Research in Cinema and Theatre History Doc. Pavel Skopal, doc. David Drozd Monday 2 p.m G03 19.2. Intro lecture (structure of the course etc.) /// Cultural History and collective biography (Burke / Bourdieu) Reading for the first lecture: Peter Burke, The Italian Renaissance Skopal / Drozd 26.2. Bourdieu Reading for this lecture: Bourdieu... Skopal / Drozd 4.3. Bourdieu in application to theatre Reading for this lecture: Petrikas: Bourdieusian Concepts and the Field of Theatre Criticism Drozd 11.3. Baxandall Concept of Brief (and application to theatre) Reading for this lecture: Baxandall (Benjamin’s Baker Fort Bridge) Drozd 18.3. Ethnographical Approach of Film Reading for this lecture: Caldwell (ch. 2) Skopal 25.3. Entography of Film + Introduction of Social Networks Analysis Reading for this lecture: Mehta “Hustling” in film school as socialization for early career work in media industries Skopal 1.4. Easter monday 8.4. Social Networks Analysis Reading for this lecture: Nick Crossley: Music, social structure and connection Skopal 15.4. Reading week 22.4. Social Networks Analysis + Introduction to Cultural Transfers Theory Homework for this lecture: application of Gephi visualisation software Skopal 29.4. Cultural Transfers (film + theatre) Reading for this lecture: Chapter 5 Circulation (from Cultural History of Theatre V.) Skopal / Drozd 6.5. Theatre Studies from Positivism to Performance Analysis and Contextual Historiography Fischer-Lichte: Historiography (p.71-99) in Routledge introduction to Theatre and performance studies + Balme: Introduction: theatre and theatre studies (p.1-17) in Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Studies Drozd 13.5. Concept of intercultural theatre (Pavis, Fischer-Lichte) Reading for this lecture: Pavis: TOWARD A THEORY OF CULTURE AND MISE EN SCÈNE Drozd (first chapter in Pavis: Theatre at the crossroad of culture) 20.5. Problems of reconstruction of historical theatre event Reading for this lecture: Postlewait: Theatre Events and Their Politicat context (In Critical Theory and Performance, p.198-222 Drozd Assessment: Brief tests checking the knowledge of seminar reading and understanding of the lecture – 30 points; final written test – 40 points; an outline of a research project – 30 points. To pass the exam, the student has to reach the score of 60% in each of the three categories (i.e., the minimum of 18, 24, and 18 points in the respective tests). Reaching the minimum of 18 points in tests written during the semester at the lectures is a prerequisite for writing both the final exam and the research project. Research project – application of a concept: 4-5 pages (7.200-9.000 signs) Project should follow the structure: Abstract (brief, clear presentation of the project´s theses – 900 characters) Subject matter of the project, contemporary state of the research (what is the topic of your research, what has already been researched on it, with what results – 2500- 3600 characters) Goals of the project, its essence and value (what do you want to find out or confirm, and why it might be important for other researchers 2500- 3600 characters) Methodological framework (what methodology and theorethical approach you will apply for the research – 1800 characters)