äj JJ->- .V ^JJ-f^ 4j> .Jujlo ^.ol jH-II 4j>^ 45" Juj5* lj*_o -o jo J-*^ 2"H f*"^* - ^0 4_xJJLo Juu ^ f^jt^g-0 jj 3 ^Lliljuö t^-di^j^o Ij ^_«jLJ i^j^j^A Ij ^jj^s ^ C-_«jo .^j^^o ffc-jLj> jl .^1—,Jb fjLS* J-Äo ^jL-OjLS* ^J-^t-o 4j (HI i»oCj ^ ftt-jL^' 3^) Ij jXjo j.äj 1-^-L> ^ Jj-o j^j jÄ ^ ojlo '-^■'Ij^ fj1-^ 'f^-^LS*0 ^J (Jj-^l-0 jI ^"^6CUcLvJ jo i-Sj^- Cowjl jLH_«Jj.J 4.5" l&^.j*l>- jl ^_^-> I-1 I-1 Ll 4JI_*ll|o (^JuJC> iwjLiS" j.5"I ©lj jO .i^jJ^M j^LäO j"^-^1 j^ 3 j~^ 3 C^-wjL*_*ai jl Cj^_*_>j^£.o (^j^ J-j owli jl f^~-J tffr^5'LS-o '-SC^- Ij LoJj (^Lfct^jLj Y:V* Lj Y:^ * CUcLj jl .f^-y-jj^^ ^jLS" 4j Y:^ * Lj Y:*6 CUcL—I .^^t>^M ^3j~^ (öj'-^* jl ,-^JLi .c--«jLijj ojlo (^JuJc> (^Laj;^- 4_<^-ojä 45* ^—5* L^jj* .4i L JuloojS* 4JLil ^ZjjJs LajLj,«j ^Ji-o ^ jUJ^j^-o ^j^>-jLaLj ^jJL^j 4.j c--«jI ^jI^j> ^.jL^- ji2*<$ 45* |öjL3C«jä L tjl&Lj ^Ijj ijJi^ ^ ;V * c^-cl—i .o^jIi^o ^3j~^ 0^"°J^" °j^3^ 3 f^i^J'^LS*0^- 0^3^^ ^ ^ '^"^ Ca£L,«j ^ ^Jj^>-^^ jI&Lj* PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY jl ^ f>^ti^A ^jjJ^j^jI jl^_wJ . Jo I^-oJ ^JLjJi fj'-^j 03"*" f^J^ji ^i^i {*^3^" ^jty^J^ J^*j 'f^-^CS*0 l^0^-0^ P:V * Lj P eUcL/j jU-;*_wJj.j ^l?t-o 4j Lj L»_j ^aa*5"Lj L lj j,.*_v^o ^_So ^ ^ji^C ^j^j^jI ^Ji ji}.ILw_& j^*_^o .^.HJl^-o o\j jJfa£> (jj"^"' ^-^'4-0-mJ ^-i Vj1^ ^jL.^^- ^oL.&4Joj.& ^ ffc->Lo ^aa*5"Lj L |ftJL*li j^*J^o l-J^/S l£J3J ^"^v" .JuloJ>Ll_»^ol |»Ji^>- j"^-^1 4o (Jj"*~'"^"jJ l^j""1 L&tj---JjLo 45" .<,.> j VI lj ^jLjS^jLJ .^_«jj^.o 4oL^- 4o A:1f * Lj A:*^ * eUcL«j ^j-^ 4„JL<-«Ji ^ ^_«jj^.o ^jLojj^t) jJi t—£_L*5*jL ^J-?t-o 4o A:* * Lj V:Y* CUcLvj .pjj-o^^o JlvJj-j ^.ILwjJi 4j ^i^- ^.1*3 j.5"l ^ t^_JjLj 4.H_di|ju JuJc> £*&^ *J-^> •fft~^'(_5-0 l^-o j^^J ^JLLo JailS t^.j|^>-^-oJ j5"jA ^j" ^Ji 4»oLjj3j .fljLj^a tO^ls jjJjlc .p^jj j^-0 (-j*j"^' ^ -p^jj p^j-*^ j3-^-° (-j*j"^' c^cLwj j^j^J'j 4j l-ol ffr-^jt,^-0 o^j o*1'^' u*^i , „L^» .«1 /j-o (Jj-«J 4.j 4jl«jj ^ ^oL^^oj|jk_o Y C-X-L^j Lj* Lac-J^ ^g.-Axj L^iw-_*li 4jc«j> ^.J^>-^o ^V:V* t^Y eUcL«j ^JiL^ (^Laj^j 'f^5* ^-^>^> 4jLJj^J jftii^^- (^Ij-j ^jL^>- !^.Jj^o i-Sj^- /jJul^^- iwjLlS* jl /j-o jjJL> .j,jI (Jj--^ ^jl jl ^ji^j 4JLflJi ^ '^J3^ i^J"^ tlVi^ l—-JjL^«jI jU.j|^j^»oJ JiLjj ^L*Jo 4.j Lol .Jj^Ii^o eUcL«j *^ * ^.J^u j,5*l 4JL*JI .C-X-L^j Y Ljj,Aj ^5* ^L*j> j^'iljl |w--9^ ? J_*_I_*j^o .^_l5*^o ^j\j^s>- \j ^.jI^>- ^jj+S JuL I jl Juu 4JL*JI .j^jI^u iwjLlS* L ^ j^^j-j (J^"^i ftt"^l^^ ^-^-i^ j.3^o t|ftjJ^3o ^ol^>- jl 4jL^- 4o JuL oLi^l ^JiLs" I jl Juu ./jLo4oL>- t^jLji^jLJ ^..a i^^^- :C^-mjI iwjL,«*j ^ j^-^-1 ^* ^-*-*s>- (^Lij^j 'I^^J1- 3-**^ 3 o'"?' 3 >tjVI ^J-5-o t^JJ)*^o C^l^^oJkJ /jLLwj^Ji Lj ^Jb IjbC^Sj ^g..Jmj c^ILwjIj !4jL_>1i 4JL*JI ^ /j-o ^-"Ij^j (^4^Ljj,j jl fft-^^jjl ^v-^" 4o .^JLfi3o j^j^> 4oLjt^-^3 ^ |»Lli /jjij^>- J>j3"« jJ> (j-o *^L5-o .Jijljo ^jLj> /j|jJj> ^j^j^^" (Jj-0 (-^^-°l-'j"1 j^1 J*-^5" ^-^^J* j-^"I !|ftloJoLo ^t^jjL^ ^.^j^3o c^-mjI j---^-1 '."V J3~^ ^-** ^—,,-mjI j-^^1 tj-'-*-^ At Home: In Volume I, you learned about a young Iranian's schedule on the weekdays and on the weekend. Fill out the chart below with information about your schedule. Be prepared to compare your schedule to your classmates' schedules and the schedule of the author of the text. (Uj4juoj> ^Ijjl j>i) la-l 3ij y In Class: Share your weekend, weekday, and everyday activities with your partner.Then work with your partner to write a short paragraph in which you compare your two schedules with the schedule in the text that you read for homework. SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD WM >C.)/ Or I .Try to translate the following sentences into English: a few words Ojl3 jlL> jl3 45" ^jjj jl Juu i45" ^jjj jl : Jl> OjIj Jul> .pjl—Ä c-j^ljU ^1 jl . \ .p>x~-.a c^ljU CU3j W-^jjl jl ^ öd' jl *Y 2. In the second sentence, why do we use aS j>\ jl ? 3. In Persian, prepositions (like jl) must be followed by a noun or a pronoun. If you want to follow a preposition with a verbal clause (like in sentence 2), then you have to use J jl .................................................Oil jl •(tpljS;....................................................................jl .^-IjIj.............................................................jl We can use this principle in order to add verbal clauses to jl j^u. You already know that jl ^ has to be followed by a noun. However, we can use a_S lJ_,l if we want to include a conjugated verb after jl Look at the two examples below, which have the same meaning. .|ftjul^> (j-Jj^ 4jL>^r>Ll5' j£ \A*J*SLO ZjS JLj\jl AS {jj\ jl Jou . poj^u Job Oij ^1 45" ^jA jl Aju IpoJ^u Job ^1 jl J-*j .^Jjj i_5oj ^1 4j Job |&J^J oobol ^jj| jl Jou • f&Jj-j *-Sjj ^1 4j Job ^jJ^J oobol jl Jou 3_l2_Vocabularyl o^i'ji ^ 6i' j1 ^siLs- L> r^M o^-'j' j1 .psJ-t lo-i L (^|4_«J5' jjj> jot jö^jj aS ^jjI jl ^L-s :(>j5' cu-j^s U-i L (^|4_«J5' jjj> jot o^3j jl ^L-s PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ^^-^^J-kJI jo 4«oiS* 30 jJb ^f*2-^* <5oLflIL«j| «^.193» jl <13j 4j> 3 «__5>> jl eU9^ 4j> LoJj j.laJ 4j . J^JI^u j& JCxj Lj Ij Lb 4.L>j>- ^jjl . \ When ?Ju^.0 .................................. V^-«Jt-0 . ^ tJu^_Jj ^.0 ................................. V^-«Jt-0 .V ^j^_3 l^Jj .^jj^u fjS" iS^" (*J^ to^Jj ^-0 Oj.,wJ I^Jb ...............................................V .................................JLiSlwj fjjL _Jb ^j* .f ?Ju_lS" J-&> iJsJL^w f^*S l_9L......................................6 .J\_Jbo iwj|^J> VL ^jjj.^j* oVI^-wj 4_> 0j.jb 30 (^Lbo^j-j*- jo —^0*^15" jo «l> ... 1» «... 4i... 4i«... ... :T a>.^> oj's ^^5" 3 jb *J 3I (•(^i^ jLS" *J «^3^-^ (j^jJ. dj) We are thirsty and we have neither water nor coke. My mother likes both tea and coffee. Your friend's father likes neither tennis nor volleyball. Her sister neither works nor studies. We will eat either a sandwich or sushi for dinner tonight. She will go to school either on Thursday or Friday. They would go to either Iran or Turkey. His brother doesn't want to go to Canada or England. 2. Check your answers with the instructor before you start the following game. SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 3.The whole class will play the chain game. One student starts with the first sentence and the second student should add more information to what was previously said, while using ^ or ijto add more information. .bib Jbbslp- |oLä!| Ij jjj (_£jlj tptä iS^-eA X j b_bf^jjo &P Ij iSj^i aJ-«o> JjJjI sS L ^ÄÜlb 4-obl I * ,15" b 4.Lj> .Jl&^ 4„obl Jul^IL* ^jL^ä^ob jl ^^-> l-J* >-)^*ö^^-o •f»*5'LS"0 -A ^ 'f»JV"uT° O"JJ ^ l>° ..4b .j^iS"^ jlS" 4j' ^jp-^-o ^jb 4J" ^0 ••(** '(t^S"^ jLS" jfrA i^p-^-o (jüjb ,»j3> ^0 4. In groups of two, compare the sentences you wrote about yourself in exercise 3 of the previous tamrin. How are you the same? How are you different? Ij X ^jJj-OJ j (J**^j jb 4.5" ^jLa4.L«j>' tOjSÜ ^b (^LAO^j5* jb .T jb 3 b-bb™fi> 4jbio0 ,_Jbjl^o 4^> jb .b-bi" 4.^o Lä-o ^Ji Ij Jul4bbjj^j ^bb^Lfllbo (^bjl^-o 4^- 5. Share your gossip_ In groups of two pick a famous person you know, and choose the two most interesting pieces of gossip to write about them and share your sentences with the class. Make sure to use the structure in car^- !bb_ 3O 3 Ju. < 1—£j (< Lao a S ^ .ju^u^jj jujb^g-o |öIjlS" jjb (^ojLj^i 45" Ij iwJL^- jLw»yu ^^Js^a LoJL>- L&4.L©J> Jjjl ^jJLJj^J j^i .Jk_j|^tJ ^jS^S (^IjJ Ij Ia4.L©J> ^jjI .Ju-LS' o^Lfl*I_«j| JmISj5" ^Lj X°[ ^jJj-oj j^ 45" ^^Ijs-Lj jl ölSLoljl Sibawayh's shrine in Shiraz jL) ^l^lbbbJ^jLj ^jjjjj^^o jl as" j-;-;-'.'.' J3J0 s^UjLoO ^bwblJb ^jj^ su^-bj^-o twJ^-......*>c,o l^ljS'y jj^jljbbj^jLj ^j^Jjl jl .bbol Loo lb jlj^^bj ^Ujjijj jl ai" o^j ^^—.T 3 ^jLj jj^oL> a5" v_-objlo ^Lj t—jlzXy/c^y ^jlb-T 'j 3' "^.^3 ^3^ ls^^ s' Js' 6^3 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY •\c.)f O III At Home: Ask an Iranian the following questions ^J-' ^ J1 !J ^ ^ ^uu^;i JJ in English about 3,1*;.Write your answers in detail ■si^.y-'. "W)? ^.j^^ ^ lj csi^v^ -^-^ below. Be prepared to share the information you jW* jl;LjU>ur~j'>lS'(*-a> L jJo^I c^jj 3jS'^-a C^~kJ ^jL*j OjLj^i Ij ^.J-La-o 4j> l&O^lftj jjI L««Jj jiaJ 4_> Lol t^jljJ ^l^JLo ^^_J.Xj| 4_> j'ij i-Sj^- teXJLjti jjl j^i SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD I. Because Ij is such an important concept in Persian grammar, it is a good idea to keep it in your mind and to continue developing your understanding of it. Review: Do you remember the basic rules governing lj? 1. Ij objects. 2. Ij is written immediately......................after the ...................... direct object and any adjectives that modify it. 3. Ij is pronounced ......................When you read aloud, for example, you cannot pause between Ij and the direct object. 4. In spoken Persian, Ij is pronounced as /ro/ when...................... and lol when....................... 5. As we mentioned before, it is a good idea to organize new verbs that you learn according to whether or not they are transitive. Update your list using the verbs from Lessons I 1-13. Transitive Intransitive 6. Look at the following sentences and translate them into English: . ,. What is special about these examples? 7. Why is it possible to use both an indefinite /ye/ and at the same time? Are specific and indefinite the same thing? New Information: Translate the two sentences below: 8. The second sentence would be grammatically incorrect without l_,. Can you guess why? Hint: in English we indicate general direct objects using the plural. But how do we achieve this in Persian? 9. The second sentence would be grammatically incorrect without l_,. Can you guess why? • j^jlo c\*-vJ^o lj ^^JjLflj /.j^jlo c\*-vJ^o — \ PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY I. Read the following paragraph.Work with a •^jS Cxn^ ^^j/T^a S^S a, 3 j-jI^Ju Ij J>\yf\jL A partner and determine where is necessary. .c~J pyJ ^1*1». y «1 j» *S lj » 4.j 4.5* 4.Ljj> 3 tjfc.^jJjL 4JLI1I0 4j jLj ,jl jo 4.5* Jk-_«*j^j_j 4.L«j>- *f Jo-vjL^-Ii^^ 4.5* ^L&^JjtS i-5L«5* 4j tojJ6 jo .V ,j*ijl5* j^L^j) Jul^>^js ^5o ^5o Ij La4.L)j> j.£ju '-^■i a3j^ o^-^ •^-*^* ^-S^*" lj ^ ^ lj ^ ^LoJ .JuliL 4Jl1iIju jLj « C^*_mjI (^-^3j-5" ^jji5* jo oJujj .4_j L ^_>jlu fj*^ Ij ^3_^'(-5*0 oJul^^ ^I^J-oJ^ ju Lj I 4.5* Juu JuL <^j.5" I ^glJacI 3 (jJj5*^-o ^5" .Jl&Ju lj C\*-vjjo iwj|^j> Ju45* Li' 1^ r L19J JLi Ol^* 5 Lij <_?j»IjuI j^JJ / : ?cU™j> ,_jOjljjJ t^^l LoJj jiaj 4j .^ Fast, To become thin, Don't miss. Getting thin without trouble and headache. *j|^j^o .•SjjjSj j ^LaOjL^c (_£OjLj*} li^>(^«j,^lS'^ji L .a SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Cjji*"* iS^js** t^JJj single life, girl's dorm, monthly expenses (how many kind -.^y jcj>) .ju^j Ij L^jI ?a^5"^o 4j j0^-«-' J-J ^^ILJjIJl^j ^yjj^jj^j y> -0 4j 4j>L .P .j*_jlS" |j-o Ij ^ jLä*Lo (^öjI^ tjö^wj jo .Y dr^* iS*j**> t/^J jo ^5"Juj '^^^i .Juj5*^o 4jjJ?cj Ij (^ojäo ^5"juj 4_«j V^-«Jt-o JJJ I ^_,o ^jlj^j 4j jLS* (^IjJ j^ (^äL5* 3 ^J-^a^tJ* ^Ij-j e-JW 4.5* ^_j|jl—>>j .Juj5*^»o ^5"Juj (^jÄJ & ^Jl c^^l&^jjbi jo ^L^JX^olo 3 Ju|4J_>j.& ^.5* jL-«*j L 4_üj.ö (^j^1^-1 V^-oJt-o ^j^JX^oIo (^L&oIjoI^^ .CXmjI oLjoI^>-(^ool^jL^- L oLjoI^>- ^V^JLv^o .Juj-jT^-o jlji JjIU-S'^ OjUaJ ^j3-« 3 >AJjlo Juol 3 C^9j (^IjJ iS^°JJ3 t^-Ajj^La *—-J^l 4j|jIL>-o ^L&oLjoI^^-- .JJJio^-o (-)*,jljJ*' ^jLjl 4j Ij L&C^->w-£- 3 L&j-^Ij ^-oLoü 3 JuI^jLoü jo j^JJ^o ^J\Jj 4j ^JXJLjIo ^jljIL>-o \ * Ja^j^H-o j^-L? 4j ^jl ^LjI jJb jo 45" JJJJ^JÄ ^^Jj^a> ^jLoüjL I ^j^3L^o ^LäJl^-I^ Ü&^^j^JL .C—jI ^^_^JLj jo ^5"Juj 'j0^^ J^-1^* ^j^-i-w^jLj jo CXoLil (^IjJ 4jLäLo Oj^aö 4j ^^-«5* (^4J_iJ.ä 3 JJJ5*^-o ^5"Juj I j^j oL-oJJj> OJuo 4j C^9^-o j^i^ 4j ^Ijil V^-«Jt-o 3 ^jl^ ^^j>3 tiijlij 3 ^3J3 L^^J""1 LS-1'Jj™^ 03^"**^^ ^^J^ .JLLi5*^-o OiiLflH_«j| ^5"jH_*^o 4.jL^-Ji^_*ÄiI 3 |öL«^- 3 ^H_*äi|j>.^j ^^o^j-wJ jl 3 Jujlojj^-o .■j^^-cJ (jijl^ ^j^j^jIj j-j ffr^a* *ilj"9l 6^lyL>- 4j Ü&j^Ij 3 LäC^£ 3 C^jI jj^'Ij^ J-^-«j oLSol^ Oljjio ' jiäJ ^j^-0 ^J^3L^o (_5^3j-5" Ij (^5-^ (^*J5*^ '-^-jl^J*^-0 O^J,-*->''^ .C^-mjI ^lijXo (^4jl_>- j^^-^-1 J-^^1 °J^m'T^ 3 lJ^J i"^*0 3 ^-"l jJ*4J_i j-^jJ 4„«jä jl i_-t.iil ^5"Juj jl ^J-\Jj JjjI .Jl*1iL 4JLj| JJj> j^Jl^-I^ Lj jL-«*j C^-oC^-wjI ^j-X-c-o JjU oLjoI^>- t^Aji i^^->j^ 3 03-^-^^ ^£4jLj&Lo ,^-J-^« Li ^J^3L^o (^IjäJl^I^ JjJjjC^JlS"3 Jjjjjt—5\j>^5* j^j (^5-*-^" 3 "^LHj JjJjjJu j^ .iJumJ 4_wJ LH^3 3_l3_Readingl (gj /http://fa PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY > L 3_l 3_Reading2 . juJl^u lj ^ 1 L 3 J_*j-S' ^jii^s" ^j^s Jj Li 4j J^l . ^ .JujIJljo 4JLi| ^Oj^j^S C--mjI j^jV 1j> JA 3 JuJl^tJ ^ju*^^^- ^Ij-j fljl Ij (Jj--0 jL t-£j .V .Ju;_lS* ,-$'j> Ij 4JL^>I (^Lao3 ^---S* (^5^ lj ^'I^J Ij JIa .6 Jul^>- ->*aI^>- oJJ_«*j^j JjjI OjLj^i Juu ^jaIj^ j^i .c—jI ^jLojS* j>1 j.-o t-j\_l**u^a (^4.*I_**u^j ^jo3\J> ^jbLwjlii Music by Hossein Alizadeh and Madjid Khaladj/lranian Music, Improvisations/Daramad J^l ^l^j - ^sS^- .^jS*^-o (jjjLi 4jl_«^«jÄ j*i_>o L> *^LJ .^jS*^-o jLS* ^^L^ ol5"jl5* ^3*" 3I -jLS* c^Bj^a ^ 4jL«^«jä _o c-.JjIjjT'^.o lj *^LJ 'l-^j^j t*^LJ j^Lo .^3^ jU-Jj-o 4jL»m»oJ& j*I_>0 fö-^->1 .^^j jjt-5*jj.j 3I jl JL-J t-^J fö-ij-0 3 C--**ob (JLmJ "^LJ .Ju^j5*^.o ^5"Juj ffrJj-o 4_*l>- ^IaJjIjI jl j^ (^j'*1'-0 3 ^jiJ^ "^LJ .^^j "^LJ ^ji-o ^il4^ja i-^—j^j^ .jJ^jS* (^jLj ^L*j> I L ffrjj-o 3 "^LJ 'J3j ^jl (^^j3j^ f^ij"0 (j?'J3j :eUÄ5"^-o fu->j-« -^-o .....C--mjI Jj-o JLo i-^—j^j^ 'cS^3 'O1^* c£jL ^ JläI^>-^o 4.:> jA _ :eUÄ5" 3 ^jio^.Jj> Jo3^ cJwO I ^j^ijoLo 45* i^j^jC .Jl**u C-^-ljL* *^LJ ..... ^iSj^i^s^ •f^ij"0 1-^-«j3j-^ J--0 it_^M>3j^' •fö--*ö^3^"(-5-° 1-^-«-,3j^ ^j-o tjoLo tjoL^ _ :eUÄ5" joLo : bUif %J .jbL^ i^L^Jb ^jy> ^ho>b ^yO — doll to bring, 1 bring s/he wanted to to buy eye s/he falls, to fall S H AH S AVA R I I ATWOOD .jj_lS" 3^"jL ^jjAS" jöLoü i^\ji I j ^jLiLwjIo 45" c^-mjI^^ jj&I^^jJü L t—£j jl oLl«jI .V .Ju l^-«j ^jLj^i^^- ^jL&j.*j> 4j> j| j_o^5o ^jLj^wjjAS* pJb 4.j .V JJ-ftl^j>^>o ^LoL&4jL»yw©J& 4.5" C--«j| ^JjLwj^ 3jj3j jj^> Jti^W 3jh Juj.JtJ lj L&^jl JoL> 3 i^jj^-^a ^jLjojo 4j L^j| j| |ft|jk.S* Jk_o 4.j j.H_JL*J 4.jL—wsJi i^IJlS* JjLvJ^ .Oj^>-^^J ^jLjOjO 4j tta£j|ft|j\5"^ J^LiJ pjJL^- ^ Lsl JjI—->3 ^ 3 oLr8^ Ji^°3 P9WI yS^S jo lj j! j Jo-*—j^j-i JoJc> 3^iLfl5" t-j\j >^S^^S L 3_l 4_Conversation I v ^ to help a^s" ^sUi" to let, to allow a^b Thank you !4_l& ^ U-i do me a favor a^lS" akJ to close, I close pA^-o ^ •f*J'>'<_s'0 1*^3^ 'fJ^i öT~°~° PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY _ ?JlaM Ojbjvi JuSjojo (jOJuaJ dj>^Lo i^uJ^j :t i^jSjsS (j? jL to understand ,\ ( as a sign of respect when you refer to somebody who has said sth) ilr-*5" -o^^ cA^ (as a sign of being humble, when you refer to yourself) 3 14 Conversation! fb-j-o-^JlJ 4j>| b !b_ol«j .... *\4jy> (^bj5*^-0jj - ? .A bjbw>- - CrV* \*>^C.J/ C Write a paragraph consisting of at least five sentence in which you explain what a student should do in order to be successful at this university. 45" bw~i^iJ ejbbb b_&b pUu'l ^jUjIS" 4j> buL SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Listen to the song online and try to follow the lines. There are a few words you know. What are they? Be aware that this song is sung in "^1: "The Sky's Peak" "I Feel Passionate Tonight," or "The Stars' Revolt" is a famous song with lyrics by Karim Fakoor and music by Homayoun Khorram.This song was first performed by Parvin. :4jU- (^jbLjj^J ^jLij 4j 4_j|j,j ^jjl 45* Jl*_JjL> 4JLjj|.i 4j>^j Parvin was born Parvin Zahra'i Monfarad in 1938 in Tehran. She was a successful traditional Iranian singer, who performed a significant number of songs during her relatively short tenure as an artist. In 1974, Parvin retired from singing, and since the Revolution of 1979, information about her has been (largely) unavailable. Work with your classmates and use three new phrases you have learned in this song to write a very short dramatic play. Act it out in class! ^j^s" j^JLc jjI jl i^j^t) 2 33-^"' j"wJ1~^i i—^Lo ^ j3^~ j--1 f^"^3^* c^"*-***^ ^jlSCs Li^i. IäjLo-J j-(jj-SL^j j,£-Lvj jöjjj.j ^j^s" j^JLc jjI jl i^j^t) 2 33-^"' j"***^ fö-i^?" l£ j-^ ^3^ l£3j j 3 'ffc-i^ ls-*"**"^ öi3Ji 3 öLo L La^i jl ffcj&lS'^ ^_^ jjj ^jL jL> jl t|öjl ^j-b 4j |j öj.aj ^ oLo L&iwJ j.j (^1 4»«jtJ tl& i„J j.j (^|4»«j(j j*jb L-ß-x-Jj j (öj3^ c5i3^" f*~^ ji^ '|ÖJ3"^"> 3 33"^"' jöjb iSj3^ J1^ J1^ u-t-JLol 'j^jb ^j^t) jj^J j<5 ^t-JLol ?J3* lsj~3^ f^"^ 6±' j' '|*J3^ 3 33^ 4 jjI 45* Jj>aj>- CjjLx. 4.^j jl t jLj*(^«j,^l5*^ja i-5Lo5* L -4iL> ojLflll—j| olj^5" jLuuj 4_oL_Jl*jL«J >—So jIL^j^J ^1 jj Jull y lj ^1 .J-J5" u^ol» L «jLf jb^> .Jl*1i lj">-l ji3j-j (-^l'-^5 Lj jL jjj-J^I 4ilj,j jjI .«JLö^ |öl_H-oj^ j^jL-öJi^ jL,«ji-^j_aI jLS"jk.^j|^>- jl ^5o ^| .Jl*1i jJ^H-o jlj,^j* j^i ( \ ^VA) ^j-ywo-*^» W JL-vJ ^j,AJLo (^Ij-^j ji3j-^ ^-^^ fLj Lj ji3j-j .c--«jI j5" I(^^Lj (^Ljä4jIjj c*-JLjti oLj^S* (^LaJL^j 45* c--«jI jljjI ^^ojAS 3^3*° .C^*-j ^j-^j^ ^1 jl PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 3 15 Video I .j-j&o ."iVI^ dj ^ j—jLwj 0jL^*j Ij yj^u yA .Y ?jjjl_~js ^IjS; ^Uj.^ i-> ^ojLjj^ ^L-i^ljJjji ^Ijj ^IjjI ^l&jjj 3 j^U .Y ?CuJ ^IdJLJoj 4> jU dJliLo ^j| _-j| ^.yhys As> ^aylijd JJjT^
    jJ ^jj^-Jo di" ^IdJliLo .f VJjil^c ^1 k-ij> L _«jI Cj^IjLL© j^Lai> ^jlj—J 3 ^jlj^->u (_^ljJ d.I_-ij <—>L?tIj| ^jj-^-i j Jo jlaj dj .(^ «.Ojlo ^j ^ji*j^> —«j|o ^Ji ^uj^ '^i^ji ij^1^" Ij l&^jl-^£ ^oj ^^uus .P «?LS^:>_o ^Jj>» «.4—i^u^—;jU _^> . Ju_lS" ^uu 4il5" C*-o-Ji ^jjI Ojljju o^ls^^"|*-* ^ • ^ ^LaCu»-a?t>ii °jLjjj ,_jJuJu> ^jl&j.^ 4j> ?ubil ^j-o-^-o (^lfl> JjliJl ?juJu_o^s ^biujb ^yj^u 4j jL ^jj Ju—> i^lj^JuJ-Jj d)jL^-o Ol9j.JLu ^ ^3-^! U?lj^ -Y jL 4_«j 4^ JjjI jl Juu .Ju-LS* jj Ij ^H-^ (j?l"^l-?' 3 JuJfco ^0^5* jjj .JuJ-S- j3j-o o^^^j^f^ ^ Ij o^Up^V^^-?" <^^1j -L^ia ^ 'f^j ok} ................... j^j -oAjI j'jIj-j .f^-^Ji tj-0 '4.L .^j^j^jLwIi I jl ^li^Jj^^- i^J-S" .......................... :j^-ol .Jujlo* .......................................... j^j |a|oJk-_Lvti ................... j ^ ^0 3^5" ^-^5 jl J3j-°I ..................................... CUcL-wj \ *f 4j i^Jkj^jjJ j^j jJb |ftj^*j?c-o !j^j j--^ !4.Jj :<5jLl_vj ^ jLaU (^Ij.j f^~!-5* 4.5* j^jl'j ^^c-L^j V VLj> .^^j ^t-^3 tj^* •ffr-^l'j •0................................. (^-^ 6o^j^ j^Lji' -i*l^'-^o^^' (J?'Ji jJ. 3 ............................ ^j^S-) (^jj-JI ........................................ iS^Ji ^ tj^* v*'-^*^^ Ljij'^^' 3 (^^ir^y o^*i ?4j^>- (^jL> •'-;?t--il f'-i-0 ...................................... l^^j1^ ^* tj"2~^ o-0 :oj'-*-wJ .4jLj?cIjI .............................. c/^l5*L> oLa jl^^-l 4j L tLa4j5Lj : ?(^j|jo ^Ljl>I ^S^tS <.j 'f^Ju .............................. ^Sdij-ilju^ oJuVAjI^j (^Ij-J iS^3^'iSM (al°1-^-^' :J-i-°l J^--9 jjjjJLJj .jZ^S \.JbjZ^-£ 4_i«^j^_v«j ^ o^Lj ^Sdijj .............................. (^LaoJJJJ)* c^Sjjt) ^j|juu JLwJ j.^ -Ojl :<5jbLvj frjjj %1 • ^VL Jul iS ( 3 ls- .VL . 3j SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 3. At the end of this episode, Erfan exits the scene suddenly. Work with a partner and discuss what you think happened. Where do you think he went? What is he doing? Why did he leave? Then write a script for the next morning at Cafe Denj when Amir confronts Erfan about his departure. 6L^l; Jsjc >l X ^5* eCjV?-] (o^cr0) ^-^^ tjl^Jw^J 6^31 Lsi1^ ^ 'j '(fj1*-0) fji'tjr0 '0^3' .YA .Y=l .r- TY tt TT TA X? TY .YA T<\ .T-/M .TY .TV .TT .To .f? .TY .TA /f\ .A« Jb\ .AY .AY .AT .AA j3sA .Y 45") X iLI .T a5 Li .A /(v^ Jj-A ^i^) f^—-1 ^.Lj "Y joji" j5i cAiiS"^ jSCs .A [^Sj '-Sjj (jr*~5' 4j] ^Sjj '(^Jcsr4 ^Jcr0 "-^j 6^ i^ly~'l ■ jolojyj^J t(|^_^)^J pl^>^o) j^Jj^J j^A|^>^0 tj^Jj^J Jul) .V \ J05-.YY 4i^>lc Öj5^ .YY (jOjj JoL) jo^jj jJL .YY 151 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ^lo^l AT (>iLo...) l(_s^5 lJjJ »(^cujl ...) jlií lJjJ (plál) L ^i^j) ^ aj /U (ijÍLäL) 5I L ji .\ • • (^jlt0 j^" *í) jer0 j-k^ *; -1 'f ■ / fůJ^-ri jlj^j (fů-í-H jl^j) -\' A (jiji" ^15" ^ • ^ulo OjU-l .] \ ) Juji" Jib} .\ \T pojj^ í,j-U~ó .\ \ f c>> ^ ^Y JoJ-i [ . \ X almost, approximately Lj . \ X some, some of the somebody, the people some of those who they sit, to sit 1 stay, 1 would stay (pOo^o^ ij^j^-o^) pOolo^ '(tj-iLo^g-o .^A SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD it depends customer we would have, we should have about (approximately) 03jo- .YY lamp, light a* ™ 1 turn off I*-1*'LS* cr'y^' Xf alone, by myself L^ii' ilfyXj .X£$ now JL> .VL> .Yf until now (VL> b) JL> 4j U .YY future aJJjl .YA dark Yalda (the longest night of the year) IjJL .Y- long, the longest niece, nephew (daughter/son of sister) od\jjjb\$^- .YY 1 make, to make ^j^j^ t^**Mtj>5 i^^st^-^oj^ .YY rice, rice and kabob, ghorme sabzi, chicken, salad ^VL*j t^y^ü^oj^s tC^-^ij^^' jL^^Jj> t^J_>- .YY dessert, Ranginak L_^J-a^Jj t.Y& delicious everything, nothing (j^jÄjj») juj> gjjj» 'j^-> .YY meat, onion, eggplant, tomato, rice, oil, date, sugar, salt, spices, walnuts, herbs, watermelon, mixed nuts *Lojj> i^j&jj t^cjjj i^^jj3^>-jS t^lj^-o^Lj tjLo iC^ltjS .YA ^J-a_>- 1 t4j|^jj»Ä t^^j^^-^y^ü t^^jS" t4j^^l (l^^j 1 j5L
