10.3 Hsyiihb Versus yHHTbCH and samiMarbCH A. The verb y iycb \opouio. b. The verb H3yHaib is used when you want to say what subjects you are taking. Notice that the subjects taken are the object of the sentence and, therefore, in the accusative case. B yHMBCpCMTCTC H H3yMaK) pyCCKMH H3bIK, M a TCMilTHKy H HCTOpMIO. At the university I study the Russian language, mathematics, and history. C. The verb 3aHHinaTbca literally means to be occupied with, but is often used in the meaning to do homework, to study. This verb cannot take a direct object in the accusative case. Hto Tbi acviaciiJb? 51 3aHM\iaiocb. What are you doing? I am doing my homework. >1 3aHM.\iaiocb b OmO.ihotckc KaiK^biii Bc>icp. I study in the library every night. yiipajKHemifi 4. Fill in ymiTbca, 3 ami Ma ibch, or H3yMafb in the correct present-tense form. 1. rf(;HM m a tc m a tm Ky. 2. Moii opaT Hfl (|lMinriOrHM(lCKOV1 fflMKy IliTrTC 3. Mm aCTpOHOMMKX 4. BcHCpOM M 5. pyCCKHM h3l1k. 6. Mm Ha ncpBOM Kypcc. 7. Cania H Ajuia fjipMH1 TyIf KHM 8. Mom npy3b>i b MCHHUMHCKOM KOJlJieA^kc. 9. Bbl oOblMHO VTpOVI HIM RtV-iqiOM? 10. Vnc km 9 5. Write complete sentences in the present tense according to the model. Remember to put the object in the accusative case. Model: A ji ji a/m a t e m a t mk a Ajuia H3yiaeT MareMaiHKy. 1. CcprCH/(|)H3MKa M aCTpOHOMMM 2. HaTauia m JlcHa/oMonorHsi 3. Mu/pyeCKaa rpaMMaTMKa 4. Tbl/(l)paHUy3CKMM M3blK? 5. n/pyccKaa jiMTCpaiypa 6. MOfl CCCTpa/MCHMUMHa 7. AHxipcH/ncHxtLiorHJi 8. Bbl/^KOHOMMKa 9. MOM OpaT/KjiaCCHMCCKOC MCKyCCTBO 10. Mania m JlapMca/aHr.iMMCKMM >i3biK 9.8 Relative Pronoun ko i opbiii The relative pronoun ko ropbiii (who, which, that) is used as a connector between two parts of a sentence. KoTOpbiii is a regular adjective by form (cf. HOBbin, HOBaa, hoboGj HOBbie), and it agrees with the noun it modifies in gender and number The case of Koropbiii depends on its function in the sentence. In the following sentences, Koiopbiii is the subject of the relative clause (nominative). . Mom 6par, ko ropbiii >KHBer b Kojiopimo, jiiooht KaraTbca Ha jibiatax. My brother, who lives Jn Colorado, tikes to ski. Hawa jxii^'d. KOTOpaa*Hax(WMTcn HeflajieK.6 or Mockbu, 6LieHb crapaa. Our summer house,jpvhich is located near Moscow, is very old. MopJKM — 310 juojifCko ropbic jihi6ht luiaBaib b onepe hhmoh. Walruses are people who (that) like to swim in a lake in the winter. 3to fiajiajiauKa. koiopvH) mom cry^eHTKa KyiiHJia. 31ms is the balalaika that my student bought. In this sentence, Koiopbiii expresses location (b + prepositional). It refers to aom; hence, the masculine form. 3t() JtOM, B KOlOpOM ToJICTOM >KHJ1. This is the house, in which (where) Tolstoy lived. I yiipa*iiciinc 18. Supply the missing forms of KOTÓpbiií in the nominative case. Pay attention to the gender and number. Mom 6paT MapK, _ Obui e Poccmh jiétom, Kyiníji tum MHiepécHbifl cyBemip - pýccKyio fnuiajiáHKy. CHanájia oh ésflHJi b MOC KB ý, Ü HOTÓM b HÓBlOpOM. _ hí1x OBITÍCH He^tUlCKÓ OT CtiHKr-Ileiep6ýpi ti. B Hóbropové y Heió ecTb ^py^bsi,_ f)bIJlH b AMépHKe ipM lÓfla HÍ:L3áfl M HeiIJlÓXO rOBOpHT MO-aHIJlHHCKH. Ojibia,_y-iiíjiacb b yHMBepcHieie b KtUiw(])ópHMM, eeiiLiác pa6ÓTaer b My:ibiKiuibHOH LUKÓJie. Ee My>k Hropb,_pafxnaeT b MiiitLiMHe «Mejió^MH))T óLieHb x oporu ó mi páei Ha ňajiajiáiiKe. a ceíiuác MapK ýLiMicti mipáib Ha OajiajiáiiKe. Moú pOfliÍTejin,_óLieHb jiKifwr pýccKyK) Hapó^HyH) MýibiKy, ió>Ke mipaKvi Ha eió öajiajiaÖKe.