Human Rights, Civil Society, War Conflict and Journalism
At-home preparation before the class
1) In the class, we are going to talk to a journalist. We will again put a universal human right into context - this time it will be the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Have a look at this organization:
2) Our guest will be the journalist, editor-in-chief, and
co-founder of the online magazine VOXPOT, Vojtěch Boháč. Check out VOXPOT material
here (one is enough):
a) In Czech:
Or something on the war in Ukraine:
b) In English
The same topic Voxpot covered in the Czech report mentioned above, Russian troll factories, but from a different source:
c) With both Czech and English subtitles
3) Recommended:
a) When talking about media, it is important to talk about disinformation. You can take this quiz to assess your resilience:
b) In Czech: A chapter from Vojta’s book Všechny cest vedou k válce. Příběh Ruska a Ukrajiny očima českého reportéra 2011-2022.
I recommend chapters VII on the Crimean referendum in 2014, chapter VIII on Donetsk in 2014, or chapters XIV and XV on the full-scale invasion in Feb-Apr 2022. Vojta has traveled to these regions repeatedly.
Vojtěch Boháč - journalist, editor-in-chief, and co-founder of the online magazine VOXPOT
In-Class Presentations:
We agreed in class that one team will prepare a presentation for March 16. Should you also want to give a presentation on March 16, please get in touch with me via email.
All the other presentations will take place on April 20 and later, so you don't have to worry about them yet. But if you have already found a topic you want to present, bring it to the class next week and find partners for your group.
Update: Choose a human rights/civil society topic that will be interesting for your fellow students. It does not necessarily have to concern Eastern Europe.
The groups will be 3-4 people (this is a slight change due to the fact that we will not have the full number of presentations possible on March 16).
The presentations will be 10 minutes, followed by a Q&А session.
If you can't think of a topic, here you will find a few tips for NGOs, topics, sources, and concrete articles/podcasts: