Professor /hopŕossil beliefs in evolriion. He tells people, "Once J was an amoeba so very thin. Then I »as a frog Nith my tail tucked in Then I *©s 9 monkey in a jungle tree. A/ok/ á dm * teacher or insanity."______________ f The ßible says that men who don't know 6cd are like the beasts*. fa*ii/ r^n neuer* rhann* irrten *o man When people belies* in ew/vtion they dbfft believe In Sod They think they came from animals so they act like animate.' They think 60d cant see them. Boy <9re they 90/ng to be surprised »hen they die v created the light on the rirst day. a ^'k :~ &> the second day He made the VW^Kv sw- The ^^ d&y He "x*** the 'f^f~sdry tend appear mid Gathered the *-+* J h/aters into seas and made all the SOv, plants. The fourth day He ^T-m »\>\Moon and stars. The firth day He created all the sea creatures }nd birds. And on the sirt/? day He made all the beasts and man/besrft that sound better than the 'Big Lie'oP Fvolut/on? BMOOX61S5 LONDON.