1© The Author(s) 2020 A. M. Waade et al. (eds.), Danish Television Drama, Palgrave European Film and Media Studies, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-40798-8_1 CHAPTER 1 Transnational Television Drama? Lessons Learned from Danish Drama Anne Marit Waade, Eva Novrup Redvall, and Pia Majbritt Jensen Introduction When the Danish crime series Forbrydelsen (The Killing, 2007–2012) hit the British market in the early 2010s, attracting a surprising amount of interest from British viewers and critics, it became a global game-changer that not only created opportunities for the new export of Danish television drama to international markets, but also paved the way for subtitled and foreign drama as a new trend on television channels and Subscription-­ Video-­on-Demand (SVOD) services (Redvall 2013; Bondebjerg and Redvall 2015; Eichner and Esser in this volume). The popularity of the A. M. Waade (*) • P. M. Jensen Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark e-mail: amwaade@cc.au.dk; piamj@cc.au.dk E. N. Redvall University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark e-mail: eva@hum.ku.dk Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 2 Danish television drama series in the United Kingdom created opportunities for their export to new markets around the world (Jensen 2016). Danish broadcasters and producers experienced an increasing foreign demand for new/fresh Danish content; and in the following years, series such as Borgen (2010–2013), Bron/Broen/The Bridge (2011–2018), and Arvingerne (The Legacy, 2014–2017) travelled worldwide. The international success of Danish television drama interested and engaged the critics, the broadcasters, the distributors, the viewers, and the fans. In the 2010s, Nordic Noir emerged as a popular brand that built on the global success of Scandinavian crime fiction (Hansen and Waade 2017). Danish and other Nordic television drama and crime fiction have mobilized transnational online fan communities and inspired Nordic Noir tourism. In parallel with this, the growth of new and streaming services has led to a significant demand for content, and made drama an excellent ‘driver for sale’ (Lotz 2014; Steemers 2016). As a result of these trends, the Nordic region has experienced a general boom in the production of television drama series. Not only has Danish television drama travelled globally, so has Danish drama knowhow. For instance, producers from other countries have travelled to Denmark to learn more about the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) ‘dogmas’ for making engaging television series (Redvall 2013; Hochscherf and Philipsen 2017). The Nordic Noir style travels as well, for example in international series such as Fortitude (2015–2018), Hinterland (2013–2016), Broadchurch (2013–2017), Shetland (2013–), and The Kettering Incident (2016–) (Creeber 2015; Hansen and Waade 2017). Danish creators of drama productions (including producers, actors, and screenwriters) are also in international demand, and international broadcasters and producers are increasingly reaching out to Danish production companies and broadcasters to co-produce, remake, and collaborate with them, an example being the Danish-produced Netflix original series The Rain (2018–) (Nielsen 2016). Naturally, it is important to relate the international interest in Danish television drama series to the general international popularity of anything Nordic, be it food, fashion, architecture, landscapes, climate, candles, crime series, gender culture, or even the welfare state (Syvertsen et al. 2014) and bestselling books on ‘hygge’, ‘lykke’, ‘lagom’, and ‘how to be Danish’ (e.g. Kingsley 2013; Abrahams 2016). A reciprocal process is involved: Nordic Noir series and Danish television drama series strengthen the international interest in anything Nordic, and the international   A. M. WAADE ET AL. Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 3 popularity of Nordic food, design, and culture makes it easier to sell Danish television drama series to international markets. The fact that Danish television drama series began to travel outside the Nordic region challenged fundamental understandings of—and theoretical approaches to—national and public service television drama production (Redvall 2013; Bondebjerg and Redvall 2015; Jensen et al. 2016; Jensen and McCutcheon 2020), as well as methodological approaches to the study of production and reception across countries and continents (Jensen and Jacobsen in this volume). This phenomenon called for a rethinking of the theoretical centre/periphery complexity within global television industries, in particular, cultural proximity and the role of small-­ nation screen production in a global media industry context (Straubhaar 2007; Jacobsen and Jensen 2016; McElroy et al. 2018). This chapter introduces a large-scale research project that studied how the international export of Danish television drama meets the challenges described above. In the following pages, we elaborate on this research project’s general findings and its theoretical and methodological contributions. We also introduce the other chapters of this edited volume, which analyse and explain specific aspects of the international success of Danish television drama, from the development of ‘screen ideas’ to the sale, distribution, and global reception of Danish series. Researching the Many Reasons Why Danish Television Series Suddenly Travelled ‘What Makes Danish TV Drama Series Travel?’ This question was the title of, and the research question that underlay, a large-scale research project funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark (2014–2019) and supported by the Aarhus University Research Fund (2014–2015). The study investigated why and how Danish television drama started travelling in the 2000s. The study comprised three principal sections: a production study (interviews with producers, screenwriters, and distributors, an ethnographic study of production processes and international television sales markets, and various studies with distinct focuses, such as screenwriting, international remakes, locations, international sales, and co-funding); a textual study (examining genres, mood, audiovisual style, place, and historical and cultural representation); and a reception study (examining media coverage, including interviews with distributors, broadcasters, and viewers in eight markets around the world: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, 1  TRANSNATIONAL TELEVISION DRAMA? LESSONS LEARNED…  Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 4 Germany, Japan, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States – as well as Denmark itself). Our ambition was to shed light on the specific transformations and value creations that took place at all stages of the production system of Danish television drama series, from idea to production, distribution, and reception processes (Fig. 1.1). Our study was divided into four distinct sub-questions, each shedding light on significant parts of this process, and including a particular set of interviews, data collection, and theoretical approaches: 1) How can we consider Danish TV drama series as an international brand? 2) What makes Danish TV drama series travel from a transnational production perspective? 3) How are Danish TV drama series interpreted and valued by audiences abroad, specifically in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Denmark itself? 4) How are small-nation drama series challenging the centre/periphery complex of the global media industry and culture? Economy Policy Culture Market Production Audience Production/text study • Location study • ‘One vision’ study • International remake study • Screen idea study (script) • Distribution studies • Regional TV drama series • International co-productions • The golden age of Danish TV drama series Transnational screen ecology & small nations’ TV drama • How does Danish TV drama challenge the centre/periphery complex? • Case studies: Forbrydelsen, Borgen, Bron/Broen, Arvingerne, 1864, Norskov • Spill-over study (nation branding, tourism, export of production culture) • Small nations’ TV drama: PSB policy, value chain, production value. Textual study: • Danish TV drama 1994-2018 TV drama series & paratexts Audience Study • Buyers • Media Coverage • Ordinary viewers Markets: Germany, Turkey, Brazil, US, UK, Australia, Japan, Argentina, Denmark Fig. 1.1  Research design for What Makes Danish TV Drama Series Travel? (DFF 2014–2019). The research project involved three research teams: the production study team, the text study team, and the audience study team   A. M. WAADE ET AL. Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 5 The Danish research team consisted of nine scholars from the fields of media and screen studies and international business studies. The study was carried out by three teams, each with the distinct methodological and empirical ambition (production study, text study, and reception study) of improving insights into travelling Danish drama as a cultural and industrial phenomenon, and bringing together different theoretical perspectives and sets of data. As part of our research, we followed Danish television drama series around the world. We talked to producers, screenwriters, distributors, broadcasters, viewers, fans, and critics. We studied the series, the narratives, their aesthetics, and their production values. We also studied the media coverage of these series in some countries in order to see which of the series’ discourses and themes were touched upon in reviews around the world. As part of this project, we worked closely with researchers and universities connected to each of the specific markets that we were studying and with internationally recognized scholars in the field of transnational screen studies. Transnational Screen Studies and Small-Nation Television Cultures The concept of ‘travelling television drama’ is related to theories of transnational television and transnational culture. The definition of ‘transnational’ was negotiated and developed throughout the 2000s and 2010s, and is linked to the rich field of academic theories on globalization and mediatization. Jean Chalaby analyses television formats and argues that a new order of local, national, regional, and global levels has emerged: ‘The TV format chain may be global, the adaption process and transfer of expertise may be transnational, but TV formats begin and end their lives as local shows’ (Chalaby 2016, 187). Andrea Esser (2014) explains that transnational television content, whether factual entertainment formats or television drama, is an object of ongoing negotiation across national borders. According to Elke Weissmann (2012), travelling television drama should be regarded as two sides of the same coin: national and international. Weissmann’s study of the relationship between British and American television drama illustrates how television drama that travels between the two countries and continents becomes essentially transnational, and ‘the industries operate, consume, produce and think transnationally’ (Weissmann 2012, 6). The recent development of streaming services reinforces this transnationalism in production, financing, and narratives: 1  TRANSNATIONAL TELEVISION DRAMA? LESSONS LEARNED…  Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 6 A review of the economic underpinning of almost any new European television series will demonstrate that the financing of television has become at once both local and international. Motivated by new funding practices, in the space of two or three decades, TV series have become a financially glocal phenomenon marked by local, national, regional and transnational players. The most recent decade (2008–2018) has also seen the introduction of new global streaming services into this mix (Hansen et al. 2018, 7). Mette Hjort (2010) argues that the concept of transnationalism itself has become trendy, and consequently that it has also become imprecise. She suggests that a distinction be drawn between unmarked and marked transnationality (Hjort 2010, 13), whereby marked transnationality foregrounds the transnational elements of a given film or television drama, whether this relates to production, distribution, reception, narrative, or cinematography (for further discussion, see Weissmann 2012; Agger 2016; Bondebjerg 2016; Hansen and Waade 2017, 221). The study of the international export of Danish television drama clearly reveals that transnationalization—marked and unmarked—involves not only production but also overarching themes and stories, aesthetics, audience reception, and distribution (Agger 2016; Agger, this volume). The instance of Danish television drama further demonstrates that local, non-­ Anglophone languages and places have become significant selling points in a global media market (see Hansen in this volume). Moreover, the fact that a small nation such as Denmark can produce content that is attractive to a broader global media market, and influence cultural trends, challenges the centre/periphery dichotomy that has dominated global media culture in modern times (for further elaboration, see Jensen and Jacobsen, this volume). Finally, the Danish case focuses on the role of public service broadcasters (PSBs) in small nations and on how recent international attention has resulted in significant changes in the production cultures in Nordic countries, including among the Nordic PSBs (see Sundet, this volume). Understanding Television Production in Terms of Different Screen Idea Systems In line with creativity researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s statement that creativity never develops in a vacuum (1999, 315), a fundamental understanding that guided this research project is that screen production is always shaped by the people involved and by the particular places and   A. M. WAADE ET AL. Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 7 media systems from which new ideas emerge, and where they are produced and distributed. We regard different production frameworks as various forms of screen idea systems (Redvall 2013, 2016), with new series being marked by the dynamics involved when people propose new ideas based on the traditions, trends, and tastes of the existing domain. These ideas must be accepted by the group of individuals who may be regarded as gatekeepers to the domain in question, gatekeepers who are constantly searching for a specific type of content (Fig. 1.2). DR has been the primary producer of Danish television drama for many years, so Danish television series are fundamentally based on a strong public service tradition that has influenced the kinds of stories and the storytelling strategies that emerged for particular time-slots and audiences. This project studied the way in which this tradition was challenged in the 2010s when, following the success of Danish series such as Forbrydelsen and Borgen, new national players started to produce television dramas, and, from 2012, when international players such as Netflix and HBO Nordic entered the domestic market. The 2010s witnessed a number of remarkable changes among the main producers of television drama and in terms Tastes Trends Traditions Mandate Management Money Talent Training Track record Selects Novelty Produces Novelty Stimulates Novelty Transmits Information Fig. 1.2  The Screen Idea System (Redvall 2013, 31) 1  TRANSNATIONAL TELEVISION DRAMA? LESSONS LEARNED…  Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 8 of the content produced, something that several chapters in this volume address from various perspectives—comparing television drama traditions with current trends and tastes. Text and context are linked, and it makes sense always to regard production as the interplay of the three main forces outlined in the screen idea system: the people creating new series based on their particular talents, training, and track record; the series that already exist in the domain, to which all new ideas will be compared and with which they will have to compete; and the gatekeepers with a certain mandate and specific managerial ideas about what to produce, but with an often too-limited amount of money at their disposal for financing expensive drama series. Many of the chapters in this book explore these dynamics, for instance indicating the way in which individual showrunners or commissioners have a huge impact in specific small-nation screen idea systems. The notion of ‘track record’ is always at work when commissioners and financers decide whether to risk new ideas, often leading to a centralization of power that makes it hard for new talent to emerge. Television production is always high risk and always marked by the media industry mantra that ‘nobody knows’, because there is no recipe for success. Drawing on the interplay outlined in the screen idea system, this book explores some of the systemic, creative, textual, and audience aspects that may be regarded as important to the recent success of series that originate in a small-nation production framework such as