Analytic and synthetic languages +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |analytic |(Form, language) in which separate words realize | | |grammatical distinctions that in other languages may be | | |realized by inflections | | | | | | | | | | | |Thus, the perfect is realized analytically in English (has | | |come) but by an inflection in e.g. Latin (veni ‘I have | | |come’). Likewise constructions with prepositions are | | |analytic, as opposed to case forms. | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| |synthetic |(Form , language) in which grammatical distinctions are | | |realized by inflections | | | | | | | | | | | |In inflected languages: | |Alexander speaks about inflected| | |languages | verbs conjugate | | | | | | nouns have endings | | | | | | there are complex agreements between, for example, | | |adjectives | | | | | | and nouns | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| |inflection/inflexion |the change in the form of a word to show difference in its | | |meaning or use | | | | | |(jaz.) ohýbání, skloňování, časování | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| |inflexions |system of endings | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| |conjugate |(of a verb) to have different grammatical forms to show | | |number, person, tense etc. | | | | | |The verb ‘to go’ conjugates irregularly. | | | | | |časovat (jaz.) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | |first person | 1. osoba | | | | 2. osoba | | |second person | 3. osoba | | | | | | |third person | | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| |conjugation |the inflection of verbs (časování) | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| |cases |pády | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| | |nominative | 1. pád | | | | 2. pád | | |genitive | 3. pád | | | | 4. pád | | |dative | 5. pád | | | | 6. pád | | |accusative [a’kju:zətiv] | 7. pád | | | | | | |vocative | | | | | | | |locative[1] | | | | | | | |instrumental | | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| |comparative |the form of an adjective or adverb expressing an increase | | |in quality, quantity, or degree | | | | | |druhý stupeň, komparativ | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| |superlative |the form of an adjective or adverb expressing the highest | |[su:’pЗ:lətiv] |degree of comparison ‘Worst’ is the superlative form of | | |‘bad’. ‘Biggest’ is the superlative of ‘big’. | | | | | |třetí stupeň, superlativ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sentence +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |phrase |a group of words without a finite verb, especially when they are used to | | |form part of a sentence | |-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |clause |a group of words containing a subject and finite verb, forming a sentence | | |or part of a sentence | |-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |simple sentence |contains one clause | |-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |compound sentence|A sentence of two or more coordinate independent clauses, often joined by | | |a conjunction or conjunctions, for example The problem was difficult, but | | |I finally found the answer. | |-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |complex sentence |A sentence that contains one main clause or independent clause and at | | |least one subordinate clause or dependent clause: “Although I am tired | | |(subordinate clause), I want to go to the midnight movie (main clause). | |-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |sentence |a group of words that forms a statement, command, exclamation, or | | |question, usually contains a subject and a verb, and (in written English) | | |begins with a capital letter and ends with any of the marks .!? | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Word classes +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |word class |slovní druh | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |substantive/noun |podstatné jméno | | | | |adjective |přídavné jméno | | | | |adverb |příslovce | | | | |verb |sloveso | | | | |pronoun |zájmeno | | | | |numeral |číslovka | | | | |preposition |předložka | | | | |conjunction |spojka | | | | |interjection |citoslovce | | | | |determiner |člen | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - interjection – traditionally of forms that express ‘states of mind’ and do not enter into specific syntactic relations with other words (e.g. Wow) Constituent of a / the sentence +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |constituent of a / the sentence|větný člen | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |subject |a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that usually comes before a | | |main verb and represents the person or thing that performs | | |the action of the verb or about which something is stated | | | | | |podmět | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |predicate |the verb group | | | | | |what is said about the subject | | | | | |all the words in a sentence except the subject | | | | | |přísudek | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |object |a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase whose referent is the | | |recipient of the action of a verb | | | | | |předmět | | | | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |direct object |a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase whose referent receives the | | |direct action of a verb. For example, a book is the direct | |(předmět přímý) |object in the sentence They bought Anne a book. | | | | | |…odpovídá českému předmětu v akuzativu. V oznamovací větě | | |stojí za slovesem… | | | | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |indirect object |a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase indicating the recipient or | | |beneficiary of the action of a verb and its direct object, | |(předmět nepřímý) |as John in the sentence I bought John a newspaper. | | | | | |Nepřímý předmět je předmět typu dativního…Formálně se | | |vyznačuje postavením před předmětem přímým. | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |prepositional object |a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that is governed by a | | |preposition (She confided in her friend. Don’t frown at me.)| |(předmět předložkový) | | | | | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |adverbial |its role is to modify a verb or verb phrase | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |adverbial of manner |příslovečné určení způsobu | | | | | |He drove fast. | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |adverbial of place |příslovečné určení místa | | | | | |The children ran home. | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |adverbial of time |příslovečné určení času | | | | | |I bought a hat yesterday. | |-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| |complement |a word or phrase (especially a noun or adjective; but it can| | |be a number of things – see Chapter 1.11.1 in Alexander) | | |that follows a verb and describes the subject of the verb: | | |In John is cold and John became chairman, cold and chairman | | |are complements of John. | | | | | |doplněk | | | | | |Alexander says that the verb in this pattern is always be or| | |a verb related to be, such as appear, become, look, seem, | | |sound and taste. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Verb +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |finite verb |Dušková – určité sloveso | | | | | |…určité tvary slovesné vyjadřují gramatickou shodu | | |s podmětem v osobě a čísle… | | | | | |Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture – (of | | |a verb form) marked to show a particular tense and | | |subject: ‘am’, ‘was’, and ‘are’ are finite forms of the | | |verb ‘to be’, but ‘being’ and ‘been’ are non-finite | | | | | |Collins English Dictionary – denoting any form or | | |occurrence of a verb inflected for grammatical features | | |such as person, number, and tense | | | | | |Alexander – a finite verb must normally have a subject | | |and a tense (he writes, she wrote and he has written are | | |finite, but written by itself is not); modal verbs and | | |imperatives are also finite | |----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------| |non-finite verb |Dušková - neurčité sloveso | | | | | |… neurčité tvary slovesné (infinitiv, gerundium a | | |participium) osobu a číslo nerozlišují… | | | | | |Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture – (of | | |a verb form) not marked to show a particular tense or | | |subject: ‘Being’ and ‘been’ are non-finite forms of the | | |verb ‘to be’, but ‘am’ and ‘was’ are finite. | |----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------| |transitive verb |verb that must take an object or a phrase acting like an | | |object | | | | | |I met Jim this morning. | |----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------| |intransitive verb |a verb having a subject but no object | | | | | |My head aches. | |----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------| |ditransitive verb [dai’traensitiv]|a verb that must take both an indirect object and a | | |direct object | | | | | |She gave me the book. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ . `a full stop (used after a statement) , `a comma : `a colon ; `a semicolon ? `a question mark (used after a question) ! `a exclamation mark (used after an exclamation and after a command) ------------------------------- [1] Ablative – o kterém jsem mluvil – odpovídá 6. pádu latinskému. Omlouvám se za svou chybu.