  • ^ -n to wait, 1 wait, 1 am waiting for really Usl3 .'H PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY rain, rainy M '(osP.) oP -™ as they say weather forecast [center] ^^oLujjIjji [^jLojL*;] .TT he or she has announced (o^jS p}lcl) adjS ja^Lcl .T A It snows, to snow piece *S5 .TY cloud, cloudy -TA sky sunny JeJt] .A- clear humid <-jjia.A Y to make someone happy Jbijy [lj (_sy] .AY pollution ^gT^^jT -AT new, fresh ajb .A A she washes, to wash Jj."-.....-'.O l(ujjJu^g»o) JojJu^»o .AP to clean ^jS .AY to take in fact (slang) jm-iIj .A"\ outside, out 63^h ^ * to change, 1 change y^ Js^. ^y Jb^ .P *! fruits Oj_oo .PY apple, orange, sweet lemon, pomegranate, tangerine ^g5ojlj tjUl t^j^-jjj-o-J tJLHj'^j *>»^_^o .PY to arrive, 1 arrive if /I .PA fabulous *S>o .PP myself, yourself, himself/herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves ^LJuu^?*- t^Lou^?* i^Ji>£^>- tOu^?* .PY SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD concern ACJiC.} .PA prize °>> ^ title 6^ -V- little masterpiece jLS^Li .YY to be transformed jjjui Jj a^j .YY LT iwj|^> ^jiJI^-wJ 4j .Ju5*^-o ^JI^_wJ l-o-Co jl Ojl^ Jjjl jl OoLäH_«jI L ^1 ^ JuJfco ^jl^to ^Ä^j.5"^JÄ 4j lj (^LäOjLS* jl ^5o ^ Jk-^^JL-o ^Ji Lo-*li 4.j (^löjl^ 45* C--«jLo-*1i ^JÄ^j,5"^.ä C*j-*■*■> ->->-JL5* OoLflII_«j| o^>- ^■&^j,5"^_& jl ^JI^wJ ^jJo-wJj-j (^Ij-j °jl3 tj-*-*-^ Lo-*li ^w_vJ ^ JoJio .Jw*_wJj.^j (^JuJc> O VI^-wJ Juj,^5"^-o 45" ^j|^j> 4.j 4.j>^j L> Joj|^j*^-o ^j O"*"*^ ^gJ»->-J^ j^-^3 4j L-o-^j ^^SZjiS 4^J_i| ^IjJ .Jl&o ^jl-JLJ (jL-j (^jLliS" Cjj^3 4j (j*>jJ> (^L&6jI^ 4j Jo^Jj,-q (^La4.L)j> AT A&SU£> & £yljJoJ JuJLo i^j^s (Jjli ,Jjj| jo •fc**-:-^* ij^£ {J?3^* C*_mjI Cj^lfllLo (^jLliS" -aj3 L 45* (_£jllj>L«j Lj 4^15* jJb jjj -^ir^ 4_«*jLH-o Ju|4.ILJjjj jA^9 45* (_£jb_Jjjj (_£l_a>4.L>j> L lj La4.L«j>- ^jjil .J^li^o J5Li jl l-JcI ffr^iS"^ c^j?^ Underline any words or structures that are different in the spoken form .J^iSo .Juj,.J\j oL> ^Ji lj JuJ*.j> (^LiiOjl^ (^jLl_fl5" J^li jI tt_y*^ '^-^-^"(^g-0 ooLalLwjl (^jLli5" 4_l_Vocabulary2 .Jo-*a*j^J_i j.jj (^Lä4.L«j> (^Ij-J Ij ^^v-Jjol (^La4.LoJ> Juj-ji—^JojJ Oj,ÄJ 4_«j jo .tXjj^^-^M |öL^i ^ JLLLi«^to^-0 I j^ILvJ j j° eU^LwJ 4_vJ t^ii Lä^j.H_^0 ^L)j^J jii jLjI |öLj 4j (-5j^j3-*-w,jJ j° .|ö^j,j j,i^j 4j Lj^Jj jl>->-^J oJlJj 45* ^Ji jL t-^j (^Ij-J ^JjIj^ .^.jLo^o Lo-*li j,JaULo L>- Jjjl •^A(^°Ji *3i '3J" - J^- fj^^ L> t^Js^- lj o**-**^-1^2* J-^^3 l^j-S I-* ffr-*-^ ^jJ-«-La-o .|öoj.5* (Jj^ JuJLfl5" Jj-o 4j Ij (_^jL5* jJ& JaÄ5 Jj-o .Jj-o |^->-^..^j Jjjl ^JL«jIj .Juj,^ol j.IaüJ-0 . JJJLwJb j,^ol (^Laool Jj-äI^^- Jul< j 4jLj'L5* (^^j 45* ^^j'L^- 3° Ö1 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY • (fr^ôj^-o 4^>jJ-o 4j ............................ j"0*-*'"' j*4 ■ ^ ^jLj^-o Lol t(^Jc> jL_«j...........................Y • .............................. 3 .......................... 4j 4Íjic J^o .Y .(Í-Lo^ Ij ............................... jks"4 c5'4--:^Ä> (J^'1^ T .................................. jL) Ij ôjäJo Lffi>^«.*.> .ä .C^«jI.............................Lj^j c^l?" óij-*-^ ó-0 ^ & .................................. HyM, .....Jb ^^JjLŠ ^"^15" j J 45" (_sJl~S' .Y ................................................................................... í^^^i^o 4I_^> jjJul^j^ ^_yJj^ jl 4^ LäOlÖ^ ^Julj .A .(í-jl^i-^ i—illS" ................................ Vj^jco J^o .................................... ls5" ^j L^J i>» • ^ * .|olo^j3ÄJ........................................JL> 4j Lj A) .^jS^gji ^jÍAJj ...................................... .\X .jjS^gA c^jjô Ijx.............................V^^-ä-o ^lo^Li- y . ^ Y • C^-jL-jJ (^loai ^jj y a j-oJj^^š- ........................................... (^j-o jláj 4j . ^ f Ij ............................... Lí'y • C—J .................................. V^^sjco (fcilll .^P .^jí" ^I^j^j jSjô ....................................4v.........................^joj (_j|jj i^jsI^.^ .w .(^Jl^li^i- pj\^u ,_)*>jO ČUcL-j ............................ l£J3J ■ ^ A .Cwl ......................................... p^jlc ° " -|VP"ls* 3úW^i L) H°3^ -Y ^ 3-l-^o Ij ^jL^oLJ jL....................................(^^1° -Y Y .............................................................................................................. |o|4IŠ_jf j^^o^aj* .YY S H AH S AVA R I I ATWOOD .jyji' J-oLS- \ Y (jjLf3I3 jl oülfl^J L Ij j,jj (^Iä4..Lj>- .JJol^o Jl(^_JLo 4j ^jlj-^j jl ^jLlij.^0 ^jJoo (^Ij-j jL t-^i (-5^'-w,J ......................... ?Ju~LS" jL Ij jO ................................... L«»Jj 4j JoJi|^>-^^ .V •C--«jI 4_wjj jwo jjj| ^>jj^.........................? j_*_wjLjwdi^>o I j Li I jjj| .V .c~J z^>',................................L> .floJuo ,jlj.j| ^tJjLj (^OjLjo (^oLj ............................. ^LjÄiwjLlS* 4jLj>s—>LiS" JjjI jo .6 .o^-i 4_jL> jo .................................. 'fV*^J <4->L> 4j f^3^ -91 (.^.joj.5"jj 4iL> 4j jj^> eUcL«j 45*......................................................y^s> 4^ja .^.^5* jLS* 4.:> ^[Jj ^1 jj bj.i ^i^o^^^J) .Y .j^.^5* C\*->-Ij.II_vjI CacLwj 30 ........................ iSJ3J f^-*"^"^*0 (-5J<^J *^ .ojlo j\j3 j"^-*^1 (Jji^ J'"*"*"' J3^^ oL^JLllii ..............................*\ .^.jI^u o*°j^.......................................*^ * .Ju5* ^5"Juj Lo L ^ JuL^j ^jlj-^j 4j ...................................... ^.5"jjjjoL.o _o 0L0 JJ^>* ^ ^j--*" f^"jJJJ'"H U"*~*v 3^ ^ . Ju^-vJ^oJ J^--9 JuJio^^ jjSLlS 45* .................................... (^4„«JÄ . ^ V .fjlo Ij ,j*>LJ jj^> Cjir^.................................^Y (..................................... 3j (j^jjj^Ij LalaJ ?4_j t^.j|oJuo 3j ^.Li JjjI ILL (^1) Af (.00j,^j ly& ?LaiaJ ........................... Ij Läoj-^Jj) • ^ A .JlJjL j--«-j jI^Ä 45* ^.-IiLj L> JuL .^j5* ^5"Juj ....................... l^i^ jij.j|^j^»oJ .^P .o^-1^-0 Ca-wJj^ j-^" ..................................j^j AJ->" JaÄS .^Y .^il^tj L5*iL5* jl........................jjLi^jb - ÖjLo L_9jJ j^j JJ_>- ...............................^ "\ ^ ............................ 4jL>-IwjLiS* jl ffc-jlj-j Ij ^LlS* Jjj| ^jI^j^o .V * .Ca5j ^jLoj.5* 4j ^ JlJj J^-^S oLX^tob JLvJjLj 3I .Ju5*^-oJ ^5"Juj Lo L> j.Xj^ ....................... 4jl_ä_wjLH-o .V ^ ..............................^jLL^- j.,«j oL^li^j.9 jl.............................45* Ij ^jLjäj;^- (^4^j& ^jI^j^o .YY .c^A.^S ^j*ij^lj.j Jub^^J ^S^jb.....................................YY ............................4j'l>^>li5' 4j Ij La^LS* 4-«jb AjLj 4.5*......................................jL jll> oULiJb .Yf ....................................j^jLj Lj joL j^Laj Ij (^jIjLj ^Läj^j ^1^^ jf\ .YÄ .......................................I j L^j'I JuL ......a. u5u>^5* j^jI jj Lä,^^-^ j^jI .YP .juLu....................................o~-9Li*l jl ujIju ^l .YA .C^^jJ oj^)-li^> ............................. 4i tojb ..................... 4.j IJlC. /jA .\°[ '.................................Ij Oil ^^^-Y- PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY If they have everything they need in their bag. If they think it was a good decision to study Persian. When was the first time they drove a car and how old they were when they got their driver license (.Uj^ljf gavaahi name-ye raanandegi). If they like to change their house they are living at now. What Persian food they would like to try, which they have not tried before. When they like to have fruits (after or before a meal). ^L-^^IS" p£> jl :«_. When they returned home last night. If they stay at school after the class. How many times in a week they wash their cloths. What some of the students in this class are wearing. If they would like to sit in this class for more than an hour. If they live alone. If they used to read story books when they were kids. What's the minimum amount of money they need to buy lunch, (start your question and answer with JSIj*) How many bedrooms their future house should have. If they saw any clouds in the sky when they were coming to school. What the longest road in the United States is. Where they usually have the most delicious food. If their room is usually dirty. How many times a week they clean their bathroom. What do they take to a picnic. If they have decided what their future job is. What they need to be able to run. What really bother them, (to bother/ to make sb sad: o^ljl) If they have any niece, and what they think about having a niece. If it snows a lot in their hometown. What kinds of fruits they like. If they would like to change their major. If thy have ever made Kabob. S H AH S AVAR I I ATWOOD ?Aj^5"^-o 4j> JJjI^o iwjLi t^9L5* 4j 45" ^jL**5* ^OjLjJ ^jAj^ ^Jjj^^o 1-3j.-> 4_ll^- jj> ^L-^S* 4j> ^OjLjJ j-jj-ol .Y jI 4j^&> v_jLi L5iL5* ^jLS* ^Iäc^I—j ?jJLo^3 iwjLi L5iL5* j j Lj j-jj-ol ^^äLs* I A • Jk-JÄ^i J-oLS" iwj|^j> jjj oVI^wJ 4j ^ J*_*_2_*_o |j V ^.1*5 :u ?^jb (^l4»oljj.j 4j> yLl^jo 4_IL>- ^-.JLol A ?jk_LS*^o ^jI&j..*j> 4.:> |ftLjj ^Ijij 3I .v fjV ^jUj^ dj> T ?Jjjlii C^-wJ^^ lj tjlj'-j ^jlj-^j j^'ij-o lj-^> -V <—--JLol (^4»oljj.j Jk_o 3I 4_> 3 Jk_ojj 1—£jj oJul L> j.^ol 4j .J\_JL5* (^_£jlj lj j~^ol 4jl_>- ^j^-flj .V .Jk-Ji^ O^J^j1^" O*0"^" ^ 3 :Juj.-^j (-^-«5* (^LäOjI^ jl ^{j^^SZjS j£ .JuJLS* Ju*_l5"^o ^5"Juj I j^i 4.5* ^jj^t> ^I_jA ^-^3 °j^j^ O^^-^'^* fö-^ ojlj ^I^ä tj--«-j t4j_ftÄ j^"l toj^JI ti—9L0 t^gjbjl t^jL«—jI ti_.t^ojA t^jb—o-oj tjjoLi t^b-*olj tjL^j tJ-t^ t(aj-^* t^j-—j fcl3^ 61 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Below you will find three entries about famous Persian poets. Each entry features an introduction about the poet in Persian, a representative poem, an audio file of the poem, and a brief description of the poem. Read through the documents (try to guess what it is said) and listen to the corresponding audio files. Use these materials to determine what makes each of this poets unique, and then pick one poet. Use the audio file to memorize the poem by the poet you have picked. Record the poem and send it to your instructor by email. I. Share a few facts about each poet with your classmates. 4 3 Pronunciation I Find the translation of this Roba'i. 4 3 Pronunciation2 ffcjxij (jj-i) ^X^ 4jvui J^l j£ fLj> j-^s-C f^i5*j>- (^L&4„JL> Jul ^| .C^-wJ^I j-JXJlj^-1 OL-C-bj J-J^ 4-) ^^SjJ^t) 2 JLj VY L^j* 45* JLj> t^^L-o ^ * Yf L jjIj-j ((^j-oJ jb^AöLj ^ Ju-o-JLjb (^jL^-oJi L> 45" JlJj j^-oLo tC^»b jLS* jjI ^jL^L^- .lijbji^j ^^j>^-o ^.j^flj* £\^L^I 4j j^_JLo *f Y ^ JL^j Lj ^ eU9jS dj^s jL^iLöl 4jL>Jl«£>j 45* 4.5* j^j J"}^ ffrj_^j tfc-*^d **-°bl (^^"^l-o ^ * YA j-oi ^j|^>-^j ^ Juol LjJii 4j c^-mjI jbL^jLjtil j^j5*I 4.5* ^tL j-^-^ ^1 .c-_«jI (^^"^U-o ^ X jj-s) c^j-*^ ^■wjjLä iwJ^I jxLli jjj,jjL5*j,j ^1 .C--^-XJjL ^tJj 4j j5"j,jÄ jS~><5 2 l—--9j 4_*5*jj j^i 4_J^9 4j jojJu olj,.«Ji 4j ^w-o-di CjLJj£^ t^^^Juco (^^JJLo^ L^jI jjj,ILo-^-o 4.5* j| oJuL^ Lj> 4j ^^J^o jl (^^L>j jL^-«*j jLj I .£rf-Mj| ^jji-B^jjua «(^^Jjuo (^^_Li-o» .uNJ-"-.....Jb «4_x-_«j ,j^JLäo» ^ t«u^_jLSLo>> t«4_^5 L^ 4.^) ^«CjL^Ljj» t^^jjj^j ^jaiJlH-o (^L.&iwjbi5* jLj5* j,jI jjI jl .£rf-Mj| ^«jjLi jLjj ^^_l5-o An encouraging voice asks the Sufi to leave politics and mind and to become "divane" (a madman) for love and to become a moth to the flame, destroyed by the fire. The voice continues "be away from yourself" and ruin your house, then come and share home with "aasheghaan" (lovers) SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD j ((^^"^L-o \ X 0^9) lSj^^ f*--ää ^jjS *}jb Oj-^Jj (y£z^> (_£jlj-*_Jj (^Jul«j J t^jbLwJ^J i^jllLw^lS* (^Lji^jLlS' ^yj^^jJUti jlj| .JLol^^^o Ij JojLjlJjI ^jAljIjuO j*i J I ^ .eX^Jjl d>LJj£ ( 4 3 Pronunciations The poet talks to his beloved about the constant presence of beloved in his mind: I will never and do not want to wake up from this desired hangover, you were sitting in my heart before I was born You are not like a sun, falling into presence and absence Others come and go, you are the one who stays (^jlöjja J L>3- (jj I j I jvu I JüjJ jj&S- d-oJb öS 45 jllpuub 3J' 3 JJjI 3 JÖ3J jlj5i jl j.^J jO <. ^ y a jw-oL-JO u l) jj|j.J tL5—«ö-i ^ää <0 ^ ^jLmmJ^O jl ^1 .J-ol LoO 4j 3 oo^j i-3^jijt_o ^j^L&I^^- ^*iljl jL**ol (^1 j»j jJ-£_o 45" ^1 .Ojlo Oj-^-*-j j^j ^jli 14jI_«_olc jLx*ül 3 o^ji—j^-o j»jt*ö j^JwwO j.Jt_«-J Jjö^jw-J jö jCLmJ ^JjJ^S^-0 Ij ^1 j|jJlI*J-0 jl ^^jJ >U^J ^mJjLS jjt-wl) jö j^WwO jJCwl) L JmmJ iJ^amJ ^j»«-L*_0 .J-iL^^-o ijlj"^ (_£4»olc *-XjJbj,3 l^°J^J° ^ 4_3_Pronunciation4 You have come from the suns and the dawns, From the mirrors and the silks. [•••] I stand up! A light in my hand, a light in my heart. I polish away the rust from my soul. I place a mirror in front of your mirror In order to create an eternity with you. ^IöJloI (^IüJloI lä>^cuiojjl 3 LökUjI jl 3!) [...] ^0)1 Ol^S 3 4il> ? Jujb J** ^ : ^ (53^^ .j^ijxj Ja> j-j'b^-oJ - Ij ^£H_ft5" j_>l .JuIoJlJj 4JL*li^j j-ojJi 1—XJj 4_> l&Ojl^ j_>| -^v .Juw^»L 4JI_Jj|j) J>^>- (^LjS^wj'^l^cJi (©) 4_4_Conversation2 rice and kabob Chicken Cooked rice Saffron Chicken kabob with rice Chicken Kabob Tomatoes Extra 4iLol A sour drink Soltani Kabob Diet Salad Yogurt and cucumber 4 4 Conversation I i_^od> , J) uVLo 4j 3 |aj3_>-(^o ^34_>3J> 3J_> 4j ^yo :«CL*lt>1 jil (t>jl_> ?Ojlu ^jSo'*->3? L' JJw>- tj3J'4j>or> ^JL> .J—aS ^a^iLT .Ojb b' 30 tC^A^i^j .JujlJJL> jfcA AsLol SjjT* 4j LikJ .4_Jlc .aJL) :41JjIjil |^>L> .|»j3J>-t^o £30 4j :4JLiljil (tjJl-> .^Ujlju ^3^ AjLcUajLws :C1^oJl?^lwu .|aj3_>-^s-o ^jl^^J Aj (^*u :4JLJuljil jt>jL> ?^_jljj> JujIu (>_5-?' Lo-Jo :t_l*-oJ\j>cJLu 0L0 4j 3 ^jjLLaLj ^-iLSjls* 4j :4iLiljil ^Lsl ?^jj^lt^j 3 I^jLjjS 4jj iC^JlS'cJLo ?Juj|j ^^-aujj 4jLi3J :4lJj|jJI (^111 .LaiaJ ^j-o (^IjJ i^s^jj AjLJL^ 4j (^*u !aj3_>- :4JLJulj3l (^Lsl j-ol .^j3Jtll--oJl>- jfijL-o 3j jL_>- 3 tll^oLo 3 uVL_o JjVI :t_-a-oJL5^iwu ?Juj|ju ejl^Sjj ,_jljj bljlS" (tt-io (^jIjjI oul3JL> 3o 3 03--0 L ^jLjL^-^-o jl jj Ju .JuloJuli 00L0I (^i-^- 3 SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD These following lists include words for fruits and other foods. Add your favorits to the empty chart and remember the words that are important to you. Add your favorites below 'l*0 LS' JtJ ■ AS Ij 4äJ| 3 A—S' diLwól i_ ěUo—J Jj-^ *j Ij óyi- 4ÍbU čjyi 4_4_Conversation3 4j Jk-jta^-o Meat Watermelon Onion Apple Eggplant Orange Rice Sweet lemon Oil Pomegranate jUI Date Lo Tangerine Sugar Kiwi Salt Spices Walnuts Stew Desert Mixed nuts Appetizer Raw herbs to be eaten fresh 0Jj3^ iSry Herbs stew Ranginak (An Iranian desert) PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 4 4 Conversation .O nose Lips Ear mouth Tongue tooth Body parts Body hand, arm leg, foot L head Face belly, stomach Eye Jk_*_^tJXj Ja>- Jk_olo^-oJ 4.5* ^jI&öjI^ jjj 2 i-^_*_l5* ^0^5" ^j^ArS J-'Ls 4j :4jL>-jo .v It hurts (4^5"^ Jjj) AlS^-o JjJ Let me see (ffc-L^ jIiÁj) ^JLw-j jl^i-^j Fever Little, less, to decrease so 4 4 Conversations üj^-^jj^ ^j-'-*-^-'.*'.'J JwoLojjL i£>jij£- ^a^LwJ LS* ůjů jZSô :jlo-o jLo^o jLo^o jLo-o ?aj .^^^ vl ai" SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD ^b—j^j jO ^ YYY Jb*.I j*i jjl ji^sLn-o j^-£wO ^oJJ—j^j t^Lsj1^" l£^IJ"*0 45" jI ^^L&^jbL**>b J^-b 4j oo-o-o^J ^jj| Ojfy*** O^**"^ J*^ %l3^m> Ij (jli-.j-j.i <=j3^ 3 cJj (jUjr ^ob-^-J ^^—^-Jool ,jbj 4^jj>j.j ^4JLJJj jO ^ o-i» olowob 3 t~^J J"V ^ 3^ Jot; 3 oj.5" jLcl ^Loj.5" tilj L ^ Xf * JLj jl Ij jj-a ^Lao-JUi <^ .c^sjf .ob 4-obl ^jlj^ jo Ij oJUi l5o 45" Jj Iäo L£lA4_*aS ^j-"*?"0 '^J^ J^' 4.Iäo b ^ Xf Y JLo jl Ij ^0-o*o^j ^jljjl ^^joIj «ötil^jL^^ 4^sljjj ^1 jj tO—j^I ^lä^jb—jb ^jjjjj^^-iwo 3 ,jb—jb 4£^«j^o ^jl jl L&4^aS ^j-^a ^jILw^J ^1 jj Ij « ^ T^'f Jb*i oJoj.5*j.j v_jbS*^ ^jO^lptjs ojjL> 3I .O-w3j 4_5_Readingl 03^- 4j 3I jl 45" j.j'1 ^j—*J^I J 0o-i» 4^jj>jj* ^Lojl ^ j£. i.^oJJa t^^Lob-*)! t^3—j|j.3 i^^^^Jool t^LJI (^bb^jbj 4j ^bsj.5" ^olj^ ^Iä»—>b5" jl ^^J^jj (^L&^jbL**jb ^jLmjI jj ^jLoJ-«--j 3 ^j^jjj^lj fö"b-9 ^jIjjI ^UbjS'jLS' -j^j j^ää-o ^U&^as ^4£^«j?s-o jl ^j^Lo—^b—jb > 4^j>jj* ^^.^AiXjl ,jbj ^ILJI ^j-o ^o>_b> :4jUj> jl .C^ol ooj3l C^oo 4j j^ jl £jU- 3 J^-b ^jJJb 3 ^JJ^jS oL^^o jl Ij ^obj jjJ3J> ^3 oJ—I 4^j>jj* jbl •l>°j^I 6^^^^ c5°jiW" 3 0 ^V) ^l^> J—J L^UVJb5' ^^■(^-o p>5tij Jo 4j>jÄ S^^^wf(j-oJ jJaj jo Ij ^jLf JJj|^> ^^j^ (J^i ^ tf*-*J-3J-; C^ö3^ iS^Jt tS**0 3^i^°J^ ^3jj (-^4joL>- *-5o ^j-o iS^ji ö^**1^ 'fÖ-^ls**^ 4j>^j ^*ob-ijl3j 4j 4j ^ fbo 4j 4j ^J^Jo^J jO ^j-o .jj|oJ-i (aj3J Lä**-^ ftr*-i-J^-° 3 (^jI'^'lS*0 l53J ^.Jol^-o JiiLS' (^3j 3 J3-*-Jt-£-° l5^3J*^ J*^ tOjb 03J>3 ^J-ä3 jo ^sl^-o jaboJ 3 0J-0I ^JJ&3 4j 45" ^*_LLa-o .O—jI OjbjO (3^-° *^ ?(^y ^ + j^-^JLo =(^o3b^o JLo)?J-ol boo 4o UsT jo 3 ^Lo 4j> jo ^bojS" ^olj-o .y ?cjj 0Liub 4, ur jo 3 jjijjr ^ ^br jo Ij ^buoj^oo ^0j3o 3I T ?Oj5" ^3j-^ ^^J—j 4j> jl Ij ^o-o-o^j ?(oj5" ^3j-^:) Jj^ jLcl Ij jJ-a ^LaC«Jbt3 45" o^j 4JL0 JJJ> .f ?0—)l oA-jj 4^j>jj* ^^-^olSol 4j ^Ljbwwjb falo-S' 3 ^jbwwjb |a|j5' 3I /jb—jb ^jjjjj^^^uo to-wjT Ia-j /jJLo jo Ij jjj OLclS" ^—jjli Jobto TV movie, the most famous, all the time, to become internalized PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Put the following events from Moradi Kermani's life in the correct order and then write the corresponding year next to the event. .A-i J—J (^La*—>b5" ^liflJI j!3j ^qjAs* ^ojJj.j ^lo^jf ^jIj-o . JwO I LoJ 4j j J .jji5" ^IL^JaJ 4j fc^j-**' 4-Jj^>" ^4_L?w j.j .j-i Jl-j oJoj5*jj v_.>b5" ^0J.jL> ^oJJjj JwjJ^lo ^Lft4_^aS ^j^j ojI^jL^- (_£4_oLjJ,j ^IjJ lj J-^lo ^Ub4^aS i-_jbL5' :JL-..............................................................................................................................................................\ :JL- ..............................................................................................................................................................V : JL- ..............................................................................................................................................................V : JL- ..............................................................................................................................................................f : JL, ..............................................................................................................................................................& JL ..............................................................................................................................................................f .Ju-liL oJ>l^oI ^3^5* j^j jLS* (^1 j.j ^ JuuJS" Jj-Ji^j oJLL«*j^J i-So ^S'Juj OjLj'j -4jL> j^j *\ (^^jIj,^ ^5"Juj J---0 ^_*_Hj?tj 45" (^loJJ—o^j ^5"Juj . ^ (^^jIj-o ^5"Juj J--0 j-Jo^j ^jLS'jJ—ojl j.ILw_o oJJwwji^IiAS" ^5"Juj L^-vti j,laj 4j .V ?ljj> jLJ i^^-> J--* ^jLoj.5* ^tilyt ^Ssxj 45* Ju;j5*(^o j.5Cs .JuJul^> Ij 4^j5*j> ^jLLmjI^ jl ^l45o Lo-li .V SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 1. You have already learned that the use of ^-^.\)^\ a—>} in Persian is often determined by certain trigger words. Look at the sentences below. 4 6 Grammar I .^jUj Jsa ^,1 y ^--l^-^> jl -u^jLS^ ^"jy.j^ ^ly^ aS jL~S jl (jjuu - 1*51- jjij CUSj j-^"l ^-*J«—jI^^-j^-o Lol j^j^jJ ^jL«_^_o 4j jJ**^3J j-'*'(-5*0 — Why do these sentences require the subjunctive? What triggered the use of the subjunctive? 2. In the box below, list the subjunctive "trigger" verbs that you have learned up until now. Be prepared to share your list in class. As you continue to expand your vocabulary, you will want to keep up with this list and continue adding trigger words. If you are uncertain, then make sure you listen to the sample sentences that come with each vocabulary word. A New Trigger Word 3. Read the following sentences and try to translate the sentences. 4_6_Grammar2 (jg) ^ 'J ^ L" ^ ^ ^ " .Juj^Xj lj->3 lj* Ju|4JL9j.J Jj_"_<*"j_l.o| ^ 4j J3*-& ^3JJ ^jL^tj Lj^j j> I 4j ^S\aZ3jS ^ i ^.bji Jl&I^^^o oJLo I ^j-o j^Lo PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 6. In Unit 14, you learned a similar construction. Do you remember what it is? Write a sample sentence below that uses it...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7. Keh + subjunctive and ta + subjunctive convey very similar meanings. Both indicate the reason that the subject has undertaken or will undertake an action.The main difference between the two structures is that ta tends to be used more often in spoken Persian; however, both structures are used in both written and spoken. The two examples below, for example, are almost identical and both written in the Spoken form. Try to use both constructions in your written homework assignments and when you are speaking in class. 8. Choose the appropriate verb in parenthesis to complete the sentences below. Make sure to conjugate the verb. 9. First review the different kinds of trigger words for the subjunctive in Persian, then choose the appropriate verb in parenthesis to complete the sentences in cj—tr^- Make sure to conjugate the verbs. 4 6 Grammar3 4 6 Grammar4 (o1^Ji '-^Jtr 4 6 Grammar5 I (jAJU :j±S j»j) ........................ L> j (jjjS" S^S /jj^ji" co-lji-jl)....................... SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 45" 4 6 Grammar6 Oi1 J1 J** j « ;l Juu Jlto ...................................'............................^ Jt 3' Jh* •f^'Jur0 ^jj fJ^ *i'...........................................^ 6a' j' J-f3 ...............................................ijjjLj oLSLiJb 4.j 45" jl J_J . jL&lp-^-o 3 - ^y L, Uv'l 3I 4 6 Grammar8 L, 3I lib We use these verbs in the subjunctive just like any other verb; the only difference is that they are formed differently. Please make sure you commit these conjugations to memory and practice using them in class and in your assignments. Another Use for the Subjunctive 12. At this point, you should be comfortable with the idea that the subjunctive is triggered by certain words. However, there are also instances in which we choose to use the subjunctive in order to express uncertainty. Consider the following example from your vocabulary sample sentences. 4 6 Grammar9 I think we should have good weather today. 4H_Jj|b ^jp- (^I^A J3j-«l 45" pjS^a jSik PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY In this sentence, we know that the verb fekr kardan is not one of our trigger words for subjunctive. However, we have the option of using the subjunctive with this verb to suggest some doubt. Compare the sentence above with the following sentence. 