Online anglický jazyk pro akademické účely II

Course Assessment

The final course assessment is based on the following:

A) Semester tasks - you need to submit all of them to be able to complete the course, with the need to get at least one point from each (missing some of the tasks results in "X" from the course), each task has a DEADLINE:

  • discussion fora (6 points in total):  deadline for all three fora May 12
  • presentation bibliography (5 points) - deadline March 31
  • presentation topic choice  (4 points) - deadline March 3
  • ROPOTs (10 points) - deadline May 20
  • abstract for the final presentation (5 points) - deadline April 30

Submitting any task late will result in point deduction.

B) Final exam tasks - all of them are compulsory, the essay is to be submitted 2 days before your presentation and discussion session (you are going to register for these in IS at the beginning of the exam period). Zero points policy applies  (for each of the tasks you need to gain at least 1 point).

  • written response to a presentation (10 points)

  • presentation (30 points)

  • discussion about presentations (10 points)

  • essay (20 points)

For more details, see the Final Tasks section.

Grading scale

A 100-  93 points

B 92.5  - 85 points

C 84.5 -  77 points

D 76.5- 69 points

E  68.5 - 61 points

F 60.5 points and below