1 Myth, literature, cinema, arts Intertextuality Interdisciplinarity Ancient myths in contemporary European Literature Second Lesson Lecturer: Petros Marazopoulos 2 Defining Intertextuality • Intertextuality, Julia Kristeva, the ideas of Mikhail Bakhtin and Saussure’s theory regarding the systematic features of language • Julia Kristeva and the theory of Intertextuality in the 1960s • The concept of intertextuality that Kristeva initiated proposes the text as a dynamic site in which relational processes and practices are the focus of analysis instead of static structures (Martinez- Alfaro) • The presence of other texts in texts, and other words in words • Theory of intertextuality and the rejection of textual autonomy 3 Defining Intertextuality • Intertextuality suggests that texts cannot exist as self-sufficient wholes • Links to Bakhtin’s idea, according to which “each word is an intersection of other words” • The belief that texts do not function as “closed systems” • That means that texts can not be studied as closed systems • Literary texts as traces of otherness • That is because, texts are shaped by repetition and transformation of other textual structures 4 Defining Intertextuality • Responses to intertextuality: large number of literary critics responded to Kristeva’s theory • Intertextuality and the differentiation regarding literary texts’ meanings • The theory resulted to a shift of emphasis from the individual text to the way in which texts relate to one another • Understanding the texts as a system (or an infinity) of other structures 5 The origins of Intertextuality • Intertextuality and the classic world: the ideas of Plato, Aristotle and Longinus • The Socratic dialogues and the intertextual relations that are highlighted in Plato’s theoretical approaches • The question of imitation and arts: the notion of “mimesis” • For Plato the poet always copies a previous/ earlier creation (that is, itself already a copy) • For Aristotle, dramatic creation is a reduction of a mass of texts which are already known to the poet and to the audience as well 6 The origins of Intertextuality • Cicero and the idea of imitation • The Middle ages: belief in the ability to expand the meanings of the texts • Renaissance literature and the “textual past” • 18th century onwards: the authors’ struggle to originality and the author’s genious • The notion of influence (influence # intertextuality) 7 Mikhail Bakhtin and Julia Kristeva • Bakhtin’s belief that the Self is dialogic • According to Bakhtin, the Self lives in relation to the Other • The Self as a multiple phenomenon, having three aspects (the center, the non- center and the relations between those) • The central notion of “dialogue” (a person is in dialogue with himself, with other human beings, as well as with the world) • Bakhtinian theory of language 8 Defining Intertextuality Intertextuality refers to a mosaic of quotations; any text is the absorption and transformation of another. The notion of intertextuality replaces that of intersubjectivity, and poetic language is read as at least double” 9 Intertextuality- Julia Kristeva in “Word, Dialogue and Novel” The literary discourse is an intersection of textual surfaces rather than a point (a fixed meaning), as a dialogue among several writings 10 The concept of “Interdisciplinarity” • In literary theory, by using the term interdisciplinarity we are referring to the relationship between literature and other arts (cinema, music, painting etc) • Comparative Literature and Comparative Art Studies • Comparing two –or more– products of Art • What can we compare? • How do we compare? 11 Why do we compare literature with other arts? • Arts become a subject for literary texts • Literature can describe/ mention/ comment on Art • Literary heroes may be artists (Tomas Man’s Dr. Faustus) • Literature may contain thoughts on other arts (cinema/ music etc) • Same motifs/ themes in different aspects of art • Different forms of art may have parallel narration techniques (modernist novel and cinematic narration) • Literary history and comparative approach • Literary gernes and comparative studies 12 A history of comparison • Is comparison a contemporary research approach? • Antiquity, the nine muses and the relation between arts • Roman classification and analogies between arts • Renaissance and the belief to the unity and relevance of arts • Common influence on the audience • The belief that all arts have mimesis or reality as a common base 13 Differences between arts • Expression • Form • Ways of Narration • Gernes • Romanticism and the idea of exceeding the limits between arts (eg. Novalis/ Hoffman and the interruption of narration by songs, fairy tales, poems etc) • The term “Gesamtkunstwerk” by Richard Wagner; opera as a mutual result between literature, theatre, music, direction, acting etc) 14 Comparison in the contemporary era • From literature to cinema • Which are the main differences between literary and filmic texts? • For the early comparative studies, literature was considered to be a superior form of art in comparison with cinema (the most important criterion for comparison, was, at this point, accuracy) • Contemporary terms: transformation, transposition or adaptation 15 Differences between literary and filmic texts • Novel and time linearity • Cinema, coherence and density • Time and the power of image • The parameter of music, sound etc • Literature, dialogue and language • Cinema, body language and gestures • How can literature and cinema capture emotion? 16 Combing different means of art • Opera (combining theatre, discourse, music) • Comics (combining image and narration) • Distinguish between interface (the presence of a song in a theatrical play) and co-existence of two arts (as in opera) • The usage of different theoretical tools for the analysis of different means of expression 17 Ancient myths in the contemporary era • Myth as thematic in literature • Myth as thematic in cinema • Myths, narration and motifs • Transformations of myths in different arts • Contemporary societies and ancient stories: how is myth used in narration? 18 Petros Marazopoulos petrosmarazopoulos@gmail.com February 2025