4 6 Grammarl0 I think we will have good weather. ■piP LsiP uj'y J3p ^ P^IS* P* 13.The two meanings are very similar. Can you explain the difference in your own words? We will be exploring the idea that the subjunctive can also be used to express doubt our uncertainty later in more depth. For now, when you use the verb fekr kardan, pay special attention to how certain you are of what you "think." ^■XjjS o^\Jc^j\ üiIiäo ^Loj j-^> jl a^I^^-0 1-^1 jl ^^-i u?ly. •Jv^S' A-oL't l&LJ_*i' c^tjd j^L^Jj L Ij jjj ^La4.L«j> ■(CrÄS)..........................jt-^ib jU^Ijj jjj ja jjjj^La (ji^j LaJLj . \ ■(o,xp3i>........................................L> ts^j cS'-aaJM 6i' .(^jlBj) .................................. LoJ-j^j <4j jL JLL> jji>-j ^£4ZJl&> L^jI X .(^jjUUTjj) ............................... .Ajl^ 4j jjj j-"^ jl j-*j f^jLL^jjo \ ' OlcL«j u^JLio .*f •(o^^) ............................. Ij (*->Ll^3«s J3j j& (d*P J-^j) ................................ o'jV jj ls-^3 ■ (o^j).............................Wo' ^ ^ uJOj^j-3 (i_r-y)............................ujlji .Ju-lS'^o c^>IjL Ij jl '(o^j ^Sj^")...............................j-*-*^ri ^j^^-0 ^jjl iS°P.J^ ^P^ ..........................Ij ji^LJ ß ^-oi").......................................jl ((jjj^lji-)..................................45" ^j| jl j-J .A •(o^j 1-SJj)......................................jL. jjj> (pjJji- ,_-jj^)..................................^j A .(^jjI^o) ................................. Ij L»Oj,Ä*J LT (jj^jS" ^^5") .................................... jl *j JuL . ) ■ .(^jJlJj ^jj^1) ........................................ 4.5* el^«j| OlcL-j k-S\j . *1 *1 .(jjulji- ^j^)...............................jl jl j^Ari ajI^j ^ (o^^)................................... L> b • ^ V •(i>° IcP^}'H **-! L> (*V £3^3-° öi' '(i>° ^ir^ß (o^-^)............................^ öi' j' (P* - ^ •(Uv'l /oJp ls?jjj)...............................................Lsi3J^ jV"-1 jj j1^ ^ b .U jj jJL-j (^4.jJkJi 4j .(^job 4_>Jl&) ..................................... La 4.j ^.5*jjjjJu ^(^jJlJj) ...................................... <4_t jj JL^j 4_i.*-i-o-ffl> t^ß*-^ l&JL-j . *1 & •(o^af) .................................. lS-^ .(^jojS- jL)........................................j-,V**' ^3*-^ j^ '-^jj"1 °l-^**'lj p>-—jjj jA^ *—^jI Jl"^ P^c? • ^ ^" .iJU™j jjJVo-o jjjl .(jjJjS" iS^S) ................................. Loo (_54.^fi) 4j JlüjI j^-^ jl . W SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD At home: Your instructor will assign one of the Iranian writers to you. You will write a biography. Your biography should include at least ten instances of the subjunctive, including each of the two exceptions you learned. You should also use "ghabl az in keh" at least twice in order to tell your narrative. :4J*L> jo .Jl&o^o Ij jj j C5^J"J O^1-^-^.^ C5^i f*-**1^ 4.j ^jLjoLlLwjl j-oLli ^ JlJjL 4ji_*lilo ^.oIjuJI ^j^> ^5"c--vjo Ju1_> L«-Jj 4^Lj^5"Juj JwliL JwJL9j5" oL 45" , ^jLjw1«jI jl jl jL; 3^ ^Jiljo tJoJAo^g-o oJJ-wj^J ^1 ^5"Juj öjLjjo 45* ^^5* L> 3 Joj5* j£ Ij ^jLjo^jS" Jlxj 3 JuJjj i-Sj^- JuloojS* tjj_*iL?Tj 45* ^loJk_L—(^OjLjo ^jLj^Lä^wjjl5*^_& jl j^^-1 I--1 OjÄJ 3^ ^L&o^jS" jo .Joj5* J-oLS* Ij jjj J^Jc^- JoJl^j^-o 45* Lj> Lj 3 JoJjj i-Sj^- (^jXjo oJk_L—*j^j Jul (^OjLjjo t„JLj> (^4.LoJ> 4_«j □ j^wjK ^LLvJ-T (t^^&ljjI PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Attached Object Pronoun ^J^Ju, Jmxu> I .You have already learned that we use the pronoun endings for things other than just possession. For example, in spoken Persian we add these sounds to Lj and to indicate the object of our preposition if it doesn't need to be explicitly stated.We can expand this use to include direct objects by attaching the pronoun endings directly to the verb.While this structure appears in both written and spoken Persian, it is most common in spoken Persian. When it is in written Persian can be very literary, and in fact we often find this structure in classical poetry. Consider the examples below. 4_7_Grammarl ^jy^j^jj ?cx«jL?t5' LJi.\-'.i^) 2. Translate two of the sentences above: 3. In the example sentences, why don't we need to explicitly state the object when the pronoun ending is used? 4. Look at the examples below and determine how we add the pronoun endings to compound verbs. 5.Where do we place the pronoun ending when compound verbs are involved? Rewrite the following sentences and use J-ai* jir^j> where necessary, and then write three of your own that uses this structure. i^iS^,^ jir* iS3j f^ij^ ^ 3j isiLlS") A (f.p^s Cj^cz f>^>»f« lS'y. 3j ^3^ is^is* -ilr-~fi> JL^ri lsj3-H-° oi' o'0^3' ^ tsA^^S" j'15""! )-T SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Working with a partner, compare the two charts below. How are they different? Choose several verb from each chart and make up sentences about your friends. Use ^JyJ^ J^l* whenever you're able to. 3j frt*^ (_s^ (j^'-'-'-'-'Jj 1 l/ u-'jV^ . . . joIaL —^jS c^-IjCLjI ^j«o Ij jjiLaL - («jjb jljJ jl Ij 03^ ~ t^j^ 1) 4j °J3^^ . . . CjIaL i "^J^i^1 3J H PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY m (ajU-ju) ^jj^i ^ J*s :Yf ^jj^J I. In Persian it is possible to conjugate verbs without indicating a specific person when these verbs are preceded by certain verbs.This impersonal verb conjugation is similar to the use of "one" or the general you in English. For example, "One must stick to one's morals." or "You can order a lot of dishes at this restaurant." In both cases, we want to make a general statement without identifying a specific agent. Since Persian often omits pronouns, all of this information is contained in the verbs themselves. Consider the following Persian examples. One can go... It is possible to see... One should/must go... £*3j JuL 2. In order to use this structure, you start with one of three helper verbs, then what do you notice about the second verb? How is it conjugated? 3. Read the following poem and listen to the corresponding audio file. Underline all the instances of the impersonal verb construction. 4 8 Grammar I 4.The following sentences are a few examples of impersonal verb in spoken form. Read them and come up with three of your own. .Oj^> 4.^j»«j IJlC (jj| - .4.LJaju Ij J3J*1 ^OjS" ^ayC ^jjLJ LstS' - JuL I j L&jH ^ u'j^ Ojj JuL jjljlj jij 'Ij Ojbli- ilj j5o3 Ol9j JuL ^jljL jij J"^-*'"' f^J"0 ^ Ju O JuL (jljL jjj Ij CXwJ^O Juj|^> (jj L JuL (jljL jjj ^ <-Sj^l ^ o'j^i tils' ji^Lj toj - iC^tjy j-*^ JuL (jljL jjj eX«j| (j^lSl 4j^L«£>^> jO (jOjS" ^_u^_J I ^5"juj The impersonal verb conjugation will allow you to move towards advanced proficiency by giving you the opportunity to express more ideas abstract ideas. Conjugate the verbs in the parentheses and then write at least three sentences for each entry in which you use the construction. Then write one of your own. (o^-) ^3"^ -Y ((jjLJj^J) JuL X (......................)................................. SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD I .Watch the video and look for the following two exeprts in the video. Write the time it starts and the time it ends in the video. M7y 4 8 Grammar2 :You may also be able to find the video at https://tamasha.eom/v/ZMkWn 3 ^t^^ ^ lj jij tj-*-° 3^ O^i^i 3 %L3y^ 0^*°j 3 lj 3i'^J~3 • ^ 4_jtf Lj^5" .il3j LJö jl ^^XJL^j ^ *\ .Jj-S* ^l^jl *\ ^ J L-J*^ ^jöL 4.5* f^^J 4_ß>lo jl-^> Lj V lö^Jo- .^JLIiIJu Ij (j^5* g^Jb ls^3J j'"?''^ l£j,"°J^'"^J J1^ ^* ^'"H f*~^ 1"^J- jO I 2 ^5"4..a9 ^5"jJ.jjJu .|öJk.,di t—5"jjj 1—5"jjjj^L.o ^ 1—5"jjjjJu _o Jj-o .JuJk_*_Jt5*^.o C\JLä>- JJJL9j^-o 4_«jjJuo ^.jÄ y&£- .C^-wjI 4JI_*lib j,_oLj jii (^jIJlH-o Jk.jL.di .Ju^j.5*^^ Cjj.^^- 4»«Ji 45* C^>-Lwj ^jbl_vjb ^jl-L^ i-J\j>^5* 4JL& i»J\j jl .lilii jU-ÖJ öuj>^ 4_i öuj>^ L^Jjl 4»«Ji 45* Jol^>^»o iwjLlS* ^jL->- ^ dyi ^.Jjuo 45* ^.H_Jjb ^5* g^ji ^ ji-^" i*^-^ ^ jU-iUob 4.5* ^iL*to^5"V .^^j jj-o jLi5* jj-wj JLwj V*\ ^j5* Ij »-*^-«5* ^j-o 4j 45* ^iLlib ^iL*to^5"V Ij Ca_jLj ^5*v ^jLiLwjb 45* ^.n_*liljjT jlj-i ^^>- L> -^^5" ^LäiI oj-jxll jj-o £^*i^»o jyl ^ ^j,5*^«J ^jLöJÜI ^5"jJj ^Ij-j 3 ^j*-***^ .|öjjj\j ^ |öj^-oL^j I j C-_*1>J5" ^jjjji^ ^5"jJj jl 4.5* |ö^j.5* 2. Write three points you learned about this video. 3. Read the text related to this interview and find out what Moradi Kermani>s answer to the following question.Write it down in third pesron singular. ^Lj ^jLoj.5* 1—OjLjO ^jJu^ JjjI jl 45* (^|4JL& 4_«j .V . J_*_wj 3~*~' |—<-9 4 8 Grammar3 .J*_i-«*j^J_i C--wj| j.jj Jl^wj 4j ^jLoj.5* (^^Ij.^ 1— You have read a short biography about and listened to an interview with Hushang Moradi Kermani, and you have learned a lot about him and his thoughts on writing. In this activity, your instructor will divide the class into two groups. One group will be writers and the other group will be journalists. The writers must work together to write a statement on their thoughts on writing. The journalists, meanwhile, must (^l4_^>.L^la 4.j a tJuJul^s- Ij ^JLajS" (^£*}|j.o ^^-LJjoä 4-oLj^5*Juj e-JlLa-o jj^ijLjI a jl5vil tj\ j Ju^b ^3^ O-X^j j^l^tjl 3I L; aS a^jf 4j Ij ^jIS" iCuJL»i jjjl jj ijbL-jl .jLjiijS" (_j^Ljj 03j,5 3 « ^-5o .jj5*^^ j^.. ojLj^i (^|4_jLo ^ jjj5* jL5* ^.jä L JuL tjL5"jj_«*j-^^j tJL^- ^^-«-0 .jj_«*j^j_i ^5"jj_«*jojLj^i ^jL^ijL^sl 177 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY write five questions about writing that they will ask the writers. Once each group has completed its task, one journalist will interview one writer.As you write your statement and questions, be sure to use the new impersonal verb conjugation that you recently learned: jl lj L^JI 45* b-i-.....j j-b ^g5"i.\-l-.....jy Ojbjb Jl^«j A bub 0^5" 4b\_bl jl (J^J .b_^«J^.*J >XSb\y> ^jlS"b-'-.....J y g^jS jb •bj.S' >XSb\y> 4_0>L£i« Ob-b.....J y L ^b\J t^jS" ObLol lj 4b" jjj ^-^ajrJj j^s- JljtSl jl L^b>- tb-i-.....j^J^^g-o 4.5" ^jVI^—j 3 4_bLo b-bbT oblibbj buldbbj^f bb_ ^?jb" 4j b^i^^jO / bjL / (')lgJ( c-0 ...............................^ ...............................V ...............................r ...............................f- ...............................A b^j^o ,_jLvl*a3 (fc-Li jl ,_£l4_b?i*a ,_jU4^aS Jb_^j ^llj ^ YY ^ JLj LgU>4jccJ>-^fl bU™J jljil bU9j^ ^'1 3 -b-i^-o ^3^ oL>i' j^" lS^O^W^ (»^i3^; 4.5" b^5'(^o ^j £^-b>j (j?j-^ (^lbL«£> lj La4jL> .bU>ilb ^j'l^i-al 4j»l^J SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD ,03^ *4aS\j> :Y jjJül^ .Jo-LS" lj*_o -0 j^-"-^" |w****-J jl J*_ol^j*^-o Joj|o^-oJ 45" Ij ^jL&OjI^ ^^juo .JuJI^tj Ij -0 ^jl >—^-«5* L ^ Joj5* ^jij^5" ^jj^j J-1^ ^ — 4jL>' j^> Laoj^S ^ >XjjS ^jij^5" ^jj^j J-1^ ^J .JujIjJXj 4JLi| ^Oj^j^S d*_Mj| j^jV L>- j.ä ^ JuJI^tj ^jIjo^-^" (^Ij-i j^ljl Ij O"*"0 0^*»^ (The list of words is for reference) .^^S ^> Ij diUI station :01£l~J driver ^aJj haste :4.i?c£ tO bump lS^^? match, mate :d&J to lose, to be lost -.^jj, to look for something -.j^s JLj\> alley ■.^>5S' instead of ^U- dj cry -.Ajjf to walkij^ij olj to find Ij^o box to be convinced, to be satisfied -.^^ tO hug : jli/ Jij store :ojlJLo ^LSj benefit :0juli 4_9_Readingl (ß) Starting at min 2 |öj5* j^j^* ^-°Lj .^.Jj^j^-o 3 L^^J t£yi (^I^A (^£^j t^jbL^^oj d5* j£Jj^>- 3 t_j^>- 4»«^> e^Jb> .*Lo^> djj lj l&jLS' JjjI jl |ö|a5'^JÄ 3 CX«j| (_£jLj ^_jL.*_«jI JaÄS ^Si^j^jC .(^jjj Cjld^jjjuo dj iS'ß 3 l£.9^ ^ ls^3"^ls*° '^^^ls*0 idS* £*3j5 Ij j^Lo j'il-^' d^j^S* ,^*jS j^js ^^j\y ^jioljj t^^«jjj£ ^ '(^j-^j'iL.o d5* ^jS* *}LJ j^j j SjS" j^fl>j^fl> .^Lläl djj5" dj "}LJ .^jj^-^a 4-oSs>- j pjjj^a pjb L t^läjj jLS" j^j d5* J_JajUjjj ^So t|ft|d_"_.....VLj> ^j-o _ :C^sS j JlJj ^jiuLiaJ j*}Lo .^j .JujÄi d»«^> j ^3jJ ffc-A i-1 A*-1 jjj d5* JlJj ^^slj *^1_j j tJu^j pjb l ^jL^ ^j^ij^L^ j *^lj o 45" Ij joLo .o^j 4j'L^- jo 4j u1^l> 3 o^j ■ ^jL-^i^LjI oLS"jo *^LJ .Juol 4jL>- 4j o^j joL-o tJuu j^j :eU9j.5" ^Jju Ij ^1 (^LaL ^ ^j£o^.L> Jo^o PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY .j^OjwTJ 4_«J^> j^O^jJ íjôLo j^J^jJ _ (jlSb JJ->- 45* ^jLLj> 4j JoJo-^jj b* t JJ-19j ^jLL^- /j I 4j ^jLL^- (JjjI jl .(jLLjr- JJ-19j íč*3jS Ij "^LJ joLo .C--Jj|ô fuJÄ (^j^o^jloiS* ^jLl*aoIj (^I&^LäS* ^ o^j j-*jL J3~^ .Juoj5*^.o oLXj Ij L&4_jl<«Jj exdo ^ L&^jiLá5* ^ íJuobi_«*j|^-o La^jLS*^ |0 ^ojôLo ^ *^LJ .ô^j ^jLlLw-OJ ^jÍ_ä5* ^ 4_o»SsJ>- .Joô L&4_Ji_i-vJ C^-wJ jl J_vJ^,0 Ij 4»«J^> j.Xjo (^l-j> Jo-vJjJ^»o ^ Juol^-o ^y^t)^S>- La4^,^> 4»«Ji jl .JujwtJ tJoo 45* Ij LjÄ4^^> ^j-J^I ^aJ>^>o (^jíJo *^LJ :ěUÁ5" joLo tLol iJoliLj .ojIJu (^loJuli 4.Lpl£ .Juj5* |jk_o ^l£Jj^> ^ V*^" 4-<>*^;?" ^ ^jj-^i 3 C-_«jI (jl^lji 4^j5"j> L^j15*ô _ |jk_o tJu5* JJLv-j JoI^Ij joLo 4.5* (^|4^j5^j> J3-0Ä tLol .,jLS*o ,jl 4j ,jLS*o (JjjI jl c^JjLjL-*^- ,jl 4j (jLLj^ /jA jl .JJLl9j olj ^-Lw*- .j^Ls joLo .ô^j 0J0I1 (^i|4J_wjj.5" *^LJ .ô^j oJlJLJ .Juoj^> f^jÄ L .Joj.j> ^(^ôjj i-SL5*» oôj.j> »-So jôLo ^ji_*li^>- Ljä4^J^> jl .Juol jôLo .JlwJjJ jôLo b* Jo-Jt5* jLLálol .Jo ô 4_«J^> (JXöJ> t—£j ^jl5*ô 4_JL*_Jj C*o£o ^ ěU9j ^aJj>^L> *^LJ .Joô^j <-%Jjj$>^- (^ô^*J La4^J^> .oj.^tj Ij L^jI 4.5* Jolt ^-^Ij -Jool :ěUÁ5" jôLo .JJJL9j ^jloL 4j (w-tJ>lj .Jowli^j Ij Ljä4^J^>- jJ_J :C--ä5" jôLo .ÔjIjô\j (Jj^-oj (^3j Ij L&4»»&> JuoI^o ^jíLíL_>- .ěU9j^-o olj ^JI?tJj^>- ^ ^jjJjj L .C--9j olj "^LJ (ju^-lj c-jLjäL _ .C^-wjI C^>-lj t4.Jj : ilsJíS oJJLwj^já .J0I1L ^5"jL^o .jj5*^-o ^jL^o^j* ^.jL&L .jjjLw^jä ôL^jT oôj.^- i-J\j t Jaus :ěUÁ5" jôL^ .JoJJ-^ oJJ-di^ji 4.5* ^IL9^ tJoliL ^_5ý.Jj 4^J^> j.5"l .J0I1L Lj> ^.jä LjÄiwj|j^j> (^IjJ JoL í^jIi^j^^ CUÁÍ5* ^-o-^o iwj|j^j> ^jLlLw^oj .J.JiILw-o ôL^S" _ .ô^oyli^-o 1—5*jjj JJo JJo C-oL *j3° (^jl-^i^jlJJLo JoL ^ tJo^j^-oJ i—,0Lj 4.j (^3j-i 4.^jjJwO ^jäI^>-^-o .jjlSó Ij La4^j5^j> c-^jI^-^^-co "^LJ '^J^ •Lí^-řJ oJu_1i^j.í .ôIô Ij La>4„o5'j> jôLo j j j Jojj C^A^-^o .C^Bjj jL j j j ^-^jt>^j tJoli ôj^j I^jÄ 4.5* ^jl9^-o^ IiJUäS" ^jijôLo 4^>j.jä .4jl_>- ô^jj L^jI L C--«jI^>-^-o :ěUÁ5" oJJ_«j^j.5 .4.jj.j .4_oc> |ôjlJ5"^^ Ij ^j1oLjÄ^jL-oô .J0I1L ^jt>^>- ,_)^Jô ^ t4.jl_>- ô^j.j La^j-i-oJÄ L jIjô\j _ *^LJ -ô^j JLjtjli^^ ^jjb jôL^ -ô^j JL^tjli^^ .ôLiil olj ý ^—-*-9j-5" ^J-*-1 "^^í 4_oc> (^^J* 45* tlj ^jlo La^j L-oô *^LJ .Joli (^-^Ij jôLo ^LLwjI^o č*3j^q 45* |ôJl9 Jjl> "^LJ .ôIô^^ Ijl«£> 3 tôj^cs*0 3^ 3^ La4^j5^j> (^^j (jioLaL teUäj^^-o 45* olj .éUäj^^-o ^L>^L> S H AH S AVA R I I ATWOOD .Jl&Jo ffc.Jj.-o jLjLJ lj Ljä4»«^> 2 ^3JJ ^■j*L>' 4.j jjJ^j C--«jI^>-^-o j^-b .oj.5"^»o olXJ lj l&4»«^> ^ :£*Ü5" -Ji^j 4JL9j5" ojo jtij^j .o^j 0J0I1 4JL«^- ^1*^ joLo -J1^ 0J0I1 t—^jjLj I^Ji s lj jtij^j *^LJ 0J0I1 j^j^" L&jöiil (J^aAj jl ^jai^j^jI C^j3J tO^J^^' ^j"^3 3° t£^tj^-*b ^J""?" *^3^ öJ*-«j oli -J1^ jl t jtil^j jtil^j 2 J^-^-*->"^-o Ojl^^S" ^jlS-o ^jai^j^jI .CX^jb^oojj jtoL&4»«j'C>' jl j^_^L> . jojoLo 4_i_*_wj (^^j o^J 4JI_Jj| j\5" .iZ>3j <«_jI^>- ^ Joli j_JX_L«j tt—^-oj,J |öj,J t'^LJ (^L&i—£Jj .£*3j^q tbij-i-wjLo jl-^-o :Jool oJujIj oj,5"1_Jj ^IJuö L> ^ Joli Lj Joo 'J1^ 4JI_W_JLJ *^LJ joLo ^LjlS" tCXJjb ^«jLJ jlj-j 2 l^~jjJ d"""1^ ^* '(^l0,-^5" 3 3^"*" OJ *^LlL«*j| ^jai^j^jI "^LJ jl t4.^S«j> (^La4XiJ jl •^j^> "^LJ ^L&4..«5 4j lj--*Jj .j^j ^Xjj L> .Jo-JLS* ^ c-_l>bj.j Ij jlL_Jj 4.JLäc .Jij^-o £~>jS> joL.o .C^Bj 2 |w-t-9j -oLnJl olj ^jai^j^jI .JoJlJj oJ'L.o LujiLA^o Lj JJ->- .C^9j jj .^JjoL-^s jl~^" ^LnJl ^ Jooljo :oj Jib oJujIj Jj,5"Lwj .Jl*j*t^j ^j|jo-o j^J ^j^j^jI I^JosJ^I (jl>A--o .JLILwjI ^J^J^jI ^3J 3 ^J^" d"*-1 ^-J tjjLo .JuLa_o olj C--«jI^>-^-o ^j^j^jI .Ju5" jljoo lj *^LJ C--«*j|^lJ Jj^" •'^uJ,i joLo £~>jls> .J^j jojoLo ^J-*-> £ '^3^ öJlJLJ j|jk_o j^J-^ *^LJ .£*3j ^jai^j^jI .^jOjLo ^j £*3j .Jl*1i ojLo ^jAfcflj ^j^ftj* <*j jjL^o .Jjj gjjj jj gjjj ^ jljj ^>3^ -^3^ £ j^'--0 JoJ 45" Jj^Lo jj |j *^LJ ^La4^5>- j|^>- '(jj^ oL5"jJ .JoL,wJj 4jl_>- 4.j |j i^><^^- J^j j^>" ja .JuoLo ^j*Jj tl—ol .^jOjL^ ^j Jwol .C^JT" 4 4.115* 4j 4.JLI5* Jj 4j>-^5* .4j>-^5* ^j C^-SSjj j 3^ ^-^>^ JoU^j>- lj "^LJ J^j !C--w_J 4^5«j> 4J\jJ .Coijf o .Jo JJ I j 4^5o- 4jU .J^j 4JL9j ^jai^j^jI .^jai^j^jI oL^II_«*jI ^j JwOI j^j^j 4.^,j^> 45jJ jSis jl jjLo -J^j j'"^" ^^-^ .tvIU^Ijul Ij 1—A^C^-j jjLo -J^j 4.H_wjJl5" ^1*^- u.wj jl .JJ-S"^) jL5" 4j> (öjjj ffc5" jti|4^5^> 4J>"jJ 45" Jw«-^Äj 3 J^-li jl ">LJ j.5*l JjS" jSis .C^9j^oj |jk_*j Ij 4^j^> 4XjJ tJk_.-^5"^-0 3jL>- Ij bi^JjJL^s j.Jj ^ Jj,5*^.0 j^-oü Ij ^jaI^J^jI C--wj|j OJJjIj Jj,5"LwJ it_^*-$3 --^> J-^l .JoloJojj> ^jXoljj ojLj 45* tC--«j| (_^|4j?cj JLo 4^£^- >^j.5* jSis .Jool ^jl*^^- .j^j-o jtijlJJ-*j •^j-'j* a ,Jo L 4j?lj lj* J ja (_^J3J — C-^U_wJ^-00 Ij 4j?cj 4.ä; jöljJ)' JLo 4jU 4.5* Jo I Jo Lj?t5* jl . Jo^Jo^o 0 JjL^ ^ Jo^-wti^o jl ^jjJ^j jL-wjjoL^ PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY C-uJu JJol^^a I&jÍL*^ is^3 ^ í,^Á^Sô 4JL;_Jj C-_£o C-_l>lJCT Ij -LcJ\j> 4.£_J C^_;_L .^j^jS iJUjJL 4j lib Ij 4^j5"j> 4ô\_J toJoolj lijiLli .ô^mj IiA_»j ^íl^-Lo joLJj .JLLvwo Ij I jojäj 0 CJlJ Ij 4^j5*j> 4Ô\_J (j-Aol) (jll*Jo' .»ijS* 4jLw-oJfc 4j Ij "^LJ ^j!_íL*j .Ju1^> jLaJ .C^9j5" jLoJ C**«j0 • j-^> jlJwo Jjj ^Lj> jtiLo tJuu j^j ^jijj>i Ca*jIj .Jojj Ij 4»«Jk> 4j\jJ ôjS* oL*Cj Ij ^jöJiLj (^3^>- (^^j 3 Co^jT Ij 4j>^5" jL j^L-a .Jolt tj-^3j f>5* ^5* l^-fc -ôUäj (j^j^ 4.jIj>- jl ^ jjLlt^LI "^LJ ."^l-J ^j"**1 ÔU9j .Joli jl j-o fö-Jj-« J3I í^^s *0*'j'"^* J"^ l*-^J 3 J-^j jl^-wJ . Jwo I ^jjj^j^j I .jIjLaoI ^jjJ^j^jI ůÍ5JL^o I .Joli^a :>^jS* jlj-j Ij "^l-j •J'j-S* jj^^LXJ .C^bjj Ij ,jl •Jo'i jLjI 4_*£a/5" Ij 4.^5Č> 4ô\_J fů-Jj^ .£ji v*-.?^ V .oJuwj J3j •y^> J-0L1 (.>LJ _ :CaÁ5" jU-Jj-o .JlJLo Ij ^iolrb ^-^j^- .Jol* jIJoo *^LJ .Ca*J (j5Lli^> ^_Lo> !^£j_JL9 4„oJ\j>- 4j> .0Jojj> AjIjiJ |ôj4iLo — JJÜj Ij jjŽijIa^s JaLj> jl fůJj^ joLa .JoojS" jj j jjj Ij jjLjI ■■ v',".Č.S 4_3^jü a 4.J Ij jjUI ljj>- _ .(ujojí,^ jiJ 4.SJ JLJj jb - :d-ji5* joLc .ooLoil ^jSoL jl ô-^^j i—"^LJ ^.13^ .0J0I1 4j>^5* ti^wJto ô~ t(ji|4.XjJ .JoôjXJ li^cu - .ôj5* 4jjí ^ c~~-tJ ^IcLi»^ .J^Lj^ y> eUäj 3 Jj5* JjL Ij 4-*5Ö> 4_xjJ .c^Bjf ^LJ _ .^-jlS* ^jiolj^o t|^j.jjj,Xj Ij 4j>^S* fů-i^jj a-ä L _ :CaÁ5 fů-ij-° •ó'-íW^ JuJwjj .JJ-läj ^ JJ-19j 4j>^5* (^^j .Jo^j^o L?tS* 45* CaÁÍo ^j^La 4j jfrJj-o .JJLlSj (j^j-J 4jLj>- j>i jl fů-Jj^ 3 ^-J .jJoL o^liil (jLLo-ji- ji Cj|4_o5ó> JoLoli . . . ■ijb 4.^1 j>1 .JoL19j ^ Jo'ôjS* o\SJ Ij ,Jj--oj .Jo'^j c-ijj> L ^ J0LI9j5" Ij ^j OtiLjjj S H AH S AVA R I I ATWOOD Re-read the preceding excerpt from "Chakmeh" and answer the following questions. Remember, we don't expect you to understand everything in the story.You just need to be able to understand enough to answer the questions below. j*"-^j t-S^jjjC jl 4^5~j> Ij.J> jl_J j^La jlsj Aj A 4j> ^^ij^Lo ^Ju^jj Juj^- 4j *}jb eXwJj*} i^j^u 4„«^> ^jj^Ia aS c^J[ o^jS" jJ^-^S *}LJ ^.S* jl Juu .V ? JUj-jT^.0 ^g^> i 11^?" 4j> ?Ju 35*^0 ?Ju^"(^ 4j> ^j^lo ?Ju l^^o jji^i^J*" lfl>4^5~j> pljjT jl Ju^jj^o 45" (^IS-^ Jj^-^l j^ "^LJ X ?eX«j| ?eX«j| C^>lj ^j^ul&L JlJj^j^o lj 4^5"j> C^L> jl_J (^**-93 X ?^3j^.o 4.jL> 4j j^la^- jj^ij^lo 3 3I yii^s* ^ lfl>4„«^> j^J^- "}LJ .6 ^jllT^^o jLS^> ^^jjjI jLJ .P ^JClil^-o L*5" ^JClil^-o jLJ ,_J4^S^- ^UxlSJ jl ^JL 45" 4j> .Y ?ju'b^«J jLJ Ij^- ?c^-J ">LJ L U> jLJ j^U .A jLS^- jl L, ?a^_o lj ^ cs^ui^- ^d&j .1 :Jk_Jj.j ^jJl>- Ij jj j CjLo_L5" j^-ot-o . ^ * 4j_.»>^j / u-oli j-^l / jji^jiic^-JL / j>Ljls" / (^jLiwjL_«j| L«-Jj jl /jLj*Jibl_«j| tJudlji iwj|^j> OVI^wJ (^4.^Ji 4_> 45" /j.j| jl Juu Lol JyuwJ^JJ CUj-w-u fj*^ ."J-uäJ) j.jj O VI^-wJ 4j j,3oJi ^«j'^IS'^.ä L> .V .Jk_o^3o 4_o2j (^Ij-i Ij |wjI^> ^ L> (_£*^-> ^5* JuäI^>-^-o CU^jI ^j^J> jJiLs *]>LJ jJiLs Lo-CJ jlaj 4j Lo-CJ .JuJf^o jL5*4j> toJoJj j^j" ^^|4^S*J> 4J\jJ t-^j ^ Juo-^JIj ^ J^'^SH J^"^ JvLS^ jJtLo .V SjcS^^a jL5*4j> tjiJoLj 4_^5c> ^ca^tjj ^ jj^Jj jIjuj ^LJ jf \ S^jS^a j5jb 4j> ^Ju-LT IJlo, Ij ^jl 4^ JuJ>j^ jLTdj?- ?Jui 4j> .^jS C^Sxl^o Jülodj5" ^ Ij *^ c^^-« iwj|^J> jjj OVI^wJ 4.J ^ Jk_j|^?tJ j3oJl jL l-J\J Ij 4^3\J>- j^^d i^jtt^ZJ /jbl_«j|ji jöLoJ Ji^j^oJ jLIälLjl Lo-*li jl 45" JwuliL 4JL*li|ji 4j>^j* .Jk_uÄJi ,Jk_uÄJ> iwj|^j> jjj CIjVI^-wJ 4j Jk_o|^ILi 45* iw-t-wj| (^9^5* L(^-o .Ju-«-^J!j Ij PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Read the following excerpt from Part Two of "Chakmeh" aloud with a classmate.Try to read it like a children's story with different voices and with exaggerated intonation. 4»«o"w> ^jLLvJo ^j^wXj jl ^L^j^B 45* Ij jjj ©Jo j5"jJ Jj--0 La4.jtj ^jLiLwjIo jjjLo Juj5* j^Jt-wJ .JuJ|^?tj jj_L o^>- ^«jjA5*^_& L .JuJ|^?tj j^ol ^Jjljil 3 lJlLl^co ^L&lju^s L Ij ^jl Lj juj* "^^j 4JLva>«i2j jLJ jkiLs jLi5* tC-<-Cj|j) jLJ jljj 3 ^-^jj^ J^i-O ^ i{m$\°^^' 3 u3^r o3 •^^-*-/-wjj o*°^5^^ (^Lib4^CiJ jl t^^4-ow^> 4j ^J-*_oj t-ixjj L> .jl*-JL5* ^ c-<-Cj|j)jj Ij ^jXuL_oj 4_L>c£ L ^ Jul* ^ C-<3j .^llil olj ^j^j^j^jI .JuJuJj o^Lo jSL^a Lj Juj> .CUSj ^jj .JjuL^ jLl5* ^llil _j Juslju jLJ ^Lj jl t4^5*j> .Jij^o C>jj> jJtLs .CU9j .vjL^ujI ^OJJJjl JjlJ Ij ^LJ 4j>iU .Alio Olj .Ji^j ^jIjj^Lo ,_J-*j oJuJL) jI^uj J3--& .CU3j ^j^j^j^jI .^jOkiLo .Jul> oJtLo Jt^j lj>i a^-jS" .i^-^S" cJj j>iL c^jIjj> t(jjL~l o\S.juLjj 4jL> dj Ij ^jivj^> vj^j j^> j^& •^-°l-^j (^j^l^ 'I-*! •^-lS' jI^j 4j 4jLLT Jj 4j>jS" .4j>j5" jj* cu-iLTjj j jjL~l 4jjjT juLljj> Ij ^LJ ijjj Ic^u-J 4_»5c> 45jJ Juii aS >jjjLj j>j Ij .Jt^j 4Jl9j ^j^j^j^jI .^j^j^j^jI oI^ILvwjI Jus I .^jOJiLj Jus I , jJ\-«-0 oLl_«j| .C--«j| jJ_J joLo (^jXjO ^ jJ_J L«-*ll jl Ju-lS* (^jL ^jjA5* jo Ij ^Lj4^L.i_JL)L.«j 45* jjil^?tj 4^5*j> j^jI^ fij.jy, t^^*0^6 — .JiLlil 4jjn5" 4j jLJ .j^jjj>^s 4^5*j> ^ f^d^Jcs*0 fb-^ ^ 'fb-*-^j-J j^* j ^5* (J^ajtJ*33j tja|4JL^o> VL> Jj-o _ iC-ooT ^ Jul) ^tij* ^jioLi^l jjiLo .jij jjjj ^ ji^5* ^ib^jb ^Ij>J) ^J^r^s ^II_9^ .jOjJ>^oJ 4^5*J> C-olC^9^^-£b *—Ij-° 3 LS"^"' ^J*^ LS^^^^^ — .Juj-^tJ 4»ow>*J> ^ ^3j*i fO-^ ^ ^"-i J3j ^ ls*^J 3 '^^3 ^J*^ ^ LS^^" O^J1^^*0 3 SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 1. Listen to the audio file and answer the questions below. 4_' 0_Grammar I (black pepper :0L^ Jili) jjoj^y- <>L*j Jili cJU ju jfl .V jjxj (j-jjo ^jLjstiLol (^Ijj pjiljjj^cJ tojjL^ Ij f^Li_r jS\ X (to wait i^j^jS" j^s) •f^.^s' j3oo 4_"jjj& Lj ^jIjj^o c^tum cxiljj ^pSjS" ^' j5"l .eXjjb Juslj^ ^$Ujlj (^£oJuo I JuljJ\3o Ol9j ^jULL^jjo Jol L jj~l .Y .JulJuljj^^J t^Sj j^L> Ij La>£lj:> |aL«j j5l .A .JuLwT ljuj olj jj-tjT ^J»o OlfljLv^o 4.j Juuljj^o iJJwJjL AJLJjIo Ij i^j^ j^jJI jJ~l .jo.j^S'^ ^^-wil juiL (^Lil j ciLa ^U^jI bji j?l ."i • What kind of text is this? Where is it from? What words helped you identify what kind of text this is? 2. Listen to the audio file again.This time be on the lookout for conditional statements, which will start with /\ or aS\ in spoken.What are the two conditional possibilities in this audio file? Is the woman talking about future possibilities or past possibilities? How do you know? 3. Listen to the audio file a third time, and this time hone in on the sentences that begin with jfl. What do you notice about the verb tenses that we use with jfl ? What tense do we use in the first half of the sentence? What tense in the second half? 4. These conditional sentences fall in the realm of possibility because they are describing future events that might happen but we are not certain they will.You will learn about impossible conditional sentences later. For now, read and translate into English the following examples of future conditional sentences. Listen to the accompanying audio file to listen for intonation and pronunciation. ^ 4_l 0_Grammar2 ( ) (.ol5uCjjj3 ijy^^.P b fb-^b d-wjj|jj j^j^-CjLo &S\) •(°3j(-5-* o\SLii^j3 dj ^jjjjjl L jv-^b 4_wjj|ju j^-CjLo j5"l A (■fjp-i :i-!r~Jjy. f^^cr0 f^3^. o^j^ V5^=* f>y t>i' fjP-i :i-!r~Jjy. f^'^cs^ 'f^'jp'i o^j^ vp" f>y tin' P^ 3j <^j\zS j^jjI ^jjJj_>- ko-o^Lol 4_s"1) .j^j l^o Io-'j-*.o dj Low^j L ko-o^j bj3 (aLoJ Ij <^J\zS ^jjulj^ i^JLol j5l .v (.Lo-'j—j jol^o Low^j L ko-o^j bj3 fi-*^ f0^-0^ {■d^ o-^ij 3j ^'j? <*-"*k ^-i.p -ijP o-^ij 'j ^t)yT ^-i-P p\ ^ jj jjojj «ul5Low« Cy.y. Cj^P^ ^ ^"') y. y^3J c^u^il ^j5Low« Ju3jj j^^-CjLo L j5"l .A PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 5. Based on the examples you read, describe the rule for forming the future conditional sentence in Persian. Consider all of the different possibilities. .Jujfto <-?\y>- 3 o--~J3-o J'i"' 3° .o-Jso Sj^jS^o j\Sj> Jx^JjIj 4I_£|jo* bji jfl ?J_*_I_*j^>o ^jL&J..*j> 4j> >Jo^j.j ^jIj-jI 4j ^jLl^jLj Jjjl j,5"I .V ?Juj,^-^-o ^jl_aj.^> 4j> J*_*_JL>L 4J1_Jj|1j jV^j ^j^-J-^o jS\ X ?Jk_*j5*^.o j'-^v' j^j j5"I X ..........................................................................................................A ..........................................................................................................r At home, imagine that you are ojjjIj ^fLi and write a journal entry for the day that you found Leila's boot.Write at least 100 words and include at least four conditional sentences. Make sure that your conditional sentences relate only to the future and are possible. In class, share your journal entry with a partner. Without reading your entries or showing them to one another, work together to come up with a list of two ways in which your entries are similar and two ways in which they are different. .j-JLwJb 4^£^- ^jLLvJ^j oJJolj iij,5*l^» 45* j_*j5" j-4_jl_>-L«»Jj tj^La .Jl*—o ^J_i Ju^jj.5* |j*_o Ij *}LJ 4^^>- 45* (_£J3j ^Oj-Lsl^ 4-2-.JlJjL 4JLiiU ^ioj,Jj 4.L)j> jL(^> ^ a>j\^ \ * * Jiljo- JuL oJJ_i I OjLj^j Jl*—o^j^-o 45* ^\^lsjjt) (^Li4.L«j> 45* j*_*_wt>L 4J1_Jj|1j ^j^Ju .Juj|j\.£j ^jLwQjii ^.Mjji5"jfcJ& t-J\J L Ij ^J^>- Oj-Lsl^- —^0 315* j^J L ^jiij.5* c--^t^3 L tjk-ji^j ^jl-JLj 4j Ij (^L^c--*1iI^j^jL 43\j_>l .j*_jlS* Ij*_o ^jLj^LsojI^L^ j^j d-j&L-Jj ^ ^ o^Lftj* ^ j,XjJj\j Work with a partner and write four predictions for ^u~i o1^ ^ ^ is-^i** *i the story "Chakmeh." Use the future conditional u^'- jj ^ s^-cr-a to describe what you think will happen next in the oAiJ J^j^ ^UaJL*. jl ^L^-lo^/-, jji-iy <_jIjj story. .j^s" ooliiJ .oj^u Ju Ju>- (_£4^5sj> (_£4.»\_J j5"l JLi-o SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD You have already learned that we usually use the simple present tense to indicate future actions, and we rely on context clues in a sentence to let us know when a particular action is taking place. However, in Persian we also have a separate future tense. This tense is not used often, especially in spoken Persian, you will encounter it in written texts, formal situations, and in poetry. The tense can also be used in everyday conversation for emphasis, i.e. when you're certain that something will happen and want to convey that certainty to your listener.You should still continue using the simple present tense to describe most future actions. I. Read the sentences below, look at the translation, and underline what you think is the future tense. 4_l l_Grammarl (f^) Tomorrow it will snow in the west of the country. .JujL •XJbljs* 3j.j j^JLS* ^—ju In 1395 we will have new banks. 2. As you can see, we use the present-tense stem of , . • ^ .. . • as a helper verb to form the future tense in Persian. Which verb do we conjugate? What do you notice about the conjugation of the main verb? 3. Look at the chart below to see the complete conjugation of in the future tense. 4 I I Grammar2 4.What do you notice about the placement of the helper verb when conjugating compound verbs? Note; When l^_^J^ acts as a helper verb for the future tense, its pronunciation does not change in spoken Persian. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 5. Read the following quatrain by Khayyam and underline all of the instances of the future tense.Then answer the questions below. 6. Who does the poet address in this poem? How do you know? 7. Read the last line of the poem. What do you think this poem's message is? What helped you reach this conclusion? 8. Read the following text and find all the instances of the future tense.Then write all of the future tense verbs that you find in the text in the chart to the left of the text. Conjugate the verb in the future tense for the first-person singular and then conjugate it in the present tense for the first-person singular. ^jSutt ^j£L?tJj ^Jcj\ — 0JLo 1 JuJ ^.fljl^i- .V .................X .................f .................& .................? .................Y .................A .................\ ................\- ................\\ ................u ................\x ................\f ................\& ................\? 4_l l_Grammar3 *j$.pj\Aj ij J ,_9JLr^_._-jr^--' hjoja ui _>ij.i u>i fuDu^J ijjQ- hJLujJ- _Vj_C- i_S'C|_i 3 Lift u Ju JLiji- Lfili lLo-jSi jl fy->-uy ,_?Jj ^ ^ ^jLi.^ZujjI Jm_-LLR_i '_■ Clb_'_'J I |_|_ w___;\ J" -t ; J 1-Sl_>j 1_S.sLjj '_■ L-Il.-.-Il.-^":.! i_iiib /j-jil^^ d_uj«p Ij l^j>_>j.j_>^ /^jil^j^ '_■ Ls\Lq cui- j ■' ■ ■ k_fLiS h II. .tJil- '-ij^ ,itl^jIcu±- ^qLdJ J LmjJJJ I L ji .ji^j y&dil^^- /jJ_lS j ■ .^j 11Jhyi p-jhlr^ _Lflu ul_i lh'jmJIlJj CJj.yD-LijLi |_hJ_>lJ{_i jL5 ULCLjii jj ^ C-jllId jfcJ&l^^ C--mJ^w) Ij ^>-jJ -J>j5* jfcj&l^^" Oli'^Lo Ij ^iiLj |ftL©J JL^ol odLiil ^j^jJ 4j Ij3s^JL-^j 45* Ij ^LajLS* .4i Ij ^■^■j-j ^jil^>- ji^-j tJul^>- ^jil^>- ji^-j -wjLiS* ^JLa^oI .dj-S* ^jil^>- jILw_*j tJoJi j^Jil^>- ffc-L--9 j.^-^-j tJijS" j^Jil^>- j^j^jj^ jILw_*j tC^li^j jj ^5^> .eU9j ^Jbl^ C-Jt^-Ja 4j j^-J .^j ffc-2>l^> i-Sj^- L^-odl L c-J^ .^JjL jjjji^j jLS* 4^ja jji dj-5* j^j&I^^ (^j<-wj -^j-^* f^-^l^^" .^_*liL (^jIL^j jftiil 45* JuL ^ lilii ^Jil^>- jJuS 4j (^jIL«^ SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD Imagine you are the j>5y= in .Work with a partner and write a short announcement about the lost boot that you found. Include at least three instances of the future tense.Your instructor may ask you to share your announcement with the class. Use the example below as a model. 4^5vj> ^b-^jb jj^iaji -^Jj aS ^Jsyj (^lojut^s" ^A*tSs> ojljj^ olios' ^^jlLI ^So tjLj(^«jjlS'^ja JlöI^ä; UJj jl ^Ij^LL-jI CuJ jj^-o-o •>J4-™i3-4 ^lo^jS" IJljJ .JlJI^äj jjjÜIS" jj Ij ^IjA^CjiisI .Jl^j" o^LflIL«j| ^XJI ^jl^_L£ 4j jjj Jj--o jl ^ . . . y y y .yip |^u2>/^A .)/^ii jü fjjß) j] /Sil - j-Jj^j-^" 0Ju_i I (^Lij^j ^j-> (^l^-^ '-^-wjj(>5-0 j-kiJ 4_> .J_*_wjj JJilolj,X*JLJL«j 4j>jo (^j^-^1 3 Clumj 4j j,i5"|jL>- ^ olj,X*JLjL^j 4j>jo Loo ^J^lAj> 4_JLJj^o j^j jo .JlvJjJ olj,^_JLjL«j 4j>jo ^ ClumJ 4j 4_JLJj 4_«j j-^-b jo l^-& (^Loo 4.5" o^Jj^.o 0"*~°? .o^j Jl&I^>- ^j-jI L* I^Jfc 4_JLJj 4_wj j"^3 jo oJJJ I j^j jo ojj (^Loo ^J-*j ^ji-o : 1 jlo^oJ Sjt Mon Tue Wed Tfiu Fri G.4. 7.4. &4. 9.4. 10.4. 11.4 22 04 10 15 22 01 10 16 22 04 10 16 22 04 10 16 22 04 10 1G 35 30 :s ZD 15 B 5 □ »11 P^11 +4 K11 411 HI J^7 *I1 «4 «14 #-7 «18 4-4 70 1(7 *7 «18 47 4-11 «25 kn* PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY oJLo I jjj j*j Jl^JLo (^IjA (^Lo^j (^-^ri (J"^i *^ jb^-*-' Sun Mon Tite Wed Thu Frl 6.4. 7.4. &4. 9.4. 10.-1 11.4. 22 04 10 13 22 0+ 10 16 22 04 10 16 22 04 10 15 22 04 10 16 »14 »14 »7 +7 +7 «0 «7 47 +4 +-C 4-11 «7 »4 »14 »7 »7 *7 *4 47 kn* Write a short weather report for next week and use the future tense.Your report should include several different weather words and be at least 80 words. Refer to the weather report in ajj-j as a model. Once you have written your report, record it in the style of a weather report and send it to your instructor. The reason that we use the future tense for a weather report is that it is a more formal text. ^Ijj oLjjS' ^\^Jb O^J^^* ^"^J 3 x^jS o*jlflI_«j| oJLo I ^jLoj jl t^^- (^lojlj A* i^Cu^j CP~^3^ L^I^J .....-' j-*-1 oJLo I 4_"J?ja • J^J-S" o*jli£_«j| Julil9j5" ^.«jLJjIjA t^-ZTj aS ^l&ojlj jl AJLJjjJ jl Juu .Jk-JLS' 0*jLflH_«j| jXJI aJj_L£ 4j ^jjj-^j AjLo jl Ja-_«£> Ij ^jLj^I Jl«£> t Jk_j|jJ»lj I jA j£Jjjl j5" ^So ^J^-o Ij I '(j^jl j^" *jjAj ^jLj^Ll^jI (^Ijj 3 Jl^j" SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 190 .Jo-LS" IJoj Jj--o jLi5* C--«jj.^9 jl JuJl^j^-o Joj|o^-oJ 45" Ij ^jL&öjI^ ^Jjuo .JujI^tj Ij ^jZ-o ^jl ^_SLo5* L> ^ Joj5* ^0^5" J-1^ ^J '^L^ jo Don't you remember? c^L it's a shame that ^ salt-seller :ls5Uj/ j^3jsS^ small boy -.Syz^ quarrel i^üo^io he forgot jtol sweeper ijSiäj 4_l2_Readingl Starting at min I 3:10 ^5-^ «?Ju'3jj 4^5" ApJ ^ 4.5" «.A119j jL> ,Jjj| jl» :45* JJJLäT ^Jb jib ^-L> ^ tJuloJuJu Ij L^j'I 4.5* XJSJS^m [jb^JiJu (^^j* JuJoJJt_o .Ju^j^j oJlJj j3^ ^Lö^ tjLli4j>^_5* ^ 4_jL>- jl .Juljj5* ol_£j Ij ^jO^jLo ^ JJJ3j ^ JJJ3j ffc-Jj—* 3 jJ-J .^jj^j ^j£>^5" j.-0 ^.^.j^j5"jj l_o tj^jj-o)^ :Coft5" jJ_J 4^> j_& <5j jJ_J .Ju^j^J 0^Jj5* ^5" Ij ©lj j^J^ .Jkj\jj5"jJ 4jl_>- 4j JuJI_vj|^>-^0 .JujjJ L^t5* jXj^j Juwj-yülii^^j .^JiljjL^> j.vJ JuJo-vJj tCo^Lc .w'j.JXj ^j^i|4jj5" ^j^j t-J\j^jJ f^-Jj^ .4jj5" jjj :Jo-«jjj ^jLltjl .JuIoJlJj ^.5" 45* Jo-o-^s .Ju^j Ij jJ_J ^ ffc->j-o . j La4.^ ^Jojlii^-Q Ij tjLj4^>^5* 3 0™i^ $ 3 C--9j_5" Ij L&4_äj —«j^j ojj^i f*"i3j-i ^J"^3 ^l»-^—5*j1 45* jfc-jjlii^oü I—ol .C-—mjI «jji^j^j» ^jl^^^S" ^—mjI ...^.^ •^j-> 4^>^5* lJjL? 4j |j L^j| ^ Jo-vJjJ Ij ^^jll^j-vJ^ 4^>^_5* ^jl_jl) ^jjj-o olj^JÄ 4._5* cL&4_?tJ 4j J>LH_äl ^ji-o-JL^- ^Jj_\j '_4-«_^ 3 >Jo^J>^-o ^jöw-Lo (^^j Co>-ljLj 3 ^jL-wjljÄ i^jjM j^jLo 03J"^ 4iL^- jl ojIj>I^j lj^- 45* ^j5* l^£^ ffc-ij-0 3 •^J"^* OJJ^v $ 3 1^L^> J'-?t-^'3^' j^Lo .JuJuol^o 3jj^j jl JuULdib .Ju'l4lij 4j (^ti|4_*5o .45b ^j^j^j Colli JlS" 3 Colibjj Ij 4^wC>- toJuoL^J 4.^^> ^Ij-wJ _■** 3 ,t-wJl 4JL*liJ\.5" j^j JJ->- Ju^i 45* ^o^ji CoJj .Jl*1iL j^_^w>- (^^jL> jH_JL*j 45* '^j-J^j J^3i^ ^jiwo5" 4.5* tCowjl 4j?cj |ö|Jl5* JL^ 4^)5*j> 4XiJ J^jI Lj I» JJ-ILfl5'^o £>^2- L tJu^ij5*(^o oLxJ Ij 4^S*j> 4.XiJ .JJ-19j^>o 3 JjJwO l^o I PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 3 JlJj^-o ^LJL>^3^o^jo 4.5" tJk-í-Jj^j^-o Ij 4_«j^> 43\_J ^Jj-o ^&L5" .^jL-otj 4.X*J 3 Jl^Jj^j^-o Ij 4_«j^> 43\_J i»J\j 'Läj^j í3^J •^J^cť0 J^ ^ iC^-aj^^-o 3 ^jlo^.Jj> Ju^^-o *>LJ tJwOl^>o 4.jL^- 4j *>LJ jtjLo 4.5* C^B^ jJb j5o |j^*j Ij 4-oJ"j> 4XJ (jJLo _ .|ôj^-^-o jXjtj 4_«j^> ěXáj> 1—ColjJ .jtjLo t4j _ * 4JI_wj|ij J 3^ 3 jIj\_o 45* j^j t—— _ l&jtiLo 45* ôjj j5* ^-o^3o 4jLa^oJ!> (^£Iä4j*u 3 fů-ij-o L (jl j~«j •'j^j ôti jj i-S y\o ,jl 3 (-9 jLs (JjjI 4j Ij l^u|4^5*j> 43\_J jJlŠ I ">LJ .tj^j (^^J 4_«j^> .Juol^-o ^jL-wJLji*^ tLol .^j^j-o ^lujIjJLo JJ-l—il^>^/3 .JuJuol ^_5ý.Jj 4j to jl _ fů->j-« j^Lo 3 *>LJ jtiLo 45* lu.jÄ 3 .tj^wj lj»-*j ^jlw->-Lr3 j^j 4.5* tjj5*^-o IJl>- IJl>- .ôjS'^o öLjo Ij 4_«j^> 4.XjJ íJlJj^.o l«^-*j* i{_yJ3j^ C--Jj .45* tJ (j£J\5"^-0 3 C--*ll|tJ^-OjJ Ij 4_«j^> 4.XjJ t^j*l|4jl_>- »J^jJ 3 tjJJLo Ij ^jll|45*tJ >l^>-^-o .JuLo jl^j'j j'-^" t^-*^^" 43\_J .45*tj (^^j* »JjI>A3o Ij 4.^^>- 43\_J 45* C--9j ^jIi^jL ílami i«J**Lj jL> •'Jj5* 3jI~>" Ij i_y^JJJ 3 C--*liltJ i^J-1 '^J^ (j^-^LXl .JutJ Ij 4_«j^> 43\_J .ÔjS'^m 3jI~>" Ij 3j0iJL.o Collie 4.1äq jSJSj "j^j ^-ř"^5 .ti^Jj IJl*j 4^5*j> (w-j>Lí5 4.5* j5* 3Jjl .Otjj5* jů-S* Ij ,jl 45* C—>l ^Uäj JLo 4^5*j> 43\_J 45* Jl^-o-^S .^jiolŕ- j—i (jU_1i|JlS' (^Ij> 4j Ij j-^> 4^Ji .Jl*1iLj 4JLwj|tj l_j>l^>-^-o (jSJtJ tJuol^-o 4.*ojJuo jl tJoli^^ tjj ^jO^jLo jl ^jli^3ojL 3 ^LLa_i-wj ^5*j—o 43^jJ 4j Jw*_wjj Lj to^j-o Öl«jjj ti—t^j|^H-o ^Ls^i ítjjj^^ |ôJl9 JJ->- 3 ^jj^g-0 >A3^J L Jo >i^-o ^jIuäIj Ij 4j> ja .C^BjS'^o l_j (^^j tjLlil 3 C--9j 4^jC>- 43^jJ tL^jtjj L JjjI jl ^j*J j*j 3 ^JJ 3 ^J^" íSj^ ^J 'O^^J "AX] ^jCäo 3 íôjS" ^^Jb\SJ .4^J^> ^ISj j^^J-0 -*-9jJ* Ij ^jötjLj 3 (jLL^ji- (^^J JwO I .JwO I VL .eU9j5" Ij (^3-L> •lJJ-'** LäJLJuIiI 4.J 4.^S^J> .OjJ Ij 4^)J^> iwj| .JuJLä5"^-o Ju 3 Jutjj^-o j^J t„JjJj 3 Jl*1i^-o ^«-^ ^jL^j^Lä^IuäS*' .JuJl*1i^-o tjj ^jO^jL^j jl fů-5*fů-5* •oJo'j Ij ,jl 4-5* j5* jSis .Juti Ij 4^)Jnj> 4.X*J .o^JjjL ^—»1 olj 45* "Jj^lt^j'J 3^ íS5* ^ 'j3>LJ'-'t-^'l ú^lib 4.Íäo c4^> 45* Juol jji^L .tj^wj |j*_o ^jlw->-Lr3 Lj tjltj ^o^^JSo Jcx>—ojl^jtj 4j ttjjj •'Jj5* ^jU5*Lj .ěU3j5" iwJ I j^jt) jjj Ij 4^j^>- .JotJ^o Ij I Joli^o tjj 45* j.a .C--*liltJ 4_^So x**^ JuJ 4_. iU5o- 4.^jJ >tj_^oj (^3j ^j^-^IJoI 3 Juol (^JJJ* Jjljl-1 3 *jLj 0J0L0 t„^>-Lr3^j j_3^>" ^jLsJÄ tC^íltJ 4_*^j JcXaa,^0 jl^j'j 4"1 ^5* (^|4^j^> 4.XjJ s ^*_>-Lŕ3 4^j^> 4.XjJ Jutj 45* il&4_?Tj j| ^5o .JJtjj5*^^ c£j!-i Jo>ij^o JukJ ^j^jij Lä4_äj .li^j 0J0I1 lJL^IS" 3 (^5^5* (^Lü^jL^-OtJ í4jL>-jL5* (^^J .^Jj5*^-o jL5* ^(^jL.wJ^jL-0^ 4JL^jL5* ^£ ^jlij^ljj .^jIij^jIjJ 4.j ^b ^ t4jL>- ^jÔjJ .C^lib ^>j-> í'JjIJo SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD JJJLítjj^-o ^ Ju*Jij5*^.o ^jLlľwjl .Ju*Jij5*^.o ^jLliJij,^ . 1__•_1 (j£JJJLäjj^-o Ij 4J_(^5* ^3\_JI_«jV (^Lä4»«J\j>- ^ °jL s L ^So 4.5" I 4j Ju2>Ju Ij 4_\_J 45* djí j5*Í jdLo .ôjí^ LiloJ Ij 4j?cj -JJ-j-5* ^jL 3 C^jji^ OjÍjÍ iCt-flj* 3 tdj tijJ> ">LJ L (Juol 45* 4j'L> 4j jdLo (S3JJ3J t^-**^^ 3 "jjl^1 L 45* ^5*j,«-j 4j ^_oäJu Ij I 3 fí">3jJ fí"^ ^ ''^j3^'ís^ 3^ ^j1^ ó-1^ í*^LJ ?(^j^-^-o j3oJi 4^3*w>- C-j2J> tJ\j fu-'lj-1 '3I 4_> fu-ÄJu Ij 4^3*w>- 4_\_j j5"| _ .|ôJ)j5"o* Co^Sji íjôJujäJ VL>- u* j5"I LoJL>- -fj^^^A ^5" ^ — ^jb Co^ji ^ _ !^3o 45* Julodj^l La^LS*^ ^j* ljL£Jj^> (^Lä4.^S*j> jjj ^1 -^j^^0 4JLŽj& ^j-í-«-o> j-^-I Lj .jů-AJu j"***j ^jl 4j Ij fů-^^^"^-0 f^^-^" — .Ji^JLJ C-j>IjLJ 45* ^-i&Ju 3I 4j Ij 4^5*j> (^j^> JuL JaÄS tJkJjL ý dlľL«*j| t^Tjj-yu íS3Jj3J '^Jj 'j ^-j ^ jAüL^ol 4jL>- jJiLo .t^5*jj-yü _o JJJ3j ^ JuJLJjI Jijj Ij 4^3\j>- 4_\_j ^j^ijJiLo ^ *^LJ «.^•^Lo» :čJď « ^^äI^js-^^o o ji jS t|ôji_«j» : CJi5" 3 ô j (^JLLäJ ^S- : CJď ~ýJ lJLc>- .^jJij3\J IJwO jU_-~wJL5" 4.:> jÄ .JlJj ^5" ^j^i|4_\jj 45* ^.H_*li|ji 4^3\j>- C-j2J> t—£j .C^-wjI ^ .jj ^bs-C^- JjjI t4j _ 'J3^ (U-ijI'-^-s-í Ij (Jji^ ^* l—--wJl :CXä5" ^ íJlu; ďo-ljlj tjf .^Jbljá-^gj Ij 4^J^> _ : CUäS" ý iJ^T l*-**m^j jdL-o C-J!J OjijLo jl ^.jJk»ol t^_JI_*li|ju C^JÚ 45* t^jLľLw^oj tJLwjjL .tXwjLjxJol Lo 4_j1_>- .^_JL^_o 45* 4_oj£ .^j|4.jL,^-oJÄ Lo .Jij|jk.j Jjli — .j^Ji jjliwoüjl45* iw-t-wj| lJí..^- .ôjj^u 4j 4^3\j>- 4_\jJ Jjjl 45* ^_l5*^»o jJ*i OJiL .^_J3j5" jj-i9j .jjij^Lo tijLs Jj^>j ^ «JäsL^ljc^» iC^-äj" ">LJ 45* (jj-5*^^ (J^uäLío ttUä^5" Ij 4^>5^> 45jJ .jk_l> ^^Ij (j-**** j-^-j. «.JoliL oJk_^J C-j>IjLj Jkj5* |jc>» :C-jj5* t-J jjj jdLo .4iL> !C--*li|ju tXwjlj (^Lj ^1 ^ Ji^j tXwjlj (^Lj JL* 4^3^t> .4j L ôjj^-^o jjlfcjL 4j Jk.^_.«^j C--«jI^>- •iJj-5" oLjo t->^>- Ij 4.^wC>- 4_\_J i^S*j,«-j .tU9j5" ^iloJk_L>- .Jij^>-^^j jjiiijii 4j 4^>^5* jl l^i|4j>-j^-jl_^> L t(^*ijj"oj^Ji ^^jitjN-oJ .jk_L5* L^ijL5* 4j> j-5*^^ j5*i .^jLlS* Ji^j 4JLí>I jjT Ij 4.^S*j> 4j\jJ i^S*j—j PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY J> J 4^J _ s 4J\_J .Jl^jJij 4_jL>jl5* (^^j oj.j Ij 4J_^5* (_£La>4^j5*j> ^ OjL ^jLoo ^^Lj -^Ji 4.L?5»o ,jL«ja <£ep <<(^jLj^jLoo>> 4jL>jLS* 4XJ .o^j L_«j| ^JJu 45* oLiil (^Jl*_«j 4j ^jb\Sj jj5* oL-TjLS* jL5* Ij C5J^5' c--«jI^> L^jI ^.a 3LJ 4»«5*j> .JJj5* ^jijoj,^- iL«j| ^j^JjIjJLo 4.5* o^j O0L0I .Juo Lu*l Ij 4^J^>- j.Xjo jL5* •^J-1*' °I-*^J Ij 4-«J^> (^1&4J\_J u^> .4J\_J ^^-1 I ^jj"^ ^-Sj 3 C*ol>lojJ "i^j ^j*^5" (^^j 45* Ij 4_«^> 4.XjJ ^^-«J .CXflJ> JuJlJj VL- !JlJj |jk_o :eUi5" o^>- ^ji_o ^ oj ^JiJ_?t_J .C*ol>ljl5* j-5"jL5* .Jwli |jo-i L^u|4J\_J .Ij 4^j5*j> _ j.f jl5* ^^vjLwll^o Ij ^La-^-Ls _ .Cu-jI (jjVL ^La^^S* jl j^So (^^j* ^Lj4_;L> 4.5* CuJ ^£14^ JL *4.L .^5"j.—j _o Jij^l Ij La4^^> ^^«J :CaA5*^ ^1 4j olo Ij L&4»»&> ^5"j«—j -jJ> Juol ji-J .oj jo .ji_J 4_)L>- jO oj.j Ij 4^)5*j> C-_flJ> ^5"j.-—j |jy-i Cj|4^5c> 45jJ (^Juo _ JJ_L Ij ^ji*j|ju^3 t4jl_>- (j£Ju^o .OJoll |jk_0 j^J> 4.^- ^ OJ^j l^t5* ^j£>|4J\_J 45* Jw*_wJj._0 o^j JLtjll^>- jl ->*_dl JLtjll^>- jLJ • ^"*^j j^J ••^j^' o\S*J Ij 4jL^ j^ C^utSjJ j Re-read Part III ofChakmeh" and answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper. Remember, we don't expect you to understand everything in the story.You just need to be able to understand enough to answer the questions below. 4_jl5"|jC> (^JlcL5* jO ^ k*-jl_^t) Ij 4^^> ^LvJo f^-**-1 OjL^o L-*li jl 45* Jo-*liL 4jLl>l J j-LsL^- 4j .JoJio iwj|^j> j.jj (^La^ji_«jj.j 4.j C--«jI (^1-*^ • Jo^_li 4j>-^ILo Ij (jLvjIo 4„oJ!> 45* o^j^^jj jLIaUl .j^jIjo JojIo i^jV j.jj ^Lajl^vj 4.j (jolo v'^?" (j?'j^ 'j 4A-j Ij L^jI ^^-«-5* 4.:> ? Jj^li^o ^5" ffrJj-o ^ bLJ LI . ^ ?c-_^*-j> jLJ ^ ffrjj-o (^4^>^5* ^_«j| .v SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 4j ^ ^3J(^° 3 l^->^i^° ^ (^L&jOl ^^-J L ^-I oJuol 4.^^> ^Ij-wJ ^—5* 45" JJ_o^-o ^j^jSC^-Jj LI .v ? JJj^S'^o 4j> Ju-LS*^^ oIjo 4^jj\j> ?Juj5*^o ^Ji L ffc-Jj-o ^ 3LJ lj.:> X j-^-^-s "^LJ (^1 j.j Ju Jc>- (^4-«5^ eU9^ 4j> "}LJ j^Lo .6 .Jl*—u^J_> ClwJ i«J\j *\j^b>- ^ Cc9j L*i5* .CXJjIii ^5"jJj jJl^j *>LJ (^oJoli ^5" (^43^_J t^iwtj .9" ?JJLo^.o Ij ^—5* 4^> *>LJ j^jLo j^j jJi .Y :4J L a^_o J3J •>LJ jl£> ^LJ josI^^ •>LJ joLo .A ?4.j L JOSJu ^>"j—J Aj Ij 4.SJ Jj^ji-^O jLJ 1\y>- ?4J L joil^i-^^o Ij jLJ ,_j4_«£> ^5"j-*j . ^ * ? jllS^-o J 3*5 Ij a£_J ^5"j-*j aS" o ^i^j-o <*j> . ^ ^ ?4J |jj> L |jj> ?juijj^ Ij aSJ . \ V : ljj> ? JJW^ ^£ 4j> 4j Ij iSJ ^S"j~*J • ^ V ?jll5'(^^ Ijl*j L*5' 3 j^Ja^- Ij j£jo (^4.»CJ j^SLj . ^ Y 1 JlSO^ ^5" 4j Ij AlS^ lo-O Ij jSoO (_JA5J AS" (jjl jl juu ^JSLj . ^ A ^JwJj^^O jbj Aj j3l34j> 4^5v^- A 9" The following sentences describe the journey that ^ L jl^- Ij ^ a5U ^ ^ ^UaU> Leila's boot took.Work with a partner and put the events in the correct order. ^ ^ ^ 4- 'j ^ .Jk_u5" lwOj»0 djb> .oj_i5'LS^ (jl Ij t-A.y-'T 45jJ 4j" (jj| jl Juu LaiL?u .JuLo^-O j[$JO jb5* l^wjj 4-0^>- (^43sjJ .oj|j\j"(^o jljJJ jLlS' Ij jjl 3 "^^is* 3J^~ <*°m^~Z' d^jJ jjj j5^LSj JJ-5"(^-o (_£jL 4-o^>- L (jUrL»-..'o (^5*j-^o .jclsIj^ (^1 (_^3^> (_$3J 4-o5b- 45U .Ju5"(^o (jij^^oJ Juu 3 JjS^a lj-u (_gjl i£y^ UJ3-1' Ij '*-a^;?' J^^J - (jb-vjb jj>l j>i "^LJ (^0jLj>i L^_li jliJ - ?lj:> .5* 4j> ^jLjAJ^ ^j^-o - ^9l^-o ^j/jji^ Jyl L> L««Jj ?Jl&Ju Ij ^vjjii 4j> ^jLSb^S* 4j Jl&I^^-^o ^jbLwjb Jyl J>_JLS"^-o j^S — ?ljj>- ^"^LJ Lj 4^j5*j> CJl> «-So (^OjLj>i jILJLo ^b-vjb (JjjI jlaJ 4j - ?ljj> ?4J L CuJ j-^Lo j^U 45* j_^5*__.o j5*i ^Vl - Read the following excerpt from Part Two of U L> cr^- t>J -^^-J 4-*^>- o^'J j' jtj 6^ "Chakmeh" aloud with a classmate.Try to read it ,^ . ,„ u u i . ~ . * -i • .i~ mc , like a children's story with different voices and with exaggerated intonation. After you have practiced, ^ i1 ^LlJ '^-^ 31 3 3 jii Lj- your instructor may call on you to read a sentence ^ ^ l Ij ^ jl a.L^ ^ L ^ ^ jjdI^^ or two aloud. . Jk_j| ^TJ 45" tiwoli j.& ^ ..i^li |j*_o ^jiw-^-L^s j^j 45* 4ijS*^-o IJl>- IJl>- .4ijS*^-o oLXJ Ij 4^J^> 4^_J tJoli^-o L^JJ* C--9^ j.& i^yj^jh C--Jj .45b (^^J* C--^l>A5"^-0 ^ C-jll|>i^-OjJ Ij 4^J^> 4^_J t^ol^l.^- >^3jJ 3 >iJJ_0 Ij ^jio|45*4i ^>^a .JuLo jl^-1^ jL*5* tt_*-*l> t4^^^- 4XjJ .45b J,jl>A^J Ij 4^^>- 4XjJ 45* £*3j ^oiiLj tiwoli jL> •^j"^" 0**^jJ 3 C--Jjb (^j^j"1 •■^J"^" (j^-^L^j .Juii I j 4^J^> 4XjJ .^jS'^m 3jL>- Ij ^jOJ'L.o C*ol>b 4.1?t-o "i^j .li^Jj ljuj 4„o5'j> »w-j>L^ 45* jS* ^jjl .dtijS* j^S* Ij ,jl 45* C--«jI (^|4j?tj JL-a 4^j5*j> 4XJ 45* J_*-o^9 .^jXoL^ j^j ^jXJ-liI J5" l_j(^L^" 4j Ij j-^> 4^Ji .Jl*1iL 4JLwt>b l_jC^-wol^>^a ,^J>i tJuol^-o 4_wjjJwO jl tJoli^-o .ij ^jO^Lo jl ^j^i^XjjL ^ ^Ua_»_*li ^S*j,>wo .4^J^> 4XjJ 4j Jk_>_«jj Lj tO^_»-o C--«j^j si-Jn-Lvj t^j|^H-o ^_Lsi^jj^o ^JJ->- ^ l^j(>5'0 Lj Ju^^-o ^ji*Jilj j,«j Ij 4j> jJb .C^BjS'^o ^j| {£52? >^Llil ^ C^j 4^J^> 4XjJ tL^Jiij Lj JjjI jl j^^J j>^ •'ijJ 3 >ijJ 3 iSJ^i Lj -i^jij pS^o j "ij5* ,_)£»-&L£j* .C^Bj j C^J>\sj\ Jj-jLj Ij ^oj-vj »-5"j,kwo ..i^j JLjuIiI jl jj 45* 4.j JuLj ^jbLwjIii Jyl L«-*1i jlaJ 4j .Jk_>_kwo^j_i 4.L«j> 4_«j J^IJl^- j£ ^ Oj\j^ Ij 4.^^> ^jLlLwjIii J^*^ 3 jLS* jS-><5 JjLj^jx^ob jl ^^j Lj .J-;j5* _^jLj (j**^ (_:4-«Jb _;ljJ Ij ^1 Jx-JLiy Ij ^LjJ^ ^ljL-jb 45* jl J\*j ^JwJjJ SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD I. Read the following two sentences from the story "Chakmeh" and pay attention to the final verb in each. 2. How do the final verbs in these two sentences compare? In what ways are they the same? In what ways are they different? 