Selected Bibliography on Myth, Literature and Intertextuality Alfaro, María Jesús Martínez. “Intertextúality: Origins and development of the concept” Atlantis, vol. 18, no. 1/2, 1996, pp. 268–85. Armstrong, Karen. A Short History of Myth, Canongate U.S. 2005. Bassnett, Súsan. Comparative literature: a critical introduction, Blackwell, 1993. Becker, Carol. “Interdisciplinarity.” Symploke, vol. 12, no. 1/2, 2004, pp. 191– 208. Búlfinch, Thomas. The classic myths in English literature and in art, Boston, 1911. Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory. An Introduction. Blackwell, 2008. Eisenstein, Samúel A. “Literatúre and Myth.” College English, vol. 29, no. 5, 1968, pp. 369–73. Falck, Colin. Myth, truth and literature: towards a true post-modernism. University Cambridge Press, 1989. Gentile, John S. “Prologúe: Defining Myth: An Introdúction to the Special Issúe on Storytelling and Myth.” Storytelling, Self, Society, vol. 7, no. 2, 2011, pp. 85– 90. Graham, Allen. Intertextuality. Roútledge, 2000. Kodjak, Andrej. Myth in Literature. Slavica Públishers, 1985. Martin, Elaine. “Intertextúality: An Introdúction.” The Comparatist, vol. 35, 2011, pp. 148–51. Staley, Gregory A. “Myth and the Classical Tradition.” The Classical World, vol. 98, no. 2, 2005, pp. 206–09. Righter, William. Myth and Literature. Routledge. 1975. Vickery, John (ed.) Myth and Literature. Contemporary Theory and Practice. University of Nebraska Press, 1966 Viragos, Zsolt. “Versions of Myth in American Culturea and Literature”. Angol Filológiai Tanulmányok / Hungarian Studies in English, vol. 17, 1984, pp. 49–84.