204 CONSTRUCTION GRAMMAR AND ITS APPLICATION TO ENGLISH second type of essay that merits discussion involves the replication of a published experimental study. Experimental research m Construction Grammar is sail in its infancy, but there are quiteji few studies out there that do noc require the use of specialised software or expensive machinery. Studies such as Bencini and Goldberg (2000), Gurevich et al. (2010), or Dajjrowska (2010) can be repLrcated, that is, repeated with similar or identical stimuli but with different participants, using your own computers and props that you can make from office materials. Do not worry that simply repeacing/an existing study might not yield anything of worth: the replicarion/of studies is a very important part of science, and besides that, retracing the steps of experienced researchers makes you learn a lot A third type of essay uses corpus data to study variation in the use of a construction. Studies of this kind take a construction and explore bow it varies with regard to structure %and to meaning, across varieties, and perhaps across different groups of speakers, or across different periods of time. Doing this does not necessarily require that you /re already familiar with corpus-linguistic methods, but it certainly requires you to take the plunge and get the skills that enable you to./answer your research question. For starters, you might use online resources such as Mark Davies' suite of corpora (http://corpus.byu.edu/J, which allow you to collect data via a web page, without any need foripecialised software. Wiechmann and Fuhs (2006) point towards useful pieces of software for the analysis of conventional corpora. If you decide that you want to pursue corpus linguistics in more depth, Gries (2009) is a highly recommended resource. As it is needless to say, .these suggestions do not begin to cover the spectrum of studies that could be done. Follow your interests, ask for advice, and be ready to learn. To conclude, this book hopefully leaves you wanting to find out more about Construction Grammar. As was pointed out earlier, the theory is/under development, which means that many issues still need to be worked out. Also, connections between Construction Grammar and related fields of inquiry are currently being developed. It therefore remains to be seen what die future holds for Construction Grammar. At thysame time, if you would like to play a part in shaping that future, there is ample opportunity. 11 'Xl£f^-vl : &lVi /ksi References Aarts, Bas (2000), 'Corpus linguistics, Chomsky and fuzzy tree fragments', in Christian Mair and Marianne Hundt (eds), Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 5-1 J. Akhtar, Nameera (1999), 'Acquiring basic word orden Evidence for data-driven learning of syntactic structure', Journal of Child Language 26: 339-56, Ambridge, Ben and Adele E. 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Index a-adjectives, 139-41,152 acceptability judgments, 137 activation, 107-8,115-17,127, 145-7 affix ordering, 88-9 agent, 27 allomorphy, 75, 84,98, 155 Ambridge, B., 119,123-8,178 : apparent time, 196 argument structure, 23-51, 60,65, 69-70, 135-7,153,159,164-5, 169-70,173,177,187 flj-predicative construction, 149-50, 153 attributive adjective construction, 63, 68-70,95,139-41 attributive compounds, 95,98-100 Auer, P., 120,148 auxiliary plus infinitive construction, 21 BGI hypothesis, 125 Bcncini, G., 135-7,152-4, 203-4 beneficiary, 27 big mess construction, 5—6,151 / blending, 77-8,100 / BTSIC (British National Corpus), 3-5, 81,87,149 Boas, H., 49,69, 202 / Booij, G., 74-6, 80,83-7,93,96-7,100 Boyd,J., 19,138-41,152 / BresnanJ, 187-95,201 / Bybee,J„ 66-7,93,149/154 caused motion construction, 31, 35—7, 45-8, 61,65,72; 134-6,170-1 Chafe, W, 108 429 coercion, 17^18, 24, 39,55,65, 71, 76, 130-2 / Cognitive Construction Grams Cognitive Grammar, 202 collocational preferences, * 147,200 / colloquialisation, 198 ^ ■ . : j. : constructional analysis, 22 ■ . ■ I ■ comparative correlative construction, >. 7-9,50,53-4,57; 148 ! complement clause, 63,124-0,145,148, 153, 172-3,-177 complete inheritance, 66 complexity based ordering hypothesis, 90 / compounding, 79, 85-8, 93-100, 134 comprehension, 68, 132-7,142-4, JS2-A, 174 construct, 12 construct-i-con, 2,6-8,13-14,19-23, / 29,42, 50-75, 79-84,92-9, 125, 130-1, 151,157,161,164-5,180,191 construction (definition), 10,13 constructional change, 196 conversion, 132 corpus data, 3, 20-2, 32-4,81-3,90-1, 99,106,119,138,146-9,153,167, 172,178, 185,188-91,194-S, 200^1 Croft, W., 24, 68-9, 73, 202 cue validity, 148 cyclic rule application, 86 Dabrowska, E., 129,137,161,168-9, 178, 204 definite noun phrase construction, 12, 18 degree marker construction, 19 de-noxm-ote construction, 87 de-noun-ise construction, 87 > $1 lit 1* J 217