3. Find a definition of the "passive voice" and be prepared to share it with your instructor and classmates. 4. In Persian, we usually use the verb to form the passive voice. In this lesson, we will be looking at two different cases for forming the passive voice.The first involves the verb and the second relates to most other verbs. 5. Look at the two following sentences. In the second one, the last verb is in the passive voice. How do we form the passive voice for verbs? 6. Read the following three sets of sentences.The first is in the active voice.You should complete the second sentence so that it is in the passive voice. Listen to the audio file to check your answers. 4 13 Grammarl bjS" Ib-U Ij 4^b\J> 4bs_J Obbblj bj.5"Lbti .bull Ib-O 4^b\J> 4bs_J ........................... Ifcjjljl 4_oJi .V PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 7. Forming the passive voice for all other verbs also depends on the a.jJj . Look at the examples below and try to determine the rule for forming the passive voice for verbs other than ajJi. 4_l 3_Grammar3 ^ ^) -Fij^is* L> Ij ^ loJulji- Ij li>l_jb5' Aj| . ^ .julojuli oJuljj> La^.jLiS' A_J .V 8. In the following examples underline the passive verbs and determine what tense each one is. ajJ j^ .1 . JlJLJ j.<-«J u jj ^li* 4_2riL^3 .V .Ju^JLJ OJUO L&^jLc^-o <$S ^o^-oL^ Ij l-^^lj1-^' (^4^Ji ^.ILvJJO jJ^J Jj-JL^- (^IjJ -V OJul^>- ^jljLwJj^JO jO oLo 4_wJ (^IjJ ^LlS" Jjjl JLvJjlj .^f 9. How do we form the passive tense for verbs other than ^jJj? Is this similar to any of the verb tenses we have learned so far? How do we negate the passive voice? Where does the negation go? 10. What effect do you think the passive voice has on Ij? Do we use Ij when the passive voice is formed with ^jJj ? Why or why not? JUU J Ju-v*J ^j_) jjj jO Ij lji4.L«j> .C--vj| OJlJj <5oLftH_vj| J^-^Pt* jl L^j I jO 45" Juj5" Ijoj 4.L«j> v J Jk_j| ^?tJ Ij ^u^Sj> ^jllLvjIo l^y*^^ OjL^O .Jo-lS* ^JoJ jS^Lx-O (_£4.L>J>- 4j Ij L^jI .:JLLo .Ju5* |jk_o Ij 4»«oC>' lO-I^j ^j^3j5C--Jj JuLli jJjiS & l_jJIaj>- jl ^1 j>j 3 JuiiL dJLitib 4^iS" l_jJIaj>- JuL LoJj a,1:l«jI.j ..j-—*jj-o ojLj^j Ij a,Ll«jI.j Jjb L ^So JaSs 45" ^Juj jl .Jl*_JLSo Ja^- Jj^^c-o (^l&^JjtS (^4»«Ji jjj .*jjJj 0*jLflI_«j| Jj^^c-o SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD I. In Persian, we can use the distant past to create richer paragraphs because this tense allows us to foreground and background certain information.We use this tense when the main narrative is in the past tense and we want to reference something that happened even further in the past. It is similar to the past perfect in English. Read the example sentences below and try to translate them into English. 4_l 3_Grammar4 •|»b^j OJuJu j^jljj| |fcJLi jLJ -fbub lj jj-.o--"j jl jblj (^IbbJ- j3jjo - \ • b^b 4jb> jb j 1*^3^ *h_Jj|bbT |fc_b*_JjLo jb lj ^jLlS' |ftb_^«-^5 |ab-i-^.'j (-5-*-^3 1__ol .^j^Sj \j ^jLlS' 4.5" ^ZutSjj 4jL>- 4j ^ js^jS'^a jl5~ .V 2.We form this tense in a manner similar to ^Ji: A^ibJ, except instead of adding the personal verb endings, we conjugate y^—iin tne Past tense. Look at the charts below. 4 I ^ Grammar5 jfrj^^j 415j 4.19j ^^j 4.lij 3. Based on the conjugations above, how do we go about negating the b^ 4^ij.f tense? The verb in the parentheses needs to be in either the simple or distant past. Use context clues to decide which tense is necessary and the conjugate the verb. •((^-bo - Jbjb) ............................... lj f$JjJjbj iS b^j JLj 4_«j .(^^j) .................. b^JoO 4j p.?JjJjbj jjbjb (_jljj JL-ol .\ .(^AJbo — Jj^-Jj^j) ................................ 4»oLj j5j£s JLwjjL b" .V .bulbu ^jbj Ob 4.5* (^.fl_bo — ^jb-Jj LbJjl) ................................................ ^^5* b j^j-ol b" .V j-^Jj Jjjl jb ^5"bbbj|j 45* (^jJlJj 4j>^bo) ................................. (^jbuol) ................................................. J^t^ CS" ^ tj"° ^ u"^i J^ 3^ *^ bbbJ ^ jb^j jl JJ .(ij^j)................... c*JL>lo Jk^jal^.^- 4"^^J ^ Lo^j jl jj^o .....j j-o ^4„«u^>» oljjS' ^jLw-Jo 3 Jul OjLjO JuJ&l^-^^-o ^ * * Jiljo- tu^Jj^-o oulu Lo»Jj 4j A5" ^jLoj Jul jo Ju-wT ^.*-u ^.Lj JuJ (^OjLjO Ij (^-w'cj oLwul <4.iL3o \ 6 jl Juu .Ju-vU^-U 4^15" • Uj.S' JuJfcl^i*' dulujfc JjLwulo Jul 3 4 13 Grammar6 t^-x-ujlf .Ju-LS" 4_>- Juo^j oJu •4-^jl l> 4_>1_JLo ^l&Ojl^ v ?Ju'^ 1 jL«j^.i*5 1—Sij L« ■ 45 J^ji* J3^ t-Sl^S" L .JojL**j 4^J^> jbl_vj|j> (^Ij-i ^-«-L^ 45" jI oJlJj 4^5>- jbl_vj|j> 4j OjLliI (^Ij-j J3^ 4JLwjJlS" jL-oj jl J)^>- ^^SjiS » jjj.»oJ jj| l_9Jl& £^3 j^1 :ftt-^-° j_*_al^j>-^o L«-wj 45* ^^-Ls 45*c--«jI jjI ojLjJi jLj*^«j,^lS*^ji .jijlji 4^j^> jbi_vj|j> L> ^j^Lflj* 4^> jojL**j tJi^j 4JL9j Jo ^ 4.j SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD ^jS^S^ £üL>jO ^jjjoj Listen to the song online and try to follow the lines. There are a few words you know. What are they? Be aware that this song is sung in "^liif." Read the English summary of the lyrics and guess what the underlined words mean.You can probably find a performance by Googoosh by looking for ^ISjl^jS - .You can also find an audio file by looking for £ ^1» Sj^S ^SjjsI ^JjU. Oh, the light behind every reason is illuminating because of you, is illuminating because of you Oh, your beautiful words befriend me with my own self The sparrows of this house and I are used to seeing you For the sake of seeing you, we will fly from the nest Once again we will come, like everyday. (Because) you throw seed for us. The sparrows and I will die if you are not home. Your name has always been the first thing and last thing that I say I have called your name so many times that my breath smells like you The scent of your beautiful words, (is like) the scent of a dessert full of copses You are the same color As the red cheeks of a lover My poem is the same color as your eyes, the color of pure chastity the most beautiful color I have ever seen the color of amber The sparrows of this house and I are used to seeing you For the sake of seeing you, we will fly from the nest Z^Jb 4j> Jk_^«jli_Jj^o AS Ij ^jL&Ojl^ .Jl^LS' ^JjS" ,_Jjlla? ^Lj Aj ^S_Lfi>l ^jj| aS ö^3j y ') ö^3j y j' 4jjj y j| j»j j-jf^ jj y jjJu^ cjly ^> ^JjLj Ajy>- AS\ y |^jj*j^a L£JLä15* 3 ^j-o |ölij.j> 3 jj^l &^y y ffr^jl A^.t^oJb löLö^j^ÄJ ojl^i y iSy f^Jy^ 3j y f^-^l ^ ij^-i 03' J1 aS oy>*> y JySAc- ^\jbAjy^ A^-jj^j 4.J l_w_*>- ^Xjj jjtjj !«Jo J AS ^Sj'j jJjj^j 4jjj ^j* j| ftriySt_g* jJ 3J jjJu^ cjly ^ Work with your classmates and use 3 new phrases you have learned in this song to write a very short dramatic play.Act it out in class!. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 4jU- Jl*J&.} ^_j|^J> jjj CjVI^—J 4j j lN-i-'-i-iJ OjLj^ Ij ^yj^U ^jJ I .V (recent :Jt±\) L^s- ©U ^SL. jo .f I. In order to fine tune your listening skills, you will listen to one section of the episode several times and you must fill in the blanks below.After listening three times, review your answers with a partner and then the class. Ij JU- cjLaL> 3 a~^-ri I jij jJ o*"-0 ^ 'j j' L> Ij ^jlj^l&^jl^J^ 4_«J 4^ ^jj| j| JLXJ .Jw-LS" jJ .4^SL«j jL jj JjI toL5*^jji ............................... L> 4JLJjH_o ^5* f^--*j '-^■^ Ojlju ^L> olj ^-—5* b._l^*-o ^ j^j~^o ^-S*^j (_)^-^ Jaa5 ^j-o .^jS" I.a_*j J5"^5" jl jj CoL^u^ ^j-jI <..................................^.lij^ juL jj-o j......................................4_^S"jj jl c^JjIo Ijjo ^jjll^o jj ^j|j.^> ^ySXLoJb 4j Lj jaLS" CjIo (j^lj'^li ^jlj-^J I .With a partner discuss this episode of Cafe Denj. What import things happened? What new things did you learn about the characters? ojLjj 1jIj(_s^j'>IS'(&j3> L .V ?JujJj 3. At the end of this episode, 1 cri< y] j o X SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD WM gjj» aa& XV \*°y> 'O^jj '&y. iiß^'y^Asrß 'ob^L 'ß a^-*-o .PY iß^ß 'ß> iCjiji^i^ß t^JLflJjJ IC--"^.**; .PY .PY /I .PA iSß, .PP jjLixj^- i^jLj^^- i^jLoo^ <.ßöy> lOOjjj- i^o^ .PY i^iUi" .[(jSjS" ^-SLo5" (jr_i" 4j] ßS^> iSJS <ßß SJ<£ X L-.r l_flllj*»0 .A Jaii .1 1 Ljjjjj Y (...^LS...) ^ß^S-)^3.\'r (f-^S-*^ i(>>3-»(^») fJ-SU^ i^L^ .^A (ajlö ßz^S) yß ß"......j 1 ^jiii.Y- ^jwi .YY r^fc^ o-'s-8'^" YT JL> .VL> .YP (VL> b) JL> aj L" .YY aJJjl .YA -SbjLr.Y^ IjJLT .r • cy-yß^i^0 'iß^s^ -Y^ a^ljjjsljji- TY d^ß Cujjj '(ui-S'^j-o c^jß TY 203 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ... ^L> Aj .Vů jjSjŕ I. \- A ÓA~' LS-"*'.) ^ ^ ' *\Si~,,l.m O-1j?* Ľíi^ • u V *iwü.UA 0-"—^ tSjr» JLyJ ■ 1Y • vo»L= .UV o-j-iyy jSijit .Uis j&ij .UV ' ojL) oil .UA *5" c~J ^ijj. .lY^ ijSUJ / jjijji^sCiJ .IT« lTjUü .in ičjiS .PA <=>> -P". 0^ Y- jL^aLi .YY ^li JjJui .yy .Yf *a-j3-?L> .YA vLÍ .y? Jl? .yy .YA £ja -VI jLo- j .AT Iii jí-j .AT tsy^-i i^jji .Af ^y .AÚ 6^ -AP c-,:, .AY L .A A ^ .Al ojj^ .a • fjjj .<\\ (tj-i» Y uV" aů o^i ay a A (*^l^> V>) y .1 • • Cp5-*-2-*-í j'^i) f>^ti - \ ' ) vi A - Y s h ah s ava r i | atwood Ju L - öijt^ 3 ^»j - ^ói^. (H 3J o^j^' ^ís* ~ J>! («■^~J ^ (^>j IaŠ- - iS^l jl Aju ,4.^1 j| JJ -diCL . . . il^-o 4J - ^r-— . . . JaSjI - ^ Ij — Vocabulary and Listening 3 0 5_l_Vocabulary I j^JJ Jo^J-^J^-o 45" Ij ^jUb4_l«j> ^ ArfJ-5* ^J^^S" j^^s t_JjL9 4j to have to, 1 have to, I'll have to to park rest, the others 4..JL side right bx«jlj left to turn- turn- 1 turn straight across alley corner square intersection dream, wish 3Jj' content, satisfied, convinced to complain about ^j^jiS" c-jL^*1i......jl frustrated, tired car to take a walk to take a cab metro bus to ride, to get in ^j>X^j jl^-"-* 'jl^^j walking (jJjjobLo fast CO"' way, path •L> family heart, stomach J* to pour, 1 pour 1 remember ju l^-o tbXuJ |»bL lover, to be in love ^jb^j ^JL^jL^ t^JL^^ summery, in short to jump, 1 jump 1 wish but, of course heavy, light SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD tijmj 5_2_Videol .J^^J-5* J-oLS* Joj^l^^-o C—j*i 4j 45" ^gjle^Ual L Ij jjj ^IaOjLa. ^ **£**>' olXJ Ij \ :4jL>- jJ t5j^~J ..CjIa ..JoJ5", l.^wJjo ^jaJjOLo ^ ji Läj jJu ^ joLo oU a ,Ju 45* I, , _>IaI j\c La> .Jo-L5* c--^t^3 o^*li^-o iw-t-wJjj ^jL&IJlC 4j> ^jLj^L^ jo 4.5* Jul OjLjo ^jLj^.wj'^L^-oJÄ Li I^jjJjT' jo .Jk-JjT J-oLS* Juj^l^^ CujJ 4j 45* jjjlxjJ^I L Ij j.Jj (^IäCjjLä öl5o Ij v (^^jJu^ .v W 5 2 Video2 Ju^-LJj^o Juj AS" ^jLo-IS" ^ 0JI . ^LJ 3 Uj bji IJlC Jj^j-5* C--«JjO (^Ij-J tio L Lib \ ^yjo^- Lj l&j How Raha and Leili end their conversation? .Jo-l5* Ij,j>I (j-jjJj)* Ij (jl 3 J^^wj^JJ jZzJiS »-So >Jo>Aj>- (^La4^)i5* i-S*.^5* 4j 0j.äj (^Läo^j.5" jo i^jJjf jo PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY .J^JlS" lJ-oLS* Jol^o C--wjo* 4o 45* ^Lc'^lLsl L Ij jjj ^LaCjjLx- ^ Jw*J-S* oloo Ij ^ Jo^ :4oL> jJ> 5_2_Video3 .Jk_JL$* lJl>jju ^jLjiJ cotton t5» most of the time olS3l to get around (jjls^l 3 cijls ^1) yij ,-M9iiJ 3 Oi' ...............^«*5Tj L> l&j .......................... l$Lh 31 (^Ij-1 Jj|oJk_JLjj ^5* Ij 4-2tj| OjiJ ^J) (^1&0^j5" jJ> ^ J*-^5" oloO Ij ^jJo^ y JO J) jL> t«J\J i^j'^J-T jJ) 5_3_Listening I •J^S' jj Ij t^b> ^LaL> 3 J^S' (j*13^" i^y^ l)a^ ^ : j>"> ..................... <...........P^*' :Ly°3^ ^......... (** 3J •o.JiW*' J-"-1 tsiW^" 3V |»Aj^ 3-iJL> 3..............................................(frj^J^^oJ J3jJ J3 . .................. .......... ^.ji L> (^jLaLj 4j L_i ^j>Xxj ? 4_JL5'^£»o ^3^.................. 4^-0 ^-»3^ :^j^3& 3J* L&1««Jj .ojj^-o 3L L-13J Ojl^i....................^^iljj ^13^^-0 .Ojlju . l>a |»jjU jj JuL 4j>l ^ic !...................i_>L£> ^ilS" (»ijj °Jj-i..................03' ^.........>i!k-h ^3^ l*^" •.................. :o"°.J* 45" cJiS" 3.................. u» jV**'...................|Oj^Lo bji iJk~S^oj>.........^La^jjlJlijI j^jjo :<_s^- •o"4 <*Ju.S ......... 4.j ,|ju u«> ! LL SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD 5_3_Listening2 4äJ| (jjLjI jj Ij (^b>b> 3 b-b5" tjiye JjLs Aj ....................jS .............................. fü-öLj ^L_>- ^.................................................... Lj j^^j-'l* ^.5"jjjjJu ............................................... 4j Ij 0)\ <..... .................................. . ................ ffr^J^^ ....................................... ^ji jfrfj^JjJO ............................. (^IjJ JL-JjLj (^Ju_a j^jL^ L ^j^j^jI *f*-^j .....................................u"^i "^3^ o^jj^ ....................... . 4.5" oJuol ^bLwj^JJJi jl 5_3_Listening3 iÄJl (_)*iLjI jj Ij i^LfijU- j b-b5" ^3? tjiye JjLs Aj J3J J* ............................................3......................................................................................jI ................................... ............................... Juu ............................................ 4j .b^j^-o jl5~ 4j j Y CUcLwj j ^jy>^a ................................... ......................... ^5o ........................................... V3-«-x-o ............................................ ^y^- ^ ........................................... 4_jL> \jb£^3j ^iAin............................................^_jLi5' ^ ...........................................tlw°j (J?3j ...........................................^ blj^J I«j"~J ..... (_ji5L>^5' j- I j j3j y> Cr° 31 O*? . jLS* 4j 209 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 1*3^ <*S*¥* l-k^J^ ^ Lr'^'^ *í Jo^J_*li^-o 4j 4j5*y; L .Jo^-wli^ |j i_£^j.o 3 ^jj ^J^Jď .J-JLS" ^3^ J3I ^3-* JjLs 4j :^ 4jL> jJ .JuJbi^ i_>l^> Jo jJÍ-Jj^^o 5_3_Listening4 (f^) 5_3_Listening5 (^) .........................................................^ .........................................................V ........................................................r ........................................................f jjj (Sketch) jj L ..j-.lS' (ji^? V tjiye JjLŠ Aj jSjb jL ^So :V 4j'L> v/X .j—(^jlÁf pli j-j^ O-► O —><3r ľJOj.-jJo L_SLoj7 j.JJ ^L&Ďjl^ jl jjtilti ^yOjol (^IjJ ^^JísLs ^'jšjA *-5oL L tJ-«ÍÄ*j t4j 3 O—jIj j J^lmj JuJw^mJj 4jT J\J*-*wO 4j *5f j Jojj i4_L - VC-wjLäS' C—O (^Ôjliil Jv-J^O^^O tJ%í^TTLO - Job ^j^Ls 4j> J-jXj 4JJ\^o .C—o (^ôjlol fjol^-^^-o (j-o ■ 3j Cum^J Ôjlôl ^^Lb* JojJ ^.L> 45" ^^-«-5" .^^jL^- J t^J^I ^^jL^- . JojJ p>-jj&««0 W^l jl " •Cj- s h ah s ava r i I atwood 5_3_Listening6 (^) ^ j* 'j ^ ^ul^ 3 ^ ............................ 'f ^(j-o ^Aij l»A,l ^ ^ 3 1°"^' ^....................................... |»d5^lT° '^dW^" J*l •ii-'ji(j-0 6"° i' ij^i^jj* -i^ju?0 (irts-^ ls"1?^ i->IsT ...............................La^b—jb .^^J...............................|«jlf .|»^jiT^ jlf 3 3 a* 'blS* ^ ^IL**«lJ^-0 .......................................jJj^ol^^o ................................ jfy^ jl ^3-*-*-° jH_JLo ^ tJ^j ..................................... ....................................... Ij J^ji .......................................... J^" ftr^-^ |GjjLo ^ Jj5" 0^j3 .............................. J^j ^i^- Jl—j . foS" O—j*j Lol tpjj-5'L5-o ^^jJj a.^_JLo j*j........................................^ fjb......................................ö^l 'foi*^-0! 4j ^1 Ij p>Ä j-i .JuJSO L> («-(-mjLLo (^l-ff- j£ Jjj J^JC^ j^ Ij L^jI jl |ö|JlS" jÄ ^ Jk_;JL5o j^> J Lxil jjj VL j^ -v (J-IT JU) JLS; 3. We know that in Persian we usually drop subject pronouns, and this is especially true of the first-person singular unless we want to emphasize or add contrast. Read what Saeed said once again and try to find the unstated a^s in the text. 5_3_Listening7 j^o^a Vj-«juo t^jSua jjääJj JjI (^IjJ ^-i 'lS^J^ O^j 'V •X^jS l*J-*j Ij oJlJLJ ÜLä5* (^Lä ^A-o^ j JloIjäi Juj5*^-o .JoJi^ iwj|^j> oVIj-wJ 4j 3 Jo-LS" ^j1i^5" jj^5 J-'Lö ^-j hope to see you -.^5?^ ^ ^> ^j 5_3_Listening8 .jo-iS* jj Ij ^JLj> ^LaLj>- ^ j_*j-S' ^5" ^Jiy& J^Lä 4.j V...............................................................1 .............................................................i' -r .............................................3 ............................................-r .........................Ij La^_.h5' |«Uj .............................................f bji I;. ... A.liJ.iv-jlsS'.? 3I o-^^ 15'^ -v ...........................A PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY .•x^jS ^j^utJLo Ij jjl-t^l j*L«j j tjl"°j 3 j^^oy-t Ij 4.L«j> jji jjl-*5l 3 Jo~l5" ^j^S" ^jiy& J-1^ ^ ^-^J *^ Listen to the audio file one more time.Write the verbs from each sentence and identify the tense and .conjugation of each verb \ r y r A t (^jljwli^J J^**!**) 4j Ij Jl^*-1 j I 3 1-*i-^* ^L^ol Lai»_j|^j>- Jj_*j jl Ju^_wll^o 45" ^JI^_wJ j£b (^Ij-J Ij C-_«JjO >l^> ^ Jw*J-S* iS^lY^ (J"i^ ^ .Jw^wJ^Jj ^jij|^> jl l^jj^^- oLa^.^-«-^aj 4_JL<-«Ji !4JI_J| tOjl — ? ........................................................................^ lajui .al - <•........................................................................r 5_3_Listening9 (f^) .^ji",^' jSCs - ?........................................................................V .4JL9j5" jj ,n~ j^jJ^J 4j - ? ........................................................................*f .fl'^J- - <• .......................................................................& .U <• ......................................................................f .4.Jj^,o ^3j~^» ^^5" fft-*-,-*j ffr**** *^>" J^L -4_Jj ^-o^j-jI ^j*ijA5* ^5* 45* Ojlo ^^l***j — ? ....................................................................Y .CcLj \ * JaiS - ? .....................................................................A jLlJj^oj ^j LjjI jl ^g..Jmj — ? ....................................................................*\ ^ j-^j-S* ^jii^5*.jJ^_1i^oj 4jLa5" La>4.Ljj> ^Jjc-Ls CjU^I («^JlcI ^-JLaS' 45* jL©j& 45* j^j-S* 4.j>^j .j^j5* J-i^ ^ j-'M^ ^-So .V What is the subject of each sentence? u=^** lj *W y> Charades: In groups of three write five sentences. Try to use different tenses in your sentences. Write each sentence on a separate sheet of paper.You will give one sheet of paper to one of the student from another group, s/he will act the sentence out for his/ her own group, after first drawing as many lines as there are words in the sentence. Your competition has to figure out the tenses of the verbs too. £cJJ tOjJjj 4_«j (^Lao^j.5" jo :^^S^LjL«j Lj ^..^o^IjLj OolftH_vj| J-*-9 lJlLl?c»o (^Lj&^jLoj jl Lj^jIjo Joj5* ^Jt-wJ ^ Jo-«*j ^5o .j_^wJ^jj 4iLS"|jc> '-S'j-J ^-So ^£^j Ij L.&4„LoJ> jl |ft|j5* jib .Joj5* (^1 j.j JuL |jJj| ^1 .A^Ju JjLJlo °9j5" (^L^l jl ^^So 4j Ij Lj2>45'j.j jl jl ^Laojl^ oljuJ ojljul 4j L^LaL^a^j.5'^.j2> LS^^0 O^*^1 "*-^^ Ja^- 4JL?cj JuLj ^,Jb Lii4.L«j> jLj .JuJjj ^jJl^- Ij 4.L«j> C-jLj^j jO ^ L&Ojl^ .Ju^wj Ooj ^jjjiA^*- C^jjJ SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD (fever .0 Jo (4.j - <•..................................................................^ <•..................................................................r 9...................................................................v <•................................................................f- <•................................................................ö ............ >tjJu^>- 4_> ............ *tl«-^ ffr^* *Y ............ .^j-*-^ jI>a-j -V ............ ./jJ>X) lwj|^> Vl^vj .^f ............ -t>Ä fH^ -A .Jl^j" ^ZsiS ^jLj^^j jlS'^Ji L I OjLj^ a JloI^slj Ij 4_>Jl& 4j|jaj Today: Music class at 2:00. After music class: go to the library and study. Tomorrow: Meeting with my professor at 3:00. Thursday: English class at 9. Read my friends' blogs. Friday: Exercise at I 1:00.Wbrk at 2:00. Saturday: Play tennis with my brother. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY WS 5_2_Video3 4j'U- jô .Li :JJI ?C-_«--j> oJul Jio^Lo . ^ ?Juli jl^-^J (^j-0^^! (^5^^ ^L Ijf^ 3I j-lšJ 4j .V ?lj:> ^^j^-« V*'-*-^-0 **-IL> (4.jL>-) (Jji-i-o 4j j^L>4.:> V^-ojuo 3I .v 4j> 3I (^OjLj^ ^^4^ Ij °^J J^ ^-"^Jcs*0 v'-*-^-0 **-IL> e£^jL> 4-! iSJ3j ^ ?lj.:> ^Jujj ui3I L oJul LI ? J_jb^o ?c^> oJul (wish) c^3jJT ů ?Ju^ Ij ^-jIIj^o 4_IL> ^ C--9j ^-jIi^-o 4_IL> (^4iL> 4j oJul j^j ,j I LI .9 . Juo^Xj Ju^i Ij fLo oJul 45* i^j^j ^jLk-Mjlii 3 Ju^5"^»o oJul I (^OjLj^i ^Ij^«j jA5*^_& 4.j Jo^_Jj o^Lol Lj Ju-L5* oLXj Ij fů-i*^ jXj^i jL :u .Ju_lS' jj Ij JL^ ^l&L^ ^ ^^-í-h 'j ffr^ ôj^3^ :V .4_l5*^o ........................ 3j Jj-o ^äLS" 4.5* fjb Jl\JLo 4j Lol ^-1—_J tjlij5* .......................... Jjfcl 3 .................................... jl 4_JL*»oJ& V^-ojuo Jj-o .^_*1>.........................^jai^j^jI ^ 3j-*-° L í|ôj.j\j ^aa*5"Lj L t...............................L Ju L |ôjj j»l^?tj 4.5" L> jä ^ fj^1-^ (jj-^Lo ..................................................... fu-Ä ^j^f*" öl-\JL)b ^(,5-° 3J-*-0 ^ ............................................................. ^ V1'"*"' fJcS*0 V^-ojuo jJJĽo................................................ íjôj^o ^^5*1.7 L 3j jji-3Cj^jJ (^LäL> ^ ^3Jjl Ó3"v" ........................................ f*^ 3J Lfcj--*^o jl ^g..Jmj .t_jll^_o 4_IL> (_£4j^> ..................................... J"^ V*'-*-^0 ^■■1'"^' cí^3^" ffc"*-^J(-s'° ........................................... f^^-Jjb 4.5* j^j ^j^l jl^wj í^^JjJ O"^"1 ^ LS^3 j01^^ ^LíLJjlŕ 4-**" "^"f?-1 4-0liL l^j-uL C--?tjj ^_b .|ôJu^ 3j ............. ........... ^L->- ^jljj^J t-SC^IjJ 4JLJI ........................................... ffcJLv^J^j ^0 |Oni^>- 3 ^-ILdib ^j-_*liLo ................................. i^^J"^* J"^ -ú^äj 3 Juli ^^5*11 ülj-oJ-s^ ^5"jL 4j^>- (_^^j 3j j^-LuliLo 4_^_i»oJ& ................................. j-(j-1jL 4-wlib Jj-ulil^ j5"l JuLlí 3 ............................ Lol j5* j5*i ................................................................... 4j 3 fů---9j 0li'-íJŕ ôJuJL (^4.^-^5* 4j (^^j 45* 4.JL>- (^4i^> u* ^j olj (^4^äj j^j (j^l 4_«£>>^L> ! ..................................... 4JL> t|ôJu_«jj iwjLl^-o 4JL> (^4.j^> 4j ^^-ä^ :Juj^£j ^Lj^«jji5*^-íi 4j 'A yj^ýS jô .Juj^^ uijj> 4j> (^OjLj.i fů-Li j^ oJul ?Juli 4.:> eUäj^g-o t_jLlj^o 4JLj> Jj-1-« 4j 45* (^j^j -v :45* Ju_«jj£j ^S^j^ýS ^-Ä jl :V yj^ýS 'fjul^^-^o ^jjjj^ Lä5* V3-0ju0 ^3JlS*° (-)*,l^-'^' ^ '-^"v' ^-^LwJ 4_3coJ> (^Lij^j .V ?