dishonest, uncooked, inexpensive, unlucky, illegal, impractical, unhappy, impolite, irresponsible, disagreeable, incorrect, dissatisfied, unimaginable, uninteresting, uncomfortable, insufficient, incapable, unfriendly, inaccurate, impatient illegal, 17-year-old boy, impossible, an eight-hour lesson, careful, hesitant, wonderful, energetic, reddish, setting 1 b, 2 h, 3 d, 4 h, 5 f, 6 g, 7 a, 8 i, 9 e, 10 c 1 beautiful/lovely, 2 young, 3 lovely, 4 polished/shiny, 5 pleased, 6 shiny/polished, 7 quick-drying, 8 alive, 9 asleep, 10 complete, 11 poor, 12 big, 13 fresh, 14 tall, 15 fast 1 nicely, 2 nice, 3 badly, 4 bad, 5 good, 6 well, 7 smoothly, 8 smooth 1 a cheap white Taiwanese clock radio for my bedside table 2 a second-hand well-maintained sports car with a low mileage 3 a beautiful antique English polished mahogany dining-table 4 a pair of grey and red American canvas trainers which I can use for jogging 5 a small old stone-built country cottage 6 a pink and white cotton summer dress for my holiday 1 Is your house much (further, farther)? 2 Who is the (oldest, eldest) in this class? 3 Your driving is (worse, worst) than mine. 4 It’s the (less, lesser) of two evils. 5 Have you heard the (last, latest) news? 6 We have no (further, farther) information. 7 Jane Somers writes (good, well). 8 His (latest, last) words were: "The end". 9 This is the town’s (oldest, eldest) house. 10 My flat is (littler, smaller) than yours. 11 I’ve got (less, lesser) than you. 12 Jane is (older, elder) than I am. 13 This is the (more, most) expensive. 14 His English is (best, better) than mine. 15 It’s the (better, best) in the shop. 16 It’s the (furthest, farthest) point west. 17 It’s the (oldest, eldest) tree in the country. 18 She’s my (elder, older) sister. 19 I’ve got the (least, less). 20 You’ve got the (more, most).