Anglický jazyk pro akademické a odborné účely II
Week 3: Critical Reading 2
This week, we discussed the following skills:
critical reading - identifying main ideas, considering tone
note taking - selecting facts, organizing ideas
summarizing - paraphrasing, highlighting meaning.
You also practised those skills by writing short texts in class.
If you want to submit a follow-up task, you need to:
- find an article related to your discipline
- provide the text´s bibliographical details in an appropriate form
- identify at least 3 important / interesting ideas in the text (highlighted in the text or noted down)
- provide at least 1 paraphrase of a sentence / statement ( include the original too)
- write a summary of the text / ideas
Your text needs to be at least 150 words long, clearly structured and edited.
The deadline is March 17.