English Autonomously Eva Rudolfová Marcela Sekanina Vavřinová Martina Šindelářová Skupeňová WHAT IT IS NOT… Second session outline ▪autonomous learning – principles English autonomously – structure ▪goal-setting – planning 2 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts HELSINKI, mapping the terrain for your JOURNEY ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY plan for today - SELF-ASSESSMENT NEEDS ANALYSIS GOAL-SETING READINESS PLANNING Let‘s be very practical about this examples??? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY YES / NO 4 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts Red Green on Spotify What is autonomous learning for you – think, pair, share ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY principles 1.Learner autonomy is the ability to take charge of one's own learning. 2.Not every person is able to take charge of one´s own learning. 3.Autonomy is drawing together the threads of self-assessment, goal-setting and reflection. 4.Autonomous learners can always self-assess their skills. 5.Learning in an autonomous way includes various types of interactions. Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts 5 L+M - Background info: Henri Holec - father of learner autonomy, autonomous learning… be in charge = setting the goals, taking the responsibility for decision making, accepting the consequences of one´s decisions, adjusting learning to one´s abilities and needs, instant self-reflection and monitoring one´s progress, self assessment… 6 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY learning with / from others - LLH https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/S_3AABSxyzmPCFkFowHdsEFe8OQS_Tq0xThUOLaGtOlVUVxFpy35YrhYuwdpJUASX 7fF_IMT4iYgPcd1i-3oY3dUfjVkmsWLC55SI9g2jkHHliu3tBo_RKEpUixaNUH-2oEpxps Do slov doma, s reflexí ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY reflection Obsah obrázku osoba, brýle, interiér, hledání Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku interiér, stůl Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku interiér, přenosný počítač, počítač, osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku stůl, interiér, přenosný počítač, vsedě Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku osoba, stůl, budova Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku osoba, interiér, držení, muž Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Images from Unsplash.com examples??? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY reflective (log) writing Questions: What have I learned? What do I know now that I did not know? What were my strenghts and weaknesses during the experience? What were the challenges and how did I handle them? What was useful? What would I do better next time? What have I learnt from this? https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/S_3AABSxyzmPCFkFowHdsEFe8OQS_Tq0xThUOLaGtOlVUVxFpy35YrhYuwdpJUASX 7fF_IMT4iYgPcd1i-3oY3dUfjVkmsWLC55SI9g2jkHHliu3tBo_RKEpUixaNUH-2oEpxps ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY log writing Focus: English learning Activity: regular Writing style: •use I/we/me •structure your writing e.g. before/during /after learning; what/how/why/what next time) ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY log writing •Form: online log, video log, audio log, hand-written log, portfolio, book... •language learning history (LLH) to start with ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY reflective writing •a guide by University of Hull •a very brief guide by Vancouver Community College •A guide by University of Portsmouth http://www.kukatko.cz/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/film-reel.jpeg thumb image ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY How to reflect Recommended shower / workshop March 8, 18:00 Red Green on Spotify Time??? https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/KLk6W5SfTnHpKnXM06MTTPlII1sB45bGd6zJT0Dr7D9lGK-bantafjESxdYwP2Zev tlVMnWT6aZ9M-abbOKMhdBWp2dWcXsKCjd4ZgfXwKfnSl_AMFJT9dmheCpdplk0avsqYXjPZxurRHIC6Fa61IOx0YkDZ94WHbqz RyL9n1iRIaCBVO0iCZMlvaQYJte_hH-mlg 13 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY SWOT and CEFR results https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-zv5XidtJwf2AJvPkukSQt-zscGdiO2vyohKTsrFoRi-IYqURYDbnidnO9v7t2RjQ HUZSuDKsONDUnC9qb-aCZ2x-6a1mMqhg28tzMWoiJoq-g_Ww6prQ8fUiHFxziXnpukYHN4p6pK9yoSIgN-NXkq64fE4MkKO9K_r Ls_LTN-35sMC3LBp0c6Qlsxqrlc6-HczGA Opportunities: •reading (academic articles) •Big opportunities are movies and podcasts in english. •in group activities •Attending meetings with other english speakers CEFR levels: B1 – B2 – C1 Checklist + CEFR – na místě SWOT – after class aktivity! 14 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY needs analysis results - modules Přehled témat (muni.cz) MODULES : WRITING, LISTENING, READING, GRAMMAR needs analysis- priorities, how to work with it (for the first counselling) 15 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY needs analysis results – no modules Red Green on Spotify Výsledek obrázku pro needs Groups –any numbers TASK: In groups / pairs, talk about your needs and goals. What EXACTLY do you want to focus on? What do you want or need to achieve? What can you do on your own? What do you prefer to do with others? What materials or resources can you use? