Online anglický jazyk pro akademické účely II
Dear students,
welcome to the Academic English language course for combined studens (CJVA2p).
The course does not include any regular teaching units, however, there is online support for you and you can attend online consultations (see Online consultations).
This interactive syllabus shall navigate you in the course.
Here is a basic overview of the COURSE REQUIREMENTS, to be able to complete the
course and gain your 4 credit points, you need to:
- submit all the SEMESTER tasks during semester (ROPOTs, discussion fora, bibliography,
presentation topic, abstract)
- complete final EXAM tasks in exam period (presentation, written response to a presentation, discussion
and essay)
More information on all of these tasks can be found in the interactive syllabus
As the EXAM tasks are designed for the B2 level (according to CEFR), we
recommend that you start the course by conducting SELF-ASSESSMENT and making
sure that your entrance level is AT LEAST B1-B1+.
You can use this self-assessment grid:
For a more detailed entrance test, go here:
The self-assessment activities are NOT compulsory, however, they might help you
to realize what language skills you need to work on to be able to complete this
course (to complete the required tasks).