The Standard British English Dialect » evenly distributes stress. » avo ids higher p itches. • use volume for emphasis, while the(|ip}speaker: • begins weakly and ends strongly. • is faster, quieter. • is softer in tone. • is higher in pitch. • selects fewer key words to stress. • uses high pitches to stress them rather than volume. When we add the signature sounds - pronunciation differences - we have two very different dialects of English. I hope this has been helpful to you in deciding what features of your dialect or accent you need to change to be successful in RP. SIGNATURE SOUNDS IN SENTENCE CONTEXT 1. A lot of better writers print a lot of little words. 2. The tumultuous news assumed the duke fought a duel in the nude. 3. He laughed as he danced to the bath past his aunt in pajamas. 4. Paul's daughter Laura is awfully awkward when she talks and walks. 5. The first early bird murdered thirty turning worms. 6. An enormous tornado tore up the store this morning. 7. A star called Marx stole our hearts with his harp. 8. Our brother and sister met a lawyer from Denver. 9. Oak Road is zoned for mobile homes only. 1.0. They stopped a lot of nonsense at a college in Watford. 11. A crowd was shouting loudly down in the town by the fountain. 12. Courage is needed for curry in the borough of Durham. 13. In Paris Harry shot a sparrow from his carriage with an arrow. 14. The Shah of Persia insists that Maria is to never abandon her uncle. 15. We had a lovely, silly party when Billy was fifty.