Angličtina pro informační studia a knihovnictví
Week 5 - essay draft
This week, we are not meeting as a whole group, you are going to work independently.
Your task is to work on your reading + writing skills and you need to submit your essay draft by March 22.
The draft needs to fulfill the following criteria:
- it includes a short descrition of your source ( an article, a chapter, etc.) and its bibliographical details
- it includes a reference to your source (a paraphrase of an idea, a direct quote, etc.)
- it includes your voice - this could be your purpose statement (e.g. "In my essay, I would like to ..."), outline (e.g. "First, I am going to... "), opinion (e.g. I have to disagree with ...)
- in consists of at least 150 words
- it was spell-checked and edited
Submit your drafts here: