Data from 1991-1995 are contained in 05-1-galton-x.csv (05-1-galton-x.csv), Although the book says the data is from HistData: Data Sets from the History of Statistics and Data Visualization, 2018 (, I have actually used this version of Galton’s Height Data ( galton<-read.csv("05-1-galton-x.csv",header=TRUE) # read csv file into dataframe ga lton attach(galton) #uncomment if/while necessary summary(galton) ## Family Father Mother Gender ## Length:898 Min. :62.00 Min. :58.00 Length:898 ## Class :character 1st Qu.:68.00 1st Qu.:63.00 Class :character ## Mode :character Median :69.00 Median :64.00 Mode :character ## Mean :69.23 Mean :64.08 ## 3rd Qu.:71.00 3rd Qu.:65.50 ## Max. :78.50 Max. :70.50 ## Height Kids ## Min. :56.00 Min. : 1.000 ## 1st Qu.:64.00 1st Qu.: 4.000 ## Median :66.50 Median : 6.000 ## Mean :66.76 Mean : 6.136 ## 3rd Qu.:69.70 3rd Qu.: 8.000 ## Max. :79.00 Max. :15.000 # summary statistics # need means for unique fathers and mothers - identify first mention of each family Unique.Fathers=numeric() Unique.Mothers=numeric() nunique=1 # number of unique families Unique.Fathers[1] = Father[1] Unique.Mothers[1] = Mother[1] for(i in 2:length(Family)) { if(Family[i] != Family[i-1]){ nunique=nunique+1 Unique.Fathers[nunique]=Father[i] Unique.Mothers[nunique]=Mother[i] } } length(Unique.Fathers) ## [1] 197 summary(Unique.Fathers) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 62.00 68.00 69.50 69.35 71.00 78.50 05-1-galton-heights-x.knit file:///home/mojmird/ownCloud%20-%20Mojm%C3%ADr... 1 z 6 10. 03. 23 10:39 sd(Unique.Fathers) ## [1] 2.622034 length(Unique.Mothers) ## [1] 197 summary(Unique.Mothers) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 58.00 62.70 64.00 63.98 65.50 70.50 sd(Unique.Mothers) ## [1] 2.355607 Son = Height[Gender=="M"] length(Son) ## [1] 465 summary(Son) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 60.00 67.50 69.20 69.23 71.00 79.00 sd(Son) ## [1] 2.631594 Daughter = Height[Gender=="F"] length(Daughter) ## [1] 433 summary(Daughter) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 56.00 62.50 64.00 64.11 65.50 70.50 sd(Daughter) 05-1-galton-heights-x.knit file:///home/mojmird/ownCloud%20-%20Mojm%C3%ADr... 2 z 6 10. 03. 23 10:39 ## [1] 2.37032 Figure 5.1 (page 124) Linear regression of sons’ on fathers’ heights # Heights of fathers of sons FatherS = Father[Gender=="M"] fit <- lm(Son ~ FatherS) # linear regression data in fit Predicted <- predict(fit) # Get the predicted values summary(fit) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = Son ~ FatherS) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -9.3774 -1.4968 0.0181 1.6375 9.3987 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 38.25891 3.38663 11.30 <2e-16 *** ## FatherS 0.44775 0.04894 9.15 <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 2.424 on 463 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.1531, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1513 ## F-statistic: 83.72 on 1 and 463 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 FatherS.j <- jitter(FatherS, factor=5) Son.j <- jitter(Son, factor=5) xlims=ylims=c(55,80) par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(4,4,2,0), pty="s") # square plot plot(FatherS.j, Son.j, xlim=xlims,ylim=ylims,cex=0.7, xlab="father's height (inches)",ylab="son's height (inches)" , col="gray68") lines(c(xlims[1],xlims[2]),c(xlims[1],xlims[2]),lty=2 ) lines(Predicted~FatherS,lwd=2) 05-1-galton-heights-x.knit file:///home/mojmird/ownCloud%20-%20Mojm%C3%ADr... 3 z 6 10. 03. 23 10:39 Now in ggplot library(ggplot2) # create new data frame with exact and jittered, and predcted values Males =,FatherS.j,Son,Son.j,Predicted) p <- ggplot(Males, aes(x=FatherS, y=Son)) # initial plot object p <- p + geom_point(x=FatherS.j,y=Son.j,shape= 1) # defines scatter type plot p <- p + labs(x="Father's height (inches)", y= "Son's height (inches)") # adds x an d y axis labels p <- p + theme(legend.position="none")#, = "horizontal") # removes the l egend p <- p + expand_limits(x = c(55,80),y = c(55,80)) # expand the axis limits p <- p + geom_line(aes(FatherS,Predicted),size=1.5) # add previously fitted linear regression line ## Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0. ## ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead. 05-1-galton-heights-x.knit file:///home/mojmird/ownCloud%20-%20Mojm%C3%ADr... 4 z 6 10. 03. 23 10:39 p <- p + geom_abline(slope=1, linetype="dashed") # line to represent equality betwe en son and father height # select single data points by CSV datarow numbers pointA=c(137) pointB=c(28) # plot residual line and end points for selectedpointA p <- p + geom_point(aes(x=FatherS.j[pointA], y = Predicted[pointA]), shape = 1) p <- p + geom_point(aes(x=FatherS.j[pointA], y = Son.j[pointA]), shape = 1) p <- p + geom_segment(linetype="dashed", size=1, colour="purple",aes(x=FatherS.j[po intA],y=Son.j[pointA],xend = FatherS.j[pointA], yend = Predicted[pointA])) #p <- p + p # plot residual line and end points for pointB p <- p + geom_point(aes(x=FatherS.j[pointB], y = Predicted[pointB]), shape = 1) p <- p + geom_point(aes(x=FatherS.j[pointB], y = Son.j[pointB]), shape = 1) p <- p + geom_segment(linetype="dashed", size=1, colour="purple",aes(x=FatherS.j[po intB],y=Son.j[pointB],xend = FatherS.j[pointB], yend = Predicted[pointB])) p #displays the result Figure 5.1 Scatter of heights of 465 fathers and sons from Galton’s data (many fathers are repeated since they have multiple sons). A jitter has been added to separate the points, and the diagonal dashed line represents exact equality between son and father’s heights. The solid line is the standard ‘best-fit’ line. Each point gives rise to a ‘residual’ (dashed line), which is the size of the error were we to use the line to predict a son’s height from his father’s. 05-1-galton-heights-x.knit file:///home/mojmird/ownCloud%20-%20Mojm%C3%ADr... 5 z 6 10. 03. 23 10:39 05-1-galton-heights-x.knit file:///home/mojmird/ownCloud%20-%20Mojm%C3%ADr... 6 z 6 10. 03. 23 10:39