APPENDIX TO SEMINAR 1 Formal Introduction to the Course CJVA1B and CJVA1M (with 2 credit points) are meant to be the first half of a 2-semester language option which is followed by CJVA2B and CJVA2M in the second semester (ending with an exam and 4 credit points). There is detailed information about the course in the IS Subject Catalogue. - the course is primarily based on EAP (English for Academic Purposes) through readings, discussions, and presentations. - course requirements for CJVA1B and CJVA1M are to have completed a presentation during the semester based on the seminar materials and presentation criteria. - course requirements for CJVA2B and CJVA2M are the same as above, with the addition of the written exam which includes academic vocabulary (synonyms and context gap fill), reading comprehension, grammar, summary writing). - course materials will be updated throughout the semester and posted on the information system at IS –>Osobní administrativa –> Student -> Studejní materály (CJVA1B) –>Microsoft WORD verze IS –>Personal administration –> Student –> Study materials (CJVA1M) –>Microsoft WORD version - the majority of readings are to be done at home before the lesson - class participation is an important part of the course (70% attendance) – not including those in the SELF STUDY option - presentations will be done throughout the semester – more information in seminars 2 & 3 - grammar – will be covered only minimally in class – not many detailed explanations. You are responsible for knowing the grammar points in the materials, and are expected to have intermediate general knowledge learned on your own time. - vocabulary – you are responsible for knowing intermediate level vocabulary as well as some extra EAP/ESP words (i.e. the words that are starred in the vocabulary list at the back of your seminar notes). - There is a language studies facility available to students – the Language Resource Centre at the MU rectorate building (9 Žerotínovo náměstí, side entrance from Brandlova Street, go to the very top floor of the building) Office hours are posted at the respective offices of staff: FSS, Joštova 10, Room 555 FF, Arne Nováka 1, Building D (near the reception) Last updated 11.9.2006