Denmark. The Values of Television Drama and the Transnational Value Ecosystem By taking the transnational circulation of Danish television drama series as its point of departure, this project explored the particular value creation that emerged at all stages of drama development, from idea to production, cross-sector collaboration, distribution, international reception, and fandom. In a Nordic context, discussing the values of publicly funded screen production has become more important than ever, because a media welfare state with nationally subsidized media such as Denmark needs to legitimize and embed the fact that it spends tax money on producing media entertainment and drama series (Lowe and Martin 2013; Syvertsen et al. 2014; Raats et al. 2016). We suggest a transnational value ecosystem model that describes this value creation, which takes place at all stages of   A. M. WAADE ET AL. Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 9 drama production and development. The underlying idea is that the transnationalization of Danish drama series increases their value for both domestic and international audiences. Our model is based on Turnbull and McCutcheon’s idea of a ‘total value model’ that frames a qualitative analysis of the cultural value generated by crime series (Turnbull and McCutcheon 2017, 6). The authors cluster the various financial values of television crime series into three main groups: first, values related to the production process; secondly, values related to the consumers (value to audience, including ratings and sales, critic and fan responses); and finally, values related to society in general (indirect benefits of the series that accrue to society as a whole). With regard to the production process, Turnbull and McCutcheon further distinguish values that may accrue for the creators and producers during screen idea development, other creative personnel during production, and sales intermediaries during distribution (Fig. 1.3). In contrast to the common vertical supply chain for media production and distribution (Doyle 2002; Turnbull and McCutcheon 2017), our model is circular, thus pinpointing the fact that each drama series is part of a larger cultural circulation of ideas and synergies. The circular value ecosystem model was inspired by Filmby Aarhus (2013) and Månsson and Eskilsson’s (2013) value-chain model for screen tourism, in which the dynamics between industries (in this case tourism and the screen industry) are emphasized. The fact that Danish screen production adds value to other sectors, trends, and industries, such as nation branding, the Nordic wave and tourism, and television channels and streaming services abroad, Fig. 1.3  The Transnational Value Ecosystem of Danish television drama 1  TRANSNATIONAL TELEVISION DRAMA? LESSONS LEARNED…  Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 10 is not captured by a traditional linear value-chain model. The cross-sector added value may also be understood as a spill-over effect by which value creation in one sector or industry creates value for other related sectors and industries (Fleming 2015). To emphasize these circular, dynamic processes and the spill-over effects of the transnational value creation of Danish drama series, we call the model a value ecosystem model. Location Studies and Nordic Noir A central contribution to research that is informed by the study of travelling Danish television drama series is the location study model (Fig. 1.4). Kim Toft Hansen and Anne Marit Waade (2017) take the significant use of locations in Nordic Noir series as their point of departure. Nordic Noir is characterized by the remarkable use of landscapes, climate, mood, and lighting (also see Jensen and Waade 2013; Creeber 2015; Agger and Waade 2018). The authors analyse local colour in their research on Nordic crime series, and apply it to their study of contemporary crime series and crime fiction from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Finland. The location study model encompasses both on-screen features and off-screen factors, relating the places that appear on screen to the production site. The general idea is that off-screen factors influence and inform the way on-screen features are displayed and received. Off-screen factors include aspects such as production facilities, studios, and local professionals (sites of production); local funding systems and screen industry strategies (policies of place); the actual places used, including their historical and physical character (geographical places); and finally the extent to which the places and film locations are known and promoted as tourist destinations (place as destination). The on-screen features encompass various categories of setting: from urban/rural places, architecture and design, and climate and weather conditions, to shore/island/inland settings, and mobility and infrastructure. Together, the off-screen and on-screen features influence the role played by the setting of a series (visual, dramaturgical, and referential). This model may be used in a textual–analytical approach to analysing series, but also as a way to design and analyse an empirical study of production that focuses on the settings. The overall idea is that there is a clear link between the increasing transnationalization of Danish television drama on the one hand and the significant use of Nordic settings, climates, and cultural conditions in a television series on the other (also see Hansen, this volume; Waade, this volume).   A. M. WAADE ET AL. Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 11 Transnational Reception from a Three-Leaf Clover-Model Perspective Our approach has been influenced by the so-called ‘three-leaf clover’ model of audience groupings that we believe to be instrumental in explaining how and why Danish television drama has travelled globally, or at least to the eight territories we have examined: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This model arose in response to one of our central concerns, namely the construction of a methodological lens that captured the multitude of Off-screen factors On-screen features Geographicalplace Ppliciesofplace Cultural preconditions Place as destination Sites of production Geographicalplace Ppliciesofplace Place as destination Sites of production Urban / rural Shore, inland, island Climate, weather, season Architecture, arts, design Scene- specific locations Mobility, infrastructure Urban / rural Shore, inland, island Climate, weather, season Architecture, arts, design Scene- specific locations Mobility, infrastructure Fig. 1.4  Location study model by Hansen and Waade (2017) 1  TRANSNATIONAL TELEVISION DRAMA? LESSONS LEARNED…  Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 12 players involved in viewing Danish television drama outside its immediate geo-­linguistic region of Scandinavia and the complexity of their interrelationships, while remaining as methodologically and theoretically explorative as possible when analysing emerging data. This methodological lens brought transnational audiences into focus in a novel way, revealing audiences not only as regular audiences or as statistics extracted from television ratings, but also as a ‘three-leaf clover’ of interacting players, each of which is an audience in a different capacity and each of which plays a key role in the transnational success of Danish television drama. The three-leaf clover comprises (1) television industry distributors and broadcasters who act as gatekeepers to international markets; (2) other professional actors in the media industry, such as journalists, bloggers, and television critics, who act as cultural intermediaries; and (3) regular audiences who act by watching series on television or diverse online streaming services. The metaphor of the three-leaf clover conveys a certain sense of a paradoxical sameness and difference. The three leaves refer to all three broad groups as ‘audiences’ that interact with, interpenetrate, and influence one another. But there are also boundaries within and between them that make each grouping distinct and separate. Secondly, each leaf is similar to the other two, which means that no specific grouping is methodologically privileged over another—they all exert influence in some ways, and the nature and extent of this influence and their interdependence must be empirically established within specific contexts. Thirdly, the metaphor of the clover leaf conveys a fragility of relationships and arrangements, which is a distinctive trait of sociopolitical and economic relations in an age of globalization (see Jensen and Jacobsen 2017; Jensen and Jacobsen in this volume). For the detailed account of the eight-country global study in all its variety, we refer to the edited volume published previously this year (Jensen and Jacobsen 2020). Audiences are often somewhat overlooked when the analytical focus is on production strategies or the content produced. However, apart from this project’s extensive reception studies, one important aspect has been the investigation of how certain ideas of audiences and concrete audience feedback during production may inform the production processes and help create stronger series. Consequently, there was a dialogue with media researchers such as Lene Heiselberg (DR Media Research) during the research project, leading among other things to an outline of how DR media researchers have been involved in testing drama content for many years, using traditional qualitative methods, such as focus groups, as well   A. M. WAADE ET AL. Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 13 as new biometric methods, such as measuring skin conductance to learn more about audience arousal and offering feedback to those developing the series (Redvall 2017). Recent years have seen an increased interest in trying to develop series based on research into the intended target group, as was the case with the Norwegian hit teenage drama SKAM (2015–2018), which was created based on extensive research into the lives and thoughts of 16-year-old Norwegian girls (Redvall 2018). There are exciting perspectives in bringing production and audience studies closer together. The close collaboration between the various research teams in this project led to a number of interesting conversations that crossed research traditions and approaches, and proved valuable in this regard. Critical Perspectives on the Success of Danish Series: Is Imitation the Sincerest Form of Flattery? Danish television producers and broadcasters specifically and Denmark’s cultural industries and global brand more generally have undoubtedly benefited tremendously from the unprecedented international popularity of Danish television drama. This is evident in many of the chapters in this anthology. Internationally, Danish drama has unquestionably punched above its weight, and in the process moved Denmark away from the periphery of the global television market and closer to the centre—at least for a while. As Creeber (2015), Jensen (2016), and Turnbull and McCutcheon (2017) have emphasized, the traditional (often Anglophone) centres have not been slow to pick up on Denmark’s and Scandinavia’s success, producing a large number of series heavily influenced by Danish series and the general Nordic Noir trend: Fortitude, Broadchurch, Hinterland, The Kettering Incident, and The Code, to name a few. There have also