Host Mode If a mouse or Cyclops and a data cable are connected to the panel, it can also operate in the Host Mode. Host Mode can only be used when the panel's menu and LightBoard are not active. This means that the panel and its control devices are communicating directly with the host computer. In Host Mode, the projection panel mouse functions as the system mouse. It communicates with the computer and controls the screen cursor for all computer functions. · If the projection panel's I/O port is sensed first during the computer's start-up, the projection panel mouse becomes the system mouse and the computer mouse is not seen. · If the computer mouse is seen first and the user wants the panel mouse to be the system mouse, the user must switch the mouse and projection panel ports and restart the computer. · If you are in Host Mode and the panel menus or LightBoard are selected, the projection panel mouse is forced to Local mode operation until those functions are turned off. Please refer to the Cyclops 2050 User Guide for projection panel Host Mode mouse operation with a Cyclops module installed. (z příručky k perifernímu zařízení pro počítač; pokuste se odhadnout, o jaké zařízení se jedná) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. String functions String functions may be used both as operands of string expressions' and as formatting commands. When used as a command, the function value will be formatted as if it was a field in the record. F(expr-l,expr-2,expr-3) The F function converts a numeric value from its internal floating point representation to a character string. The three arguments are all numerical expressions. The first argument, expr-1, is the number to be converted. The second argument, expr-2 is the minimum output width and the third argument txpr-3 is the number of decimal places. The second and third arguments are optional. Note, however, that expr-2 cannot be omitted if expr-3 is present. expr-2 gives the minimum width, i.e. the function value will be a character string of at least expr-2 characters and, if the converted numerical value requires expr-2 characters or less, it will be right adjusted within this width. If the number of characters required to represent the value of expr-1 is greater than the width given, then CDS/ISIS will use additional character positions as needed. In this case the output string will be longer than expr-2 characters. expr-3 defines the number of decimal places. If missing, the result will be in scientific exponent notation and, if also expr-2 is missing a default width of 16 characters will be used. If present, the result will be a rounded fixed point representation of expr-1 with expr-3 digits after the decimal point. If expr-3 is zero then expr-1 is first rounded toward the nearest integer and output as an integer value with no decimal point. For fixed point and integer conversion, if the integer part of the number is too large to be represented, the output is replaced by a series of asterisks (1). The F function may be used to align a column of numbers on the decimal point by choosing an appropriate with. (Úryvek z manuálu ke knihovnickému databázovému programu CDS/ISIS)