Cultural Transfers Why concepts of “cultural transfer”? How to conceptualise history in times of ….globalisation ….intercultural connection ….expansion of social media and networks ….migration, expatriation The Cultural Transfer Approach was based on a critique of traditional and established concepts concerning the field of “cultural relations”, “cultural exchanges”, “cultural mobility” and orthodox conceptions of “influence”. Stephen Greenblat: A mobility manifesto (2009) First, mobility must be taken in a highly literal sense. Boarding a plane, venturing on a ship, climbing onto the back of a wagon, crowding into a coach, mounting on horseback, or simply setting one foot in front of the other and walking: these are indispensable keys to understanding the fate of cultures. Second, mobility studies should shed light on hidden as well as conspicuous movements of peoples, objects, images, texts, and ideas. Third, mobility studies should identify and analyze the “contact zones” where cultural goods are exchanged. Different societies constitute these zones differently, and their varied structures call forth a range of responses from wonder and delight to avidity and fear. Stephen Greenblat: A mobility manifesto (2009) Fourth, mobility studies should account in new ways for the tension between individual agency and structural constraint. This tension cannot be resolved in any abstract theoretical way, for in given historical circumstances structures of power seek to mobilize some individuals and immobilize others. Fifth, mobility studies should analyze the sensation of rootedness. The paradox here is only apparent: it is impossible to understand mobility without also understanding the glacial weight of what appears bounded and static. Mobility often is perceived as a threat – a force by which traditions, rituals, expressions, beliefs are decentered, thinned out, decontextualized, lost. In response to this perceived threat, many groups and individuals have attempted to wall themselves off from the world or, alternatively, they have resorted to violence. Main concepts (or perspectives) translation always means shifting not only between two languages, but also between two cultures Peter Burke dekontextualisation - rekontextualisation domestication. Walter Moser extraction - displacement - insertion Culture is conceptualised as heterogeneous, hybrid, open to change and transformation. contact zone agents and agency networks Broadcasted annually on the national public service television channel NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting) on Christmas Eve at 11 a.m. Three nuts for Cinderella has since 1990 (with one exception) been televised on NRK at 11 a.m. each Christmas Eve In 2014, every 1 in 7 Norwegian sat down and watched this film at 11 a.m. on Christmas Eve – a number that reveals that it is not only children or teenagers who watches this film Blu-ray dubbing Knut Risan; popular „voice“ in broadcasted tales for children Nordic tenors Christmas concert Cultural history of theatre I.-VI. concept of series - in every period the same issues are explored: institution - social function - sexuality and gender - circulation and mobility - repertoire - technologies - knowledge transmission sample of 19th century -“first” globalisaton -rise of theatre brokers and agent -challenging nation state how to apply the perspective to Central European theatre culture….? Further reading Steen Bille Jørgensen, Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (eds). Cultural transfers reconsidered, 2021 - especially introduction! Stephen Greenblat. Cultural mobility: A Manifesto the book includes complete Greenblat’s manifesto and also a chapter on theatre ;)