ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint Korean 4 class Hyosun Jang / Sarah Jang ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint Week 5 lecture ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint 1. The case particle 의 [ui] The case particle ‘의[ui]’ indicates the possessor and possession relationship between two nouns, as in 제임스의 방[jeimseuui bang] “James’ room.” The first noun is typically the possessor (since it is attached by the particle), and the second noun is the possession. The case particle 의[ui] is the same regardless of whether it attac hes to a noun that ends in a vowel or a consonant, as in 수잔의 가방[sujanui gabang] “Susan’s bag.” and 토니의 지갑[toniui jigap] “Tony’s wallet.” The first person possessive pronoun 내[nae] (plain form) and 제[je] (humble form) are combinations of the first person pronouns and the particle: 나[na] “I (plain)” + 의[ui] = 내[nae] “my (plain)” 그 것은 나의 (내) 운동화야. [geu geoseun naui (nae) undonghwaya.] “As for that, (it) is my sneaker.” 저[jeo] “I (humble)” + 의[ui] = 제[je] “my (humble)” 토마스는 저의 (제) 친구입니다. [tomaseuneun jeoui (je) chinguipnida.] “As for Thomas, (he) is my friend.” ◼ Case particles 2- 의, [ui] ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Case particles 2- 의, [ui] In a similar manner, the question word 누구의[nuguui] “whose” is the combination of the question word 누구[nugu] “who” and the particle 의[ui], as in 이 것은 누구의[nuguui] 편지예요? “As for this, whose letter is (this)?” As seen above, the function of the particle 의[ui] resembles that of the English suffix -’s. But, there is one clear difference in their usages. English allows to end with this the possessor + ’s constru ction, as in “It’s Steven’s.” or “It’s Andy’s” However, Korean does not allow the possessor noun ending with the particle. Consequently, a sentence like 그 컴퓨터는 스티브의예요. [geu keompyuteoneun seutibeuuiyeyo.] “As for that computer, (it) is Steven’s.” is unacceptable. For this purpose, a bound noun 것[geot] “thing” typically appears after the particle, as 그 컴퓨터는 스티브의 것이에요. [geu keompyuteoneun seutibeuui geosieyo.] “As for that computer, (it) is Steven’s (thing).” In colloquial and informal usages, the particle 의[ui] can be often omitted. For instance, 수잔 가방[sujan ga bang] can be used instead of 수잔의 가방[sujanui gabang] “Susan’s bag” and 스티브 것[seutibeu geot] (or 스티브 거[seutibeu geo] for a more colloquial usage) can be used instead of 스티브의 것[seutibeuui geot] “Steven’s (thing).” ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Case particles 2- 의, [ui] In summary, there are three ways to express a possessor–possession relationship in Korean: 1) noun 의[ui] noun, as in 엠마의 지갑 [emmaui jigap] “Emma’s wallet.” 2) noun noun, as in 엠마 지갑 [emma jigap] “Emma wallet.” 3) noun 것[geot] (or 거[geo]), as in 엠마 것[emma geot] (or 엠마 거 [emma geo]) “Emma thing.” ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Irregularr verbs Korean predicates (verbs and adjectives) are either regular or irregular. The regularity of a predicate depends on whether the stem of the predicate is subject to variation. The predicates whose stem do not change, regardless of the sound of the following s uffix, are called regular predicates. On the other hand, those predicates whose stems are subje ct to variation depending on the sound of the following suffix are called irregular predicates. ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Irregularr verbs ᄃ- irregular Some verbs whose stem end with ᄃ are irregular. For instance, verb 묻다. ᄃ of the stem 묻 changes to ᄅ when followed by a suffix that begins with a vowel. ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Irregularr verbs ᄇ-irregular predicates are subject to the following variation: ᄇ changes to either 우 or 오, when ensuing suffix begins with a vowel. For instance, 춥다 “cold” is conjugated: 춥 + 어요 = 추우 + 어요 = 추워요 ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Irregularr verbs ᄇ-irregular predicates are subject to the following variation: ᄇ changes to either 우 or 오, when ensuing suffix begins with a vowel. For instance, 춥다 “cold” is conjugated: 춥 + 어요 = 추우 + 어요 = 추워요 ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Irregularr verbs ㅅ-irregular Some verbs that end with ᄉ are subject to the following irregular conjugation: ᄉ of the stem gets deleted when followed by a suffix that begins with a vowel. ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Irregularr verbs ㅎ-irregular Some predicates that end with ᄒ are subject to the following irregular conjugation: ᄒ of stem drops out w hen followed by a suffix that begins with a vowel. A number of color-related adjectives as well as demonstr atives fall into this group of irregular predicates ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Irregularr verbs ㄹ-irregular Most Korean predicates that end with 르 conjugate irregularly: 르 of the stem drops out and a consonant ᄅ is added, when followed by a suffix that begins either 어 or 아. For instance, consider the verb 가르다 “divide”. Notice that 르 of the stem is deleted but a consonant ᄅ is inserted, when followed by polite spee ch level ending -아요 ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Irregularr verbs ㄹ-irregular All Korean predicates that end in ᄅ are subject to the following irregular conjugation: ᄅ drops out when the following suffix begins with one of ᄂ, ᄇ, ᄉ ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint ◼ Irregularr verbs 으-irregular All Korean predicates that ends with the vowel 으 are subject to the following irregular conjugation: the vowel 으 of the stem drops out when the following suffix begins with a vowel. Vocabulary ⓒSaebyeol Yu. Saebyeol’s PowerPoint Q&A