1 Introduction The notion of “Myth” Ancient myths in contemporary European Literature First Lesson Lecturer: Petros Marazopoulos 2 Myth in Contemporary Literature Course’s Semester Schedule • First Lesson- Introduction, Semester schedule, Definition of Myth, Reception Theory • Second Lesson- Intertextuality, Myth as archetype; Literary and filmic texts as examples • Third Lesson-Antigone in contemporary theatre and literature. Bertolt Brecht’s Antigone (1947) • Fourth Lesson- Transformations of Oedipus in literature, theatre, cinema, poetry, psychology • Fifth Lesson- First meeting regarding semester essays; topics, concrete structure, bibliography, citations • Sixth Lesson- The myth of Orpheus in Literature, Cinema and Art 3 Myth in Contemporary Literature Course’s Semester Schedule • Seventh Lesson- Medea in contemporary film and literature • Eighth Lesson-The myth of Penelope and its transformations in the contemporary era • Ninth Lesson- Cavafy, Alexandria and myth. The poetic construction of a mythical city • Tenth Lesson- Thesis presentations/ Examination • Eleventh Lesson- Thesis presentations II/ Examination Important Deadlines: 15 March (email mentioning essay’s topic/ research title and structure of thesis) & 8 May (email with the final version of the essay) Research thesis required pages: 3.000- 5.000 words 4 Myth in contemporary literature- Course’s subjects • Defining “myth” • Myth, philosophy, arts and literature • Myth transformations; Comparison of two or more different texts, Emphasis on the historical/ political context, differences in gernes, forms, characters, plot, meaning • Cultural transformations of the myths • The notion of intertextuality; deliberant and latent relationships between literary texts • Reception Theory; analyzing processes in which literary texts are received • Greek ancient myths as archetypes for contemporary literary and filmic texts 5 Defining Myth • Stories regarding death and future already from the Neanderthals • Myth, the experience of death and the notion of uncertainty • Myth and the unknown • Mythology and ceremony: ceremonies as part of the story • Myth and educational purposes # myths are not “simple stories” • The ethical aspects of mythology • Getting closer to the Gods; understanding a reality out of the world 6 Defining Myth • Myth and problematic human situations; anger, passion, hard feelings • The belief that Gods, humans, nature and animals are closely connected • Myth and the life after death; overcoming human nature • In the contemporary era, myth is used to describe something that is not true • Is myth an inferior way of thinking? • Myths, diachronic values, human nature and human fears • Myths were constructed by different societies, but managed to express universal thoughts, agonies, fears, values 7 Short History of Myth • The Hunters’ mythology (20.000- 8.000 BC); in the Paleolithic era every action is connected with the God’s experience • Observing the sky; enthusiasm, fear, pleasure (Sky and Gods in stories of the people from Mesopotamia, India and Ancient Greece) • Myths as ways to overcome human nature and to reach communication with the Gods • Through myths, the notion of hero is born; leaves home, faces monsters, defies death, gains new experiences • The myths of paleolithic era and the Ancient Greek myths (Hercules) • The Farmers’ mythology (8.000- 4.000 BC); Neolithic era and the agricultural sacred myths • Ceremonial events and the reception of Earth as God 8 Short History of Myth • The First Civilizations (4.000- 800 BC); Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Crete • Life in the cities, art, education, invention of writing • Understanding civilization as a constant struggle against barbarism • Human in the epicenter, gods (sometimes) in second role • 200 BC- 1500 AC; • The central question; Myth and the relationship with religion • Myth, mystery, religion 9 Short History of Myth • The Western Transformation (1500-2000 AC) • Understanding Myth as anachronistic and false stories • Logic and thought – discourses based on logic • Western achievements, and scientific spirit Vs Myth • Modernity and new, contemporary types of heroes • Construction of contemporary myths 10 A –philosophical- definition of Myth By myth we usually mean an imaginary representation, a direct expression of the object, a projection in the objective world, in nature and society, in human life and history, of subjective forms that are considered objective. 11 Literary texts and myth • Myth as a cultural text with ethical and social dimensions • Literary texts, transformations of myths and new meanings • Many, different approaches on the relationship between literature and myth (myth as folklore, myth as social event etc.) • Comparative literature and mythology • The literary myth is the elaboration of a traditional or archetypal datum by different genres, releasing multiple meanings 12 Hans Robert Jauss and the “Reception Theory” • Jauss’s theory views literature from the perspective of the reader • Jauss treats literature “as a dialectical process of production and reception” • Connecting art of the past and the interests of the contemporary period • Literature as a dialectical process of production and consumption 13 Hans Robert Jauss and the “Reception Theory” • Aesthetic dimension; Already from the first reading, the reader shall identify the text’s aesthetic value, by comparing it with his other readings • Historic dimension; The interpretation of the first reader can be enriched from generation to generation • Tradition shall be reviewed continuously under specific historical conditions • The mediating character of literature between past and present 14 The “horizon of expectations” • How does a reader respond to an individual literary work? • How do readers' prior knowledge, readings and cultural context shape their understanding of literary texts? • Jauss believes that the reading audience approach texts with a set of expectations • This set of expectations is based on their previous literary experiences, cultural background, and historical moment • Horizon of expectations and literary genre • Relationship between different literary gernes 15 Text, reader and the process of reading • During the reading process, the reader evaluates the facts, in relation to his expectations and in comparison with his background • The meaning is never exactly the same • The reader's horizon of expectations serves as a lens through which they make sense of a literary text • The changes in historical contexts affect the “horizons of expectations” that readers bring to their encounters with literary works • Alterations in ideological, cultural and social norms can significantly change the way in which readers perceive texts from different historical periods 16 Text, reader and the process of reading • “Horizon of expectations” is also closely linked to the notion of intertextuality • Intertextuality refers to the way in which texts are shaped by -and respond to- other texts within a literary tradition • Gernes and horizon of expectation • Critique on the concept of “horizon of expectation” 17 Petros Marazopoulos petrosmarazopoulos@gmail.com February 2025