Euphorigen Investigation Localization Worksheet Section 1: Misinformation How much of a problem is misinformation in your country? Why? What topics are targets of misinformation? )? Be specific (provide sources and if possible). Please list examples of misinformation in your country. These can be examples from politics, health, or everyday life (e.g. popular culture). Be specific (with URLs if possible). Which groups are most vulnerable to believing misinformation? e.g. youth/elderly, urban/rural, education level, specific communities, etc. Why? (Be specific & briefly explain and justify your choice). Section 2: Game Narrative The narrative of the US version of Euphorigen was a result of numerous decisions to make the game relevant and effective for a US audience. During the workshop you suggested your own adaptations for the Euphorigen game. Try to explain briefly in your own words the newly proposed game plot. Alternatively – if you want, you can also propose a completely new game narrative instead of the one created in the workshop. Below, please share your ideas about each of the following elements of the narrative. You can suggest that the US elements would work in Czechia, or would benefit by being modified. Supplement US game Localized game Brain-boosting supplement. We wanted something fantastical to avoid parallels with real-life. What does the supplement do? Why is this appropriate in your context? We recommend something that is fictional. Supplement delivery method US Game Localized game Public water system. We wanted something plausible. For some players, this reminds them of fluoride. The government has added fluoride to the US public water system for decades, a move that stirred some controversy. How does the supplement get delivered to the public? Could be a public resource (land, water, air), a product delivered at schools, or some other way. Main Protagonist - Government US Game Localized game The government -- Makes the decision whether to add Euphorigen to the public water supply. The US has low levels of trust in government, so making the government the main entity creates a sense of mistrust and suspicion even before players gather evidence Which entities are distrusted in your context? You can change this to be a company (local or foreign), or some other type of organization. Secondary Protagonist - Company US game Localized game Maker of Euphorigen -- People are also somewhat distrustful of companies, especially when they make claims based on their own internal data. What type of organization should be the maker of the element? E.g. A company? A government lab? Nongovernmental organization? Trustworthy individual - Scientist US Game Localized Game Prominent scientist -- People will generally have a greater trust in a scientist who does not have any relationship to the government or company. In the game people generally do not question the trustworthiness of the first (deepfake) video. This helps create the surprising plot twist moment. Who, or what type of organization, will generally be highly trusted in your context? Other US game Localized game Is there anything else you would suggest modifying about the narrative? Briefly explain reasons why this narrative could work in the Czech environment: Informed consent Consent to use the answers for research and localization of the game in the Czech environment I agree / don’t agree to using the answers for research and localization of the game in the Czech environment. The anonymized answers will be handled by the workshop facilitator team (Chris Coward, Ladislava Zbiejczuk Suchá, Robert Cibin, David Janda, Veronika Húšťová). Any use of the answers for research and localization will always be anonymous.