^jb jlji ^5* L bji T ?^jb c^j^ ji^_o Ij fc_jLl> (^sLS* jsIjó* .f S H AH S AVA R I | ATWOOD Oil** 9 0*0° .Juj5* LJ-oLS* Ij jjj (^La4.L)j>- jlj*o^> 4j Jo^jj-q L .pjlwlllo .............................................. (j^^s* ^1 .\ j| ........................................ .jaJoj^-^^-o .............................................. tp>Iwli|o jVo j^uU-o c_5o j5*l X .fijS^^gA OjIJ\^J ................................................... jl 4_^_^«Jb /j_0 .1* .....................................................oLSwob dj j-^j l^'j-^ j| ^—jjli ^0*^15".....................................uami 4jL^-c_jbL5" .9" .Juj5" lJ-oLS' ©Jul ffc.Li j^j^ jl ooLiiL«j| L Ij jjj (^la>4.L>j> j| jlj5* ^.L-^- Lol tC—jI ......................... ^JJ-^ jj| . ^ .p>jjlo L> jj| jO (_£oL j ............................. jb—J30 Lol iJJ-LS'^^^J ^^Jjj jlj^j* jO jalool^jL^- .y ...........................(^Ij.j jLib—j^o L 3 «ijb ju-j^o Ij 4jL^- i-5oojj *-S"jL jo........................p>5*jj.jjjj .Y !o^J c_5*jl_) (^L^ L«sJ-»--j i-J\jojj *^l*tfl......................................L> j^-«jb |<5j^j?s-o .ffcrf—jj^-o JUS^j—j 1^3-^j ooLol .........................j.5"l .J-Jj l»J\JOJ.j L^il 4j jI^mJj^J^O uJ^S'^o ^jL...........................^a^-jS" j, I -V V............................v1 ^ ^ -A (?dj^j*j dJ^^J |j,:> ^4_;j>- J3I ....................) .pjlwlilo.........................jLaS" i-5o jjLS'^l * 4-«jb /jj| tJ^j 5I.......................Uil5 jfl ................................. if J.;—jj 4jL^- lib (^^83 • ^ y .ju-iS" LJ-oLS' L«^j jJaJ 4j 45" £3*^3.0 jj| OjLjO .\ .CwjI ^L?- <.jj5'ls-9J ls^^j W" ji'................................^ .jfc-j-S* jiji—jjj p>;ol30^^-0 jl-003^- tpjjjbj fjV Ij...........................Lo .Y .................... 4j ...................................pjIL—^iJ p>5*jj.JjoLo jb-S" Ij J3J |aL}J .1* .jfcj-s' c_5*jL 4jL**-«jb ^4jL^- ^3L> Job .CmmJ j^iiLo joj.5" c_5*jL ^1 jj........................& ?ffc_wjL 4Iwli|o .......................... j—jo ^1 j.j 4JJ\»«^ jL^Jo ^jU^- .A^jL 4H_^j|o jj|^5"jJj jj Ij ................................ 3I *Y •4_j5* j--*j .JJj^^-o jJ ...................................A .4^j|3itj' (message) ^ULo U tooj ^jxJj......................................j3j^j ^^3 A .p>J3j.j CJTjLojJ.3—' 4j Job .pjjjljj 4jL^- jj ................................. fijS^o . \ ' 4j^- ............................... t|OjA*j) ^ .c*-J.................................^j-0 -ps-1-^^5-° jLT.....................................................o^jJ • ^ .O—j| ^3^-...............................3I .J-«*J3JL5-o c_jbL5' p>ij-o - ^Y .ojU i^jji.................................... 05^" (°J^ O—J30 ^s-Lp*" .................................. J*^- 3 j^bs ^L^- 1* .p>X«Jb .................................. 3I L -(°jl Jj ......................................... Ij 3I »-9j->- • ^ ^ PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY J3^ok^T f'^u^0^k) ^15* ^ .jfrl*^ ^jjl ^ L l_9^L*2j 4.J Lol toJoli .......................... f^J"0 iS^ji O^J"^ ^^^^ tJ"i'~wJ3 <-9iiLia7 pjSjSis ............................................ ^t-^3 ................................. ^JjL^-o ^jL^Lj 45* plSj^o ^_^flH_^o ^ .............................. ^ jOj^g-o i-Sj^- ^JjLj^o L ^JL*^»lii j^j-i^ ffc-^j IJl>- ^ ffc-*5* Jj-HS* Jj-i.JjLo |a^j.S* j^Jt-wJ ->-X.Jj j-w-j Jj-i-diLo (^^Jj> o^Lo j.jLc 4j c--9^ ^j^-«Ji ^ JlJj ^"^13^" 4ia?tJ 4j . . .^Li«*jI............................^j-i-JjLo ^j5*^-o Lol t^Liil ^j-^oj (j?3j............................3 j^jk_jL*li (^jjJj (^Ijl^s -^3^ fft-"^" fft—^j-^ ^5* ^j5" .^^j oJl^J ^y^s> jSijt) Ia^ -^3^ 4_IL«j o33""?" ^J j-^ (j?'^'-1 f*-*^j 3 o3j™° ia'"^JJ,i £^3 J1^ cfA-Jj o^Lo ^j-i-JjLo jl ^JLa5" ^j^-^-1 '^3^ oJk_<-vjjj ^1*^- (^33^ (^3! 4JI_J| .'i^j ^jiJLwj^ (j?3^ ^* ^3^ i^j^ 4j Ijl^s -^3^ ........................... 3 ^-^t^s 4.j ^j^l ^ f^j^* o*,j^3-wJ J"^ •o'"*"wjj'"*"^ j-o-jj-j ............................3 4j^>- ^JL^- C*a5* Lol -fj-j^-0 tj'-*-wJj'"*^ ^ 3^3^ ^* t^i^j ^jiJLwj^ (j?3^ ^* (j?j,"^v" 3 (^■fl-w-'3-0 4-">* |a>a_'-««^-9 .j^-itij i-Sj^- ^,Jb L ^L^- Jj-i-diLo (^3^ .j^Ju^wjj .............................. 4j ^j^l 45*................................Lol t^.j^j.5* ^UqI\4. ^ .............................4j .^3^ ^su-^^A (^4.L-wj^ 4j ^5)3 j*i "^3-H ^-Sj"^ LlJjI i^j-Cj Ij 3 ^Lo <—jLIi (a5^^ ^ J3J 1. If they have ever had an accident. 2. What would they do if they fall on the steet 3. If they talk on the phone when they drive. 4. If they have been to a hospital for an accident. 5. If they have ever been in an ambulance (^jV^ol). SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD .Juj5* jj vtx^jLlo jLíjl^ L Ij (^IäLj- [Ů»S*JLj j-Jj^ tjL J^J^I tjL Jj-^oJurS íoJjj\j3* ^j_*-0^_vJ í^j-j-O^U Í|ÔjLj^> ^ 'j0^ ' jlj-*! j^>\juo ^jjLj (^ôjLjií »bis*....................................0*0^ 3*^ .CwjI jLok-Só j^ y jl................................^djlp- ^^J"^ j.-^oLwJii ................................... jl ji-JajXJ ?£-_vj| j-^-^ |ôl>-*5* L_Jo (^Oo^JI j"^-^1.................................... (B5^(B5'a .CwJ ^»l4Í^lc ....................................3I !|->-l)L Lj^jj j^jlo 45* Lo_^) 4j.................................... .J^J l£jj.-ol j^-oJ> j^Oj .................................... j^i^J-j j^aIjjI • Jol^>-^-o fc—íLlS" C*-*£>lw> ^jJoj Ij ^1 45* .................................... .ó^if^o jlj^j-J j-^l 4j ............................. ójj} (^j^IoL (^1 jJ ffc.-J^j| Useful Phrases and Constructions ? Oljji 4-oUjj .....................................................................................................................................juL ........................ 45* jj| 4_j ojlo ^^SLj^j............................................................. 4_L^o«o ........................... 45* jj| 4j ojb ^^Lj^j............................................................. ^-A-^ ....................................................................................................................... <-\-\Jb\ .......................................................................................................................... p^fiS* o*^ - 0*1 J1 ^ Oi' i' :Y Oo^" .Juo^Xj ^jizJS 4j Ij Ij2>4.L>j> •X^jS C^s^s o^j> f^&Jjf eb-& Lj 4.J^oj ^L&CjjLx L La>4.Ljj>- 4j 4j>^j L oj,ib jo «4T Jul jl JJ» ^ Jlto •Pj^Ks*1 ^ ^ tSjk ^ oi1 j1 uM .Jpu uSu> Ij CuIaJ-^jI (_5Jj?jj yLj jl as" JuJ jl J-Ji :y JLS-o ..................................................oi~-45-6il jl JJM ..........................i>^3j L> 6*—^ 6i' j' J-^ ..........................jjiS" jjLi Ij cJLL^o aS" jjjl jl J_JS X ................................... (fc-Jijj,.flj Ij 4j'L> iS Jjjl jl J-J X ..................................................... ^\^H "iS" JyJ jl JJ .A «45" JyJ jl Juu » UiS" JyJ jl j^u* ^jljj JLlc .fj^i-^ Iji; 'fUjS" (jJjL) (j^~J 45" JuJ jl Jul; : \ Jlio .(»Jl5'(_s^ "-^J" Ij (^LftJ-^jl n>^i5'jj/|OUj5'jj ji-j jl 45" JyJ jl Juu :y Jlio .............................................................. UjJ ^j^ul^^" as" JjJ I jl JuU . ^ ............................................... i_Jj ju Ol^&-^> iS JuJ jl Juu .y ................................... ,_£Uj.5" uSu> Ij CuIaJ^ojI AS Jjjl jl JUU X .............................................polo i—>l^> Ij (jS^uiJj as" JuJ jl Juu X ............................... pOju" l"^LoJ Ij u^-JLol JLjji JjU I jl JjU .fa S h ah S avar i I atwood 218 • Jj-i^-o jJ jlS* 4j 4l£3S Jji i_Jcl «45" jl Aju» j| Juu :V «jl JJ» ^ Jla, (l«-CÖ) .«j-_lSo ^S^> Ij ^lljliij~!>jl ji-o jl jj^iS'jj jl J_s :Y JLi-o (Ljo) ................................................... ^jio'Ju J jl JJj . ^ (m)............................6*-^ o^5" i>^3j j' -V (y)............................'^^ikj* ö^ß jj^ j' ijW3 X (L»)........................................ djU- u-j^ l»)......................................vis**- /o-^'y*" j' J-^ « jl Jju » Jlic (Lowii) ..A--lSo ^S^> Ij ^IIjIäJ—ojI yLj jl jj^iS'jj jl J»5 :Y JLi-o (L-i.).......... checking the documents -.S^ - (o-Jj) • • (jl).......... ............Cr^ß J^i* jl ^ - ^ ^jVjis v'j^ jl ^.^jj^ jl j^*j -v ......... ^jlj-O ^jJjjJ jl JULJ .*f iJuJ-S- Ol9^ J-^ tjrij^ jl Jij J^-° ^ :4.l5o •^"^'ls^j ^^v" Ij f^i^tj~^il jl Ct^^y jl lJ-^ 219 persian of iran today !jSyS - ai" ^jj if ^jjäj .AJIAj jIA^j jl ajLjJ j AjiS" ijš- ^jj? |>tt l> jjj ^Ia4.Lj> 4j 4j>^j L ďj.áj ^J) j J cu~jjj Ij jj^ji" L-i jjj» /.|»jb ěu-jjj Ij ó-ijS" Ľ-í> 4.5" ^1 ^Ijj - 1^^^ bJi j3j ja \y> - ^Ailji- Ij ^,L*a?cj 4ľLÍij ^jjI .Y c>äß 3 x L>äß Cŕjj3 T ^Jjji- ojLol (_jlj\č .Ä 6,aj ^jli 6Lj y j^Lo. jt^U :4i5J o-^5" - .......................... *Q.................. Up ^ črí.J^ •»"S"^" C--«ä*£> Jjj> ^JSjjf j^js l jjj ljLď4.L>j>- 4j 4j>jj Ij Ojii j J (_jLüajj? j J Lwil jj ß^ /^,L> :Jlix .AlT^-o (frA ^jÍAjj Läj'I j j iSli iJjli ČU-JjJ Ij jjlj^j L^iJ 4j |» jaIjJŠ- Lvl d^ß ^-^í^ I '--,^3í-> ^j-"*^!^ CXvjj^ . ^ jjjjS" Joji- j d^ß ji-»j* Ij ill*- / ijuß ču-jjJ Ij\i .Y óJß P c*cLo A jj / jjAj'Ijš- ^jo .Y I jA ô^3i fß I ^j.-v-oLj ^IjLj .T jjjS" ^jj Ij j>~iJ jW £lj>- / jJjSo- J>ßJ* Ij La>£lj» .i) «i-*-> '.................... Jjl .......................... 0~,?~J '.................. '^h' :^ ■■^P Jjj> j^Ajjf j^js L jjj ljLa4.L>j> 4j 4j>jj L OjÄ) j j (_jlAajj? j j •líjjO^Lo (ů~-9j |>* l> 4„»A Jju ij^jjjji- jji-flS" |OjA|jJ>- ,_jljj Jjl lT^J 03^ j' ' L)uß CP^ ^ o0ß ó^3^ LťJô *i ' ó^5" 0^3^ J*^ -Y jjjoi. (^'lijio Ij* /ó,i3^-! cír^ T ^>0j5" čUs-ljľ^jl ^l^^s- / jj^b jjLsíLol .f s h ah s ava r i I atwood . ^lůjljjl dj / . . . *S < . . . jjJUl / . . . óS i . . . <_£jui &j :Y ijiyá .J—Ju" c--*jx«£> ô^j>- ^ůí^jS" pjb L jjj (^LaOjL^c «u 6s>ep L o^iJ 30 (^Lao^s" ju jjojj" (jÍ^IjÍ / JjJ-u t^jLy^C :JuU .jöjlojj ^.IjIj^-o o^^-olji a5* jôOwi ^jl . .nC. ^£jjji 4_j Jujaj t£j;u> g^-js / .ô3j . ^ .Juoj.S' J-Ja*! Ij U^ujlS" /.03j Jj.~j I3Ä .V .joulju ^ul^J^- Ij úuVI^-u j." ti-ij / .03j ^u?t*o 4_u>La-o .V .üuiß k_.l Ij LajjLl^jj- pUj /.u_ol jjljL .f .^jJuô^^j j:0> / .JUU ^UUjLj I3J& .Jv--wT C--jx«£> U3j> ^b^jS foja L jjj (^LaCújL^c 4_j L ojib 30 ^Lao^S" ^ ...../4jUuL_T 4j jJISj :JLto .(jl^jx; (jUj^ 4j"U> jU íijlskÁZS 4j JJlSj (jjL> A; ... jjJuli c^>ljLj A . . . ojlol ^jL&IJlČ JjUj^i- .y . . . 4jL> jo JjJuLo .y . . . ^j-o 4.j JjüjS" oluu .f J3U 3 uf jjj ^-Lo- 4jl> JyJ jU JUjS" ^-f Jjj .A djUullf Aj JJlSj :Jlu= .Jjl^Ä) ^yijč <4j'L> ji íS3ji Ajli-t_>l^5' 4j 4.5" JjU I (_jL> 4j . . . JjJul^i- (jUjU OUXJtulô jô jJLu Oô . ^ .... jju^jji jj—Í.L0 .Y . . .JjUjS* jlS" c*£Lu oujl^u (J? J3j X (waiting -.jlii^o).... £i*»jéj 3I jliLLo ůucLu 3U .c**J oJU^i** 4^J- ó^5" lA)J3 03^ c5^j " •C^J' oJ\n5" d^wj^ ^^j crjj^ •C^uwjI c*ämj jLw^j c^*_Lol ^jJL^ild ^3^ - -Cm-wjI t^i_-pt*o ^jIjlí c^*jloI ^5"jüj jji íc-J-äj .tX«--j oJuj djjju jjLíjT ^ LoJ_i-«j (JjJl-wJ 45" j^jfyti .v .dj.5" ^l^^jl 3 c-jŠXj ^y^j> jôjjiLo ^ j1-^ ^ fj^j"1 *^ jl 3 dj5o JôsLj>-|jk.j>- |ôj.äI^> .f (farming ^jUT) ^LiS" ó1 .j-jsu pL»j| Ij jLT^^JL (^LftjlS" o-JI^j^ ^ijji ó3fzi j' ^ Oi' US'4-- ~ ó'5''4 'j ts^i <_s'-aj^' 'ij-*f; ú3J*i j' ' ^j^jJ jlo-u i-^*j t_Ó iŕ*?' Lj* / ^jJL^olô / ^jJl^jIj Ij jjb—jIj j^I / ^julji- Ij k-ibjT 4_ojs / .V ^jôlo V^^-"*" J*->VIj~j / ^'^i \j l&CoJ (^^-x-a / Uvl .t jjISj yLj 4j /jjiif 5" 4j / jl .Ů ^^5" - . . . U í . . . áS £j| I :\\ ^j-oJ" .J-jlT C-_*j?l«£> ôjj> ^gSb^jS" pjb L jjj (^LaOjL^c 4j 4j>jj L ojÁJ ^LaojjS" jj ................................................ jOjjl ................................. JLí-JjJ^^ *-3\J^OjLo jl 45" Lj .V ................................................ AJJL*li|ju 45" Jj-jI Lj .v * Oil lj (fish :(_sÄ>Lo) .............................Jlj1„ä> (_5Jj> jlj^S-JiLo 45" JjjI Ij .0 .jJjU ^L^Só (^^-^o bjj£j ti.u."...r..a « ... Lol t . .. 45" j^jI L » jL*^Luj 4_^_*j 45" jjj (^LajLij>L^j :azSj 0J3JI LJ iJjIaj' lJjLjj o-jcojj- j^-i 45" ^jjl £y>} Lj L .čU-jI 0J3JI Lol i^jljj i_5^Ljj c^jcojs- j^Jj 45" L C^jI oôjJI Lol ijjljo (^>lLij O^ovojs- j^Jt> 45" JJL?- jA L .C^J aOjJI Lol i^jljü (^>lLjj C^jl^s- j^i) 4j> j?l o^jJI Lol tô j I jj ejôL j c--jv«j>- j^-i 4Í" JjjI i^Čj ^ic Lj_ .ju-j| 003JI Lol cojljo" ^ôL j c*-ju«j> 45" lÍ^L>-jj shahs ava r i I atwood . . . píj^Js. I . . . i_9üL>jo / . . . L :^ Y ^jjj^j ,-Jj'-řc k I***1' j' Laojlj AjI jl Aju (j^j ijí-J^J 0«slil*j| «iSúj|» jl j^Čj^lc j ii_9}l»-jj i^jŕ-j L) (^Laojlj jl Juu AJjb J^al Ajj-oJ AjI jJ .^.jIô^jS" a^l_fl.".....)| j, \ ,na L> t^o-~j| ...................................................................................................íO-mJ jLo-o Ct^lw íj^L)I L A ....................................................................................Ju\ijS" ^'Ijlji jji'ilj íSÚjI ^3^3 L; .Y ............................................................................................................CJ3J (»ij^ic .Y ....................................................................ijjb j^-i ajI jl aS (_jjo oljlsLš- lÍ'>L>-jj .Y ........................................^b I. .uuj5* c^-jä^s» ^^>- jfrÄ L jj j (^IäCjjLx. 4j 4j>^j* L oj-flj ^ ^Iäo^í*" j*í ^jôjí out; j^i^li* / 0^3^ a*j* -X ^jkXjJL*!) jl (^jj_L /(jjuli (j^ijlS* ^jl^ .6 uS"j.j Ij LäíI |ôj.äI^>- tJuJu_«jj L&^jLo^-o a^^j^jä :\ JLS-o • i-^JlS* Ij ^^j'-y" "^-^jJ La^jLs-^-o -^.IxjLjI ^jÔskaAj :Y JLS-o .. . fůjjoli o^Lol jj-iij jjj^j.^ ^Ijj .Y . . . Juli jUs-u fů-5"jjjjJu 45*^^1 jÄÄO^ .V . . . iÍ^Jj ^.3J,-**J '^-^Lv^c ^S'jjjl jixodj .T Grammar j^uo^ ^ys 3 A 5 4 Grammar I 4jL3o J_Ij> C-_«jI fjV JailS tooJ^i^s^ji C^^^ (dishes iltodsjk) .Ju_a>o fL?tj| (jLlio^- Ij la>jlS* (^4^jb o_i_al^>^o V^-o_x_o 4_IL«j 4_«j ^La^jxj .6 .o-*_lS" j^-^Jjj-J ^jIjoLLvjI t-£.«5* Ij ^ Ojij ^o (^L&o^j,5" jo Julooj.5* l>A-J VL Cj'^LoJ>- jo 45* Ij (^j,jL«-i^ :^ (^j'^l5* jo ooLfllLwjl ^jLlio^^- ^ c^jljo^^ t^jLoo^^- L^jt>£^>- tdjo^>- t|fto^>- (^L&Ojl^ jl j,jS jl jL> JailS .o._j5* J-oLS* Ij jjj ^La4.L«j> :V ^0*^15* jo ^jL-o jo ^.a> L Ij ^Lj^Laiwj|^> ojiJ ^o ^[jbo^jS" jo ^j^^-wj .J^«5* LJ-oLS* o-ULwJ& ^-vjL-o 45* ^Jlxil ^ Laojl^ jl ooli£_vj| L Ij 4.L>j> 4_Jij .a.;j5* .JujIJCXj ...............................................................................................o^> ,j^> fjl^-* fj"^ Ij CollS* .................................................Ij oj^)-1i^> ^L&IJlc. /jA.........o^> ..........................................................^1 jo UJLj 3 (we made) ^s^-l^........................ o^j> ............................................................................................o^>- tj_^> (,5-^* jir*^ ..............................................................................................o^>- tf^jSij ^y3^£- Ij 4j^li ^jaiLJ ^j ..........................................I, La,j SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD ^jjys 5 ajU- -wish 33jI :Y ^j-oJ impossible wish ^ possible wish -.jSL** ^jjl öoLiL^I j-J « c^Jy^-o ffrJj » 3 « aäI^>__* f^Jö » jl ojli^jl (jSLAlS* jl ^15" (^L> 4j jliif ^Lj :4l5o .jöki^j J.L Lwi> jjj-o ^^JoLS" (^ji—wli)..........................................\j ^j-w^Lx j^j.jö jjilS* • ^ (^jjo'ljjjf)..............................................cJ5 d»jJo L yL^o bji (ji.15" .Y (^jjjL-jj)................................................|j ^| i-o^-jö ^LS" .V d^ö)...............................................I j j^jI jLSLoJi jLo jt.lS' .f .jöti^j jJL Lwl> ^fl> ^j-o jjilS* :^jjl .Ju5*(^o b_l> v'^^ 3^ -(J^-8 .......................^jilts' toJuii *ij„wj \j& J3j-°I .......................^jilts' .ojuli «^Ljj ^-«-5* ffrjJ3 -Y ....................... ^jiilS" .j»|oJul> 4d***^- .f .......................^LS" .julooj.5- jL \j jö .A ...... i^LS* •■aj^.li^o ^3j-1> du'l-rtlLol j-^jj 4da& .P .......................o-^ -f*^"^ u'jJ l> öUajU-.Y ....................... 'tbir^^ji J^*J j' J3J o-^ 1,....... -i (^jji-lib -Y 6^ .....6^j -r -r ^...... -a 225 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY everybody, anybody, nobody 'o~5> 5 4 Grammar3 L>4_oJ!> 5 4 Grammar4 . JuLlb^-o .Ju'b^ .jub^^J Sometimes in spoken ?C--vJ 0Jjô Ij ^| a) I öJu Ju Ij ^1 ,_)^5* / .C^-mjI öJu Ju Ij ^1 ^^—-5* .Co^J j^j-O jjj j-^g^Jfc /.C^J j^j-O jjj (^j^> 'ľ^loJuo (jjL^- Ij 3I .floJu Ju Ij ^1 L> ^Jfc / .|ô|oJk.jjJ ^jLj> |j ^| .Juj5* lJ-oLS* (^LäoJuI L Ij jjj (^Iä4.L>j> .V .........................................................45* jjjb^ .................................................45* c--wj| ^^5* obi_«j| ................................................... O^&P ^J3J 6i' IjXjo JJL> .oj.5* iwju*j.j j^I t-J\_di| jl5" L^jI l-Šj-Ls 4j ^jjj-Jj 2 Juo^j oJuol ^jLL^- 4j ^oLj f^j-« ■■ 4^Ji íOljjÄlLáj j^j i-J\j jl Juu .JuLöü ^jLol jo ^jj^-L jl Jo^ô^o ^ILo-wj 4j ,_)^5* j,a JuOj^J ^5"j.J Ij ^jlju-0 Lol JUO^J 4J_vJj.5" ^ ■ .Jk._j5* fc—jIjtILJI Ij JjO (^^jl^ *Y .ojj l_9j.j>- j-jj-ol L (ijMS^íJb /4^)ja /(jJ^5*j.jä) LoI íOj5* C-_*j?t«£> j^j ,jl (^OjLjo (j!-9j-£ Lj (J-^s-Lj. .j^Íj^jÍ^ (^j-*-^ (l£jV?" l^s*^) i_p3J^ ^cg'-V---' (jil^ /g^) lS^' ^ .JuLlb^-0 Ij JjjI (^5*j.j£ j/4^Ji) .(^loOj^J l_fi-JĽ$* Ij JjU*l I (.JJJLäXj I'CssSS) Jj-o 4j (^j^> ^jj«5*gt_uÄ Lol to^Jj^-o ^3j-^ j-*-^- éUcLvj ^0*^15* (JJJLwj|ô^>o /CUj-yüb^g-o) 4^J& shahs ava r i I atwood .^j|o^-«J ........................... C1<4-mjI <—JL> 1__owCo jlaj 4_> 45" ^^Js^a j_>l OjLjo A JL> (wUS'jjAJ (jS'jüj L> jjI ................................v .ffc.jjJLS* jLLvJjO ^.^I^J^O jLoii^" tffcJjlju j*jV Ij ........................... Lo .V .Juol 4_j tiij i-joj .................... 4_j ...................................^.l^JLJ ^5"jjjjoLo jL>-5* Ij J3j fLoo .^f .^_lS" t-5"jL 4jL,^-ojä (^4jL>- (^^jI^ JuL .cUj-w-u j-^JjLq jojS" S"jL ^Ij-j........................& ?^..<«JjL 4JLwti|o .......................... j^jo (^IjJ 4JjC«wO .P .C-^l^JJ* ^Lo>- .JullL 4JLwtl|o jol^5"juj jO Ij ................................ JuL ^l .Y .4_j5* j--J .Joj^g-o jO ...................................A .4jLwj|j»3o (message) l—ol töj»j t-Xjj......................................^^3^ 03^^ c5^3 *^ .ffcj^jj C^jLqjJ^mJ 4.j JuL .^.jjIJu 4_jl_>- jo ................................. ^JjT^o jSis A * (?C-_^JÄ 4.j^^....................<|ö'^Lvj) A \ .Ju-wT jj Ij JL> (^LäU- .6 .Ojlo 3 C-_«JjO 4Jjj5" V (^yjSsXL^Jb i^^S tf^S jJÄ <^£j) .OjO jftj) .....................^.J^-wll^O Ij jO t-Xjj j^ljuö . ^ 'ü**^ ^Ä ^^ls^0 3J v'3^.....................^ .Jtjlo J'3-^3 C--«Jjo 4_o j5" V (4^Jfc tj^JouÄ 'O^* J"^ 'f^J"^* ■t-^^t-^' ........................ ^ ^yJs^a jj| (^OjLjo J3j-iJ -V .Jtjlo o^J>3 C--wJjiJ 4„oj5" V (4^jä if^S" t^*a*5" if^S" ja) •1^3^-j JIäJj^^- 4jL>- jl jo ................................ (4^-a <.^>jS <.i^S ja) ?4JjL Läj^I....................................j^ji-^ j5Cs .6 (4^ja i^^S tf^S ja) .ffcjjlo C--Jj^£jI J3~^ ^0j3^"c5*° ........................................^ (4^jJ!> i^^S tf^S ja) .öollil j^j-o jjj ?4JLli|ju\J L> j^> ^ .......................................Y .Jtjlo o^J>3 C--wJjij 4J_>j5" V (^yjS t4^Ji t^*a*5") .^-uäI^jtj ^-SLoJ)' ...................................... jl JuLu Lo-wj jlaj 4j .A .Jtjlo ^3^3 C--«Jjo 4_uj.5* v (^5* g^JÄ t4^JÄ i^^S tf^S ja) .ojJ i-joj 3I 4j ^ijJ^j (^IjJ .................................. 03^ "^-^ j^-**^ .Jtjlo ^3^3 C--«Jjo 4_uj5" V (,_)^5* g^JÄ t4^JÄ tjj^S* jÄ t^^j) .^Lfl5"^o ................................. 4j L^JL>- JuL A * PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 5 ajU- j& -Different kinds of plural .jo-iS* J-oLS* (wm-mjLlo ^Laojl^ L Ij jjj ^La>4.L>j> ( 5 4 Gram mar 5 .AjjJLS* ^5* I 4.J J^^Jj-O (JjLi 4.J ^ Joj|^?lJ Ij L&JljLo .JoJ&O ^jll^5* ^j^s (Jjli 4j . ^ 5 4 Grammar6 lj.jt-di jjljfiLi L&4jj? Jl*jL«jI j^LLlo lJIjl&I our La4.Loj> U^bci^l L& J^JLo CjLjisIj LaCuotslj Juoj,^J ^5"jJ Ij ^jlju-o Lol Juo^j 4..LvJj,5" ^ ' Lftjlis L&4j'L>- Ljs(_s—S"Lj U.jL-1 La^jLiLwjIo .JuJlJj j,_w\II_vJO (^JlLj 4»«Ji tOlj.JiLLij j^j i—£j jl Jlxj .JuLoj jl-ol jo jj^a-JL f^jLj jl Ij >Jo^o^-o ( i / jI J_*_Laju L&jL J3J 4j (J^- j.fl> (.o^Jj^-o ooj.j jLS" 4j j,ILw_o JJJLwJb) .JJJLwJb /C--«jI J_*_Laju ^jjljuo 4»«Ji a J_JajJ 4_SjL^j^j ^5"o^JI J-Jo 4j ^iJ^o oljlol oLoj^J X9" 4_*_wli :Lfc4JL©j> 4_oJS ........................^ (l&jlSZ /jl9.i) ?,_jJuJu Ij L^j'l ..SjJ fj-^ (_$3j ............... ^ (d>"}L5LjLo /J5LJL0) Ljj^ f^—........................Y (jLISI / lil) jJLLo L> jA IAD...........................f ((^ /(^Oj.i) .JuJkJj (^g-^-^j ^—■»>-XJj 4j (jJj.-^S'jO Jjjl jo ............................ ^ JlJj j^Sjd ^tij^ti ^[jb^j^J L ^*_*_L .6 (baiwj|^> jjLjI /t—»l^> JjIjI) ^ojlo......................Lj* (jLoJjL I JjjI (CjL^jl9|^ /C--ol9|^) .£rf-Mj| oJl*1i 3j->3j (>_£,-*J,-^?' ^JLa^o L C-J^o 45" C--«jI jjI ........................Y ... JjjI J^l Lj--ta ^^TJuJIj |aL-KJJb jo olj~oJ!> j-fl-Lj Lj £*+&i*a 45" Jl&o^^ jLio 4.1^1,15' 4lija ........................... jl (^jLol .A (jjl^L-o /4iLaJ-o) .eU9j.5* jlji LSoj.-ol ^j^Jjl (^Lcm-SLIi^-o L^JLtti Jjlj.£. jo ................................ JLL> j^j-i^ (^^^LsLjLo /4.JilaJLo) .Jooj.5* 4.L)j> j^-^S* *—»j.£ jo (>5a1i^o ........................... 4_j JjLoj^Jb ^^j^li SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD CjiJ*3 9 U"J* possible ijjito-o ojjjj — ^Joj£ (^La aloj> :A ^.j-o^ .JuJiO j^LäjI Ij J^^Jj.0 (^l&^jjj-öü ^ Jk-ol^TJ Ij ^jSi^o OiAJj I ^Lsj-Jj (^La4.LoJ> ^l^jl 4j J^^Jj.0 (^l&JljLo :4jl_>- jO Job ^jlj^c^jta ^ujjli 5 Ö3"°5^ b ^ JJ^^-\j jljJ L> J-*i 4j>j Possible jjSLo-o oJLbl ,_jLaJLo JL- -(^IjmJI We will arrive on time if we go earlier. (_5j-J -*cLj.i? / JL» If/when you go, buy a shampoo. JL> - ^jiäJ ^CLjJCf .^Jj^?tJ jLL ffc_fl> L ^.jl^J^o jl (^"^-> <>A_o^J\j o^>- ^a^j5"^jä 4.j 45* Jjjl ^j^A-i c--wjjo .Julooj5* LJ-ol5* Ij jöL^jL) 4.LoJ> |ö|jk5* 45* C^JS Ju_ß>l^> L©«Jj 4.j ^jL^ol . J_o^5o (^&jj,5"ffcJ& 4j Jo looj5* lJ-oL5* 45* Ij ^^JLplj JaÄS .JoIiLj ?Jolooj (j^iJo- (notice that the verb can be in past) ............(^ Ijj> ^Lj (4.5* jl juu ^LsLi^ ,4.5* 4_>) 1" ...............