Introduction to Film Theories
•To watch: A Song of Air (Merilee Bennett, 1987)
•To read:
Roger Odin, Reflections on the Family Home Movie as Document. In:
Karen Ishikuza –
Patricia R. Zimmermann, Mining the Home Movie.
University of California Press,
•Choose a sequence from the movie A
Song of Air.
Interpret it in 1/ the mode
of home movie 2/
in the mode
of documentary
Odin Family home movie
Compulsory reading
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Film Theories Spring2024 L5 realism semio pragmatics
Presentation I
Film Theories Spring2024 L6 semiopragmatics cognitivism
Presentation II
Warren Buckland The Cognitive Semiotics of Film Odin
Recommended reading