한국어 수업 4 # Week 2 Masaryk University DAEUN KIM SUYEON KIM Contents 1. Subject case particle: 이/가, 께서, 에서 2. Object case particle: 을/를 3. Case particle (으)로 4. Conversation: going to a restaurant with a friend Particle 조사[josa] Particle is a word that has a grammatical fuction but does not fit into the main parts of speech (i.e. noun, verb) Korean particles are grammatical elements that attach to words (mostly after nouns & pronouns) to indicate their fuction, meaning, or relationship with other words. English Korean word order and prepositions particles Particle 조사[josa] To convey meaning and define grammtical roles Case particle 격조사 Mark grammatical roles such as subject, object auxiliary particle 보조사 Add nuance, emphasis conjuction particle 접속조사 connect word, showing relationships like contrast, cause, sequence Korean Particles Subject Case Particles1. 이/가, 께서, 에서 이/가 two-form particle 이 after a noun that ends in a consonant(받침) 책상이 크다. The table is big. 가 after a noun that ends in a vowel (no 받침) 의자가 크다. The chair is big. Subject Case Marker 주격조사 주어: subject 께서 Used in 존댓말 (polite/formal) 내 친구가 열심히 공부했다. My friend studied hard. 선생님께서 열심히 공부하셨다. Teacher studied hard. 다은이가 계속 잔다. Daeun keeps sleeping. 할머니께서 계속 주무신다. Grandma keeps sleeping. Subject Case Marker 주격조사 에서: attached to an institution 학교에서 학생 10명에게 상을 줬다. The school gave prizes to 10 students 회사에서 파티를 연다. The company hosts a party. Subject Case Marker 주격조사 ‘에서’ can be a subject marker or adverbial marker depending on the context! Quiz 1. 강아지( ) 산책을 하고 있다. Dog is taking a walk. 2. 사장님( ) 김치를 드신다. The president eats kimchi. Subject Case Marker 주격조사 Quiz 1. 강아지( ) 산책을 하고 있다. Dog is taking a walk. 2. 사장님( ) 김치를 드신다. The president eats kimchi. Subject Case Marker 주격조사 가 Quiz 1. 강아지( ) 산책을 하고 있다. Dog is taking a walk. 2. 사장님( ) 김치를 드신다. The president eats kimchi. Subject Case Marker 주격조사 가 께서 2. Object Case Particle 을/를 Object Case Marker 목적격조사 을/를 two-form particle 을 after a noun that ends in a consonant(받침) 저는 책을 읽어요. I read a book. 를 after a noun that ends in a vowel (no 받침) 저는 영화를 봐요. I watch a movie. Useful way to change a noun into a verb form: Noun + 을/를 + 한다. Noun + 을/를 + 해요. 일을 하다. work. 내 친구가 어제 공부를 했다. My friend studied yesterday. 토요일에 제 방 청소를 해요. I clean my room on Saturday. Object Case Marker 목적격조사 Quiz What is “I drink coffee everyday in starbucks” in Korean? Quiz What is “I drink coffee everyday in starbucks” in Korean? 반말: 나는 스타벅스에서 매일 커피를 마셔. 존댓말: 저는 스타벅스에서 매일 커피를 마셔요. Object Case Marker 목적격조사 을/를 two-form particle 을 after a noun that ends in a consonant(받침) 저는 책을 읽어요. I read a book. 를 after a noun that ends in a vowel (no 받침) 저는 영화를 봐요. I watch a movie. Object Case Marker 목적격조사 을/를 two-form particle 을 after a noun that ends in a consonant(받침) 저는 책을 읽어요. I read a book. 를 after a noun that ends in a vowel (no 받침) 저는 영화를 봐요. I watch a movie. 3. Particle (으)로 Adverbial particle(으)로 (으)로 two-form particle 으로 after a noun that ends in a consonant(받침) 저는 책으로 공부해요. 로 after a noun that ends in a vowel (no 받침) 저는 버스로 등교해요. Adverbial particle(으)로 (으)로 can express 5 things Means - the noun it attaches to a tool or an intrument “by means of” or “with” 1. Direction- the direction “to” or “toward”2. Selection- the preceding noun is a selection from several options. 3. The change of state- marks the result of the change4. Reasons- indicates “the reason”5. Conversation - going to a restaurant with a friend Conversation - going to a restaurant with a friend Conversation - going to a restaurant with a friend 책 book 영화를 보다 watch a movie 방 room 청소 cleaning 매일 everyday 시험 test 끝나다 end, over Vocabulary and expressions 책상 table 의자 chair 친구 friend 열심히 hard, enthusiastically 공부하다 study 자다 sleep 주무시다 sleep in 존댓말 사장님 president of a company, owner of a business 주인 owner 놀다 play, hang out 유명한 famous 식당 restaurant 연락하다 contact, keep in touch 예약 reservation 예약을 잡다, 예약 을 하다, 예약하다 make a resrvation 이따/ 이따가 later 상 prize 회사 company 감사합니다 Do you have any questions before we go?