^ J% 45 up3 L" -Y .ojL-j ^jIjLj ^5* jjjl jS^o i....................V .................tjftjjj 4JL«*AJjLj 45* Jjjl jl ^j*yJ '1* .............t^JOj5* jöL^J Ij JjJj.öO Jjjl (4.5* Jjjl jflJM 4j) Lj* .6 ................cJlJj ^3j"*^ 4JL&& jJ> I OI^LJäju Lj .P ..............'le,3J"^ O^i^ o^"*-***^ (Jj-j I j5*l .V .............tffrJLj^J Ij ^jJu/^joL^ 45* j^JJ 4_*So .A (j^ijo- (jL-JLjI .j_j|^Jtj (jLjJuJc>- ^a^jS'^.a (^1 jj Julooj5* lj-oL5* 45* Ij ^Jipu o^s-^ '^-^ j-0'"^" ^3^ (-5Jt^^3 ^—'L^l^iol L Ij jjj ^La4.L)j> .Jul0Oj5* J-oL5* Ij jöUJLj' 4.i^J> jftldS" 45* a-oj^-o ...........jlo4.jL^- 3 ^jL^j 4jL^- jo eU3^ jöL«ü jö3-*^1 ffr-^j0 O'^-^' j^L^j jl Juu j5"l .............."V" csJlc p'ls^J1-3 Lr^3 l; -Y ..............'l»3-i>/i^b^i Aldus'- jAjI^jj- ^jb jl t5J3j j?l t .................'f^j-So eU-_Lol ^^üL^-I c^*liL ^.aI^j> ^JJl*1i jb j5"l .^f .............'fb^j J-JajJ bji j?l .0 ..................tfi^S Ijl*j j^b (^L- jb j^jb c^j^b 4.S- (^jlS- j5"l .9 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY i^ys' 5 djU- j±) improbable J^i^o^ '.^Joj^ ^Udloj> .JoJio fLjtll Ij -Ls^jj-o ^L&^jj j.«o ^ J-^jl^^tj Ij JjjCc-o j-*^ ^Lsj^i (^La4.L«j> 4j J^^jj^ ^L&JL-q :4jl_>- jO Lajjti 4j>j improbable J^^y (_jLo>JLi-o .|aolo^o |ftj!j>-o 4.J |j L^jI jl j^5o |aJk.JjJ>^^ ^j-^JjLo U* jo j5"l If 1 bought two cars, 1 would give one of them to my daughter. .JoJio *—j|^j> jjj djVI^wj 4j :4jL>- jo OjS'j^O jji) j£ I j j;^> ^> JvJOj5"jLj j\5" 4j .....j| ^ l^ j*>1 • ^ ?c^b ol^VI ^AJj L, js3Ua aj> jL-yjjj AiojS"^ y^Jj JjjI jj j?l .Y ?JoOj5"^.o 4j> Ju^jj ^->j-« OjL-wJ 4j JoL jXjo j^j ^o 45" JJJLfi5"^-o La-*li 4j j5"l .^f (tO change ,jojS* ^js^z) ?Jo^j"^"cs-° v'"-^-*--'- ls^'^'J l^Ij-i Ij iSj3^^ ^ir^ t^^j iSj^-i^ J3^^~ Jo Jwli^o jj*s*jq j5l .6 ?Jooj^^-o JoJJjIo CJ^ '"aJ3j tj-i' j-^' (to prefer _,ob ^>y) T jooj^^ 5I L 4j> ojLjj 3 'j i_s-^ ^ &^j* 'j jl ^ jly j-^l -V ? j_J19j^_,o (^loj^o 4^> 4j tJo Oj5"jj ^xjjLj Oj^o •—So 4j JoJL^woI^jj5*| .A (to change ^jojS* ^ji^) ?jooj5"^o ^^3^ Ij (^^-^^ 4j> tjojjT' ^j&jc- Ij ^L^Iil*j j.00 °j3j ^j^ ^—»Li5* jl ^.jL-rtj j_jlwjI3^^-« j5l .JoJLS" ^^La5" ^Lj*(^ljio->l^j> 4.j ^jOjS" oL\J tJ3Jj 3 1-,-^wJj"{J fb-& jl Ij *^L VI^-«j OjiJ 4_«j L ^o ^{jbo^jS" jo t^jjAS" jo (^^15" 3 djU- j^) impossible yLo-oj^c ^U^JLo- :Y ^.j-oj .JoJio xj| Ij J^^jj^ (^Lii^jjj^o ^ J*-Jl3^t> Ij ^jj^-c-o j-*^ ^bjjt) (^La4.L«j> 4j J^^jj^ (^Lajljoo :4jl_>- jo impossible y^-o j-x Jsj-i Jli-» ^jIj-«.IL«jI 4JLwt>JjT" —j3j 4.ILwtiJjT" .^j Jv_^jj^o ^3-« Aj ^03^ ^9j j-^^3J j^"l If 1 bought two cars, 1 would give one of them to my daughter. j^o 4JLwjJO — j3>^ 4.H_wjJO .^JOjJ OJl^wJj £^3»0 Aj ^.JOjJ ^^-jSj jJOjj j5*l If we had left earlier, we would have arrived on time. It means: We did not go early, and we did not arrive on time. .Jo-liL ooLol ^yJ^AS C^JlxS (_;ljj ^ Jo-L5" LJ-oLS' Ij jjj (_;L^4.L>j> t4j'L> jo .................'(^^3^ ^^^^ jl^^ri ^3^" jl J-^ ^^-9^ .....................'(a^3^ 0l-,-0l !™o0 4j j^jXjO jJ^S" jO j5"I .V ............t^ILkwob^^ ^XJL«j ^ P jo ^.IaaoIo^^ tj^l Ij ^^yl j"^"l ..........................'(a^3^ 0,-^-ol-i-J (^s-^jl"^ o*0"^* ^ J"^"l *^ .................................'(a^3^ oJooLo Loo 4j j5"l .(i SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD .......................'1*^5^ oAil^i- j--*™-; I a, jl, JU /I .Y .........................'fJ'^j öJool Loo 4j jt_0 JL/J Juö j5"l .A ..........................tfJ'^j oJlJLJ jIJoo i—»l^^- jl J3j-«I j5"l . ^ ................t|öo^j oJoa I l_Jo 4j j.Ji3 0>jlyL> ^-So jo jfl * .........................L^i^ji öJuol Loo 4.J J^-^ j-5"l • ^ ^ ((j*)^ jO jlo^^j'^lS'ffc.jÄ jl 3 (^l^-^-1 (^La4.L)j> jl |ö|JlS* j.ä Cojj 4.J tö jib 30 ^Lfco^jS' jo . ^ :JLto ?Jooj-^^o jl5* 4j> Joo^j 0J0I1 jlo_o jl ^J-jJ 4JL3o o_Ij> j.5"l . ^ ?Jooj.S"^-o 4.:> Joo^j oo-ol Loo 4j ^jXjo j^JLS" jo j5"I .V .Jo-lS" jj Ij jjj (^La4.L>j>- JL> jjä^ü (jL*c5^j,>15' ^jb L .V .fO^J jjJ1.2tJj^> (^L*^- <...........................j5*l A ■ |4ii^J jjJJLöü^jJ ^.L^ (.......................... jfI .V •f0--^ßLS* -.^c t.........................j5"l .1" ^jjö->- Ij Lo-wJ 4.LoJ> j^J* jL?TJ JoL Lo-wJ ^JÄ3j5"^JÄ . Jool^^TJ o 3^ Jo JC> ^J&Jj5"^..& (^Ij-1 >Aj 14JLWJ3J 4.5" Ij ^JL?TJ JaaS tJoJC> Ö^j5" t«0\j jO .V .0-;_LS* lJ-oLS" (J-t9 ^-j?l«£> Lj5LwJ L Ij jjj (^LjÄ4.L)J>- :^ .(to bring/he)........................Jf r^j^1-0 .(to read/we)........................jlrJ ^L- ^ojljo ^JtS 3L jlo JU .V .(to work)........................L .(to have).................. ^stijlo JaSi Jjj JLj .(to have)..................^j^ub cl~-j .(to be)..................o—--^ olS-ub u£jj.J uu'>lS' i^^lf juj .f .(to have)..................... ............ ^?c^olo ^c_o 3 C-_^o ^JJljo JoL ^"^15* jj| Jo^5"^o olj^olo ^j^-oj .(to have)................... .(to go)......................jjljLwi- t^-^?- o'j3~-j ls*^? ls'^ eat).....................^1 ^ ^jbuj^o ^ ^ J3^iJ ^ju^j^j,^) 4j> (^ojLjJ V^^joj ^(to read)...............................Ij jLUt-iliS' VL> t .P (to repeat) 1 .....................................4jiL^o (to understand) ......................................v .(to see) Ij ^.jLwu^o ^4»«ja ^jal^j>^^ e^t^ol .A .(to bring/I)........................... Ij colas' bji A .^3j^o Utf jLw^jl; (to say/he).......................................U 4j jyji A ■ .(tO live) ......................... fjilo 3 jJu L Li |»3j^o CjIjLoI 4j .(to answer)..............................U 5 (to ask) ........................U jl c^l-j JI^j jcj> jL-jI y PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY .(to come/you).............................^I^j a, b> jjuo ^Ijj JuL .(to help her/1)........................ (to go/we)...........................jLUajU- a, ^3 ajl^ (to live/I).........................J^j ^ j£3 .\f .£~J Jl^S ;(tO Sit/I) .......................J-^-"3 oil jl .U .(to stay).....................,».jlo joL jJyr <(to give) ............................Ij JL-j ^V^-oJ .eu™j i_^jIj_o ^'Lo^o (jj| (_gljj ;(to wear) ..........................Ij ^LJ ^1 jttjiS'<_s-o (j£jsI3j°- .V • .CoJ ,^-jjIj ^ -(to see) ............................ Ij Lcj JuL .V \ .^•jj^a ^-Sj^ f^-^j^^ Lj ^(to sleep)............................Lj* s-^i^ .(to wear).........................^.Sjj ^U^jLJ ±p c^3± 3\ .YY \s6 (to guess).............................YT .£~J ^ju^J- j-o jjjI ?(tO put) ............................j^o jjjI ,_j3j Ij La^bS" jjjI .YA .(to buy/ we).............................pjj lJj^> ^ilajLj.} as" Ij ^IajU- j^ .YP .(to wake up)............................2-^ '^bj j^j j.a ij^iij^ a^jjJuo Ic^jb-^l .YY <(to turn off)..................................Ij ^ii5 .Yf .(to listen)...........................ji^j JuL <(to understand)..........................^S^S ^^3* jl .YA ?(0ubil)................................'.5. v,' \y> .^bjuol L-i aj (to help).....................................J}i X? .(to write) ...............................Ij ^La^iJio c^cbj a^j ^Sc^iS i_»Jj jj» ij^iSj^^o a^jjJuo Aj (_sI53 .YY .(to know).......................................Ij ^jLj ^Laoj^ ^^^u, <(to complete)...............................Ij UaLj> aS" jl J_i JuL .YA .(to be located)............................Ji^A jL-i jj a^j3j .Y"\ .(to speak)...........................^^^oj jito as" pjui j*lo <(to fall)........................ as" ^1 jl juu .T • ?(tO get)...............................^jUajJui 4j> 0JJ3; ,_jljj .f *l .(to locate).................................... jIjjI ^j-i JU-i jj j«^o .f Y .(to see)....................................(jLjLj> jo Ij j^^j-* ^a-oT 3 z^Sj fjb ^^»30 ^j-o .TY .(tO pUt) .............................. j^o ,_J3j Ij Lijjf ^jjU j3jju .ft .(to eat)............................lie 3 (to sit)............................j^o c^to ^jI^j*^ .TA .(to make)..................................I it ±3JJ ^ ^l^ jfl .TP .(^iLoto become).............................a^j- L; (to rest)...........................^ JuL L-i .TY ?(to come)........................^IajU- a. eUcL^. ^j'^^o ^(to talk)........................y L bji ^l^^o .TA .(to bring).............................js 3\ J., JU T1 SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD air" 9 u"j* ?(to use)....................................jfy jl <-V^) ?(tO Call) ................................... OjoLo 4j jL Joj> ,_jl4.lia .A 1 ?(to sleep).................................jcj> i_ucLj k_**too .AY .(to come)............................■*-! <->U -^a^ .(to close)............................Ij .At .(to buy).........................jj a)l joL jfcjj'j^ j5ts .c-J o~-°^ -AA <(to shop)...............................y V«ju- .Af .(to work)................................j3j joLj 3I (to think) ...................................^ .AY .(to stay).......................oLSLtolo jo j^Lo jl juo i_ucLj Lj j5j }& .AA .(to spend)..............................^M^U- L Ij j^-l ^y^-o .A^ .(to play) ...............................(fcjlaaJU- JMj 3 jli-d L i_UcLj jL^> J3jjo .P- •f-ijur0 LSij^W ^v'l L> (to wake up)...............................Jj> jl o5j ^3 bji jfl .Pi .pojjj i_fjjjjoU jjoo ,_jljj JoL ?(to return)..................................joj> i_ucLj ^sjis^ iy .PY .(to guess)...............................Ij ^i^jI^u .PY .o^j-i j--*-1 j^jl^l 03^* (to swim)................................jj^lJ jl jo ,»^131; .pf .(tO COOk) ................................ lJuC £y Joj> loji ^j'Uj^o ,_jljj fjoLo .PA .(to wear)................................lsIa^jU ajL^ :>LJ .PP .(^iLoto understand )....................................Ij U-i .PY .(to study)...................................^L^i^l ,_jljj ccLj c^toj> Jiloo* JoL Lo .PA .(to open)............................Ij jo 1; (to help) ................................^ ^J^-1 ^ 'j jij (^I^^-J-oj?- *Y .(jjOjS" C^sx^o) ..................... Ji^ (jj^l Lj^j I ,_J0jLjO 3 (^OjS" olio) ...................... la(ji»o\£ ^1 Aj LsJj (^ilujl^i-^^o .1 •C^y '-^~JjJ).................................cSj-Hi (jj'1^ (j^'l^ts-8-' .(^jojj" CX«Jjo) ............................. IJlC j^J^ t-j^:!-'u* (J?^J3J V^^ovo .Y ?(o^)............................^^(0^/).............................c^j' JWi^L)^115' .(^jJLli^j) .........................I'^1-?' (^4-^flo^3 jo Ij 4„2tiL^ j^jI (^La^j-jj^j JuL .9" ^jIjjI IjL«j ji^Lq 2 •((j'-^l^^' o*°j^^............................o"0-j-^-* j1^ tj^*^1^ dlXAJlii j>i ^1 •((j^^)....................*—j.-*-9 ^^l*ulii IjL/j .Y .................... oL^Ub J4^ (^.iljj ^jLlLwJ^.i ijLwJ .(^j.ijS" ^5"jUj) ............................ l£jj.ol J4^ 4.5" d*-Mj| JI-WJ '—^■1 3 C^J-W-o L^l ((^jJ'^j) .......................... L V^-«jt-o ^ubLvj^ ^ ^1 .(^jjul^^- ^jj^)............................^-tj ^ '(Cj^j)^j^ o*0"^* ^ -^aa j>i j^j jL^> IjL*j .(^jJLlib) .................. ffc-fc ^-j'IjjI IjL^j •l^irZ (J?'1^ (o^j^*") tS^^ '■i '■v*' '(o^j^" ol^iob j^ (jjILllb C--«J^4i) .............. PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY jL-«*j ^jbi_«*jLj j<5 oljLol t^j^z*.......................................tj1-^-^ lj ^jbi_«*jLj La . \ 9- ................................................. Cr° ^ is*^ lJ^^ls* ...............................................JjIjI ^L*i L&4j*y -X ................................................ juL tffrjjb ,jL?ti^l bj.i La .t1 ...........................................^^jl^La j-jlj-ff- oji_JajJ (^tiLj j^^j-* -6 ....................................jj»*JI isi^^T c^^-°b ^ C^-mjI ^jIj-jI ^-^■i'-i O^j"^ ^ .x^jS 4-«^>jj ^^jjLi ij. \ I. She understood the question but she doesn't know the answer. 2.1 have ten close friends in Austin. 3.1 don't see well at night. 4. Peyman eats meat but he doesn't eat chicken. 5.1 can't live in New York because it's very crowded and expensive. 6.This Qormeh sabzi is very good but it doesn't have meat! 7.1 prepared "cooked rice/kabob" for dinner. 8. Can you eat lunch with me tomorrow? 9. What's up? I just wanted to see if you have beans. — No, dude. Go to the Supermarket at the end of the street. 10.1 bought three pairs of socks for Christmas. I I. I don't like your green scarf. 12. My brother and I won't go to Dallas tomorrow. 13. He has four pairs of shoes, but he always wears this black pair (of shoes). 14. Austin has beautiful weather is beautiful but I do not like this city. 15.1 want to go to Mecca on camel. 16.The people of Shiraz are very nice and hospitable. 17.1 became acquainted with a few of the children on the airplane. 18. My daughter lives in Tajikistan but she still calls me every day. 19. Last year I went to my sister's house in San Francisco. 20. A few of the airplane tickets were more than 400 dollars! 21 .The kids went to Disney land and they said it was fun. 22. The people in Los Angeles were not very friendly. 23. Could you give me the salt please? SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD .Jo-O 4_oj>j.7 .....-uuol 4j .y •(u^jj) ^ji Ij o' 'j3^ 3 j^-« l£3j |»i-i>lj>? Ij ^suS .\ .J_*_lSo C*-*j*l«£> LaiaJ Juj3J>^^ Ijx .Y ■f*ij3^H o' <-S^ Jaä3 J3 n>jju^i- oLijJ Ij oJjl^ I3I 3 .Y "■^-'^ 0^3 l£3J ^J^ls* J^' ^3 es-aL? jljil j^ -A .ffrjjj *-uoj ^j~jjjjoLo 4_j <_.«^Lol JuL .9" •PjIaj |OjV cu5"jUjj^j jl t5j^> "^-»5 . ^ • .pJ-yi^J (4J — ?^Ju_*u^j Ij c« if. 0^ .^y .ploJwll^j t4j - ?(^loJk_^*u^j Ij cauls' 'PiJlS* i^h^y O"^" fj^lji L 4jl*j> (_£uSjjj .^f .JujjX; jl Ij i_ib_T jjj I LaJaJ . ^0 .^.jI^^-^^J jLaLj jl Jou V^-cjuo . ^ ? "fj^LS* J^H 3 3 fS^iS* j^""^ c*AÄ c*£L*» 4...t^-oA . W '^3Jls^° ^JO^J3"*"wJJ ^ JLjLwu^ü L J3j-ol jöjöLa . \ A ?^3j 4j>jJ j^ji^ 0-;-"-"Jl ujl^ -Y * ^Jjji"^ (jfu-Jj o^.W*- plJ^ ju Uv'l J-llo^ .Y ^ •pJ^-jl^Äi jyo .(»jjjS' (_5jL; 3 (fc-i^i^ -YY PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY (djLš- ji) Ij 3 Jajj i_9jw> L dJLil i_9y> : \ ♦ ^ j^>J joj-Í^jLS* ^6 JaÄS í .................................... j'-i-^ j-^>^ (JjjI . ^ .jlü^^-o iwj|^j> ^L^äJLíIií JI^wj..................iíLl^jI .V .jôJJI^äj...........................J3j"i^ ^LjlíI jj-o .v .Ju Ju_*J lj OjJXÍJ ^_L5"^0 ........................^ t^^z" ~ ^-*-> ~íS3J ~iS^jj ~ 3 ~^ ——^ — u5\_>iijJ — 4j —j| .Ju-L5" J-oLS" tw—wjlj-o Jajj 3 4JLi| í-S^j^" L -V ^jJuii ........... J"^5 J"^5 oli .............. í|ôJ*_ol^>- ěUcL-wj OiijL^> • f'i^j O^J"0 fů--*-Sj-J 4_«jjJuo .......... j^J"*0^ ó"° 'f^JcS*0 ^j tj-^Lo ..............V^-««juo Jj-o .u>-mjI ol-\JLj|ii ............. Lol C-_«j| j^*i |ô|4.iL^- jl 1—5"jjjjiiLo ^£4jL>' .^.lij ^ol^jL^ 4.j ^.5"jjjjiiLo ^JJuUö i-3\j .............. ěUcL/j i-^-L> t-S'j jjjiiLo (^4.jl_>- ............. .ju_>laiLšI CuJ jôjV 45" ^L&U- T .Ju l^-o Lo öl-\JLj|ii 4.jcoJ>j^j Ju-o^jj (^LÍ| (^loj^-*li^>- (^|j\.i j.5"jLS" ^jLL*^ ^IdjlCo (^jlj^-^-^j .v 'I^^JlS*0 O*0*^^ fjiiLo C-_«j^ii ^jJuii (^Ij-j -V ,.\..jS 4ÍL0I «lj» c^J f j V 45" ^IäU- .f .lijIli c^-wj^ii ^ľj> jjiijS* (^jlj ,_j^J-j Lol JulS* (^jj^ V^-«-3uo 3I liji ?Ju_wjL_*1i^o ffrJj-O j^j-í ?u>-mAjjc5* jôiilii Ls-*li 4.j la.JLiii 4.5" ^ju-S" (djL>- ji) JaiČ : \ \ ^jJj-aJ . Ju-LS" ^aau 3-Jj!--1 lj 4.Loj> . Ju-JÍJXj Ja^- Jj I jj j ^ Ju-LS* I 3uj lj ^jl .lijlii ii^j>^ Jal^ 1—3\j jjj OjJ-oj^ jl 1—3\jjÄ jii .Ju_lS*^o jlj"^j Ju_L ^_lS*^o ^L&l^>- . ^ Ju\j|^>^o l- -li ěUcL>j /J4.ÄJ ?iijS* ^j-ď o^j^ j«>IjlS* iíL*_mjI .V ?j-jLwj& 4.j>- iwjLiS* (JjjI (^ojLjií L^_li jlôj .^f S H AH S AVA R I I ATWOOD r ^ (<üU- j±) JLxil :^Y L _ _-IJ_l Jb- y\,no -0bL«j jJL> *3li - l$3ji ~ PiJi Ju'Ulij - Jul^lij - ^jUlij CJj_^o -_19j_.o - (fc.l9j_.o ls^^'j "(*—"ls"0 _^ jjbj.S' -^S^ C^z^S jji^ib —|öjb jbjS" jL - jL ji ~P^Pls*}'- 6^3' "(•__'<_?* PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY ^\yj Jl» y\,no -obbj JL» 0^3^ " P3*ls* pojí ^Jjjjs - pif Lg* cŕh3 ^jôjS" Ol»IjIL«jI — i^j.S'^.o Ol»IjIL«jI ó15J5" ^ ~Í<^ls* ^ ^jb-Jj obLol — |ô^Jj^£»0 obLol lJjLl.b jljJ - bjb jlJ.5 ó*5-A cťy^* ~ ^ĺ?* cŕy^ ÓŮJ ^'j " pi j ls* LSjk Ó15 J5" jl^" S H AH S AVA R I I ATWOOD Pronunciation kJ>±> 5 7 Pronunciation I 5 7 Pronunciation I .O :Jujlo Cj^Lflj ^^-«5* ^-w-^LSol ^ ^vjjli jo 4.5* J>j-5* ^_*J&I^^ jl5* ^jLäIJuö i^^j Ljij"**^ tld jj "O*0"^* . Jo-LS" 4j>^j J Juö 4.j . Jo-LS" ^ Jo-LS" ^j£i^5" . ^ .Jo-L5* (try to say geese in English. How do you pronounce the beginning?) 5 7 Pronunciation! 5_7_Pronunciation3 (^) ^ (t5J''j& jj) "£'>?■ 5_7_Pronunciation4 ^ 5_7_Pronunciation5 (^) 4j>^j I (^|juö 4.j .Jo-lS* jlj-^J 3 J-*J-S' ^jli^5* .^f - oLo - ;L - aVI - I. .3- I - u^C >Jo yLti^jn 4.5* ^jLäOjI^ t-^-oJ)* L Ij j.jj (^Lä4.LoJ> ^ J_*J-S* ^jli^5* JjLi 4j oj^>-j.j j-jMU^Ij LwlilU ^L&^jJLo Li XjS^o ^_SLo5* Lo-*li 4.j Jjjj.^j jjI .Jo-«*j^J_i ^^_Jj\j| 4j Ij 4.LoJ> ^Jjuo ^ Ju~l5* Io-o JjjjAjI L> C-jJ 5_7_Pronunciation6 (Oj) .|ö|oJul^>- ^5"jLj 4j 45" C^-mjI ^jLl5* ................................................. Ij ..................................^ .................................................^ c^-mjI jfriAÄ................................jxLli......................................V .jj, ^..............................................................AJ .JkJjL ......................................... jL5* JjjI oj.5*^«J jSis ............................ pJb ^ijoLo . £*3j^q VL .......................... jl ^jt>^^- o^j 4JL«j ^13^ .^f 5 7 Pronunciation/ 239 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY (ajb>- jj>) 3-*-o ij^-'jLj ;Y (jjj^j .Jl^S* jIj^j 3 Joels' ^035* j3o^ jL ^Su ^j^^wj .i-\-i-i.*^>o Ja>- jjj 3 Joels' Ij-*j ^3^(^.0 Jl*5Tj j!LJL*j (jl (^^j a5" Ij ^Ia.s.IS' 3 Jo-lS- ^035* A Mimic the rhythm .jjIojji, ai^^j ^pjS aj UaJL*. .j-ji" ^Ji; Ij aLj>- ^stia>T ji-ji" 5_7_Pronunciation8 ( ^ i^j^**5" —AmLS" ^-»0 he kills, to kill This is widely used in Persian in different context for different meaning. Here, it means that Nazanin will be mad at me. 5 7 Pronunciation9 © 9 ■ ?l^!?(j3j^- .^jb jl jl Y c»cbj -^jb jljl J L, ?Y c^L, - ?4^o jjlx> t^j-ojL L> — ^ jLT VL» .LI, ^1 - •S"Lj bji i^ljJ jl .(jJ^ Aj^jS ^j Ojlji - !aA5"^ 3^ oiJjL; A^Lj ... !,_jl3 - .oJlJj ALJJ3J ^jilsS Aj LaA-b.^ |ftbj* .Jo-LS' jIj3*o 3 JOELS' (^135* .V (.AlT^o j^ 3J j^i ^o^l (_gl3& 03jLj) (.oj3-i(_s^ 3J ^a-i5" ,_5La(j3jbj>- (J3jLj) -V (•^HuT0 ij'^tt k 3J 03p) -Y j^Ju> j^ 3 ^9l j^b4j> Jv-J-S' Ol9^ -^-^ jlj^o 3 ^^-^ i^3^ •frJ}0^^>- ^So Aj (JjJlo Jajj jJ> Lj Ij> A^j (jj| X 5_7_Pronunciation 10 ( ^ (jLjj Aj La4.bsJ> A^Jfc .Jv-J-S' Ol9^ La4.bsJ> j.j 3 ^9l Aj •Jv^J-S' jlj5o 3 Jv^J-S' (j^i3J*" JuIoJlJj (jb£>3 ffr^ Aj Jajj jJ> Lj AS* Ij LaAbsJ> (jj| .T 5 7 Pronunciation I I (to turn on -a5" u^'^1'- O-^j ^ Ij tsi^j^T ti4-^ -Y SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD OiJ^ 9 U"J* 4_j |j 4j|j.j J^-o .C-_mjI «Lo (^4.j^>» 4j|j.j oJuj|^> j.i (jL>-j-o 6i' Jas- Jl^jLl ^ ^ lsj-^0j'3 Jij 3 ' jI^äj ^j li «U ^^5^-» is a song by Marjan Farsad. Read the lyrics in Persian and underline the words you know. Find the song online, listen to it and follow the rhythm.The following link has the English translation. You can read the English and suggest a better translation. Memorize a few lines and be ready to follow the lines when it is played in class. ^^J^jI jj j ^jLu j*i.Jk-JLS- ^äIj^jä Ij I *a_jl5' Jujl^i 4^J>jJ (^IjJ (^jIL^J *}L^_LJLu j5"l ^ Jk_j|^?CJ Ij Ij https://www.yo utu j*} ^5" ^^ol^JJfc ^5" *a_*JjL o^Lol ^ J^äj> Ij 4jIy yA J^> °J3^ J3^ ^£^3^ ^gJL?- <_£l&1jw?t^> jLo dj^> I j^Jjl ^-OüJ3 (^L*^£ ^j-jljl^J^ 3j iA)^-.....-jLt Lj^ o3j^. Jij j3j ös' ^j^j^oj> dj ^ ^j^?Tt L ox A* 3 ...Oj^ jj£ Lo (^dj^> V-jLT^jJ (_$L>^5 j^j! C^jL^j t£3* ^ ^UL c^o. j^^jl (_£lcl> j^Jjl Lo ,_£dj^?- jljjl C<-i.t.i Q-'.'.tLo ^^szSs jj*^ 4......■■-*>- ,_^LAi5^1j>- dj Lo 3JLJI PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY Food in Iran is a fundamental part of Iranian heritage. Their ingredients reflect the geography of Iran, while the savor and colors accent the aesthetic tastes of Iranians.The cuisines are associated with so many social events -births, weddings, funerals; and many other ceremonies and rituals- that culinary traditions are intertwined with a country's history and religion. Iranian food is a very important and integral part of Iranians' life and culture, so important that its ingredients are very frequently used as metaphors for describing beauty. For example: "Moon-faced beauties have almond-shaped eyes, peachy complexions, pistachio-like mouths, pomegranate colored lips, hazelnut-like noses, red apple cheeks, and lemon-like breasts. "Source: jljjl j-i Lkjlj^x^j JuJJ tLjLS" y> Read the history of most famous and most popular Iranian dish, Chelo-Kabab at: I /?p=6048 making bread in frar meal IJlC ob£q importance :c^o_l kind/kinds ^lyl is consumed : related^ .jwol^jk; L&^Li ^I^jI .b_*^u^_b ^j\j£y> jyZ*^ jb 3 lb£ _C_Lfl>j.i (^OjLjb (^|4.L«j>- £t_b oLj^S' bbb ^So Jul 4.19j.5" bL 4j b" 45" __Jb5"jl^ L SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD dJ-ftÄ t«S\j (_;1 jO Jj^l t^jLo dj>^J) dj\JL)1 jl _Lj3 .^aJwol dj>^J) Y * * y _iL*J ^L"-.....jlj jJ) _j-o .C^jI Lo-J _j-o ^-*jI dj jjj j& l?ul jl .c^Iilb) _;j)ljj ^JJjJ) (_;Ia1j>- _)^> («-Lwlbi c*~jjb> ^.JLj> Ij _j^> .^«ijLo _Jb> jb> j i_S^ ^ _C ;l o-^j^tj jL-wj Ij j-^**> 3 f^-^'t_5-0 ^"3^ 33"^ o-0 i^Jji J^ir^i 3^ Ji (j**^^* ^ t^j^^-o oolj-'—..J J^-oü! j! j^j jjb •fVJ^jj-0 ^jl_>jJ ^!öj1->" Lj J3j jä 3 f jIij ^"3^ ^1-^3^ -fj^ lw^jl_C*ü1 jl 0_iljLw-j1 .^jS^jQ 0-*^»L^P 1 JJ_»L_>- L IwuIjCmüI jjjjjlp jl V3-OJCO Lol r^Jj^jj-0 J"^0"^ jfcjbwy^O 3 ^jl-ibw-ül 4j ?oj5" Cyjx«ö ^LaolyLjs- L 4J^> jl ^1 .V ?.j^j j3^> ^.^^.j 4_j ^j.j j| L^>_J j.i_«j .6 ?Juol 4^-^^ 4j ^ji_*J JLvJ Jk_L>- L^-O .C_wj| V * ^ ^ (JLj-ywol .P PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY 5 8 Readi ngl O 5_8_Reading2 (^) Christian literate Zoroastrian Official language Jewish dialect Baha'i Religion aLJ :^>- follower Muslim 0UL^ i U_*£>j^ V ^ t^jLoJLywO Jjlj-il f^J* U-*£>j^ 5_8_Reading3 ^' 45* ^1—^*5* jl . ^ ^*j ^jji J^-^ o^I^jL> L J_Joju (^L_aj^j ^Ia^L 4j ^jl_d^jbLwj^ii j ^[Jjj^Jj (JljJsl (gardens) 4iL> £jL> 3 4iL> ^—TJuj (different) Cj^Ui* jlolS" (^lj.J ^ Joj|^?tJ Ij jjj ^j^ILo ^Jj^J t-3\-«5* 4j t4il_>- j^i . ^ .Jo: ^Läc-jäL-*1i ^ Läo^Läj ^ jjj jj^Läj ojLjii t^jjA5* jii .V .JjjIjJ (4^u) Jjjji jjjji l^u *,ijb JLj aj aS LjI^'.Y jI (ji)lo^l^jL> SHAHSAVARI I ATWOOD 244 I. Read the following advertisements and decide with , . ,\ < ? , , .1 • i .... 