been American and British–French adaptations of series such as Forbrydelsen and Bron/Broen. As these productions originate from well-known and fairly significant broadcasters and production companies in large, predominantly Anglophone markets, they generate more revenue and capture larger, more mainstream, global audiences than the original series. This is because English-language series will be sold to larger broadcasters and larger channels, and be given a more attractive time slot, resulting in significantly higher audience ratings, thanks to the historical dominance of 1  TRANSNATIONAL TELEVISION DRAMA? LESSONS LEARNED…  Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 14 the American and British television markets in particular, and because English, the global lingua franca, is used as the production language. In this sense, these series operate in a global macro-market, in contrast to the global micro-market in which the Danish series operate. One example of these dynamics is found in the Australian market, where the original The Bridge was broadcast by the second public broadcaster, SBS, which has an average audience share of 4–5%, while the British–French adaptation (The Tunnel) was broadcast by the main public broadcaster, ABC, with an average share closer to 20%. Financially, this means that in the global market, Danish series trade for considerably less than American and British series. Moreover, Anglophone series are likely to be exported to more regions worldwide, which also generates larger revenues. Although imitation is said to be the sincerest form of flattery, we argue that in the case of Nordic Noir, imitation has been the means by which established global players exploit the trend, to a degree that may ultimately dilute the very brand and thereby saturate (at the very least) the global niche market for Danish and other Nordic broadcasters and producers. This means that despite global export and creative accolades, international prizes, and critical acclaim for Danish television drama— which must not be underestimated—the already dominant markets have also benefited considerably from its success. Indeed, financially speaking, they have probably benefited even more than the Danish market itself. The combination of increased digitization and convergence caused a rapid shift in the business models of the audiovisual industry over the course of this project. The television sector’s traditional revenue and financing models are under pressure, which has increased competition among legacy media and between legacy media and new players such as Netflix and HBO (Evens and Donders 2018). For television drama produced in small markets and by PSBs, three intertwining developments have increased the pressure on domestic production (see Raats and Jensen 2020). First, television viewing is moving from a linear paradigm to a non-­ linear one via Video-on-Demand and SVOD, provided by national broadcasters and distributors and international Over-the-Top (OTT) services alike. The quality offerings of the latter—including Netflix and HBO— mean that they can compete directly with series transmitted by PSBs such as DR. Naturally, broadcasters and producers could (at least theoretically) generate additional revenue by selling television drama on more platforms and in more windows, as well as to different territories, and this is   A. M. WAADE ET AL. Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 15 happening to a certain degree. However, the rise of new distribution platforms has also increased the pressure on traditional broadcasters, which no longer enjoy their previous exclusivity when it comes to television series. Secondly, not only do new OTT streaming services challenge traditional broadcasters, but they also invest in original content. The fact that Netflix operates worldwide provides advantages related to economies of scale, leading to investment in large-budget productions for the global market. However, given their global business model, Netflix and HBO are less likely to invest in other than token productions from smaller (language) markets such as Denmark, as subscription numbers in small markets are correspondingly far lower and therefore investments there are riskier than in larger (language) markets. Thirdly, the past decade has seen a series of significant public broadcasting cutbacks. In 2018, the European Broadcasting Union (2018) reported a drop of 2.8% in real terms of financing of European PSB, and DR is no exception, with their licence fee being turned into a media tax and their budgets cut substantially for the 2019–2022 period. The Structure of this Book and the Individual Chapters As mentioned previously, this book builds on research conducted as part of the ‘What Makes Danish TV Drama Series Travel?’ project, in combination with related research by scholars who were affiliated with it during the four years that it ran. The chapters illustrate how the study of Danish television series has been approached from a variety of analytical perspectives by Danish scholars and those from other countries who explore the nature of the series themselves, as well as the context surrounding their production, distribution, and reception. The first section of this book focuses on the dynamics between national and transnational perspectives with respect to understanding the recent success of Danish drama series. In the first chapter of this section, Chap. 2, Gunhild Agger approaches recent Danish series from a historical perspective, outlining main developments in drama production from 1995 until 2015. Based on theories about golden ages, the chapter argues that the main television drama developments in those 20 years are an