Cantonese II Lesson 4 – Transportation 1 Tone check •diu 鵰diu1 𨳒diu2 吊diu3 diu4 diu5 調diu6 •Hai 閪hai1 喺hai2 hai3 兮hai4 匸hai5 係hai6 •liu 撩liu1 料liu2 liu3 聊liu4 瞭liu5 廖liu6 •kai 溪kai1 啟kai2 契kai3 kai4 kai5 kai6 •cyun 川cyun1 喘cyun2 寸cyun3 全cyun4 cyun5 cyun6 •fan 婚fan1 粉fan2 瞓fan3 焚fan4 奮fan5 分fan6 •Haa 蝦haa1 吓haa2 嚇haak3 (or 8) 霞haa4 吓haa5 夏haa6 •Ziu 蕉ziu1 沼ziu2 照ziu3 ziu4 ziu5 趙ziu6 •Soeng 箱soeng1 想soeng2 相soeng3 償soeng4 上soeng5 尚soeng6 2 吓haa2 haa5 haa1 7th, 8th, 9th tone? 3 4 5 6 Conversation Practice – number •Tourist: 我想去中環,搭幾多號小巴呀? •(I want to go to Central, get on what number minibus aa?) •Ngo5 soeng2 heoi3 zung1 waan4, daap3 gei2 do1 hou6 siu2 baa1 aa3? • •Local: 搭八號啦! •(get on number 8 la!) •Daap3 baat3 hou6 laa1! • •Instruction: Randomly choose which city to go. Randomly choose number of minibus to respond. •Underline words are for exchangeable options • 7 Conversation Practice – Name the city and count how many stations to go 8 •Tourist: 我喺美孚(where you are)˒我想去旺角 (destination)◦ 我應該搭幾多個站? •(I am at Mei Foo, I want go Mong Kok. I should take how many stops?) •Ngo5 hai2 mei5 fu1. ngo5 soeng2 heoi3 wong6 gok3. Ngo5 jing1 goi1 daap3 gei2 do1 go3 zaam6? • •Local: 你應該搭五個站◦ •(you should take 5 “pieces” of stops) •Nei5 jing1 goi1 daap3 ng5 go3 zaam6. • •Instruction: you would go through the metro map and count how many stops. •Underline words are for exchangeable options • 9 Conversation Practice – which vehicle? •Your friend: 你搭乜嘢車嚟㗎? •(You took on what car come gaa?) •Nei3 daap3 mat1 je5 ce1 lei4 gaa3? • •You: 我搭___嚟呢度嘅◦ •(I took _____come here ge) •Ngo5 daap3 _____lei4 ni1 dou6 ge3. • •Underline words are for exchangeable options •㗎 gaa2 gaa3 gaa4 - final particle for making a strong assertion 10 Search “Mong Kok” on Google Map Conversation Practice - Taxi •Taxi: 你想去邊度? (you want go where?) •Nei5 soeng2 heoi3 bin1 dou6? •Passenger: 司機大哥, 唔該, 我想去 旺角◦ •(driver big brother, excuse me, I want go Mong Kok.) •Si1 gei1 daai6 go1, m4 goi1, ngo5 soeng2 heoi3 wong6 gok3. •Taxi: 你想去 旺角 邊度? (you want go Mong Kok where?) •Nei5 soeng2 heoi3 wong6 gok3 bin1 dou6? •Passenger: 信和呀◦唔該◦ (Sino Centre aa. Excuse me) •seon3 wo2 aa3. m4 hoi1 •Taxi: 好嘅! (good ge) •Hou2 ge3 11 Part 1 (just go to a city) Part 2 (exactly where?) 12 gei1 coeng4 faai3 sin3 Dik6 si6 nei4 sin3 Dung1 tit3 sin3 Dung1 tit3 sin3 Gun1 tong4 sin3 naam4 gong2 dou2 sin3 Zoeng1 gwan1 ou3 sin3 Cyun4 waan 1 sin3 Tyun3 maa5 sin3 Dung1 cung1 sin3 Hing1 tit3 海綠色 hoi2 luk6 sik1 green 粉紅色 fan2 hung4 sik1 pink 淺藍色 cin2 laam4 sik1 Light blue 深藍色 sam1 laam4 sik1 Dark blue 綠色 luk6 sik1 green 青綠色 ceng1 luk6 sik1 cyan, lime green 紫色 zi2 sik1 purple 紅色 hung4 sik1 red 啡色 fe1 sik1 brown 橙色 caang2 sik1 orange 泥黃色 nai4 wong4 sik1 Mud yellow Conversation Practice •Tourist: Excuse me. Do you speak English? •Local: 唔好意思◦我唔識講英文◦ (Excuse me. I don’t speak English.) •m4 hou2 ji3 si1/3. ngo5 m4 sik1 gong2 jing1 man4*2/4. •Tourist: 我想問點樣去中環? (I want to ask, how go to Central?) • ngo5 soeng2 man6 dim2 joeng2 heoi3 zung1 waan4? • •Local: 呢度係旺角◦你可以坐 紅色 (荃灣線) 往中環方向 坐五個站◦咁就去到中環啦◦ •(here is Mong Kok. You can take red (Tsuen Wan line) to Central direction, sit for 5 stations. so, you already arrive Central laa.) •ni1 dou6 hai6. nei5 ho2 ji5 co5 hung4 sik1 cyun4 waan1 cin3 wong5 zung1 waan4 fong1 hoeng3 co5 ng5 go3 zaam6. Gam3 zau6 heoi3 dou3 zung1 waan4 laa3. • •Tourist: 好◦ 唔該晒◦ (good. Thank you completely.) •Hou2. M4 goi1 saai3. • •Instruction: 1. choose where you want to go. 2. which stop you are. •3. choose which color of metro line 4. which direction of metro line 5. how many stops to go. • • 13 咁 gam3 – “so”, -”ly”.