1. ?t \ your classmate which tour you will reserve.Why? ,.„.M . M , -c- ,.„., , . , .mi- i i ' ' ' ^_jI?c1jI Ij jjJ JjJl IjJ> -^-^ V'L^-ll OjJ> JUU ^XJilJU (^1 jJ Ij (source: * j- .Jlü-Ijäi ^jü'^IS' jo JüJj (^Ijuö Lj 3 u^uAjji* 4.j ojlo ojj>j Jj--o jo 45" Ij ^oloxl .V ojL-j & Jia jo c^oLSI / oJ3j f / (_jojf jIj^j* jjj* tsi'i* "j^jT 'tW^ 'tsi's* i*^ J31 ^L^-^jI L (_joljl ojbjj -s-ö (_Ua jj c^oLil jjj jL^j>j i_»Jj ffr^J u^j^ ""J^-"" ajL-j f l_)--a> jj ^-*-°L3l j^j f 3 4^ jLaL' oJlCj i_SCj + 4_o_o + jjj ^j^o ^jjljj ju + Li> 4jojjj JUs-bjJ 4jlXlflA i_oL*C "jij^T (J*0^" J3J^" ^3 f>3^ J3j ö'jV ^ J*15" J3J Y ^ + J3J 6*! tsi'ji^ + ^i^Ji ^^Ji jy~ JLL Li jLcT jl ,_jl4iy> ,_jU-Lalj ^aIj.»A jjJ jLiL 17 jLcl jl ^\ ABjS^ jjj* ^LoJJilj ^.aIj.»A CjIj&\y> ijjLiiujLj ^1 jj| ioLIjul-j ^15" iJL^-jj* jj^jIS" 4.JJ jl jIjuj : jt-ijä j^j* <^La c^iuS" ....3 ^U-Lj^j tSjfyjii t^b^JS £\5 iS^LfjB ^jj i^iJajLo ijjjjjji- (^LajLc i|»l£ift iS^" o-P^ iAy> AS^>- jl Jj-jj jjl^jj y"f ^ • • • : eXo-J —3 jLj' jilj?- 'Wij iS^y ßy 3 '-"Jjk lS^0^ JL.03J *1 *1 *! ^ • • • : ljjoj3ji v Lj* JJjLjI ya 245 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY *^_0 Jjl JjJkJ> (^L&Ojl^ Ji;j5"jlj 4j J^S^Ji ^ L ^J*l*Lj| J ^ :^ A-Jl^tj Ij j.jj jp-o :l_fiJI .Jo-^JXj Ja>- Jo-«jLjL*1i^-o 4.5" ^jL&OjI^ jjj . ^ (has been written)?euJ ojui us' ^ U-i Ja; j^*-oJb 45" jlj^-jj 4j ,^>Ij ^j ^j-J^J c***^ .jftloJ^i lj^J ^.jL^-j^^ jl j^So J^j-b jl Lo-i CjA 4j ^j^iLalJlC C^JlS" 4.5* Jij-5* lj*-*J 4_Jj^-o ^j (^Ij^-'-^Jj j.1^5* ^jIJlC C--*iL5* j,1oJ jl J3^>" <4JL?tvj o^j^- 4j jJ'I'J j.laJ ^-S_JJ 4j o^-*-*^^ :4_JL> j2Lw_o ^j-Lw-o <—■*■!>' ^t*£lj 4j^j^»o |0^>- j.laj 4j 4.5* ^JI_Jj|j) J)L^J_JL*j Lj JJ->- Jafi5 Jj-o .4,-wjj.j ^-9^j .Ojlju ^XjuiL«ji jiLj L^-^j^l ^jjjuo ^j^_i-«j|j^5*ji 1_> Jl*1i^-o ^l?tj jlj^-^jj 45* ^^-_«jji5* ^su-^^a ,\ .oJi^Jl^lo ^ ^5* ^Lj> (j£»Lj> 4_*j^j> ^Lj> oJul La 4j>cj (^jLj (^LJaS .V j-o j.laj 4j 45* 4_l5*^-o ^jLfllU-o -aiil 4j ^j ^jL^ILJjI^j ^yj\.^sA j^>- 4.j (jlj^^Jj iSj^ eJ"2"MjL)3^*'^ 3 (^j.1—5*L>- ^ ^loj.AJ ^Ljii-JKJj jl oJiLaILwjI .V .4_i5* i-Sjl^jj J-^-^-o (j-»l ^-j^j^^-o j-Ut-o fj-^" (^Liii-JKJj j I oJ>LftH_vj| .4_«jj.j ,j^l fj;L 4j (^'j^S g^Jb f^jio j.5"i ^ 4_*_Jjlsj 1*31^ ^jI,1c. C^Ju5" jiaJ jl .f • \y> fft-J^'J (-5**J !tj--^,l'-^J ^j-^oj iw--*-wJ jU-lij 4.^_j(_di Lj JJ--> 4j Jj-o 45* j.^aC ^[jbi-Sjb .4j^>- ^J_*j> jJ-5* ^5"j_*_wjj ^Ji tj^*^»lj&j,^jii 4j 45"l .P ■ 3J IlJ^j jJ> j.j oj^-*li^>- (^LalJLC j'Jj^^' 3 j.--w-*j (^Lii4_o<_di ^jJuii Jlj-oI 4j .JwJbJ iwj|^J> j.jj CjVI^wJ 4j ^ Jk_j|^?tJ Ij j.jj ^jZ.-o :u 3. Is there any specific information you can get from the text? What are they? .Jk-i-^JXj Ja>- Jk_^«jLjL*li^-o 45* (^LS"^!^ j.j j .V Jj^l '_*_wjJ 4j ^j_Lo JjJl jl Jk-Jl^J^-0 ■U- CjL^^ILoI 4j> T t|»L-ol Jcx**>-o t^jL^J^- (j^flJ jl>A^o) ^?tjjLj 4_Jo| Jjjj.ILc-^-0 Lj ^^JLjOJ 4.L^3LS Jjjj.1^5* L 413j.,^_o (^Lji ^JLm^-mj (^j.^5"jL5*4j L tLoj tj^-_«j|j^5*Ji *—y\o Lj 4.jl*J^ ^0_wj jii jjjl .Juli (j^_«jLj cJ^ ,jV^_«-wo (^jLSL-a L ^VYA JL-j j^ (^Lol jljL ^ ^^Lv-jL^- ^L5" t^jU JL^ OjUl JjJLwj ^ (^Ijl^1 J-*-^ jjl .'-^-vjL'-^o ^j5*j.-o Ojl^JiLo ^ ^j^s ^JLmmw^j t^^ji-Lo 4j^Iaa^wj 4j Jj^jx-o ^X«Ji 45* £*Jl& ^ ^—jLi P* ^JJuLo JiL 4j ^ iS^ ^j-J^-0 Li J--^ j*L) jJ> ^jai^JLS 4.jl_?cjL^ ^ CjL«-«jIj.-o (^jlj5"j.j CUj^J> j.aj * * L jlj^-^Jj 3 tv)'~^' ls^^" jl JjLSj Jyl C--JLjl9 CjJuo jJi .i^j^-^o ^_^l> 4j ^^sL^alL^I i-Jx_L*5*jLj ^ ^j^j^jj^j ^aa*5*Lj ^ (j^J^j-^J tJijL^jLo jJL-wj t41cL,wj V^f (^iL5* ^ j->«j|j.-o ^ LiijLj-^. Lffii^jij l-oJi JjiLll 4.^_<«^Ji ^ OJlj.5* La.k**5" Ij J^l |ftLi-0 j"^-^1 ^J^-wJ (^Liijjlji j-*J 4j^«J J_LwJj.J ^ c^-wJ j^j* AJ> j.laj SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD CjiJ*3 9 U"J* Ij jLlJo J3I (jIä jj> .^.jl^^-0 Ij jb ^j^-O jl CjSjÄ^ ObljjJ £3j jLlJo Juu 4j?lä^> JuL> jO .JoJI^JXj jL 4.^j ^JJljo- Ij Ljä4j?lÄ«£> JjI ^^"oLol (^1 jj ooLol ^0^15" jti jjj CjVI4j (job 5_8_Reading4 treasure memory to forget to mistake jj19jS" oLjlJjI to get in touch adminestrative, clerical to hire jojS* |ö|jc*ILvj| jJL*lib jLji announcement/bulletin 5_8_Reading5 vO jJäJAj ?ÜU™j> Ji-o JjIjjI jJ jIS" JjOj.S'ljuu Ju^S^-o lS^Ij 'J3I ,_£4j*Jl*s jj . ^ ?ujb JLj jj-> (^^Ij .v ^aßls-0 ls^j^ ^ L jLS" JjjS" Ij-j jj T ^oljjS'jJä L JuuLj jj JuLuj-J(^-o (Jj^j jl IJ-^" ?Ju5" jl5" l^cS" JlüI^^-o ^Ij .0 jl5" j-Jj^ ljuo (^IjJ >jf jO-0 jj| LI ?C^-J> ^Ij jJuO > ^JuloOjS" C-~0?l*ö ^^_obol ^aa*5" L VL>- L 1__OwwO JlvJjJ^»0 (^^Ij jl L^jI L (^^Ij LI ^Juo^j oJloI 4_*j>Lää (^1 jj j^jj jÄJ Juj> '(^^Ij 4j .Y ?L?tS* 3 o^j Juj> eUcL^j (^^Ij (-£4_*j>Lää .A LS"0 J^4.^- (_£- j 4_....._L> 'J Juu cuS' .? .15\V .U ?c-_*--j> 0Ju_lS* 4_*^>Lü« lJlJ5o . \ V L 4.9j j ^^jAI^o jU^j JwO ffcJ-o^ 45" iw-t-wj| oJlJj 4.ILuti 3J 'f^'J (^4^lÄ*ö jo .^V 4JLiij Lo-li jloj 4j ?C--«--j> 4.L)j> jjI OjLjJ jLjloj «.^oj5o y^-oV VL> ?C--vJ j^la>- jtil^-utiLaJ Jü_«jjj^o (^^Ij jl lj->" Lo-*li jlöj 40.^ ?c^a> ^ji 4^> ?ojb jji l5oj^l jo ^^ZsS j--^> L £zs& jjI LI iJk-^jj ^jüJl>- Ij jjj CjLoJLS" . ^ P ^^TLLäLLäJ 44.^^-1*^0 (45" 4„u| löj^iaJ-o t^^LfllLo t4_^to2J :JoJ5* IJo-i jILo jo Ij jjj JäjIj^li .^Y t-J\j '^-ol j-JI ^->"3 jl JLi-o 4.^j tJ.-0I jl Jli-o 1—Si.j c^LEJ 4JLuti j.5" jl Jli-o 1—Si.j OjSj jl Jli-o \ 'j3>J 4JLwjJlS" jl JLS-o Jg1 j' tSj-fcL^ *—''^'j^J jl Ij ffc.Li_wj o^j ^L*j> 4JlJI .^läL Ij ji^ o*^i j-* *-wjl j^^ '2^-*^* o^j-^* o^i^ o^j1^* ^i^-olji j5"j-^ Ij c--*lib |öjls"ju*Lo ^J-i-^i jojS* IAjjj jo ^J-*-^1 jjI ^5* (^j^L 3 ffc^wlib jLS* jjI L 45* ^Jj^- (^Läj^j (^ojjWL^ ^ob .ffcj5" ^^.cJ ?^,^_obol jLj (-£-^-,J3-°l t_^L&i—>L5* jL-^ul 3 ^-^j^ • • • 3JI — . .. jo 4_*£jJ_L3l 1—Si.j L^_uti jo-^jtj — .^^-o^-o-C -IäjI^j ^ ^-*jj ,-5oj liloJ . . . o_JL9j5" oL-JLliI - . . . pljw'cILul Uj^-0 jU A-U^jlLsl uSu L^-*U Ju-^tU'LU ... Jujjju 3j AY jjbl i,_jjbl üXo-J UkJ... JuJiaj,? ol^il - 247 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY • • • 3 ^5}"* lSjI^I Co—B $}\ - 4jLj - JL-vJ JJ_>- L«-**u — JLj Yf - iolTaS" jus i AlL JÍ -?JJ_L ^Lj> Lj JjJL j^g-«-"** - .(^jjlo jl-J JlJj jJ ^Lj> ^ä^LláJ ^_So 4_j Lo oJuJL Lo £*Sjjj (j3^> 4JUL*>LLo - .ftj.lw-& C—0-^9 jj jL5* ^JíLíLo ^yo J3 - .Juj.-JXj ^jjjLoj ^a^gS. JäjI^j Lj JuLj LoJu Jk_^JL?t-j ol - .|ôj..jxj t_yjLoj LtxJj L jjjlä5" ^j^jLoj ^jb Ljxj^I L jj-o ~ .(J^jbl C*-o«**a5 jô jLS* ^^LäILo 45" J_^5ó 3 Juj-jJXj ^yjL-oJ ^o^^C -kaj^j L Lo_Jo - iL- .|^JLwJb (^jlJl C*S^3 jO jLS" ^aöLäH-O Jj-0 — ?4_^- /j^Sjó*a — ■^j—■w—qL^jI ^Ljj ^jA*jLfcfctaJ — ?JoJ-S* 0—-ä*í5 ^*a>_Jb\jl (JjLj 4.j JbjJjJ^o — 3_^5*jJuo Jj-o 4.L) — ?Jojj,5* C*-JX*£> ^ i JX)I 4j Lj VL> Lj L.«Jj . . . föjSj ^J*^ pit y^oV 4_> VL> Lj J3 4Íj,j ^^JJ-^o ^jJyO ^Xx -.jftlôJwiJ f^lS* ffeJb ^......Jjol 4j Lj VL> Lj J3 jftjj^o lÍj.j> ^"^-Ij 4j ^^^IXjl ^LbC-^-Jj^J L (Jj-o - ?jui^jb jj^jljü Low£>... ojIju ^1£jLo - .(_jUi^Lš- Ci4j 4j ÉĽ-JI . . . 4.L -4_*_>-Läo jj 4j - g^Jb L JJjL jj-o jl jJL^j L^jl Jajlj-^» I0L-0 4Jk1jI ^j-jjj jl .Joo^j oJuol j^Jb j^jj 30 3 ^L>-o j'-^" j^T *i ÔJ C*£Lj ^JLpc^e ]^jB .jô^jj i^j^ jjLíLoIjjT SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD ,JjLji ^jl^ ^S~GJb t^jL—iCo-IjILwjI ^jLoj ^jJuli jöLoJ jl Juu tö^jl^o* C*-cL«j 3 Juli |öL.*j ^o^«ü£ JäjI^j (^4_*AJj> c4_E_*_9.i (^-^ 3 o^ijL eUcLwj jl ^£JlLl|jJ (Juti 45* Ij Lo .li^j OJuwJ ffc5" ^j«oj*«0 d-t-^j jjJJjJj .j ^LaS 3 i^Lä<—>Ll5* Ji 3 ij£|4jLj> ^LjI -rt-i^j .CuwomJ 3 JlJj JuJd .4._l5* ^5*jJ* 3j o*^ tj"i^*^ öjIjj _*_LCjI ^jLjj ^5*jJuo jl ^—5* j5"l - .|U_JL9j 3j.i ^L^jLä^Jjti d-"^ j' jJfü-^Äo 4„«jfc ^ÜjV jU-J^lj 4.5* ^I^Ju-ol ^z-^Sjj iS*^3 •'^-Z^i c-*sAj Lj ^j^js ^j^j-u JjLjI jl Jj-o .Juj5*^o ^j O"*-10 Jjjl L.o_Jj . Lo-di 4j ^-^-« t-£j - .j^.*S" iwjL^tiLiI Lo-wj j jl 3j 5_8_Reading6 any more (when used with a negative verb half-naked beach, coast habit dole to scribble, doodle mustard beard to make fun of ^j jS* ö j^Laa^O enemy ,Jj-«-wJii eveluation, inspection tool jl>l collar dance kiss 4_vj^j objectionable jb weapons hostage-taking (J? Jiß^^ß column scene 4._L£T*Ö ■wj|^> (^Ij-J 3 JujI^tJ Ij ^jLl—lb jö^ti (J^^J Jii .^-JI^^-^O Ij ^JS-0 jLj 4.*o JJIjo Ij (jLi—ib ^ji^tj ^jjil .ju_1iLj oj>L-oI (^0^15" jii jjj oVI^—> 4j ,j^b . Juul ?Ju5* jLS*4^> ^1 Lj JuLj ^JlÄo^^-o 4j> (^I^j 4j ^j^Jj ?Ju«-^Äj 45* JcS^s jL5* ^Jubj^J Ij 4^i5* JuL> j^-ot-o J3I (^4.L«j> jo (^l^j .V Ju5* t-J\-o5* ^£^lj 4.j Jl&I^-">^o C-—*-j> 4^»l5* j^-*-« JlwJjj^o 3I jl i^^lj 45* ^—5* .V ?4.; L ^C^jI j^lo'» (j--« (^*^L yytaj 4j> tijS*^o Ij jLS* I ^13^ ?C--*lib (_^>Jo O^Lc 4j> ti^j 4j?u (^^Ij (^--S^ ? JjA—i^>o ^jL**iaC ^Jl^S*^^ jL5*4.^- jj^«aj L .Y ?Jwwjjj|j:> JuSti^^ 4j Ij (^j1i|45'jj 45* Jjjl jl Juu i^^lj -A ^JCS^a jLS*4.^- oj^S^ Ij Lä4^jJ L£4^j& 45* ^1 jl JUU j^Jj .A (jj^lj f^l ?4j L Ju 1^^-« {_y*J*J3^' o**-J-*-*^1 jl >—^-i-wj^Ä . ^ ^ ^JullS*^^ jLS*4^> ?c—il j^-k^ j-^j jLS* jU-iLw-^-wj. ^ V ?JuLl—4j> ^JL^2& jLS* jl jj| . ^ v ?JuLS*^ 4j> U^j t-^-Lwj^Ji (^IjJ ^jLa4J_?t*i3 ?jllS"^o j5ts ?^3^i^-o jlS*w_i ojL^^ >jC_i_<.ojA (jliL«jb A 9" 5_8_Reading7 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY On a separate piece of paper, draw the before and after pictures for the dancing scene and the kissing scene.You may use a dictionary (sparingly) if you need to look up a few words. You will receive extra credit if it is clear that you put a lot of work into your drawings j,5"l .J*_JL$* oolftHvJ C-jJ i—JsJJij.5 jl Ojl^ O^J"^" ^■*JP '-^jl^J*^-0 ^slijl Oj^J Jolooj.5* jj^L^ai* Jyl ^jJ*_<-Ji5* i-Sj^s (^oLj j^iijJj J*_Jbo ^jLjLJ .j^JD 4j 4_*_*_1> 4^jJb .olo ^L-oJL^jo 4j |j (^jI_C>45'j.j i-So (j^Jj 4iLjLj,^-o .o^j 4JojS /j^jZj^i |ft|^IL«jo ^Jju ^jXolo jl oolftH_vj| .^IaaoIo^-oJ Ij C-jJ 4_«j ^^-ot-o J^l (^4.L«j> ^jL-oJb jo -(Jj-*-0 O^^^-^" ^-j j^-J^Jj-S" W • • • - l^o^j oJoli 3j">3j eU^JX^li Lj J^l (^4.L«j> ^jLcJb jo 45" Jj-o 3 JuJul^>-^-o Ij ^Ljtol&^jJLo |»L«j OjL^-o 3 jLh_Jj Lj Jj-o ^OjJu (^j**-^-1 oL~3j °3J^" |j Jo'o^J 4^j| jjf ffrJJjJJj ^5" iJ^ij-^ jljJ .|ftOj.S"^-o oLXj* Joo^j ^Ljtol&^jJLo Jul^>- (JL^- jo 45* (^L*Jj 4j OjJij 3 ^H_>-ljLj L Jj-o 3 o^j 4J3j ^w-oj 45* C--Jj- j^j-*j j--&j ^j*^ (Jj-1! jl 1*1^5* ffc-j|j*«> 45* 4.jl_^j Jyl 4.j ^JuLo jlaHJ-o .Juoj^-o ^—J*" L ^ J-J03J 4JI_W_JLJ J^-L^j t«J\jojJ (^|4JL5* jo (^|4JL_JJ ^jt>^- oj..o J^5* tLoj ^ Ju^Jj t 4J_&jj 4^»o ^^Jj -j^ojiS* ^JiLXJ ZjZ-o (^VLj JjjI 4.^Jj| Lj ^ o^j 4.^- ^jUlI^ ^_j|o^«J .^jL«Jj<-o ^ j Jo ^jjla jl 4_*_*Jo (^IjJ j.^li^>o ^|4jL^j 4_^_i-«Ji 45* ^.il*li|o ^ Jo CjoLc 4_«jjJuo ^jlj^^ jJ (^Ij.j ^ ^jIjljo ^jL-^wj L&^jj (^Ij-J -f^-5* Ja^- Ij Cj'^Ij^o L i»_jLi5* ^j^-lo (^La^JKC ^JL^ilo C--«j^o o^j oJool ^.£|j,^j 4j Lj?tS* jl CjoL^ .^^J Ij L& j.IL>-0 f*"^^" 3 ffr-^" j^jj ^j ^4.JtJ ^j^l^S" .^_Ss_I_;X- ^ ^jioj LiiOj,^ oAjL^i^j ^j^JLj L Ij 4JJ&j.J 4^_o ^jj tJoli ^jLjI JjI^ ^j^j j (^Lll ^13^ ^ |aJoljjJ JjILo (^VL jj^aj (^^j Ij j*jL5*o^>- ^SJoS gt^^j ^.^b j^j I .o^j ooLnJl cu^tjj jl ^-Sli-i-c ^ J-w-wj ^ o^j L ^"SL*J ^jt>2 f^3i ?^jjoj.5* 4jJLLa^ ^j Lib 45"j.j . . . •*r>^- - .|ftj.J\j ^?tj ^j^jjl ^j Ljb45"j,j ^j-o Lj Ju^o^Jj Ljb45"j.j (^VLj ^j ^j^Lo-mjI Jk-JLS* LjiLaJ — ^jLa4i^5" (^^j (^I^L-«J t-JOjo^J j*^"^ j^-JLx^o ^Ji-o toj.^^^ Ij Jj-o (^45"j.j ^13^ Lj |ftJoL^ jlaHJ-o ?oj5*^.o Jj-o ^j3»« j^ L^j^ 4j> j_*_wjj,j 3 ^jL^-«-^> (^^J Jj (^j1^ ^ 4-1 (^^3^1 3 C-^c-oj ^jLl^JkjI 3 ^.^»35* (^4JV ^j-o Ij ^ijLS*o^>- ^.^jjLi ^.Luo ^Ji-o Lj JjL^j .C^L-J^j . . . CUj-w-u ^jliLfiJ j.IL9o 45* iwjLn5* . . . 4JLfl_o 3J C^-wjo 45* iwjLlS* l_fl-^- :Jo ^JbLjo j^M-a jo .^JL>-|jol ^jl^^J (J^"IJ ^-^J"'^' i^oJoLo 4j 4j ^j^-Lo-xJI ^JXC Jo u jl jlj-9 (^Ij-J Ij f^-^Ljo 3 (^^j-** j^jj O^ij C--o-mJ 4j Ij |a|45"j,j .0oLh_*aoI fft"'3j"l3j (^l4^_3o 00 jftOj-S* ^_y^~ '^^i 0J0I1 oJk-i-di^j 1—Xjj ^wj^ia jl^J-di 3 C-5* i-J\j L> 45* 03J 4J3j.5" jlj5 ^ojwj^j jaljol (^|4_H_!-9o JJ->- jLLilol .JwwJj^j ^jVI^^j JjILo J^-lo (^LffiidjjL-C jl ^w-oj Lj ^.jo^j jlaHJ-o 4»«Jb .j.IaHJ-0 ^.^JLw-wj L^ 3 ^jt>y^o C--^o C^-^Sjj ^«_oj .oj.5*^^ oLXJ Ij bb45"j.j JafiS J*_i-«jj.j^-«j ^JI^^j gt-oS ^«_oj .Ju^J)* J ^4_*5* ^IL«^-j 1—JsJL^i^Jb — SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD £3j-*1> Ij ^.JtijS* Oj^t—Lj fJuLo jiflUwa .£3j,5* JiLli ^I^_L>j ^_SwO jL-—o (^LaOjij>- jjj ^JJL^tJ .Jol> Oj-^> (J^o 4j (j^Jj -j0^^ 45" ^—5* .jj5* jLS" _ulXj| jbj ^*lij^-ol (^La-wjLiS" j*tJ ^ v)'~v' ^-^j^ j^ ^äI^^^-o C3LJ ^> jjjl Ju^Xj ^ Jl&o* ^jLjlj 4^j& 4j Ij |ö|45"jj .jj5*^.o ^_ljx*—i ^jLwjjj^Läj (^3j I-^jI (^g-^j^-0! jLj Jwox- 45" jj5* ^_SLo5* ^jla-wjliS* ■«_.jL> jLS" jti jj^I^j>-^>o >l -wjLiS* jj^LaJ* ^j^jt>^ .Ju-l5* ^3j*u c-5"j*o ^j.jI jti 3j ^j^jjLS" Ju-j^j*^^ bji jl Lo-di j^.5"^-o 1—^jj*j* — >tj-o 4j cJL>- ^jLoJi Lj ^.jL*Jj 3 |öJl*1i öj*^ ^«_oj 4j oJuL*j ^^_*Jl3 3 o*1_JL5" ^jLo-Il> 3 jL> ^jLao* Lj Jj-o oL?tÄ^3 ttijS*^o ^jäLxJ Ij Lä-wjLiS* .tijS*^^ ^Sjjuo jj^jj 4j Ij ^jLiS* _*_LSol jLj (^-^j^-0! (^Lä-wjLiS* ^^jji Lj c-5"jJi> (^l_L>lijL5* (^jl^5* JlcLS* 3 jÄ^> iwjLlS* JjjI l_jL^- 45* Ju*—ij^o 4.jx*1j Jjjl 4j j*^^ iS^Jji J- 1"^JtJ. 3 ^^(.g*0 ^J O' J""*"'^ c^^o-^^^ ' ^j-«-li^«o Ij ^jl jj-o (JjLjI .Jl*1i^-o tij jj-o 3^1 jl JuLj -wjIiS* Lol. tijS"^-o jtiLö Ij I ■«_.)L> (^ojLj>L jj5"^-o c^Sjjt) Julc ^j*i_jl*j 3 Ju5*^»o l_9j*äo .|Oj5" C—ijti ^g-o-Mj| j^jLS* (^Ijj t^jU-oLi ((^1 ojLS* 4^> . . . ) Jl^-"-1 iS^ji is^3~? o^j^* ■'■^i 3 {*^3^" it_^>3^'^ iS^ji ^ C-_l>|ju ^-«jI .|öti^j jlii Ji3^~^ $ ^jaUö obljjl ^Sj J^jl«.^0 Jj-o ^jIijj^Laäj ^jLj> 4j 3 ^JLwjIJlS"^-o fftJ3jJ3j Ij öJ*-1> J*-oLj -wjLh5" •'i^j (^J^ J^j^ J*-u2-«j j-*5" Jaic ^5"V >—Si.j 3 oL-«j jLS"ti^>- toL-wj t-j\jjL^ Cijys 4j Ij oLj^S* ^j-ob •^'^J3^it_^0 jl^ (Jj^*^1^ 0^'j"^i 'J^^3 ^ 4iLjj *—»Lj •fa^J,^5'° (^^-^l Ij 0^'j"^i (_^4.ij .jftiiLlsl^-o C^uJ 4j 0jL5L 4.j Ljjo Jj>L—i tJujjJ^-o (^jb ^j3-° jJy>£il 4j 45" ^^jjL^ .|»iilii^*o Jj\—» j**ju JuJj Jj-ob IwJj^aö 4j Ij Cjj^_wj 3 jl^Lli jl ^Ajb^Ss- tjj^aj ^jl (^Lj> 4.j tti^j ^jL-^ ffr^ijl-0 (^oJl^£ jl Lj^jI ^">LöI 3 JlJj^o ^Ljj tijl^o ^|juu ^.ä j5"I .j>lJ>^-o (^jJjLS* j---iJ* ^^«jI (^LÄ4j_?t*i3 jl ^jj^Läj 4j ^jtijS" tij^>-jj L Lol Ju-wjj^^ jlij 4j ^jL-wjI j^jLS" J^l oL\j 4^>j5"l JuL*—l>^-o (^jLj^-^j c-ocuW L ^J^^-^ ^\^j<^ .jutijS"^^ ^jL^j^^>- ol^l5Lw-o 4_wj^j ^ i^j^j ,jJu .jöojS-^ Ij-o ^ji j-£i-*j* c^ljJ ls-^" °'j fc->bi'"- ^ •^^J^'ls^0 ^J^ls- ^ Ij j'^ ^j3^° (j?'-ao*JM o^j Ji3'-uaj* j^ j^ti iS^JJ j01^^ J^^?1*0 *^J^"lS*° ^J o^^J (^^J-^laö t^ä*—1^-0 OVI 3 jl^^3*° l^l-^^ cl&^jJu Jyl lJIjLsI jti oJuli ^jlwTJ (^LaC--«j^ '2^" jLljT ^.5ojLo L .jfttijS* |juj c—>j> ^jI^Us ^L> olj 4j Lj jOjS* j5Cs jL—u .ffrÄJu LaS 4j ^iS" j**ju '^jäSj (^4.*jt*ö jl (jLTA^jI^- ^jL&il jS* La^sLij (^jJo CjLS*j^- 3 Juli^o (^j*^jL5"3j5" (^4J_?t*i3 4j JjJu-j OjL*^j 4j (j^9j ^4J_?t*i3 Lj^j 4^t*lJ .|ö^jS* (^|4_?tjL/jI 4j JjJu-j Ij i^j-i 4_L?t*ö jo 4j?lL*i| jj^> jl (J-^L^ jjJ 3 (j^jj* 4j Juli^^ Ij LsiwJ jl ^5o j5"l .Jjj*5o jlji ^.ä (^3j (^l4J_?t*i3 jti iwJ ^ 45* Ju5*^o IJuj Louo 4_«j^j .iö^jS* ^Ij-^I ^-L^ olj j*j* 4—i^j J^l^o ^IjJ £~>j^& 4j |j 4_«j^j ^ySjls jl fü-'^-'jLo L jjWL^ Jj-i-oJÄ 4j .lilii^g-o >j> jl Ij ^j*iti^>- jliiiij^-o (^L-ouo 4_«j^j jXj^i Juli^-o ^jL^" 4J_?t*ö jl 3 (Jj-^lj-0 L^J-*-^^ j^j'i jj ^*aJ* jti 3 ti^j ^j jO .^j5l^ jo ^LjÄ4j_?t*i3 3 tiljil t^i^-oLi (^La^jL^-^-o jti 3 o^j^^j j^ '^lfc^"j^ j^ 'o*°^3^^ uitf j^ t|öjL5" J-^o jl ^j3j*j j^ 45" j0^^ oJuli fjLS" j^aiI ^JjL^ j5"l 3 f^j-1 l"^-*-^l ^ Ij 3-lj!-0 f*y^* 1^L^> ^l-1 j^ 4-i jöl^jA^ .|öJuo>^^ Ij Juol^^ oJuuj j^j-^J 4j 45* ^juS4J_?t*i3 3 |Oj5"^£»o oL**o Ij jliiiij^-o (^Lä4_L?t*£> j^*ä> Juli iw-X.L ^j^o^ (^Lä4_L?t*£> 3"^" J^ ffr-*^^*" •f^-*-^J(-5-° f^-3* (jl jl 4JLii|JJT" ^.ij^o ^Ji (c*-3">L> j^jj) iS^i 2 tijS"^-0 jJ Ij ffc.iLii jl^-1^ 45" ti^j L&^.Ej 3_U" I JLuti 4.j 3 JlvJjJ ySU& 4j »j 3*° ' (^LäIwjLäS* CjLäÄaö jti (jl"-?"^-1 ^ 0*^3 djLw>" OtiLol ^lj-«j 4j ^jIJXjjLo L ^jJb c--li^Jj*o |ötijS*^^ ^j*iL«*>-I .|öj_uÄ Lj^Jj ti^j oJuli VLj> |ö|4_«jjJu3 (jlj^^ .Ij j^l^^jLj IwjL—^ 4.5* ^jLsJ^j 4.jLj JuJj ^jljJ-OjLS* jl 45* ^jLäJ^j olj^JÄ 4j C-5*j*o jjj-Jj 45* C--l>J5"^-o j^jLS* jl JL*i .C—>l OtijS* ^j—^-l 4j JjJuJj Ij ^.jLs^j^-o |öL^j 3 Lj .^^j f^jL*—>j> jti <-£ 4_^*aj jL jjjl Lol |öjul> jLS'j^-i ojL^^i jj-o ^ c^ujS" ^jL*—J^jl 4j tjj5* ^.*^—> c-5*j*l> j^Lj^—> jti Ij Lj^jI Lj* ti^j 4.*ij5" .tib iwj|^j> ti^j ^1*^- ^.j^C^j.j> 3 Ju-liL 4JL*li|ii ^LjL>-l j^j-*^ 4j d^j ^jSi^o 45* fü—-9j ^■'l-^jl-^-0 4.j |ö|^Äj^*tu (^Lä45"jj j^Sj J^l—^o) ^-uxj Jj-0 jj..A>- LoJL>" Ju-IiLj OJull JL*Ojl Lo-ll ^j*ljti I 4.j iwJjJ-äo 3 Ju-llLj OtijS*jJ Ij ^J>jL>- ^jLXjIj CIjJAäO (^L*öl_flj |öji Lo-ll j5"l . . . Jul OtijS* (j^*^" Ij ((^il^ ^—öjliil jlii ^j3-° Ji^!"1^ jl ^jäLJö Obljjl PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY If they would help you clean the classroom. If they like sunny, hot weather or a cold, rainy day. If they have a niece or nephew. If it snowed last winter. What they have decided to do this summer. If they have ever given fruit to someone as a gift. What time they usually arrive home. :_JI How many times they usually was their clothes each week. If they eat salad after lunch or before lunch. If they like cloudy skies. If they have gotten any books from the library. If they are willing to get you a book from the library. If everything is okay and if they need anything. If their street gets very dark at night. If they know how to make an omelet. tjS^ jb- :Y .bU™j> (jil^Jjlc bj^o ^Ibi -_jl.fljl.ic 4j> jl) .bjbb bU-J^b lj 4j> ^ bjb bU-J^b lj _.jlfl>lic 4j> -(.bul_«o _*>bu _jlfl>lic 4j> jl 3 bul_«o _iLjj^> .bj^>_..oJ ^1 bbj^>_«o 2f^ojuo iS Ij _.jlfl>lic 4j> ■ jl _ I jjbjS" bu-jjb (_jljj - oj-s-'JJ* Ij lb^ _^-aJ^J> 3' J-^ ^ ~~ .bbbb)_«o bu^» LtcS' jl V^-«-x-o — ObLfll_«j| L .b-i-"-.....J& jl^XiLbT bX«j^b bbb» _Lj.^o ^5" b-b^S" j^_j .V OjLjb _,L)__&^j.S'^jS L bul419^? bL _?jb" 4.j 4.5" (^l&ojl^ jl ^ b-bLS' bX«Jjb buL _jLfclic L lit ^ AS bL_f C_U?L^ ^-J^&^a SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD .jL*Jbo o**J^^" t_J*J'^' J"4 c5j^i° ^ 3 ^^jy. o^c^**J>^' 3' If they think your bag is heavy. Where they park their car. How they come to campus every day. If they have problems parking their car. If they remember their very first day of school. If they think your bag is light. What the best way to get to the closest coffee shop is. What car they would like to have. Which singer they are in love with. What complaint they have about school. When they make tea, do they pour water first or put the teabag in the cup first. 253 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY _9_Speaking I (^) Jo-lS" (J*1^ -4.jL> jO umbrella :yu> ! hurry up i^jiL jjj :! ^ 4.1« i4JL>tc hurry, hurry up l"ll go get him. l"ll come get you. for this reason to take off [cloths or shoes] W3- 3 .^.jj^3o ^^jTLj* o^j Lo (jjjo Ijujj j->o t^joLo^j — f«JL£ .d-i^ CtcLj ojb* ^i^jlo 4.L*C joJ^jjl Iy> - >tjlj^-o JoL 4j>I - (jjU CjjJaj' 4j ?4„oj? ^y^0 J-^ L1II3 !? In Class: I .With your partner, practice the conversations a few times. Then, write a new conversation and act it out in class. 2. Utilize the new verbs from the recent units to discuss with your partner what to do on a date. What do you say/discuss? Where do you go? What do you bring? 3. Role Play: One of you is a teacher, frustrated with a lazy, disrespectful student. The other is a troublemaker who is sick of being told what to do by his/her annoying teacher. Use the proper command forms to address your partner. .Jo-lS" jjjj-oo Ij VL ^La^&Laj* ^Ju^^S^S^ia L jL Joj> J^l .\ ^yJ^S jO Ij I J Jo-«0^.O Jo JC> (^^3oLfl5* O ^Jb ^S^&S L t^j^^J 1J0U19j5" oL j;0>l ^lij^jo jo aS ^jjLijJjiS jl ooLiL-jl L .V olo |oL>o'l OlS'iLo jljS ^So jO CuJ JpOO-0 45" ^jjl&jlS" OjLjO :J_ojj jj> .0 jj o^J> L (_£j.o> 4j> ^ tCoDj L^tS- to j5~ C^it«£> 4j> Oj^o jo ^jtool^j ^ (J-^ j^-aljjtolo 4j~ eX«j| ^.oJouo Lo«Jj jl j^5o i^jtoLou X ^ j.-ol jl &S eX«j| (^j^ol^jtolo (^j3^JO .C^«j| OOjS' ^''ilS' Ij ^1 :oJlJj .....j> ^jil^o^lj^ ffc.ljvo jl ^jJo-Ljj .Jo-LS* 0oLj3jUoI j3o JoCi L ^jJlJj 4.j>I^o (^Ijj j-ol CXwJjO ^J3\j>J jl SHAHS AVA R I I ATWOOD OiJ^ 9 U"J* ?Joolo^»o ^g......-i-bol ^jlj jo Jjl jo (^bl*-0 l" ^ Ij-ojj Ij (^LA^Ji-oJI ^_Lx-o Jo-Lj" ^J*-«J :4.jL^ jo 5_9_Speaking2 (f ) 4JI_Jj j\5" ^jjj^ jl u I • dojO-oS Lj* 30 ÖX«jo 4j Li) J^ILJjIojJ 4J3JÜJÄ 30 ÖX«jo 4_> I • (hand :öu~jo) (lojj ( leg, foot :l) Jo^S" jliS" 4j jo 3j I 30 • Ojjl jO 3j fjoo - Jojjl jo Ij ^—5" joo • (judge :^LI) ^j»LI 4.j Lfjij . .ojS" pLi 4&1 ?o/ 4.r ij jir • (sound :Ijl*3> .ojIaj Ijl^j öu~jo 4j • (evil :jlL^i>) .ajjk^ jLS" 4.1j*c < (under arm :JJu) ^l*, r_j ^o-os « .iSL^-jS" ^Lo>- Lio < (gOOSe :jlc) .ojlc AjL^oJS £j.o < .C^«j| ^jJw^oljj ^jJL^jljj> ' .lüj.o> o_o 300 i^^-o ipJojjlo 0* ' (flower :Jf) .a^oJ jUj 4j I« l5*I Ij I .j-^wj^jj I ^jL/jI jj (^|4.Loj> jj^> odLwj ^jioLoj ^_So ^ j_*j-S" t_jLj?c_ol Ij VL ^Lja^J^LoJI-wJjao jl ^Lj^wj'^IS'^jä L -^-"^IS* jj> c-jL^j jJ> .JJ_«*j^J_i JlcLS" (^^j Ij ^Ji-cJIt-JjAiT Jjl 3 jI ^Ji-oJI-wJjAir |ö|J\5" (^öjLjJ) L«-Jj ^LiLöü 45" JuJjj l^yjj ^Ji-oJI-wJjAir j.ILw_o 45* iw-t-wj| t^&3j5 oJujj ö^j5" 3 Ji^Jj^»o ^--«-^ uÄj\.jiL5* (^4^JÄ .JuJfcJ ^Jj^PCJ (JLj.jL^jI 4j Ij 3 J^-S' |j (^|jw«Ö .J>_j|^?tJ Ij (^Lo ,j I t-SLj-T L ^ Jt-jjf ^^5" 5_9_Speaking3 ^V) t^juL^j|j\-j L c-_«jI (JI^j t---*li j^jjjjJj 45* Ij j^j jjjl ^jLiljjl .c--«jI ^jLjIjjI ^Lä^j-^j^ jl IjJL Ju^_^-0 jjl ^ Jjj|^>-^-0 Ij JäSL>- iwjLlS* jlj^-*ll jJ> .Sjj^s^M ^j^S>- ^jJul^^- jJ<_dl ^ tjUl ^ 4.j|^JlJJÄ ^j'^j^' 'tj-*^J .Ij ^.wJ^Jlji (^4^L^JiLll ^Jj^JtJ ^LjJlbl_«j| 4j Ij ^j^s ^JjLS ^ J_*J-S* Ja-_^ Ij (^|jU£T .JujI^tJ Ij VL ^lÄ^ji-oJItjJj,^ ^jl t-J\-0-T L ^ J_*J-S* ^jll ^5" ^J^3 ^Jj LS 4j .V 5_9_Speaking4 Ij jjl ^jLjJt^Jb 45" Co-j| Jvo-ol ^ Jj lo Jo31 Ij t5jlj>i ölj !LoJj 4j ^jjjil !joCjJJ ^g—jjli ^jj(jLjj (j>^y. jLS" jl 3 Jo»j4o) 4^I»jI 255 PERSIAN OF IRAN TODAY