example of the emergence of a fruitful golden age in a small nation’s public-service drama production, which inspired new developments in neighbouring 1  TRANSNATIONAL TELEVISION DRAMA? LESSONS LEARNED…  Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 16 countries, such as Norway. Agger makes the case that golden ages have always travelled from one country and cultural context to another, and emphasizes the value of exploring how golden ages emerge and develop not only from a national perspective, but also from a transnational perspective. In Chap. 3, Janet McCabe uses a case study of the political drama series Borgen to investigate how watching and debating television drama may be regarded as a special kind of public sphere in the age of globalization, and that PSBs in particular have an important part to play in this arena in terms of putting certain topics on the agenda. McCabe draws on Pierre Bourdieu’s cultural and sociological ideas to explore how a series such as Borgen has been legitimated and its value accepted and circulated through a widely distributed network of various agents and institutions. The chapter uses this case study to discuss what happens when the productions of national broadcasting cultures become part of transnational flows, and how to think about cultural encounters like this in the current media landscape. Based on her extensive studies of media production in Wales, Ruth McElroy, in Chap. 4, explores a transnational perspective to analyse what Wales learned from the successful export of Danish television drama. The focus of this chapter is on bilingual crime drama, investigating the cultural mobility of Nordic Noir from the perspective of contemporary Welsh-­ language and bilingual television drama production. Adapting insights from linguistics, postcolonial studies, and minority-language media studies, this chapter examines how Nordic Noir operates in contemporary transnational global television cultures, and how small-nation production cultures naturally compare strategies and seek inspiration for successful strategies in other small markets. The second section of this book focuses on small-nation drama production. In Chap. 5, Kim Toft Hansen looks at the ‘glocal’ perspectives of Danish television drama. Drawing on case studies and qualitative interviews, Hansen argues that theories of transnationalism do not fully explain current trends in contemporary television production/funding practices. Hansen suggests instead that the theoretical concept of glocalization contributes fruitful perspectives that explain the co-existence of local, national, regional, and global players in television drama production and the different strategies chosen, for instance in relation to co-production. In Chap. 6, Jakob Isak Nielsen focuses specifically on the Danish series themselves, offering a visual-style analysis of the use of the colour green in   A. M. WAADE ET AL. Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 17 the Swedish/Danish crime series The Bridge. Building on film scholar David Bordwell’s work, Nielsen argues that overt style has an important function in several Nordic series and, accordingly, is important for understanding their international appeal. This chapter explores how overt style has evolved and been transformed historically, with overt practices in Danish mini-series from the 2000s reappearing in long-form series, where they assume a less obtrusive but still stylized form. In Chap. 7, Eva Novrup Redvall analyses The Team (2014–) as an attempt to create a European crime series based on what were perceived as effective Danish production practices. This chapter explores the difficulties of trying to export a specific production culture and outlines some of the clashes and conflicts that arise when one nation’s notions of best practices encounter a transnational cast, crew, and setting. Although much may be learned by adopting what seem to be effective production practices from other broadcasting frameworks, this chapter illustrates that co-­ production inevitably entails new challenges, particularly in terms of communication and translation across languages and cultures, in screenplays and on set, and in many different and sometimes surprising aspects of production. In the last chapter in this section, Chap. 8, Vilde Schanke Sundet analyses how the recent emergence of strong SVOD players, such as Netflix, in the Scandinavian markets and their ambition of appealing to younger audiences have challenged traditional ways of producing and distributing national drama series. Using the first NRK–Netflix production, Lilyhammer (2012–2014), and the NRK teen drama SKAM (2015–2017) as examples, this chapter investigates how the intent to produce different kinds of Norwegian flagship productions has been influenced by new production set-ups, such as the collaboration between the PSB NRK and Netflix and new distribution practices, such as the cross-media, real-time broadcasting of SKAM. Sundet argues that this development has been facilitated by the impact of Danish series and the general interest in Nordic content, but that the Norwegian television production landscape has been marked by remarkably different success stories and strategies. The last section of this book focuses on a number of different perspectives on distribution, reception, and audience engagement, ranging from audience encounters with Danish series to audiences’ desire to visit the actual locations and the countries where they were shot. Drawing on the extensive audience studies of the project, in Chap. 9, Pia Majbritt Jensen and Ushma Chauhan Jacobsen first outline different ways in which to 1  TRANSNATIONAL TELEVISION DRAMA? LESSONS