A1 SEMINAR 4 – ANSWER KEY University Task 1 1 - Chancellor (honourary title), Vice-Chancellor (GB); President (US), Rector (EU) 2 - Vice-rector 3 - Dean 4 - Sub-dean (GB); Vice-dean (US) 5 - Head of Department 6 - Deputy Head of Department 7 - Professor 8 - Reader (GB) = Associate Professor (US) 9 - Senior Lecturer (GB); Associate Professor (US) 10- Lecturer (GB); Assistant Professor (US) 11- Assistant Lecturer (GB); Instructor (US) Task 2 1 Lectures, 2 Seminars, 3 Practicals, 4 Consultation, 5 Fieldwork Task 3 1 When was MU founded? 2 Who is the highest administrator of the university? 3 How many years does it take to complete a Bachelor’s degree? 4 How long does it take to do a Master’s? 5 What has the new credit system done? Task 4 1. Could you tell me what faculty you study at? 2. Can I ask you if you have any practicals? 3. Do you know whether attendance is required at all your lectures? 4. Do you mind if I ask how many seminars you have per week? 5. Can you tell me whether you are studying for a Bachelor’s degree? 6. Do you mind if I ask whether you are carrying out any research? 7. Can you tell me if you have taken any notes at this lecture? 8. Would you mind telling me if you receive any grants? 9. Do you know who is giving the lecture tomorrow? 10. Can I ask if you have completed your first degree?