Punch's commentary on Darwin's last work on worms {Punch 22 October 1881, p. 190) -Mť^l'*>'' );iľ\viiiovn krii'ikalurn z niku 1ÍÍ7 The genetic makeup of chimpanzees and humans is more than 99 percent identical, according to molecular biologists. It seems to mean we had a common ancestor less than five or six million years ago (see chapter eight), and is a puzzle to geneticists who would have expected a bigger difference to account for the anatomical dissimilarity. Victorian illustrators, however, were quick to discover the comic possibilities in "Mr. Darwin's monkey theory." TaÚMiiia 9. H A P JI b 3 T> AAPBHHTd. Po«. 12 c})eBp. 1809 r., yM. 19 anp. 1882 r.