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY needs – goals - plans CHECK: HAVING SOCIAL CONVERSATIONS / VOCABULARY. What EXACTLY do you want to focus on? What do you want or need to achieve? What can you do on your own? What do you prefer to do with others? What materials or resources can you use? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY needs – goals - plans CHECK: HAVING SOCIAL CONVERSATIONS / VOCABULARY: What EXACTLY do you want to focus on? What do you want or need to achieve? WHEN? WHAT COULD BE THE FIRST STEP? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO CHECK YOUR PROGRESS? What can you do on your own? WHEN? What do you prefer to do with others? HOW TO ORGANIZE IT? What materials or resources can you use? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO USE THEM? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY needs – goals - plans ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY planning https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/KLk6W5SfTnHpKnXM06MTTPlII1sB45bGd6zJT0Dr7D9lGK-bantafjESxdYwP2Zev tlVMnWT6aZ9M-abbOKMhdBWp2dWcXsKCjd4ZgfXwKfnSl_AMFJT9dmheCpdplk0avsqYXjPZxurRHIC6Fa61IOx0YkDZ94WHbqz RyL9n1iRIaCBVO0iCZMlvaQYJte_hH-mlg Stress the layout, time estimate – CLEAR, SPECIFIC, TRANSPARENT, UNCLUTTERED -contact hours – 4,5 with modules plus home preparation – how much? -Odkazy na videopozvánky? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY step 1: modules Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Stress the layout, time estimate – CLEAR, SPECIFIC, TRANSPARENT, UNCLUTTERED -contact hours – 4,5 with modules plus home preparation – how much? -Odkazy na videopozvánky? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY step 2: your individual activities Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY step 3: finalizing the plan with your advisor ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY advising sessions 1st session – study plan 2nd session – monitoring 3rd session – final evaluation 23 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts planning evaluating monitoring ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY advising sessions Eva (FI) Marcela (FI) Martina (FF) Anna (PřF / PedF) Miryana (PedF) 24 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts planning evaluating monitoring ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY self-regulated learning + intro sessions + advising sessions + log MAI? 25 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts planning evaluating monitoring MAI 26 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY course structure intro sessions (+preparation) = ____ hours ___ advising sessions = 1 hour module A = 10 hours ______ B = 10 hours additional _____ = ? ____ writing = at least 1 hour ______ activities = ? 2 ECTS = ___ hours what are modules and showers? opakovači vysvětlí - L+M - modules and showers as learning together 27 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY course structure intro sessions (+preparation) = _4__ hours _3_ advising sessions = 1 hour module A = 10 hours _module_ B = 10 hours additional _showers = ? _log_ writing = at least 1 hour _individual_ activities = ? 2 ECTS = _50_ hours what are modules and showers? opakovači vysvětlí - L+M - modules and showers as learning together 28 Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY checklist I know what to do with the EA tools (SWOT, ALMS English Needs Analysis, CEFR grid) I know what to do with my language learning history. I know where to find information on places and people. I understand the structure of the course. I know what advising/counselling is. I know what a module/shower is. Red Green on Spotify what are modules and showers? opakovači vysvětlí - L+M - modules and showers as learning together ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY summary of EA principles •taking responsibility over one´s learning •teachers providing support •students analyse their needs •students plan their learning •students reflect on their learning •100% differentiation required and ensured •peer cooperation Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts 29 ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY schedule •How to reflect: log writing shower, 8th March - recommended •1st ind. advising sessions, 2/3- 10/3 - bring your agreement/study plan •various modules (see Google calendar) •2nd ind. advising sessions in April - monitoring •3rd ind. advising sessions in the exam period - evaluation Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts 30 Checklist – Q and R ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY Thank you for accepting our invitation to be autonomous with us... Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts 31 ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY bibliography •Holec, Henri: Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning. Oxford, 1981. •Little, David: Learner autonomy 1: definitions, issues and problems. Dublin, 1991. •Karlsson, Leena, Kjisik, Felicity & Nordlund, Joan: From Here To Autonomy. Helsinki, 1997. •Schraw, Gregory and Dennison, Ryne Sperling: Assessing metacognitive awareness. In: Contemporary Educational Psychology, 19, 460-475. Picture sources: unsplash.com Masaryk University Language Centre, Faculty of Arts 32