LEARNED…  Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 18 think about proximities theory, and focus on the notions of remoteness and closeness in an analysis of how emotional proximities connect individuals at the level of perceived universal affect that transcends cultural differences. They also discuss how cosmopolitan proximities connect individuals with distant others through perceptions of stylistic and ethical/ political sameness, and how grapevine proximities connect individuals in meshes of media industry and personal networks through viva voce, word of mouth. This chapter illustrates how these three forms of proximity have influenced the acquisition, viewing, and generally positive reception of Danish television drama in many different ways. In Chap. 10, Susanne Eichner and Andrea Esser focus on the distribution and consumption of Danish television drama series abroad, offering a comparative perspective on developments in the German and British markets. Their analysis illustrates how Danish series entered these two instrumental markets in very different ways, while considering the specific German and British market dynamics alongside broader technological changes and attendant market transformations. Their analysis reveals the many factors related to programme import, and the increasingly transnational character of television production, distribution, and consumption. In Chap. 11, Ib Bondebjerg uses the crime series The Bridge to offer a qualitative case study of a cultural encounter between a Danish series and its international audiences. This chapter analyses the demographic profile of the audiences of this series and the discourses surrounding it in selected newspapers and social media. The reception study reveals the presence of a fascination with Nordic Noir as a genre, but also demonstrates that the reception of the series was marked by social, political, and cultural themes and an exchange of different norms and lifestyles. Bondebjerg argues that small-nation content such as Danish television series may lead to cultural encounters that challenge established patterns of national understanding, and that in this regard The Bridge is a remarkable example. In the book’s final chapter, Chap. 12, Anne Marit Waade investigates Nordic Noir tourism as an example of fan culture and long-tail marketing, and as the result of strategic collaboration across industries with an interest in screen production and tourism. The chapter outlines how Nordic Noir tourism has developed since the early 2000s, and uses case studies of Wallander, The Killing, The Bridge, and Dicte to explore the framing and marketing of these series, as well as their distinct use of place. The analysis demonstrates that Nordic Noir tourism is a transnational phenomenon in the creative economy, which is often marked by deliberate market   A. M. WAADE ET AL. Danish Television Drama : Global Lessons from a Small Nation, edited by Anne Marit Waade, et al., Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kbdk/detail.action?docID=6280389. Created from kbdk on 2021-08-25 12:38:12. Copyright©2020.SpringerInternationalPublishingAG.Allrightsreserved. 19 strategies and screen tourism initiatives. This chapter concludes that the balance between factual and fictional places engages screen tourists, and documents how Nordic Noir tourism has developed into small enterprises that attract enthusiasts throughout the Nordic countries. This interest in Nordic Noir tourism and location has reached such a level that it represents a possible new source of funding for television drama productions, as well as new cross-sector collaborations and strategic partnerships, thereby underlining that the value created by television series may take many forms. As the outline of this book’s chapters shows, the findings of the joint research project contribute to a number of different fields and offer theoretical and methodological perspectives that have implications beyond the analysis of one particular small nation’s television culture. The global lesson learned from the story of Danish television drama is that drama series from a small, non-Anglophone country can travel worldwide and pave the way for subtitled and foreign drama, thus feeding into the general Nordic and Danish trend. Even though this trend may have peaked, and the golden age of Danish television drama may be declining (Agger, this volume), there are no signs yet that the international demand for Danish television drama content, production knowhow, and creative employees has decreased. And with the growing market for streaming services, the demand for content and co-productions that position and market channels, broadcasters, and platform providers will remain. By focusing on the theoretical framework (theories on transnational television drama and the screen idea system model) that informed this research, and the general findings and theoretical and methodological contributions to the academic field, the intent of this introduction is to draw attention to the general lines, trends, and challenges of this study— in particular, the transnational value ecosystem model, the location study model, and the transnational three-leaf-clover audience studies model. There are many other lessons in the following chapters that draw on the rich empirical material of this research project. Happy reading. References Abrahams, Charlotte. 2016. Hygge: A Celebration of Simple Pleasure, Living the Danish Way. London: Orion. Agger, Gunhild. 2016. The Development of Transnationality in Danish Noir: From Unit One to The Team. Northern Lights 14 (1): 83–101. 1  TRANSNATIONAL TELEVISION DRAMA? 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